3 > 5 > 1 > 4 > 2
We're all in agreement here, right?
DMC thread, I guess
3 > 5 > 1 > 4 > 2
We're all in agreement here, right?
DMC thread, I guess
2 > DmC > 4 > 1 > 5 > 3
Where's 5?
nope,1's still the most fun to play,3 ost and level design and enemies bore me to death
BEWARE! the contrarian...
I liked 1 but I'd sooner replay 4. The camera and underwater bullshit doesn't lend itself well to replays.
>people actually ranking DmC alongside Capcom's masterpieces
Top Kek my dudes
It's like basic math for fuck sake. Go back to school.
I'm still not sure where I put 5, but prior to 5 my rating was
1 > 4 > 3 >>>>>>>>> 2
I'm thinking 5 may be above 4? Addressing why 3 is that low, I still love 3 but I fucking hate DMD and half of the enemy deisgns. Enigmas & Soul Eaters are some of the dumbest fucking enemies ever designed in a 3d game.
and yes I have finished 3 on DMD, but god damn was my finger was sore from holding down that DT button the entire game
Well, 1 is my favorite but I do agree that 3>5. Pretty as it is 5 is a shallow imitation of 3 and just doesn't have the same impact.
I was young when I played 3 so it’ll always hold a special place in my heart.
And I don’t much care for Nero
it seems the only thing Yea Forums can agree on is the fact that dmc2 was an unholy abomination
There's something about 1's style and moody atmosphere that makes it pretty replayable in my opinion. It felt creepier than any other entry; the semi-RE style music certainly helped. Too bad the gameplay aged like cottage cheese in the desert.
Shilling for DMC1 for "muh atmosphere" is nothing new, but:
1, 3 and 5
2 and DmC
I liked dmc 2. Mostly just the design at the time was the coolest shit ever
Does anyone have that picture of Dante holding his dick and spying?
Also 3>5>4>1>2
Swap 3 with 5, and I'll concede.
It's the weakest game in the series by far, but it's not completely unplayable as some would suggest. I actually enjoyed my one (and only) playthrough, bosses were challenging.
>DmC above DMC5
Imagine being such a fucking contrarian
This is the worst taste I've seen in my entire life
Never played a Devil May Cry game, is it worth picking up the trilogy on PS4?
Oh I didn't realize it was backwards day
Yeah, just don't play 2. Or do, but when you realise you don't want to play anymore don't feel bad.
All the Capcom ones are worth it other than 2. I'd even say 3 is the best game I've ever played.
>tfw no dlc crack yet
Yes, I'm currently playing through the entire series for the first time and it's been a great experience so far. 1 and 2 aged poorly, graphics are rough, gameplay is archaic but still manageable. Each game is challenging as all fuck, so prepare for some mild frustration my dude, good luck.
i didnt play any of the others and never will
I like Beowulf and Ifrit more than Balrog, shit's too complex to use
3 > 1 > 4 > 2
Haven't decided where to rank 5 yet
5 best ´
Why are you even in this thread faggot
Yeah I was just thinking this. Granted I'd probably only play Bloody Palace in 4 and not the main game.
>5 not at the top
How can all of you be this big of a nostalgia fag. Yeah yeah 1s barebones Resident Evil atmosphere and it’s 3 bosses and 3s story (Vergil) and everyone likes to jerk then off but 5 just tops them so rediculously much. It’s not like they’re bad just because 5 is better
fuck rating dmc if you do you are a fag
4 was good, idk why people shit on it so bad
>fuck rating dmc if you do you are a fag
I agree. I don't consider it a true Devil May Cry game. I only rank 1-5.
That's not what Trish's new nose looks like.
>"muh atmosphere"
Just because you add muh to it doesn't make it any less true.
The actual, objective list.
1 > 3 > 5 > 4 > DmC > 2.
That's another thing we can all agree on, DmC doesn't count. Ninja theory made a technically proficient action game, but it had none of the charm or style or focus or SOUL of the Capcom games.
4 was good, in fact it is GOTY 2008 to me, but 1 and 3 were better because in 4, Dante's half was a retread of Nero's. I don't think it's a game-breaking flaw, just less interesting.
I know you go back and forth a little in the tower in 3 but they change it instead of making it a retread.
to talk shit to zoomers
even if the IP was original and donte was a OC donut i'd still hate him
I'm probably in the minority for this (at least on Yea Forums) but I actually really love DMC5's aesthetics and environments, there's pretty much only like one area I don't like the look of. I thought DMC4 looked nice but I really like the more moody and grotesque parts of 5. Some of the missions have that kind of gothic feel to them
I would honestly rather play 2 just because of how little respect I have for DmC. DmC disgusts me so much it makes me defend 2, which I thought I'd never have to do because it's one of the worst games I've ever played.
Yeah 4 is a good game it's just not done. Instead of being a straight retread Dante's levels should have been different areas in the same general area with maybe an area Nero went through to make you go, "Oh hey I remember this part."
1 > 5 > 3 > 4 > 2
I'd swap 1 with 4 but otherwise it's alright.
Now let's not talk crazy... As far as gameplay goes I'd rather play DmC again. But they're both shit for story. I'd rather just play DmC and tune out the 'El Fuck you' cutscenes.
The aesthetics are totally fine, but like one third of it being just demon tree environment shit kinda gets boring.
You're not the only one, I loved the urban fantasy feel of the early levels
You mean boomers bc zoomers didn't grow up on DMC
That would've been pretty much perfect.
I will concede DmC has better gameplay, objectively, but something about that game just makes me hate it beyond belief. I think putting either one as the worst is acceptable though, personally.
I'm only 20 and DMC is my favorite game series. I had a lot of hand-me-down games from my older brother though so maybe that's why it's different for me.
First playthrough
Second playthrough on
5 > 3 > 4 > 1 > 2
for first impressions 3 wins, but there's not a single enemy in 5 I hate fighting. I 4 had those stupid fucking infested demons, 3 had fucking soul eaters (pausing to turn around and shoot or spam attack is hardly fun), and 1 is below 4 because I fell in love with Nero's playstyle
I get what you're saying, but for me it was fine cause the tree had different sections that were very different from each other, the Qliphoth is one of my fav environments in the game. But still I get it, there are some parts where you revisit certain sections of the tree, like as Nero in mission 8 (at least near the end as you get closer to Urizen).
I like the city levels too. A lot of people say that the city parts are heavily inspired by DmC (which is partially true, not gonna deny them taking any inspiration from DmC at all) but most of the time some of the architecture reminded me more of DMC4, just darker with a different colour palette.
I can't be the only one that feels like DMC5's characters and environments are a bit uncanny right? It's really weird to see everyone in such fidelity.
motivated and powerpilled
This is true in a sense. 3 has the better story, and therefore a better progression and a more satisying conclusion while 5 is more fun to play.
Get back to cuteposting.
>Putting your hands on a public restroom floor
What the FUCK Dante
do you think he washes his hand when he eats pizza?
>beat twin ice and fire demons
>get ice and fire swords
>beat a giant frog with slutty succubus antenna
>obtain a Marcellus Wallace briefcase with missiles
DMC4 never sat right with me, it never mattered after all the time I put into BP but it left an empty feeling retreading the recycled environments. 5 feels like it didn't fulfill its ambition 100% but I've never felt upset during any of the playthroughs
Ghost Rider crossover DLC when?
It's because they didn't have time to actually complete Dante's levels. Dante was supposed to FIGHT Gilgamesh, Pandora, and Lucifer. They had to shift development to have him just run Nero's missions in reverse, though.
It sort of makes narrative sense at least. The demons were just guarding the Arms that were being used in the ritual while in DMC3 they were created from the demons you killed.
Lazy explanation? Maybe. But at least they address it.
I did like how DMC3 had most weapons you get directly correlate to the boss you beat.
Think it was due to budget.
Maybe the weapons would have related to the bosses if they actually were able to finish Dante's half of the game.
Also Agni and Rudra were Fire and Wind demons.
Thus their combined title being The Fire Storm.
I like Agni & Rudra better as a boss and as a weapon, but I thought Pandora was fucking awesome too.
