Day of the Soap is coming, meleefags.
Day of the Soap is coming, meleefags
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>he fell for the "only meleefags don't shower" meme
Waiting for all the "I have a doctor's note saying that I'm naturally stinky."
Why are americans so disgusting
You will prepare a note saying "I'm allergic to deodorants and perfume" as well?
Do people do that?
they should force them to use deodorants too, just in case
fucking stinkies should be banned for life after one offense
"to be clean" is a broad term, they can force it to apply for a full course shower, deodorant, perfume combo if so they wish.
>yfw you realize the meme was pushed 90% by tcg players trying to deflect by any means necessary
Just install a shower door. Boom any stinky fuckers are made unstinky.
i would never ever leave my house unshowered, what even drives these people to do so?
Honestly this.
What kinda fucking savages don't shower/bathe regularly and use deoderant every day?
>what even drives these people to do so?
autism, because "I'm an adult and I can not take a shower if I want!"
Years of depression and social isolation.
Card players are some of the most disgusting unashamed neckbeards I've ever met. I've been to Smash tournaments and anime cons and they were nowhere near as bad as an MtG encounter.
this should make you want to shower so people don't fucking hate you and think of you as a complete retard
I'm depressed and introverted yet I wash my balls every other day, so it's not that. These who don't shower are simply fucking lazy.
It's an american and cut dick thing. They think they don't need to shower as often as uncut men because cut dick is "hygienic".
I'm a NEET and a Meleefag and I won't shower if I'm just going to wallow in my own filth at home.
But even I shower and put on deodorant if I'm going to go out in public. I already subject people to my autism, the least I can do is not subject them to my stench as well.
they are probably too lazy to do even that
Don't deflect back stinky, Meleefags are unwashed savages, it doesn't matter if Cardfags might even more disgusting.
I am allergic to perfume and deodorants, but they make hypoallergenic shit for us. Meleefags are just lazy.
first this, and now penis inspection day is tomorrow at work... fml
>implying it already hasn't already happened
when allergy is in the way then these are made for you
>nobody even asks and he gives us this anyway
based fucking user
i'm not gay but
>that photo
My smash locals smell just fine desu yo
Make sure your dick is sparkling before inspection.
Shit like this is terrifying. He looks straight up like a girl until you see the dick.
So glad I don't have to date anymore.
Can one of you fat fucks please explain why you don't shower and have to share your stench with the rest of us?
People do all kinds of shit just to get out of doing something else.
>this is the """educated""" mind of the typical europoor
right? imagine falling in love only to find out later she's got a dong
He is the one that destroyed Melee though, brought on himself and whole community.
I don't give a shit about any of you and find it funny how upset it makes normalfags
cry some more
better a dong with a functional boipucci than a fake vagoo that leaks intestinal fluids.
Whats the story behind this?
he's on so much hormones he basically is a girl, but its better cause he has a dick. This is what trannies don't understand, that the dick is the powerful part of the equation
>better a dong with a functional boipucci than a vagoo
Liz is my mom, back off buddy.
There is literally nothing wrong with a feminine dick.
>being a disgusting lump of lard is funny
i shower atleast twice a day. if i had worked physically i shower that day aswell. every morning before i go to work i use one of these deodorant sticks aswell. no reason not to do only takes a minute at max.
A large part of the problem is just sweat. Either getting to the venue, or throughout the day of playing and waiting for matches.
There's not much of an excuse when you are a hotel venue, but when you're coming from a different location for the event it's often not practical to go and shower mid-day or mid-pool.
I've met smashers who outright don't believe in showering more than once or twice a week, though. I'm sure it's the same in any similar hobby but I honestly didn't think those people were that common until recently.
As long as she planned on keeping it instead of going full post op tranny I'd stick around.
why does personal hygiene continue being a pressing challenging for regular gamers?
#1 ranked melee player plays extremely lame and unfun, hated by pretty much everyone within the community, wins everything and leaves everyone disappointed
melee gets dropped from evo
he watches it live and realises that this is partly his fault
its obvious all these 'meleefags dont shower' twitter posts are just memes, i like ultimate just fine, and i dont care about Melee, but going to this extreme to make look a group of people into dirty cavemen just because they like another game is RIDICULOUS!
Dove is top tier
*snip snip*
good goy
Shea moisture is better.
It feels really nice on the skin.
americans are just third worlders with a living wage. disgusting collection of garbage people.
if you're an old grandma maybe
just bung on some generic shower gel like a real man
>Player plays something other than Fox or Marth
>THIS is what ruined melee
What ruined your shitty game is the fact that only 3 fucking characters are viable
Isn't being clean and taking a shower suppose to be a natural thing to do like brushing your teeth?
Literally just wash your body with shampoo, whenever I sweat, I smell like my shampoo
wtf why does that girl have a dick
This particular dick is wrinkled and haggard.
generic gels and shampoos got too much chemicals in them that cause baldness
you're just so scared of people finding you disgusting when you try your best that you just go all out with the disgusting and say it's because of that as a safety net for your fragile brain. anything other than that is a lie
The only shower gel that's better than bar soap is the exfoliating type.
enjoy your gritty terrible skin
then you must be the smelly one
I got into a huge argument today with my gf for no other reason than she wanted to argue about anything at all so honestly at this point I'd take the trap
Bud, just buy bodywash.
Anecdotal evidence has lead me to believe it is true. I haven't gone to a smash tournament where it didn't smell horrible. Even in my college in the videogames club, where they just played smash, it smelled like nobody showered. That said, i haven't gone to any other type of game tournament.
shower gels compliment soap, not replace it.
fuck off tranny
That is terrible for your skin
no one can smell you through discord
The stinky day post was about smash 4 though. People are absolutely deflecting to melee players.
>americans are just third worlders with a living wage.
Most jobs in America don't pay a living wage and people are forced to live with family, roommates, or partners that also maker income.
The large majority of Americans live paycheck to paycheck or worse (homeless, NEET living with mom etc.).
I have only ever been to one MTG tournament in my life
I went to a friend's house and we stayed up all night playing MTG. Then I slept over so we'd get up in the morning and go to the tournament together. But since I didn't plan on it I didn't bring any spare clothes or deodorant or anything with me, so we went to the tournament and I hadn't showered and I possibly smelled bad by the end of it all.
Doesn't help that the place was underground in a big hotel and there was poor ventilation and it was also kinda hot down there.
I'm a normal person I shower every morning and I use deodorant and I change my shirts every day too, but this one time I have ever gone to a real life MTG tournament I was smelly.
