>360 controller is the only controller that simulates a gun handle and trigger in each arm.
>triggers on other controllers are shaped like buttons not literal gun triggers
>360 controller is the only controller that simulates a gun handle and trigger in each arm.
>triggers on other controllers are shaped like buttons not literal gun triggers
Other urls found in this thread:
this ps5 is a dev model; hence it has unesthetic shape
what the fuck is wrong with you?
biological or mental?
nintendo smartened up and copied the xbox controller. sony is too delusional/stubborn.
from the people that brought you "rumble is for children"
Japan doesn't care about FPS games why would they care about "simulating a gun handle in each arm
>Shooters on a console
That's a CG render you absolute mouthbreather
>put a screen on the controller
oh boy even worse battery life and cost for something that's a useless gimmick.
Ergonomically speaking I think the peak trigger design was with the gamecube
Functionally, though, analog triggers are usually a waste of space and money.
Never really had a problem with battery life on my dualshock4 desu, charges relatively fast too.
>screen on a controller
Can't wait for retards to complain about them breaking after throwing them
>360 controller is the only controller that simulates a gun handle and trigger in each arm.
not an argument
i'm sure it's some flexible material
OP here. gaming is all cringe. learn to ignore it. gaming is for 12 year olds and we are the weird adults in their eyes.
a week ago I went to buy a nintendo game from a 14 year old. when he saw me he ran away
Where in the world did you get those trigger facts. They dont feel like a gun trigger. Did you make that up?
replace them with metal triggers and install a stronger spring and a heavy duty vibrating motor x2
Just go and shoot yourself if you want a gun as controller so much.
>Simulates a gun handle and trigger
Holy shit
Xkiddies may be the only ones to actually brag about being retarded. Imagine acting hardcore about playing a genre on an objectively inferior input device on objectively inferior hardware (with no exclusives). If you play shooters with a controller you're actually a retarded normie.
360 controllers are the only controller that still uses AA batteries and simulates the feeling of having one of the worst D-pads in vidya history
Shill elsewhere
Do you smell like shit or something what the fuck??
Xbone controller is better
>offset joysticks
kill yourself faggot
I have no gender
>360 controllers are the only controller that still uses AA batteries
>What is the Xbone controller?
>not having the important parts in the most optimal spots
>muh guns
Definitely an american.
>Sony finally admitting their controller is uncomfortable
>Wanting a shit dpad and shit dpad placement
Kill yourself zoomer
>shit dpad placement
games don't use d-pad anywhere near as much as the left analog stick
there is a rechargeable pack for the xbone controller but you can just get rechargeable batteries and a cheap charger and dump the batteries when they get used up unlike ps4s
Until the day scientific evidence proves asymmetrical sticks are better, stop shotposting it like it is fact.
You can replace the rechargeable battery in a DS4 nigger.
Until the day scientific evidence proves asymmetrical sticks are better, stop shotposting it like it is fact.
there is no evidence that sex>fapping and yet we all know the truth
end it all FFS
Don't forget to mention the shittiest right analog stick placement.
by opening my controller and voiding the warranty?
This is where your thumbs will sit for most games
This is the most comfortable spot to leave your thumbs
The Dualshock 4 has no tamper evident system in place that indicates a voided warranty.
Every 3d game is better played with keyboard and mouse, the only benefit of controllers are their dedicated dpads, so any controller that skimps on its only redeeming value is shit tier.
There is proof of that because the penis is shaped to fit perfectly in the vagina and contractions stimulate every nerve on the penis. Fucking 14 year old xbox faggots.
All this shows is that half of the controller's inputs are uncomfortable.
Meanwhile when you hold the Dualshock right, any alignment for your thumbs is comfortable.
Third person feels better with an anaolg stick than with a d-pad or WASD
Not scientific research. By that logic, the other stick is in a terrible spot along with the d pad and are uncomfortable to use
>any alignment for your thumbs is comfortable.
Maybe with baby hands, your tiny plastic toy is anything but comfortable
Not if you are playing an fps... but then again those are meant to be played on pc.
Any real gamer would have already owned a controller that is especially made for the Dpad in mind such as the Sega Saturn controller.
