How does he eat? or pee?

also new Sekiro Thread

Attached: Based Kite Man.png (822x619, 209K)

Other urls found in this thread:

posting some god tier webm to add some spice

Attached: seKINO2.webm (540x256, 836K)


He eats birds and just pisses where ever he wants.

Attached: Sekiro god tier webm.webm (484x216, 309K)

Kill yourself

whats with the grain filter I can't see shit

>kill myself
>Unseen Aid

Attached: Sekiro Ape PEPE.jpg (559x1078, 341K)


Attached: %22%22%22rice%22%22%22.png (256x256, 26K)

Fuck that feels great.

Is there any reason to go back to the Hidden Temple after killing her? Found another Idol there, but cant see any way to go further, and there's another idol two rooms back, so not sure what the point is.

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This image makes me seethe. Not looking forward to the assholes in the bottom panel in my second play through.

Would be better without the retarded filter and kanji crap. Fucking love the animations though.

Attached: You have been visited by Based Kite Man of WOOOOooooo.jpg (1080x720, 324K)

Did you find all three prosthetics of the map?

how can u hate em
they are lovable rascals
who jumps around and spinning fidget spinner

Attached: Based Kite Man just Doing his Job.webm (834x630, 328K)

Strangely enough I found the pair infinitely easier than the solo RApe. I'm guessing they toned the AI aggression down or something.

I really loved what this game was, a lot of people wanted a souls experience out of this but this really is its own thing. I can understand the OST complaints and the focus on parrying but I oddly got more out of this than DaS 3.

favorite boss? For me it's definitely a tie between swordsaint and owl 2, with demon of hatred coming in a close third. From does humanoid bosses so well.

I got the axe and the flame vent. Know where the third one is, but the dude guarding it is kicking my ass so Im waiting until a bit later.


>boss uses Mikiri-counter
you will never get BTFO like a first time

Attached: owl mikiri.webm (852x480, 2.86M)

and people say he isn't our guy

Solo is easy as shit. Just run circles. Duo is annoying as fuck with the other ape and you basically just have to load up on healing items and candies and firecrackers and on top of that just get lucky that they don’t gang up on you so you can kill one of them off quickly before the other one comes in to rape you.

this is actually true
i beat em on first try
Brown Ape seems to just stand when white one keeps fucking going at u

Just parry everything and be ready to jump his sweep or mikiri counter his kick. He’s actually really easy once you get the parry timing.

Is AI on consoles dumbed down or something? On PC these two are basically aggroing and charging at you nonstop and they barely leave any windows of themselves open without the other one coming in doing some sort of charge.

im on PC
dont get surrounded
let 1 ape face u and other facing the back of the ape whos facing u

Did you ring the bell?

what's ashina's tax policy?

This was the toughest fight for me but god damn if it isn't the best fight in the game. That sense of accomplishment when you finally defeat him is fucking fantastic.

>I mikiri counter
>a bit of posture damage and a free hit if the game is feeling generous
>random boss mikiri counters with no precedent
Cool game

half your sen and xp unless you've been a good boy

someone in chat who read the theory must have told him, he hasn't had an independent thought in years

brothels and sake

>master actually proud of apprentice who has become better than the master himself
>dies in peace knowing his lineage is strong
god damn owl fight is so based

Kind of like this.

Attached: prrt.jpg (620x490, 50K)

>Implying this is good.
It limits your tool set to pretty much just the regular R1 because he can pull this shit on the fly.

>random boss
>probably the strongest shinobi in whole game and your father who personally taught you everything you know

Doesn't really stop you being one shot by it absolute trial and error bullshit. The only way for you to find out is to take the hit.

It just lacked the mid fight cinematic (for example to show he goes all out and bring out the owl) and awesome music to reach ludwig levels of kino

No I didn’t use the bell. So that must be the trick

>not belly up


best combat skill?

Attached: 20190404192024_1.jpg (3840x1600, 812K)

Aggro him, get him close to the edge. Fall, run back up real quick, assassinate him.

he should've used shadowrush
after using firecracker
which complete fucks ur posture

That double overhand strike in the Ashina skill tree

>Just run circles
Found shieldfaggot

Not entirely true, you can use this technique after some of his attack and he doesn't block it. For example, after his firecracker and one slash attack.

Anime website.

Old debuff is hilarious. You instantly die if you end up in swimmable water cause Wolf is too old to swim.

High Monk = Ichimonji Double = Shadowrush/Fall = Dragon Flash > Praying Strikes Exorcism = Whirlwind Slash = Nightjar Slash Reversal > Floating Passage > Ashina Cross > Empowered Mortal Draw > One Mind >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Spiral Cloud Passage

Don't. I asked because it's essentially a hard mode. Enemies become more aggressive and allegedly deal more damage.

Oh you’re talking about the Demon Bell. I though you were talking about the Monkey bell.

Yeah, probably gonna go back and do that. At Blazing Bull right now and this fight is complete fucking garbage. Havent been able to find any openings to safely attack it unless I firecracker it, and that's not exactly a long term fight option.


Monkey bell?

Came in here to post exactly this and you did it for me.

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How do I actually ichimonji double in combat?

You’ll know once you find it. It’s the bell you use on the Hall of Illusions.

If you failed to get last phase of Isshin on your first attempt, you're a massive shitter.

as a punish or starting in the air


Attached: WOOOOOOO.jpg (307x299, 8K)

whats the difference between charm charged combat art vs depleted charm combat art?

You have to hug his ass basically, but not too close to the end where he'll kick you.

you mean the bell next to the headless area?
I skipped that because I have no idea what it does

It's a game you dumb fucker


Reduced attack power, no special effects like Shadowfall launcher.

Depends on the art.
Mortal Draw for instance has less range and damage, One Mind loses the judgment cut flurry, Spiral Cloud Passage loses the shockwaves and so on.

for example, shadowrush won't do the jump and recover slower. mortal draw will have less range and damage, one mind won't judgment cut etc

oh the reset bell. would be great if it applied to the ape gank, but don't think it does anything outside of the folding screen fight.

I never have a chance to get close., Unless we're both hugging a wall, if he charges and misses me, by the time I have a chance to counterattack he's already on the other end of the arena getting ready to charge again.

I spent about 20 minutes unable to land more than 3 attacks on him. This fight is fucking awful.

git gud scrub
stop seething

Yup. I would only ring it if you're farming for items or seeking a challenge. Pretty helpful for farming notmeth at the gun fort.

Trying now to do the double ape. Gotta figure out how to keep my cool cause the brown ape is the weaker of the two even though you're tempted to keep fighting headless.

