What class are you guys gonna play and why?
What class are you guys gonna play and why?
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I'm gonna play a priest because I want to have a lot of healing options. I'd like to save my faction from being ganked as much as possible.
uninstall wizard
When are they gonna make a world of warcraft 2?
In the next 20 years
Tauren Druid because I like being flexible and am also a hipster.
Ah good.
At least we have a date.
I'm thinking about a shaman for healing and support but i've never played before
Maybe a paladin for for the same role
Whenever retail stops being profitable probably. Could be quite some time.
Human warlock and Tauren shaman, don't really care for Min/maxing, by the end of the cycle I want every class to max for the inevitable tbc/wotlk re-release with one alliance and one horde as mains
I think you should go shaman. It will be a million times smoother than paladin
I wanna play a femorc warlock, because femorcs are hot and warlocks are baller.
Also, anyone got some cool tips to fuck with other (either faction) players? So far I got fearing other people's mobs so they aggro bigger packs, throwing curse of recklessness to make 'em hit like trucks, as well as summoning infernals.
I think troll priest because Horde doesn't have a lot of priests and the forsaken are fags.
forsaken are so gay it almost prevents be from being horde, but alliance has a bunch of ERPers and trannies and NELF females.
I'm doing the exact same thing just to make you mad
Human rogue. I just like the neat shit you can do at 60 with stealth and lock picking and shit. I still remember doing BRD skips for groups, being able to trigger the bridge mechanism without having to clear any trash packs. Shit was comfy and made the class feel unique.
Tauren Hunter
Great, I always love seeing a fellow druid.
Not enough of us around to be honest.
I rolled yesterday and got Undead female arcane mage
if you want to heal; priest, paladin or shaman
if you want to dps; warrior, mage
tank obviously warrior
mage>hunter, mage>warlock, warrior>rogue, any other class>druid
Priest so that I can always find a group and I enjoy supporting more than direct combat
I’m gonna play a level 60 uninstall wizard
Vanilla shamans are such a clusterfuck
>Have to level as enhance because elemental is too mana inefficient
>That means wearing melee gear
>Entitled warriors, rogues and huntards will bitch at you for rolling on "their" items
>You are a free kill for every class unless you get a lucky windfury crit
>At 60 you will be expected to heal, so all your melee DPS gear is now useless
>Even before that you will be expected to heal sometimes, so have fun maintaining and carrying 2 sets of gear (if ele was a viable leveling spec, this problem wouldn't exits)
>You are the worst healer for 5 man dungeons because chain heal is not useful there
>Dropping all totems takes 6 seconds and you must drop them again every 20 meters (that also means your mana has never time to regenerate)
>mfw I "stole" some rogue's 1h hammer and most people on the server applauded me because he's a notorious cunt
leveling elemental with a mage buddy was cool
Dwarf hunter because I'm gonna be a soldier hero of wow world and the biggest fear of all leveling shoeless horde naggers
Still better than paladin
I mained a human rogue in Vanilla. Should I relieve that, or try something completely different?
I'm debating a similar situation. It's either rouge or hunter. I know their will be a shit load of rouges at start, but they're pretty fun
But paladins are actually OP even if they are dull.
they're a massive clusterfuck, but the class fantasy of shooting lightning bolts and having a totem for every situation is just cool enough for me to tolerate all of that bullshit.
Druid so I can be a chad while leveling. If I ever actually feel like doing endgame stuff I'll probably roll another class.
dorf pala holy/prot and level with some friends, so I can play in kino mountains, heal and maybe tank dungeons and have high survival in pvp
I want to marry and impregnate a Gnome.
the problem with shaman is that his skill ceiling is crazy high, but if you play well than priests for example are helpless against you.
I might do a warrior because its my first time im ever playing wow, or I might go ranger because that is my go to in mmos
Druid is probably the most fun class to level. At level 60 being a healbot is your only option sadly.
I want you to bend over, slut.
Nightelf hunter so I can shadowmeld and gank horde at tarren mill all day.
I was thinking about making a priest first, but I realized that I wouldn't be very financially independent, so I'll most likely make a farming alt first and then feed my priest main all the best gear and money so that the leveling is smoother and I won't have to respec all the time.
Gnome Warlock. I want to be in demand, even though it's probably gonna suck early on and a Mage would be more useful for AoE farming. Problem is, I already played a Mage and, while it was really fun, I disliked how squishy you are and want to try something new anyway.
Undead female mage
What else ??
should i do This
or this
for PvP and PvE
Rouge, you say?
Warrior because stance dancing is max fun once you realize that binding stances to MB4 and MB5 is god tier.
I thought Rouge was a bat, not a cow?
Well, this being my first time trying classic - a warrior. My favorite archetype in any game. Probably a troll warrior.
She's a cow and you should treat her as such.
You'll most likely still be in demand after the first wave of players hit 60, but you'll be happier if you level up a farming class first. Just go hunter if you don't want to make a mage.
Undead rogue name plaugerouge
>ghost wolf at level 20
wowfags still defend classic
such a fun game dude lmao
I dig it
>no having to worry about rezzing people in raids
>it is known and accepted that they are the "worst" healer, so don't have to worry too much about being hounded over healing meter performance
>very few other druids, so not much competition for tier gear
>only have to worry about 1 buff and it's a 30/60min (and thorns on the tank but that's not too tough)
>get to collect lots of free feral gear (mostly from ZG/AQ) and potentially become a dedicated feral offtank
>be able to tank 5mans and heal raids
>arguably the best 5man tank for a variety of reasons, like easy aoe threat, high health/armor, pre-pull HoTs, super good threat that scales well with DPS stats, etc
I have a healing druid alt on a private server right now and I honestly love it a lot more than my main (holy paladin)
can't wait for classic
Why is ghost wolf so cool?
This is honestly my alternative choice but I'm not sure if I want to poopsock two characters and I prefer to focus on one anyway.
Plus being a good Hunter is a challenge on its own. I want to get into a really good raiding guild and I don't know any inside tips and tricks. The same's for Warlocks but there I can just coast along by being attentive and getting lots of Soulshards.
priest, for mind control griefing
Orc Warrior or Undead Rogue, any other answer is wrong.
