Over 85% of Sekiro players on PS4 haven’t even fought the dragon

>over 85% of Sekiro players on PS4 haven’t even fought the dragon

Why do so many people buy video games and never play them? I know it’s not just Sekiro, but it always shocks me that people never really play the games they buy.

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Because the gameplay gets boring, regardless if you're good or shit.
Shitters just mash L1 and lose all interest after dying to the same boss 10 times.
Good players mash L1 in a specific rhythm, which they learned or not by dying to the same boss 10 times.
It's the same boring combat that has no depth and long term playability

Flavor of the week console normies.

I just haven’t reached the dragon yet :(

Dodge hit dodge hit repeat is not better desu

where did you get this proportion?

If it's not some cinematic 3rd person experience or some normie shit like CoD, no one actually gives a damn about these games. It's sad, but that's just how it is with snoy.

I haven't played it yet.

as expected of snoyboys

i buy games and let them sit there for months sometimes

I wasn't even saying that. Why do every Sekirofags instantly go "As if Dark Souls is any better!!!!".

Most people are shit. Not just at games, in general. Most people will not experience things to the utmost and try to get the most out of life. This is a profound truth that permeates all of humanity and is emblematic of our social structures and the natural hierarchy.

I havent touched the game but it's cool they have used the seven branched sword, I have never seen it in a videogame before.

>First Side: "At noon on the sixteenth day of the eleventh month [May], fourth year of ■, the sword was made of 100 times hardened steel. Using the sword repels 100 enemy soldiers [Appropriate for the polite duke lord] It is sent [bestowed] to the duke lord. (Manufactured by or good fortune to..."
>Second Side: "Never before has there been such a blade. The crown prince of Baekje's king, who lives under august sounds, had this sword made for King of Wa in the hope that it might be passed on to later generations."

Attached: seven_branched_sword.jpg (1600x1200, 963K)

Games generally dont get completed by the average consumer regardless of which game.

It's a huge blackpill for devs

But you can at last change the weapons you hit with, in this game you only got one katana.
The principle is the same with every souls game but take away the weapons and it gets mindless and boring.
People criticized Bloodborne for the lack of weapons and then comes Sekiro and gives you one.

I work as a HH nurse 8-5 on weekdays. It pays good but I'm usually too tired to play Vidya when home. Weekend are sekiro time, I suspect most career minded folks have to kinda schedule their Vidya time. I just beat ashina elite and know that genichiro is gonna be a big fight.

console trash are horrible at games big suprise

I just defeated him a few days ago despite buying the game on launchday. You have to understand that normal people also use their freetime for social interaction and work

>"installs cheatengine"

Apparently this is why Pokémon games are so short and low quality now

What trophy is that?

>Game just came out a few weeks ago
You might have legit autism

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I'm stuck against a headless ape

It's funny that they didn't actually add a grip to it. They just copy pasted the museum version.

I've got 50 hours in Sekiro and haven't made it to that point yet. I'm taking it slow and enjoying it.
It's not a matter of not playing the game, it's that not everyone rushes the game to completion in the first week.
Also people might have done the Shura ending.

Kill the brown one first.
Unless it's 1ape in which case git gud

>dying to the same boss ten times
Kek git gud scrub

Talk is cheap faggot, no one is impressed with your online posturing.

The gamemisn't even long. It takes no more than 35 hours to 100% a single run.

That's because the grip is exactly what you're looking at at silly.

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>on PS4
There's your problem, they don't play games.

Thats the sword tang. Normally it would have a grip, made usually of wood and covered with leather strips, but steel lasts longer than wood and leather so you rarely see those in museum swords, but they definitely would have existed when the sword was made.

If talk is cheap and no one cares about posturing than what the fuck was your entire post dipshit? Speculation and opinion, aka the very thing you're griping me about. Git. Fucking. Gud.

This, game came out nearly 2 weeks ago and I'm already at fountainhead. I have a life nigga, get off my dick. I'm not gonna sit down and speedrun or spend all of my day on this shit.

>being this retarded

Not everyone plays everyday, not everyone bought the game on launchday and not everyone rushes the game. Not everyone is like you, you dumb NEET

Trophy data

because those people probably have jobs


>Why do so many people buy video games and never play them?
Gamefly. You would be surprised at how many people use that.


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Thats still ten 3 hour gaming sessions.

Normies only play games a couple hours a week. Even if they got it at launch they'd be a third of the way though.

That's not answering his question.

Rampant consumerism

The question is assuming that everyone is a NEET or bought the game on launchday and plays a lot

To be fair, trophy data is pretty shit for every game. Unless the game is stupid easy, you will always find that a lot of people drop it at some point for any reason. Too hard, ADHD, another game comes out, etc.

Yeah, if you rush the game and don't take your time for exploring etc

I played the game for the first time and got all the way up to guardian ape and then quit and started a new game. Since then I've been fighting each boss and miniboss in the game without taking damage, multiple tries each until I get it. I think I spend way over 100 hours playing and still haven't fought whatever that dragon is. Not everyone is a casual who cheese through the entire game just so they can see whatever cutscene plays at the end. I'm playing on PC though.