Imagine being so lazy you don't want to brush your teeth or take a shower.
>he thinks that people finding him diagusting is funny
What is really funny is you thinking that kek.
>day of the soap
>living wage
I just use water.
smug fug.
Why are ethnic people smelly?
hbox made it worse by proving that you can make puff completely safe and showing Fox and Marth are worthless too because of their hitboxes. But if they ban Puff now. It shows even more that Melee is a solved game and the meta can't evolve unless the players completely change the rules they have had for decades.
if this won't convince gamers to shower I don't know what will
Or taking time to do some reps and walking to stay healthy.
These basic things don't even take that long to do.
Not a seppo, but I remember back in the 80's when the weird foreign kid was some non Anglo European, and he always smelled like shit, apparently they don't use deodorant in Europe.
They bathe in curry
>no showerhead, forced to take baths
>baths always make me sore, cold, or generally feeling like shit
>it takes a long time to dry off, regardless of towel
>baths themselves take 30 minutes
>usually don't have enough soap left sometimes not even enough clean clothes left
Am I the world's shittiest bath taker or do most people hate taking baths as much as I do
Sure smells that way.
>He looks straight up like a girl until you see the dick.
Unless you look at his face. His obviously male face.
Because they don't take showers.
I asked some pooinloo once why they always smell like curry and she freaked out at me.
I honestly don't know man
Install a shower head if you dislike baths so much?
gross, use some fucking soap.
How? I think my wall is abnormally shaped or broken or something? Fuck man
thats disgusting what the fuck is wrong with you
take some fucking care of yourself and be courteous to others. It's a really basic thing that you need to do.
its not his fault, evo has been talking about moving on from melee for years now
Black Soap is the thinking man's soap
>in bath
>just sit there with cock and balls awkward bobbing in the water
>washing is a pain
>never actually feel clean afterwards
baths are shit tier
I don't want to damage my skin. I rub very thoroughly, instead.
How the fuck does a bath make you feel cold or "sore"? What the fuck kind of bath are you taking?
I know what kind of shower we should give to meleefags
>black bar soap
>has exfoliating nuts embedded in it
Makes my skin feel like it's orgasming.
I haven't taken a bath since I was like 8, baths are fucking gay and shitty. You cannot live without showers, it's ridiculous. A shower will get you clean in 5-10 minutes easily and feels great.
showers are fantastic
i find baths inefficient and a huge waste of time
see, THIS is okay.
i'd call her ma'am.
this isn't Discord, tranny
That's absolutely nasty. Soap wont damage your skin you fucking subhuman.
This is racist, all brown people always smell like shit regardless of whether they have bathed
Well yeah you're basically stewing in your own shit particles and whatever else latched onto your skin while taking a bath.
I'm in the EXACT fucking same situation mate, every morning 25 minutes upto half an hour bath because I dont have a showerhead. I commute mostly by foot and pubkic transportation, but every morning my legs feel like lead because of that bath. Really considerig washing myself at the sink with a washing cloth. I can afford a car but I cant afford the fucking mandatory insurance, its a fucking months wage, 1700 eurobux
>baths always make me sore
Nigger you have a serious damn skin condition if this is the case. It also shouldn't take 30 minutes for a basic ass bath, you only need water ankle deep and then use a loofah or some shit. Why do you need to fill it up to the brim? It's not necessary.
Even NEETs don’t like another NEETs stink. How tough can it be to stand in the tub for 5 minutes?
At least we all can agree that showers are way superior to baths right?
Beta bathers have to sit and stew in the uncomfotable porcelaine tube of horror while alpha showerers get a full on cleaning in safe comfortable non porcelaine
Damn I want to try that
My house automatically showers because it's outside in the rain.
Is your house indoors?
>abrasive chemicals won't damage your skin
thanks for the tips anons, I'll look into it
maybe too hot of a bath and it agitates my internal body temperature?
sorry user
Diet apparently
whats the deal with these twitter uses with anime avatars? they usually tweet a lot of big breasted anime characters and their follower list consists of other anime avatar people doing the same thing?
how old are these people to still be attending anime/game conventions?
That looks like it feels good.
red pill on this tar soap
>Imagine being one of the workers there and have to clean the chairs off of all the dirty people
t. stinky boy
only people who smell like shit wear deodorants or perfumes
and some people have asthma and literally cant breathe around your stink
It wont you paranoid retard.
>one bar of this shit costs as much as a year's supply of normal soap
No thanks.
yooooo! tar sounds manly!!
unlike that gross girly sounding soap stuff
Only if we agree that lotion > soap as well.
>use pic related for the first time while taking a bath
>tub turns into the Ganges river
was smooth as fuck after though
looks like jolyne
>good things cost money compared to useless trash that does nothing
You dont say.
do Melee players not shower every day or something?
>yfw you realize that both meleefags and tcg players smell like shit
So just water?
forgot pic
rent free.
In my country baths are just a relaxing thing, and you take them when you are already clean. Everyone takes showers because it is faster and more effective, and for most of us actually more pleasant.
>removable showerhead
>can spray hot water right on dick, balls, taint, and asshole
never felt so clean
The meme was pushed by people who don't go to tournaments or events. Go outside and you are going to find stinky people, put hundreds of people in a poorly ventilated room for 10+ hours and the place will stink. Even in non gaming events.
normal black soap costs $5 per pound, and that amount lasts for about a year if not more
If we're being generous, once a year.
This isn't just a Melee problem, FGC guys in general don't seem to understand the concept of clean.
"Day of the Soap"
That's literally a white supremacist term you fucking nazi.
You should yourself be forcefully hanged, see if you like it fucking nazi.
>Fill water to just above ankle deep
>Grab large cup
>Pick up water, stand up and dunk it over yourself a few times to get nice and wet
>Shampoo hair
>Get loofah, scrub from top to bottom, do the dick, balls and ass last
>Rinse with water cup again
>Dry off
>Done in 10 minutes
How I had to do it when I lived in a shitty apartment with no shower.
Have you ever been to an event? Its not a meme.
Probably this. If I've been eating greasy and unhealthy shit I can smell it coming off me for a week no matter how much I shower.
Ethnic from where?
Disgusting faggot
Fucking gross. If this the best trannies have?
Let's be real, these fucks won't stay clean even if they wash themselves like a car.
