How come Western RPGs have so many interesting and well-written companions, but JRPGs have never evolved beyond regurgitating anime tropes and "woman with big boobies" for their character designs? Try to prove me wrong by posting a single good JRPG character, I dare you.
How come Western RPGs have so many interesting and well-written companions...
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You are right, that explains why FemShep is the only WRPG character that people remember & care about. Every other WRPG character ends up being a irrelevant literal who
Nah, I'd rather wait for you to post an actual good WRPG character first, faggot.
try every single one here bar TNO
japs can't write
You do know half of these characters are walking tropes whose motivations and personalities can be accurately described by a single "muh x" sentence?
Dakkon is pretty cool though. So is FFG.
if those characters are as shit as you say, I'd like to see you post a JRPG companion that can match them
find a match to Dak'kon or Fall-from-Grace
is there even any decent recent wrpg?
I dont remember seeing anything good past neverwinter nights and dungeon siege
The worst thing is that JRPGs are even considerd as RPGs . There is no role-playing in this shit. It's just an interactive movie with some grind in between.
Pillars of Eternity and Original Sin are pretty decent
Even Frog is more memorable than any of those put together.
>How come Western RPGs have so many interesting and well-written companions
Because you are playing RPGs when they were written by people with talent and not blue-hair SJW retards like today.
As things stand JRPGs have better characters than Western games in the present, and you should kill yourselves for allowing this to happen.
Fair enough. And yet, games in western setting made by Japan are objectively the best.
eh, good catch. should add them to the list
>How come Western RPGs have so many interesting and well-written companions
Not anymore
We had an industry of people that cared about making their world interesting, it's quite sad to see it subverted nowadays.
Sadly I have to agree here, they think RPG means stats instead of getting involved in your own adventure.
Dont get me wrong some Japanese games are grand and fun to play but there is little deviation to actually make meaningful decisions outside of dating simulator elements and perhaps why people praise the few jap games that let you play as hero or villain, they really lack player choice.
Pokémon as stupid as it sounds at least has team building as a sort of proxy for role-playing through a built in adventure but it's held down by some questionable developers being really incompetent.
>Big bruiser
>Mage girl
>Dickass thief
>Serious guy
>Quirky nonhuman sidekick
>Childhood friend
>Dickass thief
>Big bruiser
>Serious guy
>Quirky nonhuman sidekick
Honestly I don't see much difference between Jrpg and Wrpg designs, they seem to influentiate one another all the time. The thing is that nips love older RPG themes.
Wrpg ins't immune to regurgitating tropes though. Best lizardboy there is from your classic "evil bitch is trying to revive old empire" plot, then ends with a "oh no the demon king freed himself" expansion.
Anime tiddies overload and generic shonen shit can go fuck themselves with a rod of frost though, shit is so formulaic it hurts.
>A character so cliche and dull that the translation completely rewrote him
Dak'kon was so good he literally set the standard that the entire Githzerai race would be based on in all following iterations of D&D.
How come the same thread gets regurgitated every day but OP tries to pretend it's anything different?
you can tell he was the only one in wich the team put effort into because everyone else in his party is shit
Here OP.
How come WRPGs have never evolved beyond regurgitating Tabletop RPG tropes and "old guy in armor" for their character designs? Try to prove me wrong by posting a single good WRPG character, I dare you.
*blocks your path*
your move
This user gets it, the most interesting character that no WRPG can get close to.
Writers then:
- Normal people.
- Went to libraries.
- Read great books.
- Spent most of their time reading books.
- A more educated timeline.
- Education was actually worth a shit.
Writers now:
- SJWs.
- Don't know what a library is.
- Read Twilight, Tumblr fanfics, read garbage.
- Spend most of their time on twitter and facebook or on buzzfeed reading the [10 things x] dogshit, their brains rotting from it all.
- A timeline of lowering IQ and lowering education.
- Gender Studies and age of degraded education systems.
Easiest way to prove it:
Compare inspirations of old writers to inspirations cited by new and SJW writers in interviews and blogs.
user, the retarded "Old Good, New Bad: Comics Edition" is a different thread. This is about RPG party members.
He's right, though The people who wrote for games in the past only had literature and their real life experiences with people to base their characters on, the people who write for games today base their characters and characters who exist in other games, because that's the medium they grew up with.
Meme character from meme h-series with shit gameplay and shit art.
>bar TNO
TNO is actually a great character. They manage to pull of the perfect balance between a blank slate where you get to make choices while still making him a distinct character (so distinct that he's arguably the most unique RPG protagonist ever.
I meant that he isn't a companion, he's probably the best protagonist ever made
Arthur is good too but nowhere near Adahn
Why is the writing in Japanese games so atrocious anyway? It doesn't even make sense when you think about it. Japanese cinema for example is superior to all the generic crap Hollywood churns out. So why is there such a wide gap in quality between Japanese video game writing and that of the rest of the world?