You know you can kill the fucker that sucked your vitality? Your sword swing is really slow but if you hit him you'll trigger cool execution

Attached: schum.webm (960x540, 2.84M)

they have bodyguards

is that Spiral Cloud Passage?

second ape dies almost instantly. one fire cracker cuts his posture over half and he takes damage like a bitch. and they're easy to separate due to their speed difference. straight up the only boss fight i beat on the first try. it's weird because solo ape was one of my toughest fights.

No, that's One Mind.

Attached: You are not worthy as my opponent.webm (800x450, 2.95M)

any webm of the execution?

u gotta gid gud
mr game journalist

one mind

>How does he eat? or pee?
Well. He gets off the kite and does those things.
If you've noticed they fucker divebombs you when you are in range

>You start as shitty ninja.
>You finish as Naruto.

Is Sekino the Naruto game we were all waiting?

If I send Kotaro to Anayama am I going to lock myself out of the good ending?

I'm on console and they absolutely didn't give me any breathing room. I basically had to run around a bit to get them separated enough to take a few swings at the brown ape and then dodge back out when the guardian ape came near again. Only took a few times splitting them up because brown ape had jack shit for health but when they're near each other, they are absolute hell to try to fight. Once the brown one was gone, the fight was easy as fuck.

>beat Guardian Ape by the skin of my balls first try

Attached: Gradual Realization of Horror.gif (200x198, 427K)

Kotaro's quest has no effect on the endings if I recall

Reminder that Ape is Miyazaki's favourite boss.
He made sure this fight will fuck with you.

>brings waifu this time

I usually don't care much for spoilers in sekisoulsbornes, but I really wish I didn't get spoiled on that.

Just got to this part and then I found this thread. Holy shit. I blocked the first one completely by accident. The second one got me though.

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Starting to consider cheatengine as an option for Blazing Bull. This is just a fucking awful fight that does not belong in this game.

it feels like someone's pet project that absolutely HAD to be in the game no matter how much it clashed with the game itself or else they wouldn't stop throwing a temper tantrum and held up production.

You can always just skip the fight by going to mibo before killing the guardian ape.

How do I get the serpant to spawn? After I jump put the palanquin and stab him, and play some more and hit the depths to find the dried fruit thing, he isnt back wrapped around the big rock below the wooden plank you can jump off of for an aerial attack to finally kill him. I played every other area but this cunt wont fucking spawn.

Why do people like to pretend as if it has perfect hitboxes when it has the same hitbox shittery that even Dark Souls 3 had? It's really good at times, but other times it can be horrible.

Attached: 1534932302645.webm (1000x544, 2.83M)

You kinda have to fight fire with fire, as in act like a bull yourself. Sprint around him until he stops and gives you a window.

>fell off the cliff in the ishin area again

Attached: 1509380823394.jpg (512x411, 101K)

>You will pass through the boss you currently have problem
No seriously, what the fuck did he mean by this?

Pretend you're a matador.
No really, it works.

did u get the tears already?

I shouldn't have opened that. I really shouldn't have opened that.

its called ninja gaiden, stupid.

>filtered by bull
inb4 bait


That fight is bad end only

But your webm clearly shows her hitting the leg.

what skill makes him go in the air like that?

The bull is a shit fight, but it's not that fucking hard. Christ.

It's a cursed webm user, I'm sorry you're cursed now. You need to sudoku before it's too late.



Attached: REEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.webm (790x682, 620K)

he deflecc
he atacc
but most importantly
he raises bacc

You can see where the sword knicks the leg, what's the problem here.

its too late for dried permisson then
why are u trying to get it

same, fucking dunkey.


Any poorfags here waiting for a sale?

Attached: hey diogenes.png (754x649, 853K)

>it totally hit the leg bro
Are you people delusional?

Attached: 1548567776848.webm (1280x700, 1.18M)

Thats what I've been doing, but the fight is fucking slow as shit that way, got it down to half healht after 20 minutes before it killed me. This fight is just fucking awful. I struggled with Lady Butterfly and that fight was great. There was a clear pattern for me to learn, the fight was dynamic, and the few curveballs it threw were interesting.

This is just a slow as shit slog of running away and poking it when it gives you an opening once every 2-3 minutes. It's a fucking garbage fight that does not belong in this game, and one slip up or poking it and getting smacked anyways makes it pancake you for 60% of your heath.

Did Sekiro eat the rice raw? Is he a bit slow in the head?

fuck... frombros i think we lost this one

>Is he a bit slow in the head?
He doesn't know who the Demon of Hatred is. He's low INT, high DEX.

Why do you keep posting the vid where he's knicked in the leg?

Attached: 1494463467589.jpg (359x305, 23K)

Why is Sekiro so cute when dealing with kids?

do you get anything for playing through the game with that hard mode charm thing from kuro?

Why are you purposefully acting like a blind retard? Her sword never touches his leg. I even slowed it down for you.

he's an autist who was only taught how to fight his entire life

Bragging rights on vietnamese raw rice boards


>just realized I've been running passed an idol right in front of it on each attempt

Attached: 1459087127409.jpg (679x657, 95K)

You can clearly see where the sword hits the leg, what's the problem here?

I don't think you're playing properly mate. There are two main bosses that ask you to be constantly running around and it's important to make space with others too.

The fight doesn't take long at all, just focus on the head and take every opportunity you get, then get out of dodge. At low vitality, the Bull will kill itself by charging into a wall.

Like I hated the game and was bad at it but with the Butterfly Memory attack power and Firecrackers it's pathetically simple.


Pure fanboy delusion. I want you to show me the frame where this happens.

Everytime I try to attack the head when it makes an opening, it just responds by shaking it's head and throwing me around with a shitton of damage and burn meter.

When did he upgrade his kite?

Attached: Blue_Imp.jpg (800x464, 43K)

Your own fault.

Attached: 1420684635542.gif (500x257, 861K)

Absolute seethe.

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He was raised as a living weapon.

Ys: The Oath in Felghana's combat was difficult but it was fair. You had to literally become a speed demon to beat the game.
Sekiro is fucking bullshit in comparison, filled with autokill grabs and hit detections from the devil. Just like the rest of From Software's trash.

Cope more, fromdrone.

You clearly aren't getting the right opening or you're being too greedy.
If you kite him properly he'll always be slowing down and re-adjusting.

It's a tight window but it's reasonable.

the way loli greets you after sleeping is so cute :3

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Show me the frame where it touches his leg.

post your feats!

I attacked 3 of those purple ninja guys at once yesterday by stealth backstabbing + possessing the first one and then using his puppet to distract one while I fought and killed the other 1v1. Then when the puppet's time ran out, I killed the last ninja 1v1 as well.

>too greedy
>it takes 20 minutes to get half his health down
Well ok, I don't have anything to do for several hours I suppose.

Why would you ever use bite down?

