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109775240992012664 EU 4 slots
Risk of Rain
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Forced migration to /vg/ when?
did monanon fix the broken characters yet?
shut up and join !
Why so many shitty items fuuuuck
Just got stuck on the wall during my best run. 1 hour in, was trying to unlock the clover and now this happens FUCK me
look mom! I posted it again!
stop shitposting and join !
>find 4 red items
>all of them the headstomp item
crush them.
Are there new dlls for 6 players for the new patch or can I just use the old ones?
I dont get it. how can you guys not find this repetitive? I can only manage 2 games a day before I get bored as fuck.
>Stupid motherfucker decides he wants to start the boss battle instantly upon landing in the first area.
>Dies literally before the 3 minute mark
>Starts calling us faggots and pussys because we didn't want to kill the boss asap.
Which one of you fucks were this so I can call you a faggot?
FUCK I can’t wait to get off of work, grab a bar of chocolate, down a spoonful of kratom and start up my rig for an evening of Risk of Rain 2. First off, I’m gonna do my best to unlock the Huntress. After that you know I’m gonna grind out some games as her so that I can get that engineer! Turrets on turrets sweetie. Now you kids run out there and grab all of those sick upgrades while I hold down the teleporter perimeter.
did i do good?
Huntress is eezy peez to unlock, unlike the first game.
tri tipped dagger is far better than people give it credit for.
240% damage per proc is extremely good on characters who's damage comes from high rate of fire.
for commando and engineer, it is objectively better than the crit glasses.
How good it is on MUL-T requires more testing. the 0.4 proc rate on the nailgun makes it worse than crit glasses for him. however, based on how the 0.4 proc rate EXACTLY works, mul-t might be the only character who can stack the tri tipped dagger higher than 7 and still get something out of it.
I just got to that point two days ago. I played with my friend last night and will probably play again tonight and just go for unlocks but if anything it just made me want to play some other roguelite stuff that's more complete (and relies on skill rather than how quickly you can achieve a broken build)
>Loved RoR but I couldn't get past the first 3 bosses consistently before giving up.
>Loving RoR2 but I can't get past the first boss at all right now.
Just fuck me up senpai.
Opposite for me, ROR2 is easy as fuck but I can't do a solo run in ROR for the life of me.
Is it better than stickybombs though? Stickies at least give you both better proc chance AND damage per stack.
>who can stack the tri tipped dagger higher than 7 and still get something out of it
I thought things that go over 100% proc chance will always proc but also have a chance to proc twice and so on.
That's how it works with lensmaker's, say you have 130% crit stack, you will always do x2 damage and have a 30% chance to do 4x damage.
I used to struggle even on Drizzle in RoR1 when I used to play. The day before RoR2 dropped I went and did a run with Engi and I got through it with relative ease and in RoR2 I can consistently get to loop 1.
never you fucking tranny
What's with /rorg/ and trannies?
its /vg/ in general, not rorg
Assuming this is true let me do some quick spreadsheet autism.
calling someone a tranny is the right's answer to the left calling someone an incel. it's all politicuck shit
Post Artificer
What's bad about the vulture necklace thing?
4 slots NA
Is Artificer a girl robot?
It just pales in comparison to other orange items.
It temporarily gives you the powers of elite enemies you kill. The issue is the overloading power, it converts half your health into shields like elite enemies but once the duration ends it doesn't replace the shields with health, you're just left at half health.
don't come to Yea Forums often do you? every other fucking post in this shithole is someone calling someone else a tranny because they disagree over something fucking stupid.
it halves your health when you kill a blue elite
Is Huntress a robot?
either way i dont want some fag right away telling us where to post, were here to stay
109775240992094164 EU 3/4
Mod to replace music with tracks from the first game when? This OST isn't bad music, but it doesn't hold a candle to the OG and I've known several people who choose to just mute it entirely..
idk I can’t but the game until next weekend
>pick up vulture because surely it's not as bad as Yea Forums says, right?
>second loop of monsoon, 4 jellyfish spawn as boss with titan escorts
>i'm engi with afterburner so I'm comfy in my shields
>kill an overloaded, have half hp shield too
>titan fist knocks me into the air as my overloaded shield fades leaving me with half hp, right as the jellyfish does it aoe
I was half mad, half impressed. I got outplayed hard
Dagger outperforms stickies for effective damage (proc chance * damage) until 10 stacks, where stickies take the lead because daggers are linear and stickies are quadratic.
>Getting Hardlight Afterburner as Merc
Were you having trouble doing your 20 stages for the clover? Well protip: Newt store counts as a stage.
