>has every single video game ever made
>favorite game is bloodborne
How the fuck does Sony do it?
Has every single video game ever made
>has maybe played a third
>A third
You're giving him too much crdit.
Being a pleb knows no limits.
>largest collection = every single video game
Are you mentally handicapped, OP?
He didn't say he's played them all you retard
Having Bloodborne as your favorite game is a sign of a patrician. It shows that person actually loves video games.
>largest vidya collection ever
>stil has shit taste
I don’t care for console war shit, but i don’t think bloodborne is a fun game.
So you have shit taste fám. Atleast console warriors have a reason to hate the game besides shit taste.
>Wii games
So literal shelves of shovelware then
You dumb fucks, OP is lying.
I watched the video myself, and states in the video Super Castlevania 4 is his favorite game, not Bloodborne
I too would like Playstation games if I just wanted to look at them, not play them.
I swear they couldn't have picked worse vidya for this image if they tried
FFX is okay I guess
>watch video
>only complete North American collections for various systems
Yikes, no Japanese collections.
>Sekiro poster on the wall
Is he dare I say, our guy?
>a third
so you actually think this guy has played a third of "every single video game ever made"?
Yeah, but where are his PC games?
Last gamer is better, everything of his is CIB
By paying FROM?
>all those loose carts
I think I'm gonna puke
>collects stamps
>favorite stamp is elvis aloha from hawaii
wtf how can Johnny Cash stamps even compete
What a loser