Only people who played Demon souls before Dark Souls was even announced are allowed in this thread.
Only people who played Demon souls before Dark Souls was even announced are allowed in this thread
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Played back in 09
Still prefer DaS1 sue me
It's the first game I ever imported. Late night Yea Forums threads watching jap streamers were fun.
I imported the US version because an EU one wasn't announced back then.
Demon's Souls is the weakest Soulsborne overall and the hipsters who praise its gimmick bosses don't know what they're talking about. They're basically storyfags who care about ideas more than execution.
Also while Maiden in Black was a good character, DaS's bonfires were an objective improvement and the fact that DaS2/3/BB went backwards is horrendous. It took until Sekiro for Miyazaki to finally get the message, and I hope it sticks.
I still remember all the Demon's Souls generals here. Jesus christ, time really flies.
>mfw finding out that you can fist skeletons to death
Any Black phantom edition owners?
Having what is essentially the same idea be executed over and over again in an on aggregate middling fashion sounds very boring to me. I'd rather have new ideas in a game.
yeah. It's a great game but people who put it above souls 1 and Bloodborne are retarded
And then there's this raging faggot
For the improvements to the bonfire, interconnected world, and Estus system, Dark Souls 1 actively downgraded Demon's Souls combat in a number of ways. It's really a shame, because although the bonfire system is great, the poor quality combat, mechanics, and spotty level design keep it from greatness. Dark Souls 1 is easily the most influential in the series, but it arguably the most flawed.
I was on Yea Forums when it was fresh shit was so cash
>who praise its gimmick bosses
Do people praise them? I assume you mean the ones at the end of each 'level' other than Allant
>actively downgraded Demon's Souls combat in a number of ways
Really? Everything felt like an improvement to me. Demon's Souls combat was faster but fuck if the animations weren't jank.
DeS has the second best level design in the series after BB and the most "unique" mechanics. It was also before Pfats invaded souls threads and ruined them. I miss when From didn't fuck up gimmick bosses, yhorm is a far cry from the storm king
Was too late for the import, but the threads were comfy back when I played the localized version
>your preference bad
>my preference good
Just arrange yourself with the fact that people like different things.
Dark Souls 1 has absolutely worst-in-series movesets, it was slow, and had tons of garbage mechanics like whiff stutters, kick that does nothing, hit-stun increased by upgrade, poise, etc.
Just poise alone is enough to make the combat objectively worse.
Rented it on release day since the fags who imported it wouldn't shut up how great it was.
gee i wish it revives it self soon i need to go back to where it all started.
I prefer the gimmick bosses in DeS, I've beaten every souls game up to 3, but stopped with BB since I feel the games following (and even The Old Hunters) took the "HURR PRUPEAR 2 DIE XD" meme too seriously
It was nice when you could ask something and the answer wasn't 'git gud faggot'
>there's a fluid flow between r1-r2 combos, some weapons have unique r2/r1 combo chains and this weren't replicated in any other games in series
>the only game in series where weapon damage type was EXTREMELY important
>weren't afraid of giving unique statues and utility to basically every piece of equipment
>better infusion paths
>more enemy variety and more interesting self-contained levels, harder individual enemies that forced to learn their behaviour instead of being a backstab bait
>hyperarmor over the hilariously unbalanced poise
Demon Souls had the superior combat, user.
>didn't play old hunters
it's the best piece of software from has ever put out, you're doing yourself a disservice
did you farm pure bladestone, right guys?
I'm gonna break your gay thread rules and post in here lmao
I never even heard of Demon's Souls, I thought Dark Souls was the first game and I only heard of that when Pewdiepie played it haha you mad bro?
People are ~90% sure that bluepoint (SoC, God of War, etc.) is working on a remaster.
I miss the early DeS threads, before everything was about git gud lol
I remember that hole!
I don't even remember how I stumbled on it. I remember quitting at the beginning because it was difficult, then coming back to a few months later and thinking it was the greatest God damn thing I've ever played.
I'll believe it when I see it. I refuse to be carrot stick'd like the metroid prime trilogy remaster
I played it, I just don't like how they implemented BS difficulty for actual creativity for every single one of the bosses
>inb4 git gud
hello dark souls 2 is the best dark souls game
is that Zowie ZA11?
3-2 was the best area
don't @ me
Git gud
Only people who played demons souls before US version was even announced are allowed to reply to me
No actually DS3 is the best, it's practically a remake of DS1, the ultimate culmination of everything the studio learned from game dev over the years.