Can confirm because my friend was also trying to get the newt statue unlock at the same time and did like 5 trips through the blue portal that run. He unlocked the clover at stage 15
guys quick is there an attack speed cap or should i keep stacking more than 15 syringes
Keep going.
EU 3/4
Anyone have a screenshot/video of a dune strider doing its suck attack? I need a reference for a drawing but know that by the time I find one in game I'll be too far in to remember why I was playing to begin with.
So apparently there are like 500k people playing RoR2.
Does anyone have the assembly to play with Bandit?
Also, anyone got the resources file with the artificer and huntree capeless?
some1 in the US host blease, my internet isnt good enough for it and ive been waiting :(
Is the game actually good, or are you just pretending to like it because it's niche and makes you feel special?
US 109775240992108285
Geez, did I pick a bad day to play Arti.
Does anyone have the tougher times chart, or any other shit like this?
It's not so niche, it hit 4th most currently playing on steam a few days ago.
wait so if i modded my game it doesnt let me play with you guys? im only using 16 player and bandit mods :(
I changed mine back to normal because the game kept updating
Well, at least you can one-shot bosses now.
Should Mercenary get a passive damage buff from every enemy he kills for like 5%, until like 200%, but resets after 5 seconds? Or would it be a speed boost?
No, why would he need that? Just stack maracas. His late game is insane already. His non-M1 skills just need more use in the late game is all.
posted this in the other thread but it's in autosage so I'll post it again here:
Where did the "we're actually the bad guys" thing come from? You crash land on a nightmare planet, everything everywhere is doing its best to murder you, and you power up to survive get the hell off that rock, then half the endings are all "how could you betray your humanity like that ;_; you monster you killed providence ;_; shame on you for living"
there aren't that many shitty items in the game, and even then most of them are still useful. they're just underwhelming compared to everything else in the same tier. only rusted key, some blues, and wake of vultures are objectively bad.
monster tooth
fungus if not engineer
tri-tip dagger if you have one already
shield generator
rusted key if you aren't stacking them
red whip, since soda exists and you should be sprinting as often as possible
wake of vultures
brittle crown. decent early game, but you get more than enough gold later on just from rushing tele
transcendence is completely useless if you have any sustain
corpsebloom if you get too many
hellfire tincture
>orange, both of these are unaffected by fuel cells
Artificer needs to be buffed with a higher base speed and maybe double jump as well.
fucking retard
I'm high as fuck right now and tempted to buy this
post shitpost draw ideas
When are they going to bring back Enforcer so I can dab on these casuals?
Spicy meme though, 10/10.
isnt it time to go take your hormones and attend therapy sessions?
Merc and Commando just need to do more damage. Merc is FUN but boy is his damage kind of poop
Woodsprite is actually affected by fuel cells. You can send them to multiple people or send one to one person and keep the other on yourself.
The MGR rules of nature sequence but it's merc and a magma worm
Woodsprite actually gives a smallish burst heal when you activate it, so you can activate it multiple times in a row with fuel cells to turn it into a fruit. Obviously fruit is generally better, and this isn't the best use of fuel cells, but sprite can be used it on a teammate.
Merc scales disgustingly well though because you can apply mad item effects from a safe distance with your M1.
fuck no.
the only buff mercenary needs is a QoL buff that makes his dashes have i-frames/true intangibility like RoR1. especially since there's a couple of bugs where he can cause some momentum fuckery by either giving himself fall damage from hitting a wall, or launching an enemy miles away because he dashed at a very precise spot and the game conserves that momentum
while i'm at it, mercenary does not have trouble against worms/titans/elders, you just need to learn how to fight them with his toolset. the only characters that have actual trouble with worms are engie and artificer. Engie can just adapt by not stacking his sentries on each other though, but artificer's moveset is completely fucked against worms
Tougher times is just 15% reduction in the chance something can damage you for each stack. So your first gives you 85% chance to get hit, and the second gives you 85% of that 85%, and so on for as many as you've got. The returns diminish quite quickly but 4 is enough to get you to a little over a 50% to take a hit. I'd say 7 or 8 is a safe place to stop if you don't feel like you have any items more items you want to lose at a printer.
By merc I mean commando.
>get the perfect engineer run
>bustling fungus 3d printer, 21 fungus
>ceremonial dagger
>3 alien heads
>boss is 2 overloading magma worms
>die instantly
the only thing that I noticed changed with fuel cells when using woodsprite was that it lowered the cooldown when I'd send it to others. I thought that sending it to others removed it from the last person that I sent it to, but that's good to know.
>Dash at an elder lemurian
The boss imps completely melt my turrets in less than a second. What the fuck?
