Comfy - The Video Game

Comfy - The Video Game.

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It's all fun and games until you have to destroy reality itself

The most shit instalment in the series

Only till the retarded fantasy setting kicks in, then I dropped the game

What series you mong?

Loved it, one of my all time favourites

Marche is a Villain.


"Why did you make me do this, I just wanted to have snowball fights."

You can be a villain in the snowball fight too and take down Mewt.

did nothing wrong

Mewt is the villain, it's undeniable
His story is sympathetic but he does not have the right to override reality and force his fantasies on the world just because he has a kind of shitty life
He's a sad kid but really he doesn't have it all that bad, could be dying of superaids and malaria while starving

Am I the only one played and really enjoyed the sequel? One of my favorites, never see it talked about.

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His reality is much comfier though, I wouldn't mind

same, FFT is overly complicated/complex while FFTA trimmed a ton of fat

it's the same logic your typical anime villain has to become a God, blow up the world and rewrite the world in his own image because his mom didn't give him a cookie or some other dumb shit like that

Say what you want about the game but..
can't be denied. Just can't.

it would be more comfy if these fucks didn't exist

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Favorite battle themes

If you mean TA2 it's because it lacks the questionable moral compass this game has, and has to piggyback off TA threads whenever someone is playing it or comparing the games. If you mean TA then you just miss the threads

I'm playing it again right now. It's kind of a pain in the ass with the lack of cool jobs you have in the beginning, and the ones I really want are gated a little later. It still sucks that Thief got gutted, and Flintlock requiring Primes before you can do anything really hurts its potential. And I keep missing the season to recruit Gria, I keep meaning to add one to my team since I got to Fluorgis but it's not popping up. Can the clan recruitment mission give you Gria?

Tbh people who complain about the law system are zoomers. It was so easy to take advantage of it and it also punished you for not keeping track of it. Its such a shame they abolished it on the second game for zoomer idiots.

the second is better

Law system is still there in the second game, and can be even more bullshit when the only way to clear a mission is to break the law and forfeit your clan privilege and ability to cast raise/phoenix downs

Tactics > A2 > Advance
Prove me wrong

>game is boring and wastes your time
>call it comfy

t. Remedi
Marche's wish was to be the main character of his own life for once and he still realized that escapism doesn't solve one's problems but makes more for people around them.

The entirety of the FF series including the spin offs

>Tbh people who complain about the law system are zoomers

>here are a bunch of classes with different abilities to use
>but wait, we will implement a law system that will impose completely arbitrary restrictions on what you can do in combat, punishing you for experimenting with different classes and abolities

Game is garbage. It's just a dumbed down FFT (which had its share of flaws to begin with, none of which were addressed in FFTA).

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>he didn't learn the rotation and abuse it for free JP
>or get anti-laws from Ezel "Thug Life" Berbier

I think people tend to dislike that it's less serious and more lackadaisical but I still like going back to it. Especially if you're coming from Tactics, Tactics Advance still gives the tone that something serious is going on, but A2 is largely just a kid on summer vacation, and things sort of just happen to him.

Lot of the quests are fun, More races and jobs to choose from though it's annoying that some take too long to get to if you're starting over, returning characters are a treat, and the laws and gameplay are quicker and straightforward. It's just the story and characters that don't lead themselves to be that memorable.

For example, everyone knows that Marche is the main villain of the first game, but who can remember the main villain of A2?

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>law system is so shit that the developers added a bunch of shitty bandaids on top of it
>this somehow makes it a good system

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"You guys all had shit-tier lives in the real world, and are really happy here."
"But my life was fine and they don't sell my favorite tendies brand here, so I'm gonna destroy this reality because fuck everyone that isn't ME."

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Was it really that hard to check for rules before engaging the battle?
At least the 2nd game made it so that little babs like you can break the law without getting penalized too much.

Illua's a bitch, but Adelle is more memorable.

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I liked it too, just not as much as the first one.

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>Was it really that hard to check for rules before engaging the battle?
but you still get fucked over stupid bullshit like:
>no knockbacks
>critical hits knockback
>Marche crits a guy, kocks the guy back, and is slapped with a Red Card
>since Marche has a Red Card, GAME OVER DUE TO RNG

Marche came from a broken home, had a crippled brother his mom basically revolved around and just moved away from any friends he had.

That's why you have a Fencer or whatever Job running around being able to deal damage through abilities that didn't cause these things.

Come on, man. Game just wanted you to get creative and not rail it down with the same setup you have.

My game got erased and i never finished FFTA2

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>Go to the Fusiler unlock mission
>It's a grudge match against 6 Fusilers, all at the far corners of the map
>Might as well be WW1 with all the bullets flying everywhere, plus statuses

>Do the Flintlock unlock mission
>It's just a 4-round survival mission against endless Flintlocks
>They all have to cast Prime on themselves to use their moves
>So my Blue Mage using Roar instantly neutralizes and trivializes them all

The difference in difficulty between these two missions is interesting. It's like how one of Adelle's Heritor missions just has a fight against another Magimech again, it's weirdly tougher than the rest of them. Also FUCK KLESTA

I've tried to play A2, but I find it to be absolute hot ass. There's too much wrong with it to even categorize.
>Law system is absolute now, play along of don't get loot
>as far as I know no law cards to circumvent the unfair ones
>ai not punished by laws at all
>laws now tailor made to ruin a mission
> fight undead? no holy
>crafting element means you don't know what weapons you will get making builds random
>what npc and classes you get will be random unless you use a guide
>this all directly negatively impacts what classes you will be able to change into
>have only soldiers but only get items for archers or fighter, tough shit
>terrible progression curve
>can give you side missions that aren't possible without certain armors/weps hours before you can get them
>and a let down story after the great ones in FFT and FFTA1

Its fucking shit, mate

>What are mages
You just refused to adapt and blamed the game. Kinda like what happened to Marche, actually. It's poetic.