Demon's Souls is actually the game that made me buy a PS3.
What? Bloodborne has way less of that than Souls 2 or 3
Retard it's the second worse game it souless
Dark Souls = Bloodborne > Demon's Souls = Sekiro > Dark Souls III > Dark Souls II
BB is pretty easy once you learn how to play I started a new game today and steamrolled cleric beast, gascoigne and bloodstarved beast all on the first try with the cane of all things.
Okay, retard.
>Get summoned as the monk
>Severely undergeared player rolls into my firestorm and gets one shotted
I felt kinda bad about that.
Ha ha he said the funny meme, even though there's absolutely no context for it. Fucking hang yourself, Redditor.
>infinity roll and bullshit bosses with aoe attacks and tons of hp
truly the culmination of everything bad the series ever done, all packed ine one single masterpiece.
There are millions of souls in it, it's in the name
I'm talking about the old hunters
I played Demon's Souls before Dark Souls
But I also played Dark Souls II before Dark Souls
I played it first but fuck me if it actually counts since I stopped after 7 hours due to being retarded. I thought using the archstone to return to the Nexus worked the same as using the nexial binding, aka losing all souls, so I figured I couldn't level up unless I beat the boss. Ended up losing souls over and over and only managed to level with boss souls mostly. Also didn't want to upgrade my weapon in case I got something better. I'd gotten through 1-1, 1-2, 2-1, and most of the way through 2-2 and by the end I was SL6 with an unupgraded (probably broken) weapon. Put the game away for awhile after that.
Wow you're sooooo deep, I bet you let r*dditors and youtubers influence your opinions
finished it 11 times in a row as soon as it came out in europe, was ebin
DS3 > DS1 > Bloodborne > DS2 > Sekiro
Fight me, bitches.
If you learned how to parry the only challenging enemy is laurence
>BS difficulty for actual creativity
I think it the other way round. There was a lot creativity involved in the Old Hunters. All of the bosses and locales were memorable, and the lore was very good.
Cane is the best weapon in the game
>owning a ps3
It was more fun because it was a fresh experience.
I prefer the linear level structure in Demon's Souls. Although Dark Souls 1 had a LOT of quality of life improvements. For me, Demon's Souls has the fewest shitty areas. Every fucking dungeon and swamp in the Dark games are a fucking chore though.
Like Dark Souls 3, I can't understand how a game with such fun gameplay is zero fun to progress from boss to boss.
I miss regeneration builds. It was cheap, sure. Also being able to forge weapons that regenerate your mana while you are going through the level. Playing a mage was more fun.
BB>Sekiro>>>DeS=DaS>DaS3>>>>>>>>>an old dried up pussy that smells like fish>>>>>DaS2
NO. Here I am. Try and stop me.
Rented it in 2010, ended up buying and finishing it in 2011.
I remember having a friend in high school play through the first stage for me, because I was so bad at the time. And then another friend and I took turns attempting some of the first parts of the other levels.
i remember the demons souls threads like they were yesterday.
Despite what neo-soulsborne fans think, it wasn't all bitching about pure bladestone droprates. If anything, everyone was bitching about the scraping spear being flat out broken all the time and flamelurker generally being annoying because his phys and elemental resistances were too high.
No, the r*dditors like you are the ones trying to be deep.
lmao. you're a joke.
Hi Matthew
Fucking get good, mommy.
Say what you want about him, but he was right with that vid.
to this day i still don't remember how i was ever able to beat DeS. i mean, i was only able to beat DaS1, 2, 3 and BB by summoning help for every single boss fight. i even suck too much to beat sekiro now that i can't summon help. but DeS was the first souls games i played and i didn't even realise you could summon help, so i don't understand how i was able to finish the game. probably used loads of cheese mechanics
Bloodborne is best Soulsborne with DeS trailing close behind.
this obnoxious faggot poisoned the well of every Souls game discussion. Nobody is allowed to have any opinions anymore because based youtube man told everyone already how they should think.
I got this game because of a gamespot review unironically and a bunch of other stuff saying it was really hard, went to my local gamestop and bought the only copy they had and ended up enjoying it a lot. The hard factor and people saying it was hard did pull me in I'm not going to lie about that. I remember seeing early game footage of it and dismissing it entirely because it looked too western or medieval but I'm glad I still got it.
I agree with you, but Living Failures are great. Orphan of Kos is also alright with his rampant aggression, although I wish you could exploit it to make him do dumb shit and leave an opening for attacks.