Is effigy of grief any good? I feel like I get it from every other lunar pod but it never seems to make a whole lot of difference when I drop it on bosses for the slow / armor reduction.
>use eviscerate at an elder's face, ends right as it's doing flame attack
>wow why did I die?
A severely injured survivor standing next to a blood shrine saying "more please"
I was playing Artificer last night and didn't find anything wrong with the movement speed, but having such a strict cooldown leash on your primary attack kind of put her at a disadvantage to other classes later on when your'e just trying to proc as much of your ridiculous shit as possible
Imp Overlords were recently tweaked to have no health regen but more damage.
>Fuel Cells out the ass
>Multi Gestures of the Drowned
>Royal fucking Capacitor
Literally just cast your gaze on an enemy and they melt. What's amazing is the force use is only done when you actually look at an enemy so you can stockpile lightning strikes to smite shit when you see fit.
It usually does remove it, but so long as you still have one charge, it'll stay on you afaik.
Enjoy your more "intense" boss fights!
the range isn't enough to really work with and it's more likely to get you killed because it lowers your speed, you're smack dab in the middle of it when placed and you have to get out.
On engi its alright especially on slower bosses. It melts them bretty gud.
They had health regen?
tips for wall-e? I love the tankiness but the mobility is killing me (literally)
>brand new game has frequent threads on a video game board
woow really? fucking kill yourself
are there ANY confirmation that double crits are real
people keep saying this shit but i have absolutely never seen it.
I miss him
It used to be pretty baller but now that it has a cooldown to put it back down after you pick it up so you can't abuse it as easily.
I think its still decent to help control bosses and kill them a bit faster but there are better use items out there.
They did, somewhere around 100 HP per second
Gestures of the Drowned is by far the best lunar item, no questions asked. A worthwhile reward for pushing all those crabs off the cliff.
I've been trying to get the hermit crab item recently but every time I loop I get roost and not plains.
>but the mobility is killing me
What are you talking about? He is the fastest hero, plus good shift. Wait till you see other heroes without even shifts.
Easiest method for that?
Yes. It's orange instead of red. try stacking lenses over 10 times
>attack worm
>die to burning
wow merc is great at fighting worms
Any advice on how to artificer? I'm having a really rough time getting a run off a ground compared to engi and merc, and it's a struggle if I don't manage to find even one useful healing item. So far my best run involved a lot of sticky bombs and leech seeds but it only lasted til the end of the 2nd loop. Artificer's kit is fun though, and I'm enjoying it even with the struggle.
They're not real. Someone posted pics of 10 glasses vs 60 glasses on the same target at the same level after printing a ton. And I tried with 15 glasses and my damage was consistent.
>there is currently a 9999 damage cap
Loop to stage 1 where it's the titan plains or something in multiplayer. Some guys kill monsters while 2 others push crabs.
What the fuck is this area underneath the swamp? It just tps me back to the map if I jump down here
wait what. his sprint feels so slow
but that said his shift is amazing, yes
Play drizzle, speedrun through the first 4 stages, pray you get titanic plains or whatever the more open stage 1 is, then push them off the edge of the map.
monster tooth is pretty fucking garbage, and picking up one rusted key will almost always pay itself off
keep in mind that these were base stats
by the time you were at HAHAHAHA they'd be able to heal obscene amounts of health
>acrid returns but his 3 has him use his ball and chain as a hammer throw to fling him across the map
I knew this was the case, people are busters
1 more us east
>it just made me want to play some other roguelite stuff that's more complete
Like what?
Not a jab btw, that's a genuine question, I'm kind of at the same point and want more roguelites to play.
Unless M1 skills are unique in this it's just visual. You can one shot bosses that have well over 9999 health.
why the fuck am i seeing a lasercheese reference in 2X19?
it's absolutely not true. 9999 is just the highest number displayed.
Sometimes it spawns a skeleton. Killing it grants you an archivement and item
risk of rain 1
Ah okay, cool.
Fuck. Someone make a new one
Gonna make some more oc once i get the time
Also, decided to pick up Artificer lately, bit of a rough start but after a while she gets real fun
need one more
>Get Royal Capacitor as Equipment
>better than nothing I guess
>incidentally rack up fuel cells throughout my run
once you get capacitor + fuel cells + gesture is fantastic
or just get gestures + rockets and maybe some alien heads too for infinite rockets. catalyst helps with both as well
>carried many ror1 games in the past
>can't get past the 3rd level even in drizzle
what the FUCK
people meme up the preon accumulator but the Capacitor only has a 20s cooldown starting out which instantly makes it better.