I'm struggling to even think of a Japanese game where I was consistently engaged by the writing. The dull dialogue devoid of any color or character, the anime tropes, ridiculously convoluted plots, the focus on child/teenage protagonists, there is so much wrong with the writing in these games on a fundamental level. And yet, Japanese games are by far the most story-heavy games in existence. You have games like Persona 5 that literally have 43 hours of cutscenes. It's absurd.
This, people read internet more than books nowadays, it's not noticeable for a common person, but will degrade any writer.
I didn't realize that walking "we are pandering to SJWs" archetypes are "characters"
> it's not noticeable for a common person, but will degrade any writer.
Nah man, it's noticeable.
A few years back, I had issues with attention span, so I would try to listen to audiobooks of classic lit, philosophy, and did arithmetic practice in my head. My speech and behavior reflected it for a time.
But later and up to now, I was unable to do such study due to life issues, and I could seriously feel myself becoming dumber over time, especially when I spent too much time on this site. It really doesn't take much for knowledge to expire and decay.
>Pretending the "opposition" is any better.
I hate, HATE the how keyboard warriors have to make everything about their "mortal enemy". Niether of them are desirable to be around: It often boils down to Nazis vs Communists, along with everything those ideologies invoke by the thought of them. Why would I want anything to do with Nazis? Why would I want to listen to a Communists drone on about how money systems are evil?
No listen, if you're not an insane fuck wit who sees enemies in every corner, that means you don't believe in anything.
Cool buzzwords, provide counter arguments tho.
There is no defending Rance's shitty gameplay or shitty art.
pro tip: the kind of CRPGs that people 'like for the writing' are garbage for the same reason all JRPGs are garbage
>It really doesn't take much for knowledge to expire and decay.
Selective memory.
Knowledge won't expire and decay for a certain field you specialize in as the brain configures itself for it. I know people in Chem for instance who can't remember basic shit from any other field or can't memorize a song without putting a few hours into it, but when it comes to Chem itself it's like photographic instant memory with no decay no matter how much time passes between them learning that information and accessing it, and near-instant memorization of new information.
Human brain is a marvel.
If it's of any consolation, recent studies find that the brain still produces new neurons even in the old age, so the shit about aging crippling your mental prowess is absolute bullshit (and all the cases of old people being anecdotal evidence of it are now turned into fact officially, it's not age but mental investment which stagnates for most people).
Not enough cute rabbit girls?
Because western developers almost always focus on story and other surface-level fluff first, and the game is barely an RPG half the time.
because you might hate the SJW push for equality but now people actually write 3d characters which go beyond man, woman and don't follow all the tropes
>Because western developers almost always focus on story and other surface-level fluff first, and the game is barely an RPG half the time.
Wouldn't this be a more accurate description of japanese developers?
>How come Western RPGs have so many interesting and well-written companions
they don't. wrpg characters exist only to say sjw talking points. jrpgs have real characters, not walking political advertisements.
you should try playing games made before 2010, zoomer.
imagine being as braindead as this faggot and parroting what every retard weeb on Yea Forums says
you do realize that SJWs didn't exist in the 90s and 2000s, right?
both of these final boss speeches are cringe. they both read like they were written by redditors. the only difference is that jrpgs aren't always this shitty.
>you do realize that SJWs didn't exist in the 90s and 2000s, right?
that's where you're wrong, zoomer. the loony left has always been a thing, they just weren't called sjws until recently.
And I don't think Persona is a good JRPG, either.
they existed, they just were mocked by pretty much everybody back then
>they don't. wrpg characters exist only to say sjw talking points. jrpgs have real characters
like fucking clockwork with the crappy mspaint images
>most wrpgs can be speedrun in a few minutes and npcs can be outright killed, that's how little the developers care about you following the story.
>meanwhile, the average jrpg features dozens of hours of mandatory cinematics and story interactions
In what universe do wrpgs have a bigger story focus than jrpgs?
>WRPG side describes the entire games and characters
>JRPG side does the bare minimum.
I know it's bait and was made by an autist but still
Deekin best boi
Donald and Goofy
>eight non-characters
>Its another one of those threads
They're both cute kitties, and will be pet accordingly.
People could post characters, but OP would find some way to move the goalposts to bitch further, so why bother?
isn't tongue out indicative of stress in house cats?
Wasnt this the cat who grew up among dogs and started to act like them?
Because you don't play enough JRPG ? Most characters in Valkyrie Profile were great, Suikoden had some surprisingly deep characters like Viktor, Georg, Mathiu or Jowy. Final Fantasy has some decent ones (Balthier, Auron, Red XIII), as well as Saga Frontier.