In a lot of ways it's even more boring than 2. Dark Souls 3 tries so hard to be difficult, and yet it never actually feels dangerous or exciting. Knowing that every chest is just another mimic, knowing that every enemy and boss has the same exact dash attack and endless combo, knowing that every single corner or item at a dead end just has another weak trash enemy hiding behind it, it turns it's attempts at surprise into something that's uniformly piss easy and the most predictable entry in the franchise. It's like a tired underpaid employee at Disney's haunted mansion, jumping out to unenthusiastically shout, "Boo!".
early DeS scraping spear/meat clever rolling attack invasions were some of the most fun I had in gaming. The amount of rage I collected at 4-1 was immeasurable
Bloodborne>DS1>DS3>Demon's Souls>Sekiro>DS2
how can you say that when you put sekiro last
Wow, this is the shittiest, most incorrect, and totally wrong opinion I have ever seen.
I actually feel bad for you because you took the time to type out that trash.
That wasn't me
Newish-but-not-totally-new game good, new and old game bad
that's what happens when player fatigue kicks in and the developers feel beholden to catering to fan's expectations for the series.
There's no way to escape this cycle either. Remember what happened to the deus ex franchise when Invisible War came out, it was too radically different and the fans still hate it to this day.
me smug so right
Poise is just the quantification of something which already existed in binary in Demon's Souls. The key difference (for pvp) is that player poise cannot be modified. Casting pvp aside entirely, the fact people talk more about Player Poise rather than Poise damage/the poise of enemies shows why bad Souls players have so much trouble with the game. Poise damage is everything. Outside of bosses and giant enemies, you should always be aiming to break your enemy's poise with a hit. In Dark Souls you could see the poise damage of your weapon, and boost it with a ring. You might employ a longsword for one enemy, but pull out the greatsword for a larger one. When get to the boss whose poise can't be broken, you would probably go back to something smaller. Was this the same in Demon's Souls, where different weapons could stun different enemies? Or was it was more "this enemy can be stunned whereas this one can't with no distinguishing between weapons". It's been a long time since I played, and I mostly stuck to fast weapons like the Kilij (which I do remember being able to stun the big skeletons).
Either way, the poise of the player is nearly irrelevant for PVE because you want to be avoiding hits entirely.
I dropped it on the Maneaters and only came back after beating DS2
Hey there, I can't believe why I fell for this game magazines shilling of this game but boy was I glad that I did.Though I wish it had launched sooner in Europe, we had to wait like a fucking year for it.
>he didn't play the game for the first time during the pure black world tendency halloween event essentially making every game in the rest of the series baby casual shit
maneaters are kino, every other boss gank has been a letdown in comparison because they all take place in an open field
how about you try actually countering the argument instead of wasting everyone's time reading your literal non-post
withdrawn from vessel
so the world might be mended
From probably didn’t push that marketing angle it was probably handled by whoever distributed it to the US
smuggie dd
>how about you trying countering my shitty non-argument
Sorry, I don't argue with retards, I just make fun of them
The thing I miss most was how effective shitposters were deflected. Bait has changed very little from demons souls days, but it seems that after dark souls came out on pc people started biting it.
I even Imported from US because it wasn't released(or even announced) in EU yet
I remember using faith halberd or some shit was cheesy
i have two of them, one is still sealed
what the fuck was this guys problem
How to tell if I've overleveled? I've completed 1-1, 1-2, and 2-1 and now I've been alternating between trying 4-1 and 5-1. I'm SL30 with a focus on Strength and Endurance and a Bastard Sword +5.
Its actually a girl, she was mind broken by a old men and defends his door.
>got there for the first time during
>halfway through the bridge a black phantom version spawns in
fun times
>you can pinpoint the exact moment souls went from swordplay to parry/backstab baiting
Bloodborne = DaS3 > DaS1 = DaS2 > Sekiro > DeS
people that feel nostalgic about Dark Souls are experiencing a filtered version of Demon Souls which causes the same form of unfiltered nostalgia to the people that played it first
Dark Souls is a good Dark Souls but not a good Demon Souls
Regen builds just needed better balance is all. You could stock on grass is what made them so powerful.
Fuck that one chariot nigger on the first level
>*organ kicks in*
Was it kino?
>I'm so good at these games
>but I need muh bonfires
Fake expert.
Is DS3 really better than 1? I never got around to playing it
Why did they never make another kino intro/trailer like this again?
Hi. I remember. Back then this game felt so mysterious, so different.
