So you're boycott already failed. Epic is here to stay from the looks of it

So you're boycott already failed. Epic is here to stay from the looks of it.

/r/games was right, we are just a vocal minority.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Show us the raw numbers.

>you're boycott
Stopped reading

Doesn't mean its selling well on pc.


>He doesn't have them
Not surprised.

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>implying I was gonna buy Memelands in the first place

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Because it's gearbox.

if epic store is successful, why do you need to shill it constantly
you already won, right?
everyone is on the epic store, arent they?

a cry wojack isn't numbers, you have no proof

I'm playing it day one, on PC.
Exclusive download from TPB

Can't wait to play BL3 within a year.

As if more people are buying it because it's exclusive to one store. More people would be buying it if it were available in more places. This is fact. Do not bump these shill threads.

I still find it hard to believe people like Borderlands. The games are shit.

Attached: the f.png (625x550, 112K)

Im on the fence. Epic is strongarming some titles I want to play. BL3 the biggest one. But for now the store is crap. Will it be good if they add the features they claim to be making by september, including the shopping cart 6 months in the making? Will you shop there then?

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>borderlands always ruthlessly mocked for being a shitty, meme filled, poorly designed game
>but suddenly people pretending it's a killer app

Keep crying Ching Chang Walla Walla Bing Bang

EGS userbase dwarfs steams by a long mile
All those fortnite players are seeing these cool ass new games one click away and jumping right the fuck on

Attached: 1553983995219.jpg (1095x1115, 842K)

Retard you're not listening. Epic + Steam = bigger than just Epic by itself. That's the fucking point. Do not bump these shill threads.

no, I have enough launchers on my PC that I can wait a year

huh? theyre making a third one?

>no Ace Combat 7
>no Resident Evil 2
>no Sekiro
>no Halo
>can only afford Borderlands 3 exclusivity for half a year
Epic is done.

Who gives a shit where they release the game I was planning on pirating it anyway.

Honestly the best example of Tencent having influence over their projects is Paragon.

>EGS is malwarez!!?!?!?1111!!!!11
>goes on to download literal malware from russians, willingly, in exchange for a free game
Was mining coin for Vlad a part of your plan?

So? Your opinion literally doesn't matter if you pirate games. And the game is going to sell millions on Epic Store without you. You're being replaced (just like your race) :)

Attached: SEETHING.png (954x333, 37K)

friendly reminder

Attached: epicBTFO.png (818x421, 29K)

you realize this shit is also on consoles right

>you not just get free games, you also get free money

85Million users
4.5Million copys of subnautica owned meaning 80.5million users didn't even grab it for free, in other words, 80.5million accounts for fortnight and nothing else.

If I get the physical copy would I still have to launch it through epic?

But it's hella epic badass for the win and you can shoot enemies who don't react to your bullets whatsoever with a gorillion samey guns with your fellow normalfag friends

Attached: badass.jpg (768x1024, 151K)

EGS has a literal ocean of users buying games every day, why the fuck would devs go through the hassle of posting games on steam? It's a fucking mud puddle in comparison.

How is playing the game for free seething?
Are you like, legitimately retarded?

>Yea Forumsalvecucks voting for Steam
No shit.

Nice avatar. You crying because you can't show numbers kek

wow a tweet, thats a good proof eh.

Attached: 1551890392052.jpg (356x750, 172K)


wait people actually like boringlands?

>more people like steam
True and mad.

You're not addressing the point, retard. You're also straight up lying as if nobody knows any better. Steam has the largest customer base for games on PC. Full stop. If you're going to try and push this retarded narrative you're also going to have to stop trying to call Steam a monopoly. Braindead cunts. Do not bump these shill threads.

I see 80mil not downloading a shit game like subnautica?

Please do. steam was getting too big for it's britches and needs to be knocked down a peg. I welcome the competition in the marketplace, generally the consumer will win in the long run.

Wow, looks like it's gonna be pretty good game, huh?

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Children and retards who like the epic memes do.
So it makes sense for it to be exclusive to Fortnite Launcher.

>haha this company that doesn't give a shit about me is making a ton of money
wow you really got us

>The third game in an oversaturated looter-shooter market will single-handedly save a company from extinction
How does Randy do it?

there is literally no defending exclusivity non-sense. if Epic had a store worth using, people would use it on their own and not because they're forced to.

>omg our numbers are crazy
>we are doubling everything
>pre order sales are through the roof
>but we won't show you actual numbers goy

This, I'll still buy Borderlands 3 until it's on Steam

>S-stop asking me to prove myself!

>nd the game is going to sell millions on Epic Store

Too bad we will never see the numbers, its not like the chink goverment can lie or something

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user, don't try to humanize the chink by calling it retarded. that sort of language implies that it is a sentient creature capable of feelings and emotion. it's an automaton bugman.

80 million people not getting a free game.
It could be a fucking wallpaper and people would download it if it was free, especially poorfags.

>Shit game like subnautica
>We won't accept "crappy games"
So if subnautica is shitty why is it on EGS, Ching?

this post has it all


>So you're boycott already failed. Epic is here to stay from the looks of it.
That's because morons support epic.

You know there are preorders on consoles as well, right?

USA #1






Those 80 mil got fortnite so i don't think epic userbase wouldn't eat this sjw crap up

>Yea Forums already SEETHING 5 months prior to reléase because of GOTYlands 3
Man, these few couple of months are gonna be a wild ride. Can't wait for it to BTFO DMC5, Sekiro and RE2 in sales.

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Finally, a good post.

Yep, pic related. Gonna start up the new BL1 version soon to see what it's like

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Why are people surprised?
Games sell more console so the epic store shit isn't going to impact much of anything

no.... my're boycott....

>Implying developers give a shit about PC
>Ib4 there's a bigger playerbase on PC
Having a shitty laptop that only plays Minecraft doesn't count, it's gonna sell great on consoles and that's all that matters

Attached: idort_diamond_race.png (748x1082, 131K)

>be chinese
>pirate games
>americucks seethe, hard
我非常喜欢它因为它是我最喜欢的 歌之一

Muh monopoly

Attached: monopoly.png (685x534, 241K)

>consumer will win in the long run
>epic store isn't complete dogshit

Don't care about some faggy Epic store boycott, but people are seriously willing to give Randy their money?

>So you're boycott already failed.
If that's true, then why could Epic only secure half a year exclusivity rather than a full year?