He's wearing gloves for a reason.
Yeah I first typed that up about Cerberus and didn't remember correctly, felt wrong typing ice but I'm too drunk to recheck.
Personal choice
My play order
3(entry to the series in ps2)>1>2>3se>4>4SE>5
Haven't played DmC:DMC since PC only has the normal edition and it's trash, DE is the one that fixes shit.
I like them all, Yeah even 2. Probably because i appreciated what translated to 3 and not abusing the guns so much
i didnt "grow up" on dmc, youre not a boomer if you did you are too young. youre a fuckin zoomer if these games are childhood things for you.
I liked the later Qlipoth missions much more than the early ones. Especially towards the end when Dante reaches the top and there’s a nice contrast between the tree and the sky.
5>4>3>DmC>1>2 for combat
3>1>5>DmC>4>2 for story
It's really hard to hate DmC as passionately after getting 5. A lot of the hate for DmC was "you made this bullshit instead of what the series deserved?" but now the series (mostly) got what it deserves and the DmC footnote isn't as negative
>Wear gloves so you can touch the piss-streaked tiles for style points
>Brush off your coat later, get pissy essences all over it
>Grab your sword, now dubbed the Pissy Blade
>Go back to the office at the end of the day, take off your filthy gloves, hang up your pissy blade and urine coat
>Grab a bit of pizza
>Become a carrier for super aids
Even though the gameplay is getting better I will say that they need to stop with the multiple playable characters. It really messes up the pacing and certain characters just won't be as good as others. I want DMC to go back to having have extra characters as bonuses to run through Dante's main story again.
I've only ever played 5 but I have to tell you I did not have fun with the game and found it to be extremely shit for a variety of reasons. I suspect 'fans' of 5 only like it because they are loyal to the franchise.
Been playing and participating in all things DMC since the RECVX demo disc. Now that the game is “finished”, I can safely rate.
3 is a 110% finished game with an excellent story, imaginative level design, rock solid design, and a huge amount of unlockables.
4 is a half baked game with a jank story, but the deepest gameplay and excellent variety. The visuals still hold up 10 years later. With SE, it achieved peak replay value.
DMC5’s story ends as soon as it finally starts, there are almost no unlockables, the level design is almost as bland as DMC2 were it not for some stand out pieces, and the gameplay is exceptional. The graphics themselves are great, the art direction is abhorrent.
1 and 2 are self explanatory.
If 5 gets a good SE, it could surpass 3, but we’ll have to wait until then.
That's because the bosses of 4 weren't devil arms. Dante got his weapons from the devil arms that were powering up the Hell gates which is why Lady hired Dante in the first place, they were fucking with her jobs involving either demon or devil arm.
Paying attention would actually help enjoying these games, user. 4 already has half to content of 5, no reason to miss its details.
This. 5 wins for me by not having a single enemy that completely ruins my mood whenever it appears. Some are tougher than others but none of them feel like complete garbage to fight like chimera’s in 4 or the fallen in 3.
This. I miss just playing as Dante. Nero has grown on me, but I still prefer Dante.
I can't STAND that little shit Nero and hate every moment I'm forced to play as him with his stupid fucking mechanical arm shit.
Agree with everything in this post, except the placement of 4 and 5. 5 not only has exceptional gameplay, it has the best designed monster roster of all DMCs and a boss roster that beats the shit out of 4.
I wonder if Gilgamesh was going to be like it was in DMC5.
Why 4 is that low in your opinion? lol
nice joke, i almost fall for it!
If we go by story, atmosphere and prioritize first playthrough over multiple I can totally see why, 1 was finished 4 was rushed
I have a hetero man crush on JYB and I really like EX/Max Act so I don't mind Nero but Dante is just so much better. My biggest complaint for Dante was having to Swordmaster to air combo but DSD fixed that
For me:
5 = 1 > 3 > 4 > DmC > 2
threadly reminder that v is the only good character, both in gameplay and story, in 5.
Perhaps they could take a page from DMC2 and have separate campaigns for each?
I got in with 4 so I'm attached to Nero but I can see why people would want it to return to a Dante show.
>1 story better than 5
>4 story worse than DmC
It kinda sucks that 4 is considered only better than 2 because its a fucking solid game, its just the others are so much better.
I love his character and gameplay but there was a lot of room for expansion with his moveset that never happened. If he comes back for a sequel or someone uses his playstyle there better be unlockable summons next time.
Look, 3 is the hardest and the toughest in the series and it's fun. 5 is the most sandbox like out of them and it's a lot of fun as well but pretty easy. 4 is the most rehashed but decent and tough in most parts. 1 is decent. And 2 is a fuck you in the face.
I like hard games, but 5 didn't do that for me.
Speak for yourself, I easily place it over 1. One thing that's somehow missed by these guys is that no one's implying that a game is bad just because it's ranked lower, it's just less awesome than the others.
Except 2. That's shit.
am I correct to assume that Artemis in DMC5 is the true demon form of Artemis in DMC3? I mean the aesthetics/colour scheme are really similar.
>I have a hetero man crush on JYB
semi-related but as a VA JYB is really good at yelling. In DMC4 and 5 there are parts where he's screaming and it genuinely sounds like Nero's vulnerable. like when in DMC4 is that scene of Kyrie getting taken away by the Angelo and Nero starts sperging out and punching the ground. In 5 there's the scene where he's yelling while getting pulled away by V after the Urizen fight, and the garage scene where he gets his arm ripped off. JYB can be pretty good, despite a lot of people (especially anime watchers who hear him in dubs) who just think "oh it's THAT guy again"
Artemis and Gilgamesh are supposed to be from the same race of demons yes
We just know it as a gun created by a famous demon smith named Machievelli.
Was in the novel with Trish when they got absorbed so I guess Urizen reworked it.
Probably more on it in the game files.
>imagine Trish getting pinned against a gray wall, that's the same color of her fucking boring bitch-ass character who imperonates moms becuase she's literally an unholy wretch with no dignity whatsoever, while at the same time the demon-whore who suckled Mundus' big red tri-balls and had so much piss-stained demon cum splurged all over her hair, it got dyed blond, is being fisted with pizza up her matrix-2000 black fetish pants ripped apart, so hard the term yeast infection gets a new meaning, and with her last whoreish, skanky, breaths she coughs up the crusty, hell-cum out her ps2-octagon mouth, leaving her dark soul unfilled, yet her ass stuffed to the brim
I might be wrong, but Artemis is literally just a gun. So while the Artemis in 5 is clearly based on that gun, it's not actually a demon. Likewise, Cavaliere Angelo is not a demon, it's a construction.
I'm pretty sure it is, I think the prequel novel (Before the Nightmare) mentions that Trish brought Artemis with her to fight Urizen in the prologue but obviously it got taken away from her after she got beaten. Somehow it reverted back to its true form.
I think Gilgamesh is just the name of a metal found in the underworld or something
Yes, Trish had DMC3 Artemis weapon when fighting Urizen and because Artemis is weapon made by Machievelli, it turns humans into living weapons which is why Urizen binding Artemis to Lady.
As a a whole game: levels, extra modes and unlockables
3se > 5 > 3 > DmC:De > 4se > 1 > DmC > 4 > 2
5 > 3 > 4 > 1 > DmC:DE > DmC > 2
1 >>> DmC:DE > 5 > 4 > 3
When's Devil Never Cry
It’s reversed actually. The Artemis in 5 is the weapon given a demon form by using Lady as a host.
This depends heavily on your entry into the series. If you played 3 first as many people ended up doing due to recommendations, that will be your favorite. Playing 1 after 3 is just not the same since you're spoiled and Dante is far less interesting in 1 than 3. If you played 1 first, you might find 3 Dante annoying. They're basically different characters.
Checked Nico's reports from the wiki says this.
>Nico Enemy Report - Artemis: You heard of Machiavelli? He's a legend. One of the underworld's top gunsmiths. Now would you believe it if I told you Artemis started out as a gun he made? Seems that fusing the gun with a human host created this. Man, I wish I could have seen it in the flesh. Those energy beams it was shooting at you were graceful, right? Like a ballet of destruction. Yeah, I can see it now. A priceless relic, one of the last remaining artifacts of Machiavelli's genius. ...Until somebody came along and smashed it the hell up. Just...just don't talk to me for a while.