Alliance Gnome Warlock
Alliance because their vanilla story just feels so much better
Warlock because I want to be self sufficient and can level easily, PvP/PvE well and will be wanted by groups for my utility and summons
Gnome because Escape Artist is great, Int is nice and Dun Murogh is max comfy. Plus 10 engineering can't hurt
It's +15 engineering, and it's really only useful for twinks.
hunter because its easy to level, shits on people with cancer sting and pet (very important in the pack phase) and because I don't plan to raid anyway.
though if I do then its lock.
>Plus 10 engineering can't hurt
15 mah boi.
Same but human
I'd be fine making a gnome mage, but something about summoning demons and being only 3 ft tall just bothers me immensely.
It's not like warlocks need to be that mobile in pvp, right?
>not even the chill h*rde races but the min maxers' choice
>What class are you guys gonna play and why?
I'm not.
>but I'm not sure if I want to poopsock two characters
You'll be poopsocking regardless if you want to get into a good guild, but the only difference is that you will be actually spending MORE time if you leveled only one character and tried to desperately do all of your responsibilities on him. Plan for the future and really consider what it is necessary. Right now you might think that getting into that raiding guild early on is the most important thing, but you will hit a wall when you start needing lots of cash for your raids and more than two professions to help your guild out. By having two characters, you will increase your chances of being accepted into a guild and look like an even better and more dedicated player come raid night.
Also, being a good hunter in vanilla is a meme. If you know what your spells do and put your pet away when people ask, you should be fine no matter what you end up doing with him.
Being tiny is best part of it, user.
I had a gnome warrior tank and it was hilarious tanking these gigantic monsters as a tiny little gnome girl with pigtails.
What's stronger in general, Paladin + Warrior or Shaman + Warrior?
That's the funny part to me
Mastering giant demons with your will whilst being an evil midget
You're a squishy clothy, being able to break slows is better than mace skill or rep gains. Good Vs rogue poison and hamstring
How do I get a 3 foot tall wife?
do i have to pay 15 a month for this
Paladin + Warrior.
Blessing of Freedom + heals = unstoppable killing machine warrior
Orc warrior
>playing alliance in 2019
Undead rogues are still massively gay after 15 years. Orc rogue is the patrician's choice.
But frostshock
>Same but human
Absolutely based. You're the kind of chad that I wish I was leveling with.
never take improved devotion aura, its shit
precision is better if you see yourself hitting stuff instead of just healing through it
Paladin and warrior, more heal output and paladins will deal more damage if they go vengeance. I'd say they're one of the best duo leveling comps out there
Of course. Blizz needs the money, user.
I'm honestly not sure. I'm torn between mage, warlock, and Hunter. And if I'm Alliance I'd want to be human or dwarf. Horde orc only, except if I'm mage obviously.
Dwarf or night elf hunter? Mainly PvE.
>Implying Thrall's Vanilla Horde wasn't the best
>Wanting to play with all the pre-BE allyfaggots that only chose the pretty races
>Not liking Orcs
This guy is 100% right, Orc Warrior for PVP/Tanking, UD Rogue for ganking and shenanigans.
I think most people forget just how fucking annoying Rogues were to play in Vanilla, all the shit you had to carry all the time, mats for poisons, vanish powder, etc.
Holy Shock is fucking horrible, don't take it. Its scaling with bonus heal/damage is awful, it doesn't get benefit from Blessing of Light, it costs a ton of mana, and it has a 20 yard range which is obnoxious for healing. Even in BWL/AQ gear with almost 900 bonus heal, it barely heals for 800ish, which is less than a Flash of Light with blessing of light active.
Really, the holy tree is garbage when it comes to actually improving your heals. The only super-important talent is Illumination, everything else is just fluff.
I honestly use a 20/31/0 spec to heal raids and tank 5mans, works perfectly fine.
Shadowmeld is useless in PvE, whereas Stoneform has a plethora of uses for removing bleeds/poisons/diseases. Plus treasure finding can help you identify fake crates in stratholme.
Go human mage.
Go dwarf hunter.
Shaman for levelling, other for PvP. In dungeon they are mostly equal, in raids you gotta consider overall raid comp and Pallies are just flat out better than Shamans.
Blessing of Salvation alone is the reason why Paladins are better than Shamans in raids. 30% less threat means your DPS can go full ham without worrying about pulling aggro from tanks.
>People play for PvP
>People play for Raids
>People play as try-hards
>People play to chill
>People play to ERP
Night Elves
>People play because they're boring
>People play because they think it's hi-larious!
Going by this highly scientific analysis, it's clear to see that the most bro-tier and successful WoW classic players will be playing Tauren and/or Dwarf. On any RP server, beware of Tauren, however.
Rogue for solo because it's the most satisfying for doing content on your own on my opinion.
Warrior for when mah niggas are online because I love tanking when I have a group with no retards in it. And by retards I of course mean hunters.
md5 paladin
Shouldnt gnomes be in pvp
Until you hit 60, the whole meme of how powerful shaman were in vanilla is because frostshock was broken in early levels. As supports for BG, pallys are very fun to play.
Probably Warrior main being supported by Druid Judaism.
Priest, easy grouping and healing is more fun than DPS and most importantly I can shadowmeld and mind control people off the elevator
cannot fucking wait
Have they came out with a release date for this shit yet? Also, dwarf rogue or tauren drood, depending on which faction I get roped into.
They should of given the shield specc talent to Elemental and added a mana-regen twist to it to make up for the fact Blizzard didn't design armour for them. I love dagger/shield Enhance but Elemental got fucked hard by having to use cloth items while levelling and a shielded caster could of been their niche and given them an armour boost.
Something just feels completely off about Elemental as a whole, Enhancement had alot of variety and Restoration was a solid healer but I still have no idea what the fuck they intended Elemental to be
It's a translucent coyote, which is pretty cool.
>gnomes not in PvP section
>dwarves not in tryhard section for Fear Ward/Stoneform alone
we're going home bros. i don't even care about the absolute state of activision right now. it doesn't matter. i've long since passed the state of worrying. what if classic is a flop? who cares. if it's bad then i'll kill myself! and i'm fine with that. i'm tired of it all. i am ready to embrace the void. classic is the only thing that's keeping me alive at this point. and if it fails? it doesn't matter. i'm completely ready. i'm going home lads, one way or another i'm going home.