>By that logic, the other stick is in a terrible spot
You use them less, stop acting smart with an IQ of 80
>but then again those are meant to be played on pc
Lift your hand and let it naturally rest. Dualshock fits it perfectly.
So xniggers must he terrible at fps then
Click D-pad to do something, return to analog for movment/moving the character
Click face button to do something, return to analog for camera.
The D-pad and ABXY / X[ ]/\O are only secondary inputs, the analogs are the primary controls.
So if you think asymmetrical layout is better you have fucked up hands.
Doing the claw is much better on a xbone controller than ps4. Not to mention the thumb sticks on the ps4 feel half assed. I could barely play Crash on the PS4, but was able to 100% them easily with the xbone controller.
Mine is hot garbage it lasts maybe 2 hours.
Then again its a launch model maybe they changed the battery.
How do I plug a Saturn controller into my PS4? I have a ps3 release usb one for PC already.
Most games use analogS (analogSSSSSSS (plural)), and triggers.
Stop pretending to pretend to be retarded.
>shooters on console
>FPS with a controller
They use the MAIN BUTTONS more than the right analog stick unless all you play are console shooters why would yuo do that?
All they had to do was copy the DS2 or DS3 design and make it bigger with that little screen thing in the middle. The overall design is good so shut the fuck up. It just needed to be bigger is all. 360 controllers got shit sticks and dpad so they aren't exactly perfect either.
>So if you think asymmetrical layout is better you have fucked up hands
You literally only need the side of your thumb for most camera turns
I wonder how retards like these play Soul's games.
Since they always keep their right thumb on th...
>Press X to estus
Ohh.... ho ho ho ho... should've known.
It all makes sense.
But does it simulate a katana? Psh, nothing personnel
How about something like this Yea Forums. The left thumbstick is down but the right one is higher?
>you need precision the most with the right stick
>puts it in a inconvenient spot while putting buttons, which don't need precision on the best spot
>handles are flared outward even more than the DS so you can't hold it like the DS, which you can comfortably pose your thumb in a way that the stick is aligned perfectly with it
I keep my thumb on the buttons and use the side of it to use the camera
Oh shit, who would have thought of such an ingenious maneuver
>which you can comfortably pose your thumb in a way that the stick is aligned perfectly with it
Does everyone on Yea Forums have fucking baby hands?
across three generations of PS consoles, I have never had one suffer from stick drift
in the 360 gen alone, I had multiple controllers with stick drift, and after getting an Xbone controller for PC gaming I eventually had stick drift on that piece of shit as well
Microsoft is the only company that has consistently had terrible stick drift problems throughout 7th and 8th gen, both Nintendo and Sony have put out great quality controllers that do not suffer from this problem
not to mention Microsoft still requires AA batteries for their fucking controllers unless you buy a separate rechargeable battery pack
>durr just buy rechargeable AAs
you still have to fucking swap out the fucking batteries instead of just plugging in a USB cable
by the time your DS4 battery actually dies out, that shit would be well past warranty you nigger
Yep, that's a fucked up thumb you got.
How hard is it for you to imagine using the side of your thumb?
What kind of mental gymnastics do you need to come to this conclusion?
Do you keep magnets on your thumb and your analog for when you want to move it to the right?
Not only do you have freak hands, you are fucking mad.
Magnets, fucking 30yo+ wizards.
That's the worst possible set up
here's what we need in next gen controls
>standardized utilization of bluetooth 5.0 to decrease input lag and battery consumption
>asymmetrical sticks or fuck off, seriously sony is the only one pushing symmetrical sticks, its completely atrocious
>actual sticks that doesn't wear out after a week of use, xbone already have those
>USB C mandatory for fast charging and standard compatibility, even fucking stadia has it
>2000Mha battery MINIMUM
>mandatory Gyro aiming support for all console shooters
>but muh wii boogeyman
watch video related
>HD rumble could be a nice feature to add or a mouse like scroll trigger for fast gear/weapon switching
What's wrong with that?
you liked having the left thumb up and the right thumb down, what's so wrong with having the opposite?
How does it feel to have tiny hands where your thumb can't even reach the stick?