>destroy this reality
It wasn't reality though
Mewt was the one trying to destroy actual reality because "boohoo I get bullied at school"

I liked it, just circle around and come back when the laws are less shit. Plus it gives the Jagds where you can just murder anyone you want in your party, even fucking Montblanc

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You could see how they started skipping story aspects and the ending was too abrupt. Other than that it was fine.

Adelle sucks massive dick though.

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>Not having a variety of classes built up to circumvent the laws
>Not using law cards to be alowed to freely use your strategy
>not laughing heartily when the AI can't use moves against you due to the laws
Can you be any less intelligent?

We don't use that word around here

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>FFT is overly complicated/complex
No, it isn't.
This is why we hate you advance niggers, the advance games break themselves so fucking hard in the players favor that they added the judge system so the player doesn't fall asleep.

> mom bought me the game and pic related

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>Law system is absolute now, play along of don't get loot
>as far as I know no law cards to circumvent the unfair ones
>ai not punished by laws at all
>laws now tailor made to ruin a mission
>fight undead? no holy
The new Law system is utterly broken with what you can do with it. Use the Half MP clan privilege and equip Half MP on a unit and it can spam Ultima literally every turn. That's far worth following the laws for, with the only bullshit ones being stuff like "No harming weaker units" when all your team is stronger and you have no choice but to. And the AI not being punished is incorrect, laws are on a clan-by-clan basis, and the reason you can fight with reckless abandon is because your Judge keeps you from getting killed. Notice how there's no bodies on-screen anymore. That means enemy units can no longer revive their dead. That's their punishment for not being adjudged. It's a big part of the story.

>crafting element means you don't know what weapons you will get making builds random
It's literally FFXII's crafting system and designed to give you new weapons and abilities in scaling with the game as you progress and do the sidequests. It's not random at all.

>what npc and classes you get will be random unless you use a guide
Also wrong. Notices and Rumors in the Pubs will tell you when and where to recruit certain races, and more jobs are unlocked by doing their sidequests, which are gated after certain story missions. It's not random at all.

>this all directly negatively impacts what classes you will be able to change into
Work on the jobs you have, because they have requirements for shifting into the new ones.

>have only soldiers but only get items for archers or fighter, tough shit
This is you being an idiot. Fighters are much better than Soldiers and you need Soldier abilities to be able to use the Fighter job at all. For Archers, shift them into Hunters, Snipers, or Assassins.

>can give you side missions that aren't possible without certain armors/weps hours before you can get them
I have zero idea what the fuck you're going on about here because this is patently untrue. You may be gated by clan stats or requisite loot items, but there's always other sidequests that award them, and the Clan Trials will boost your stats to the requisite amount. And if you're talking about Clan Cinquleur, you're not supposed to be able to fight them the moment you unlock them.

>"escapism is bad!"
Said the video game.

adelle is fine, she's a turbocunt at the beginning but gets much better. that's what happens when you're immortal and know everyone you meet will eventually die someday, except you.

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>It's not random at all.
Not entirely correct. You get randomized loot from enemies when killed, or stolen. Each weapon recipe is unique, but not what materials are given.

While that's true, I hardly count those among the weapons you can craft since it's usually stuff or weapons you've been given before. And the auctions are where you really break the game in two early.

Were Green Mages the most useless class?

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Blue and green mages are both so bad holyshit.



Changed my mind, the most useless class is Agent, holy shit. Al-Cid is almost completely useless.

Maybe that bitch should have given me a cookie.

And he send his brother straight back into the wheelchair.

Everytime his brother feels helpless from that day on is on Marche.

Doned isn't even paralyzed, he's just ill and weak. It's strongly implied that his condition can be cured and he can eventually walk again.

Doned gets hospitalized and it's implied that he will return to being normal, he is just sick not paralyzed.

Green Mages can cast Oil, which can be helpful

>Just ill and weak
The fact that he isn't paralyzed and is in fact at a risk of just fucking DYING if he doesn't get over his illness makes Marche's jealousy even worse.

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The gba was a gold mine for comfy games.

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>The Fantasy world equivalent of CWCville

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it managed to make a LIKABLE version of fucking vaan, so for any of its shortcomings it deserves a fucking medal for that

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Vaan is likable in Revenant Wings too.

Can a kind user out there tell me which kanji this is? It's killing me that I can understand most of this sentence outside of that one kanji.

Tried a handwritten kanji lookup but I think my stroke order is too ass for it to detect the kanji.

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>Game starts up with Vaan's dream fulfilled and how he's SO BORED with being a sky pirate

I was disappointed by it. It wasn't as good as FFT. Abandoned it halfway through, and sold it eventually.

just had a stroke from the sudden surge of nostalgia