>god awful diet
>sweat under 10 minutes
>packed like sardines
>poor ventilation
It is literally too much effort to shower. I only recently started brushing my teeth somewhat regularly because I don't want to pay my kike dentist anymore than absolutely necessary. If everybody already thinks you're a fucking nasty loser then smelling like shit literally means nothing and running water over yourself is a huge waste of time. This is how I feel and this is probably how everybody who goes to these events feels. I literally find it funny to think that my coworkers have to deal with me smelling like shit day in and day out except on the off chance my hair is so dirty and oily it itches bad enough for me to take a shower and clean it. Stay mad normalfags.
those don't really work, but it's better than nothing I guess.
what’s the point of the bath then, if anything it makes things worse because you’re reusing the same shitty water to wet yourself
might as well just use a big bucket and stand on top of the bathroom drain
This, I just take baths to relax, they arent really for cleaning
don't need this rule for evo anymore.
cause melee got kicked the fuck out, lmao
Tried those once, couldn't sit down for a few hours but my farts were minty as fuck
>using the dirty ass fucking water that you washed all the filth off of into and pouring it back all over yourself
I'm fucking gagging right now, holy shit. This is third world country tier.
It's a man knowing that his livelyhood that he practiced over 2000 hours to get good at is finally being phased out.
Somik is a biological female and a troll. Over the years there's been only the couple of initial "dick pics", everything since then is always covered or just stuffed panties. Also Russians don't circumcise.
ITT: losers feeling superior to other losers.
That is a ugly looking penis.
>Turn shower on
>immediate need to take a piss as soon as I hear the running water/feel the water for temperature
Been like this for months. I bet that trick when you put someones hand in a glass of water while sleeping would work on me.
The FGC at least started in the arcades, where Golfland Security would boot you or the mexicans at the KOF machine would lock you in the bathroom if you were rank enough.
Some of the smash locals that started out in someone's pissbottle basement never picked that up.
Why are so many incels against showering and basic hygiene? Even the ones who go out and have friends can't seem to grasp that they smell like shit and no one wants to be around them. I'm a shut in who doesn't leave his apartment but I shower right as I get out of bed since it helps me wake up and gets me clean.
Just piss in the shower
Yep, I generally like to take baths after having a good shower.
Bubble Baths are top comfy. Grab a book (or game, or phone) and just waste the day away.
>t. loser
Bathroom drain? You mean the bath? Why grab a bucket when I can just fill up the bath instead.
Welcome to poorsville.
ok maybe it was just amazon's shitty pricing
Take a mexican shower, its what I do when my hot water gets turned off. Boil two buckets of hot water, mix with enough cold water to not boil your skin off. Get yourself the largets cup you can find and dump the water on you, shampoo/conditioner/soap, use the second bucket to wash yourself off. Takes like 5 minutes and isn't to bad once you get over the humiliation that you don't have heat because you chose vidya this month.
well unless you're a pro gamer who is also a roma then I guess it could slide
My friend and I went to the dragonball movie a few years back and as soon as the credits rolled he stands up and loudly says "it smells like friday night magic in here let's go."
I never said I didn't.
>sister leaves her shaving razor on the bathtub floor
No regrets.
Why didn't you just shower at your friends
2 minutes tops
1 day old clothes won't stink
You probably have so much shit growing on you that it's fucked up your skin, When you remove the protective layer of caked on fitlth, you feel raw.
You're also probably using the wrong fucking soap for yourself, and you're clearly an ultra poor fag.
Not him, but what the fuck is wrong with shower gel? Am I going to find out I've been getting another basic fact of life completely wrong? I shower daily but only ever used shower gel and shampoo so have I been wasting my fucking time?
How do people even know this shit nobody talks about it in polite conversation. I'm just supposed to know the thing you use to wash yourself in the shower is NOT the thing explicitly made for that purpose, fuck everything.
well hey as long as it gets you clean then its great
Why should I care what I look and smell like if everyone's already decided I'm not even worth being called a human being? Fuck off.
Literally just montage a tube with a showerhead wherever your bathing water comes out and hold it over your head. Add the rest according to your skilllevel and needs.
>use someone elses shower/toilet
do people really do this?
amazon is where i get it, i dont get the one in that picture, though. looks like the price went up slightly
>doing it for other people
You deserve to be a friendless virgin, honestly. And yeah, you're definitely not a human.
The last smash tournament/anime convention i went was at a closed sports center and it trully smelled like the time i went to a gym without air and without windows. It was disgusting, but the most evident snekk was sweat., and you can't do anything if everyone's gonna be sweaty pretty fast.
>Get naked
>Stand in tub
>Run water under wash cloth and lather it with soap
>Rub all over yourself
>Run only water under wash cloth
>Rub all over yourself
>Repeat until soap is gone
There, now you're clean. You can shampoo/condition your hair in the sink before and rinse that in the tub as well. Nobody "needs" to take a bath over a shower.
you guys are full of shit
Is this a foreign concept in America?
Stop calling people incels. It doesn't mean anything.
The whole point of making fun of them is that they self identified as incels and it was hilarious but ever since retards like you started using the word as a generic insult, the actual incels have gone under the radar.
They used to literally announce to the world how pathetic they are, but people like you have stopped that from happening.
Yeah if your friend isn't a fucking monkey.
>I'm disgusting and nobody wants to talk with me, stay angry
Also an employer can and will fire you for stinking like shit. We did it just a couple months ago.
No they're right. Bar soap is the primary cleaning product for the body, shampoo for the hair. Anything else is complimentary.
How does showering benefit me?
>I can afford a car but I cant afford the fucking mandatory insurance, its a fucking months wage, 1700 eurobux
did you total a car at some point or what? as an american with a $7000 car, i spend a little over $600 for 6 months of car insurance, with uninsured driver insurance on top of minimum coverage
Wow let me just write that down and spend 2 hours in the shampoo aisle comparing the ingredients between brands.
There are people who still think Somik-chan's dick is real?
I haven't showered in two weeks because I haven't left my room. Feels good.
and then everybody clapped
No memes my guy. Buy quality bar soap, shampoo, and conditioner.
I knew a guy who stunk like this in college. He watched anime all day and went to college to avoid getting a job but still flunked out. He very arrogantly claimed that he was allergic to deodorant but still somehow stunk even in the dead of winter.
who is she and why do i feel like saving her?
Could one man be more based?
>Yugioh players are stinky autists
>MTG players are pedophiles who stab kids
No that feels nasty. I can't go for more that 3 days without feeling itchy and grody.
Doesn't your hair/butthole/dick/pits itch? There's gotta be a point where going unshowered starts to physically hurt/bother you thanks to all the dead skin building up.