Feral Druid is viable
I never kill Tauren or Dwarf on pvp servers, they're chill as fuck.
Night elves and undead tho...
How was frost shock ever broken?
How much do hunters have to micro manage?
Ferals make better tanks than healers dawg
hope you're not planning on chasing BiS because you will look fucking retarded until naxx
feed pet, buy ammo, dismiss pet when needed, there is quite a bit of little work but combat itself is pretty chill
tauren shaman because i generally play some form of battlemage in rpgs. i played paladin during original vanilla so it will be fun to experience the faction differences
Probably never considering they have +100,00k people that are forever going to be their paypigs
just don't do dungeons man, they're not efficient in terms of leveling anyhow, unless you get group that's fast and they're not going to bitch about your leveling gear
Is mage viable?
If you're not in a clownsuit you're not playing Vanilla.
And there are still frostshock meme videos on YouTube too. I know it's not much proof, but it's hard to find any for the balance of a game that's been changing for almost 15 years
pet management is critical to DPS unlike retail
you will be one of the worst DPS in the later raids but it's also one of the most fun rotations
top tier DPS but fucking BORING to raid with especially at first
>healers replace ugly teal Rivendare robe with another ugly teal robe
I thought Frost Shock was still good at 60 it's just that shamans can't follow up with rape like rogues and warlocks can
Darkshore is my spooky/comfy home. Especially at night. I hope they don't overlook the original day/night cycle. Never understood why they took that out.
rogues, priest, protWarrs, hunters all look great at 60
Priest, was a druid healer in Nost and it just made me wish i'd gone a more dedicated healing class.
Instant ranged slow meant something back in the day. It meant the flag carrier fucking dies
Undead Warlock while listening to youtube.com
GF will probably roll either orc hunter or undead priest.
Fite me.
priests only have to use an ugly robe during AQ and it looks ok on some races i.e. female nelfs
>not going full pagliacci
It was still a good spell to be sure, but in early levels they did almost as much damage as frostbolt
aren't you supposed to go elem at lvl 45 ?
>>Implying Thrall's Vanilla Horde wasn't the best
the only thing i wasnt to know about the green skins is how to kill em
priest paladin or shaman is too broad, which should I pick? it's tough.
>caring about how you look
retailbab gtfo
Care to share any tips on tanking 5mans? Can you do it while leveling?
it's pretty much the same for paladins. I'd put shaman above druids for 5 man healing because they can rez
every class levels better as certain specs
i would recommend going hunter over warrior for your first time
Holy paladin. I won't make the same mistake I did on retail and play a shaman. I know we're at least getting to Classic Wrath so HPal is a safe choice.
>the virgin minmaxer
fuck off
paladins are excruciating to level, don't
absolute based. hang in bro we're all going to make it
paladin for single target heal
shaman for aoe heal
priest for a balance of those two
One thing in particular I'm looking forward to with Classic is I'll be able to take my time. Since there's a hard cap at Naxx, and no worry about heading into another expansion, there's no real rush to earning what you want.
I guess that's what it feels like for Twink PvP.
the shitty thing about shaman + warrior is you won't get to put ghost wolf to use at level 20 because the warrior won't be able to keep up
Doubt it. After the initial rush very few people will play Classic. Good luck clearing Naxx or AQ after the initial wave of players do it.
it's not even that bad other than the shoulders. comfy/10
Just like Nost, right?
One of the most useful classes at every point of the game. You can AoE farm by about level 26 and if you're playing with friends it gets even more effective. Plus all the utility with CC, free food/drink, int buff, and portals. Every group wants a mage.
>Just like a free to play game with only one realm, right?
Not sure if I want to go enhance or ele at 60. Totem twisting in raids sounds semi interesting as enhance and would be cool if I got hand of rag although probably not likely. While ele is much more viable in bgs / Ranking groups, also ele is easier to gear as I could play resto if required.
Will probably only decide when I hit lvl 55+. Slightly leaning towards ele atm.
>being a poorfag
must suck
Female Dwarf Warrior again
>did bwl, mc and aq40 up to twins today
ahhh the joys of not being in a Yea Forums guild full of trannies and shitters
Casuals who care about transmog and mounts aren't welcome in Classic. You can get the gtfo out right now, thanks.
cringe lol
>enhance in raids
Critics say it's anywhere from shit to fucking shit.
Will people get mad at me if I take cloth/leather gear as a holy paladin? Looking at this bis in slot pre raid list, there's a lot of cloth and leather gear for my spec ..
based, gonna have to second this
Undead rogue.
Currently practicing grinding routes. (Just 15 hours slower than questing but loads more gold.)
At this point most people understand how these things go. The only people who will be mad are shitters who think you should only wear the armor type appropriate for your class and don't pay attention to itemization.
i don't know if they intended it but it made a great pvp spec
No. Vanilla was notoriously stingy for paladin healing gear
My friends talked me into maining hunter since we going horde and I can't do my pally comfort pick. I've never played one before. What am I in for?
nobody respond to the tripfag, that's what ruined an older thread
Nah it's what everyone will expect. If people complain they're retards, if it's your guild that complains take a look at who you just 'took' the gear from and if you clearly needed it more just gquit and find people who deserve to play with you. It happens with every healer that isn't a priest, get ready for your maraudon shield to be ninja'd by a warrior too
Pretty comfy and easy time, hopefully you'll enjoy the whole pet vibe
Replying because that other guy told me not to
dudes bad and will quit at level 20
classic when
So I'm going to role play a narcissistic manlet that lies about his height, ban evades, attention whores and is such a failure at life that even the likes of Lanced Jack thinks he's a complete fucking faggot.
Dwarf Rogue, Gnome rogue or gnome warlock?
what is paladin like in TBC and Wrath?
What pc specs do you need to run this at 1440p? I'm guessing at least a 1070 and a 6 core cpu since it's using the legion client?
hopefully soon
god retail is such a shithole and finishing the tides of darkness orc campaign on wc2 soon so I get to move to beyond the dark portal
I’m debating about playing either a rouge, warlock or hunter as horde
where should I go my nigs?
