...so this....is the power...of AAA game development...woah.....
...so this....is the power...of AAA game development...woah
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Shit looks straight out of Looney Tunes
it's a self insert of someone the developers know its one of their ugly retarded whore friends
Love how weebs are so desperate to shit on western devs nowadays that they screen cap faces mid facial expression change while moving. Its the equivalent of me screen capping smears in anime and going "huh huh huh look how ugly she is!"
Have sex.
Is this another WE WUZ title? Seems like that's all they make these days.
learn how to not be a stupid nigger
imagine the fucking dead fish stench in that room
American girls are fucking disgusting. No class, all trash.
Based and true as fuck. Anime is slowly dying in Japan cos the new industry standard blows it out of the water. Soon japs will switch to 3d cgi for anime (and we all know how awful they are at that) and the whole culture will be dead. Eat shit weebs.
really sick of niggers and shitskins in general now
edit when?
So what is this from?
This is copypasta level stupid.
What the fuck is she supposed to look like?
Its true and you fucking know it.
>no rebuttal
somehow looks uglier than how blacks actually are.
Have you ever seen a black child in person before?
>dude this game is SJW anti-white and has Trump as the final boss
>actually play it
>it doesn’t
Why does /pol/ always get asspained when a fictional black character shows up in a fictional video game?
Beats me but I miss the days when the right was actually based, nowadays there cringe levels are on par with commiefornia libtard college goers.
Not him but I have. They look like chimpanzees.