>le Lady Butterfly is hard meme

literally beat her in 2 tries. Git gud, run away a lot and parry.


loli with white hair

>running the fuck around instead of parrying
yeah u deserved it

it's not that bad. just run around avoiding headless ape and try to get some hits in on brown ape when you can. she pretty much will only attack you if you attack headless or if he does the terror attack, though she'll throw dust in your face sometimes too. she is weaker then him and goes down fairly easy. after that it's just phase one again and he's fairly easy on his own.

This was a great jumpscare. I didn't even see where he came from.

>How does he eat?

catches birds and bugs.

>or pee?

Probably just pisses and shits in air.

I killed all those female okami warriors behind the sakura tree in a straight-up fight. You just have to rush the archers then have them all chase you around in a circle as you watch the purple one and bait out her lightning attack for reflects at the whole group

why aren't u parrying in the first place?

From never fails to make these games have freakishly perfect hitboxes, can't wait for DLC.

Attached: 1494689625285.png (800x584, 532K)

You can literally see the sword knick the left leg, dumbass. Fuck off.

>beat him 2nd try
>all you do is run around him and attack when he does combos

It's basically a dark souls boss, looked awesome though

This. Shitty hitboxes or not, the actual problem is the person tried to dodge instead of blocking


fuck tengu

Are you? I don't even like the game, I think it's boring. It clearly hits the leg.

wolf clearly snapped his leg trying to dodge backwards against that corner there. her sword had nothing to do with it.

>infinite sprint, in fact, no real stamina system at all
>can block nearly everything, most things that can't be blocked have a little glyph to let you know to dodge or jump
>10x the maneuverability of any souls game, grappling hook, easier jumps
>buffs and special items take a fraction of the time to cast and use
>can instakill enemies, even bosses, after hitting their stagger limit
>the bosses i have seen so far all have repetitive and telegraphed attacks

why are people getting autistically butthurt over this game's difficulty again? it's one of the most simple and streamlined games i've seen come out of fromsoft, sure it has some difficulty by nature, but it is in no way a HARD game

Attached: 1551486113894.jpg (500x371, 24K)

Did I abuse rice loli too much? I kept asking her for rice, she got sick, I got her a fruit now she's getting sick again.
Fuck ;_;

You literally can't, this is the frame where he takes the hit.

Attached: 1554410073069.webm_snapshot_00.01.jpg (1280x700, 142K)

Newfag spotted

instead of bitching and saving webm
and cry out loud
learn to parry scrub
holy fuck
she has huge start up animation too
this is unforgivable

Attached: ok fuck this.gif (212x173, 1.81M)

Please gib more tears, I have too many dragon rots >_

Attached: 1523033555829.png (1010x674, 838K)

I hate her.
It's probably just me but Emma's one phase is harder than Sword Saint's spear phase

This, he just keep asking for persimmon, wtf.

Retard here. How am I supposed to get to the reservoir for the final boss?
I can only find the Demon of Hatred which as far as I can tell is a dead end.

The fight takes 3-5 minutes tops. Whatever you're doing, it's completely wrong.

will moonlight greatsword be in the DLC like it was in bloodborne or sekiro will be the first FROM soulsborne game to not have it.

Easier than normal fight, not gonna lie. Just firecracker spam the normal ape and kill the headless ape in the meantime; the normal ape just dissolves at the end when you kill the headless one.

So all the anons who were giving me advice were lying about running and waiting for openings then?

>he doesn't know about katana phantom range
baby's first video game?


no that's how you get one of the endings of the game. just give her a persimmon.

It never touches his leg you delusional retard.

she should have drank the water and get 2-3 lives, could have beat beat genichiro herself

Attached: 1553921042313.jpg (1023x1448, 578K)

You can buy it from the mob or find it.

stop same fagging jesus

I just got to the Father fight and he kicked my ass so I'm thinking I'll save him until later. Is he a time based boss fight or can I beat the Divine Dragon and then challenge him? I'm guessing he's not because it's a memory but who knows

That doesn't excuse the shit hitbox, fromfaggots.


u mean Tomoe?
she dead son

Don't forget the stealth system, no longer are the days of Soul's cheesing by tapping forward carefully trying to backstab, the game actually rewards you and lets you get right up on people from behind and instakill them much easier now. This game is the ultimate retard filter and it only goes to show that by the people asking for an "easy mode" in an action fighting game with a dozen different tools given to you in order to not die.


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The monkeys in senpou temple drop persimmons.

How the fuck do i deal with the WOOOO niggers when they bunch up? They wreck my sorry ass with their daggers.

if you think about,
From just BTFO all those fake ass
"HARDCORE" gamers into oblivion
because theres no way you can stat lvl up
and cheese way through bosses
game itself isn't hard
those people who "Beat" Soulbourne series
weren't skilled as they thought

Attached: naisu.gif (287x206, 1.06M)

no, you can do it after dragon

anything I should do before I pray at the fountainhead? I already beat owl 2

no emma

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so did u beat her
or are u seething here
because you gave up?

Attached: chunli (2).gif (145x170, 193K)

>he tells me he's heard word of a cowardly shinobi
>run away from fighting him
>come back and do a stealth killing blow
>shuriken the last 20% of his health
guess I had the last laugh

I just ran around the building once with him chasing then opened the door and grabbed the tool and ran

Attached: 814380_20190331003150_1.png (1920x1080, 1.31M)

Dude, we get it. You don't like the near perfect-ness of attack frames in Sekiro. You're scaring the kids.

Attached: 1501463742219.jpg (184x274, 11K)

It's fucking cool, but it does no damage

not that user, but i've already giben her like 3 persimmons, she just get sick again.

>lazulite shuriken on a shura ending
What do you think, dumb ass?

>Fighting a purple ninja on Ashina castle rooftops
>Suddenly another purple ninja is jump kicking me in the back
>gotta run cya

Attached: o fugg.jpg (1920x1080, 321K)

You only give her a persimmon when she gets sick.

just give the persimmon kotaro gives you

>Emma talks about a shinobi she cared for that she wish to open up to her
>Sekiro just says, "I see."
>Emma tries to indicate that she's talking about him by asking if he's reminded of anything
>Sekiro just says no
The Autistic Wolf

go kill owl

Not him but uhh which 3 are those?

Where can I grind fat wax and mercury for tool upgrades?

wheres proof nigger

u beat the game and still cant parry?

He doesn't care about pussy, just wants to server and protect Kuro.

if you haven't killed owl yet i think you need to do that before you can progress further towards that ending. also you need to give her holy chapter infested if you haven't already or don't have it.

but the shinobi she cares about is the sculptor

No Way Fag with Sekiro and Emma when?


Attached: Untitled.png (650x511, 365K)

Just like every other skill in the game.

Sekiro 2 or DLC when?

Attached: 5834089534.jpg (435x1200, 271K)

on his resurrection?