I never had the patience to get past the bridge with the dragon
>too lazy to turn ps3 off
>have this shit blazing off and on in the background for hours on end
got pretty funny
I kind of hate dark souls for memeifying demon's souls and making everyone forget what made this particular style of game so satisfying in the first place. Dark Souls also has alot more wikibait mechanics for absolutely no reason, and some terrible design choices like hiding the entire rest of the game behind tiny mansized doors making it easy to get stuck.
but user there's multiple bridges with dragons
>co-developed by sony
>has cinematics in
>only other game to feature them is bloodborne
I hope they will add 6th stone
Fluted Armor (male) is the best looking set in all souls (not including Bloodborne)
prove me wrong
protip you can't
I guess the first one then
BASED sony
Which stone was rolling skellies world?
>interconnected world is a good thing!
it's not
having the various shrine areas being linked to a general area around the city gave the world a much larger feeling than Dark Souls ever did. In Dark Souls it feels ridiculous walking for 2 minutes between a lush forest and a hot volcano or some ruined underwater temple.
Sekiro > BB > DS1 > DeS >> DS3 > DS2
Shrine of Storms
I like it about the same as dark souls.
As a purely single player experience I might like it the most
for co-op dark souls 2 is the best
BB > DeS > DS1 > DS3 > DS2
God no, each Dark Souls game is worse than the last one.
This guy knows his stuff.
back in the old days they had PS3 booths where you could play demos at gamestop or something. They would leave the game on the press start menu, but have a cinematic play intermittently to attract attention and advertise the game. It's a holdover from arcade days and the japanese love this kind of homage.
In 2009, I imported the Korean version of Demon's Souls because everyone was 100% sure the game would never come to the West.
When the American version got announced I bought that one too, since everyone was saying here would not be a separate European version.
When the European version was announced after all, I bought that one too, of course.
Not only did I buy the game three times, I actually went and got the platinum trophy for each of the three versions. What a fucking waste of time that was.
That’s what I figured. It doesn’t lend itself to sequels
based and sekiro pilled
what up bros. I pre-ordered DeS because of some dude on Yea Forums who kept making threads of his journey through the asian version. I was a huge Monster Hunter fan at the time and it looked like it would fill my giant monster killing boner. I was so wrong about what the game would be like, but I loved it so much anyway.
yeah it makes the world seem smaller than it really is. it's also really jarring when the lighting changes when you go through doors.
Shadow Tower > Sekiro > Shadow Tower Abyss > King's Field IV > Demon's Souls > King's Field 3 > Dark Souls 1 > King's Field 2 > Bloodborne > Dark Souls 2 >>>>>>>>> King's Field 1 > Dark Souls 3
Dead Rising 3, the best in the series, did this showing how the plane crashes.
shit taste
The thing that was good about the gimmick bosses is they could be beaten by any build, which is good because a lot of levels (ie 4-2) did not have shortcuts, which meant the boss was simply another obstacle to be beaten and not SUPREME TEST OF SKILL!!!
Honestly the only faults Demon's Souls has are the world tendency and weapon upgrades. Fix those and it's a perfect game.
i imported the korean version back then to get it earlier
i loved that game
t. started at 3 or after
go suck lucies dick you homo
Over half of this isn't even soulsborne. And sekiro isn't a souls game at all.
I never tasted shit so I don't know how it tastes. Tell us more.
Its best moments are on par with DaS1's, but it doesn't have the lows that DaS1. In that way, it's just a more consistently good experience overall. The combat is much faster-paced compared to DaS1 - whether that's a good or a bad thing is really a matter of taste, but I personally felt it lended itself to making the gameplay feel smoother.
there's that word again
>traditional full set of maximilian armour, rather than fantasy mishmash ragged cloak semi-armour that every other game has
demon's souls truly was kino
No one cares, autist.
this madman put KF 2 and 3 over BB.
Weapon damage type extremely important? I just used that fire sword and magic falchion so I guess I never noticed
the miners in Demon's Souls were tough guys with some damn thick (literally) skin. too bad you couldn't team up with them and take down the fat bourgeoise slavers.
It is. The rolling skeletons in world 4 take so much more damage if you unequip your weapon and just punch.
yeah and the miners in stonefang took hardcore thrust damage.
Too many swamp levels to be honest.
If I remember correctly the enemies mentioned in the post below yours were extremely resistant to all weapon damage types but piercing damage (that's cut, blunt, and normal). The elemental damage on your weps would help though.