Get Gesture of the drowned and all you have to do is look at people
>he hasn't seen a newfriend pick up a gesture of the drowned while using crowdfunder, hellfire tincture, or meteorite
Gesture of the Drowned is probably 2nd or 3rd place. it's really well done but I think that glass is better. If the game stays balanced as is with enemies one shotting lategame, then glass completely loses it's downside.
if we're counting active items then meteorite is also pretty gud. the only time it's really bad is when you get enough gestures of the drowned/fuel cells for it to be endless meteorite spam
he's right you know. stop bitching and learn how to fight worms properly. the only time that merc is really fucked by worms is if your items are actual garbage like 47 rusted keys tier.
if everyone has the same itemset, then merc is just as good at worm killing as the others provided that he knows what hes doing.
You git gud XD mercenary fags really need to realize your character is useless once real difficulty sets in. Everytime I play with your type you do just fine until the game actually gets challenging then you are forced to pray you have god ranged items to kill stuff for you or you just run around the majority of the level complaining about burns only to get bold thinking you can fight then getting one shot by one of the many lasers trailed at you.
I've been tryharding my arse off in the prismatic trial, but I simply can't break 1000 with commando. I know someone did the last one as mr. no i frames and got placed in the tens, does anyone know how? I feel I've hit a dps wall now I've optimised the path.
US East. Down for a quickie, I gotta hit the road in a few hours
HOLUP are you saying we can ride on mulTEE????
>it is objectively better than the crit glasses.
Crits benefit from stacking with scythe and predatory instincts.
And isn't the bleed a DoT?
RoR2 kept the soul and general skillset, but has different gameplay requirements
what classes are you playing user? are you bad at aiming? are you rushing the teleporter still? If so, you may want to slow down just a little bit because it's no longer the best strategy since the difficulty timer now jumps forward a bit every time you teleport.
personally I do this early on
>grab some items on the way
>activate tele
>get last few items and leave
lategame you should just rush the tele because you get enough gold to buy the whole map, then warp once you have your fill of items
Acquire proficiency.
Though to be honest, Commando does really need the unlockable items to become decent.
Once you get the ball rolling on unlocks, you'll become unstoppable.
I need photographic proof double crits are not real
someone post artificer skirt mod
i've been away for 2 days. is mul-t still worth using? the nerfs don't seem too bad.
Glass makes MORE shit one shot you. At least on rainstorm around stage 20 you still get hit for 90% of your health meaning you can heal back up again. People being stupid and picking up an unsynergistic item doesn't make that item bad.
Good call.
Mul-t is still strong
just feels slower outside car mode
are mods still broken?
if so anyone up for a us east 4 man?
does anyone want to go halfs with me on this game? I'm a poor idiot who really can't drop more than $10 on a game at a time.
Delivery! Going to post the boner/skirt edit afterwards when i get back home.
They melted them before the patch too
This was my immediate reaction the first time I played merc
>well, he's fun as fuck but he does fuck all damage, requires a tonne of input and is squishy as fuck. Why would I pick him over everyone else who can do everything he does but from a distance?
You could probably make him work with a lot of items that heal on crit damage, decrease cooldown so you constantly have R up and such but that's a lot of reliance on luck just to have a good game.
So the boss damage bullets only work vs the teleporter boss, right? Not like the beetle queens that spawn before you hit the teleporter?
That's what I've been told
WHAT. That's some false advertising man, I figured they worked against all 'boss type' monsters.
>run is going great
>accidentally pick up a wake of vultures
I love it user, keep it up!
>hey whens this thing that inevitably happens gonna happen to us
>shut up janny, fuck off tranny, ree
I hope you get the gas.
>he isn't good as merc
there are three types of mercs in the game right now
>shitter that dies instantly
>cocky dickhead that dies midgame because of doing stupid shit like charging into a mob
>merc chad that plays well
i've literally only seen ~7-10 or so good mercs between Yea Forums lobbies and quickplay, and they all did the standard good player shit like sharing items and pinging stuff. Only the shitters bitch and die first level unless it was something retarded like someone rushing 2 mountain shrines then popping TP without anyone having items, which is rare enough as is. The cocky dickhead will either bitch or realize he fucked up at a 50/50
acting like merc is the only character that is item dependent is just an excuse for you to be bad at the game, because that's true for every character when you get far enough. the only real /issue/ that he has is that he has a higher skill floor, and shitters can get similar results by staying back and holding M1 as MUL-T. Stop crying for buffs because you can't play a character properly.
this game sucks
EU lobby
For all those niggers that say Hopoo isnt /ourdev/
I will support any of the madman's surprisingly amazing and never shit games until the end of fucking time
I need photographic proof they are
it's beautiful
>the clicking/snapping in Ice Level
>higher skill floor
Don't you mean lower skill floor? As in being a shitter will really throw your shittyness into sharp relief if you play Merc. High skill floor means you perform well even if you're a shitter - the 'floor' prevents you from performing any worse.
game is brand new you fucking idiot, it's meant for older games that persist
kill yourself you wannabe janitor
Loader - youtube.com
Bandit - youtube.com
Merc - youtube.com
Commando - youtube.com
Huntress - youtube.com
Mul-T / Hand-E - youtube.com
You have that completely backwards.