No wonder you prefer DS4
Now you're just trying to save face too hard.
Keep trying though.
Because the most important parts are now in the less comfortable spot
>Every 3d game is better played with keyboard and mouse
Stick your thumbs up this.
You're just swapping which thumb is up and which is down.
considering the analogs are the most important ones.
No, I literally don't understand why you don't get how easy it is
Please, explain your thought process of why you can't just use your thumb like this because it's clear you're just baiting and I'm autisitc enough to fall for it
>all these fighting games and how hyped they are
>the fighting scene
>still release controllers with that kind of mediocre d-pad
Why? There was a time where people thought dpads were unnecessary, but the changed again a couple of years ago.
I also dont like how the right analog stick is so close to Square and X buttons. And bring back the LR2 of the DS2
So if you can control the camera so fucking well with the thumb on the side, why are you whining like a retard about the left analog being placed in the same layout?
Only zoomers and normalfags push for asymmetrical sticks. Anyone who can't see the value in a good dpad and is outing themselves as underaged or will fully ignorant. Prove me wrong.
>analogs are the most important ones
Only for FPS which you should only ever play with KB+M and racing games, every other game the buttons are more important
The Dualshock 4 is larger than the xbone controller.
Didn't know Dark Souls was an FPS racing game.
Because it would be extremely unnecessary due to d-pad not being important in most modern games
Ignoring the PS5 dev kit bait, the PS4 controller is one of the best out there unironically, I hope PS5 barely touches the design
are you being retarded?
movement stick and buttons are at the same height on the xbox controller making it optimal for 3d gaming
tell me retard how many people are playing games with the dpad as their main control scheme instead of an analog stick
I literally already responded to the Dark Souls post
>the shitty touchpad is back
for what purpose
Left stick being in the DS position makes my thumb hurt after extended amounts of time. I wouldn't mind the right side though.
reminder dualshock was invented only to compete with N64 and was never ergonomic, PS4 controllers look this way because of brand recognition nothing else
Ironic, but I'll nab a little bite on your weak bait attempt.
>3d gaming (with a small d)
Yes, dual analog gaming. Best played with analogs in a symmetrical layout.
tell me retard () how many people are playing games with the dpad as their main control scheme instead of an analog stick
Why are you so fucking dumb to playing with the dpad instead of the analog in the games I assume you mean are "3d gaming"
Christ, that's just embarrassing how stiff the aim is.
I hope you didn't put this as a defence of FPS on consoles.
>One of my thumbs hurt if they are in the same position
Poor you.
Even though the actual design and quality the N3DS nub sucks absolute ass, I'd like to see something along the lines of that layout where the right stick is aligned so that when your thumb is on it it's resting above the buttons so you don't really have to move your thumb at all. Would be difficult to make a stick that is unobstructive but still comfortable enough for that purpose though.
backwards compatibility
sony has literally never tried to innovate their control scheme, they keep rehashing the same thing to not confuse users
>you can now play ps1 games on that tiny screen something even smaller than the psp
No I mean backwards compatibility with the PS4. If there are games that need the touchpad you're fucked if DS5 ditches it unless sony lets you use DS4 w/ PS5
DS4 is peak controller. All they need to do is add two rear buttons. They won't.
why can't you guys accept the FACT there is no objectively better controller, there is no objectively better hand position.
each person use the controller they feel better using, the position you leave your hands on the controller change from person to person AND from game to game. you will not hold the controller when play dark souls the same way you do when playing battlefield or hollow knight
>DS4 is peak controller
>That useless touch screen
>Those triggers
>That material on the sticks
>That tiny plastic toy feel
>The tiny start button that is easily hit when going for triangle in the heat of the moment
>DS4 is peak controller
>DS4 is peak controller
except visually
its the worst looking controller in existence
you forgot the 3 hours battery life
>symmetrical sticks
>awful battery life
>symbols instead of abxy
>share instead of select
> hitting start when going for triangle
ok i have to stop reading here.WTF is wrong with you
It's actually true though. I remember how I used to have to take breaks as a kid in the PSX era because of how bad my left thumb hurt. Now with the 360 and Xbone controllers I can play forever and not feel a thing. The right stick is not an issue, since no game requires you to constantly have a thumb on the right stick.