I actually never played wow
at all
I wanna be a priest and team up with the first warrior I see and create a friendship
because you're a discord tranny
fucking tranny
Whats the chillest race for a horde priest? Undead seems tryhard desu
sounds pretty tranny guild if you leave twins, ouro and cthun there
make female gnome rogue and name it manly
don't play retail if you value your soul then
play the Warcraft trilogy, but I suggest you skip 1 for it's gameplay, otherwise lore in 2 and 3 is great and you'll get better acquainted with the lore
Night elf prist to be booted from raids and spend my days shadowmelding at LM to mind control horde babbies to jump off
no I actually played all warcrafts and found them fun
I just did not play the world of warcraft
theyre finishing it on sunday, this is the 2nd aq week that has been out
I see, so you were the dead weight
Think it's pretty much the same. In wrath they get an aoe heal too in the form of a glyph.
we got twins on 2nd try btw
Trolls are underrated as fuck, their wand animations are goofy but every cloth item fits on them due to their fucked posture. If you compare how Undead/Trolls look in tier 1 you'll notice how Trolls actually pull it off much better and berserking is great for wand dps when soloing/getting ganked. Undead are the popular choice and they look great in their own way but i'll always be a Troll priest. Both races are top tier choices though.
Then why'd you leave stuff for another day when it takes less than 30minutes?
I've seen some pserver videos of enhance topping or close to topping the dps metres in aq as multiple talent builds and play styles Looks fun.
1070 is bare minimum for 1440p in general, ti version really. An 2012 cpu can still handle the game no prob so just roll your cash into a 2080 and worry about the cpu bottleneck in a year or 2 for other games imo
troll girls are also hot as fuck
no this was my first week, i hadn't done aq40 b4
you sound like a chaser
because we did bwl and mc today too
Do you ever get any cool shamans who are crazy like the pic shows instead of a muhh peace faggot like Thrall?
I mean one that's not just bad guy filler. You're tapping into the powers of elemental planes fuelled by Imprisoned elemental lords, you should be going apeshit
enhance is nowhere near better than other dps classes, what you saw was very rare instance of them getting very lucky wf procs then
2080 is overpriced, dont buy it
But bwl+mc takes 1-1½h and I reckon aq didn't take much longer than that, why not extend it by 30 minutes and just get free day?
lol warriors and rogues are top dps always assuming people are good
Do you think BGs and the honor system will roll in the 2nd phase? Or somewhere in between perhaps? Also, what's the best BG to run to farm honor if I play as a healer and without a premade?
based lad
cause raid leader said so
i got t2 chest off nef today
>blessing of freedom on the druid FC
nothin personal kid
What's the optimal way to level on a fresh server? Is running around the world getting xp for exploring until lvl 4 the best way to avoid the bottleneck in starter zones?
Hoping my 2600x and 1660ti will be enough for 1440p.
I'm always looking for a reliable healbro to have my back, I better keep an eye out for lonely priests when I start
They're the best female race unless you account for UD females comically huge tits if thats more your thing, but a Male Troll priest with t1 + benediction sticks with me as the iconic vanilla priest. Trolls really are a fucking good race now that I think about it, if the orc racials weren't so strong maybe more people would play trolls, it's sad to see them underrepresented.
I'll be going mage. Its definitely the easiest and most badass class in vanilla
>can create your own food and water so leveling is easy
>easier to get groups than rogues, hunters, shaman dps, warrior dps, etc because of portals and foods
>can port to all the main cities yourself makes getting around easy af
>all 3 mage specs are pretty fun
>best in 1on1 pvp besides maybe a rogue
I would agree with you about enhance but he also topped Dps running a flametongue 1h build lol. I'm guessing his raid was. Dogshit
I haven't played vanilla and just googled this thinking it was a raid
>it's a dungeon
I'd argue druid or spriest is superior 1v1
And skip one of the few things that classic did right?
Why do you say that?
ur call if you want to get bitched on
Don't let that discourage you, it's easily the best dungeon in the game and stays relevant up to 60. Place is incredible and full clears can takes several hours.
I thought warlocks were pretty good 1v1?
they are when geared
I recall there being a few dungeons with decent quests and rewards that are worth doing while leveling. And you should absolutely be doing dungeons once you hit the Mara/ST level since some of that gear stays bis until MC.
Will it be difficult to find a decent raiding guild as a mute person? It was almost impossible for me to find a good guild in retail because people were really anal about voice chat.
Since raids will be for 40 people, it should be easier right? I'm planning on a playing a healer also.
There will be sharding in classic so I doubt that will be a thing, unless you go on the large pop/stream servers
I mostly mean in a surprise pvp situation or in a bg. Duels are a different story
Exactly WHAT do you base this conclusion on?
>Xroguegodqt joins your BG....
Yeah dude its 40 man raids unless you're the main tank or something they dont need everyone to talk
Warrior because it's the coolest.
They probably expected people to play it as a melee-caster hybrid instead of a caster, but all proper casters (ie clothies) have wands and mana regen tools.
Orc Rogue for try hard pve
UD Rogue for try hard pvp
Damn, how'd you become mute?
If you're a healer, I'd figure if you at least have voice chat on to hear them you'd be fine since they'd be the ones giving commands
I suppose there are few instances where it's efficient if you need the gear, like the ring from maraudon princess and you need the scepter anyways so it's good investment to do, especially for hunter/warlock since they can farm that place for epic mount later on
But I'd say overall you shouldn't do more than 2-3 dungeons before lvl 60
Maraudon, BRD and maybe something like lbrs at 59?
Though it could be different for classes like warrior that are dogshit at leveling and need crutch from leveling weapons and benefit geatly from getting carried in dungeon and blue weapons
it's better if you don't talk in 40man raids, especially in vanilla since there's nothing to talk about, unless you do something crucial like shackle KT bugs and you mess up or something and cant do it
Its the coolest when you have gear. A warrior running around with Valor shoulders and an Unstoppable Force just looks like a fag
perplexity is unironically very good
you sound envious, if someone has the skill to back it up they're allowed to talk shit
>vanilla wow mechanics
>with overwatch level community and chat supervision
it's going to be great guys, I can't wait to gank noobs and report their angeries in general
Healers are more likely to need to talk than dps in a raid setting, but unless it's a fight that needs a lot of coordination you should be fine. I don't know how the cool kids do it nowadays, but we used to have text channels in game for that kind of thing as well.
>report their angeries in general
ganking on a PvE server or something?