>harder individual enemies that forced to learn their behaviour instead of being a backstab bait
this is truth
>rolling with stronk man pumping STR whenever possible with heavy weapons
>shit these miners take so little damage
>swap to rapier and just poke them
>king's field 2
>dark souls 1 level design on steroids
>amazing boss fights
>incredible enemy variety
>king's field 3
>best soundtrack ever
>fantastic atmosphere
>awesome level design
>cool as fuck spells
>lol let's put gothic archways everywhere
>how about we fill this room with crates
>how about we fill this room with candles instead
>you know what, just fill this room with coffins!
>shit enemy variety
>shit level design
If I didn't have a PS4 I wouldn't believe how overrated this piece of garbage truly is and I'm not even listing the vomit inducing chromatic aberration.
King's Field who?
Based and truthpilled, Dark Souls 1 > Demon's Souls
Demon's Souls autists are the worst
executioners set is my favorite set in soulsborne games, right next to the Choir set in BB.
they need to bring back gender locked armor sets at some point.
>the game is literally older than you
imagine being a zoomer
yes, iirc there are phys damage variants like blunt and thrust and slash and skeles are weak to blunt damage.
Old Hunters is better than the entirety of base Bloodborne, you're missing out by not gitting gud
I think the enemy design was cultured to the unique weapon upgrade system in Demons Souls.
Every 3 levels the upgrade path may give the option to split in one or two others and you could make three to five types of one weapon. The latter upgrades are going to be stronger of course but the earlier branches won't be outclassed easily.
This system is so much better than having to nerf weapons through balance patches. Instead provide many paths of viable upgrades and have a few that are secretly broken good, but are hard to get to.
I haven't heard anyone say chromatic aberration in a while. Bloodborne has a lot of motion blur that gets to new players.
I agree with you it sounds stupid as hell
Imagine having shit taste.
I want to play something old by FromSoftware (something emulatable on Vita), which game should I try? I love lore and exploration the most in souls games.
I mostly agree with this. DeS, while still good, really lacks a lot of polish, mechanics, variety, and difficulty of later iterations. However, imo it still has the best atmosphere, and while bonfires are nice and allow for a more Metroidvania style world design, I did like the hub and level select style of DeS. World Tendency was fucking garbage though.
King's Field games were always janky low effort garbage that never managed to surpass games that came years before them like Ultima Underworld
You should kys my man
Still have my receipt to this day. I can’t beleive it was a whole 10 years ago. I was but a wee lad.
I played it back then and had the wiki open the entire time.
I regret doing this so much and wish I could reset my memory of playing it so I could experience it all fresh for the first time..
I played and completed Demon's Souls when I was 11 or 12.
I had always played very easy games, put it on easy mode, but Demon's Souls just looked so cool to my child mind. I found out about if from a magazine with some headline like: "JAPANESE RPG MASTERPIECE FINALLY COMES TO THE WEST"
God that shit was hard, I cheesed False King Allant with some poison bullshit so he wouldn't even aggro.
Still one of the best in my opinion, there's something special about Demon's Souls that isn't present in the other games, which still makes it worth playing. For me:
Dark Souls = Bloodborne > Demon's Souls = Sekiro > Dark Souls 3 > Dark Souls 2 (haven't played Sotfs)
Dadgamer here, bought this at launch but only got around to playing it recently I hate my wife. Any tips on the swampy gas world? I just killed the boss that looks like the giant poo from Conkers bad fur day. This new area Im in is just an entire open swamp and I have no idea where to go, and there's enemies that glow red and push my shit in. What do?
-Brett, age 49
follow the light islands to the wood bridge
Post wife's feet.
this is very important
DeS definitely had the most unsettling atmosphere, or perhaps tied with BB
That's more a fault with everyone latching onto his opinions than it is anything on his end, though, really. He certainly hasn't made it his life's mission to tell everyone what to think about each From game or anything.
This is a terrible comeback, I hope you don't do this often
>Demon Souls
The Old Guard
>Dark Souls
The Legend
The Hero
The Foreigner
>Dark Souls 2
The Tall 99 STR Retard
>Dark Souls 3
The Seething Manlet who hates DS2
Is this true?
I only play From games co-produced by Japan Studio, am i allowed here?
DeS is still my favourite but I can't help to think the Dragon fight in Sekiro was pretty much what From would have loved Dragon God to be.
Top wife.
Dragon God wouldn't have been so terrible if only the game did a better job of communicating how hiding behind pillars works.
