How many days until we go home, lads?
Classic WoW
i need it now
You have no idea how much I ENVY you, OP.
just a few more months lads, then we'll be coming home. In just a few months this'll be on your screen again
We're coming home
Are these threads a meme?
Why would anyone be excited for a re-release of a 15 year old game?
because as i got older the world became a society
i used to think my life was a tragedy, now i think its a comedy
>re-release of a 15 year old game?
this imply you can still play the 15 y/o game on official blizzard servers
I honestly can't tell.
honk honk
Because there hasn't been a good MMORPG in 15 years.
You guys think it's after or before 8.2?
probably after
because its a fun game and theres nothing else like it
>Are these threads a meme?
they're paid blizzard shills infecting the board with blatant advertising, which is allowed by mods of the board, by orders of Hiro.
thanks for funding future expansions, based class-fags.
People who played WoW in 2004-2006 and are still playing video games today are autistic
Autistic people do not forget things
I still remember everything from vanilla WoW, the only thing I miss from the game are the friends I played with.
I ain't psychic or nothing but I do get these weird gut feelings that are usually right. I'd say we're looking at a June release based on the reliable source of my own ass.
It may not be exactly how I remember it, but I long for it since classic WoW honestly holds some of my fondest memories growing up.
I'm a 25 year old wage slave now so I don't have the same time that I used to but I hope to get a guild running with fellow wagies to clear raid content on weekends and maybe do some fun PvP or dungeons on week nights.
After but it'll be close regardless, since the subs are tied it'll be an excuse to get players to try out 8.2 if they burnout on Classic or the other way around. I'm betting it's a late June/early July release date, they're going to have to put the release date out soon for marketing purposes for a summer release.
happy to help, hope you're going to enjoy your dailies and gear treadmill friendo ;^)
aye-aye, based nolife-fag.
I'll be sure to get my enjoyment out of updated visuals and questing, while you busy grinding those sweet-sweet 0.0005 of reputation a day with Brood of Nozdormu ;^)
My friends from vanilla want to create a guild for Classic. There's like 15 of us so that's a pretty good core to build around. My issue is that like 70% of them are awful at gaming. Should I just join a different guild? I want to kill Kel'Thuzad this time around, but I know that's gonna be impossible unless some of them drop out.
I'm thinking, go ahead and make a guild with them. Play around the MC/BWL level with them because they should be able to handle that at the very least, but network with some of the better guilds and join up with them once AQ40 comes out.
People used to blatantly skip entire scool days to play this game. Now, it's returning. People are excited.
I'm going to gank you all over STV as a wojakposter deserves
Because they are self-hating boomer autists with too much time in their hands and an enormous addiction. Anyone who still plays or actually cares to spend money on WoW in the current state of the game and Blizzard as of 2019, deserves to get led deep into a forest and get shot at the back of the head.
have sex
Skip school days? People were dropping out of school entirely and Koreans would literally die in their computer chairs in PCbangs because they were so addicted. It was essentially the Fortnite for Millenials except with more systems to cater to addiction.
I can’t wait to deny retfags from every single one of my dungeon groups. The torrent of tears will be glorious
Half life bro, you can always go back and play half life. You have a home.
Because I'm a newfag that only caught a glimpse of my brother playing old WoW and never played old WoW myself, it would be an experience for sure
Find a different guild. There will be thousands of guilds just like that of your friends, and all of them will either crumble or won’t see the inside of MC. You’re better off making new friends.
>skip entire scool days
I dropped out of high school without telling my parents just so I could compete at the highest levels during TBC.
The worst part is that I was a straight A student before that with a 4.0 GPA. But I fucking nixed that just to play more WoW. Sad!
The real question is how long will it be after release that Blizzard will fuck everything up? Despite how great some of their games start out they ALWAYS seem to find a way to ruin it.
yeah it's apparent you guys dropped out
>like game
>two years later, developers take away game and give you turbogame
>turbogame is still good, but kinda liked game more than it.
>two years after that, developers take away turbo game and release turbo game ultra
>turbo game ultra just isn’t the same, want the things that made game great
>repeats for ten more years
>people just want to play game
Gee I wonder
>paying/trusting blizzjews after everything they did to wow in the first place
>People used to blatantly skip entire scool days to play this game. Now, it's returning. People are excited.
that doesn't change reality, some people are losers and some people will make money out of that, including veiled advertising for products that attracted these losers.
This is the best explanation. I'd actually love a Classic+ type server after Classic has been out for a while. Just keep the same mechanics and design philosophies, but create new content like the original planned Karazhan or maybe an Emerald Dream raid that requires attunement by killing the Emerald Dragons and getting a piece from a boss in AQ40 or something. Maybe the gear rewards can be Tier 3.5 like AQ was 2.5. Could have a paladin gear set that gives a taunt function to Judgment or a trinket for Druids that gives spell power for every rejuvenation they have up.