Has a video game ever compelled you to better yourself? After playing Yakuza 0, I started going to the gym and I'm not seeing any improvement.
Has a video game ever compelled you to better yourself? After playing Yakuza 0...
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yeah because getting ripped is 70% diet 30% working out. if you eat like shit you arent going to see any progress no matter how hard you workout
If by better myself you mean commit suicide for my waifu, then yes.
After falling in love with my waifu I started working out and I have lost 35 lbs for her
I cut out most of the sugar in my diet and started eating more vegetables, but I guess I need to look into better eating habits then.
no but I did lose almost 100 lbs for someone irl
they stopped talking to me after I did
Cut out carbs and sugar, increase protein intake.
god I wish Kiryu was real
People have the oddest reactions to someone trying to improve their life.
protein nigga
Good to know, I cut out most carbs and sugar, but never bothered with protein.
They probably kept you around because being skinny compared to you made them feel good about themselves. Don't worry about it, keep up on your workouts user - you'll find someone worthy of your company one day
protein builds muscle. eat natural and supplement with it since you need a fuckton of protein to build decently. buying shitloads of chicken breasts only gets you so far and it's expensive as fuck. also look into supplements in general and research what you think you need. a lot of working out is finding out your needs and how to supplement them through your diet.
protein and youve probably only been working out 2 weeks faggot
It'd be a lot easier to help you if you could post your body and work out so we could tell you what to work on. Go to /fit/ and look for a thread or make your own and they'll help you out, although probably rather bluntly. Good luck bro.
3 months, only thing that's gotten easier is running
How do I make my waist and ass smaller as a guy. Im way too fucking wide in the middle of my body
running only destroys muscle especially if youre not getting enough protein and eating like a vegan faggot. if you just want to be healthy thats fine but if you want to build muscle you have to do RESISTANCE weight training, whether it be with your body weight or with weights. drop your gay ass cardio and start doing pushups, squats, dumbell curls, tricep pulldowns, tough core workouts etc.
Get new genetics.
you cant target a certain section of your body for fat loss. it just doesnt work that way. you just have to workout and eat right and the body decides where it wants to burn fat randomly. just stick to a healthy lifestyle and youll see it go down sooner or later. girls like big asses on guys btw
they've got a bunch of shit there for this
But user, I don't want to join Zyzz dicksucking cult!
you don't need to!
just use the resources available there!
>chicken breasts
>expensive as fuck
Fucking first worlders
Started playing Persona 4 in college. There was a moment in which I realized how much time and effort I put into studying for tests in the game compared to actually shit I had coming up in real life. Kinda encouraged me to study a bit between each day passing in game. Was kinda a funny wake up call, but it helped a little bit.
I'd say you lose fat from extremities first and ass and gut are the last ones to go.
Keep at it OP. You may not see results as quickly but not only are you conditioning your body, but your mind. You'll learn to enjoy the time at the gym and find it a fulfilling experience
i got a bigger ass than most girls and almost all of my weight goes straight to my thighs
if i had a pussy, i would be top tier
so its like beer? awful, but you get used to it and crave it?
God I hope, every time I go I still have a look of dread on my face before going inside the building
I will kill you for slandering the nectar of the gods.
this, i started going to the gym three times a week but i snack at night ruining it
>Has a video game ever compelled you to better yourself?
They've made me consider it but I've never actually done anything.
Buying them in the amount you need to build muscle, yes they can be. Fuck off third worlder and go work on your reading comprehension.
Opposite thing happened to me. I was studying Japanese 5 hours/day but then got fed up with it and just started playing Japanese games on emulator. Started improving faster after that.
whats a good workout and diet to start building muscle? Not like a crazy amount of muscle but enough to impress most woman?
I see dudes with bigger arms than me but like not that much bigger with some real cuties. how they do it?
free carbs
Start working out and build from there. Find a happy medium with how much protein and other nutrients and how much you work out basically. Learn about cutting and bulking too.
Dude I can buy a kilogram of boneless chicken breast for around 2 dollars.
How much can you possibly need that this becomes expensive?
>Brother making me got gym with him 3 days a week
>Only doing it to make him happy
>Don't change diet or anything cuz I don't give a shit
>Been going now for about 2 months
>No real improvement, no weight loss or anything
>Parents say I'm "slimming up" but still weigh and look the same
Is there even a point?
I wish there were more inspirational, bodybuilder-type of characters out there flaunting their hard work and dedication
if you lift heavy enough and with intensity you can look like a fat fuck meathead if you still eat like shit
Ain't nothing perfect in this rotten world.
Beer is close, though.