Hmmmm I wouldnt disagree with your list but my list would look differently also
Nop, weapon made by an evil gunslinger which was made a demon by infusing LAdy with it. Read the game's files, dude. They're pretty cool.
Hope they expand on this Machiavelli.
well we already know that when demons are defeated, they can become weapons. but some weapons are different I guess? like Gilgamesh is just a demonic metal that can form itself into a demonic entity.
thank you for that, that helps clear it up. so basically Artemis is in a similar class to Gilgamesh. it's not a demon itself, but it has demonic properties.
Weird, I felt Balrog had one of the best and most accessible movesets of the fist weapons. Maybe because charge attacks always feel off to Mr in a fast paced game like DMC. Vergil's Beowulf was previously my favorite -- Balrog is that but better and more fleshed out.
Fuck I love Balrog. I wish we'd gotten it during the game.
Nico is kinda cute personalitywise. Wish her second outfit was her default, it would make a better first impression
Ghost rider a shit.
once you get the hang of switching between the modes, Balrog is fucking fun. I just had to learn that pulling back on the stick is used exclusively for mode switching, and once I committed that to memory, I found it a lot easier to style with it.
I think it was more that Lady got fused with it to make Artemis the boss, as mentioned here
Bloody palace trainer when? I want to start from stage 60
He can't be killed anyway, so it's cool.
I kinda wish there was a better command for switching but I'm not sure what the alternative would be. Making it direction based can just cause issues when close to or above an enemy.
Ghost Rider is a chad. He can canonically slap around Mundus and resist Succubitch wiles.
>Name dropping a demon.
Machiavelli boss when?
I haven't played 5 yet.
>all these people putting anything but 3 at the top
imagine being such an absolute contrarian faggot
>Yea Forums lets people that can't even S rank have opinions on DMC
1 and 3 did have a progression feel that was was botched in 4 and completely discarded in 5.
this. 5 has way better and less tedious level desgin, just lets fight and not do dumb RE puzzleshit
1 and 3 had such good level design, you actually had to think in some missions and it was easy getting lost. It's more of a game trend, new players just like hallways sadly, hence why despite all the criticism FFXIII sold like crazy
completely agree
It's a grey area. It's like how Superman 2 is better than Man of Steel.
the command is kind of weird, I agree. it's very easy to accidentally swap styles when you don't mean to, but it just takes practice I guess.
>everyone who doesn't share my opinion is a contrarian
The only difference here is in 3 you could revisit previous rooms just to fight more mooks because you got lost. Your disingenuous diagram isn't fooling me.
5 has the best combat
Nothing else really matters
>Reusing environments and assets by making the player backtrack is a good thing
fick dich
We don't know his status as of right now but he's pretty hyped up by the Before the Nightmare novel.
Sparda was a man who had a massive affinity for Swords. They say Machievelli was his equivelant in regards to his affinity for Guns.
Made Artemis, the armor for the Angelos and allegedly the first ever Devil Arm.
Except, he's right. When you look at the overall package, 3 is undoubtedly the best:
>Third best combat mechanics
>Best story
>Best OST
>Second best atmosphere
>Second best Dante design
>Second best level design
>Best enemy design
>Second best boss roster
I play DMC for Dante
Dante plays best in 5, in my opinion
Therefore, DMC5 is my top game
>tfw going through 1 because DMC games keep getting recommended here and wishing it was linear
I am cancer and I don't care, fuck this wacky fun time castle bullshit I just wanna fight stuff.
5>3 change my mind
If I were to try dmc games, which one would you recommend as the first one? Do they have a story or something?
DMC1 nigga.
I'm not sure who you thought this nonsense was going to fool.
>Best OST
3 is the best overall game in the series even without style switch mods. 5 has the best overall combat in the series and 4 has the best peak combat in the series with Dante. 1 is pretty good for what it is.
Id say 3 >= 5 > 4 = 1 then the others are shit.
The story was absolute garbage. I wanted something kino like DMC3, I got some shounen anime-tier bullshit where they waste away a cool new character so that fans can cream themselves over the reveal of their favorite cool katana man. The ending feels like it has no stakes or consequences, they just fight and then everyone is just alright with each other, Vergil killed like millions of people in not London and Dante talks with him like he's just some normal bro.
The other two are completely irrelevant. Dmc is not very good and non canon, and 2 is basically retconned and a terrible game
5 > 3 > 1 > 4 > DmC > 2
Start with 1. It's not like the other games, and going back to it would be harder than just starting there.
Specifically for Nero and Dante's dancing.
>best ost
5's better
>Best enemy design
5 is way better this regard.
Based and redorbed
Im not going to pretend 5 doesn't have nonexistent and almost insulting level design with only a few fun side secrets. But im also not going to pretend 3s level design was anything to write home about since the best levels in the game are obvious where to go or that besides orbs there is literally any reason at all to backtrack besides a few boss weapon statues which im almost certain are in your path during levels you acquired said weapons in after the fact.
Still wish 5 had alittle more to its levels but the combat is so good you forget it. The bland environments outside of the tree itself are far more painful then the straight lines.
I love pushing blocks into slots to open up paths. A thinking mans barrier to progression.
1 is honestly such a vastly different type of game overall compared to the rest that it's not really fair to rate it with the rest.
>Best enemy design.
5 has the best by a landslide.
Nah, you're a stupid faggot.
DMC3SE is debatably the best DMC game for sure. DMC5 has better combat which sways a lot of people toward it at the moment but 3 is the complete package in the series. If we get a 3 that has the same level design but upgraded and DMC5ized combat without needing the SS mod and just having quality of life things and some better enemies/improved enemies 5 will serve no purpose.
>if we got something that doesn't exist and never will, it would be better
Who gives a shit?
>Best enemy design
>Those cancerous floor floating angel demon shits
>The spiders with boring poise and inconsistent AI
>Fucking chess pieces you cannot do much to.
>Arkham boss fight.
5 definitely has the best enemy design i don't even care if 3 is a overall better game 5 has almost no real cancer. Only Judeccas and Nelos on DMD because of life totals are a drawback.
Anybody tested DDMK Zwei? 0.998 was crashing so fucking much, then the guy updated the mod the day after I got mad at all the crashing
> Rae
wait, could this be that famous drawfag?
DMC3 will only be better if they release Nero as a playable character. You cannot throw bosses through buildings in 3, thus automatically inferior.
>4 has the best peak combat in the series with Dante
Because of what? The lack of irrelevant shit like inertia and reversal. Which is countered by better Devil Arms and upgraded styles
>I wanted something kino like DMC3, I got some shounen anime-tier bullshit
DMC3 story is literally anime bullshit
So a 3 REmake?
Does Dante actually care about normal people?
Okay, thanks.
it's not you blind fucking retard.
That does make me wonder what it would be like if the others were fused with Devil Arms like that. Then again I guess Nelo Angelo is the answer.
Imagine if Urizen trapped Nero or Dante and stuffed them into some Angelo esque armor.
Nero with Artemis Wings would probably be a major challenge.
>He can't handle The Fallen
Git gud.
Correct answers
>Best enemy design
I'm a total DMC3 dick rider but nah. Scissor bois in 5 are the better version of pic related and mephisto/faust
Watch all the (you's) im gana get.
I really didn't like 5 that much. Number of reasons.
all the dlc is just pointless shit tho
5>4>3>DmC:DE>1>DmC>2 for combat
3>5>1=4>2>>>>>>>>>DmC for story
5's story is better than everyone thinks in my opinion
although kinda rushed at the end
He felt very floaty to me in 5, Dr faust and cavalier were shit.
Along with the fact his character just felt tired in this one, going threw the motions, saying and doing the same shit.
We can handle them. They just aren't fun.
Lots of enemies in 3 aren't fun. Enigmas, The Fallen, Dullahan, spider fuckers, Centipede boss, chess pieces, bloodgoyles, soul eaters, Doppelganger.
The game is fun in spite of its enemy design, not because of it.
