Am I a real gamer if I only play competitive MP games?

>Mostly a PC gamer since early childhood
>Never finished a traditional RPG or JRPG
>Never bothered with short, "cinematic" story driven games
>Can't stand enormous sand boxes with no direction and time sinks
>Spent AT LEAST 1000+hs on CS1.6 and MMOs focused on PvP back in the day
>The only game to get me out of that loop was Dark Souls, and only because of its MP component
>Shoulder/arm got fucked doing sports IRL and had to dial back on the KB/M spam so had to consider buying consoles
>Current playtime is consumed by Smash, MHWorld and the occasional DS3 and Battlefield 5 just to

Am I a real gamer? Or something's fucked up in my brain? Help me decide Anons

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nobody cares about your retarded blogpost faglord

Competetive FPS games are LITRUHLY the only thing that makes you a true gamer. Everything else is baby games, and if you are some "pro gamer" faggot that only plays 1 fps game only, then you are trash.
Pubstomping noob shits and ruining their lives 1 frag at the time is the mark of a true gamer.

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>Never finished a traditional RPG or JRPG

no you're a e-cencer zoomer

>Shoulder/arm got fucked doing sports IRL
>Am I a real gamer?
do you have to ask?

If you have the need to always participate in online games or feel the need to always stay online in regards of vidya because you feel you otherwise won't make progress then you are addicted to a mindset that needs months of curing from.

I used to swim a lot then got into muay thai, overloaded at the gym one day and got fucked up real bad :(

I'm the same way OP

>living irl instead of gaming

>calls yourself a gamer
that's some 'tism right there

Back when I was into 1.6 most of my playtime was on lan centers and tournies in my city (yes I'm not American), Starcraft was big within my irl friends so it wasn't always online either

i bet you dont even have a poop bucket

I think you are that type of gamer who exist solely to remind all the noobs in multiplayer how bad they are and they should go back to their normie activities since they refuse to get gud.

The only shame is that you didnt tell us your usual KD ratio.
>pro tip
Try out some fighting game. If you like the competitive feel, sfv or tk7 can be your new heroin.

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OP here, fuuuu you should've seen my old 1.6 screencaps, 30-2/3/4 was my K/D average per map back then, even the "pros" from my country knew me because we all played in big servers but I was a small kid from a chill family so I always kept my distance (they were all toxic)
I've wanted to try fighting games for a while now, where should I start? PS4/PC/Switch? And what controller should I use

Yeah man get all those sick legit fighting games on Switch. Only true FG players play on switch.

Watch evo2018 and one of the games which looks the most badass to you.

Imho the only two fighters which are worth of your time are either latest tekken or street fighter. Other games are kinda low player count and you dont really want to play game with low player count.
PC. Always PC. If only because instead of 20 seconds you load the match in 5 seconds.
Keyboard. Just bind jump / up to any key accesible by thumb like spacebar. And you are all set.

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Bro I play Smash on my Switch everyday it doesn't hurt to ask does it?

Thank you I'll check EVO later. I've never considered the kb for something like that, WASD is ingrained into my mind. Checking online people recommend a game called UNIST for the beginner tutorials is that good?

I don't know if you're a real gamer, user. I do know that you're a real faggot though.

you're probably still a gamer but I'd say that description more titles you to full time faggot part time gamer

WASD is fine for fighters. You really just want instead of W use space bar so you never have to readjust the fingers. The motion inputs are rather unforgiving in this regard.

Personally i see UNIST as a fad which will go away as fast as it came into existence. But maybe you will find its aesthetics pleasing. Certainly not me though. I already gave you recommendations.
As far as tutorials go, you dont really need them until you played at least few days of ranked.

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You're only a hardcore gamer if you play DayZ. Nothing else is contrarian enough to qualify while ticking all the right boxes

This but it's also mostly ego-based hence the multiplayer aspect. It's healthier to take some time to also play games not for this purpose.

If you arent shitting in people's mouths? Whats even the point?

>1000+ hs

1000hs is an understatement, I was REALLY into 1.6 for at least 5 years playing almost every afternoon/night after school

I might need help lads. I can't be bothered with singleplayer games. I find no fun in beating the AI or the solving the puzzle. Only multiplayer can give me satisfaction. I fucking thrive on beating other people. How the fuck do I cure myself?

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You are already cured, they are the ones that need help to git gud

Nig I spent 3k hours in dota in just 2 years and a half and that's still baby-tier

only if you are good at them

I salute you brotha

I'm pretty good at them!

nah you are okay nigga, watch the evo to see the differents fighting games and decide for yourself what you like. Also if you can still use kb/m you can play modern competitive games like mobas(LoL, dota), battle royales(fortnite and dunno) or team shooters(overwatch/paladins) and throw some console games (fighting games) to cool down the stress of your arm