It just feels more natural, to me at least. Place your hand on the pinky side on your desk and see in which position your thumb ends up.
I bet you look like an overweight pedophile, you certainly do sound like one
>Microjew controllers
>Still uses batteries
the d-pad looks like hot garbage something Neokiketrashitpisstendo would shit out
It's right next to it, you won't understand with woman fingers
all wireless controllers have batteries
build in are worse because you need to replace the entire controller if it has an issue
>playing a shooter with a controller
Get rid of the dumb touch pad and we're there baby
it's 2019 and there still isnt first party controllers with grip buttons.
>both Nintendo and Sony have put out great quality controllers that do not suffer from this problem
the joycons have notorious stick drift issues.
however, you're not wrong about the rest of your post. microsoft is known for making cheap piece of shit hardware. shit controllers, the clock capacitor on the original xbox that inevitably leaks, the red ring of death, etc.
nothing wrong with the touchpad bro
What a vile D-pad
xbone L1/R1 are shit tier
DS4 has much better shoulder buttons
It has no purpose since no one uses it
please post "americans are interested in gun"
you know what I mean
Maybe if you have small baby manlet fingers.
um, no. my thumbs are not constantly resting on the facebuttons for most of my games and if you're talking about location, don't. there is no reason why my thumb "naturally" sits slightly higher or lower. that's retarded.
>No gyro
>In a shooter
The 360 controller was my main for a long time as well but the lack of a gyro just pushed me off it.
The triggers are also pretty shit for basically everything.
Steam controller at least picks up the slack in that regard by bringing back Dual stage triggers. Too bad it's a retarded DS4.
While it's useful in most cases you can't really use your D-Pad in any major way if you have offset sticks, whereas symmetrical sticks leave you with only mild discomfort if you have to hold one position on the stick for a long time.
Make that 4 (and don't just make them shit like the SC where you just flex the battery panel to indirectly push a button. Add some dual stage triggers, unfuck the pause/select buttons and reorient the trackpad a bit (basically give the controller a 5head because why not) since it doesn't really take advantage of your thumb's natural range of motion.
>Useless touch screen
It's useful as several bonus buttons or for selecting from a menu. Not the controller's fault that devs suck at using the features of the controller such as gyro.
It's not even really in the ballpark.
By all accounts it's closer to the square button.
what is camera lock on
>>That useless touch screen
Not when you can use it as two large easily accessible buttons.
>>The tiny start button that is easily hit when going for triangle in the heat of the moment
Lmao fat fuck.
Everything else is fine.
>unplugging it ever
Don't tell me you actually own a PS4.
its closer to square if anything
>fat fuck
lol, i'm nearing underweight, thank fuck i don't have baby fingers though
>unplugging it ever
Yeah, because why would ANYBODY want to play with wireless controllers on consoles for more than 2 hours?
This will actually get me into playing my PS4 again
Now I just need suggestions because out of what I know I only care about BB, P5 and GR2
>using DS4 for PC when the Xbone controller exists
If just the screen can go into sleep mode like the switch whenever you're not using it, the battery life should be no issue. They should get rid of the light bar, though.
>wireless controller has to be used wired all the time to make up for the shit battery
It has already been confirmed as a fake by the faker himself, but these retards are full on retarded.
some boomers like to use d-pads on their controllers you know
In that case you're probably holding the controller wrong since that's the only way I can explain it without assuming you fingers that put sausages to shame.
Hold the controller further back, you shouldn't be pressing the x button with the base of your thumb anyway.
That's a pretty good question. Get a USB cable longer than a few inches.
>No gyro
>uses a controller for shooters
This is a lie. All games that use it are fantastic.
List includes, gravity rush 2, Astro Bot: Rescue mission, Dreams.
xbone L1/R1 are absolute shit.
compare the placement to the PS4 controller.
shit renders, horrid shadows. he couldn't even handwrite the note? no pencil leaves a mark that smooth and clean.
What the fuck are you going to use gyro for on PC games?
