Not a bad idea.
Not a bad idea
these threads should be a bannable offense.
There is nothing to talk about and will just devolve into /pol/shit.
sonic should be a bannable offense
Of course Sonic should be banned, it enables the furrification of our youth.
Whatever nigger
More like “Prince Hairy,” amirite, mates?
It's a terrible idea. Fortnite is a containment for zoomers. You break that dam and the spawn will infect everything else. Fortnite is the best thing to happen since Minecraft, and eventually a new game will take the crown.
What kind of fucked up dating system do they use that there’s 30 something months.
Muh pol
?The Duke also emphasized the dangers of reliance on social media to form connections.
“It’s more dangerous because it’s normalized and there are no restrictions to it,” Prince Harry said, referring to social media. “We are in a mind-altering time.”
“Without that human connection, when you do have a problem you have nowhere to go,” he continued. “The only place you might go is online and you will probably end up getting bullied.”
I hate Fortnite as much as the next guy but why do people take anything this retard says seriously?
The undue importance and media fixation on the royal family is truly one of the most retarded facets of modern culture. They should be hanged
>wanting to be free is /pol/shit
>making fun of britbongs for letting their government fuck them in the ass without lube is /pol/shit
Prince Harry pays people to impersonate him in public with a f'n mask with real human beard hair.
>normal people count - 1,2,3
>ameritards - 2,1,3
i dunno man
Haha, funny joke.
Did someone floss on his corpse?
>porn ban still infindently delated
>NA humor
Not the user you were responding to, but I can assure you that while the police are scum, the courts are usually ok and you'll win any misconduct the police act upon you is usually punished. The UK isn't as fucked as you think.
I don't care if I get called edgy or whatever, most people are fucking vegetables who will consume media passively (Love Island / panel shows) and provide endless clickbait that drives the tabloid media and gives the royals undue attention. Harry is a silver spoon degenerate.
Suicided when
>politics aren't /pol/
I'm still trying to wrap my head around the rise of the game. Is it literally cartoon aesthetics along with 50+ people running around a open world map that makes normies and childrens pp's hard?
How seriously does bongs actually take these kardashians?
>panel shows
8 out of 10 cats is great though
its free and has funny dances.
>calling today “the 4th of April” like twat instead of just saying “”April 4th”
I don't think observing reality is edgy.
WoW did the same 15yrs ago
>Hey instead of solving why kids are becoming shut in NEETs, why don't we just ban X?
Fuck my retarded country. Literally all the government is good for is increasing existing taxes, finding new ways to tax people and banning things they don't like.
It's also the way it was marketed and the people that got along the way to help market it. They tried to make it where it was a "fitting in thing" to do. Like, "everyone is playing it" why are you not?
He probably got yeeted on when he landed at tilted
It's on mobile too so kids can play it in class. Pretty sure you get sued if you confiscate the phone nowadays
> cartoon graphics
>still semi lewds
>next to no wait time for lobbies
>carrot and stick approach to money spending that is fucking genius
>revolutionry online narrative that changes constantly and makes you feel like part of a group
>gameplay is simple to learn, but there’s a learning curve that rewards dedicated players
>cast of colorful characters you can self insert into
>no politics to fuck things up
It’s literally like some mush mashup of
Ideas that were designed to succeed. I’d argue the only revolutionry thing it’s down is the season pass and the online storytelling.
The by far exceeds wow's popularity. Probably goes bigger than the next tier which is GTA, Mario, Pokemon and Minecraft. This is unfortunately probably the most popular video game ever made.
>being ameritard instead of being a human
No lie, I’d kill to be a royal. Fucking free taxes, yo.
Why are Americans so fucking stupid, and also so buttflustered that the rest of the world is smarter than they are?
no u
It's a skinner box using decades of knowledge in it's design. It's essentially digital crack-cocaine.
Eu kids are smarter? What about indian, Chinese and Australian kids? All kids and teenagers are dumb
Go get braces snaggletoothed bong
It's free, it's on everything, the genre is a recent novelty, streamers got behind it, it has bright colours, dances and the game itself isn't bad at all, despite how furiously mad people get at younger gnerations being into something they aren't.