Attached: Hidden meaning.jpg (1214x789, 366K)

fat wax or grave wax? lump of fat wax gets dropped like every two seconds in mibu village.

mercury i don't know yet. i think you can farm them with the demon bell activated or maybe very late game i haven't gotten that far yet. i've only found two of them at hirata estate before owl 2 so far.

>this absolute cope at bad hitboxes in Sekiro
I never even said the game was bad and you're just seething because I gave an example of how it isn't perfect so you do nothing but harp on about parrying.

the flute slugs drop grave and fat wax
the red sam gunners after the dragon drop mercury

>b-but that doesn't count!!!!

Attached: 1538596459303.png (1600x895, 2.42M)


Keep going through the hidden forest or go back for the giant ape? Ape kicked my butt the first time around but I got him to second phase which felt a whole lot easier. Still terror-killed me the first screw-up I made.

Fucking hell finally beat Blazing Bull.

Don't even feel good about that since it was just doing more of the same shit, just hoping I get lucky. Still hate this fight.

How do people have so much health by lady butterfly or seven spears? I only have 2 prayer necklaces and I'm at Genichiro

dark souls 3 has the same hitboxes

Hopefully not too soon; I'd rather they take their time on it if it happens at all. Still got Nioh 2 to look forward to until then anyway, so I'm in no rush.

You can't beat the game without knowing how to parry. Why are you so stuck on this?


>turned image macro into fucking reddit
kill yourself

Jump off the cliff into the water, he'll follow and immediately die

There's a harder version later

so u didnt beat her right?
practice some parrying instead of "dodging"
sweep attack scrub

Attached: pepe shiny.png (600x696, 401K)

>mfw i just beat owl 2
>mfw didnt even use firecracker spam cause hes to quick fr that shit to work
>mfw he killed me and i had no revives but i used the jizou statue to give myself a extra revive for safety measures and he hit me while i activated it and almost die from that shit
>mfw only saving grace was that i spammed all my spirit emblems on butterfly Kunai when he was down to his last bit of health and he used hiw fire owl thrust combo which gave me a chance to Mikiri that shit and get the deathblow

The sad part is i beat him the first time i managed to scrap by and get to his second phase but i missed the final deathblow casue i wasnt ready for it and he got back up and i had no revives.
Dodging moves in this game feels so inconsistent and just plain garbage.

Therer were dozens of times where Owl2 would do his thrust attack while i was locked onto him and instead of mikiri it i would dodge past to my left and his right while i was locked on and moving straight towards him.

Thats ALWAYS been the issues with these souls style games since dark souls 1.
Inconsistent bullshit!
Sometimes you'll dodge shit at the weirdest angle and other times you'll get hit 5 meters away from the attack.

Regardless of the fact that i am in fact getting thru the game and am almost at the end, im sick of FROM half assing these souls style games for a quick buck so this is definitely the last one i buy because many of us fans have been giving them the benefit of the doubt for the last 3 souls games and they still have the same issues and inconsistency since Dark souls 1.
Even the remake on the switch and remaster ps4 still had the SAME DAMN ISSUES they had when they were first released which lets us know they expect us to buy this half assed garbage by name alone.

Attached: god damn fucker.gif (577x317, 2.79M)

>i took some1 elses screenshot.jpg
timestamp faggot

Fuck my life

Attached: 1392576601849.png (665x663, 1017K)

I used the Phantom Kunai to shave off like 75%~ of the female ape.

I wish the Butterfly Kunai were better

im not stuck
the guy whos bitching about hitboxes
cant admit he cant parry lol

Wow is that what you think phyll? Where’d you read that?

pretty much my reaction to demon prince in dark souls 3

well you can do lady butterfly whenever you want really. you can even get the prayer beads in hirata estate and then go back to fight her later when you have a lot more vitality (not that you'd need to). same with seven spears. don't think the reservoir gets changed even after the invasion.

It's not mandatory, don't worry. You can also take off a big portion of it's health with a stealth blow

Eats lightning. Pisses rain.

Aww did papa fuck you too hard in the anus abloobloobloohoo

u do realize shura ending isshin is ez as fuck right?

Father G and Granny B are the pleb filters.

He's saying that he beat Emma, user

Remove filter, otherwise outstanding job.

DLC in 6 months to a year probably. then bloodborne 2. then we can talk about sekiro 2 maybe.

no way, fuck his burn faggotry, took me more tries than saint
>but fire shield
fuck you

>prove you beat emma
>nononono actually Isshin is too easy!!!!

For the record, I did the Return ending already.

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I'm a fucking uber pleb yet i beat granny second try. Can't fucking climb the castle right now getting my shit pushed in by the kite guys.


>he beat emma
that screenshot is so ez to get in internet son..
why are u so naive

So you downloaded someone elses video?

Attached: 1527716556300.png (529x474, 279K)

fire shield scrub

yeah they suck and the only reason i used them were for the chip damage casue the butterflies bypass gaurds,but i had to save them for the very last sliver of his health

>i renamed file name of a vid that i didn't beat

Fucking cringeworthy, neck yourself if unironic

>doesnt even show achievement
>shows some fucking video file name as a proof
dude ur making it worse


Attached: 1542222344100.png (1920x1080, 3.53M)

So are they worth the gold?

They would be a lot better if the butterflies were faster or had better tracking. Half the time they completely miss and do less damage than the Gouging top. I hope the Lazulite Shurikens are better. Also, where do I get the last three Lapis things?

can u just give ur steam profile or something
posting some1 eslse's screenshot really doesnt do a justice

No, not really. They cost more than normal because the only way to get the Phantom Kunai is buying it for 3000 sen

I pirated.

Oh ok, I feel better now. I'm trying to do ad much blind as possible but Inwas beginning to worry I was gimping myself by progressing with low vitality.

so u just stole a screenshot of someone who actually beat the game?
can u post webm of that video?

Kuro is pretty much Sanae, isn't he?

Attached: 1554413272.jpg (2226x3830, 1.02M)

The expression on Sekiro's face after getting slashed holy

So i got the dried fruit but i don't get what the old lady said about making the monkeys dance, there where none there

waiting on webm

well u got the dried fruit which of that monkey was guarding so ur good user

The entire game (post prologue) takes place in one day.

Axe, Flame Barrel, Mist Raven Feathers.

What monkey?

>this amount of seething
No matter what I do, You're just going to shitpost because you suck corporate dick. I even posted a screenshot of the game running on my desktop and you still think i'm faking it. Cope more, retard.

Ape,blazing bull,sakura bull, and Jizou the drunkard can all be treated like souls bosses, so they are som eof the easiest in the game.

I have beaten all 3 different jizou because i just wait for him to drink his liquor,spit on his sword,use and unblockable or do his 2 downward strike attacks and have yet to even bother practicing his attacks becaseu each fight has him in the middle of about 10-15 enemies and if you die from him you get the enjoy you 20-30 second load and go back to your statue and rekill all the enemies again and again just to get back to him.


