>playing handheld on the toilet
Can someone explain this meme for me? Are people having shitting problems or what?
I am sitting 5 minutes at most when taking a shit, not even worth launching the game
Playing handheld on the toilet
This. I shit in like 2 seconds.
Am i the only one that takes less than 2 minutes on the toilet? Everyone i know takes at least 5-10 minutes
I take like 5 minutes to wipe
I usually plop between 15 to 30 min.
It sucks when you're wiping for 10 min.
My diet isnt bad, and I'm not fat. Idk why my poops are magic markers.
>I am sitting 5 minutes at most when taking a shit
How fucking blown out is your anus, Sonygroid?
It takes me less than 15 seconds to actually shit, and the rest of the time is spent wiping.
Sometimes I do a quick 1 min shit and sometimes I know I'll keep going for a while with pauses inbetween and just enjoy sitting on the white throne for 5-10 mins.
Sony fans like to have nintendies crawl up there ass and they're always naked and now they take pictures of people pooping
that's fucked up.
I said "at most"
Usually its from 30 seconds to 2 minutes as well
>Caring what someone else plays while they're on the toilet or how long they shit for
...What? Why? This is so retarded
I know a lot of people that shit on the toilet for atleast 20 mins to an hour. It blows my fucking mind. I normally take about 1-2 minutes to shit and they are always surprised to hear it. I feel like Stan on the chipotle episode of South Park. I got a golden butthole.
>lol manchildren play games in public
ok I'll go play in a private space
>lol manchildren playing in the bathroom
is there anything as pathetic as a snoy nigger?
>and they are always surprised to hear it
Stop talking to random people about how long your shits take
Why don't you just wash your ass off in the shower after taking a dump? Smearing it around with paper for 10 minutes seems like a waste when you can just use soap and water.
Some people are grossed out that other people take electronics with them when they're taking a dump or they're just curious as to why people will sit in the bathroom with the smell of shit permeating.
>white people only use tissue to wipe shit off their bums and call it a day
Why do americans do this
It's me time. I'll check my phone or something
If you don't assume a squat stance while shitting, you are not shitting properly.
>tfw my shit always take 20-30 min because of my phone
Listen. The shitter is the one place on the planet where somebody can have at least 5 minutes to themselves without being asked to do anything. If you fail to understand this, you are 100% an underaged retard without a job. Get bent, and let me shit in peace.
This is how you develop hemorrhoids.
Sounds like you need to get a real job.
>Some people are grossed out that other people take electronics with them when they're taking a dump
So they constantly worry over other people potentially doing something gross? That's the very definition of obsession
I talked to a friend that spends way more time than me in the bathroom, he told me that he spends most of his time wiping because he has a hairy ass and he doesn't want bits of shit on the hairs. I have a more feminine ass with no hair so I spend less than a minute wiping.
>A real job, you know, where you're harassed on the toilet
No (you) double nigger. The shitter is sacred. One day when you're older than 12, you'll understand.
Did you tell him that all he's doing is smearing the shit onto his hairs?
>Sounds like you need to get a real job.
>says the guy who spies on people on the toilet
I'm saying he needs a real job because if he's being constantly asked to do something and can't find peace other than the shitter, he probably works retail.
I'm 29.
there a lot of people that spent ages on the toilet, i never understood it either.
i guess many use it as escape, especially wage cucks.
i would reconsider my life if i started using the toilet as escape room
>snoyfags are so obsessed with ass related things they like watching other people take shits
Why can't you creepy pedofags leave strangers alone?
Is this image trying to imply Nintendo is attending e3?
I usually poop at work. Cant wash off my b hole there.
When I was living in Japan, the bidet was a God send. Made my poops only about 10 min.
I don't work retail, I work in a law office. I still appreciate the toilet because nobody's gonna barge in there and demand that I get back to work. Nobody is ever gonna do this with any regular job in fact, retail or not.
boss makes a dollar I make a dime
that's why I shit on company time
Don't worry you'll understand one day
Arent you people fucking disgusted by using handhelds especially in public toilets/at work?
What is the point of washing your hands after if in a minute you are goinf to touch your phone/handheld with all the bacteria again?
Fucking disgusting
no it means they have stuff for the E3
These insane mental gymnastics, holy fucking shit.
>Anyone who doesn't get harassed while on the shitter works at Best Buy!
Fuck off, and come back when you're of age.
>boss makes a dollar I make a dime
Sounds like you need to get a real job.
>playing handheld on the toilet
>looking into a bathroom stall where you know a man is taking a shit
unfunny, gay, pathetic, childish, niggerlicious, retarded, cringe, bluepilled, oof, yikes and tofu
I'm posting this as I'm shitting using my phone, ask me anything
>Anyone who doesn't get harassed while on the shitter works at Best Buy!
Nice reading comprehension, that's probably why you work retail.
What color is your poop today, user?