It's because everyone involved knew sales would drop, so Gearbox had to be heavily compensated and Epic could only afford to buy them off for 6 months.

Besides, that tweet is talking about pre-orders across all platforms, not PC.

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so other people pay for it, what should i care? I'm going to get it for free, save 60 bucks and not have to install chink botnets.

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>sales as a measure of quality in vidya
go look up the best selling games user...sales are basically indicative of bad quality at this point. As in only bad video games sell a lot


>chang can't even write basic english

I see you Bobandy

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I think you just graduated into Anthony Clark, user. Congrats on your wife's new boyfriend.

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There really should be quotation marks around monopoly and competition because it's sarcastic.

Yea Forums it’s a miniority
/r/gaming was able to boycott lots of games

It has already began!

I really just don't get the appeal of Borderlands. The story is shoddy, the humor is sophomoric, the gunplay was bland, the loot system felt like it needed an overhaul mid-development, and it was not fun overall. I guess it can be fun in multiplayer, but a game like this should be able to stand on its own.

He is talking about the console version.

They don’t they just want something to be mad about

You don't get it because you don't want to like everybody else who shits on the game LMFAO!

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insane = 9 copies preordered

Day - 2 pirate

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It does stand on its own, 98.9% of those hours were spent playing solo. The borderland games are one of the few game I can always come back to every now and then and fire up another run of it. The replayability is insane for me.

Why did you respond to some lazy braindead cheap discord shitpost that most people easily ignored, because of how boring and thinly veiled it was?

>it's another Twitter discussion thread
Why don't you all make Twitter accounts and talk about this shit over there? Who the fuck is posting all these literal who's personal shitposting accounts?

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insane = most of preorders are from xbox/ps4

>my ass

He’s seeing console sales retard. He doesn’t see PC gaming sales.

>people vote for the option they like
Sorry Zhang, I forgot democracy isn't a thing over there.

Press D to dab on all the Steamcucks


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Why is nobody showing the actual numbers?

>playing shooters in console

idk what is more pathetic.

I mean, maybe for you, but it doesn't really click for me. Maybe it's because I generally don't like loot games, I don't know. To each his own, I guess.

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Is this... Autism?

Why is this homeless girl dabbing?

Still going to pirate it :)
>no money to Chinese
>no Chinese botnet

Attached: Savior.jpg (531x710, 290K)

Sorry Chang

Attached: 1554154950163.png (976x658, 272K)

Nobody is boycotting Borderlands 3.
Notice that it doesn't say Pc pre-orders.
Consolefags love Borderlands. They are the game biggest source of revenue.

Yes, borderlands 3 will be so much better!
Listen to yourself.

I hope chinkoids steal every little bit of info from anybody retarded enough to buy Boringlands

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No it's...someone who likes different games than you do

Because actual numbers would be scrutinized.

Fuck off, ESL chinkbot.


Nope haha

it's pathetic if the shooter was competitive or requires skill, bl games are non of that in fact i would even go to say bl games are better on console due to how casual they are

Is she dabbing beacuse she is homeless?
Is she homeless beacuse she is dabbing?

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you guys play videogames?

if this game isnt an exclusive on egs will you care about borderlands 3?
its not in my games to look out for in 2019 list.

You mean the game with zero advertising? Bravo Chang Wang

Because a pre order department would always announce “were doing shit all.” If that was the case.

The numbers are being fluffed.

Console will be strong as ever.

Meanwhile on PC the amazing Randy has done another magic trick.
He made half his customers disappear.

Sent them to the same place he zapped away his dignity and flash drives of jailbait porn.

But how, those games each don't have more than 150hrs worth of content 100% it.

>generally the consumer will win in the long run.
Not with the Epic Store. Isn't it obvious how they're pandering to publishers and not consumers?
Steam introduced a lot of consumer-friendly shit which pisses off publishers (and indiefaggots)

yadoy, obviously. how many kids and the're papis already got fortnite loaded up 24/7 to mine them skins? blands 3 trends, ez preorder decision for your annual labor day gift to your spoiled little autistic wasp

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why are shills never subtle about their shilling?


thats because of the free publicity exodus generated desu
if everyone shuts the fuck up about it, it'll probably sell much less


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>When the Last of Dykes is coming this year
Lol keep dreaming

You kids waist time on the most useless hobbies these days. Men like me had real hobbies back in the day: Football, beating up spazzes and nerds, going bare-back on cheerleaders, sneaking Playboys everywhere, punching random things in random places. We really knew how to live life. You kids just have no clue these days.

anyone got any of them numbers? I could really use some fine concrete metric right now.

If they were smart enough to have the correct opinion they would have the cerebral capacity to express it eloquently.

chinks are never subtle

Competition is good. Steam and EGS will both be competing for consumers by improving their clients. We win.

>The story is shoddy, the humor is sophomoric, the gunplay was bland, the loot system felt like it needed an overhaul mid-development, and it was not fun overall.
look at this faggot trying so hard to sound like interesting person. you failed.

Anybody who bought from epic needs to have there face ripped off and fed to niggers.

>Competition is good

Unironically based.

Wait, so you're saying Yea Forums's mindless rage and childlike tantrums are ignored by literally everyone?

I am shocked!

Bragging like this is a clear indicator that sales aren't doing well and you're attempting to bandwagon.

>more superior

There are many different ways you can play it. Sometimes I like to start a run and only use one or two kinds of gun manufacturers or use only certain gun types or use lore friendly guns on certain characters or play exclusively using one kind of skill set, or do a melee only run. There is so much replay value for me it's crazy. Is it autisum? Probably but I'll continue enjoying these games even if randy is a gaint cuck. Probably will wait to see if BL3 is good or if it's another complete trash fire like battleborn was.


Cope harder.

I'll be happy to ignore Epic in silence the moment they start competing with Steam over the same products. As it stands Epic is doing everything in their power to take away my choices so they're getting criticized. When they're not competing they have no incentive to lower their prices or improve their service.

Hope harder.

>claiming a game has good sales means it isn't doing well
The state of valvecucks right now.

Attached: 1512427336795.png (645x773, 9K)

I actually bought BL3 simply because of the meltdown you retards are having about forums and reviews not being on Epic store. You people don't even care about playing good games, you care about a shit ui and Valve who doesn't give a damn about you. Imagine being a loyalist to digital ones and zeroes. Retards. Gonna enjoy it without reading steam reviews or forums.

mAh FeAtUrEs!1!1!!!

