Post ITT if you cheese tactics to beat the bosses in Sekiro
Post ITT if you cheese tactics to beat the bosses in Sekiro
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I cheese all the encounters in sekiro by hitting r1 until they parry me then counterattacking their counterattack. I repeat until they die
Cheesed Ogre, fought Horseboi and Lady Butterfly legitimately. Havent progressed past those yet.
L1 R1 and jump. dont touch the movement stick for this miniboss
I tried to kill her this way but it never worked all the way and then I just gud good
you can deflect like 90% of all attacks isnt that enough cheese?
How the fuck do you drop DB? Trying that one lone swordsman in the Ashina Reservoir and i just fall on his head without the db 80% of the time instantly ruining the try.
jump in stealth
press attack as soon as you see the red deathblow thing, instead of waiting until you're closer to the enemy
The thing is the red thingy just doesn't appear.
try dropping from a different spot
Jump from stealth and make sure you're right above their head. If you're even slightly behind them if won't trigger.
You better believe it.
The only one I would say I cheesed was the main general at Ashina castle who I basically just threw shuriken at until he died after I snuck up and deathblew him and killed the gunmen surrounding him
O’Rin is actually really easy. Just counter all of her attacks and then hit her in between her attacks to keep up pressure and her posture breaks down quick. Her move sets don’t change much either between phases.
he can't be aware of you and you must jump and click attack when the red DB icon happens
that's not cheese that's the gameplay
I did the cheese on o rin where if you jump on her while she's still an npc you can get a free backstab
From my encounters, she deals more posture damage in her 2nd phase. I tried deflecting her combos as accurate as possible, gave up, and cheesed her instead. Maybe I'll get a second chance in NG+ and do it properly.
does spamming L1 count?
cause it costs no stamina and you block any attack without seeing it.
you might want to beat her now, you get a great latent skill if you win
I just beat Genichiro on my first try, am i awesome at the game now?
I did that. I'll cheese a backstab but the only enemies I tool abuse on are headless because fuck those fat cunts
You have to learn to backup and parry so your posture builds back up, and not always apply pressure. You have to be a bit more patient and do it in waves.
I cheesed Owl by running around like a retard and getting a whirlwind slash in whenever I could. I feel bad about it.
Deflecting ALL of her attacks isn;t easy though, maybe I fought her early but she can easily posture break you if you miss a couple perfect deflects. She was fun to kill and a good miniboss overall but you get punished extremely hard for a single mistake
Not really, it will prevent damage and lead to a couple inadvertent parries but it's not sustainable for most boss encounters. You have to learn the timing
Chad runner masterrace
Owl is a fun boss. He's not even hard.
I can spam L1, then L1 to the hits as they come, so if anything the first hit is a block.
In either case, I don't get hit. It feels cheap, but the game encourages spamming.
Where am i supposed to go first at Castle? Climb the castle itself, dungeon or reservoir?
u can choose but going through the castle to the top is the place to go first
>phase 1
wow it's literally nothing
Hold up so you attack the enemy, and then defend when the enemy counterattacks?
Sounds like practically every action game ever made. I guess you hate everything that isn't DMC.
>1/3 of bossfight made irrelevant
I don't know if it's considered cheese but I used shurikens on Lady butterfly but not snap peas, I used grappling hook on horse guy, I used fire on ogres, I back stabbed most mini-boss that were easy to backstab to take off first health bar and I used fire crackers on rape ape.