>ctrl-f trann
>6 results
less than usual, what gives
I'm going to make spy alt on their faction and just spend hours and hours ganking low levels in some spot where it takes several minutes to corpse run
>There will be sharding in classic
Only in the beginning
You have to have a second account for this but I will too
so you'll pay for two accounts and hope that someone sends something vitriolic enough to get banned in general chat? do people rage in general in a way that could get the banned when they get ganked?
I know, it's not really a problem since neetbux are so great in norway
i'm not even gonna tell you why you're wrong because i want it to stay niche
And I got whole summer to do it since im on my union neetbux for next 1 year~, and getting a job at my qualifications would get downgrade in my pay
That's what I hoped they'd be, if they go the OSRS route I'd love to see them add gear which benefited an enhance/ele hybrid. That mana refunding hammer from Maraudon makes me believe they wanted to go down that route at some point. I just wish they were like Far Seers from WC3 or Thrall from HotS, while I love Restoration something feels fundamentally missing from Shamans in Vanilla; it's really just down to poor itemization I guess.
this is your brain on vanilla wow pvp
We got any idea at a release date yet?
only non vanilla players want them to do cringy votes like osrs
Real talk, if you're "niche" in vanilla, you're probably just being stupid playing something that's not optimal. There is enough info out there on the internet about this 15 year old game to where there isn't anything that significant that has been kept a secret all this time.
Best mage race?
thats what i thought too, and then i realized it by playing more, people dont understand how good it is because its hiding in plain sight
Car accident destroyed my vocal cords.
Okay, thanks for the answers. I hope people aren't as picky as in retail about it.
Lets be honest they had no idea what the fuck they were doing as far as fully fleshed out play-style for classes and itemization in Vanilla. The new talents they added at the start of BC that added Stormstrike, Maul and stuff like that was trying to fix that.
Human Retribution Paladin
Pure solo/pvp
Never joining a guild
Never setting foot in a dungeon
Oldschool MMO style
why they're so mean?
Nah, I don't think so.
Shaman probably, everything about them is so fucking cool
t. rogue main since BC
Based on racials, gnomes
Undead > Troll (WotF OP)
Human > Gnome (rep gain OP)
based class/race combo
jesus christ this guy is stacked on potions
I love Vanilla but I want to see them add further content after Naxx after 2 years, OSRS didn't get shit until a couple years after launch. I just want Blizzard to make classic-styled content again, if they implemented content which thematically fit without drastically altering gameplay i'm all for it. I don't care about voting (unless it's for people who've atleast cleared BWL), I just want them to patchup the unfinished shit and provide more good content. This is under the assumption that the classic team is good and if they fail to deliver classic reject this entire post.
troll or gnome
They probably had classes fleshed out but they never thought they'd make memespecs anything more than a gimmick I think, but then they were dead walled to make them viable or people who were trapped into playing those classes would quit
That's why today when dps varies by
mentally underdeveloped due lack of social interaction in real life and retards like are defending it
i do, and i wont comment on it because from polls and opinions online it is mostly hidden
i mean that pic is thrall, but there's also drek'thar and rehgar earthfury. not many shaman heroes unfortunately.
can you achieve rank 13 without a premade? in a neet, so playing all day long isnt an issue for me
t. got bullied by perplexity and is too scared to publically shittalk him
ive played with the guy and even had arguments with him, he's based and one of the best rogues
You're just conceited thinking you know something that others don't when it is far more reasonable to think that you're just wrong.
Tauern Warrior
I was born in 2001 and I want to know what it's like to be a boomer
I could understand if it was banter but he's going few times over the line, but I suppose that goes for being socially inept and not really interacting with people that much?
But the indian sounding guy probably isn't that different since he's found himself with them..
That reminds me for some reason vanilla stuff, I was 13 year old and got yelled for needing perditions blade as rogue since I already got off hand from majordomo by 40 year old guy and his couple 40 year old friends, socially inept guys have 0 understanding of human interaction
no, premade is required past r10
people who play dwarf females are always mentally unhinged.
like i said i never realized it when i was new and brushed it off, its just not something that people pay attention to, like how crit chance sounds better than hit but hit is waaaay better for pve
Are all the tryhards guilds going to be playing vanilla or will it be just the rejects?
>tfw in a few months there will be kids born after 9/11 turning 18
What the fuck
There some Chinese dude who played on my server who got to rank 13 solo playing like 23 hours a day and then to 14 when the cool guys let him join since he became kind of a meme
I expect full-on tryharding for sure
imagine growing up without race politics and thinking wow is best game ever
imagine thinking and believing it all would get better
I will be full on tryharding, but no friends so I can only get so far. :(
a lot of try hards and rejects, but I suppose it's mostly rejects since they're stuck with wow and 50% of vanilla players will be from bfa
>when i was new
get your head out of your ass.
Yes, since I did it
Nelf hunter slut.
lol enjoy playing
Do you mean like the retail world first ones? Some will play, but they're not playing seriously trying to get world firsts, they'll be playing for fun. At least that's what method has said about it.
fifteen years of minmaxing and you still have retards who say paladins arent good 5 man tanks.
out of several millions of people who have ever played the game, you think you're the only one that thought of something.
Imagine being that delusional.
>Thinking buggy private server knowledge will apply to Classic
You thirld wordlers are in for a rude awakening
Based and goldshire pilled
I want qt nelf hunter but I also want orc warlock and avoid trannies on alliance side :(
And t2 doesn't hide the ugliness that is orc female :(
its not that i think im the only one who thought of it its that its sleeper op
Level 18?
>"hybrid tax"
>Warriors are a hybrid
>Best Melee DPS
>Best DPS for 4.5/6 raids
>Best Tank
>2 tanking specs
>Only class along with mages you consider getting more than 1 of in BGs
makes you think
Starshards isn't good
Noooo ... my twitch e-friend said prot paladin is viable ......... this cant be happening bros ....
But hiding in brm in shadowmeld waiting for MC all the faggot pugs running through is too fun to pass up.
>being good justifies behavior like this
absolute state of incels
Are there usually a lot more hunters on alliance because of nelf sluts? I like the alliance cities and zones more than horde ones but if my dorf Hunter is gonna be drowned in a sea of elven shittery than an orc hunter might be better.