You're overreacting.
Which class do you hope to come in future updates?
P.s. i’m not a dev or anything
Just curious
Well, user? You are going to hit this Shrine of Order, right? Don't be such a coward. Go ahead. Do it.
Artificer's Ice Wall should be vertical like an impale instead of horizontal because it doesn't even block shit and some enemies just ignore/destroy it without getting frozen.
Bandit, release him already hopoo he's pretty fun.
You cannot possibly get similar results spamming from range. Damage, sure, but they'll never match merc's results in terms of style.
That's not what skill floor is. Skill floor is the minimum amount of skill needed to play properly. The higher it is the more skill needed.
Can someone hsot NA lobby for moonson achivement?
it's the only shit left i need
What does low skill ceiling mean to you?
lol sometimes you just fuck up and die no matter how good you are
just solo it fag
>act like a total fag
>"s-stop being so mean"
what difficulty? you guys pros? I wouldnt want to fuck your run up
I hope they make a mac version.
I love the first one and am being punished by my poor choices.
How do I get backup mags this is impossible.
Being higher skilled at the game won't improve your performance because the character is so easy to play at max efficiency.
> you pray to the shrine of combat and summon a Overloading magma worm
Skill floor = how hard to get into
Skill ceiling = how hard to master
If that's how you want to take it, fine by me retard.
Never buff merc, shitters shouldn't be allowed to play the fun character. Go back to MUL-T, kids.
pick engi and let your turrets do everything while you jerk off behind a rock
alternatively get good
How to make the crab thingy? Also it's the artillery ones right?
kys tranny
wtf does the Challenge of the Mountain shrine do? wtf do the challenge shrines even do? Just spawn more enemies?
stop putting them right on top of each other ya rere
only stage it's really possible to get the Hermit Crabs off the map is a looped version of the Titanic plains. If you get close to one they run away so you just chase them off.
>it's another "guy roams the map for 20 minutes even though we sweeped it clean and doesn't help you do the boss" episode
If it wasn't double Vagrants I coulda done it I swear
Holy shit that fucking damage.
Exactly, so if skill ceiling is the upper limit of performance, it stands to reason that the floor is the lower limit of performance. So a skill floor being high means that even if your skill is low, your performance can only drop so far.
Get more/stronger bosses in exchange for more rewards. Each one taken multiplies the rewards
>"i am new"
Modanon is working on updating em I believe.
I'm drinking ok I didn't immediately appreciate the stoop similarity.
>comment on how you took his post out of context and shouldn't overreact and take personal offense
>doubles down
the fuck?
anyone else new wants to co-op (EU) ?
>it's another "autist refuses to give up against overloading greater wisps when he hasn't even been able to dent their shields after 10 minutes" episode
stop the reruns please
>game is brand new you fucking idiot, it's meant for older games
>Risk of Rain (2013)
Seethe harder, tranny, we've been here for 6 years and we're gonna be here for 6 more
Best class for crab challenge?
US 109775240992170569
4 player
>all these drawings of Huntress/Artifacer faceplanting Commando
>still no drawing of it but in Commando's POV
My dick demands it. Better have sweat marks and cloud
The process of chasing something doesn't change regardless of what character you're on
Now I know you're just an SCP poster. Get the fuck off of my RoR thread, retardera.
fucking great
You still don't understand. Just reread what others have said or stop using the term.
Huntrass or da Merc for today?
Are you more likely to get double mountain shrines on Monsoon? And are they more likely to actually give you the fucking challenge completion instead of ignoring it like a cunt?
any of you have the one where the escape pod is a truck
You guys weren't kidding that it's actually easier to do long runs on Monsoon
I got up to 18 and only died because of a dumb mistake, and previously was struggling to hit 10 on Drizzle and whatever normal is called
Side note: you don't need to Mountain the boss to get Deicide, I got it from a horde boss
Trying too hard, tranny schizo.