3> 1> 4
the only ones that matter
Only thing I'd change is a little more backstory for Nero (a little more about him and Nico meeting, his home life with Kyrie, etc.) And a better established timeline for the tree and Vergil.
Using V to give Vergil's character growth was kind of a stroke of genius to me.
Vergil, you will accept my existence. How many times do I have to beat your ass until you get it.
Least the designs arent as bad as 5. I've been trying to figure out which is worst, the enemy design or level. Its probably the levels, worst of the entire franchise
Resident Evil clone in origin, good level and boss design
Rushed piece of crap
Revolutionary action game with some of DMC1's level sensibility
More of what 3 did but rushed development makes it feel like half a game
Western pandering bullshit, feels kinda like a budget version of 4 but it's piss easy and takes itself too seriously
Like a more complete 4, ties in to 3's story and jerks it off pretty hard.
5 is solid but it's a fan game. Start with 1, consider 3 a soft reboot that takes the series in a more combat-oriented direction, acknowledge the faults in 4, ignore DmC, then play 5
>Change Dante - What the fuck, this isn't Dante. Go back!
>Regular Dante - Dante is old and boring, we need something new!
They did that in the novel
Imagine having taste in music this bad, 3's OST has the most personality out of all of them,
Kinda sad the library in that one level was such a short section
Didn’t play it right. All you gotta do is shoot and dodge
Nigga every single theme in DMC5 is catered to characters specific taste, it don't get more personal you fuck.
Cute, too bad they never really met
Probably tired of Itsuno's Dante. He hasn't progressed the character since the events of 3 & 1.
It's unfortunate they weren't able to get that in the game itself.
Didn't need to have some scenes as flashbacks either instead of just giving it to use linearly.
Based Brea.
>ugh another job huh
>h-how much
>w-woo hoo...!
>does the same old thing with Cerberus again
>welp gatta go Vergil again
He legit felt so played out. LIke a self caracature. I'd say actually give his character something to do. Or just leave him alone. I felt exhausted from him in this one.
Imagine unironically thinking there's a better DMC song than Devil Trigger, imagine.
Nero > Vergil = Dante >>> V
in terms of fuckability, we're all in agreement here, right?
Nero = Dante > Vergil > Nico > Credo > Reboot Nero (Donte)
I've never played a DMC game, can I just start with 5?
He's old yeah, just not sure they can really retire him and keep the series going.
What's left for him to do?
I guess next game they can have him play off his brother but not sure what can challenge them both.
Then again Bayonetta 1 ended with punching God in the Face and that somehow still managed two Sequels.
pretty much
there will never be a DMC game that gets a proper budget, it's disheartening
Fuck Dante, Marry Nero, Kill V. V is pretty cute but if I was really gay I wouldn't need a scrawny dude reading me poetry
1 above 4 is peak not actually playing these games hipster shit
post more gay porn like this please!
Not a chance, bro. But you do you.
Cerberus's theme puts people into a PTSD seizure
Dante = Vergil > Nero >>> V
Yea, the story is pretty much bullshit all across the board except for 3. Also ignore what the faggot here will scream about it and play DmC, its just a re imagining, and its pretty good. Don't talk about it here though, it legit makes people act autistic. watch the replies this post will get.
Devil Trigger is the only one that comes close to Taste the Blood and Divine Hate
Where did you get this pic of my wife
holy shit that's HOT!
i'm pretty sure you need 6000+ in SoS to get an S rank
Most of my S ranks on SOS are only in the 5000s
Is that the sword or his hand?
reminder that this exact motion is how Vergil actually jerks off
Can I fuck and marry Nero though?
use more than 2 melee weapons if you don't already, maintaining SSS is hard without a 3rd / 4th weapon
abuse Ebony&Ivory (Gunslinger Style+regular shoot, and honeycomb fire for easy style ranks) + Balrog's Real impact (Style + back in Swordmaster)
Royalguard shits on Furies, abuse Royal Revenge (style+back)
only use SDT on the last trash pack (angelos)
begin every fight with an air taunt or a well aligned 2xKalina ann's laser (style+forward in Gunslinger) for free DT
Dr. Faust's shield (shoot + back) is broken, lowkey the most powerful move in the game; it shits on every enemy, ESPECIALLY Urizen's red crystal thingie
skip every fight you can
You only get to fuck him after a proper wedding.
yes, nero was basically made for that
The levels are boring aesthetically but function fine as fighting corridors. DMC's weakpoint has been anything that isn't combat since the first, so I didn't mind it.
Completely disagree on enemies. DMC5 has only two enemies that aren't fun to fight, Furies and Judecca. Everything else is a ton of fun. Furies are still aesthetically good but I don't care for the look of Judecca.
5 lacks the hidden secrets of earlier games.
Both Vergil and Nero have intense eyes.
How so? You mean because Secret Missions aren't tucked away? Or because weapons aren't locked behind puzzles that make replaying the game tedious?
I'm honestly trying to think of what secrets are hidden outside of things like orb fragments and secret missions, both of which are in this game but, yes, not really hidden in any significant way.
How do I block Vergil's summon swords when they're around me?
That secret mission in DMC4 with the cloak dudes and the disappearing platforms gave me PTSD. I still think the secret missions in 5 were too easy but I always hated some of the old secret mission designs
Balrog jump does it for me. If Nero then just jump and attack a few times.
In order to make the best DMC game ever you need to follow the philosophy of DMC1's enemy design and OST and DMC3's character moveset and story.
Okay, to be clear, by "Design" are you talking about aesthetic or function? Because DMC1's enemy design functionally would not work with DMC3 or above combat.
Yeah, the novel for one really made me respect Nero more. Dude is poor, helping out a bunch of kids in an orphanage and still fights demons in spare time. Give this man a medal.
Both but mainly function. 1's enemies aren't something special or unque to it so you can fit them in 3 and the later game's combat.
I like TTB but it's easily the weakest battles theme in 3 desu
If you think Devil Trigger is the only good song you're probably a normie with ADHD who hasn't bothered listening to the rest of the OST
bruh it's pasta, he's posted multiple times in threads before with the exact same image, especially a few days after the game came out. While I do think 3 probably has the best story of all the DMC games (though not by a HUGE margin) there's no way you see it as completely serious and ignore all the goofy bullshit in it
No but they're just extremely slow and have a lot of armor. The game is much more designed around jumping in and getting hits in between attacks from enemies. The later games have much more active enemies to go along with the more high intensity combat.
And honestly, DMC5 is pretty close in aesthetic to DMC1.
That was the fucking worst experience of the whole game. I have no fucking idea what they were thinking with those enemies. Especially on normal encounters on LDK
>5's story is better than everyone thinks in my opinion
>although kinda rushed at the end
are you me
I love pretty much all the cutscenes and dialogue and thought the Urizen/V/Vergil thing was interesting, but I felt like the last like 2 missions happened too fast. Which is kind of a bummer since the Vergil reveal in Mission 17 and 18 was kino
DMC5 is objectively the best one
DMC3 has certain things that are done better but it also does a trove of shit abysmally bad in comparison
DMC3 has higher highs but overall its filled to the brim with garbage enemies, some extremely garbage bosses and you have to remember that literally everyone is actually talking about the special edition of 3, not the initial vanilla release. You would also completely need to exclude the weapon and style switcher mods from the discussion because they are just that, mods, and even with them, its still down to preference and up for debate if the kit from 3 or 5 is better overall for Dante
A remake of 3 could be the best, easily in fact because the whole game is for Dante and would be designed around him rather than housing 2.3 characters like 5
5 = 3 > 4 = 1 >DmC > 2
>DMC5 is objectively the best one
Objectively wrong.