I want to play with these people, this sounds fun. classic gaming banter
horde has 3 different races that can be hunters though, tauren, orc and troll.
>"world first"
>for raids that launched like 20 years ago
that's what I'm saying, the good guilds aren't gonna give a shit about it.
Enjoy while it lasts, come classic and saying the n-word gets your account banned :)
Hunter is a pretty underrated choice. People always talk about how strong top geared warriors are but hunters be literally casually one shotting shitting in bgs from afar
shame you cant do stuff like this anymore without getting permabanned
So? The horde also has 3 races that can be rogues, but 70% of horde rogues are undead. If night elves were the only race for ally hunters, there would still probably be more ally hunters than horde ones.
they're not as effective as warriors with healer though
>tfw being scared of rolling in the wrong server and ending up stuck with twtich zoomers in a cancer filled server
how do i avoid this la
just avoid streamers like swifty or asmongold and it'll be fine
They're okay early but they don't scale as well with gear. they're also kind of weak to being targeted by someone with a healer because of the deadzone shit.
If you want to be one shotting people you just do that better as a mage anyway.
Find out what server Swifty and Asmongold are on and roll the opposing faction
I don't mind Swifty, he's a nice guy.
I'm gonna laugh if streamers actually attempt to roll PvP and not expect to be camped 24/7.
>tfw scared of rolling the wrong class
Gona be a complete nigger and recreate my 14 year old self and play Human rogue. My plan is to order two pizzas, a case of monster, fire up the dota song and mindless self indulgence and roam westfall to get defias gear. Relive my child hood for a few hours before I return to adulthood and shit.
rate my plan
those servers are gonna be filled with people camping stuff like nodes and lotuses so their price could be stupidly high
there are no real wrong classes though?
Well, considering everyone will be starting at the same level it'll be harder to pull that off. And streamers are going to be constantly grouped up with fans and probably have cross faction collusion. Not saying they wont get targeted but they probably wont have much trouble with it.
they will have an army of zoomers folling them around 24/7, kind of hard to camp them.
Not to mention people like Swifty will probably be so far ahead of the type of people that would be wanting to sit and camp him he will be in higher level zones anyway
accurate post, can confirm played shaman during retail
it gets better when you're 60 and if you're in a good guild because then yeah there is specific loot for your class that drops in raids.. but it can be a bit hectic getting there.. much better if you have people to play with.. but managing gear is a nightmare indeed and you're guaranteed to be broke from all the respecs
>40 year old man having the stamina to play 20 hours a day
I fucking hope not
This is the other thing. Their literal job is to play video games, and with all the free assistance they'll get from their followers they will be leagues ahead of most of the server. If anything it's going to be funny watching the pathetic idiots who waste their time autistically perusing them.
people say this but that's not how it is when they have been getting camped on retail. Given, then they can just phase into another shard.
>green geared monkeys
>one multishot from my bwl geared hunter :^)
best option is to make mage alt and grind gold with it, if you want to play enha shaman
Who else here is taking a week off for launch?
I don't really particularly like any class in vanilla at all. Probably lock if they don't nerf solo dungeon gold farming.
if battlegrounds are in.
Probably not. Probably take a week off when I hit 60 though and farm out all the pre raid shit. Besides there's no real reason to rush 60 since most people will take upwards of a month to get there, so you'll be rushing just to wait. Unless of course you just want a comfy low stress week to enjoy the game, in which case that's cool.
#nochanges :^)
Week off what?
>I want to sit in queue for 40 minutes just to end up with off balanced teams
I don't think people remember how fucking obnoxious bgs were before battle groups. Especially if your server had lop sided factions, or one was demonstrably better than the other in pvp.
but if u level really fast u can join some hc guild that gets u fast epics and u can just enjoy the ride from there since all raids get cleared in day or two
dorf hunter, the ud rogues will run in terror
>only a week off
Fucking casuals I swear to god why do i even come here
rogue and i will corpsecamp 18 hours a day. and if anyone bitches about balance I will rage on the forums about not being truevanilla
I've got enough in the bank for 2 years off. I'll probably take 6 months or so.
white people will roll on pve realms
They already ban people for camping and ganking
Not to mention look at overwatch and their chat moderation, that's coming for all the naughty boys
no angwe for u
First week is most important, need to get 60 and grind gear/rep
Howcome? Can you go into detail more about what was bad about it? I'm thinking of priest but druid seems to have more options. They're worse at healing in raids, but maybe that'll be a good thing (less competition for gear etc)
does it really matter with gated launch? i doubt you get mc raid first week anyways, or even 2nd week without a guild
i suppose he wanted to push numbers and was instead relegated into buff bot a combat ress?
Feels like this will release in late July/early August ..
Tauren feral druid for comfy leveling and pvp or
Orc warlock for comfy leveling, the best class quests and good pvp/raiding.
I'm getting comfy nonetheless
want to level warlock but also want to lvl hunter
If they want to compete with Shadowbringers it'll have to be late june. There's also the July 16th theory that people have convinced themselves of. Either way, releasing it later summer seems a bit antithetical to the 'Classic summer' theme they are pushing so hard. But maybe that's just wishful thinking.
Go with warlock they get priority when looking for a dps because they can summon the lazy assholes
but im lazy asshole too
Keep in mind retail is due to a big patch release too I think. I don't know if they will release both at around the same time or what.
It seems that they're introducing bgs in their own patch, id expect it after a month or two after release of that patch
Then maybe dont play warlock. You gotta be the first one to every dungeon
Right, that's yet another theory. There was some breakdown of how much content each major patch brings and it's something like 6 weeks. So people also speculate that classic might drop around 6 weeks after the patch. Makes a bit of sense I guess.
i'd think they wouldn't want to cannibalize bfa players for classic? I'd think they would release classic couple months after raid tier in bfa
Warlock main with Shaman and Druid alts
Played UD in classic so I'm torn on whether to go Orc this time around
but you'd think blizzard would want people to take few weeks off to not burn themselves?
are you implying white people are sissies?
I think they will release 8.2 in bfa at the same time as the ffxiv expansion and have classic as a standalone release, In between 8.2 and 8.3
I doubt they care. From a business perspective all that matters is maintaining subs for as long as possible. Launching Classic just as people start to finish up the new retail content might just capture a handful of people who would otherwise let their subs lapse and keep them playing another month.
will anyone but white people play the game, and those few who want to mimic white people and their hobby?