You realize every time you post this stupid shit you're admitting you lost the argument.





Epic is shit compared to steam

They seriously don't have a fucking shopping cart feature?

For the purposes of this thread it does, since it's another retarded Steam vs Epic bait thread, rather than a legitimate Memelands thread.

You mean Burch.

Bragging about being fucked over. You're retarded.

You wanna see some real autism?

Attached: fo4.png (626x83, 27K)

Games that do well post numbers you retarded chink.

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Corporate spy here. Epic's buying a steady stream of copies themselves, massively inflating numbers by trickling more cash into the companies they've bribed. I'm not sure yet whether or not the companies know about this, but it's great for their publicity, and it makes EGS seem like a bigger deal than it really is. I don't know how long they can keep this up, but with Fortnite backing them, they have A LOT of money to throw around.

Attached: 1518124992438.gif (250x341, 2.88M)

>expectatives are between 5 and 10
>already 12

Go back to playing asian porno games loser

Based boomer

Strawman. People aren't complaining about needing to move their mouse to a different spot. You're running away from the actual problem because you have no legitimate argument.

I'm not being fucked over at all? I paid for BL3, I'll play BL3.

Yet winning the war. Epic Game Store is here to stay. And it's already overtaken Steam as the hot new place for PC games.

egs exclusive games sell much less without the eceleb youtuber spergs bitching about them desu.
i hope borderlands 3 is the last time this happens.

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>EGS user is retarded
And water is wet

Nobody gives a fuck get aids and die loser.

>So you're boycott already failed.
I'm still not gonna buy it from EGS.

The search feature doesn't work properly either.

>Day one crack

Attached: 1554350824410.png (244x348, 131K)

For a higher price than would be available if the game were available on multiple storefronts. Using a launcher with less features because you have no choice.

Then don't buy shit from EGS like me and vote with your wallet. This will just make Steam stop being so stagnant with their client.

Game isn't even out yet you stupid mongoloid.

The shills will repeat this line ad nauseam but TEGS is not "competition". They're blatantly trying to monopolize PC gaming and this will only have long term NEGATIVE consequences for consumers.

>preordering Borderlands at all
Never do that. Gearbox released multiple DLC that weren't included in the pass or in the GOTY edition, and I bet OP's left testicle they'll do the same with Borderlands 3.

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Who is this cutie? I want to hug her.

>Bragging about playing GOTY before steamkeks

They're spending tens of millions of more dollars than Valve in order to perform the same task. That's not winning a war. It's throwing money at a problem that can't win customer loyalty.

Nope. You and the other incels known as Youtubers will scream and bitch about having to open another application, when you could be doing something more worthwhile (like playing video games, or, I don't know... having sex?) Tim Sweeny should be getting a massive bonus this year.

Everyone is just going to pirate it because Epic already footed the bill. It's inconsequential.


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>Shills ignoring that egs is spyware

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t. spazzy nerd getting bullied by Chad will I recover from this

You mean, aside from the 10+million people who are going to buy it?

Attached: 57d.png (1018x790, 220K)

??? Paid exactly what I pay for everything else, cope. You're crying over which app you double click because of reviews and autism

boycotts aren't how you get change, you get change by spending. maybe if more people bought the blandsome edition on steam, it would've come out same day.

steam failed to meet hype quota due to misinfo and trolls but was rewarded with only a 6mo exclusive delay (just in time for an Easter Sale)

These randy cockmonkeys know wtf thei doin

Attached: hehehehe.png (2048x1536, 3.15M)

Everyone with sense. Everyone who understand what is best for them in the long run. Retards who make purchases without considering the effects of that purchase aren't a part of this discussion.

Steam will just need to give better incentives to publishers to convince them that sales on their products on their client will out gross whatever exclusivity deal they get offered. I don't even think Epic can even sustain their deals if a game like BL3 got 500 million for only 6 months


It was never about borderlands being successful.
Everyone knew Console players would buy it because they don't give a fuck about Epic. They are the reason Epic has it's expendable income. Because they all live breathe Fortnite.
But regardless of that. nobody is boycotting Borderlands. PC users are just not buying it on EGS. Console isn't part of the equation because they don't have to sign up or sign into EGS to play the game. There is no pre-order sales numbers shown let alone which platforms these pre-order sales are coming from.
We are likely to never find out.


>autismos ignoring that's already been completely debunked, showing that they shouldn't be listened to at all
You're not helping like you think you are

Who cares what you think? You are easily replaced, just like your race. People who buy games are the ones who influence this industry, not whitoid manchildren like you who cry and seethe and contemplate suicide when things don't go your way.

We get it, you are poor as shit.

Go the h*ck back, Epicuck


Strawman argument. People aren't complaining about needing to click somewhere else on their desktop. This is running away from the point of why people are dissatisfied. You won't address this point because you have no logical or rational reason to support a practice that goes against your own interests as a customer. Your opinion and actions are irrelevant to the discussion if you're going to brag about not thinking about your actions.

>Borderlands preorders are already insane

Wait, people actually have fun with this game?

I had to force myself through the second one it was so fucking boring.

Every time you post this you demonstrate you just lost an argument.


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some guys waifu i found on /ic/
she likes alt rock

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But egs is worse than steam in everyway.

If they are saying that the pre-orders are great that means they have the numbers you retarded bugman

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all these assblasted steamfaggots

thank you based Epic and chinks

Yeah they're complaining they don't have reviews, as if flreviees started to exist due to steam or as if steam reviews are reliable at all and not just reactionary bullshit no one looks at

Yeah. I fired up Borderlands 2 last night for the first time in God knows how many years. I was reminded of all the varying builds and play styles I used with Axton, and how different and fun each one was. I had a grenade and rocket launcher build that relied on the second wind mechanic that was a blast to play, and another one based entirely around the sentry guns. All the various playable characters and weapons and class mods make Borderlands so much fun to experiment with.

These games have replay value in spades; it's a major strength for the franchise.

I mean uh, Epic BAD, something something Chinks spyware niggers RISE UP

>Had no interest in borderlands 3 at all
>wasn't going to buy it on any platform
>going to have to deal with chinks telling me I'm boycotting for nothing so I might as well buy it on epic gweilo every time I say I wasn't interested in the first place

Cope harder steamcuck, your tears are a delicious fuel.

>you're boycott
>you are boycott

Still not seeing any numbers.