Never have I seen such an accurate ranking. Based as fuck
Is Lucia's campaign worth a playthrough? DMC2 is sooooooooooooo bad
i stopped with the series when i began playing 3, because i realized it was all the same, shallow garbage
Shallow? Maybe if you spam triangle for 8 hours
the only competitors for the objectively best title are 1 and 5
anyone who actually thinks that 1 wins that battle is delusional and doesnt know what objective means
DMC3 is so filled to the brim with low quality garbage that its actually hilarious just how much the highs of that game manage to compensate for the overwhelmingly persistent practically game spanning lows
DMC3 has one good enemy type with slight variations (mook with a scythe) and one miniboss that almost works but on DMD is nothing but a constant barrage of teleport attacks. Almost every single boss in that game is fucking garbage outside of Vergil 2 and 3. Agni and Rudra are decent but their actual moveset is extremely simple, if you wanted to you could easily win the fight by simply jumping and spamming guns for long enough. Beowulf is a decent base ruined by retarded gimmicks and defensive periods just like almost every other boss. I like doppelganger more than most but as a gimmick fight it barely counts, just like Gilgamesh from 5
Every single enemy from DMC5 is actually fun to fight, every single weapon is strong and deep, every single boss is actually good at the very least, peaking at Cavaliere Angelo which is at least as good as Vergil 2/ Nero Angelo 3 and thats not even getting into what they did with Nero in 5, in a vanilla release. Something that 5 also did extremely well that I never saw anyone praise is that Urizen (in all of his fights) is actually a good boss instead of a clown gimmick fight like mundus and arkham. Even at his most gimmicky (the chair), you actually want to fight Urizen
1 also has the best enemy aesthetics. most demons followed a certain theme in that they manifested themselves through objects. marrionettes, the sins, kyklops, shadows and more were all spirits using inanimate objects as a medium. even mundus was just a statue. it was only when the castle became more demonic that you saw flesh and blood demons like the nobodies. way more interesting than 8 variants of dude with scythe or scientific experiments
I've only played 4 but I doubt it would be better then anything, playing back through the game as dante was fucking stupid and put me off the whole series.
Some find it better than Dante's at least.
It's a short game so it won't be a long dose of misery to tough out.
I prefer Bayonetta May Cry over RE shit.
I fucking hate the RE engine for this game and it rubbed me the wrong way the entire time while playing. Made my favorite characters look like shit
Are the Jackpot and dlc tease scenes at the end reward for S'ing M20 or for beating the Dante credits?
I wonder whether Nero's DT is going to get a major redesign next game again.
Or whether it'll be small changes like the differences between Dante's 4 and 5 DTs.
1 is easily the worst of the DMCs that aren't universally hated. People forget how repetitive it is and how horribly limited your moveset is early on. None of the other games are actively a chore to get into like 1 is, which absolutely disqualifies it as best, even without the water sections.
Somethin wrong with you if you thought any of DMC1 felt like a chore. That game is excellently paced and the moveset is fine.
I got my stepbrother who only ever plays shit phone games to play the Devil May Cry HD Collection. He instantly fell in love with DMC1, though he died constantly and even died to puppets. Still, he refused to play on easy when the game offered it to him and he improved significantly with each death. Then he played some DMC2 and he immediately didn't like it from the moment he tried out a stinger. When he killed the helicopter boss just by shooting at it for like five minutes, he said he wanted to move on to the next game. When he started on DMC3, he loved it. Even though he's a zoomer who plays mostly shitty phone games, he's still having a blast.
I always kind found Let's Plays and shit kinda boring, but it's fun when you're watching someone you actually know play right there in the same room.
Limited moveset != bad
I just want good Trish porn
I still can't believe that DMC5 is a thing.
I played it for more than 50 hours now and I still can't fathom it.
This is like if Half-Life 3 came out and everybody acted if it was normal.
Wasn't DMC5 a meme at one point? Fucking 11 years holy shit.
I can't be the only one feeling like this, right?
It makes me happy that you guys are having such a good time with some classic games.
3 > 4 > 5 => 1 > DmC > 2
I really wish 5 was more challenging. Particularly with its Bloody Palace, which is a cakewalk for the first 60 floors. And it's not just because of experience, because 3 and 4 still kick my ass.
>Every single enemy from DMC5 is actually fun to fight
Bats are trash and every enemy that isn't big may as well be an empty space that gives orbs as you walk through it.
>every single weapon is strong and deep
Sure, but then there's V being mediocre at best
>every single boss is actually good at the very least
Artemis, Nidhog, Gilgamesh are trash
Gilgamesh is bad, yeah.
If you have to ask, it's too late
3 >= 5 > 4 > 1 >2
5 > 3 > 1 > 2 > 4 > shit >DmC
>weapon switching
Is that a mod or a cheeky edit to cut out the menu?
Play on Sons of Sparda, brainlet.
too bad m8 most of it is Lady or Nico and rightfully so
I saw some Trish stuff though
you have poopoo taste
who the FUCK thought those water sections in dmc1 were a good idea? Hope that person died of ass cancer
You can switch melee weapons with L3.
DMC5 ruined DMC3 story and Vergil for me, albeit 3 has some cringy anime moments, but not as bad as 5
The reason why Vergil wanted more power is just to defeat his brother...really, the fanbase came up with better shit when it was still a mystery (and now comes up with nice excuses to give Vergil's actions and motives more depth then they actually have in 5)
That said: 5 combat > 3 combat
you can switch with L3
5 > 3 > 1 > 4 > 2
DmC isn't a DMC game and doesn't belong in my ranking
3 probably has some of the greatest highs in the series but fucking annoying basic enemy design half the time holds it back in my eyes.
I already beat DMD. The only enemies that give me even a bit of trouble are the Furies and Judeccas. Behemoths are annoying in certain situations, but every other enemy just isn't aggressive enough.
>2 over 4
egsblain please
You can switch melee weapons with L3.
>DmC isn't a DMC gam-
>muh power, nothin personal, brother
>let's work together but fuck you afterwards
>the end
Yeah 3 was so much better with siri.
The only good thing out of Nero's design in DMC 5 is the jacket. What they did to him visually everywhere else just hurts my soul. The fucker looks like he's constipated all the time and doesn't know what to do with his mouth
Why were people complaining about the time limit in BP?
Replayed a bit of 3 in the weeks up til 5 released, preferred 5 much more. The only DMC that made good use of level design and atmosphere was 1. 5 even borrows a bit of the demon world from 1, but you see it so much for the last 10 levels that it loses the charm. Going through that final area in DMC1 with the Nobodies was pretty terifying the first couple runs.
4 is unfinished game.
2 is at least a complete game with a separate campaign included that didn't take years to tack on.
Did you really play the entirety of DMC1 opening up the menu everytime you wanted to switch a weapon?
Not him but, i d-did
Why is DMC4 Vergil so fat?
How does BP work? I never actually bothered with it in 3 or 4. Levels 1-40 are DH, 41-80 is SoS, and then 81-100 are DMD?
only between alastor and ifrit though.
Yes, multiple times.
Nero's mom made him too much lasagna
I guess it's not the most intuitive button to put it on but god damn guys.
Something like that yeah, although the DMD bosses are a lot easier than their counterparts in the campaign, less damage and health although they still Devil Trigger.
In the trash
yeah, you're not gonna fool anyone normalfag
t. discord tranny combo autist
I think 5 is the best one in the series but I think saying 3SE > 5 is completely reasonable. There's a lot of things 3SE has that 5 just doesn't, and if you want to really get into that sort of thing then 4SE does have some things that give it more replay value than 5 despite being the worse game in 95% of measures.
In the end I'd say that 3SE and 5 are both 9.5/10 games, but if 5 gets significant DLC and/or an SE that add as much as 3SE or 4SE did to their games, it'll easily be the best in the series. I personally put 5 above 3SE because I think it has Dante's most fun arsenal, 3 distinct playable characters instead of 2, the best overall boss roster, and the best OST. So I guess I'd say:
5 >= 3SE > 1 = 4SE > 4 > DmC:DE = 2 as Trish > shit > DmC > 2
too much bizza
>complete game
>literally made in like 4 months
nigger tf are you on right now
3 > 1 > 5 > 4 >>> no one cares
5 would be the best if you could choose whoever you want for every mission on 2nd playthrough and play as Vergil.
I mostly agree but I don't get the Chess hate. I think the Chessboard is one of the most fun fights in 3 that isn't Vergil.
It's just retard larpers who are bad and think every enemy should be a combo punchbag.
5 would be the best if V wasn't a character. Seriously, does anyone think he's fun to play as?