Shit like that is what makes people hate these souls games.
At least they dont do it the entire game and some bosses are right next to a statue so you can easily run past 1-2 enemies staright back to the boss(Owl 2,Lady B,Genishiro,Ape,etc).

Well miyazaki san needs to learn how implement proper challenges instead of horseshit

Attached: fuck u man.gif (300x129, 1020K)

No it doesn't, multiple days span, or are you forgetting how it shifts between day and night multiple times?

Fug I missed the feathers somehow...

They are pretty easy to miss

so theres no proof of u beating
u fucking googling all the screenshots of people who actually beat the game
also if u DID beat the game
why would u seeth so fucking hard on this thread on the first place?
seeing that webm of u getting hit by emma just proves u aren't up for it to beat the game in general.
why can't u just parry?
ur skill level on that webm is as same as youtube scrubs whos running around fire bull and gets killed.

Yeah, that video got me too.

So then why don't you reverse image search the screenshots I took to find the source video? You would be able to do that much, right? Since, obviously, it isn't my footage.

>I get the last three Lapis things?
Unfortunately, user, i asked this last night only to find out you can only 3(if i recall) per playthroug so you have to NG+ to get more for the final prosthetic upgrades.

Yes its extremely gay

ur good user
u got the dried fruit move on boy

I'm just using steam share with my friend's copy

>tfw got the feathers but missed the axe

DEFEND the climbing controls. DEFEND this clunky ass fucking B team fucking bullshit. I urge you, I BEG YOU!

Insect protein

You're a sad little man.

>cant time stamp
>not showing webm of beating
>its been screen shots of "proof"
>bitching about "hitboxes" when you can't clearly parry the slash
>asks for steamprofile for proof
>"i pirated"
ur keep dodging
what are you trying to prove here?
if u beat the game u beat the game
but for 3 fucking hours ur in this thread
trying to "prove" you beat the game

Attached: 1554327903804.png (1233x1357, 390K)

thats so fucking easy to photoshop

Fucking seriously? I thought it was six. Did I feed that fucking fish for nothing?

You might as well practice against mister ninja, you’ll see a lot of them. Also, you might want to explore the mansion, just before butterfly, there’s a prayer bead somewhere.

bro upgrade the shrinken first

Was it the one in a chest? I feel like I got that, but couldn't hurt to make sure.

I'm going to. Guess I'll have to wait for NG+ for the magic flame sword

Absolutely wrong, I have 3 left after getting the laz sabimaru and the carp scale guy still has one more. His inventory might expand as well if you buy everything he has to sell.

Don't worry buddy, we have threads like these to help each other out

Ah, I see. How many precious baits are there?

Ape ended up being an Ariandel/Friede situation for me.
I just focused on the main boss and prayed, and turns out the brown one just left me completely alone.

as soon as u get the last shrinken ur good

is laz sabimaru anygood?
it just seems so gimmicky that doens't give any merit

Also the only reason you're even arguing with me is because I posted footage of shit hitboxes in this game, the only one here seething is you. You can't even type properly.

What, exactly, are you looking for. What proof do you want. Proof that was recorded and made today? I can't "timestamp" the fight itself because it's over already, I'd have to go back and redo the entire game. If I post my webm of me beating her you're just going to claim it's someone else's footage. What exactly are you looking for here?
>"i pirated"
I did. Pic related. You are aware the game got cracked 24 hours before the western release, right? I don't even have a steam profile anymore

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>gun tower

Attached: giphy.gif (320x180, 1.95M)

Well maybe you should attack a place that isn’t on fire. I’ll give you a hint, if you wanted to fuck this big boy, where would you aim?

>shows directory of a game instead of posting simple webm beating the boss
are u fucking dense?

Is this mask part important? It feels important.

I heard people talking about the monkey but didn't knew it actually HAD a second phase. And I cheesed the entire first one with running attacks.
I really did think that was it, and thought that was good enough.
And THEN the damn thing gets up.

Did you not read my post? I'm fully aware of what you're going to say after I post the webm. The image was also posted to show I pirated it, you fucking retard. You assume I didn't pirate the game for some reason.

Why do jap shows always have those stupid boxes with people reacting in the corner?

enough with screenshots already
the webm u getting bitch slap by emma was the most legit shit you ever showed in this thread so far

Attached: yourshitpost.gif (360x240, 1.99M)

It took me until my fifth playthrough to do this fight and I thought it was a NG+ kind of thing at first, the first four times I played through I did everything out of order so I had no idea why that giant boss-arena like room didn't actually have a boss


That’s the one.

it lets you increase attack power with skill points but attack point hard cap at 14 so it's worthless, points are better used on skills

he will keep posting "proof" screenshots
and theres nothing you can do user

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Would have been so sick if the judgement cuts were on fire.

Miyazaki said the game won't have it

But he's a known liar so we'll see

So all you want is a webm? Be very specific.

There's an yip that says "as night falls demon appear" or some shit like that but I haven't really seen any besides the demon of hatred

>turned image macro into fucking reddit
so you go to reddit?

I found 5, but I only fed 2 to the giant carp, then the very precious bait you get from the guy in the pot. The giant carp is gone now, and I can't give the rest.

fucking post it already and get over it

black phantoms appear at certain places

>replay game on NG
>tearing through bosses and minis like they're confetti

Attached: 169717_512x288_generated.jpg (217x266, 31K)

then theres apes

Attached: punished stannis.jpg (500x500, 52K)

How much attack did you have here and have you tried it once the enemy is fully posture broken?

I said I want you to be specific, what do I need to do with it to satiate your autism?

>read the thing about the ghosts at night
>get spooked thinking about terror and stuff
>they're all fucking scrubs
I was honestly disappointed.
You killed the Giant Carp. Did you go back to the pot guy who gave you the bait?
Which one's bait did you use?

Why do that when you can just deathblow them?


Attached: 1426584087319.png (600x600, 157K)

>I said I want you to be specific, what do I need to do with it to satiate your autism?
yeah and i said post the fucking webm mongoloid

>way of tomoe
>isshin's coup
>youkai hunting in spookyland
I can't fucking wait

>he doesn't have it
i never thought posting simple webm could be this hard

Attached: oh shieet.jpg (700x700, 110K)

Because fun and experience?

>Did you go back to the pot guy who gave you the bait?
Yeah, he doesn't give a fuck. He just wants more scales. I imagine using the bait he gives you is a part of continuing his quest, I"m just scrounging for more scales to buy out his stock.

Same, they should be able to appear anywhere and not be fixed, either to a spawn point or enemy type.

It would be more fun if the attack did more damage to match how cool it looks

waiting on you faggot
post the webm
or did u runaway

Attached: mgs kek.jpg (156x267, 27K)

what the fuck happened to this thread


>lol fake not ur footage
As expected.