I think so too, but classic and retail are different games for different people, so it's hard to tell.
That's true, maybe we get surprise and see classic come before Q2 ends?
I really want to try a warlock, but am not fond of undead. Orcs is my brorace, but lets be honest the old orc casting animations were not great. Also they look goofy af
>implying bfa casuals care about classic
yeah but classic audience will be large portion of bfa players
male ud has okay casting animations
I'd say it's pretty likely. Shadowbringers goes live to all players on July 2nd and if they wanted to compete with that it would be wise to launch about 1-2 weeks before- give people enough time to start getting invested, but not enough to get burned out.
There's very little time for "announcement" left though, they'd have to give us a date in couple days if that was happening
Orcs are the true Warlock race
rogue to corpse camp shitters till they uninstall
You really think that? I think people waiting on Classic aren't subbed to retail.
you get banned for that though
no griefing allowed
That's the concern. We haven't even gotten so much as a beta announcement which will be required if they want any last minute stress testing and healthy addon development. But they seem to be sticking with 'Classic summer' so you'd hope that also implies an early summer release. I was really hoping we'd see some news about it today since Thursdays have been a consistent update day the past month. One way or another we're getting close.
Hunter so I can make random clothies disappear in AV.
classic will launch 1 month after the newest raid on retail releases
Some are for sure. It's true that most of the retail players that have stuck around do it specifically because they actually enjoy what retail has to offer, but there are still hold overs who have been with the game for a long time and are excited to go back to the original experience. Probably not a huge number, but I don't think Classic is really destined for huge numbers.
I'd say from overall portion of players coming to classic, about 30 .. 60% will be from BFA, whether it's to try it or not, it will still be large portion regardless and they dont want to cannibalize themselves
I suspect this is the reason why they're not giving a date for classic
At this point I doubt there'll be longer than week directly followed by launch
>Xroguegodqt joins your group
I think you're overestimating how much new content there'll be in 8.2. Yeah there's the new raid but outside of 6/9 hours a week to farm it how long will the new content really last? In Legion the content on Suramar/Argus/Broken shore was horrifically timegated and no patch in BfA really lasted more than a couple of hours. I think they'll launch at very similar dates, BfA's illness of having nothing to do is terminal and unless 8.2 is drastic there's no reason to drop Classic at a different time. Fuck, i'll even play 8.2 for a weekend or two if the content is small but good. People can easily level on Classic while still commiting to their raid schedules in BfA, the two can synergize
>compete with a shit weeb game
lol no, theres no competition
XIV is btfoing retail wow right now tho
I agree and yeah it's possible. Again just looking it logistically. But then again releasing them at the same time might actually help them make content last longer. If people are bouncing between the two version of the game then things will move at least a bit slower, so who knows that might actually be a good strategy. If you get bored of one just hop to the other. It's essentially 60 levels of free content while you're waiting through all of the new time gates.
>>paladin or shaman.
Pick a faction first lad...
same. i think it will have like 50k players top (and that's a good thing)
mmo genre is dying and there's only *small* number of players different mmo can compete over
young people dont play mmo's so they can only get old people to get interested, but even they are quitting than young people pick on mmos
Best thing they can do is launch both at the same time. I don't want to level and do dungeons with retarded bfa casuals Tbh.
It sucks because there aren't really any hard numbers to point to, but the games certainly do compete. Most people who enjoy MMO's are just fiending for their next fix so they'll jump ship pretty easily. That and, anecdotally speaking, if you look at FFXIV there are a massive amount of WoW refugees flooding over. Again it's hard to say what the numbers are, but if you were looking at this from Blizzards perspective and wanted to maximize profitability you would keep the launch of Shadowbringers in mind.
that's actually a good idea, considering most people will just quit after killing KT once and running out of things to anticipate and work towards
>leather user trying to reserve items in deadmines
>muh dps chart in the first dungeon of the game
is this guy serious
So you see part of the dilemma here
The problem with this, though, is that if bfa players feel that Classic players have had too much of a head start they might never even come over in the first place. Retail is run amuck with min-maxers and people that obsess over every advantage, so that might be just enough for them to write it off. If they focus their BFA content and get to Classic a bit late, they might just say fuck it.
best thing you can do if you want classic to launch is to quit your subscription actually
realistically blizz will wait 2 months after shadowbringers tho, they dont got the content or "freshness" to compete with shadowbringerz
Warrior because they're great and I love tanking. I'll roll femgnome because they're frigg*n cute!!!
there won't be battlegrounds at launch
ups meant wailing cavern. alliance professional deformation
there will be few weeks after you get to 60
>realistically blizz will wait 2 months
Yeah that's also very possible. The only issue, and again this might just be wishful thinking, is that it would be run counter to the 'Classic summer' sales pitch. It's a thin thread to hang on by, but it's the best we've really got.
m8 i unsubbed in september
classic will do just fine without bfatards. we dont need soccer moms who care about transmog and mounts ruining our game
Oh I agree, but maximizing subs means better profit margins (if only just) and that will be a factor in the decision making process for Blizzard. For as pandery as Classic is, it's still a business move and not solely for the fans.
Ive played with him too, hes an insufferable nerdy bitch. Always loved ganking him on my rogue I had parked in IF
market guys decide the shit in companies like blizz so they will wait for august
competive mmo where they can't compete with
their own bfa launch and they dont want to cannibalize their own players
blantant lie to get people to not gank, have fun while I eat your corpse.
Yeah, could be. Shitty thing is that still lands in summer so they still technically deliver on their loose promise. We'll have to wait and see. I'm hopeful for something earlier, but what you're saying sounds way closer to the truth.
we don't know when, my guess will be 3 or so months in
What's the biggest meme class/spec? What should I pay to make people angry?
ret paladin or enhance shammy will piss people off the most because most people are brainless trend followers who cant think for themselves
It will be on August for sure. Plenty of stuff yet to discuss with the community, like server caps, pvp, itemization. Seems like the devs really care about what the community wants, so they won't rush it.