He's fun to play as.
5 needs more content. for fuck's sake 4 was unfinished and considered a total disappointment by Capcom, and the SE still gave us three amazing characters to play as and a new game mode that's completely unlike anything DMC's done before or since.
5 needs that upgrade, it needs real co-op, or Vergil, or more levels, or fucking something beyond the same missions and the same bloody palace floors.
I like playing as V in BP.
he's really not
my bet is that new shit is being announced at E3
nice mecha larp game. this thread is full of fucking brainless nostalgia faggots jerking over glorified hack 'n slash games. admit it it's pure nostalgia when you babies got your first dmc on ps2 and now you fuckaloos are enchanted by the memories and thinking average at best action games is the best thing ever. even more cringey is seeing you all nignogs arguing over which is your favorite.
Is it fair to use a webm of 3 that has Style Switch mod? Honestly I should probably get 3 on PC one day just so I can play around with SS Mod. I want to have Spiral's Gunslinger moves available without giving up shit like Prop Shredder and Nevan's SM moves.
I've heard several people say he is but honestly I'm unsure whether they're just blinded by the fact they enjoyed him as a character.
Well at least he's less of an obnoxious genre shift then turning into a rail shooter or going under water.
1 = 3 > 5 > 4 > 2
DMC1 has a lot of problems but it also has a lot of strengths the games after it do not. DMC5 is pretty much just a tightened up version of DMC4; both are streamlined to a fault.
3 >= 5 > 1 > 4 > 2
I wish I could put 4 even below 2 because of how much I hate DMC4. I wish I could claim I'd rather play DmC and be objective in that statement but I won't go that far. Still, fuck DMC4 and every faggot that likes it.
Three boring, OP characters that were designed ONLY for the shitty musou mode, you mean.
Just put more Greater Than signs between 1 and 4 if you hate it that much, it gets the point across without a disingenuous order.
3 is still an amazing game even without SW mod.
The story, the music and characters are truly excellent and it's one of the best single player experience you can have with a game.
3 > 5 > 4 > 1 > DmC > 2
DmC > 5 > 4 > 3 > 1 > 2
Go home, Tameem.
Not going to argue against that, just saying. That webm you posted before was legitimately one of the main reasons I got into the series, even though I knew it was modded.
I love any combos that have Spiral in them, easily my favorite gun in the series.
>When you like a thing it's nostalgia! When I like a thing it isn't!
Okay baby girl.
>average at best action games
Name some better ones.
Only thing V has going for himself is that on his own he's a cool character. Maybe that is why people don't have much of a problem with him, like if he was unpleasant to look at or annoying to listen to then it would be shit on harder
In DMC3 ending Vergil accepted defeat, chose to stay in hell (punishment for his sins) and urges his brother (the hero who chooses the good path) to go back in the human realm.
>DMC5 happens
"so I was killed in Mallet Island, but actually no and now I'm traveling the world AND WOW! Now I'm in fortuna and I know where Yamato isssss! :)
All 'couse I have the bigger dick and I must prove to be the most powerful of the Sons of Sparda!
Also did I mention that my human half has materialized his nightmares and they can deal damage b-but huh they cannot kill...?
(yep Bingo is a hack, but he did better with 3)
>Maybe that is why people don't have much of a problem with him
That's not true. People like him in cutscenes but so many people complain about his shit gameplay that Itsuno must be aware of it as well now. for everyone one person saying it's alright there's 10 that say otherwise.
I don't follow the Mecha Larp thing?
Was it the use of guns?
Oh come on, his playstyle is cool. He just needs more skills. Let's call it a good start for an experimental character.
He needs more melee/not pet-depedent moves, since he's DD2 beta i'm sure Itsuno is aware
>like if he was unpleasant to look at or annoying to listen to
He is.
Too much shit going on all at once, though I imagine it might be really fun if you had RG for it
He's objectively superior to you, any woman would say so
I like this guy's opinion. DMC3 has better level design and the best weapons, but you only play as Dante. The game gets better with more characters.
V looks like a anorexic Kylo Ren
>any woman would say so
Even you, user-chan? Say it ain't so!
Bitch gtfo. New shits all up and down old. Get your anime loving ass out of here. Porn for Nero increased tenfold since 5 for a reason. You animu watching sloot.
>DMC3 has better level design
No way dude. DMC5 cuts the platforming right down so you get more combat which is fucking fantastic, however it has better art direction for its levels with hell being my favorite location of any DMC game
>and the best weapons
Again I can't agree as I think they're on par. DMC3 has an excellent selection but so does DMC5.
>The game gets better with more characters
No doubt. DMC3:SE turned an 8/10 into an 11/10 for adding Vergil.
He needs both IMO in a game like this. Both cane melee and more summons or more skills for his current summons. Regardless, V is fun to play in the right hands.
And yeah hopefully DD2 is gonna have summoner class
His model is better looking than Kylo Ren though, Kylo Ren uggh as fuck.
I agree with you, OP. I just started this series for the first time back in October, and that was how I ranked the games too.
Here's your V, bro
Trash Resident Evil shit, belongs in Resident Evil.
>Devil Breakers are actually more powerful than the Devil Bringer, and even Dante's Devil Trigger
>Still flimsy as fuck
It's nice to see that Nico's sheer genius is outweighed only by her Jewish heritage.
Even ignoring backtracking DMC5's level design is pretty boring the further in you go. It falls into a simple pattern of hallway-arena-hallway over and over again without any consideration to room structure or enemy placement. DMC3 had a lot more variety on that front, platforming and puzzles or no. Bloody Palace and the training room exist for a reason. I don't need even more context-irrelevant combat rooms.
yeah fuck having actual level design.
V is alright in 5, but translating that to Dragon's Dogma would be fucking incredible.
Dropped this after the prologue, felt like some cheap PS3 game
5>3=4SE > 1 > DmC: DE > 2 > poo in a toilet > DmC Vanilla
5 > 3 > 4 > 1 > 2 > shit > DmC
People play DMC games specifically to style on enemies, you can't do that when the game forces you into a platforming room with levitating cubes user. No one wants platforming in their action games they just want good looking levels with lots of combat.
>good level design
>Matt and Itsuno say that V is popular with women in interviews
>tons of fan art constantly being made
>much more well recieved that Nero back in the DMC4 days
Oh you sweet summer child
>be vergils son
>he rips your arm off
>puts you in a coma
>you save his life twice
>he stabs you in the stomach
>and punches you
>then throws a book at you
Fuck Vergil, Nero should've let Dante kill him
5's is better. Puzzles shouldn't be in DMC, it's an action game.
He literally is dead last in virtually every poll. And Nero was also the first one to literally get nudes ripped. Tumblr faggots =/= popularity.
Backtrack sucks dick you nigger
I feel the same.
Nope, I like that kind of breathing room. Bloody Palace is for when you just wanna fight.
>Be Vergil
>just found out some punk kid is yours
>now he's shouting at you about accepting him even though you've only just found out about all of this
>he uses his magic arms to do suplexes on you while crying like a bitch
>get the fuck out of there with your bro before he cavemans even harder
No wonder the twins went to hell.
>Nope, I like that kind of breathing room
You are a minority user that even Itsuno dosn't agree with.
Even ignoring platforming DMC3 has more variety, though. That's my point. Room layouts matter. Enemy placements matter. DMC3 doesn't focus on this as much as DMC1, but it still provides it and it's by no means lacking in arena brawls. Even the arena brawls sometimes utilize a little context variety, like the room where you have to juggle enemies and switches in order to kill them.
Daily reminder.
Can you show me all these polls you talking about?