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I agree, but it's not what we got. YOU gotta make it work.

Just wanted to let you know you have a valid point.
Don't let flaseflagging Soulshitters convince you otherwise.

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Bell doesn't do shit I played with on all my NG+ up to 4 with it on and nothing changed. It's free loot

Or I could just use the better option.

Anyone else notice Sekiro stabs women characters in the throat really hard?

whos webm is this you stole from?
>boss posture already skyhigh from begnning
i didnt even bother to click play btw

You are no fun.

is sekiro virgin?

>search youtube "beating emma"
>download 15 secs of it showing kill
>convert to webm
>post on Yea Forums
>i did it see

Attached: laffin gibson.jpg (650x1000, 119K)

I'm enjoying the game overall, but the midbosses simply do way too much damage.

Trying to learn them is a chore when the loading screens take this long. Almost every single midboss can 1 or 2HKO you on top of being extremely aggressive, which makes it unnecessarily difficult to try different strategies. Even if you resurrect you only get half health so it's not like you can truly try another strat unless it's a midboss that gives you ample room to back up (many don't.)

Overall they feel like artificial difficulty, especially since most have a gimmick.

You think?

what is that back jump

>getting killed by any mini except lone shadow or seven spears
>muh artificial difficulty
How about you stop sucking so much dick?

I think it’s cool user.

As expected. Cope and seethe more.

Nightjar slash reversal

I unironically had more trouble with mini bosses overall than actual bosses.

Took me over an hour and dozens of tries to beat the very first mini boss and the fire bull.

I beat the horse guy and butterfly first try with no issues.

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This. I don't really understand it and I'm assuming it has less to do with the midboss difficulty and more their fight arenas. Almost all of them are either painfully tiny areas, or they're surrounded by fodder enemies you have to either waste more time taking out or try to avoid them in the fight which only makes it that much harder. They simply aren't that fun unlike the bosses.

I havent seen someone get trolled this hard in a long time. Reading the reply chain was a treat. How daft are you to not realize these fuckers dont give a shit about your proof and are absolutely ass blasting you for lulz?

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>he already knows its not his
btw wheres time stamp

so the game becomes easier after ng+8? since the difficulty doesnt increase but you still get memories?

user he meant post a webm
you beating emma

>unlocked every prosthetic, upgraded each one at least once
>only really used two or three in actual combat
My biggest regret. Though it's not my fault that a lot of them are so situational, for example a lot of enemies have ridiculous poison resistance


How can you have a game that requires almost godlike precision to play and master yet have enemies with extended hit boxes so they can attack or grab you when it shoudl miss?

Owl 2 is the same shit
I swear the hit box on his sword is longer than his attack reach cause sometimes you can back dash and still east a hit

>no I wuz just pretending to be retarded!

>kill long arm centipede giraffe in about 30 seconds just by deflecting and jumping and waiting for his posture to die
is... is this what they mean by the game "clicking"? holy fuck i have been playing it wrong this entire time

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plz never try to create kino

Did you even read my post? I'm a third party. God damn you really are that dumb and angry. No wonder you've been getting shit on so hard.

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so when are u gonna post webm

That can only happen if your posture breaks tho

it's not an insta kill, it does like 5% more damage than the chained ogre's grab.
Owl does have an insta kill move on Hirata estate that is just a rushing horizontal slash after he throws a shuriken. Even when you parry it, you go flying backwards like you got hit by a train

when he braps

user let him be
its fun watching him

I pitied him and tried to let him know but he just attacked me in an autistic rage, too. Guess I deserve it.

does emma have the hots for sekiro?

He’s a very common late-game forced click. You should have had it click by Ashina Elite two strike guy, but Giraffe absolutely screams at you ‘you’re supposed to square up and beat your enemies posture, idiot’

well i'm a soulsborne fag and it is possible to beat most midbosses by just whittling their health down. it just makes it unnecessarily hard

i guess i wasn't really paying attention to how posture basically = health in this game and was more focused on damage

it depends on the enemy. The only ones that're worth it that costs emblems IMO are shadowfall and maybe empowered mortal draw for the big damage against crowds.

The best ones that cost no emblems are ichimonji double for the big stagger, damage and posture recovery, High monk for being the ultimate sweep counter and excellent against ninjas / leaping enemies, and I like Praying Strikes Exorcism for being so fast and safe to perform; you can do it right in an enemy's face because it's as fast as your sword. Nightjar slash reversal is also good for the mobility, like high monk but less situational and more regular damage vs posture damage. And whirlwind slash is pretty good all around for enemies you can actually stagger with it.


Sabimaru poisons apparition and okami warriors really fast, used it to cheese o'rin

Sekiro is only concerned with his duty

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>Manage to kill an enemy
>Kill animation has Wolf falling on the enemy and eating it.

Bull was easy, just jump out to the side and stab his ass.

didn't believe you but found a video of it

Clinical autism

Why are fags trying so hard to make Emma a waifu? This game only has husbands.

I thought this game was gonna be lightning fast samurai duels like in that initial reveal trailer (?). Instead its just like a souls game, mostly.

I've never seen this until now either. I guess it also explains why the nobles were eating the okami warriors

sekiro is nothing like a souls game at all and trying to play it like one will end in more deaths than necessary


I'm looking for persimmons, apparently apes in Senpou have them but I can't find any apes there.

Cause she's cute and has great personality.

Sall good. A not uncommon story. I only played DS1 back when it released so I didn’t really have any habits to break.


Guarsian Ape or ghost Monk first? Both are kicking my ass but I think I'm doing better against the ape right now.

is that what all that munching i hear behind that big door in foutain head?

Can the great carp attack you in the water?
I have seen his ass swim around twice during scripted events,but swimming in the water item gathering i dotn se him anywhere.

Does he sneak up on you?

actually kino
fuck the haters

It's not the carp, it's some other gray fish that bite you and often swim around the carp. You can target lock onto them and try to get them

So i assume that the purification ending is the best one to get on NG casue i dont feel like dealing with Owl in NG+

Who cares? Isshin deserves it all.

>never use thrust attack


even if he breaks your posture, he gives you enough time to roll, the boss is a joke once you spam R1 in a corner

what the fuck is this

Attached: Untitled.jpg (1920x1080, 65K)

underwater headless, come back later

So the big Carp that breaks the bridge and jumps around after speaking to the old lady doesnt attack?

I liked the story in this a whole lot more than I did other From games, characters too. And that's coming from a BBfag.
With a stronger OST or a good DLC it would easily be my top Fromsoft game.

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Oh hey, found my first whoo.

Am I supposed to go kill him or something? Tried climbing up, but a bunch of those feather rooftop guys almost killed me up there.

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oh it does

How long is Sekiro? I got a 3 day weekend, can I beat it then?

if you read a guide sure

I just got into the demon of hatred fight, should I do that, the final boss or the Owl fight first?