Stay mad.
still way better than wake of vulture lol
>need 10 more crabs
>distant roost
>distant roost
>distant roost
>distant roost
>distant roost
>distant roost
>distant roost
>distant roost
>distant roost
>distant roost
>the backupmags tapped to the sword
I haven't noticed any shrine difference on monsoon, for any shrine at all, including moon shrines
>it's a blazing elder wisp episode
You can't do better than the skill ceiling, you can't do worse than the skill floor. All you're telling me is that the established terminology is inconsistent.
i really can't get a grip of her. Snapfreeze really feels like shit
As far as I can tell the game isn't recriminating you for trying to survive, but there definitely seems to be an implication that all those items have a mutating kind of effect on you. More about the cost of survival than killing Providence.
this image is different every time it's posted, I love it
>being a virtual homeless person begging for (You)s from every passing RoR2 thread
>Commando and Artificer just standing/floating
>Mercenary, Huntress, and MUL-T all in a ready action pose
>Engineer sitting by his turret just chilling with a mine in hand
It's a minor thing but I dig the tiny characterization sin the character select menu
> playing merc
> shrine of order
> 20 soldier syringe and 30 crit glasses
I need 8 more and I'm fucking tired of it, whenever I get to plains I have the kind of equipent that just lets the game play itself and all the crabs die when I so much as exist near them
how do I give myself that stupid achievement
something about this post suggests you're lying
How the fuck did you get nine glass fragments
Does elite bosses does more damage too or is it just the regular boss + gimmick?
can i expect skins in the steam workshop for this game? i know you could use custom skins for darkest dungeon that others made, but might be tougher in 3d.
>Could have just used ended the run
>Decided to walk through the teleporter
I hate Overlords as Engie so much
need 2 more
considering people were making model edits two days after release, there's a high chance of skins
more damage and more health like regular elites, plus whatever elite effects they have (blazing dots, overloading shields, etc)
It's like a half A-press - everyone knows an A-press is an A-press, you can't say it's only a half, it's just the person who coined the term doesn't mean it literally.
>just rushed into their attacks
Typical low IQ engi shitter.
how 2 get don't heal for three levels challenge
don't you have an innate heal?
I know it's not the right panel but I wanted it to say Goolems
Who here got the "Deicide" challenge done?
Please give tips
why'd you walk right into them you dummy
self base heal doesnt count towards it
just dont pick up any healing powerups or health drones
>4 fuel cells
>preon accumulator
Going to draw some thicc Artificer thighs
Ruining an incredibly cool run early because you're careless is the worse feeling ever
I just had one with 2 CEREMONIAL DAGGERS shit was insane
I fight on one side and mobs across the map was dying on it's own
You CAN do worse than the skill floor because you can be a literal retard drooling on the keyboard. That's why the skill floor is the based on the skill needed to be sufficient with a character. So Engineer has a low skill floor while artificier has a higher skill floor.
anyone know how you're supposed to get the environment log for gilded coast yet?
shut up seething retard
> the ground tremples
I need to see Acrid with the sunglasses you have no idea
run monsoon
pop mountain whenever you find it
you'll get it eventually
>Meme Accumulator
Come back to me when you become a real man and whip out your Royal Capacitor.
it's bugged, hopoo said he'll fix it
You are just going to draw a normal torso on the legs of a landwhale.
Just stop now.
U.S. west, vanilla. Rainstorm, 1/4.
black hole really helps
Why is dying so unceremonious in this game? It's works though, because of it, I only feel the urge to start another run when I die.
Preon Accumulator or Royal Capacitor?
>nerf capacitor
So what's the story gonna be about when it's there? It's clearly a sequel as evidenced by the abandoned survivor camp
the moon items seem to point towards some kind of time fuckery
>turned all his mobility items into mushrooms
>then died when his turrets weren't able to tank everything for him instead of kiting
engineer players
>hardlight in First map of the game
>still RIP cause Blaze it enemy's are fucking retarded
also once my Eviscerate didn't port to enemy (while MANY were around me) without hitting anything as the stone titan shot me.
You can do better than them alleged skill ceiling as well if you're a hyperintelligent omnibrain, what's your point?
Nah, the OST is actually amazing. I thought it was weaker at first too but I appreciate it more and more the more I play. Weird thing though, game doesn't seem to play full version of tracks. Like that snow level theme has actually epic second part but I never hear it, just the first mellow part on the loop.
Royal Capacitor is more fun for me since it's so instantaneous.
accumulator if you don't have any fuel cells
capacitor if you do
>playing the game with friends who are completely new
>Pick merc
The moon is getting a large focus this time. Half of it has apparently been blown up, I hope we learn about that.