>listens to AIC
cute and boomerpilled

I too welcome the future chink polluted wasteland that will be our planet

seeNothing has been debunked.

Epic not having reviews is legitimately bad for customers. It gives them less information to make an informed decision about whether a game is worth purchasing. This makes them more likely to make a purchase they regret.

And it's not the major reason why people are complaining.

>a new legit borderlands\
>implying it won't be completely shitted up with microtransactions and loot crates

Sounds to me honestly like pre-orders are really bad and they are trying to make people think they should just go buy it.


>steam is stagnant
How so? They personally run all the social and multiplayer functions of all games on the client and constanty update and attempt to improve the client.
If you are going to point out the 30% cut then I ask you if you realize every other storefront baring Epic takes the 30% cut also. including consoles. Except Steam lowers the cut as the game continues to sell. While Epic takes 12% forever.
Steam has some shit to work on but if you haven't notice they are constantly working on it.


If you think customers are too stupid they can't find reviews in other places, as has been done by 99% of game players for decades, you're an idiot. There's nothing else to it.

Repeating yourself doesn't change the fact that you have no argument. Every time someone makes a point you can't deal with you just shitpost. Everybody watches you do this a hundred times a day. They're not fooled. If you're going to shill you need to have actual arguments.

Paid tweet, epic will throw money at anyone and this guy isn't off accepting.

He kind of gave it away with the 2nd paragraph.

Produce Numbers.

> Yeah user, just get your reviews off Kotaku and IGN like a hood goy
God damn you're stupid.

Attached: dabbingbandit.png (140x215, 40K)

there is no point at all to have a review system in a client. its the most useless steam feature by far.

>microtransactions and loot crates
I think you're confused. Borderlands is not a Valve game.


What did he mean by this?

You're not listening. The customers who this decision is meant to exploit are the people who don't want to go through the trouble. By making it more difficult for these people to easily see if there is a problem with the game you are encouraging that they make unwise purchasing decisions. It's a tactic specifically to fleece people out of their money. It is anti-consumer. Steam gets this same criticism for trying to police their review system. Epic is not being singled out here. Reviews are important to save customers money and make sure money is going to developers and publishers that have proven they deserve it.

Insisting this should not be the case is 100% shill cock sucking that makes you more likely to waste your money. It should never be endorsed by a customer. Ever. Even if you don't value reviews personally, you should at least acknowledge that it does possess value for other people.

the last time I paid attention to epic games or cared what they did was when they were doing gears 2/3.
gears 4 I pretty much never got to play cause it was xbone only for a time and never really cared to pay attention to it. Gears 5 might rope me back in but that's another story

question from get go was gonna be what makes epic games so bad now and why should I not buy BL3 6 months early just cause it'd be having to download their launcher

Attached: 1516842542.png (946x385, 732K)

The only thing I need to say is "cope" and you're already seething. It's hilarious.

Wait this is super important. If I buy through Amazon can I just launch the game on its own with no unnecessary third party software handling shit?

No. I find that customers are too stupid to realize peer review is a better source of information instead of what some news site got payed off to say.

Don't care, I'll just keep pirating every single game that is not released on Steam, like I have in the past. It's a consumer-unfriendly practice to force people into downloading several shitty spyware launchers, having just one in the form of Steam is more than enough for me.

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>you're boycott
Another one we wasted english clses on.

Attached: Xi-Jinping-Sad.jpg (600x400, 21K)

This is absolutely untrue. It's incredibly useful for customers. Your personal opinion about it is irrelevant because its inclusion wouldn't impact your decisions if you don't use it. Insisting it should be removed because you don't use it is bogus. Other people use it and it's important to them.

>complaining about lacking forums while on Yea Forums
>complaining about reviews as if steam reviews are reliable
Holy fuck lmfao

As if people needed more of a reason to be embarrassed by gamers, especially peecee

just pirate

Outer Worlds is the only game Epic Exclusive that I care about and I'll probably just pirate it.

And Fortnite crawls lower and lower on Twitch each week. Epic doesn't have infinite Fortnite money to throw at people.

He means you should defend the fat jew more while the chinks cuck his store out of games lmao

>no numbers
>no mentioning of pc
>let alone epic store
Sure thing Tim.

They have pretty bad customer service.
General UI feels like a jumbled mess especially your inventory.
Streaming for friends barely works.
Not saying steam is bad. It's just not flawless and they can definitely stop sitting on money all day and really push to improve their services.

>Long Term
>Shopping Cart

Attached: 1511414594336.png (500x500, 430K)


Attached: the-numbers-mason-what-do-they-mean.jpg (735x413, 83K)

Yet before this Epic thing, no one took metscritic scores or any other source of user review seriously, ever, including steam. Keep moving goalposts, no one cares

Every post you make where you have no argument is a victory lap for me, retard. I'm putting my boot on your neck and all you can do is shitpost. You have no argument and I'm putting a neon sign above you to ridicule you for it. I'm loving every laugh.


>admitting you go to redDit
that is fucking embarressing. Serously.

Why wouldn't you, queer?

It's fun wit hfriends. If you do play it solo tough it becomes a chore.

Real shit: where the fuck can I go for intelligent, objective reviews rather than Kotaku whining about politics and Steam Teens raging about whatever triggered them this week?


>make account a few years ago for UT
>it still counts today as part of theit "usebase"
Besides the vast majority of their usebase is on consoles and mobile anyway, pc is pratically nothing compared to them.

Attached: 322.jpg (1311x882, 76K)

>says the faggot buying a queerbox game

Attached: 1462211039834.jpg (500x500, 111K)

Easy Allies
Just look at metacritic averages.

>This epic deal is the result of unchecked, unregulated capitalism
>Yea Forums is unironically borderline capitalist fascist "to own da libs" and continue to go against their own best self-interest

Well deserved if you ask me.

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but only if they are super negative about the game
otherwise they are paid shills


>no one took metscritic scores or any other source of user review seriously, ever, including steam
>when devs routinley complained that a fucked up steam review score hurts their sales
>when AAA devs and publishers cave in if a steam review score is extremly negative
You fucks should really read up on some history of steam before emberassing yourself.

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Shit joke, Valve hasn't even made games for years. Besides, pretty much all AAA studios do it now. If a major game is multiplayer, it will have microtransactions.