>All kids and teenagers are dumb
nice projection burguer.
Thats basically it. The actual gameplay is so-so.
Every time I hear about the royal family it makes me laugh to think bongs still have a fucking monarchy.
In the EU, 13 year olds are considered mature enough to make decisions for themselves
In America, you are a child until you're a college graduate
>being this underaged
Nice, fuck Fortnite.
Imagine marrying an average looking mulatto divorcee when you could have literally any girl on the planet
I remember being in London about fifteen years ago and getting drunk with some friends there and then going to get fish and chips in befeeen pubs. So I saw a recent video about drunk foods from all around the world, and to my surprise, the food representing Britain wasn’t the fish and chip, but something called the doner kebab. I quickly hit the comments section to ask if this was a joke, but I was quickly cast out, for apparently fish and chips is a white nationalists food now and the doner kebab is the official “on the go” food for the busy Brit. I looked up the old pub and sure enough, it’d been replaced by a dinar. What happened, Britain. How did you let these people overtake your food to the point where your children are going to grow up on kebabs. God preserve our burgers.
imagine caring about the royal family in the 21st century
epic used meme shills on every social media platform
you shouldve been there just a year or so ago. they were so blatant. i wish i could post an example but id have to screen record it with my phone or something and i dont have time for that. but it was just post after post after post of a video of fortnite gameplay and a caption intended to be heard as some ghetto or urban youth delivering it. For example:
>when you get that boogie bomb on Fortnite :joy: :lit: :100:
Just post after post of that. And of course, it didn't really matter to people who were into the game. They would comment on it and discuss it, because it was actually popular back then. There is another meme that popped up that I think may have been genuine but I'm probably just being generous, it was:
>when the pump do 9 damage
>*picture of black guy having a stroke*
In any case, most of it was definitely done by a 3rd party contracted by epic. No, they didn't reach out directly to influencers to mention fortnite, they went further and cooperated to generate the type of content that could be spread across social media.
And why would they bother with influencers, when they had Ninja? Surely you remember how many places ninja was popping up, despite how badly he was being mocked. At the same time fortnite memes were somewhat accepted, ninja was never. But regardless, he still showed up everywhere. And that is also thanks to epic.
But none of that is new. As we are seeing with the exclusives thing with Steam and whatnot, it's clear as day that Epic is extremely aggressive. They have taken a foothold with fortnite not by chance, as most people are mistaken. They made something. And pushed it. And they never stopped pushing since. I've never seen a game company go on such a total conquest.
KYS faggot.
>get one shot by a 5 year old who calls you a bot and dabs on you
>call for the game to be banned
I still don't really know who they are besides that they are brown people with weird names and big arses.
But this has nothing to do with /pol/. Its about Prince Harry wanting to ban the most popular game ever. What are you even on about?
Why is Europe's stance on anything either ban it or license it? Seems pretty fascist to me.
*bands Kinder eggs and foreskin*
yes because this is a video game board retard. For talking about videogames not what retards are saying about them
That's funny, because I want his entire family hanged.
>bans knives, guns, porn, and free speech
You all talk like retards so it's fair to lump you all in together.
calm down pedo
they represent you lot
>not wanting Fortnite to be banned
Should ban those muzzies and the lack of free speech first.
Thing is, we mostly ingore the royals as they haven't been relevant in the running of the country for so long. Parliament holds the real power in bongland now
They're in the EU, and it's pretty clear the other EU countries so desperately want them to remain in that Union too.
Are you on your period?
Rent free
Imagine being so butthurt over a joke about a fucking calendar
On what grounds, being popular? Get fucking real
>everything I don't like should be banned!
Okay libtard
saying something like "the 15th of June" makes more sense than "June 15th".
>>normal people count - 1,2,3
No, normal people use Year/Month/Day.
The Europoor system is just as ass backwards as the Amerilard system.
They only want our money they don’t care about us. Just like women.
Why does /pol/ so readily out themselves when called out? They can't help themselves. It's a disease.
>if others make fun of me that means they are mad
nice projection burguer.
