He's absolutely right

He's absolutely right.

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Where is the cause and effect link between Randy’s weird creepiness and his magic?

He unveiled borderlands 3 with a shit magic show

children like magic, and randy bobandy is a child.

This image is proof that the vast majority of gamers are entitled manchildren. Just sit the fuck down, shut the fuck up, and watch the fucking presentation. If they have a dude on an ancient flute or the ceo doing card tricks who gives a fuck. You’ll still buy the shit anyway.

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where's the joke, fuckley?



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Heh, gamers.

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How has his art not improved in over a fucking decade?

>Cutting out the last.non-essential letter of a one syllable word to imply someone being interrupted while speaking.


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>tfw your brain has eye holes

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That and the USB drive had a "Barely" legal cam girl doing a "Magic trick".

So are borderlands fans

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>I don't need muppets
Shit taste.

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This but his dad was also a magician performer, quite famous at that
I reckon that Randy pretended that it's his family that invented the rabbit hat trick.
Just like he pretented making a wager with Gabe over the name of their company
Randy is really a dickhead, at least he is not Anthony Burch

i cant figure out what it originally said. Wang?

Magicians are creepy people. You know that kid who you thought was going to shoot up the school but never did? They're probably a magician now.

Only in the US can you feel someone shooting up a school. In Canada, no one had that problem

Well yeah, all your guns are clogged with maple syrup.

When brote briefly had his twitter back he went on this long rant about underground magician child-grooming pedo rings and specifically focused on Randy and his obsession with magic, his weird fucking house with secret passages, and some magician theater he lives close to. I still don't know whether he was being facetious, drunk, or honest to god serious, but it really doesn't fucking help that Randy is such a massive fucking creep.

They're referring to this

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>fuckley actually makes a funny comic
What a bizarre timeline this is.

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isn't it more whiny to complain that the people you're selling things to are complaining

Dick and big dick

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Imagine being so butthurt by a dick comic that you edit it with a made up argument.

>defending that comic
you're a top grade baiter

I want to fuck that unicorn

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wait that comic is about dicks?

>the sequel to 14 days is 5 days

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He lost a usb at a medieval times that supposedly contained some questionable porncp. He claimed it was for his magic tricks.


You forgot "be humble" you dumb faggot

Dudes getting upset that the girl says big dicks are better is the punchline.
You're the butt of the joke. You played yourself, retard.

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imagine EVER watching a video game presentation or conference.
>20 minutes to get one paragraph of information at best
>over half of the info is marketing fluff words like "dynamic" or "innovative"

Nah it's some of the finest cringekino to watch with Yea Forums

>Just hurry up and show us the per-rendered footage masquerading as 'live gameplay' with a couple of tools standing around pretending to play so we can all get our wallets out for per-purchase like good consumers

>The people we want to buy our products are "entitled" for criticizing them
Imagine if a car company called their customers entitled for disliking a new car design

if I wanted cringekino I'd just read your posts

words words words

broteam pill's twitter, which has been suspended. Again.
You can probably ask him if you really care enough, via email or in his twitch streams or whatever. He seemed to really fucking enjoy digging into this.

Imagine being so butthurt about fat people jokes that you make a post calling a literal shitpost "an argument"

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You just did have some more

he likes to make children disappear

I unironically agree with this, the small sideshows always've been absolute trash save for a handful that were okay, i don't understand why they keep doing them

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shitty things to complain about when you have companies who mislead with bullshit footage that far surpasses what is eventually released or their shitty business practice of trying to squeeze out the most sales within the first 2 weeks and then hardly support the game while they make something else

>Yeah, that thing sucks, but what about "worse thing"?
What about it? Its not what the comic its about



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the only thing the comic is about is being impatient