>like 1/6th the cooldown
>only slightly less damage
>doesn't take an eternity to use
>can hit anything anywhere
Preon is shit compared to Capacitor
>huntress x commando
>arti X engineer
2 Cells. Capacitor it is then
from the small lore fragments we have, it seems there was an expedition to find out what happened to the contact light, but that's about it.
No you can't, because the skill ceiling is the max attainable level of skill. No amount of intelligence is going to make your character do more damage, and have more survivability than if they're being played at their peak. There's always going to be a correct action to take even if no human ever reaches that point.
>spent 30 minutes dealing damage to that claypot boss
>he recovers his entire health bar in 10 seconds
merc is volcel
>when you were being faceplanted, I studied the blade
>Whilst you were obsessing over thick thighs, I studied the blade
>friend dies and is forced to watch you style on bosses dancing on air
Do not worry. I am merciful and will print you some items next round if you can survive until the spawns end.
Merc can have Sniper
Is there a way to set a custom framerate cap? I don't want to have to turn on v-s*nc
>half of the moon has apparently been blown up
The first time I tried a Shrine of Order it made all my whites rusted keys.
I gave up after that.
sniper is a mystery gender
are you saying merc is 50% chance to be gay?
And I thought I'm bad if I keep dying to fucking clay dunestriders.
merc x mul-t[/spoiler
capacitor only hits one thing at a time
preon hits everything in its path then dumps a wad of damage into the main target
mostly it's to taste, but preon seems more useful at high levels because of the insane spawns
game files
So why did Hopoo change composers? What happened to the old one?
Does the game not have local saves or what? Every time I quit out I lose all my progress
Sure, but I'm hedging my bets on female because
>..and so they left, the sound still ringing in deaf ears. "I wish you could stay," they tried to hack out, but it was useless. So they held each other, and the Sniper slowly shut off the spotter. Finally, tears fell from blind eyes.
Men don't cry user
>merc gets a flaming hot rebar up his ass
you'd have posted a screenshot if it were real.
Later on you'd be able to use the capacitor 30 times before the preon can finish firing once.
don't pirate
>sniper is a mystery gender
not once he's ported to 2 if the extra thicc trend continues
mfw hopoo makes him intentionally androgynous
someone host eu already
Are you suggesting that skill ceiling is not usually meant as a generality? I don't see any hard proofs floating around for the real upper limit of performance.
After RoR1, the old composer went on to make music for Deadbolt. I can't remember which game he moved onto after that.
>Getting 2
Too bad Merc is absolutely unviable in the late game unless he can hoard the most bullshit build.
Once you're at HAHAHA can you essentially take as long as you want per stage?
can you help a retard out and tell me which one
>overloaded spawn
your brain on Engineering
Because it applies so well.
Merc X his sword
it's the same guy
no, difficulty keeps scaling
But how do I play when I don't have internet?
Merc can just go choose a monster, he is a weeb, right?
not really, crazy shit starts spawning if you sit around too long. usually in ahahaha i loot a few chests and get the fuck out of there
enemies still get more health and more bosses start spawning ambiently. However you should hopefully get to the point that you wipe the floor with everything as they spawn too.
You do get to that point where you take mountain challenges and nothing actually spawns though.
Mercfags name your swords NOW
>merc is just as good at worm killing as the others provided that he knows what hes doing.
What does he need to be doing exactly? An Overlorded Worm is pretty much impossible without R spam for 10 hours straight, from what I've played.
>Merc's dodge all those thots
bruh look at this duuuuuuuude
for me it's the right
it has a small aoe on the targeted enemy
also much smaller cooldown
Rip Roarin Boogerpenis
right is better
US East, Monsoon.
For anyone who may be wondering
fucking retarded bullshit, spent like 10 mins killing one only to realize it didn't count, and then I went to the final stage on my third loop and barely managed to kill a blazing imp overlord
Are you retarded?
merc damage so bad, but he so fun.
ARGH! if only we had loader/miner, the REAL mens melee characters.
you can play until it bugs out and the only enemies are the ones that start already spawned, tps don't spawn anything and you won't have enough money to open anything
Gushing Granny
What does brain item do, don't have it yet.
Should naturally spawned bosses drop items again?
right now there ain't really much reason to try killing em
Devil Sword Manko
Succ cube? More like Succubus.
Why are people saying monsoon lategame is easier than the lower difficulties?
anyone from US hosting a modded lobby? its not letting me join anyone elses lobby because my version is called "MOD" apparently
because Overloading Worms are a separate species from Magma Worms (they have their own logs), as opposed to being an elite variant of Magma worms (otherwise it'd have half of its health as shields)
I don't think worms can spawn as elites.
overloading worms are a seperate entity, user
they even have their own monster log
They should if I have to deal with them.