>They have pretty bad customer service.
You are comparing this to Epic. A customer service model that equates to never answering you and when they do they tell you to deal with it.
>General UI feels like a jumbled mess especially your inventory.
To Epics No UI. That requires you to go to their fucking website to issue a complaint.
>Streaming for friends barely works.
Epic doesn't have streaming at all.
>It's just not flawless
Yeah. But they are basically the only ones doing these things and they work on them little by little every update. Of course they aren't flawless. But they are overwhelmingly the best. And Epic's actions just make Epic out to be a bunch of Jews and assholes.

Not him, but let's be honest here. What other choices an fps-diablo-clone fan has?
Destiny? Sucks and too expensive
Anthem? Dead shit
Division? Fucking boring.

Borderlands 1 and 2 were and still are top tier looter shooter. If they make same shit but more i would be happy to pirate this bitch of course, i'll wait 6 months for a normal version.

>capitalist fascist
Do you actually think this is a thing. holy shit, dont vote.

'Diablo but an FPS' isn't even a bad idea but the games are so simplified and dumbed down and basic. You get one active ability, no resource management aside from grenades, it's just dogshit.

Also fuckign christ the way these games handle level scaling. Any other game an enemy 2 levels over you is fine, in Borderlands this should mean the enemies are near invincible and one-shot you.

Yeah but who gives a fuck about consoles?

>too expensive
>can practically get it free every winter

It's always so clear that this is being done by a coordinated group of shills because shitposting in favor of Epic suddenly drops off to almost nothing inexplicably as discussion about how Epic is trash continues.

You're basically in a different state than me at this point from how far you keep moving that goal

it's completely terrible as an fps. it should have flopped as hard as battleborn, because it's equally as mechanically bad and horribly designed.

>Releases a new expansion
Not so fast :^)

If I remember correctly A metacritic score is what made Fallout NV not get the devs payed.

Y-yeah, nobody, NOBODY, gave a shit about them...

Attached: Screenshot_2019-04-04 Batman Arkham Knight pulled from Steam following negative user reviews .png (1065x634, 127K)

Eating shit off the floor in an abandoned prison is fun with friends, stop using that as a justification you absolute mongoloid.

Almost everyone. You do realize you're the incredibly small minority right?

No matter how big the numbers are, they would be even better with steam


>gets btfo by another user
>instantly moves the goalpost and pretends it was the other one
kek, thanks for the laugh fucking retard.

Attached: 4kAnx.jpg (233x216, 5K)

Still on your cigarette break and you can't come up with anything better to say?

*trades TF2 hats for season pass*
Destiny is still shit though. Who will make a shoot-n-loot diablo clone that's actually good?

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I'm not comparing certain features. I'm comparing both clients as a whole. Steam is definitely miles better than Epic it's just not flawless and if some competition pushes Steam to improve their client as a whole then it's just good for all of us. Hopefully EGS does fail but for the year or two they pose any real threat to Steam, Gabe has a bit of coal under his feet

>mfw exclusively buying from epic.
>mfw i'm on the winning side of this war.
Suck it.

Attached: file.png (435x276, 121K)

Except people on reddit aren't epic cock suckers either

>STILL no numbers

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so Epic bought a shitload of BL3 keys to sell?
Is this what we now call preorders ?

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I made an account for free Shadow Complex.
Every day for 5 months I was getting log in attempts from various IPs in fucking Russia and China.
Took an extra 3 months to get Epic to delete the account because they didn't give a fuck. This was before Fortnite was remotely as popular.

you will never get the numbers, Steam also doesnt relese public sale numbers

Same shit would have happened if it was on steam though

>post numbers
"But those are fake! You just made those numbers up!"

Steam is better

ESPECIALLY not those who think that it's a positive of the EGS to not have one. Nope, never ever would that be a possiblity.

Attached: Screenshot_2019-04-04 Devotion removed from Steam after getting review bombed by Chinese players.png (900x559, 303K)

please go and stay go

Steam dosen't have any real games.

>/r/games was right

then stop posting here and start posting there

I tried to deleet my account. Still got those emails that someone tried to get into my accounts for a few months longer. They finally stopped last year tough.

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The numbers, Mason.

Imagine playing games on PC. Is there anything more disgusting or autistic?

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Playing on mobile.

Fuck you're right, what am I gonna do now ?

playing on consoles

yes, bitching about where do you buy your games.
Blaming china for the shit show that it's the steam store.

I had to stop for a moment to double check that it wasn't a Randy Tweet. How low has society sank?

Not that guy, but Tencent partially owns a ton of shit already and all they did was order chinese inspired content
Their MO is literally throw filtered western shit at the chinese market and see what sticks

>in 2019
>wanting to play a game without drm
>in 2019
>being this entitled
>in 2019

Attached: shygoyemddt.jpg (890x890, 116K)

Playing a nintendo


consoles, retard.

I haven't played a single Borderlands game before and I feel no desire to play this one either.

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>shit show


Hasn't sold more than redux though

Just wait, they are bound to do some stupid shit.

Just because its successful doesnt mean its right. Sadly most people dont care what launcher it is. People will get Epic simply to play the new game with no care about anything else. Im in the minority of caring even if everyone that actually cared didnt buy it that probably makes up less then 1% of expected sales and even then there are gonna be people like me who swear they will never install epic but then do to play the game. And Epic is just gonna keep gobbling up exclusives till they have enough of a built up playerbase they dont need to anymore and even then they still probbably will.


Attached: BL3 Numbers.png (938x408, 207K)


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reminder that since the 30% meme has been proven to be blown out of proportion by ars technica, the 2.5x sales and phantom sales false narrative will be the most forced from here on out.
expect every epic thread to claim a bazillion copies sold with no numbers to back it up.

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Just check the steam store
hundreds of walking simulators, early access games,low quality porn games, scam games. There's everything there, but real games.

Yeah I was just making a shitty joke

>I'm comparing both clients as a whole
Then you should know all of this still stands because Epic pales in comparison to even the fucking launcher.
>it's just not flawless
Nothing is flawless. It's just better than everything else currently available. Expecially against epics launcher.
>and if some competition pushes Steam to improve their client as a whole then it's just good for all of us.
Here is the problem with that. Epic's launcher is So laughably bad they had to try and monopolize video games to become relevant and everyone just wants them to stop being assholes. This isn't pushing Valve to do anything because nobody is looking at Valve to step it up because outside of literally copying Epic and buying out publishers Nothing they can do with such hostile counter productive
>Hopefully EGS does fail but for the year or two they pose any real threat to Steam
The problem here isn't that Epic poses a threat to steam. Which they very much don't. It's that they post a threat to Consumers. They have to hold games at gunpoint to make they use their launcher. Instead of just having a good and preferable launcher to use with features people like.

