Western games don't have interesting worlds and lo-

>Western games don't have interesting worlds and lo-

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>the current state of Western gaming

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You'll only ever see two or three of them in the games. The three in the middle are totally pointless furry humans.


>just whining about black people

>he'res how interesting my world is
>now go to this cookie cutter dungeon

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>interesting because it appeals to your virgin fantasises
Dog man is not an interesting concept.

there not dogs idiot

based and thispilled
don’t pretend animal people are creative or remotely new or novel

Games don't implement interesting settings

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Are you this retarded? I’m using it as an example of
>uurrrr it’s a human but with a snout and animal ears lol so creative!
it’s boring as fuck and overdone

>Alfiq dad

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and then ingame it is literally the same rig and animations as a common goblin(which are already terrible since westerners can't animate). Good going westcucks

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>Alfiq mom

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most of them on top image aren't even black. like, they got you so brainwashed, you're seeing black people?

TES has fascinating lore and wolrdbuilding and it has fucking zero effect on gameplay
you don't even encounter most of it ingame outside of books

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>it’s a human but with a snout and animal ears lol so creative!
It’s not, you utter brainlet.
It’s a cat that walks upright if it’s born at the right time.

Sounds like you never played oblivion or morrowind

>I-it’s not
>LITERALLY just a drawing of a human with fur and slightly changed features
It’s not creative. You can try to cope about the made up evolution of pretend drawings all you want, at the end of the day it’s just a furry person and you are a dumb furfag

How does Elsewere, and all Khajit, even exist as a country? If it's citizens very bodies and mind are determined by decade long cycle? Even if they avoided fucking while that cycle was the one that would make kids be born into feral monsters, that would put a huge hole in the native population. Is there something I'm missing?

There aren't that many black people in the image dumb faggot. Have you seen or played Anthem? Every single character is the same shade of brown and is low effort and uninteresting as fuck.

It's one thing if you want to include asians, arabs, blacks or whatever else in your game but to make a conscious effort to leave out white characters as much as possible is just racist unless it makes sense within the setting of the game world. If a game is set in 1700's Africa and there aren't white people it's no problem. If a game is set in 1700's Africa and most of the characters are white it's a problem.

>if born at the right time
And he’s the brainlet...
A cat is not designed to walk upright. It would be an impediment to how they hunt and survive. Chimps started to become people because it was beneficial for a creature that needed more brainpower to prop a larger head on shoulders. That would never happen with a cat.

>Fearsome and enormous, the Senche-raht stands as tall as two Altmer and can weigh more than fifty Altmer.

>Chimps started to become people because it was beneficial for a creature that needed more brainpower
Stopped reading there,

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she's from a game?

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>muh realism
supreme brainlet detected

>brings up “born at the right time” evolution realism autism
>gets BTFO
>w-why are you bringing up realism


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When they turned into people you absolute dumbshit. And then their brains grew bigger again when they turned into white (actual) people

>decade long cycle
Nigger, it’s just the waning/waxing of the moons, how the fuck would that take decades?
Also, I’m not sure how much their intelligence is affected.

"Born at the right time" means being born during a specific lunar phase.
The different khajiit forms have nothing to do with evolution

Nobody brought up evolution, you autistic chimp, it’s literal moon magic

Todd is a franchise ruining nigger who should be banned from any involvement in the making of any video game

>chimps tuned into people
Is this he power of American education?

Man that must suck. Imagine having normal humanoid parents and then you get born as a normal housecat that has human intelligence.

Jesus weebs are fucking retard.

I don't know what determines the cycles, I just remembered cycles were involved with Kajit births, I thought it was decades long because I thought each game had a very specific kind in each one and that made sense to me

What about argonians?

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have rent free sex

I don't think that Claire "Babyface" Redfield is a good example, just put Kiryu in there

based and redpilled lizards that worship eldritch trees

goddamn I hate furries

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Is this ESO?

How do argonians become what they are?

how do i get senche-raht gf?


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by taking the histpill

>lore was specifically written so the people making the art for the games didn't have to create beast-legged versions of armors to compensate for Khajiit and Argonain players and NPCs

That, my friend, is called fucking laziness

Get a regular khajiit gf and breed her until you get the timing right

Elder Scrolls lore is fucking batshit insane and I have Yea Forums to thank for educating my dumb ass about how fucking weird things now. Now I just want a science fantasy TES game in the 5th Era.

Which one was nekomimi?

Ohmes-raht. But they're probably more like Thundercats.