>white number
>orange number
>red number
And no, I don't mean burn and bleeding
Against Imp Overlords and Magma Wurms you wanna spread your turrets out more
Well with enough Fungus you can tank the wurms but I've never managed to tank an imp
better items immediately
I've walked out of level 1 with a red more often than not
I have to assume that's some kind of oversight. It's dumb as fuck if it's not intended.
Skills have no cooldowns for 3s upon killing an elite monster. (+2s per stack).
Does anyone know a quick way of getting this? It's the last one I need.
I understand that, but that pisses me off because the Overloading Stone Titan is an elite, but the Overloading Worm isn't? That's just fucking redundant in my opinion.
>more spawns earlier when enemies are easy to kill means more gold
>more gold means more items early
>more items early means better builds come lategame
>Overloading worms are their own thing
>Blazing overloading worms are out there
....You do know that a massive amount of people cheated the trial
You already got a good time, lay it to rest.
>overloading "stone titan"
>overloading "worm"
is magma worm an elite version of a "worm" enemy in your mind?
>better items immediately
how so
They're retarded.
Drizzle gives you an invisible item that provides armor. No difficulty is easier than drizzle.
Because it's an overloaded elite variant of a Titan as opposed to the species "Overloading Worm"
>>Blazing overloading worms are out there
I still think it's stupid as fuck. You can't change my mind.
You mean Volatile or Frenzied
Are they going to bring back Frenzied?
it's more along the lines of the fact that any fucking drizzle run will make it to lategame, but if your build is anything less then great then you won't make it to lategame on monsoon
What about Gasoline? It's damage stacks enemy per enemy basis
t. never played ror1
probably edited hit lunar coins count and went to the bazaar a shit ton
Bandit core
there's no real quick way, just pray your stage 5 is titanic plains.
engi best class prove me wrong
overloading worms were elite magma worms in ror1, retard
You guys got a Fungus chart to see how high it can go and outheal damage?
either monsoon gives you better items or I just got lucky the last few times I played
>Missile elites return
>doing jack shit while your turrets fight for you
literally cuck the class
In moonson difficulty elite bosses appear as you progress further? or they only appear with challenge of the mountain?
Not even time with the game makes me appreciate it more. I like it less and less, if anything. Production, mix space, plastic as fuck synths, toned down mellow sound, all of these are a downgrade from 1 with maybe a very few exceptions. Not even the solos in the second parts salvage it. Here's hoping this OST is just unfinished/placeholder.
Should be fixed now
4 player us east
Does blood transfusion stop giving health after 100 hp gained? It works with transcendence, but I never noticed it stop giving me extra shields.
they appear as you progress further
it still hurts
Dunno mane, I only did the dagger/sticky comparison because it was relatively easy. I also did not take into consideration that stickies can damage other enemies than the primary target.
NA east
never seen those on drizzle,
nope gonna take a bit longer lmao
as you progress further.
some people are saying it sometimes won't work without Mountain but I had it trigger after an elite horde boss without it
>frenzied stone titan whips out its laser dick at lightspeed
this needs to happen
Seems OK with cube, assuming that the damage increase is per tick of burn rather than total.
Does anyone know if Huntress arrow rain is improved by syringes?
its fairly shit for a green item
Thank you based user.
Yes actually
who's white block and comman2?
I think you MIGHT need to do a mountain challenge for it to 'count'. Also, Horde bosses (Like Elite Green Wispos) don't count.
How do you see the progress for each achievement?
Post updated pastebin.
How do I unlock the melee sword guy?
There's also the fact that Frenzied Elites can teleport to you
Does this even account for proc coefficients? It doesn't does it.
look under challenges in the logbook
Obliterate yourself
So can someone explain the Risk of Rain lore to me?
holy shit
Loop back to Rally Point
This man is siphoning all your funds
fucking Matt
White Block is Han-D he has no icon yet
Commando 2 is Sniper, both of them have no actual icons yet
are both really unfinished. Bandit is gonna be the next survivor
When I was doing long road with Commando on drizzle I was able to tank 5 titan lasers and stay at max health thanks to all my scythes, but the run ended when I decided to test whether I could survive a blazing titan laser.
i hope modanon makes the Yea Forums mod toggable in console so we can still connect to randos onlin and w/ people who dont have the mod
pretty sure I completed mine through a horde tp boss without mountain
you crash on a hick planet where greenpeace decides to fuck you up
>survive blazing titan laser