Sadly it's fake.

Uhh, hes talking about consoles preorder

You cant track pc preorders unless you actually work at Gearbox

Please don't.
This is a serious discussion, we NEED to save steam.

>wrong thread

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>I really just don't get the appeal of Borderlands.
People on the internet need to learn that they're not owed an answer for everything. You don't need to get it. It's okay if you don't understand or dislike things that many other people like. There doesn't need to be some grand explanation about the psychology of others or market forces or anything like that. People like it, just move on with your life.

Show us the raw numbers.


t.salty steamcuck.

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I will wait for the official release

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oh no how dare they let people buy what they want what a shit store wtf


LOL That's because you won't be able to get it on Steam after the pre-order period. You honestly think people are pre-ordering it on Epic? How disillusional are you?

if epic themselves actually posted numbers though would you believe them?? there's zero trust in them.

>n-no bully pls

Attached: Scared Loli anime girl.jpg (600x338, 39K)

>yfw you were never going to buy memelands to start with

Attached: 1180655944552.png (520x520, 14K)

Possibly the greatest marketing tactic of our generation was Gearbox saying "Can't get it on Steam unless you pre-order." Absolutely genius. But their reputation is now in the toilet. Was it worth it?

Jesus Christ you sound like a pretentious cunt.

THEY'RE TALKING ABOUT STEAM PRE-ORDERS. You dumbass. Try to keep up. People are hammering Steam pre-orders because it won't be available on Steam after the pre-order.

> its not like the chink goverment
/pol/fags and Yea Forumsirgins always need some sort of ethnic boogeyman.

Attached: strap on.jpg (700x700, 83K)

Can't even preorder.

Funny, my store front has none of this and I have a bunch of real games user, what are talking about ?

report scam games, click the flag on the store page
don't buy porn games, disallow adult porn games in your account prefs
ignore games you dont like that show up on your store page, use your account prefs to start filtering out tags you don't like
that's YOUR power as a consumer, corporations should not decide what you like or don't like, YOU should.

More like downs

You can buy whatever you want.
The only problem is steam forcing everybody to see those games.
>Oh, you added the anime tag to your ignore list?That doesn't mean jack shit bro, we are going to keep showing you this, remember, steam ain't your store you have no power here.
>here's another shitty sale 90% off some random indie game.

just turn your brain off bro

Attached: 1507843708204.png (569x704, 16K)

Nice argument fag

I literally have never seen an anime game on the front page of steam apart from VC4

because BL1+2 have enough bullet sponge boredom for at least 2 lifetimes

This is because your login was stolen in an unrelated hack and the Ruskies and Chinamen will try it on every fucking website under the sun. Has nothing to do with Epic itself.

Did you plug the email you used into

Do you faggots actually use Steam for shit other than to just keep it open to run a game and MAYBE use the friends list? Fucking autists lmao

i have anime in my filters and haven't seen an anime game in years
i agree there should be an option to totally remove curators, even the recommendation of them, off your store page
if you don't like what's on sale on steam atm then use any of the numerous third party sites offering good deals

>I guess it can be fun in multiplayer
That's pretty much it. I enjoyed playing it with friends but I won't even touch it in SP, there are much better shooters out there.

Prices. Reviews. Epic can't compete with these things so it holds games hostage.

I unironically would be less reluctant to use EGS if the name wasn't so fucking bad and cringe

It's a fake account. It was created in Sept 2018. This is fake news. It's an "influencer"

So if that low of numbers claim free games how they gonna attract new users?


>What other choices an fps-diablo-clone fan has?
Well you could try getting good taste in videogame genres for example.

If EGS is that laughably bad then don't worry about it and let it die? Pirate their games if you need to and wait a few years for them to die and stop crying that you can't play your vidya on release? You steamfaggots would easily wait 5 years for a game to go on sale than to pay full price

How much weed do you have to smoke to believe that billion dollar corporations are engaging in an active disinformation campaign on an image board filled with unemployed teenagers who say "nigger" every 20 seconds?

No one gives a shit what Yea Forums thinks.

When someone says that somebody has a "punch-able face" they are talking about Randy Pitchford

community guides
workshop on some games (yeah i know nexus etc are way better)
browse screenshots
activity feed for patch notes, announcements, etc.
the occasional trade

>borderlands 3 preorders cause dick shrinkage
See user its true because its typed

turns out The only breaches I have are "Unverified" and sites I've never been to before as of like 2 years ago and Epic doesn't seem to be labeled as any sort of breach on that site.

>Curate Valve's store and perform quality control for them.

Nah, I'll just buy my games from someone else. Enjoy your cartoon porn and shovelware.

>What are mod Reworks that completely changes the game
>What are multiple characters that offer different experiences
It’s not that hard

>Borderlands 3 preorders are already insane

I'm not seeing anything specific about the PC version selling exceedingly well

also notice they don't specify PC, that means they're lumping in Xbox + PS4

Ignoring them won't make them magically stop Buying out games.

I smoke exactly 0 weeds. Epic has already demonstrated that they're willing to throw tens of millions of dollars at problems in order to try and solve them ineffectively. You're also severely underestimating the influence Yea Forums has. It's the disgusting underbelly of the Internet but it's also the largest place on the Internet where you can find completely unfiltered opinions that aren't born from a compulsion to protect or further reputations/careers. If you can successfully influence the opinion on Yea Forums that influence spreads everywhere. It's the same with Reddit with the exception that Reddit requires more investment to maintain credibility and Reddit is a hugbox where opinions can never really be changed once they're established.

In other words nobody gives a shit what Yea Forums thinks, but what Yea Forums thinks is almost always closer to the actual truth than anything else. There's tremendous value in this fact.

go to bed Tim. We are not falling for your little marketplace bait war

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>and perform quality control for them.
Imagine being so fucking whipped by corporations you want them to tell you what you should buy

Day one fucking pirate for me ;)

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The only pre-orders are console ones.

For me, it's a chat client that launches games. I wish Discord's store would gain some traction.

You clearly dont know fornite players, they wont jump to another game like that unless its free and online, and only for a couple of hours

this guy gets it.