Pretty accurate.
I miss those comfy threads.
bruh, I gotchu
I fucking love this OST so much. Easily the best score in the entire series, with the exception of Gwyn's theme. Overall, DeS' and BB's OST are just quality.
These are super comfy
I'm playing Sekiro right now and it kinda sucks,i would rather replay Dark Souls 2
the other games are missing some of the crazy soundtracks (like armor spider). it all became "epic" scores where a lot of them just get lost in the shuffle. des' variety was great
Help me decide, please
never liked it
A true classic, I think about frames 3&4 on the daily
Why are the aesthetics of DeS still so good? No other game comes close to it's ethereal feel. Playing it is like reading out of an old yellowed fantasy book.
I picked up the demon's souls box in a store then put it back down
>took the "HURR PRUPEAR 2 DIE XD" meme too seriously
sekiro goes even more in that direction, it's funny because dark souls 2 was mocked for it while sekiro gets praised, wathever
fluted set is still the best armor in the entire fucking series and they never even came close to topping it
god damn it
there's somthing comical about from software making first person games like king's field for a decade and then switching to meme third person for dumb controller users considering they only made console games until recently
I bought it as soon as it was out in europe, but it took me around two or three months to finish the first level
>loved demon's souls
>loved dark souls
>loved dark souls 2
>bloodborne was way too fast
>dark souls 3 tried to be bloodborne
>now sekiro is even faster than both combined
am I the only one that misses the old slow methodical gameplay mixed with weird atmospheric worlds? what is from software's recent fetish for utra fast games with absurd anime moves and 5 phase super bombastic boss fights with obtuse gimmicks and overly flashy graphics? jesus christ let DMC handle that, you can'd do these things right, stop trying
Its the fog. Funny because in Dark Souls 1 and ever since then, they forget to put the filter, but they keep using the same fog. It doesn't really fit.
I think in the Bloodborne Alpha they actually tried to change it. The fog walls were composed of ghost messengers, but in the end product they just used the Demons Souls fog again.
It looks terrible in Dark Souls too. Remember the Ornstein and Smough boss room entrance? The fog wall stops half way. But in Demons Souls False Idol boss room they already had a tall enough fog wall.
>all those posers going on how about how amazing dark souls is
>they never mention demons souls
The atmosphere of Demon's is in its own league. There was also that psychological effect the health bar had on you with it being cut off whenever you were hallow.
Some of the boss songs are really underwhelming, but in some cases does this "chamber music" really add to the desolate state of Boletaria and the loneliness of your character.
Nope I'm on the same boat. I'm fine with sekiro since it's pretty much its own thing but DS3's constant rollspam gameplay completely breaks my immersion. I'd just like to be a tanky clanky knight please.
It was my first and only souls game since I fucking hated it. Never looked back again. DeS had godly atmosphere though so I'll respect it for that.
For BB, the speed was liberating and fitting. DaS3 felt cheap in comparison though.
I live in the UK and I actually played Demon's Souls before it even released in my country by importing an American copy.
Demon's Souls is also very short, and only two levels + 1 boss per archstone really isn't much. Shrine of Storms or Latria are really cool ideas, but you only get a little bit of each thing.
A third level and maybe one more archstone (you could even keep one broken archstone for mystery's sake) would be just enough imo. Or just make the whole Old One's area into a world of its own with a couple levels, the visuals are really really cool and I don't think it'd break the lore too much to have a bit of an area before the old one
Based thread, I still look through the artbook every now and then.
Too bad I played it after dark souls (PC) because who the fuck wanted to own a console after the SNES without getting one for a massive discount if it only has 1 game.
Only bought it because I bought all atlus collectors editions then, ended up being one of my favorite games of all time.
I remember back in the day when people still streamed games through there was a Yea Forums streamer with a fascination for the Claymore and he had fully upgraded versions of every single Claymore. Those were good times
I know I'm late but man they really shit the bed with neutering the movesets going from DeS to DaS
>when people still streamed games through livestream
dark, dark days
>bluepoint remake with omnidirectional rolling and the final Archstone
Good times
>lower panels
Yep, absolutely did that. Thought I was clever.
>bluepoint in charge of adding new shit instead of just improving the resolution and fps
They fucked up SotC so nah.
Oh wow the only other English speaker who's familiar with King's Field.
I have one sealed and a plain jane copy I play
I still need to import Goty Bloodborne though
The Japanese version right? Yea, that one has a MUCH better cover art than western GOTY edition.