>saves the PS4
The analogs are terrible, like, they feel very cheap. I had to put a sponge ring on that shit for them to feel okay
I also agree with all those points. The price is also ridiculous for how cheap the controller is, which isnt new, the DS3 was the same but even cheaper.
All of you are right, because on games where you press square+triangle that can occur more often
>that price
Is that even good? What about that dpad?
>Not the controller's fault that devs suck at using the features of the controller
This. Touchpad can literally gave an extra 7 controls when you consider the touchpad itself 3 buttons underneath and you can use swipes for up, down, left, and right which isn't useful in all games but useful in games where some controls don't need an immediate press.
thats why i also have a switch pro controller for that but why use gyro on PC when you have M+Kb?
its useless because literally no other console has it, dont blame devs for not supporting such a retarded gimmick not even sony wants to use
I've never once accidentally hit the pause button. theres something wrong with your hands.
Dualshock 3 is objectively the best controller.
DS4 and whatever garbage Microsoft has been shitting out since the original Xbox is trash.
PS2 controller is fine but four shoulder buttons isn't as useful as two shoulders two triggers.
The dpad is fine, I haven't felt any major problems with it, it's not as floaty and light as many dpads are and it really helps to navigate shit.
It's the best controller I have used. Feels good in my hands, it's wired so I don't have to care about charging and the cable is screwed in so it doesn't slip out. Only bad thing is is the pc software, sucks ass. And the additional buttons are pretty useless, their placement is awful.
The triggers are a little mushier than on the DS4, but it doesn't bother me. Using the touchpad can be a hassle, because there's a little bit more distance from the buttons to it and the stick layout isn't designed to be used with it. But that isn't at all a major problem.
Not sonys fault. Also some programs on PC let you use bind the touch pad shit as buttons so it's kind of objectively the best controller to use for PC games
>inb4 durr using controller on PC
KB+M is only better for games that require precise aim, why would you play something like DMC for example with a kb over a controller? it's just uncomfortable
Shitty noisy render.
>Not sonys fault.
except it is, if sony itself is not actively pushing the feature, showing and even demanding devs to use it then who the hell is even going to care about it? have you wondered why gyro aiming is actually asked for in the switch? its because nintendo pushed the feature hard with games like splatoon 2 and BOTW, are you just waiting for devs to do your own homework?
>KB+M is only better for games that require precise aim, why would you play something like DMC for example with a kb over a controller? it's just uncomfortable
specify who exactly in this thread has said that M+Kb is better for anything besides shooters, mobas and RTS
>Sony is so desperate for ideas they steal from the PiiU
not the first time they've done it
motion controls and rumble pack just to name a few
Hey guys. Why not put the buttons ON the stick?
Honestly I agree but then it wouldn't work with the PS4.
It may be rarely used, but there are no games where it's a detriment.
What's the problem? Adapt.
X1 still has the best overall controller.
oh boy eric shreiking from his cuckshed again
I don't, but OP is referring to shooters.
Camera among other things since it offers better precision. Sometimes it's just good to have.
Some games just don't control well with a mouse and keyboard, be it because it's a sloppy job or because it's emulated but the Gyro still has some application.
They could still mildly tweak the controls and not even Sony exclusives use the eccentricities of the controller well. You only get the full 100% on PC.
The controller functions well. The devs are lazy.
>Clicks stick
not true, my thumb fits better when up your moms ass while i hit it from the back
>Clicks stick
yeah so you just put a giant gamecube style A-button where the buttons were
having four buttons in the place of where one was and also not requiring you to remove your thumb from the stick kind of outweighs the disadvantages to "erhmagerd no clickable stick whatever shall we do"
>that small
Also only few first party studios have access to early models so far, sony isnt sending out any dev kits yet
^this, dev kits are fucking massive no matter the generation, they always look like a mid tower PC
Especially since it is a PC, until they finalize the design and start manufacturing, and lets remember Sony pushed ps5 back another year to late 2020 earliest, they have to use similar parts from the pc with ether a custom made prototype gpu chip or a gimped high end market card.
I own 4 DS4s with stick drift and that's just from this gen. All my controllers are kept in perfect condition too.
If you're playing dark souls or sekiro, sure.