>he thinks a 5-10 minute shower is a waste of time.
>he thinks it is too much of an effort to be clean.
>he doesn't enjoy being clean, he thinks people does it because other people's opinions.
>he thinks it is funny that people find him disgusting.
>he's an anime fag.
Kek I actually feel curious as to how these type of creatures look. Can you post a pic of yourself?
Based. I do this too when I'm in a long ass break and plan on not leaving my house. But I shower after 4+ days. Hair starts getting too oily for me.
lol I just use a fucking old spice shampoo-conditioner 2-in-1 because it works really well and I hate fucking washing my hair twice plus one bottle lasts like 4 months. My hair has never been softer and cleaner since I started using it and I don't have any dandruff either.
>over socialized failed normal fags
Post proof
>Bakugon players are chads
Cardlets, when will they learn?
I have problems showering because my skin get dry as fuck unless I use really cold water
I don't know how you NEETs do it, I can't go more than a day without one.
I'm honestly kind of envious.
>look at those stupid Americans, they don't shower with their friends
Man you euros have really gotta stop thinking about the seppos all day
nope, I have 2 years of experience driving without a license, just got my drivers license but because of my age I'm in the "risky" category and thus pay a shitload of money. should be affordable once I'm 30, else its rioting time
Nizoral every three days. Dandruff is the worst.
These people are in love with their own body odor and think that hygiene is a social construct. They believe society is discriminating against natural body aromas and they should not have to conform.
Nope, my hair might be oily but i have a buzz cut so i can't tell
Kek, sure my disgusting user, sure.
Use som moisturizing cream after showering then.
Irish spring is top tier
>that urge to bite it
Then what are dragon ball card players
>use good old ivory bar soap for my skin
>use shampoo and conditioner made by the salon across the street from my apartment
>skin stays nice and clean without drying, hair is silky smooth and never even gets split ends
It probably helps that I have never dyed my hair. The damage that shit causes over time is unbelievable.
true nightmare fuel right there.
They are free to be disgusting in their own home and even to an extent in public spaces. I'm also free to kick them off my land and call them disgusting.
I shower everyday but I only wash my hair, ass, dick, and pits.
It saves a lot of time and no one ever notices, you guys should probably try it if you really dislike normal full showers.
I hope you don't shampoo your hair every single day becuase that shit is bad for it.
1. that's terror
2. trannies don't look that good, no matter how much you want them to. also apparently she hasn't aged for 10 years
"SHOWER EVERYDAY!!!" is a brown people thing. Us whites don't naturally smell like shit so we can go without showering for a couple of days without smelling bad. Around the 3rd day we have a smell that is reminiscent of dusty wood, and people not used to it may find it offensive, but it doesn't smell bad.
>think his toddler game community is better than other same series toddler game community
All smash players are faggots
When I was a kid before I took a show I'd cover my entire skin in a layer of dove then I'd let it dry out and get in the shower, it was probably bad for my skin and even as a kid I knew that but I did it anyway
This, I only shower once a week and do the same. Then again I'm a disabilityfag that only leaves the house to buy food.
Does /fit/ have more info on this stuff?
If you're a man and you do anything other than this you're a literal faggot. Who washes their full body? What the fuck is the middle of your arm, leg, or torso, gonna fucking smell like?
>buzzcut hair
>wear deodorant
>no longer have to shower daily
Can't wait until hygiene gets replaced by something quicker and less obnoxious.
are irish spring and ivory soap decent tier to get clean for cheap
>Use som moisturizing cream
Not only my face, but my back, chest get dry too. And since my skin is pretty shitty products can make my skin greasy instead of dry. I'm just taking cold showers now and i'm fine, but it's not comfy at all to get yourself naked before the stream of cold water
Who /twohourshower/ here?
Anons how do you get rid of the stink?
I use a berry scented body wash and shampoo
user, look at that face and those shoulders.
Does that really look like a biological girl to you?
The answer is in the question
t. raisin
>Yea Forums - personal hygiene
>If you're against circumcision then you're a europoor
sad failed trannies
That can't be good for you, I start to prune after 5 minutes
>implying anyone even plays this zoomer shit
What do you even do for 2 hours straight?
No way in hell, my water bill is already high enough as it is.
It's also terrible for your skin.
What the fuck do you do two hours in the shower? Even with long hair I barely take one.
If you are staying overnight? Yes. It is normal for a morning routine to include taking a shower and it is common courtesy to let overnight guests use their shower. It's polite to bring your own soap, shampoo and washcloth / scrunchie / sponge, but if it was not a planned stay then the host will usually let you borrow theirs. If there's any doubt, as a guest you can always just ask, but the answer will pretty much always be "yes" because your host probably doesn't want to be around stinky people.
Real life is not some Japanese anime where people randomly go to their friend's house and take a bath with them. The shower is a part of the bathroom facility just like the sink, toilet or any other fixture, and if you are at someone's house for an extended period of time it's only reasonable that you use it.
I don't! I might shampoo 2 or 3 times per week, and I don't use much of it. Maybe a dollop the size of a quarter.
Yes. I don't have it on hand but the dick is photoshopped in. The exact picture it was copied from was found years ago. You've been rused.
I-I did
>actually using a wash cloth
Yea Forums is so fucking insecure.
Cartoon started airing 12 years ago.
He's not saying they aren't stinky, he's saying they're not the only stinky ones. Hell, the original "Stinky day" post was for a Smash 4 tournament.
>Irish spring or dollar store soaps
>bath once a week
would that fall under the qualifications
circumcision is a boomer thing
Look at the hand. Every tranny has manhands, even the most convincing asian ones. And again, at this point she must be in her 30s.
Believe whatever makes the faps more enjoyable, but if you're thinking "wow if traps can look this good maybe I can meet one like that someday" you're setting yourself up for disappointment.
That's why i have an extra towel, Bar of soap, and creams for any guest
I was at big house 8 and didnt smell anything. Not even once. Its a fucking meme.
Hourly reminder
Not him, but what am I supposed to do if I get dandruff and oily hair whenever I don't wash it with shampoo?
It's been a real problem for a while now, even a single day will make it gross.
How is that a shower? You mean you wipe yourself down with a rag in these places? I don't understand.
Dude it is cause you stink that you cant smell it. Please wash
Real adults use these to scrub themselves clean with. It feels like a godly sandpaper.
Reeee it's not like i talk to them hoping they will talk back. God i was such a autistic child
Nope shower everyday. Nice try though.