Epic making money through kids using daddy's creditcard for in-game-dancemoves

Everybody laugh at this stupid idiot

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>What is release day concurrent players
Pic Related

Attached: yikes.jpg (768x1024, 73K)

>Epic is here to stay
I have no doubt Epic is here to stay. But it's never going to top Steam no matter how sneaky they get. It'll be like GoG only for zoomers.

i'm still gonna pirate all them exclusives.


Not an argument. Don't shitpost.

Who's telling me what to buy, user? I simply said it's not my job to identify and flag shady products on Valve's store. It's Valve's job to identify and flag shady products on Valve's store.

If they want to pay me, sure. I'll do quality control for them. I'm not a NEET with unlimited time.

>"Yikes" meme

You have to go back.

never been to reddit whats it like

>steam 88%
>epic store 12%
Lmao just like percentage cut Epic takes from a sale off their store from 3rd party right? Lmao

>Epic Games is on the list
>Valve isn't
+1 for team Gaben.

no one's asking you to curate the whole store. if you see a game that looks suspect while you're browsing around report it and move on or just simply click ignore and move on. that's of course if you're letting games tagged with things you don't like through your filters in the first place which anime, indie, and casual eliminates the vast majority of. i agree that valve should a better job of curating games with malicious intent, stolen work, trying to release embedded spyware in games, etc.

No, I meant to your room, kiddo.

>It'll be like GoG only for zoomers.
And worse in every conceivable way.

Who needs hackers when your own employees are grossly incompetent?

>It'll be like GoG only for zoomers.
sounds fine to me if the games are drm free

If this happens I will shit a brick.

>if you see a game that looks suspect while you're browsing around report it

No thanks. I'd rather buy games from a company with basic quality control.

dont have one, i backpack around the world

Benji is a retail sales insider you dumb nigger, nobody buys retail PC games.

Still not buying it nor would i EVER put botnet epic garbage on my PC


>if the games are drm free
There is no DRM free policy, don't kid yourself.

How do you know it's a good game before it has any actual footage much less played it? ARe you from the future? People who use "imagine" as the first word in their sentence really need to be killed.

Can I get an archive link?

But isn't this about the Epic launcher?


its a 5 year old article about a security glitch that happened for an hour during the winter sale that year.

Literally who?


>Implying the core audience isn't consoledrones as it always has.
>"You're Boycott"

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>You people don't even care about playing good games,

And neither do you if you openly admit you preordered to "Spite Yea Forums".

remember mtro sold very well without giving any number , apparently preorder are good for this without giving any number , remember the fags of blizz covered the lackluster sles and playerbase of heroes of the storm since the inception of the game according to the resetera insider , i want to see the receipts actual sales numbers for every epic exclusive" already on sale , this is another cover up the shield themselves with epic money but they dont give any factual number of sales preorder or anything , the bubble is going to burst this year

Attached: crisis-financiera-2008.png (505x280, 98K)

oh shit what the fuck did i buy then

Attached: steam.png (148x65, 4K)

user you fucking fool you've been buying Epic shares this whole time! This whole thing is a pyramid scheme!

It's Cao, pronounced "tsao".

I don't know how people can defend Epic Games. Like yay, publishers and corporations are getting free fucking bug money, but the consumer is not winning. Epic is the most barebones shell of a launcher I've ever seen. It doesn't even have a fucking shopping cart for fuck's sake. I would be honestly more than happy if EGS had achievements, and store notifications and forums and reviews and steam community-like modding, but it has none of that. All they have is a bunch of games they hold hostage. It'd be like if you could only buy the next Call of Duty at the crackhead Wal-Mart in the projects

Gabe or GoG needs to do something, I don't wanna have to ever use this shitty launcher.

>Day -150 leak possible

Attached: 1553406656323.jpg (600x529, 54K)

Just a wee lil' glitch that exposed names, addresses, phone numbers and credit card billing information to random Russians. Nothing to see here! Thank you based Gaben!

And yet Epic now works with a Chinese company who has been monitoring hardware and competition through their customer's own computers.

Great double standard, faggot.

It doesn't take a genius to see that the fortnite launcher isn't that profitable if 95% of its user base only plays fortnite.

I played B2 with a friend and was absolutely miserable. 1 was fine, but holy shit fuck 2.

>credit card billing information
false. your cc number is censored in your account information like every other online retailer that stores it.

Who the fuck is this faggot? Also notice that he's doesn't even mention the platform. If you combine all platforms pre order and yeah that's insane


Yes it has retard. Glad to see you enjoy listening to reddit kitty scripters who see a js file labled tracker and freak the fuck out. Plenty of people have explained the situation including the ceo and vp of engineering at epic. You just want to keep your tin foil hat on. Stop trying to turn everything into a grand conspiracy.

Smells like damage control

>implying r/games is any less asshurt over muh no steam game
You are on the side of redditors

>It's been debunked Here is no evidence just believe me
>T-t-that article means nothing. Trust me. It's debunked because I said so.

So where is the data on preorders?

Who cares? Go back there since you seem to know so much about it

What the fuck kind of coporate dicksucking shit is that?
It's like shitposting on Yea Forums only serious.
Holy FUCK.
Oh god. To be that GUY.
Benji, If you read this, Kill yourself.

>You people don't even care about playing good games
I'd rather play good games which aren't sucking Epic cock for money. There are plenty of them out there. Do you have a problem with that? Do you think anyone will ever run out of games to play because they skip Epic's 10 exclusives?

Weird how we keep hearing about how great EGS numbers are but nobody has ever posted any of them.

the collectors edition sold out in less than 3 hours, the one for BL2 was 5 days


>I don't like popular game therfore it's bad!

How many units?

If only Dobson could make comics like this

I don't care. I'm still not touching Chinese spyware. People who do aren't really human in my eyes. They're all NPCs.

Don't bother asking those sorts of questions because you'll never get an answer. It doesn't matter if it's only 100 units. 100% sold out so fast makes headlines and convinces more normies that this is a good game coming.

the collectors edition is console only

>only bad video games sell a lot

Its not even related to the epic store literally just has the minor stake holder in it. I figured you could do a google search, but then again you were to retarded to make sure i wasn't debunked to start with. Read some of the actually detailed posts here
And heres one of many various articles:

Why do you people forget 80-90% of the sales are on consoles? They dont give a single fuck if the pc version is on Epic launcher.

