Post filters that make Yea Forums better
Post filters that make Yea Forums better
Other urls found in this thread:
>manually hiding threads
>bbc and BBC are two separate filters
>tranny and trannies are two separate filters
>incel and incels are two separate filters
4/10. You can do better.
yaikes. this is hella kringe bro. imagine being trigered by words. just ooof.
This. If you can't handle the banter on Yea Forums might as well head on over to resetera.
Whats wrong with oof and yikes? Did I miss some new meme?
Yea Forums
/start sucking/i;op:only;
/peak performance/i;op:only;
/your mother will die/i;op:only;
/Hot glue/i;op:only;
/Draw Thread/i;op:only;
/copy of/i;op:only;
/hire this man/i;op:only;
/Ricardo Milos/i;op:only;
/You are the girl/i;op:only;
/supposed to appeal to/i;op:only;
/Mostly Negative/i;op:only;
/wrong here/i;op:only;
/has a point/i;op:only;
/he\'s in/i;op:only;
/she\'s in/i;op:only;
/This but unironically/i;
/imagine the smell/i;
/dark souls/i;
> just ooof.
I know what you were trying to do, but OP's oof filter also filters ooof.
It will also filter roof and aloof because his filters are garbage.
Filter GAMES
no good thread start with games on the op
is aways shitposting
>what games lets me post porn
>what games let me visit raddit
>games with this feel
>games that lets you do this
Imagine being mad at the words posted by Unknown on the sub-saharan site about basket weaving...
>filtering futas
filter anything relating to epic
i like girls with MISSING body parts not extra ones
post a screenshot of how many threads are filtered from your catalog
>see something you don't like
>don't click
Every futafag is obnoxious except futaonfutafags prove me wrong protip you fucking can't
>expecting anything from the users of the 2nd most dumb board of 4flan.
Hard for the average redditera user.
39, mostly shitposting ones
you think that is a lot because you didnt saw my image MD5 filter list
redditors dont understand the ancient 4chanic tradition of saging and hiding created by the monks of moot thousands of years ago
for sure, the only people here who actually get ass hurt by the banter or seriously mean what they say must be mentally disabled
not only is it just fucking text on a screen, but to take anything someone here says seriously is laughable
that is okay but only if you dont browse the catalog all day like a true autist,so much time is lost even reading shit threads,those seconds sum out fast into hours
Anyone have a good way to filter smash threads? there's always dozens of them about really general shit.
jesus christ user
I appreciate the autism
"pedo" is the easiest filter ever, also "have sex"
filtering words makes you weak. eat the shit and enjoy it, faggot.
If you had to filter all the cancer thread, you would have to filter 75% of Yea Forums
I'm willing to bet the average user these days doesn't know what sage is
i'm pretty sure this is absolutely only 1 autist spamming it though
on every single fucking thread of every single board?
yes,dont underestimate true autism
Bleached is the thinking man's fetish though
It isn't exactly difficult to access the filtered threads if the decent threads run dry and you want to read some shitposting. This just makes it easier to get to the good threads on your first visit of the day or whatever.
Maybe at the beginning, but it's something easy for shitposters to latch on to, like Sneed