Wow. Elsweyr's actually including the more unusual khajiit breeds? I figured they'd just fill the place with cathay, maybe suthay-raht as a nod to the Morrowind models.

Do argonians make babies the normal way?
Asking for a buddy of mine.

they do lay eggs though

Can someone redpill me on this? Is this an evolutionary line of the Khajiit and the large cats over history, or is this like one continuous life-cycle of every Khajiit?

Where does it say they lay eggs?
I mean it makes sense just curious


Khajiit are tied to the phases of the world's two moons, and grow into one of many different possible forms depending on what phases the moons are in at the time of their birth. It's possible for a khajiit family to look quite different from each other depending on what the skies looked like when they were respectively born.

if I may play devil's advocate for this user ,the japanese section on 's pic looks whiter than some white characters on the western section
that and the "current state" keywords must have tripped up user's pattern recognition algorithms

Oh, so their children can range anywhere from house-cat to full-blown sabertooth tiger if they aren't particular in their breeding?

Wait....does that mean the Sabertooth Tigers running around in Skyrim are actually Khajiit?

You kids waste time on the most useless hobbies these days. Men like me had real hobbies back in the day: Football, beating up spazzes and nerds, going bare-back on cheerleaders, sneaking Playboys everywhere, punching random things in random places. We really knew how to live life. You kids just have no clue these days.

>Wait....does that mean the Sabertooth Tigers running around in Skyrim are actually Khajiit?
No, they aren't Khajiit. There are normal cats and Alfiq, senche-tigers and senche-Khajiit, etc.

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>Their children can range anywhere from house-cat to full-blown sabertooth tiger
>Sabertooth tigers running around in Skyrim are actually khajiit
No, actually. Despite the similarities, quadrupedal khajiit are actually different from ordinary felines. That said, the larger breeds do sometimes serve their fellows as mounts or work animals, which can lead to those unfamiliar with the quirks of khajiit biology to mistake them for ordinary animals.

has it been established whether or not the quadruped ones can talk?

They will talk in the next ESO expantion.

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I'm still confused. Are you saying that the Senche-Rhat are Khajiit, but the regular Senche are not? I think I'm interpreting what you are saying wrong and the Senche Khajiit just aren't on that diagram.

TES in a nutshell


senche-rhat are just bigger senche
both are khajiit

'Senche' is a Khajiit world for a big cat. In Tamriel they call regular tigers and lions 'senche' too but they aren't Khajiit.

Unironically agreed. Feel sorry for these sheltered meme-loving losers that never had a brawl with their football buddies against players from the rival school.

Oh gotcha, I had it backwards.

Anything besides Sathray and Cathray plus their Rahts are fucking stupid.

>be a young Imperial adventurer just out to see the world
>traveling to Elsweyr, near the province's borders
>encounter two housecats riding sabertooth tigers
>what the fuck
>try to talk to one of the housecats to explain your business
>his mount responds
>try to learn the name of the other mount
>the housecat responds


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What idiot at Bethesda thought making senche a catch all term for big cats was a good idea?
Confusing as shit when a regular tiger is called the same thing as a type of khajiit.

Are they payable? Pls for the love of God say yes. I will go out and buy it right now.

There's a difference between senche khajiit and what are known as "senche-cats". They're apparently distantly related, but the senche-cats (which include tigers) aren't sapient. This isn't helped by the fact that senche-raht are sometimes referred to as senche-tigers in earlier sources.


>the virgin (Breed)
>the chad (Breed)-Raht

Apparently the difference between Big-Cat Khajiit and Big-Cat Cats is like the difference between humans and gorillas, yes?

>that one guy who plays humans in fantasy settings

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Friendly reminder that these are khajiit posters trying to convince you the cat in your house isn't spying on you, protip: it is

Pretty much.

What kind of Khajiit is this?

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It's more like a nickname. Most people in Tamriel don't care about Khajiit and their culture. Just like 'Daedroth' is a singular form of 'Daedra', but everybody just use it as the name of crocodile-like daedra.
Of course not.

Probably Suthay-raht.

Digitigrade legs on upright body with near-human proportions suggests suthay-raht.

Anyone have that greentext where an imperial marries an ohmes thinking shes an elf and their kid ends up being a house cat?

>tfw no suthay-raht gf

argonians and orcs are the most powerful races in all of tes

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Yes. There was only one recorded case of a human-Argonian hybrid, though. And it was born to an insane prince, and the kid went missing.

Orcs don't make countries, though.