Attached: 6b2.jpg (500x636, 108K)

>someone likes game I don't like
>must be retarded

A lot of retards share the same taste because they're retards. This wouldn't be news for you if you weren't retarded.

God forbid actually discussing videogames. He didn't ask for an answer. He stated his opinion of it

These are NPD people. They can't share hard numbers lest publishers cuck them and fuck them out of their jobs. You'll get your answer in September when the game releases.

Attached: 1553761589348.png (595x890, 645K)

The exclusive deals like BL3 and Metro are shit, but I don't have anything bad to say about Journey or the Quantic Dream stuff since those wouldn't have likely been put on PC without the Epic money.

>People like games i don't? No they must be wrong!

why would you force yourself to play a game you dont like?

In short. There are no numbers.

Why would people pick Epic over Steam? It doesn't have any fucking features and everyone has already developed their libraries on Steam. Epic is an inconvenience in every way.

>or the Quantic Dream stuff since those wouldn't have likely been put on PC without the Epic money.
Those were already heading to PC long before Epic got involved. It was started in October.

People said the same about Origins and Battlefield.

And I supposed to know who this guy tweeting is? He doesn't even have a blue tick, that's supposed to mean you're like important on Twitter or something right?

Perhaps TOO based

Because I have never played a borderlands so why would I now? Doesn't appeal to me.

It's been a while since I've seen the PC crowd this worked up. As a console user, it's fun to watch.


Why waste your time posing here then?

There are, you just don't get to see them. People USED to get them because rogue employees would leak numbers on GAF and Era but then they got caught in the act and reeled the fuck back in.

Not like you need someone on Twitter to tell you Borderlands 3 is going to break the fucking bank. 2 sold 13 million copies, and people have been dying for a proper new entry since shit like Destiny is the only thing that fills the void. Do people expect this game to actually not perform well?

Attached: 1553110603208.png (470x500, 278K)

As a console user you should be reminded of how you've been shit on so much for so long than you no longer notice or care that it's happening. When exclusivity tainted the console marketplace it meant you needed to spend 3x more on hardware just to have an equitable user experience of choice as PC users.

BTFO in the first post
now THIS IS epic.

Attached: 1544916253927.gif (548x401, 192K)

Nobody gets to see them. Because there isn't any.
saying you have them but refuse to show them just makes everyone believe you are lying.
Doesn't make Epic look good. Makes them look like the one kid from school who swears Sonic was in Smash 64.

>I clapped when I got the diablo loot and saw the meme weapons with big numbers!

Attached: 1519528330045.png (1002x857, 813K)

>OH NO! some has different different tastes than i do!

I may have thought that way 15 years ago, but it's just video games and I find this whole thing very amusing.

Competition is good and all but EGS is like 10 years behind steam on features. people don't buy from EGS because they want to, they buy from them because they're the only ones selling the game they want to play.

You've resigned to spend more money than you should simply because you've always done it. You should be laughing at your own situation.

user, the topic isn't about Epic Games' launcher. It's about the game in general. PC isn't the only platform that you can get the game and pre-order for.
>saying you have them but refuse to show them just makes everyone believe you are lying
You keep telling yourself that as long as it helps you sleep at night

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Then where are the metro last light numbers?

I remember when some gook hacked my epic account and changed my fortnite username to some random shit in a fit of rage because I had nothing on my account. I never even added 2fa to my account and have received multiple emails every month saying that some gook from over in gookville logged into my epic account. These gook niggers are desperate as fuck and they can all go suck my cock.

Attached: bASEDAF.jpg (600x600, 486K)

I never gave a fuck about the epic store and I'm not even mad because their business model will work.


Doesn't matter. Everyone knows what this thread is about. Don't be coy.

Imagine actually liking this horrendous series.

>memelands memelands memelands memelands memelands memelands memelands memelands memelands memelands memelands memelands memelands memelands memelands memelands memelands memelands memelands
I fucking hate Burch with passion, i wonder if they can salvage his bullshit in BL3, or if they go full memelands once again.

Attached: 1546982017319.png (836x543, 189K)

no, there is a PC version with an epic code

Supposedly the story and writing outside of Claptrap is more in line with BL1.
Claptrap is supposed to be as annoying as possible still because he is in canon the most hated thing in existence.


Think about the iToddlers

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-04-04 at 6.16.25 PM.png (1280x628, 357K)

wow nice argument there bud

>Imagine liking games

Who actually preorders games? Never have I ever done so and I don't think anyone I've ever known has either. Who does this and for what purpose?

Attached: AN3HYRjD.jpg (512x512, 46K)

It doesn't make sense to you until you compare it to games at the time. Borderlands was about one of the first to attempt to make an "RPG/MMOFPS" and do is decently. Not only that but with co-op that worked well and made it one of the more memorable features (it is more fun with other people than just playing an RPG alone like Fallout 3). The world was neat and far different than Mass Effect and far less buggy than Fallout.

All you fags can do is reply to everybody shitting on the games with WOW STOP MAKING FUN OF OTHER PEOPLE DEY JUST HAVE DIFFERENT TASTE and U ONLY HATE IT CUZ IT'S POPULAR but you can't say anything objectively good about them because they're the epitome of "b-but it's fun with friends!"

Attached: 1494572822327.png (450x472, 189K)

He's right, though. FO76 is fun with friends, but that doesn't excuse it from being an absolute shitty game.

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>steam failed to meet hype quota
What are you talking about? All recent Take 2/2k games titles are epic exclusive.
No amount of hype on steam could have changed that.

Why? For retards? It's obvious if the reader understands the words.

It's meant to help ESL idiots.

A game with billions of guns you don't remember makes the babby's excited

tears are going to be had by anyone buying this game at full price from these desperate con artists. they should show actual gameplay footage before opening up preorders instead of characters awkwardly running in a straight line. graphics, animations and lighting looked awful. we're headed for another FO76 launch, I can see it a mile away.

Fair enough, although ESL people should be burnt alive.

That would be fantastic. Smoke billowing up from their repugnant favelas.

You don't "sell out" collector editions if they are online.

RDR2 is gonna make a lot of people angry when it's EGS exclusive.

The retards who still pre-order are on console.


Why are you guys even complaining? This give you full moral excuse to pirate the game and get it for free.

Attached: SHRUGBOY.jpg (554x439, 43K)

this, i guess

You don't need an excuse to not give money to gearbox

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haha nice word, thanks for sharing it.