>Whirlwind slash with blood sword
Holy shit, this is awesome
Also, is anyone else annoyed that you can only activate ninjutsu with stealth attacks from behind?

Easy if you are good. The areas arent terribly large, each boss it pretty close or a straight shot from the nearest idol. I am mostly through the game, but I have not been playing even every other day and there have been some parts I got stuck.


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Yeah it can but its combat needs to be refined
In its current condintion BB is better

Theres a skill that lets you use the mortal blade which is essentially the saem thing and same effect as the blood sword

The apes are so overrated they're easy as fuck
Just bait the first one to do the long range attack and since other usually scurrys behind him since he barely attacks and if you get close to him then he also does a quick mid range sweep and has a brief recovery period he also does a brief roar which also is an opportunity to quickly attack
Keep grinding at him like that till his dead while making sure you mind the Headless then back to the Headless
The Headless on its own is a piece of cake
The awkward sword attacks are easily deflected
Bait the dive sword slash then run /dodge behind and attack
Rinse and repeat
When he does the terror scream
Just run away
Utilising the sprint rather than mostly using dodge is so effective in this game

Yeah, but that costs three spirit emblems per attack. I wish there was a skill that could give you spirit emblems on a death blow. Having them be so limited makes me not want to use prosthetics or the special combat arts.

Wait what's this
I only fought butterfly here and owl in the tower
How do you get to this fight?

For a single art it actually does most damage in whole game. Also causes heavy stunlock on judgement cut part.
The problem is the retarded talisman cost.

bro literally just play to the same point and record it high def and upload it to youtube. literally easy as 40 minutes.

>How does he eat? or pee?
He eats bugs and pees on shitters below

eavesdrop on kuro then talk to emma,

Whats the deal with the centipedes exactly?
When people consume enough of the Fountain head water, the centipede forms in their body and makes them pesud-immortal?

Attached: 1554254087021.png (1580x2026, 1019K)

What happens?
Another memory exploration? Where I then fight the owl in hirata estate?fuck can't belive I missed this

The low spirit emblem capacity is fucking dumb.

The next content update needs to add timers to boss fights. Too many people just run around waiting for an completely safe opportunity to attack. This is not how Sekiro is made to be played, its a fast paced high risk high reward style of combat. Every boss is 100% beatable if you play it safe and take 10 minutes to defeat them.

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>8 coins
>0 skill points

Attached: 123432156.gif (245x320, 538K)

they are two different things
1.drinking water makes em want to cousume
"fresh + lively" to eventually drive em mad
2. centipede's regeneration is beyond godlike,
to severe them you need mortal blade. host's mental state seems to be stable.(for ex.Hanbei and)

it starts a quest that leads to returning to hirata with new stuff. It's needed for one of the endings

>8756 Sen
>A half inch away from leveling up

Where the fuck do the centipedes come from them?

be known once you persuit this route
you are locked on certain ending
if you are going for True Ending
try on 2nd play through

are the centipedes just blade of the immortal style immortality? also are the divine children just hosts for eggs to spring from?

the palace water is corrupted by carp skeletons and flows into Ashina, they grow inside people who drink the corrupted water

SO just reached Ashina Castle and found the Reservoir area as well. Probably gonna be taking on the spear dude where Kuro was locked up in the prologue, but anywhere else I should be investigating at the moment, or am I supposed to be heading up the castle at this point?

You can also go back to the well at the very start of the game. IIRC it's located on the left from the not-bonfire, across the ravine and up a wall.

Oh right, there's another miniboss over there isn't there? Might take a look at him once Im done with spear man

>tfw just cheated at isshin
i just couldnt fucking do it and i really wanted the ending and move on from it but now i feel like shit

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>gets hit because played like a little pussy instead of blocking

instead of saying "oh well guess i learned from my mistake" he makes a fucking slowmo webm where he clearly gets hit

my sides

Attached: 1552260509496.jpg (421x510, 41K)


BB > DS1 > Sekiro > DS3 > DES > DS2

define cheating

installed a trainer that gave me unlimited health and insta kills cheating

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It's just a game, you should really just relax.

i had to. it just wasnt clicking, it was torture at that point

just got to this guy, only tried a few times, on a scale of 1-10 how hard is he?

Attached: Sekiro-Isshin-the-Sword-Saint-1212x682.jpg (1212x682, 52K)

i literally gave up and cheated for it

One of the two bosses in this game that literally everyone is strugling with.
Haven't gotten to him, but apparently he's Orphan of Kos tier +
So 10

>mfw cheesed 2ape with Spinning Top
it takes like 19 tags but hey, I'm a Shinobi.

Attached: Brunch.png (462x389, 219K)

want a cookie or something?

i'm "not bad" at these games but it's been 2 days and i haven't beaten him.
it's a silly kind of difficulty. i've managed to get to the final phase barely getting hit and sometimes fucking phase 1 kills me. it feels totally random and messy. the rest of the game was challenging in such a way that made your failures feel like failures. i've been on this guy for hours and i am leaning towards luck being a big part of it. some attacks (like the perilous ones) are literally unpredictable, and some attacks can be mikiri countered by retards. it just depends on how the AI makes him act. sometimes, he gives you behaviours that help you, sometimes, he gives you behaviours you've never seen before and have no way of reacting. i'm not giving up, but i'm not having a lot of fun, either, which is a huge shame because i've seen this guy on many players' favourite bosses lists and, honestly, it's just not fun.

I really like how this game encourages not fighting fair with the whole shinobi thing. Like stealth-killing bosses and the bloodspray ninjutsu.
"Yeah, it ain't fair but fuck you I'm a shinobi, not a samurai"

run in circles to his left. forever. until he does something.
t. just beat him

Because just like the nazis, japanese people are always one step ahead of everybody in science and culture. Why and how do you think facecams/reaction content got popular in the first place?

>sometimes, he gives you behaviours you've never seen before and have no way of reacting
If you've been fighting him for TWO DAYS and still haven't recognized all his patterns by now, you're never going to make it.

Yeah I didn't hesitate to Puppet that Nightjar next to Vilehand, Miyazaki specifically put him there for me to 'cheat' and that's just fine, he keeps telling me to cheat on the load screens

The only bosses left on my save are this guy and demon of hatred. Both are fucking hard and i already started a new playthrough to practice parrying more.

I'm also grinding a bit so I can use skill points in return for AP with the dragon mask

forgot about dodging, side stepping, parrying, or defending, just sprint around it without a stop and hit it when you get the chance (when he is doing the 180 circle when his horns touching the ground)

Man, that owl fight was kind of shit tbhfam , parrying did more to you than him so I proceeded to run in circles and hit him after he attacked
At least the songs were actually good
Also , did he had new moves in the 2nd phase? I saw nothing new

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i beat demon of hatred once you figure out how to consistently dodge his shit it becomes a no brainer

Isshin demands spot on deflects and reaction time to posture break. His attack strings can become unpredictable but all the same it means you need to learn to deal with each one. You can scumbag him in certain ways or fight fairly but keep it up and try to beat him fairly.