If you can do heavier weight/more reps then yes, you got stronger. It's not always about physical appearance user
Wrong, newbie gains in the first six months can show even in spite of a bad diet.
How long have you been to the gym and are you sure you're doing the workouts correctly?
Has your mood at least been better or do you feel like you have some more energy? You should feel good regardless of any progress. If you're not you either have tons of mental anxiety/issues or you're doing the workouts wrong/pushing yourself to hard.
>It's not always about physical appearance user
The what the hell's the point. I wanna kick off all this flab.
You lift for you, and nothing else. You lift to change your attitude and commit to something healthy. If you're lifting mainly to make yourself look good to others, you're doing it wrong.
you can't change wide hips. lose weight and build your back to make it look smaller in comparison.
muscle weighs more than fat, so you might not change weight.
Still, Fat is more about diet than anything else. Improve your diet.
Also, take progress pictures. You might not realize the changes since you see yourself every day
Well nah I lift and eat better bc I wanna shed them pounds and be lighter. I mean I guess I could on paper be happy at any size, but I wanna be furthest from heart disease, diabetes, and all that them other around the corner surprises that nobody wants. Can move just fine, but I feel like I could stand to be a little lighter. I'm okay in the self image department, I like me, and I'm doing it only for me.
3 months, I usually imitate what everyone else does or look it up on my phone so idk but I get help from regulars now and then, mental anxiety issues before I started going, but I've been feeling a little better since going. I strangely feel a lot better when I see a lot of people stronger than me working out because it makes me think I can one day achieve that level of fitness if I work hard enough.
Well yeah, that's committing to something healthy.
Take pictures every day, every 10 or 50 pounds lost? I lost a hundred pounds several years ago and then slowly gained it all back, but then dropped 60 pounds in the last year. Still aways to go, but I remember when I first dropped that hundred pounds I still had my belly, but the double fat chin was gone and my face looked thinner.
I stopped being fat for Aniki when he passed
Yakuza definitely made me want to get fit even more.
Also Persona for absolutely anything related to improving your life. For being so popular with otaku it sure carries a ton of positive messages.
Then you're on track. 3 months is good commitment. Don't worry about possibly never achieving what others have. I work out just to feel mentally better in health because all I do otherwise is play video games all day. I've been unemployed for about a month so it really gets to me.
>consume protein and do strength training
>get muscles
>muscles burn a ton of energy
>muscles burn away your fat even while you're sleeping
It's not rocket science
You expect getting ripped being that easy & instantaneously? That's wishful thinking, but keep going to the gym every day and you'll see some improvements over time. Heck, you'll shave off that weight.
>It's not always about physical appearance
Yes it is
I don't give a fuck whether or not I can lift easier
I only do this shit because my brother thinks I'm "depressed" and that him taking me to the gym will somehow make happier. He thinks I'm /fit/ like him, I'll "break out of my shell" even though I'm pretty sure I have more irl friends in my life than he does. His only friends are his fucking co workers and his dog
Gut is the last one to go.
*if I'm /fit/ like him
I wasn't expecting to get ripped, I was expecting to be able to lift more than 30lbs after 3 months.
Been a while since I've posted or seen this in Yak threads, but how's that workout/diet coming, anoniki
Ah I see. I look forward to the day I clash and vanquish it once and for all
Read the sticky you brainlets.
Sounds like it's not about physical appearance for you user
>and I'm not seeing any improvement.
1. Building muscle is a SLOW process. Every month you add a little bit of muscle. This takes years to get BIG. Unless you do steroids, which speeds the process up. But even then it's years and lots of hard work.
2. Make sure to get enough sleep.
3. Get enough protein, and enough everything else. You should get 0.7g of protein per 1 lbs of lean body mass (not your fat just muscles).
I'm just so lazy man, I can't commit to any exercise routine, I did once and I laster a bit more than a month.
>Read the sticky you brainlets.
Lots of words, and I get bored half-way through.
It's the core of it
I'm not exactly in shape
I'm not a fat fuck or anything but I am somewhat pudgy
It's never affected me. No one's ever looked down on me for it. I've never been bullied or teased for it (except for this one shitlord of a kid in middle school that my brother made me hang out with). If I was just some lanky cunt I don't think by brother would care as much. I wish he didn't care at all, honestly. Do you have any fucking idea what it feels like to have someone think they can "improve" you? That you're somehow not good enough for them? A member of your own family, no less?
It sucks
It's the worst
I honestly wasn't expecting this to turn into a /fit/ thread.
>Knew that, wasn't expecting to get big though
>Learned how important protein is from prior responses
Cut out most sugars and snacks from my diet (still have a can of pop or juice once a week), but my diet is still pretty bad.