I've only just beaten Guardian Ape, please be patient with me.

Middle of most games is usually an uninteresting slog a lot of the time. Usually the beginning and end is good. Gotta have the motivation to get through THAT PART

>playing game
>randomly decide to start over halfway through the game
not everybody is retarded user

>having fun with a game
>decide to add a challenge so I can have more fun with said game

>7% beat demon of hatred
that surprised me

it's easier than the final boss, literally a souls baby boss

I could honestly chalk that up to it being optional and easy to miss.

I beat the game with the true ending yesterday and the end isn't very exciting or anything. honestly the gameplay was extremely tiring and I almost quit it just because it was a slog after the guardian ape and his bride. I assume it's because you only get like one or two skills and prosthetics that are really worth using and there is not much variety in character building so it kinda always became the same, different bosses but with the same character for hours and hours on end. yes I know I probably triggered some le git gud drones now but whatever.

no that's called the tang

All the prosthetics are really good though. Try em out.

Could atleast beat the game first before you decide to bust your balls and get sweaty over it. Thats like picking up a game and deciding 'im only going to speed run this'

I did unlock most of them and I never said they are trash or something, what I was trying to say is that there are only very few that are really outstanding and therefore worth using over the others

or maybe I should do whatever I want?

That's gaming in general, fuckface. And the dragon is the penultimate boss of the game.

>All the prosthetics are really good though.
the finger whitsle, divine abduction, axe, and loaded umbrella are almost worthless.

Oh I understood that, I mean try them anyway. Some don't seem useful but can be really great. People dislike the Raven feather but it's one of my favorites. I ended up really never using the prosthetics though.

>I know it’s not just Sekiro
learn to read, nigger

>One arm and 2 little arms
>Fucking neon cactus sword
>The most deviant art looking background they could find
Yikes, no wonder people don't get far into this game. Looks like the gay promo images from a shitty Kickstarter.

The axe does a ton of posture damage. It's useless once you get double ichimonji, but it's pretty good for early game fights

The axe is only really useful for enemies with shields, and the spear does a shit ton of posture damage as well while also not taking as long to use and can be used to drag enemies towards Wolf. The Axe is borderline worthless. It doesn't even work properly on half the shield enemies.

Some people have lives fuckface. I'll beat whatever that is eventually but I'm gonna just play videogames all day.

You can beat the game without doing the optional stuff in like 20 hours. Are you an actual slave to your job?

yeah that's what I feel like aswell. the gameplay quickly devolves into the regular attack - parry - dodge thing once you face a boss or mini boss, which happens quite frequently, unless you start cheesing entire HP bars by using the emblem dagger, phantom kunai and healing items from a safe distance

Yeah, because people want build variety in a game that isn't about developing builds. Souls, Bloodborne and Sekiro all do different things. They don't need to be the same as one another in different settings, because that would just become dull. At least by focusing on developing more skills with a smaller variety of weapons/tools, you can keep things refreshing by changing shit up with later games. More so when those changes come in the form of gameplay overhauls too.
I do not want FromSoftware to do Souls over and over. After DeS and DaS, it was enough.

Finger whistle is fun to play around with, and the last upgrade can stun the beast of hatred. More useless for making monkeys go crazy and to use as a targeted ceramic shield, but I think it could've been better too.
Axe does insane posture damage. Final upgrade is stupid strong.
Umbrella upgrades are great. You can use the purple one to tank the spirit warriors attacks and take zero damage. The fire one is good for fire enemies. One deflect destroys a posture bar, and it's way easier to time. Final boss goes from zero to half when you get his combo.

But outside those specific circumstances yeah, they're underwhelming.

No, but I'm not a slave to videogames either, and FUCK rushing games out. What the hell man

>But outside those specific circumstances yeah, they're underwhelming.
This is what I was talking about. They have their uses under certain scenarios but those scenarios only pop up once or twice in the entire game. The shuriken, spear, and flame vent can be used almost anywhere unlike almost everything else.

I think the nine tailed fox used one in Okami

The game is just short, you aren't rushing anything by beating it in 20 hours.

I have a job, a social life, a girlfriend and other hobbies. I play vidya for maybe 3 hours a week on Saturday morning, and browse Yea Forums during breaks out of habit. I can imagine if I had more going on, or a kid, I'd have even less time. Is it really inconceivable to you that some people take several weeks or months to beat a game? Hell, most of the NEETs I know buy games without ever actually beating them because they already have too many.

>cactus sword
For fuck sake
Could you at least pretend not to be an ignorant zoomer?

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But a lot of them can be used almost anywhere. The shuriken probably outclasses all the rest just because it's either a free hit or an easy gap closer.

Yeah I'd just forget to use them during fights since I'd be so focused on parrying and attacking instead. I only really used them early in the game until I started getting better at pressing L1, and they took a backseat.

