>tfw you do so bad in a video game it breaks down your self worth
Tfw you do so bad in a video game it breaks down your self worth
Jokes on you, I know I'm worthless.
>having any self worth
fuck you losers im not over the deep end yet
that can't happen to me, ther's nothing left to break down
What game even was it? It better not be shit.
No need to be rude, user.
CSGO, so yeah
git gud fgt
It can only go up from here, friends.
you right sorry user i love you
You answered your own question. Don't get angry over trash games.
>You do so bad in videogames that online kicks you out for losing so much
its less about the game and
>user insults me on Yea Forums
>Feel sad
Dame dame...
Love you too.
Hey shitters, what's your rank in your favorite online game? Why do you keep playing?
>flunk a test
>go home to play some games that might cheer me up
>constantly fail quests, get trashed in pvp, or completely fuck my campaign
>sit in my chair and just read instead
I remember I went like 0-23 in one BF3 match. I could literally do nothing right. As someone who played the game since 1942 it didn’t feel great.
My favorite online games died before their ranked versions showed up
Not favorite, but I'm diamond in Overwatch.
And I play because I have nothing better to do.
ignore that last thing, it autosent
i guess the worst part of it is i cant even keep a level head, and being tilted is just not fun for anyone, im playing with my brother and his friend(s) and i just feel like a nigger when i get pissed
>my team is doing well
>i'm feeling good today so i spend the match being postive and friendly with both teams
>my team is getting cocky and spends the next 10 minutes taunting and shitting on the enemy team
>i make a huge mistake
>we lose the game because of that
>both my team and the enemy team start bullying me and continue to do so even after i leave the lobby
I just wanted to play videogames bros...
I can relate to this. “What’s the point of trying at anything” usually comes to mind.
Don't feel sad, user.
i would have left waay before 23 deaths, so props to you for braving that. i just cant stand competitive games, especially shooters, but thats the only thing anyone plays
i wish that happened while i was playing desu
>play insanely good some days
>play like a complete window licker on others
This is a terrible feeling. Lack of consistency is the worst, especially with gaming.
That's me when I try to play Sheik in Ultimate. I'm so bad at her I can almost cry
shiek isnt a fun character anyway if you ask me
My Snake in Ultimate is 3.8m GSP. I keep playing because I want to believe I'll play this game consistently with or without friends for the next few years.
im sure you will, it's an outstanding game.
It's not my favourite, but the one time I tried ranked in Overwatch I got silver
My friends are diamond
It makes me feel pretty bad
d4 5100 in dotan
MMR addiction
im also used to be global in cs go but i'm not playing it anymore
e-peen points is all i have in my life
>being such a worthless sack of shit that you lose when playing a fucking children's toy
HOLY SHIT do you lose at fucking simon says and go fish too? Jesus christ, how fucking pathetic
ranked at bronze in overwatch but i have since climbed up to mid gold with pharah junkrat and orisa
I wanted to get good at SSBU, but I only played the other Smash games very casually and I never even heard of teching and I really just don't think I have the tenacity to become decent compared to everyone who's been into this shit for decades.
competitive smash is just wack anyway, learning technical shit would ruin the game for me if i actually tried that hard
>go fish
Why are you bad, anons?
Let's try and find some common ground to improve together, share some experiences
>I panic in surprise situations and miss keys
>I have poor hand-eye coordination so my aim sucks
>want to invade in Dark Souls and give people fun encounters
>min/maximg stats, setup equipment, get orb, etc.
>die to R1 spam consistently
>all the 'smart plays' amount to 0
>alt+f4 game and go to bed at 6 pm
I'm such an impatient fucker, I have so many unbelievably pathetic repeat deaths in Monster Hunter, Nioh, Dark Souls, where I know I've had the ability to clear a section or boss for the past five attempts but I keep jumping onto a sword like a jackass
those are two major factors, ill add that the competitive games i play most of I have no game-sense whatsoever, so i mostly wait to be told what to do and if im not having my hand held, i will almost never do the thing
Ultimate's GSP system did that to me after I failed to get anyone to elite smash after a couple months of playtime
Exact same here, have 0 experience in fighting games and the community is so toxic in smash