>cannabalize their own players
you people are seriously fucking retarded
how about take even a HIGH SCHOOL level fucking business class and learn why you're so damn stupid.
female gnome rogue
That blacked defias set is fucking gucci for starting.
look at overwatch moderation
Killing NPC's who are quest givers and long periods of corpse ganking get you banned
2 months after classic launch, which will be few weeks after most people will level to 60
undead rogue, nothing infuriates people more than being incapable of striking back
Well the thinking is that the longer they keep people in retail the higher the odds that someone buys some dumb shit from the cash shop. Considering that that's where the lions share of WoWs revenue comes from it makes a bit of sense. Considering that Classic wont have a cash shop it makes sense to wait and not risk leading any players away from their biggest money maker until the players are about to leave anyway.
People go through content in x time and they'd rather have the x time spread over large time period
no need to get salty
>but alliance has a bunch of ERPers and trannies and NELF females
This. Horde so my discord isn't every guy screeching for the woman/tranny's attention.
but female nelf hunters are nice to look at if you farm tribute runs 15 hours a day for shekels first week after getting to 60
ye i hope they launch bgs after a month or two, since we should be done with the dungeon grind by that time and we can focus on pvp all day long
plus front flips and they have generally the best animations for moves.. pretty sure boobs jiggle on casting
Human prot warrior
I can’t wait to deny retfags from all my dungeon runs. No amount of gear can beat the salty whispers.
my fucking nigga. fgwsss?
Alliance have best female design unless you are a fag and enjoy orc/trolls and the majority that do are all because of fanart and not the in game shit.
>a female troll will never sit on my face
Frankenstein' good, everyone only remembers "shut me up" from the WoW days lol
did u happen to play on vashj?
>pretending to be a female in game and in real life
this is not ffxiv
You could gank people as a druid in cat form like a rogue, when they die you can give them the animal tbag it usually makes people upset. The moonkin form dance also makes people really angry in pvp situations because of how stupid it looks.
As a rogue you can just stunlock people to death, to add insult to injury just bandage up in front of their face. Engineering Gadgets are a plus too.
Using Ret pally or Enchancement shammy would probably only make your team mates angry.
As a warlock throwing dots on people usually makes them angry as well.
My personal recommendation is to just camp lowbies as a rogue and harass the reinforcements with sap.
Absolutely based
>Halitosis and smells unimaginably bad trolls and orcs
Big Vomit
This .
Take your "Le everyone is Discord Tranny" back to ptg
>female undead mage
>female troll mage
which one should I play
probably won't be able to afford it. neet, no job prospects, no transportation, etc. I might play on a private server if one releases around the same time as classic
>mad ffxiv trannie got triggered
>everything i don't like is a tranny
I think you've been eating to many cocks user
Maybe go outside for once
Whose left to make it?
pic related
I'll finally get a trans gf in Classic lads, I can feel it
>so angry that he has to throw insults now
yup, thats a triggered ffxiv trannie
I played a girl back in 2006. I'll play in 2019 as a girl. Fuck off retard.
>Everything i don't like is a t-tranny!
migapedes are the worst
oh dude I'm just playing comfy wow vanilla haha this is a good timooohhhnoooooooooo
>cant even type correctly from the hand shaking
Its funny cos its true
i like casting CoA on low level classes that cant dispel it then watch them die slowly as they scream in pain (last part is pure imagination obviously)
Based chaos poster
All you have to do to make both sides suffer now is have alts on the biggest servers to right click report anyone for anything at all
Is it true Shadowmeld works like vanish? You can use it in combat to leave combat? Played a Tauren Druid my whole life but that alone makes me wanna go Nelf just for the Shadowmeld + Flight Form memes in WPVP (when BC eventually comes out)
I want to go hunter but there's so much shit to micro manage and one of your bag slots is taken by a quiver
>being a blizzdrone
Please kill yourself.
>2 months after classic launch, which will be few weeks after most people will level to 60
pretty sure they didn't give a timeframe unless you got a source on that
>He thinks i mistype Migapede
ok back to r_donald with you
Reminder that XIV won.
Is shadow priest really a meme spec or can i have fun trolling others in wpvp?
>What's the biggest meme class/spec?
ret pally, enhance shaman, boomkin
>What should I pay to make people angry?
rogue, hunter and roll on all loot, any healer/tank class refusing to heal/tank
Still deciding what I want to main (Normal server):
Human Warlock
Tauren Shaman
Night Elf Priest
Human Mage
dwarf hunter
ok where's the 464 posts XIV thread
are you fitting in yet?
>What's the biggest meme class/spec?
Enhance shaman with unstoppable force
What should I pay to make people angry?
Rogue in level zones
Fury war in early game pve
>half the complaints are about end game
Solution: Dont be a retailcunt who plays raids. Fixed.
He hasn't said "It will fail" or "Discord Tranny" so no not yet.
no, that update to shadowmeld came with the wotlk pre-patch. in vanilla/TBC it works like stealth, only usable out of combat.
i think hunters could pull off feign death+shadowmeld but i might be mistaken.
shadow is good in pvp, its a meme in raids
do you guys think people will have the patience to spend hours manually put together instance groups, walk there and wipe to trash a few times before getting their reward?
i just don't see it
Staysafe is a tranny
prove it
their too busy playing the game
so this is the IQ of a FF player...
bros I'm super fucking sick right now and can't stay awake for more than an hour but I'm glad this thread exists I love you all
yeah we could as well as fd+trap
love you too user, see you when we're home
i'll throw a mark of the wild your way
Druid. Fuck you I’m not levelling four fucking characters just so I can experience the whole game. Does any other class even have an interesting rotation that isn’t just spamming one or two abilities?
>Solution: don't play the game
Have fun healing me cuck
Night Elf Priest
>mara hammer
man, hand of motherfucking Edward the odd
I spent years drooling at the thought
female gnome mage
rage inducing, top tier and cute
Why is it always assumed that healing is bad? I’m gonna do whatever the fuck I want and if I don’t want to do something I’m not going to do it.
doesn't hunter pet keep you in combat though?
you make it stop attacking before you do it
Enjoy your dead game. Saged.
seething retailcuck
Ret pally. Because I'm a chad.
How do you post screenshots from private servers, the images don't save right it seems
that and teldrassil are my favorite zones
never made it past them in the 2 weeks open beta as a kid
Still split between undead or gaylord sin'dorei
Get to healing healslut
No one asked for you to talk
it does, but you can make a stopattack macro to your fd to counteract that.