The fuck logo is that
I mean, you're not spending $300+ every time you want to get at something you can't already so it's kind of different...
Oh PC is so great, PC is so fast because I don't need a disc. How does it feel now, you can't even boot up a game without searching through 30 launchers.
Oh your day of karma has come niggers, enjoy the ride.
And as always, pirates don't have to deal with ANY of this nonsense.
the Nintendo Shitglitch being in that picture is the real joke
Still can’t blankpost huh newfag
>being a shill
Who is that nigger?
lol! so true
>consolefags seething
>thinking this somehow affects PC Overlords kek
>pc overlords
>still thinking this
The pc era died one the PS4 and switch came about and your a poorfag for not owning one of the two along with a pc
GAY MONKIES[\spoiler]
Shouldn’t you be in school right now? You type like a 12 year old.
The only thing we actually fight over is which release group is better.
That rapper who sold Chinese consoles for $100's more than they were worth
The ironing.
>wasting my money on a switch when i can emulate it just fine on pc
KEK good one
Ha, rookie mistake
you still only need a pc to access all of them lol
Enjoy the PC industry getting fucked into the dirt. Word of advice: Take your pcmr tramp stamp back to r/gaming ;)
You got this picture from Reddit. I've been checking lately and it's amazing how many OP images here are lifted straight from Reddit.
I like consoles, but this is pathetic.
Thanks for ousting yourself, now kindly fuck off back there.
>The pc era died
You say that but more of these former console devs are putting the best versions of games day 1 on PC while PS4 fans have been hyping up the same 4 movie game exclusives for the last 4 years
Is this a Brenton Tarrant meem?
>Risk of Rain 2
2 is better than 1
Deal with it
thats picture is so dumb and yet i had to chuckle
>We get to mine crypto on some 3rd worlder's botnet! steam and epic btfo!
Dear Blunderfag
You’re jokes are unfunny and you’re overuse of shit make you sound 12
Please try harder
Kaney West so funny this pic xD
>Pirating Ace Combat 7
Aw man, that's not cool. At least it's still the best selling game in the series, so it's probably fine.
Not yet because it is missing a lot of thing like an ending and over 100 items
You're clearly old enough to be Nintendo's target audience.
as a pcfag, we deserve any shitposting that's coming from consolefags over this because we were too stupid to avoid it
I think so.
Consolefags fight over what exclusives are the best. I don't want exclusivity to be a thing. I don't want to be forced into using a service that's WORSE FOR THE CONSUMER.
Now don't ever open your mouth about shit you don't know anything about, retard.
yeah it should be souljaboy.