My child lebonsborn

this game just won "game beyond entertainment" award at the bafta gaming event. It's about looking after refugee children. I've never heard of it until tonight

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sounds like a marxism plot to brainwash me into having empathy.

can you fuck them

Game beyond entertainment? So they gave it an award for not being entertaining? Wow.

>child is white. female and less than 20yo
immersion ruined tbqh

>white girl

>if a game isnt fun why bother
-Satoru fils-aime

There's a good reason why you've never heard of it

also, these are the devs of the game, say something nice about them.

Attached: mcldevs.png (1920x1080, 2.48M)

>the month is SEX

Because it has no advertising budget?

>blonde white boy or girl bullied for his/her looks
Yup that sounds like your typical liberal utopia alright

post gameplay then do a back flip. I bet you cant, dweeb

Give me one reason to believe you aren't the devs of this game and here for free advertising.

Why would you try to change yourself into a woman if you're going to look like a granny. Like who the hell sets out to attempt that.

Is there cunny? This is important

um... they have boobs

Legolas let himself go.

Based and cunnypilled

why is the refugee a white girl when in reality 99% of refugees are brown adult men
i guess taking care of a brown adult man wouldnt fly so well with the audience

you know why
same reason why news reports about refugees always show women and children

Invaders are NOT welcome.

anons there's a difference between families seeking refuge and fathers looking for work to send their family money.

Can I turn them into child soldiers?

why is she so happy?

how many refugee children are under their care?

There isnt any problem with that, the problem is that they never are sincere and humble enough to show it because they are scared of being associated with this website despite the shill being so obvious just like this thread about a game I havent seen a single person mention its existence but only in this thread for the first time. A bunch of games win awards here and there in events but they still remain unknown.

It's set after WW2 and the girl is a child of a Nazi soldier and a Norwegian mother.

first of all only the first thing is a refugee, the second one is an immigrant

and second, you know these people only comprise the absolute minority of the huge swaths of shitskins invading

One on the left looks like the grandma from that fucking live action Cat in the Hat movie
Glasses and all

"beyond entertainment" because its fucken shit lmao

why is she smiling?????

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Wholesome game made by your local grandma, very nice.

I also know a german game involving children.

You know which one

is it about letting a rapefugee into your home and being surprised when it rapes your daughter and wife?

What are you talking about?

>say something nice
I really tried but after taking a second look at that photo (of which I have many regrets) - I simply incapable

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