Are plantfags the worst type of people in the Smash fanbase? Literally only likes the character because of BTFO culture

Are plantfags the worst type of people in the Smash fanbase? Literally only likes the character because of BTFO culture

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Plant made u salti lol

Stay seething, Genofag

hes not even 1 of the 5, so who fucking cares?

Piranha Plant has appeared in more games than whoever you think should be in Smash.

The best (and perhaps only good) thing about Piranha Plant is that it makes spergs upset.

Press D to dab on planthaters

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Unique character > MUH REPS

I like him because he is a unique character unlike anything else on the roster with an aesthetically pleasing design, and I'm not a faggot who views a character getting in as some sort of political decision. My rosterfaggotry was satiated with Ridley finally making it in anyway.

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Fuck off Sakurai dicksuckers

>dozens of more major character

Name them. Please do tell about how Isaac or Geno is "waaaay more iconic!" and recognizable to the average person than Piranha Plant.

The difference between the Plant and all of those other “Major characters” is that he’s actually a unique and interesting pick.

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Peeplant is better than Joker desu.


Nintendo said Plant was a great character. I unironically don't think further. Nintendo said so it is true.

BoTW was a masterpiece. Mario Odyssey was a great game. They created some of the best video game franchises of the world. They are literal geniuses in video games. If they said Piranha Plant is good then it is good. It's called trust. Not that Yea Forums could understand.

Dixie Kong
Karate Joe

All would be better picks than reddit Plant and actually made people happy.

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Eternally seething

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Every single one of those except Banjo are awful picks that are nowhere near as interesting or unique as Plant, and Banjo obviously has a great deal of legal trouble behind him,

You’re only correct about Karate Joe. Though he wouldn’t make a lot of people happy, just us Rhythmfags

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lol salt

> Banjo good pick
Banjofags everyone

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Imagine being this mad

On the bright side we can get more tentacle hentai.

Aside from the plant and smug Steve shitposters, which characters trigger rosterfags this hard?

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Have you ever heard of the tale of Dark Pit the Wise? It's not a story the Smash 4 diehards would tell you...


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