On a serious note. What is even going on here? Why aren't they announcing new exclusives this year? Why aren't they going to E3? Why did state of play sucked so much? Why are they pushing VR shit so much?
On a serious note. What is even going on here? Why aren't they announcing new exclusives this year...
That sounds....familiar...
>Why are they pushing VR shit so much?
Supposedly the PS5 will push VR hard so Sony is trying to force people to like it now to make way for what will come.
They have nothing, there are no new exclusives, they have nothing to show at e3 other than the last of us 2.
Every company that is on top eventually grows too confident and complascent and fucks up. They no longer try to erase their wrongs and regain their fanbase, just try to make money. It's a a cycle. Happened to Activision, EA, Capcom and Microsoft, now Valve is in the pit too.
we’re reaching the end of the gen, they still have 5 exclusives to be released between now and 2020 for the PS4 (Days Gone, Dreams, Ghost of Tsushima, Last of Us Part II and Death Stranding), they’re laying low, waiting for the PS5 reveal event.
They don’t really need state of play or anything else to be big, cause all multiplats come to Sony and most sell best there.
They're gonna start focusing on PS5 soon......
I JUST WANT MORE NIOH 2 NEWS DAMN IT. There isn't any other big gaming event coming out any time soon other than E3 but Son are skipping out so the only hope for Nioh 2 shit is for them to release it randomly or for them to release news during one of sonys direct feed things. I don't like waiting for this shit damn it
They are wating to reveal their last console the playstation infinity which will be a streaming machine.
Hi, I'm PS5's Kinect. I will be forcibly bundled with every console and shoot the price up to $599 US dollars. Say something nice about me.
>PS1 to PS2 era.
>PS3 is where they got cocky
>PS4 to PS5 era?
But we'll get anothe era of Sony winning going by patterns right?
>Why are they pushing VR shit so much?
Because it's literally the future of gaming, granted it own't happen any time soon but a big problem people have with VR is shit VR games so they're investing hard now and when people consider getting VR they're more likely to get it on PS4/5 possibly even along with the whole console because of it's huge library and affordability. Plus you can do a lot of fuckery to get PSVR to work on PC too
No Sony console has ever pushed gimmicks, unlike Nintendo and Xbox.
What makes you so sure that they will do that with PS5 besides console war fanboy doomposting?
Would never EVER happen
They're making another God of War for sure after the last one won GOTY and ended like it did
Eternally seething snoyboy.
What a surprise. Everything is a sequel nowadays. Gotta chase that normalfag cash with safe formulas.
It's lonely at the top user
Do you remember the sixaxis?
>Why did state of play sucked so much?
Suck. Why did it suck so much. Third worlder
literally this. sony doesn't have to make games anymore since all their shit sells because the competition is laughable. people LOVE that the ps4 is the port machine. sony just wants to make hardware and let third parties do everything else
Who gives a fuck about PS.
Sony should be busy kissing ass and instead they're being anti-consumer as fuck. This year will either make or break them this upcoming gen.
Sony has the most exclusives every gen
>this year
Why be pro-consumer when you get get away with paid online and censorship and still outsell everyone else 5:1?
Anything new they'd have to show wouldn't be out until the PS5 anyway. It's better to just coast and then have shit to show for next gen. Microsoft is in a similar boat as well. The biggest difference is that they're on their, "instead of paying for 3rd party exclusivity, we'll pay for your advertising even though more people will buy it on PS4 anyway" strategy, so they're kinda stuck showing up to E3 even if it will just be to show trailers for multiplats.
M$ thought the same thing last gen, and they got fucked royally. This will be an interesting year.
They've swapped all their first part developers to the ps5 so they can have a really strong launch. Same with Microsoft. The ps4 is already at over 70+ million so there is no longer a reason to keep developing exclusives for it.
I'll be surprised if TLOU2 isn't made a ps5 launch title or at the very least a cross generation game.
Games where you sit on your ass are great, I look forward to the remastered Shenmue VR trilogy on PS5 and whatever the next movie game is that David Cage shits out in VR.
Because PS4 is dead. PS5 next year with cross-gen releases and "more HD" ports of PS4
based sony 4 the players! oops, I mean 5 the players
Yea Forums is retarded not to realize sony is slowing down on ps4 games and finishing out the gen to move onto ps5. The closer to ps5, the closer people will be to the big announcements the crave.
state of play is multiple times a year like direct, they will announce exclusives
They dominated this gen hard.
Nintendo and Xbox got fucked hard by Sony.
Sony doesn't care about the PS4 anymore, don't expect any more announcements for exclusives.
They wait for 2020 to go all in for the PS5 announcement with new exclusives.