>1-2 meals a day
>2 eggs, some meat (either a chicken breast, a piece of steak, a hot dog, 2 slices of bacon, or 2 small sausages), some lettuce or broccoli, and a cup of cooked white rice
>A chicken sandwich with lettuce and tomatoes if I manage to remember to eat a second meal
We should all strive to improve, you're bro's just trying to help you see that.
Calories in, calories out. Eat big to get big, right babe? C'MON
>How do I
>You should get 0.7g of protein per 1 lbs of lean body mass (not your fat just muscles).
Can someone explain this? Say I'm 150 and I think I'm 20% fat. So I should get minimum 84g of protein a day?
>strong muscles
>weak heart
>Be 130lb dyel
>Everything i eat goes to my ass
>All my female friends talk about being jealous
>Feel like shit because it's all fat and no muscle tone
>Nectar of the gods
>Not whiskey
Get out of here you bloated beer fag
How do I become the Dragon of Dojima?
>Your brother cares about your mental and physical health
>You shit all over him online and take some nihilistic stance about working out to make yourself feel superior to him and everyone else
Real piece of work user
Ignore then user. YOU want to have a firm ass? Then go for it.
Danganronpa has made me feel more hopeful and it works
>buy myself a home setup with savings and start working out
>Feeling great, quit job, move and start going back to school
>Enter local gym, anxious at first but start going nightly for six months
>Feeling amazing, gain tons of core strength, run 6 miles every other night, liftin on the alt days
>Transfer to Uni
>Back to being anxious about a new gym especially at a school
>Haven't worked out in two years
I almost made it
Go back to it.
I'm getting in shape but I always have bruises all over my body, especially where the barbell sits on my shoulders when I do squats. I'm getting calluses on my hands too, despite wearing gloves and lotioning regularly. I want to stay soft and touchable...
His concern is misplaced
I'm already happy with my life
But he just can't seem to understand this
3 Months, user. It takes 3 Months of consistent gym work before you start to like it. If you can stick with it, it stops sucking after the first month. In the second month you start to see result, but you're mostly ambivalent. The third month is when you start to feel really good from working out and you genuinely miss if it you don't go.
I need to get back to the gym but i dread the noodle arms and jelly legs that come with the first two or so weeks.
>Be sedentary fattie with round gut and skinny everything else
>Work out a lot, get thing and some muscle
>Stop working out
>After years get all the weight back but now you look fatter than before at the same weight for some reason
It's not worth it. I even have man titties now when I never had them before working out.
>drop your cardio
Hello Zyzz
Shouldn't you be practicing martial arts instead of going to the gym? The game appeals more toward that
I allready changed my diet according to /fit/ sticky and dropped 5 kg in 2,5 weeks, now I want to add some exercises. Problem is that i live in middle of fucking nowhere and nearest gym is 40 km away but my parents gifted me pic related, can I use it somehow? I am to scared to ask /fit/ for advice because they think Machine exercises are inferior .
Getting motivated to stay on a workout routine is tough. I'm a skeleton and everything makes me feel like I'm going to pass out so gyms are highly embarassing to be in
get an instructor and go from there. they are doing it for a living for a reason. just like the guy on yakuza 6 raizap minigame
Almost everyone if not everyone is an untrained street fighter. Kiryu learns moves from some random hobo sage
It's absolutely retarded to travel 40km for a gym.
Of course you can use that thing.
As long as you keep your diet and exercise every freaking day without fail, you're guaranteed to have gains.
I worked out everyday with a shit dirt full of soda and candies and still got thin anyway, but that was when I was a neet and had the time/determination to not skip a day.
People here in this thread say they go 3 times a week and they're having a hard time. It's because 3 times is not enough.
Get some barbells and/or bands and just start at home until you're comfortable enough. Hell even body weight alone will get you a long way.
Not really, DDR resulted in me losing a lot of weight by proxy which was great but ive given up on trying to have a flat stomach
I'm 5'11 and weigh 170lbs, im pretty average but ive always had a tiny buldge above my waist and its just never gone away, i was a little slimmer a couple years ago and even then it wouldnt go away, ive accepted it
A lot of that is diet + core exercises. Without any muscle whatsoever there you're just storing fat
id say my diet is pretty average, i dont keep soda in the house, dont drink a lot of coffee, could probably balance a little more, i eat a lot of chicken and rice meals, average cold cut sandwiches for lunch
The most sweets we have are a thing or two of ice cream and maybe a few cookies
Mostly just eat shitty on the weekends if i even go out. I know i could be better if i needed to be
I work out 3 times a week at home, but its just on the exercise bike and then basic core stuff but its probably just not enough
I miss playing DDR though, all my home pads are busted and have been for a year or two so i gained a few pounds (thats when i bought the bike) i wish Konami would stop being shitters and make a new DDR home pad or license things to someone competent but i don't think im going to get that lucky. Its a shame too because i was like 157lbs a few years ago when i was playing DDR 3-4 times a week for like an hour set each, i was getting better at the game too
Is there anyway to improve my eating? I'm a mega twink but i want to stop being one and put on muscle, it's hard to do when I get full extremely easily and have such a low appetite. Is there a way to stretch my stomach out or something?