And no, V was first because it had already a nude in game model
I'm not a woman though, sweet vaginanon. I found V's character design and sensitive Hot Topic cashier shtick kind of annoying. I like his playstyle in small doses, though.
only play BP then if you want a no frills experience. DMC is a game first and foremost so it needs to deliver on other aspects besides it's core one. yes, the combat is the main focus but that doesn't mean it should skip out on other aspects of the gameplay. exploration and puzzles serve a reason which is pacing. just about every major action series like ninja gaiden, souls, and god of war have sequences of exploration or puzzles that serve as down time after intense bouts of combat. why should dmc regress in that way and be a less complete package? I don't want a lot of non-combat sections since it needs to be light but rather just improve on those aspects when they happen.
here you go
>be vergil
>seeth for years and years over not being able to beat your bro
>literally split yourself because of it
>literally your inner self is an emo twink who twirls around like a faggot
>seeth so hard you almost destroy the world
>cut off your own sons arm for power
>eat omega powerful fruit for power
>still get beat up by your chad bro
>seeths about it
>laterget beat up by your chad son who just newly transformed
The absolute state of Vergil.
I feel like certain Missions of 5 pull off a more linear level design well, with well-hidden secrets and interesting combat areas with topography or obstacles. Mission 7 is easily the best level design in the game both visually and mechanically. I really wish there were more encounters as striking and interesting as the escalator fight. 12 almost feels like a very compressed version of 3's overall level design where you are doing things that affect things back at a hub. 15 with its alternate paths and various noncombat challenges for Nero was also a pretty fresh change of pace.
I agree that in general it gets worse the deeper in the game you go, with 12 & 15 being the exception, but 13/14/16 are incredibly simple levels and 17/19/20 are just bosses. 18 is like half a level but the idea of making destroying the healing platforms optional is decent.
>just about every major action series like ninja gaiden, souls, and god of war have sequences of exploration or puzzles that serve as down time after intense bouts of combat
So play them instead faget. I don't know why some of you fuckers want the same experience for every game, DMC isn't like any of those it's all about stylish action and a common complaint in every single one including DmC was the platforming, not even fucking DmC defenders wanted that shit. Level variety? yes. Puzzles and platforming? fuck no.
Fucking lower a ranking because of difficulty. The state of you retards. The only way all of you get this right is for all of you put obviously DMC 2 in the fucking bottom. DMC 3 being the best. DMC 4 and DMC was nearly the fucking same.
Let's see here
Based? Check
AND redpilled? Check
Yup, this is a good post
>be Dante
>can't even flush your own toilet
The absolute fucking embarrassment of the Sparda family.
>like if he was unpleasant to look at or annoying to listen to
>he is
About this
No he wasn't Moon didn't even make a model of V lmao but they did of both Nero and Dante. Literally within a week of release. And Nero has more art than V, by like a shit ton as does Dante, sorry.
The only right answer
mynigga, but i loved dmc1 gameplay still
You can flick your bean to V all you want. I still think he detracts from the game more than he adds.
>better than 5
DMC3 nostalgiafags man. 5 is fundamentally superior in every aspect except story.
Nero doesn't know any of this though lol. He wasn't there when Dante told him. He probably assumed he was already aware. Vergil is autistic afterall.
1 has some combat depth even for a 2001 game. Half the people who played DMC1 after 2008 don't even know what Critical Hits are, have no idea what Slash Canceling is, know you can charge E&I without Devil Trigger, or that you can jump cancel with the Shotgun.
That being said, DMC1 was designed to be replayable, it's short, it doesn't fluff around and the enemies aren't poorly designed piles of shit that make replaying a pain.
>one Yea Forums poll + tales from your ass
Got it.
>Vergil is autistic afterall
It took you 10 years to figure this out? he's autistic but you're just dumb lol
t. zoomer shitter
DMC V music better than 3?
Gameplay is the same exact shit. Sword and guns.
Story in DMC 3 is better overall.
Design is better overall. May I keep going?
VA was even fucking better. DMC V felt like people going to acting school.
It's more concrete from the delusional tales from vfags that the most disliked aspect of DMC5 (v's gameplay) is actually the most popular character. Fans forgot V the moment Vergil came back lmao.
DMC3 has better level design, more varied art direction, better sound direction, and didn't completely shit itself in its climax. It also had more missions that weren't just boss fights than DMC5 and its Bloody Palace is unique in choosing how many floors you want to progress.
Virgil has been in every fucking game except 2. Yet, faggots think for some reason his appearance is what makes all of DMCV worth it.
I can guarantee I played DMC3 way before any of you neoDMCfags. Unless you somehow played DMC3 vanilla before 2005.
5 has:
>better enemies (this is something DMC3fags love to ignore because they all know 3's enemies are dogshit)
>much more combat depth
>more playable characters
Both games have similar issues with forgettable bosses, varying degrees of awful music, and shit level design. 3 has more content per character though in the form of costumes, Nelo Angelo DT is a very great addition but overall 5 is clearly the better game.
Are vfags the new donte fags? seems like it.
Fuck off newfag
Level design in both 3 and 5 start out great but then quickly turn to shit, don't even fucking pretend Temin-ni-gru is good level design. Sound design, sure, 3 has some better sounds effects but it's not that big a deal. Yeah, I said 3's story was better.
>DMC3 is better because the gameplay is same and story is better design is overall better pffff may i keep goign?
Do you think this post proved anything?
Seething. I love when DMC3fags fail to acknowledge the game issues, especially regarding enemies, because none of them play on DMD.
1 > 3 > 5 > 4 > 2
That punk kid is a better man than vergil. Taking care of several kids, while being poor. Vergil couldn't take care of one. Has no family still, and spent years upon years seething like a child on a playground.
Also from Nero's perspective, here's a dad who abandoned him and put him in a coma. That's all he knows basically, no one ever told him the specifics of anything. For all he knew Vergil knew about him and just left. So his reaction was natural.
>good level design
>easy getting lost
do you like having your balls stomped on?
Swap 4 with 1 and that'll work.
So I'm not the only one who felt that Reuben and Dan performance was a little off?
I hate that they changed Trish's VA (loved 4 VA) and Lady is meh both in 4 and 5
Nico, V, Griffon and Morrison did amazing though
see it looks complicated until you realise only 3 orb fragments and 1 secret mission is off the linear route you have to go throught. same with 5.
>hating chessmen
Get a load of this fucking BADDIE.
Personal take right now.
Dante in 5 now feels complete in ways he didn't in 4..
Nero's arm system feels a little awkward in that arms have pretty varied benefit against enemy types and you don't have real manual means of going through the loadout. I get that in theory you grind on stages to get your best ranks and learn what encounters you'll get and build around it but that still feels inherently flawed.
V is... like 75% of what he needs. He needs that one more pop. Like some input with cane that makes it jam into the ground and erupts Phantom flames (maybe at cost of a DT bar). He just doesn't feel like he has the arsenal to have that wild of a skill ceiling.
I don't mind the loss of a full "dungeon" for mission-based more linear levels. It feels more at heart with the kind of action DMC wants to have, and 5 doesn't really sacrifice level length in it.
Really want to see DLC bring this game to its fullest form. Legit hope all 4 missing playable characters come back somehow.
I cry every time. Do it Ichigo! Do it!
5 > 3 > 1 > 4 > 2
this is the objectively correct ranking, if you don't agree you're either a 4combo autist, or a boomer/contrarian who refuses to see the flaws in DMC3 and why DMC5 surpasses it
There's literally no issue, you're just a retarded zoomer who can't gid gud and blames the game for his lack of skill.
Do tell me why DMC5 surpasses 3. I'll respond to each of your points as best I can because I don't believe it does.
Trying hard much?
I stated facts, words that come from the developers themselves. You bring up one Yea Forums poll pretending there are many others.
Also acknowledging a good character who is well received doesn't automatically make one a fujo
Easy, 3 doesn't have the best mechanic introduced to the DMC series ever. Before this mechanic it was behind nearly every other action/hacker game.
>DMC5 is better because DMC3 doesn't have QTE moves
are you kidding me?
half of the bosses and enemies in 3 are complete shit, Dante isn't anywhere near as complex to play as he is in 5, and you get shitty platforming and time wasting puzzles out the ass
also it has the absolute fucking worst DMD mode in the series
>Command grabs
>QTE moves
Not him but buster isn't really QTE. It gives you cool animations without a flashing button prompt ruining the scene or taking you out of the moment. You use the smallest bit of deductive reasoning and say "hey, I can do a cool thing here" and that means all the difference compared to "PRESS X TO COOL". Even moreso when you get those few animations that let you rev during them.