First they came for the
Based, England boutta dab on those chinks
Upset bongistanian. Maybe you should move to a country that gives you rights.
Why do you still obsess over the royal family then? Even before one of your mutts got in you could never shut up about it. Fucking hell people fucking died for your independence.
what we need is a new BR game. Epic is fucking up fortnite and Apex is already dying. Hopefully some kind of actual competition shows up soon
Bait posts like this should unironically be bannable
>Based, England boutta dab on those chinks
No, the guy who made the joke at first was the one making fun of you. You got mad. Clearly you don't know what projection is.
What's with people that don't play video games at all and their obsession with getting video games banned?
Have sex with a loli, incel.
So you are ok with the government to ban videos games like Fortnite or any other game for that matter.
>be American
>collect your own rainwater
>get shot
/pol/shit is just ResetEra speak for anti ResetEra rhetoric, so yes it is
Keep digging mate
>be British
>make a mean tweet
>get thrown in jail
second post, best post
Europeans are so fucking dumb they though standing in a straight fucking line and moving slowly would make them harder to hit.
Fucking imagine that. Retards from day 1.
>be European
>forget to renew tv license
>get swatted
>arrested on the account of having a spare bike tire and a plastic cutlery set
>put in jail next to a person who said gay on the computer
It's the cancer killing gaming. It's a good thing if it get banned.
>be American
>call police over simple domestic disturbance
>get shot
What does that have to do with America?
That's a nice meme, do you have a license to post it?
That other post is not me. I'm just saying that Fortnite should not be banned because a bunch of boomers want it to be banned.
Why is Sonic Paramount to nature?
What does the queen of Canada have to do with Europe?
Keep the government out of games. I'd rather have a million years of shit games than some fag telling me what I can and can't play.
British "banter" everyone
Everyone not from America is European and is inherently irrelevant and a threat to freedom
Fuck off commie.
British police literally arrested a woman in front of her young kids and jailed her for seven hours for "misgendering" a tranny in some tweets.
politics are Yea Forums
Yea Forums does this to itself and then blames /pol/, because Yea Forums can't accept that it secretly loves politics
seriously why do you think gamergate happened
>Keep the government out of games. I'd rather have a million years of shit games than some fag telling me what I can and can't play.
Retard, they've already started banning games, so why not have them ban Fortnite too while at it?
>everyone not from America is European
Well that's sort of true since there's no white people in America
>censorship is only okay if it involves a game I don't like (aka a Western game)
>party member betrays you
Why are Americans so butthurt about their inferiority? Why don't you get off your arses and actually try and fix your country instead?
Not in america. Europe literally doesn't matter. They keep on implementing laws that are too big for the britches and everyone hates them for it.
There won't be anyone else not in America after ww3 friend.
Based Muslims are the only ones who still value cultural identity
I might hate you but UK is big in gaming. It banning Fortnite would be a good thing. Do you even read the thread, it's about the UK.
Again, European "banter" everyone. How many licenses did it take to post this?
Fear the unknown.
It makes children excited because it was a heavily marketing streamer game based around an already popular game but now with zoomer aesthetics. It appeals to normies because they see popularity and think good without realizing that 90% of the other people playing the game are children and not their actual peers
>why do you think gamergate happened
Some journo shilled a free web-based text adventure in exchange for sex
>post deleted
>there's no white people in America
Did the porn ban hit the UK yet?
Do you think a profit could be made if I sneak in some prime porn?
I don't understand what Yea Forums wants from me anymore. like what does this post even mean? are we against gays or are we against muslims? or both? or neither? are stories like this only relevant when we want to shift the narrative to our benefit? that can't be it, right? we couldn't possibly be so fickle and egotistical can we?
The only countries that matter for gaming is
And America
Everyone else is irrelevent
Banning things that the government doesn't like authoritarian as fuck. Art should not be censored because some prudes in the house don't like it. Remember, art is art is art, no matter how shitty you may think it is.
Grow up, eurofag. You're not important
Think for yourself faggot.
Just hate everyone, either someone agrees with you, or sees it as sarcasm and thinks you're funny, the only way to win is not to play.