Normalfags hating titty games and SJWs censoring titty games got me into politics which got me into getting more informed in general which got me to fix my diet which completely cured a crippling chronic disease, do yoga and meditation and become a pretty good artist so I can produce more of the anime titties that SJWs hate.
So I guess thanks titty games.
Jesus you’re getting barely any calories and barely any protein. You’re eating so little your body has tanked your metabolism because it doesn’t want to starve to death. You need a surplus of nutrients to add muscle. Eat 2500 calories a day, three meals, at least 0.7g of protein per pound of body weight but preferably more. Cut sugars and limit carbs. Do not snack. Lift four times a week, upper lower rest upper lower rest rest. Focus on compound exercises like deadlifts and squats. Get enough sleep.
It's hard to gain weight if you're eating properly, which you are. So you need to have a worse diet, not a better one. Eat some junk food, then you'll inflate yourself.
I don't recommend it though.
>Eat 2500 calories
Not him, but how and where the fuck do you find all this without sugar/carbs?
I hate being 49kg. I'm ruining myself buying expensive healthy food and I eat a ton of it but it's nowhere near 2500 cal total
Healthy food is not that expensive if you don’t buy it pre-made. It’s easy to get there if you eat foods with healthy fats like avocados and unprocessed carbs like potatoes. You should be eating fats and carbs, just not a huge amount of them.
Holy shot you're light.
I could probably lift you with a finger.
t. Big guy.
Take pictures of yourself in monthly intervals. That's what I am doing, even thought I can see improvement in both my shape and what I can lift.
Do it 70% of 150, so 135g
Honest Hearts made me go back to church
105g sorry
>eat a shitton of eggs, meat and potatoes
>want to introduce veggies but chewing leaves just makes me feel like I'm eating fucking grass and grosses me out
Guess I could start blending shakes with kale and spinach again. I was such a picky shit as a child and nobody ever made me change so now my body/mind just doesn't want vegetables.
you can work out and not get ripped because abs is mostly about a low body fat%. Regardless if you are able to hold down a good diet, going to the gym will only improve you.
>>want to introduce veggies but chewing leaves just makes me feel like I'm eating fucking grass and grosses me out
Check out egg-white scrambles.
SO those egg council guys got to you too eh?
Egg-whites are a super food. Massive protein, low calories. But they have nothing else. Combine them with spinach/kale and they're an insanely high protein, high vitamin, low calorie meal. Throw cheese or avacado on there.
They've been going back and fortever on whether eggs are healthy or not for whatever reason. It's all because of the yolks. Cut the yolks out and you cut out the debate entirely.
>used to eat an egg for the breakfast for a month
>all I got is severe distaste for eggs, so much so I threw up just from the smell
No easy protein for me I guess.
fatass 240lbs here
how do I start going to gym?
do I just walk in local gym and ask for a member ship?
or should I look around for personal trainer or some shit?
Don't try to take my vitamins you cuck
Personal trainer will make sure you will work out, if you have the will power to do it yourself then you don't really need one. I went for trainer when I was starting since I am autistic when it comes to talking to people not to mention I had no idea what and how to work out.
Pretty much yeah. Avoid Planet Fitness if you can.
Egg whites are lacking the yolk and lack the "egg" taste and smell. They're as bland and flavorless as you can get. The benefit si that you can add bland flavorless food to ANYTHING and get away with it. It's a benefit rather than a weakness.
Try that spinach+eggwhite+cheese recipe and tell me what you think.
>muh vitamins
That's what the spinach is for. They'll say yolks contain vits, but neglect to say how much and what the cost is. The cost is huge calories.
Spinach +eggwhites have the same vitamins as a full egg, but way less calories. By cutting out the yolk, you can "spend" those calories on:
Making the meal high in Omega 3 fatty acids, some saturated fats, high in Vit A, calcium, some iron, etc. All good stuff.
I know what egg whites are, I am just throwing up from them in the morning, just like I am throwing up from milk.
Do you have an egg and milk allergy?