That shit is really bad for you
at least buy some moisturizing body lotion. your skin needs oils
If that's the state of your skin I'm afraid to hear about your hair...
I rub those places with soap, under the shower. What else would it be if not a shower?
Why the fuck do you have my shower gloves user?
>showering every day
The fuck, unless you do physical labor or spend all day sweating there's absolutely no need.
>taking a hot steamy shower
>just stand there and bask in the warmth for and hour until the hot ware runs out
I don't do it to often anymore (I used to do it like three times a week), because when I get out and dry myself off it takes a layer of skin or three.
Listen to music, and stand about with my eyes closed.
They don't charge for water where I live
I fap before I shower
I've been to numerous locals over the years, including some that had melee setups.
They fucking stink. Majority of fighting game players do, but Melee players are in a class of their own.
If you didn't smell it, then you probably have some hygiene problems of your own.
Where do you live?
Stinky Faggot spotted
Take a shower stinky
Tea tree oil shampoo has helped me immensely. I had dandruff and a few times with that it was good. If it's too strong or your scalp is feeling too dry just mix it with your regular shampoo.
Northern Ireland
Just do it every other day, see your doctor or get shampoo just for that.
Yes there is. You have to bathe every single day you fucking stinky greaseball.
Yes thats why i said big house 8 one of the biggest smash tourneys of the year. No one cares if your 20 man local stinks. Retard
you people will be put in the showers where you belong!
Damn. Was hoping there was somewhere in the states like that.
thanks for the (you) :)
bathing every other day (or weekly) gang
Bigger tourney, more players, more BO.
Get a shower.
>or spend all day sweating
Try living in a country where the 4 seasons are just different degrees of summer.
I sweat puddles even if I sit on my ass all day.
I swapped to using bars of soap just last year and man i feel better for it. I like this stuff best. What would people recommend as a body spray though? i sweat a lot and like to use one but don't want anything bad for my skin.
Any cruelty-free vegan cosmetics not tested on animals? I'd rather stink than needlessly exploit animals.
Project more retard. I was there you werent. It didnt smell even a little bit.
Whats so hard about showering? I do it every friggin day cause i feel vile af
>implying showering once daily is excessive
>implying proper hydration and nutrition is bad
>implying the easiest, least effort good looking clothes are autistic but cargo shorts and fedoras are okay
Sounds like if you're putting these places under the showerhead you're already 70% wet, why not just get in the shower then. Sounds like more trouble than jumping in a shower, rubbing and scrubbing and jumping out in 5-10 mins.
just go to whole foods. they're way cheap now since they're tanking. i really like their laundry detergents
Oh wait, are you talking about you shower whole body but only wash those places? Everyone does that, you're not special.
t. puddle of insecurity
I'm an Uber driver and last weekend I picked up two kids from a Smash Ultimate tournament. Nice lads, but holy shit their smell made me want to vomit the whole ride. It was 45 minutes. FORTY-FIVE MINUTES.
It's like they were soaked in dickcheese. I guess they hadn't showered nor put on clean clothes in over a week.
I bet majority of Yea Forums smells like this.
One day I went to town scrubbing the shit out of my arms and legs in the shower because I was mad and a lot of dead skin fell off. It's not always about the smelling, sometimes you gotta dig up all that dead skin. Hurt but I felt so nice and light afterwards
You just need to find the right shampoo. I had problems with this all my life but around 3 years ago I tried some fancy shampoo my mom had and I've used that exclusively since. It's a bit more expensive but worth it.
>southern Florida
>used to jump in cold showers several times a day and go through five tshirts a day
>eventually realized everyone else is sweaty too
>just say fuck it and accept that I'm going to be sweaty from June to November
So there is an actual condition where you body doesn't produce a protein that helps you digest certain foods and the end result is you always smell like rotten fish, and if you eat even a tiny amount of that food you smell even worse, like a deer corpse. I knew a guy like that in college. We felt bad for him, but we also didn't ever go near him and he knew to stay away from everyone. That said, it's super rare, and might even be treatable with medication now. There is basically no excuse.
hey, I shower every single day.
t. unhygienic malnourished, dehydrated, fatty
>dye hair
>dyed hair eventually cut off
ah yes, damaged forever
Living in a nordic country with dry air and cold temperatures I never understood this. Then I went to a hot city and I understood the need to shower daily, filthy city air and winds and your skin is wet and sticky all day and feels like all filth sticks to you.
It's more the face of "oh no, now I need to either learn a new game or get a real job."
A man realizing that he wasted his life.
Folicles take a bit of a hit. Women who dye their hair generally don't grow it as long or as fast.
No excuse. How about you just buy something like pic related, you dont have to mount it on your wall, and since you only have a bathtube makes a showerhead with hose the preferred option anyway, to not flood your bath everytime you shower
you clearly have never gone to esa
Does anyone else here sleep in the shower? I used to use the shower as a sort of snooze button and just get comfy after I scrubbed my balls and asshole and let the hot watere act like a sort of blanket while I just dozed off until all the hot water ran out and then I'd wake up.
Because you aren't them. All ethnicities have different smells. You're "immune" to your own though so you just think everyone different smells. They think the same way about whites.
Use a deodorant stick instead of spray - you can get antiperspirant ones and ones that are moisturising for your skin. I personally use Dove.
This. I walked into a TCG shop and the place smelled like sweat. Gyms don't even smell like sweat. I feel bad for the employees who have to smell that shit.
Disgusting Smash players.
Don´t bother buying moisturing cream, just use coconut oil . it soaks right into the skin amd doesn´t leave anty grease behind. Coconut oil turn solid below rooo teperature, so it looks just like lard you can put on your hand and rub all over yourself. Makes for moist and smooth skin, great skincare. I think could buy a jar from a health food shop, because Filipinos and Indians and similar people cook with it.
Some people do have odor issues but you can be prescribed a prescription-tier deodorant.
I'll never understand this, I can't stand not being clean, I literally don't feel like im awake until I shower and I feel uncomfortable as fuck until I do it, same with brushing my teeth. How can people just be dirty.
gamers are truly the most oppressed minority, when do we rise up?
>top ten has pikachu and yoshi in it
ok retard
>people always tell me I smell good
>fucking old spice deodorant
>not even the fun flavors like a palm tree or something
>just the standard shitty original blue
It's that or Dawn dish soap because every time I was dishes by hand that shit splashes everywhere and soaks my shirt.
Add feet to the list
I wash every two days is that okay?
I'm from Minnesota but spent a winter in Florida and had a girlfriend there, she actually got mad at me for sweating.