UK does actually.
gamergate did not happen because a literally who did something irrelevant
that was merely a convenient opportunity for retards to get political and involved with the real world
do i need to go back to chanology?
face it
you idiots get political at the drop of a hat
England is based now.
Dude, you're fucking retarded. It's a good thing if Fortnite get banned. UK banned multiple games before, much better games at that.
I wonder who's behind this post
>yfw prince harry is a ste user.
Why does he want it banned?
A kid one shot him with a shotgun and dabbed
I know you are not stupid as I'm
>when your enemy was your friend all along
I was going to say that we invented the word banter and the only reason it's used on Yea Forums is because of its popular British slang usage. But then I realised that we invented the entire English language and the only reason it's used on Yea Forums is because America was created by us.
How come America never created the largest empire in human history? That's a bit sad really. It must be a bit depressing living in another nation's shadow.
Hello ching chong. Nice subvertive tactics there.
Tianenmen Square
>carrot and stick approach to money spending that is fucking genius
>revolutionry online narrative that changes constantly and makes you feel like part of a group
can someone fill me in on these 2 points? never played fortnite desu
No they dont. The only good thing to come out of there was Rare and in hindsight they made some of the worst games for the N64.
Literally worse than irrelevant.
>Dude, you're fucking retarded.
Banning art is fascist. Sorry your government brainwashed you into thinking it knows your best interests. Hopefully when the inevitable euro collapse happens you can reform into something that has freedom, like a relevant country like America had.
And know you've banned porn and knives to subdue your citizens.
Face it, you live in a socialist shithole with no rights.
Americans invented the nuke, Americans saved your faggoty asses in world war 1 and 2, and you still fuck yourselves over.
Face it, there's a reason why america is and always will be number 1. Only 300 years old and still dunking on some jank teeth smelly eurofags
not on your life, bud.
>I-I was pretending to be a burger!
splain pls
looks like you made this in paint
the internet is an echo chamber of whatever narrative u want user
>I don't understand
at least you are honest
yo bongs what's it like being ruled by German monarchs?
Why do these retards still wear rags like they're in the desert while in clapistand?
>What day is it today?
>Today is year 2019...
>No shit Sherlock.
>... April...
>Like yesterday, the day before, etc
>... 4th.
>Why couldn't you just tell me the day in the first place?
Prince Albert is from the Duchy of Saxe(on) Coburg and Gotha. He's a Saxon, there was no Germany until the 1870's
wearing that shit in cold and damp as fuck bongistan makes more fucking sense than wearing it in the sweltering deserts.
blah blah the krauts rule you
holy shit based, I'll vote for him next time
This is the quote attributed to him.
>It's created to addict, an addiction to keep you in front of a computer for as long as possible. It's so irresponsible. It's like waiting for the damage to be done and kids turning up on your doorsteps and families being broken down.
I almost agree with him, coming off the video I watched that covered Fortnite's marketing tactics pretty extensively. Not sure if it should be banned, though.
HM the Queen of Canada is 110% Anglo Saxon
There is no such thing as Germany
German identity is made up
How about we let parents parent their kids.
When I was a boy my mom would tell me to do something else and go play outside. Or is that considered child abuse over in bongistan?
Bongs are such fucking pussies, even the French, the fucking french guillotined their entire royal fucks, these prince should have been hanged centuries ago, its never too later to do it now though
>everyone is either /pol/ or trannyera
Nigger they don't wear it because of the climate, they wear it so Ahmed is a little less tempted to rape them. It's meant to cover women up for sexual reasons.
>DayZ was a massive success
>PUBG was a massive success by extension
>Fortnite is a massive success because it's PUBG but without horrid optimization and it's F2P
its free and the cartoony aesthetic appeals to kids
Yet another person in power who wants to get of something he thinks is bad instead of telling parents to do their parenting duties.
Gamergate is the exact reason all you fucking normies showed up and ruined the board, and why western games took such a hard SJW turn.
Dang Sonic i thought you were supposed to be cool.
>BR's reputation makes it literally impossible to discuss the actual game on Yea Forums
I just like the building and crafting aspects...
I fucking hate all of you just talk about video games for once you retards
BR? Brazil?