Healthy dark brown
>they think that sony fan took this photo
I dont know if I should call you newfags or idiots, dunno which trait fits the most
Using handhelds/phone on the toilet just doubles the amount of time I spend shitting. Not worth it at all for me and I don't get why my brother does it.
who took this photo?
Face it snoyfags are obsessed
Yeah, because when a snoyboi launches a game, they have to wait for the thing to turn on, spend about 45 minutes cleaning out the roaches, another 30 minutes waiting for the system to update, and yet another 30 for the game to install. Of course you wouldn't be able to play anything on the toilet.
>tfw I've got a PS4, Switch, 3DS, Vita and I've played all 4 on the toilet before
So am I like, a complete normalfag or am I a genius
it usually takes me around 15 minutes since i shit in kinda weird way, first some shit comes out quickly, then it takes like 5-10 minutes after which another shit load comes out
not worth leaving the toilet in-between
I use toilet paper and then wet wipes until there's no poopy left.
You see everyone, snoyfucks spend all day drawing little mspaint garbage and shitposting on Yea Forums because they can't play their bug-infested shitheaps they call consoles.
>played ps4 on the toilet
>Underage fishing for (you)s doesn't understand hyperbole
>Doesn't understand the sacredness of the shitter either
Rule. Two.
The PS4 IS a toilet
High talk coming from the one drawing that garbage.
You guys insert a finger into your anus everyday to make sure is clean, right? My family do that every day
I use baby wipes and wipe until nothing is on them
>Made my poops only about 10 min.
Why do your shits take 10 minutes, user?
Enjoy the shit bleeding through the wipes, getting on your fingers and faucet handles
my roomate made fun of me for buying wet/baby wipes and i asked him to try it out just once. Fucking the next day he went out and bought a huge Lighting Mcqueen box of them
niggers dont wipe their asses, they just shake it off
that's where twerking came from
So let’s see...Sony fans like to:
1. Stuff things up their butts
2. Look at other men’s junk and watch them poop
3. Have no games to play
What else?
Imagine pooping in public.
Imagine using toilet paper at home instead of just washing your ass in the shower.
I had a TV set up in the bathroom and attached a PS4 to it.
Talladega Nights
>washing your ass in the shower.
americans do this? why?
what is the correct way to wipe Yea Forums?
bidet? paper? wetwipes?
More hygienic. Using toilet paper is basically smearing the shit on your ass. And this is not exclusive to americans.
Learn how to wipe your ass
>people can sit on the shitter with their phones or similar devices in both hands
>not using one hand to make sure your cock doesn't touch any part of the bowl or the water
What the fuck?
is anyone else having a hard time? i feel like i'm losing my anus virginity everytime i poop
it's so painful i dont know what to do, when i fart in the after pooping i can feel the blood dripping from my anus
>taking shit while playing shit games on shit hardware
Seems fitting.
as someone with IBS-A, I spend a long time on the toilet, along with frequent visits.
it's not fun.
>learn how to be barbaric
No, thank you.
you've got piles bro
You guys try to hide your farts in public bathrooms or just go full mode?
Lmaooooooo underrated comment
That's cause you're supposed to put one leg on the tank while the other is on the floor and shit with laserlike precision
>filming yourself watching a guy on the toilet
Nigga you gay
dominate it
let people know you're the boss
a few possibilities
you eat little fiber and you're dehydrated to fuck and back
you have the roids
you were born with an odd alignment in your rectum
you have literal ass cancer
you are gay
some of these may bleed into one another, I mean I'm no Doctor, but
See a doctor pls
I take about ten minutes to make sure it's all out, and definitely take a while to clean my hairy ass.
I miss being young and hairless.
It really cleans, man. If you can't wipe hard and get nothing, you aren't clean enough. I would hate to leave skid marks.
when I was on Thailand they had a gun that shoots water beside the toilet ever since I've been back i feel like a fucking savage using toilet paper it's no where near as good. Enlighten yourself bro.
Why is the Sony wojak avatar so damn gay? Sucking things up it's ass, watching people taking a shit, etc.
Paper > wet wipes > paper
If I am home I’ll do paper > shower.
Take fiber supplements user, or increase fiber in your diet. It’s a game changer.
I'm confused about the mods
Are they dead? The shadman thread has been up for hours
>snoy as the nig
>nintentoddler as the pudgy white boy
Must be the inspiration for why there are videos of white people shitting in the middle of grocery store aisles
You use it, then put it down, then wipe, then wash, then pick it up.
You don't use it while wiping, and the wiping is what's really dirty.
>not sticking your hand up your ass and cleaning it from the inside
its the only way to achieve true cleanliness
I just dumped gay porn from /hm/ in their IRC, they're a little occupied atm.
I used baby wipes for a while myself, but most brands aren't designed to be flushed down the toilet.
>not wiping your ass
Do americans really don't wipe their butt? Is that why they all always smell so bad?
shitting 1 time each day is optimal
anything over that is a problem