Jesus, what the fuck happened?
You should shower daily but only actually use shampoo every 3-4 days. Run hot water over everything and then rinse cold.
but I don't wash them
fuck off discord tranny
money won't bring you happiness
Americans? Its always the spics that drink worst.
and fatties
and fatties stink because they can't wash up
Just had a long hot bath and ate a cold orange in it. Peak comfy, it just doesn't get better.
Let the runoff take car of that. I do full body scrubs except down to the knees. Haven't touched below the knee in a decade.
What will then?
Nice attempt at gas lighting nigger.
>kaiba had to rely on dirty tactics to beat yugi
Having a beer with a close friend.
when people decide to invest the money required to make them actually usable in a competitive setting, which would take a few things
Showering once a day is excessive if you don't do arduous physical labor for work.
If you wash your hair and wipe down your pits and dick regularly, you only need a REAL shower once or twice a week, or before any important event you want to be super squeaky clean for.
You really don't get that dirty throughout the day. The weird cultural expectation for you to shower every single day mostly stems from aggressive advertising campaigns rather than any actually tangible reasoning.
I also want to clarify, being a lardass and carrying all that weight around counts as arduous labor. Fatties DO need to wash once a day because they sweat fucking buckets and smell godawful.
I was really confused by this post but then I realized that in some inferior countries people don't have hot enough running water. You need very hot water for your bath, it needs to be hot enough to make your skin turn red, that's when it gets good. Have it a bit hot when you get in but then gradually increase the heat while you're in it until it's making you go slightly dizzy. If it's slightly above room temperature, you're just wasting time.
>jews and fags coming together to serve me cunny on a silver platter in the next decade
I take back everything I've ever said about them
All you need to do is go to a hair salon and buy their shampoo
>b-but its expensive!
They come in huge containers compared to on-the-counter crap and because of the higher quality ingredients, you can use less of it instead of dumping an entire cupful of the crap shampoo in your hand to get a lather going so in a way, you actually end up spending less in the long run.
I can't believe this ACTUALLY happened!
t. Eurofag acting like he bathes more than twice a week
Lack of money will bring you unhappiness though
t. wagie suffering in his cagie
Personally, I bath daily after work. It's a highlight of my day. Also wash hair in the morning.
>buying snake oil
The state of you, lad
We come from Europe, land of the uncleaned, unused baths.
>Stinky day meme came from Smash 4 players
>Melee is dropped from EVO
>Ultimate added
>Smash Bros Ultimate has the highest entrants of all games
Time for people to learn just how bad the Smash community can smell.
You should try washing between your toes and clear some dead skin off the bottom of your feet. Just don't fall and kill yourself in the shower
I have something like that but not as severe, my skin smells funky after I eat fatty food or drink coke.
Spotted the melee fag
How do people live like that? How do you be fat? How do you smell? How do you live your life as a fat, sweaty, stinky bastard?
How are people not compelled to change it immediately? How do they let themselves get that way?
I am hyper-aware if I'm sweating and it smells even slightly, to the point where I avoid social interactions until I sort it out. How the fuck do you live like that
my toes are naturally clean
I'm pretty sure they can be sued if they tried forcing people to shower.
I have to shave my right armpit for this reason. It seems to excessivwlt sweat. Maybe its because its my dominant art (noticable in cs games) but even when im doing nothing its only my right armpit
How? All they're saying is that if you stink, you're not allowed in.
The people who obsessively play fighting games are autistic manchildren. Is it to anyone's susrprise that they don't understand basic hygiene and societal norms?
baths are /cosymode/
Dim the lights, some scented candles, glass of wine, pint of ice cold water, window open letting in cold air, and a book of poetry, ultimate relaxation
Why can't americans into showers? Are they just too fat to fit inside?
I'm not naturally stinky, but I get stress sweats that smell like asshole pretty easily if I'm playing games like Smash or Nioh.
>that one smelly dude whose stink wafted through every single class in high school
>his stank has the ability to make your eyes water in summer
>additionally had a face that'd make every single r9k fag look like a 12/10 chad in comparison
>doesn't talk to anyone unless it's about Zelda and his shiny new Wii
>everyone's nice to him to get out of his stink radius as quickly as possible
>group of guys actually pull him aside one day
>tell him he smells in the nicest way possible
>he tells a teacher that he's being bullied
>guys don't give up and actually buy him shower gel and deodorant
>he writes a manifesto about how he's going to shoot up the school with his dad's hunting rifle and a list of specific people he hates on Myspace
>of course the guys are included
>he gets a week's suspension and continues to smell like rotten dick cheese for the rest of high school
Fuck you Matt you greasy motherfucker
im too tall to fit in my bathtub, thats kind of similar
Can confirm, all conventions smell horrible.
I've smelled you Eurofags, you niggers don't use deodorant or anything. You are just as bad
It's diet, I've heard white people smell like curdled milk
Because we consume a lot of it
10$ for a bar of soap that lasts ~2 weeks? is it worth it?
Someone call the feds. Aliens are among us.
why do brown-skinned people always have terrible body odour
Are duel disks tournament legal?
I have AT LEAST one shower every morning before I leave my house and if I don't (e.g. because I cant for some reason or I'm running really late) I become really uncomfortable after a while knowing I have last nights dried sweat all over me and paranoid that I might start to smell.
>No soap
>No clean clothes
>Drying off takes forever somehow?
Getting a showerhead won't solve these three problems. What the fuck are you doing that it doesn't take at most 2 minutes to dry off?
If you're so disgusting that you won't shower and wear antiperspirant every day then you should be shot.
>not dry showering
Y'all a buncha bitches
never forget
t. smelly bastard
Race, skin color, and diet affect how you smell. If you grow up around a certain race, others will smell "bad" in comparison. Look at asian depictions of white people, usually have big stink lines on them.
It's more likely we'll get a VR headset with a duel disc peripheral.
It's diet. White people smell like sour milk and wet dog to some races.
Diet and lifestyle
How the fuck could it be his fault? Of the elite players he was the only one using a character other than Fox or Marth. How anyone was interested in that bullshit is beyond me. I'm so happy that in Ultimate they made more characters viable.
Install a fucking shower head, Jesus fucking Christ.
>not even enough clean clothes left
SO DO YOUR FUCKING LAUNDRY, what the fuck? If you don't have clean clothes how is that anyone's fault but yours? You phrase this like clean clothes are some expensive commodity you're not directly responsible for.