Yeah I got him about halfway through so I feel like I'm much closer to him than isshin. i also know about the malcontent trick heheh

>japanese people are always one step ahead of everybody in science and culture

t. weebfag who knows nothing about Japan. Audio cassettes are still sold in Japan, because Japanese people are still buying them.

dont get baited to use malcontent early, dodge your way through phase 1 and 2 only using umbrella and save malcontent for phase 3, ez pz i did phase 3 first try once i got through phase 1 and 2

2 sessions, i guess. probably 3 or 4 hours total. still, it doesn't feel consistent. on previous hard bosses, throughout the series, you'd get better almost every attempt, of course with some hiccups here and there. against this dude, i've gotten to phase 4 with barely any healing sometimes, and i've gotten hit a bunch in phase 2 and "give up", so i play it out but without trying/focusing very hard, and end up beating the entire next phase without getting hit.
i'm just trying to point out that, to me, it doesn't feel like how hard i try matters. what matters is what attacks he decides to pull out and when, because certain attacks in certain situations are actually unstoppable.
all i hear about defeating bosses - not just this one - is hit once and run away. sure, that's possible here too, but it would be even less fun than the amount i'm currently having with it.
i'm just trying to say that nothing feels consistent. like, i can see a big giant windup attack coming. great. so i do the thing, whether it be dodge, deflect, whatever. and it's like, sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. it feels random. like the timing of certain attacks is just arbitrarily multiple orders of magnitude stricter than anything else. just feels sloppy.

I'm confused,why is the headless ape in that cave, I thought you killed him.

delete this image

>certain attacks in certain situations are actually unstoppable
Absolutely wrong. You can parry/mikri every attack he does except the low sweeps, which are perfectly manageable.

You have to get a sword to kill it for real

9 or 10
I actually had more trouble with the Shura ending final boss(es) though. It's nice having that huge field to fight Sword Saint in

Wait fuck, does that mean I can't do this fight if I have the mortal blade?

i'd been trying for a bit, as i said, but i'm losing interest and since i'm already ranting i'll explain exactly why.
i am a musician, and for live performances, practice is necessary. you can't be shown a song and be able to play it perfectly, even though you know the notes are coming up. you have to practice certain techniques, certain parts, etc. it's objectively not fun. i love to jam, i love to do whatever, but strict practicing is actually not fun, in any sense.
this fight feels like practicing for a performance that i neither have to do, nor am getting paid for, and the score changes every 2 seconds. it feels like it's telling me (albeit in an extremely contrived way) EXACTLY what to do, and then punishing me for NOT DOING EXACTLY THE THING WE TOLD YOU TO DO AT THE EXACT MILLISECOND. it's like, i get it. i do. but for example, in a musical performance, not very many people notice when a string is plucked 10ms off. of those people, even less care. this fight is overly demanding, and despite being a big fan of demanding fights, i don't really see the big payoff of this one.

Wait so where the fuck is foutainhead located from Ashina?

You can see Ashina castle from Mt Kongo,but cant see shit from Foutainhead

Fuck, I killed the ape.
This was absolutely exhilarating

Daily reminder:

>fuck up a deflect and still in block
>infintie stamina
>can spam attacks/sprint/dodges/grappling hooks to cheese every encounters or escape any sticky situation
>can use stealth attacks on bosses and minibosses
>DSP is breezing through the game with half the deaths he had in Dark Souls 3 (a game he power leveled AND summoned in)
>90 metacritc, 8.0 user score vs Bloodborne's 92 metacritic, 8.9 user score

Game's easy, only people who are claiming otherwise are seething PCLards desperate for MIyazaki's Magnum Opus (Bloodborne) to be surpassed. Pic related, beat the Demon of Hatred and Ishiin in 3 tries

>b-b-but look at your heals/revives
>implying this isn't exactly why this babby tier casual af game is ez af

Git Gud
Have Sex

Attached: 20190404090656_1.jpg (1920x1080, 514K)

Thats what I did. The fight took almost an hour and was fucking agonizing, but it won. I might just pull out cheatengine for the second one later, that fight is fucking awful and doesn't belong in this game.

Absolutely BASED



and people still buy vinyl so I don't see your point, when you evolve technology you can't enjoy previous tech still? Don't get me wrong japs are retards in ways like thinking working 80 hours a week is viable and their people are just as evil as the rest of us but they tend to be the influencer

The Fountainhead is the big Mt. Fuji looking mountain behind Ashina castle. You can't see down from it because it's covered in clouds, which you can see from the castle.

how can you tell when a low sweep is coming? you can't see shit in this fight.
also, regarding the thrust that comes after his multi-hit spear combo: even if you deflect all the hits, if your posture bar was even slightly filled, you will be broken and eat the thrust at the end. it's stupidly easy to mikiri otherwise, sure, but if you don't have the posture, you either have to dodge and probably get hit, or get broken and definitely get hit. or just not engage, which, as i am trying to illustrate, is not fun. it's like, here's this game, where you fight, and the only option that doesn't have a chance of wrecking you based on a 10ms error is to NOT fight. it's counterintuitive design and i'm beginning to not believe those who list sword saint as their favourite fight. it's like, why?

>running as a strategy vs Owl
how did he not just dash into you as you ran and catch your ankle with one of his massive horizontal swings, then continue on to wail on your back w/ the rest of his combo (because it's so much harder to escape when you get hit in the back while running)?
That was my experience trying to hit and run against him, anyway. Mostly I just dodge behind him when he did certain moves and attacked his back to win. Your guard cannot break (posture caps at 99%) as long as you keep parrying every attack


very kino
fuck these niggaz

The fuck is this thing? Should I fight it? AM I even supposed to be here yet?

Also Lone Swordguy in the well was a cunt, mostly because of the godawful camera down there.

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>how can you tell when a low sweep is coming?
The big red indicator coupled with sound effect is pretty obvious.

>even if you deflect all the hits, if your posture bar was even slightly filled, you will be broken and eat the thrust at the end.
How many prayer bead necklaces to you have?

>implying Bloodborne isn't easier
>implying DSP is breezing through anything
>implying this game doesn't have you seething, calling everything easy when you had trouble with fucking O'Rin and had to come to help
Okay retard.

Well, you see the perilous attack red icon and he does like a full 360 degree spin while he winds up for the sweep. Just wait a sec before you dodge forwards assuming it's a thrust that you think you should mikiri counter and you will see that it's the sweep

sure go ahead

Just ignore him until later since he eats up some relatively rare consumables you'll be able to buy infinitely later.