Are you weird if you play female characters?

Are you weird if you play female characters?

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Have sex


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Nah, I like to make sexy women and play as them. Visually appealing.

Do you play with MALE characters instead, user? What are you? Gay?

You are if you're defensive about it.

Game? Looks too good to be modded Skyrim

It's definitely modded Skyrim.

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In MMORPGs you have 2 choices: either you play a good looking, female character or a badass male character. Both valid choices, I like to play female characters

>not jacking it to your own waifu
>self inserting ever

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The opposite would be weird.

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Depends if you play them to self-insert (weird) or to ogle them (normal).

If I am going to follow some 3rd person ass around for hours on end, and I have any choice in the matter, it's going to be a female ass.

What does the spell "Internet Explorer" do?

Only dumb people think playing vidya is about self-inserting

Is this from the Pathfinder game?

If you do it for any other reason than pure eye candy, yes, absolutely.

It's called Blizzard. It whites out conditions, blinds and chills your enemies while doing water damage. Ice projectiles will strike up to 3 enemies each turn for 3 turns.
Visually: a big catastrofuck of ice and winds. It's like a semi-ulti.

It's from Divinity: Original Sin 2: Definitive Edition.

I just think a tough girl doing fun action stuff is cool. I also had three older sisters and a single mother, so maybe I'm just used to looking at women as role models.

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No, not as long as you're also female in real life.


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>looking at women as role models.
user stop

I see, then using the IE logo does sound fitting for a big freezing catastrofuck

No, despite what socially retarded autists on this board might say.

>women as role models.


More weird if you refuse to play them.

I play female characters since they're nicer to look at and I dont see why i need to self insert in video games.

If you play ugly dykes yes.

I'll play whatever looks best in the game.
Feminine boys are my favorite though

it depends
as long as you aren't a defensive faggot about it that says shit like "i don't want to look at a guys ass" then you're fine.
some games like fighters also have set characters, so you have to play as a girl if you want a certain playstyle

Typically no, but if you EXCLUSIVELY play female characters as a male and make it A Thing, then yes you're weird.
>b-but muh ass to look at
Retarded non-argument; nobody except the people giving this argument really give a shit about fapping to their played characters.

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You must have loved Nier Automata then

I do what I want faggot

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you're weird if you play as different races or species


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Is it weird f I hate this overrdesigned generic fantasy armor full of belts, studs and gems everywhere?

Only if it's an MMO

La goblina...