>he doesn't like buster
ah, so the fags who vehemently defend 3 as the best in the series are just salty about Nero being the new protag
Truly, I wonder who could be behind such a post
No are you? lmao using what one/two people said about a character, like they are monitoring the fanbase that close is extremely reaching. Sorry but losing out to every other character on virtually every poll speaks volumes. He is the number one character ranted about because of his gameplay on boards. From Gamespot, to Gamefaqs to IGN to here. Streamers too. Sodapoppin? hated playing as him. Cohh? hated playing as him. Imamdontai? hated playing as him. We'd be here all day. So come again lol.
this, plus 5 introduces a somewhat strategic element where you can time a charged buster breaker move with DT on to maximise your damage output, shit is rad
I think 3 is just as good as 5 but this post is a non-argument with an image that is basically a sign that says "I am a shitposter with nothing worthwhile to say" attached to it.
Admittedly Buster is a prescripted animation, that while one can trigger doesn't involve much player input once activated (beyond some revving and summoned swords).
It's still pretty short and intuitive so I can like it, and 5 even made the Busters a much more optional part of Nero's toolkit so there's even less reason to complain about it.
Lucia DLC when?
Out of curiosity have much vitriol do Nero receive when he first came out?
Wonder whether it's comparable.
I find V is out of place myself but I'm wondering whether people will look at him fondly down the years in retrospect.
When Nero first came along he got some negativity from the core fanbase because you know it was the first time Dante wasn't the first playable character in the franchise so naturally there was a push back. It was different in critics/journalist eyes however. They praised the new character, and his buster mechanic.
3 > 5 > 4SE > 1 > 4 > 2 > DmC
I want this but I don't know what you do with her, gameplay wise.
Obviously expect her to be a more "by the book" moveset instead of the absolute madness of a spawn of sparda.
But with Lady being the one-woman arsenal, she dominates the niche that immediately comes to mind being that DMC2 was so range-heavy.
The speedster/rogue feeling of her is kinda what Trish became.
There's her variant devil trigger forms to play off of.
Given what Dante has done with old Devil Arms, legitimately Agni & Rudra might've ended up in her hands and that could be a crutch for giving her some bang in her arsenal.
For real tho. Why does Itsuno care so much for Nero to be the protagonist? He is like 85% Dante personality-wise anyway
I thought he really came into his own in 5, Dante is all about style while Nero is pure UNGA and a punk, the short hair and swearing unironically work to his advantage
Because Nero is Itsuno OC, and Dante is Kamiya's. That's why Itsuno don't put Dante and Lady together too, because he respect Kamiya mommy issues
>cool powers
>more grounded
And also, when characters start to get stale, writers usually introduce new characters for them to play off of. It also allows them to experiment with the mechanics in the game without pissing people off by ruining Dante's gameplay. 4 itself was an experiment, and 5 is yet another. They want that RE money for DMC. And it seems to have worked.
>He is like 85% Dante personality-wise anyway
I don't get this sentiment at all, compare their personalities in DMC5. They're almost nothing alike except for vague similarities.
Also, he doesn't hate Dante but he feels like he sort of "adopted" him as a character, since he's Kamiya's creation.
I'd approach it like Vergil in that we don't try to make a character too radical a shift from Dante, but instead have a different weapon set at base.
Knives and Cranky Bombs already make a decent ranged weapon variation, could add the bow gun she had from underwater it her set but make it work above water.
Have her gameplay be subtely shifted with the amulet system depending on what d-pad button you press giving her a different amulet set up.
She doesn't need Dante tier depth though.
She could have a modded version of her moveset from DMC2 (except modded to be good) with some stolen moves from Agni and Rudra.
Maybe she'd have a kicking stance, maybe not, there's a lot of directions to take when expanding a character.
Why is bloody palace in 5 such a boring thing? there are so many padding levels that is absurd, the first 50 levels a re a walk in the park compared to 4
Nero isn't as bland as Ichigo, thankfully.
Well we just have to see whether he's revealed to be part everything like Ichigo.
Inb4 his mother is some sorceror/angel hybrid and Nero is now a super hybrid.
(I know angels aren't canon, just joking)
>I know angels aren't canon
Just wait. They will be.
Ichigo's real personality is and has always been the White hollow.
But he spends most of his time keeping that shit in check. He's so pent up and in denial about how much of a blood thirsty asshole that he is that he's gone full bland.
they would literally have to asspull a whole new parallel world/dimension into existence which would flip the whole DMC universe on its head, very unlikely
they might as well introduce ayylmaos
>facts stated by the developers. Actually well received character by the players. Only real complain is that he needs more depth combat wise
>rambling from someone who has a hate boner for Vfujos and iimaginary polls
I think people with a brain will make the math
Well if we are going into Bleach territory it fits throwing in some new random made up species.
Or instead they show that ghosts are a thing, and Nero's part ghost.
Explaining away his ability to phase his arm out of existence and generate spectral stuff.
Say what you will, but being in a huge brawl with several enemies and being able to UFC them and jump right back into a combo, is ridiculously satisfying.
Gilgamesh is just a type of demonic metal. The boss from DMC5 is literally just some Qliphoth roots that got infused with Gilgamesh metal.
>imaginary polls
Like this one? we can do more if you like. Taking some "supposed" offhand comment as a fact. We all have our delusions I guess.
That could have been a new idea or element.
Though since it can fuse with just about anything it makes me kind of want to see what older bosses would have looked like if they were merged with Gilgamesh.
Seeing Armored Beowulf could have been neat.
>dmc thread, I guess
>That could have been a new idea or element.
I'm just saying. There will never be an actual Gilgamesh demon. At most we might get multiple interpretations of "Metal Infused Demon".
>Seeing Armored Beowulf could have been neat.
I was hoping we might get some more context on the whole Beowulf thing. I wanna know why he has such a particular vendetta against Sparda. But I guess there was no good way to give me that info within the story of 5. Hopefully we get our Sparda prequel someday.
kek poor V
5 > 3 > 4 > 1 > 2
5 has so many vast QoL changes that it surpasses 3. I hate the fact in 3 that I'm stuck to one style for the mission and I have to play to level it up. JUST GIMME THE MOVES NOW.
Sparda cut out his eye, didn't he? Figure that's enough to be seething for centuries.
Wait what the fuck, Vergil has a counter taunt
>Trish 0%
Did anyone try to do this
>there are so many padding levels that is absurd, the first 50 levels a re a walk in the park compared to 4
That's called having good enemies for a change
Yeah but there's gotta be some context there. Like maybe Sparda and Beowulf were allied and Sparda took his eye during his awakening to justice. Like, for all we know, Beowulf was being a MAXIMUM dickhead to some humans and Sparda decided to stop him and awoke to justice in that way.
it's almost like not having blitz fucking up your run suddenly makes BP much more manageable
He just says something like "You mock me!" or "You will regret that". I don't care how fanservicey it would be, the fact one of his counter-taunts isn't "Now, I'm motivated" is a crime
Lets be honest for a moment here. Dante, Nero and Vergil are on the poll. I'm surprised anyone would even vote for Lady or Trish in the first place instead of one of the 3 lol.
Never forget that new user who was experiencing DMC4 for the first time
Hey, it beats Vergil being a cunt yet again or some other super powerful demon that's never been mentioned before showing up.
I like that he respects Kamiya mommy issues, but what's the point of a new character if he's gonna act almost exacly like your already established and well received protagonist? Of course I speak personality wise, I'm all for adding new playstyles...so why not make Nero the side character?
A younger protagonist > they could have come up with some devil blood excuses for him not to age so fast
His baby and not Kamiya's > then, don't make a very similar copy of Dante?
My 15% wants to agree with you, but he still feels a lot like DMC3 Dante
we don't deserve him
DMC6 is a prime moment to show us the return of Mundus. DMC7 will have to take place entirely within Hell or some shit.
>t. 80 iq
They're both fine lmao
I don't really care to see Mundus again. Dante kicked his shit in already. With Vergil *and* Nero also along for the ride now Mundus wouldn't stand a chance.
>implying backtracking to put key items into their slots required any iq and was anything other than an artificial mission extender