I don't know, I am fine with them in the evening or even in the afternoon, it is just right after waking up I can't eat either.
When did you start going to the gym? I've been going for about 5 years and gonna just tell you now that it's slow going.
If you don't sleep right and eat right you will never see progress either. And if your form is bad, you will see very minimal progress.
Not entirely true. Newbie gains will show, but you won't be ripped without burning off the body fat.
Dunno user, I've been going 2~3 times a week since January and boy I HATE it. I feel like absolute shit every time I step in that godforsaken place and when I feel sore on the next day. I also barely see or feel any improvement and I only keep going because I've already paid for an annual plan.
The weird part is that I normally don't hate physical exercise, I even enjoy some sports, but man I loathe going to the gym.
>literally can't better myself because I have a hernia I can't afford to fix
land of the free
Personal trainers are a meme, if you are not retarded you can do it yourself. Walk up to the gym front desk and say you want to sign up for a membership. Use the cardio machines and light free weights, don’t use the weight machines for the most part because they aren’t as effective. Google beginner weight exercises and learn a couple for each muscle group. It’s not rocket surgery user
People meme that Kiryu's a virgin, not enough people meme Nishiki is gay as fuck and that the perfect Reina best girl was in front of him the whole time.
>nectar of the gods
>not wine
I shiggydyggyfámalam
>nectar of the gods
>not fanta
Shameful user....
I've got boot camp in a month and my cardio is fucked up, how fucked am I?
what kind of protein powder should i get /vfit/?
He fucked her after he smacked her
Not everyone lives in canada
This is utter broscience horseshit. You don't need "a fuckton" and the "gram of protein per lbs of bodyweight" is also fucking bullshit. 140-160g is plenty for a typical weight lifting regime.
These fucking morons who go on about eating 200+ grams of protein are reading the fucking extreme bodybuilder diets, think Mr Universe size. It's the dumbest thing going around, backed up by 0 science and 100% bullshit
If you're jsut starting out, you don't need it. At least not right away.
Eventually just get whey. Add a banana, and cocoa to it.
>and the "gram of protein per lbs of bodyweight" is also fucking bullshit.
The actual science says 0.75g, which is close to what athletes and bodybuilders came up with on their own. It's no shock that people would settle on a simple round number like 1 rather than a fraction.
'newbie' gains are not really gains per se, but rather your brain forcing you to get stronger by mastering the motor patterns of certain movements
Will I find a 10/10 onee-san if I look like this?
eat -500 cals on weekdays, weekends eat at maintenance (refeed), do cardio to improve fitness (not to lose weight, that's too much work), lift weights, be it machine or free weights, it doesn't matter, you have a lot of lean body mass since you're fat so you might as well lift some weights so you'll keep it when you reach your desired body weight
Sure, but it's so ridiculous when you see people complaining that they weigh something like 160lbs and some moron online tells them to eat 160g/200g of protein to bulk up. Poor fool isn't aware he's going to be pissing away 40g+ of it
Nishki is such a fag holy shit, why would you fight over used goods?
>Will I find a 10/10 onee-san if I look like this?
It's basically a lightweight MMA fighter body, and girls love that shit.
I will never understand people who worsten themselves on purpose.
I use Optimum Nutrition Whey Protein Isolate. It's good stuff and the rich vanilla and strawberry flavors are absolutely delicious.
actually 1g per pound of lean body mass would be a more accurate target but the average normie wouldn't know how to calculate that, 1g per pound works well because you're essentially overfeeding protein and that means that you have some headroom to ensure that you're getting your required amount of proteins.
most protein powders are garbage, even big name companies make garbage, that said optimum nutrition and myprotein are two good brands I can think off the top of my head, brands like musclepharm and musclemilk are total shit, you should avoid those
I agree that for the average lazy person it's an easy fix, but considering the average lazy person will probably bypass most protein contained in healthier foods and instead binge on shitty mcdonalds and other easy fast food sources then all it's going to really do is make them fatten up faster. I suppose either way the only thing to conclude from all of this is that the average person is a fat retard
Not the guy you replied to but Chicken bob costs about 5-6 a pound where I live
just do isolation exercises bro, a lot of ppl think you need to do meme exercises like squats but that isn't true, and that's coming from a guy who can squat 500lbs
try drinking your extra calories, if you're currently eating at maintaincence, just make an extra shake once per day and drink it, like blend up some oats, protein powder, peanut butter and a banana and drink that once per day
maybe you'll have to try cutting till you're a lower body fat
you eat too much
if you look at yourself every day it might be hard to see visual improvements, then again two months is not a lot of time, try making baby steps towards your diet if you're a lazy fuck but still want results over time