Pic related is you dirty motherfuckers, who are you pretending basic hygiene is somehow an inconvenience or difficult?
If they smell like curry then they're just making/eating it all the time, has nothing to do with not showering. Curry is like half their diet.
His optimal strategy is to run out the fucking clock, dumbass. It's spreading to every other puff player and literally making people quit tournaments mid set because they don't want to deal with that kind of garbage.
For anyone else with sensitive skin, I highly recommend this. A bit expensive but worth it.
Then lose some fucking weight.
>How the fuck could it be his fault?
He singlehandedly made the game beyond boring to watch, no one can compete on his level.
Fewer spectators = less money, less money and fewer spectators = you get dropped from EVO because no one wants to watch Puff play footsies and camp for 6 minutes.
>Dude in my school who always reeked.
>If you stayed near him for to long you'd start wretching.
>Smelled like a mix of BO, wet dog, and shit.
>We had to wear a uniform including a white shirt for school, his was always yellow/gray and covered in stains
>He had long hair which was so oily is bunched up into strands.
>An unspoken agreement formed for everyone to pinch there nose and turn their heads away from him if he entered the room.
>If he sat at a table during lunch, everyone else at the table moved to a different one.
>Some kids staight up teased him about it but most couldn't even stick the smell long enough to do that.
>One day after a few years of having no friends because being around him was a health hazard he snapped when one kid was teasing him.
>Grabbed the kid with his big greasy hands.
>Not even the teachers wanted to break it up because they'd have to touch him.
>Smell was so bad the kid had threw up from the smell.
>When he finally let go the kid he grabbed ran to the bathroom and starting soaking himself in water to get the smell off.
>Had to go home due to his soaking uniform.
>When he next came in he had a new uniform becuase he couldn't get the smell out.
Dude was fucking disgusting, I got in trouble once because we were in the same class and I refused to sit next to him.
For most American jobs I've seen or been to, employees or bosses can actually get into trouble for telling their coworkers to shower, even if you ask them politely because they can come back with a lawsuit and say its their religion or culture(which I have a theory that most try to do for a free lawsuit). I've been in retail and office jobs and you wouldn't believe how some employees are allowed to smell like shit and the bosses and managers would tell me the same thing and that they really can't do anything. Its pretty sad really. One women that works in the same office building as my mom was a cat lady and always smelled of cats, cat litter, and cat piss when coming to work.
There was a guy who always smelled like rotton fish at my school. No one ever explained why he stunk so bad, but all we were told by one of his friends was he has "a problem". We all made fun of him for it. It might have even been the same guy
Are you a fucking woman?
Look at this duuuuuude, a bait so bad it did not get any (you)s
Not him but stress sweat can smell different. I'm pretty fit and rarely sweat but if I sweat due to stress it smells noticeably worse.
I'm pretty sure the owners contribute to the smell
The responses to this are always hilarious
>B-b-but its THEIR fault for quitting! They should just impotently chase Puff around while the clock runs out! Its UNSPORTING! Learn to ADAPT!
Meanwhile, in reality, no one wants to play against or watch that crap, its fucking boring, so why are major tournies like EVO going to host the game if that's what's going to happen? They're not, they're going to drop the game.
>Gyms don't even smell like sweat
Do Americans not bathe?
post your shower kit, Yea Forums
>implying that fox vs fox 100 times each tournament didn't have anything to do with lost popularity.
Why won't you just admit this was the main problem with competitive Melee?
Hear that, roasties? Keep those caves clean with those patriarchal devices (which you have to pay for) and stop all biological functions.
>nearly 700,000 views
My gym smells more of metal and pennies than anything else. Probably because I spend most of my time near the free weights.
I'd trade it for simple sweat smell desu.
That based man has the most beautiful eyes.
Any chance he was really poor?
I don't get why motherfuckers don't shower regularly. If you're in this thread and don't shower regularly, you got some explainin' to do.
Do you fap in the shower?
No, it really didn't. The matches were fast and stuff actually happened, even if it was the same handful of players and characters. You didn't see people fucking running out the clock.
Any match with Puff is by default fucking boring and a slog unless they play aggressively, which is the opposite of what Puff should be doing if they actually want to win. There's no winning in this situation, either Puff has to play sub-optimally on purpose or the match/set is a complete snooze-fest with Puff just camping and running out the clock.
I never spoke to him so I'm not sure, but water is free where I live so that wouldn't really be an excuse
Imagine coming to the smelliest board and asking if they shower.
>head and shoulders shampoo
>some lime body wash (smells really nice)
>regular Colgate
>Gillette razors (probably should buy a safety razor but cant be fucked desu)
>store brand shaving foam
>cocoa butter moisturiser for face and neck after shower
>Showering once a day is excessive if you don't do arduous physical labor for work.
I mean if you're not leaving the house its fine, but no, you need to shower every day if you're going to interact with other people out in the world in a situation where its not expected for you to smell, like working construction or something, like you said, physical labor. I don't care what you think, you smell after a day or so without showering even if you personally can't tell.
>smellier than Yea Forums
>smellier than /jp/
I call bullshit.
Anyone who believes this is unironically a retard. If I never had to worry about money again I'd be happier than a pig in shit. Being dumb with money will make you a sad loser though
Nah, just the comfiest guy
This, I'll still be depressed but if I don't have to care about money I can just always do shit I want to do and enjoy.
If I had money I'd be able to get a hair transplant surgery and actually look like a regular 23 year old rather than an aged 40 year old with the most embarrassing receding hairline.
It has to do with their diet, they eat a lot of spicy food. Asians complain that white people smell like dairy.
trannies btfo
So you admit that only two characters in the entire game were viable at the competitive level? Please explain to me how this is not a ruinous flaw in the game for you. I don't understand how you are more concerned with someone using a strategy well within the rules of the game than you are with 90% of competitive players having the same main.
>So you admit that only two characters in the entire game were viable at the competitive level?
No, stop shitposting.
Anyone here also only takes shower in the gym?
If it wasn't for my gym subscription I would be one dirty motherfucker
There's nothing inherently wrong with shower gel. The real issue is certain ingredients in most common body washes, gels, soaps, and shampoos. The biggest one to watch out for is Sodium Lauryl Sulfate. Sulfates are what make your wash all sudsy and they help get rid of excess oil. Harsh sulfates like the one I just mentioned get rid of too much oil and are too harsh on the skin-- they also don't put any moisture back, which exacerbates problems like oiliness and dryness. Avoid them if at all possible.
>yurosmell making this post
So basically Zexal
They don't clean you, they just make you smell like whatever they smell like.
>Discard 1 card and smell you opponent. If they smell good, draw 1 card. If they smell bad your opponent draws 1 card.
Gyms usually have high powered ventilation systems, and are cleaned constantly. TCG Shops are hole-in-the-wall dingy and are never cleaned. Also, it's counter intuitive, but people usually wear clean cloths to the gym since they're going to change into exercise cloths that haven't been worn, whereas people go to card shops in the cloths they've been wearing all day. Lastly odor comes from the waste bacteria produce from consuming your sweat. A gym is full of people acutely sweating a large amount in a short time so the bacteria can't always produce a large smell right away. Meanwhile someone who's been sweating a little bit throughout the entire day then goes to a card shop will have had plenty of time to get smelly.
You're supposed to shower before the bath, user.
I took a nap in the shower last night, but it was accidental. I have a continuous hot water system so I never run out of hot water once it's on.
>Everyone does that
no they dont. and for what fucking purpose? theres only a marginal increase in time to lather up the rest of you. a shower only takes 10-15 minutes if you dont fuck around
No you literal shill. If you don't live in trash and you maintain your hygiene you do NOT start to smell within the span of a day.
If you smell in the morning wash your damn sheets you fuck.
All you need that often is a light wipe down to make sure anything significantly hairy is clean. If you need to take an actual fullbody 15 minute shower every day to avoid smelling like shit, something is actually wrong with you and you need to see a doctor about it.
What's the point if I just showered and got clean. I have to get to work I don't have time to relax in a bath
>it was the foreign kid
no it was you americans
a cloth? what the fuck is that explain?
>not to relax
That's stupid, baths are for relaxation.
>literal shill
What the fuck am I shilling for lol
Shower every day you fucking dirty piece of shit, you think you don't smell, but you fucking do.
Did you take at least one shit and only wipe with paper since your last shower? Congratulations, you now leave every chair you sit in smelling like asshole when you get up. Body hair actually makes you slightly less smelly, as without the hair all that sweat and bacteria just sits right on your skin.
Best shower heads? I feel like mine has gotten weaker over the years.
Does antiperspirant not work for anyone else? I used to apply the spray every day on my armpits and I tried several brands claiming 24 hour protection but it never used to fucking work and I'd feel the soggy sweat after a couple of hours.
Is there any correlation to it working and the length of armpit hair?
Its a good way t osotp people from talking to you.
Noooooo, how will I use this now!
I have the same problem. I just resorted to wearing undershirts.
I went to Pound 2016 and after the event the concierge people asked if we were doing orgies at the venue because of how bad the smell was. Unironically hilarious.
Smash players need to take note too.
What kind of third world eastern euro hellhole do you live in that your ass leaves a smell on every chair and your body stinks of wet dog if you don't shower every day.
Humans do not biologically develop a noticeable stench that fast unless you're fat or you're literally trying to smell or you're living in uncleanly conditions.
There are germs covering every inch of your skin but it is a simple fact that a day or two of not full on showering isn't going to make you smell.
You have never in your life come across a person who smells bad exclusively because they skipped showering for a day or two. Never.
Find shampoo that gets rid of dandruff.
Dude, you smell. Its basic fucking biology.
If you don't think you smell when you don't shower, you're wrong. You're just used to your own smell and can't tell.
I'm a tranny and I understand that. Why would you ever get your dick mutilated into a poor facsimile of a vagina?
>You have never in your life come across a person who smells bad exclusively because they skipped showering for a day or two. Never.
Oh man, this is just priceless.
This, without the dick what's the point? I'd rather just fuck a biological woman.
>Been showering every other day
>Didnt think I smelled
Oh ffs
>Yea Forums is full of smash threads on a regular basis
>Yea Forums is also full of people who see nothing wrong with not taking showers and don't think they smell like shit because of it
>somehow, Yea Forums will still deny the strong correlation between smash and poor personal hygeine
>when you realize you should throw your shampoo in the trash can if it has congratulations in portuguese as an ingredient
Dont listen to them, thats fine
>There are people in this thread that don't shower daily.
The absolute state of Yea Forums.
It's been a while since I've seen someone try to force another into a claim they never made so hard. Keep trying to force that counter-argument brother.
>Get promoted at work
>Start sweating through shirts so bad i have to bring like 4 undershirts and 2 work shirts to get through the day dry
>Only happens when I go to work, im bone dry at home
>Tried all sorts of clinical and prescription antiperspirant
>Went to doc and was told its in my head since im fine at home and i cant do anything outside of surgery, Nope.jpg
>During winter we got a heater in the office and when no one is around ill be drying the sweat off my soaked shirts with it, it helps a lot
Fucking sucks.
>There are people in this thread that don't shower twice a day.
The absolute state of Yea Forums.
I have been to A LOT of Street Fighter, Smash, and Marvel tournys, and can confirm they are smell equally as bad. The worst smelling dude I have ever met in my life was a bison player at a USF4 tourny.
Just here to remind people that showering daily is important, but shampoo is genuinely unnecessary unless you suffer from extreme dandruff and require special shampoo to deal with it. If you don't use shampoo the natural oils on your scalp will normalize and your head won't be a greasy mess
what do you do at work?
Exfoliating cloth, it gets rid of dead skin. They work really well.
he cute
>tfw hair is greasy (only notice when I run my hand through it under the shower) but perfectly normal after using shampoo
Retail stocker, then got promoted to train other people how to do the job. So i do a lot less labor and have more office hours. It was embarassing at first, but once i talked to my cooworkers about it they were pretty supportive about it. Every 30mins to 1hour i will get up and go switch some article of clothing in a vacant room and no one gives me shit or anything for it.
How much time does it take for it to normalize?
they might be able to force contestants to shower, but they forgot to demand they put on clean clothes. Checkmate, confag organizers. SMELL YOU LATER!
>before the thread closes
Fuck Smash niggers, go take a shower
Sakurai spent so much time working on Kirby's taunt animation that he ended up at someone else's desk
I stopped washing my hair a few years ago and only rarely does it. I rinse it with water every day, but no shampoo. The benefit is that it gets a natural hold that seems gelled without being greasy (your hair only produces grease to defend itself against the shampoo).
Hair feels full and strong and grows like weed.
but it says right in the OP image "clean clothing"...
Must be Indian. They have a superstition where a witch will take your ass if you use a normal toilet, so they shit anywhere else possible.
fucking gross
This, but Dante would be cool to have in Smash.