Dodge involves the choice of several different directions combined with the timing. Parrying doesn't really interact with positioning at all.

>activates cheat engine.exe
>"heh nothing personel console plebs"

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its a good thing sekrio also has several ways of avoiding damage too

>Never seen a 7 Branch Sword in a videogame

Dark Cloud
Fairly certain there's one in Samurai Legend Musashi
There's gotta be more.

Oh no NO NO NONONO he's right. I better post a pepe and call him a zoomer. Haha i'm sure the other anons will grin and gracefully nod in my direction at my cunning intellect.

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Most enemies are too fast and too aggressive to use things like the Axe. The Finger Whistle only works on dogs and monkeys. Divine Abductions only works on grunts and it's far more engaging, and probably faster, to just kill the enemies through posture damage since the wind prosthetic really just seems like an alternative to the "jump over an enemy whose posture is broken" skill. They are easily some of the most worthless prosthetics in the game.

Homie I got a job and other games to play. Not everyone invest 6+hours a day into the same fuckin game.

>Dodge involves the choice of several different directions
not really there is always a correct way to dodge

A lot of people have more money than time.

Very true for Sekiro honestly. There's some nice bosses to start with, Oniwa is simple but cool, Butterfly is really good if you don't cheese, Genichiro is nice. This is all while you're learning the systems and exploring the various areas. Then it gets to some unimpressive monster and gimmick bosses, before a strong conclusion.


Do you actually juggle multiple games instead of just playing one at a time?

>Mashing L1
>Not being a sprinting Chad

I got bored after beating lady butterfly and i never had any motivation to go back and play it again.

Murder weapon in Ace Attorney 3

t. the fox who doesnt want the grapes

filtered by the chained ogre.

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>translation - I'm shit at the game

Dodge is still present in Sekiro, and still useful, just has tighter timings. As well as jumping dodges.
Anybody claiming Souls combat is inherently more interesting than Sekiro's is a genuine brainlet. You can prefer the variety of equipment all you like, but Souls combat is incredibly bland, and exploiting the AI limitations has always been easy to do and most of the combat. Sekiro isn't much different, but it's not worse.

its a weapon the player can use in castlevania: curse of darkness

aka my favorite game of all time

reminder that 1.5% 100%'d sekiro while only 0.1% 100%'d dmc5.

The Kirin Great Sword from Monster Hunter

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This. Some people used to game a lot and see a game and think it looks cool, so they buy it. But then they don't actually have the time to play it.

>Whistle is almost worthless
Oh, you mean the whistle that trivializes one of the end-game bosses as well as any encounter with multiple enemies because you can either whistle the animals nearby or whistle their friend and puppeteer them?
>Divine Abduction is almost worthless
Guess you don't care for double rewards or free backstabs. Have fun grinding.
>Axe is almost worthless
You can buffer it in midair and it does more posture damage than any other technique in the game.
>Loaded Umbrella is almost worthless
It completely shuts down and destroys any boss that does a multi-hit combo, gives an insanely generous deflect window, and the fire/purple upgrades make their respective boss fights far less threatening.

I will say that Abduction is probably the weakest prosthetic but it still has some use to it. People who shit on the prosthetics genuinely don't understand the game.

I haven't played Curse of Darkness in a long time, but I remember loving it.

Yeah, sometimes seikiro, sometimes enter the gungeon, sometimes dmcV, msg3, sometimes if I’m feeling casual I’ll go play snipers only on cod4 and stomp.

Ya see, this way I’m able to enjoy these things instead of oversaturating my brain to them. It’s why I’m not making brain dead threads like OP and instead just have fun and enjoy most every game
I have.

It’s great and I wish more people on this website did it.

I had to make my own fun by playing super inefficiently, sprinting a ton, jumping and throwing ninja stars that bosses just fucking deflect, I use the stupidest flashiest moves etc. For not real reason other than it looked cool and I had a friend over when I was fighting Genichirou and dude thought this game was balls to the walls crazy, it's not I was literally pretending to make my own cheesy samurai movie. I also did willfully inefficient shit while playing The Last of Us whenever he came over back when it first came out. I didn't play on the harder difficulties because by the end of it I was unimpressed with the game.

I was really impressed by Sekiro at first but the more I understood the combat the more I realised how shallow it all is. I still enjoyed the game though.

How many of these do you think beat him without cheats? If you check PSN statistic there's like 5% who beat SS Isshin lmao

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I’ve beaten four bosses but ok bud


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The Fromdrone's combat cry. When presented with any threat, it immediately yelps "GITGUD." The cry offers no offensive benefits, but it does make the Fromdrone feel better about the situation.

define cheats

>Implying running around, jumping, and throwing ninja stars doesn't fuck over most encounters and bosses

Especially the followup attack on prosthetic use, it's so fucking good.

No they aren't. I'm on NG+++ and have used the axe a lot recently, it can be used a fuck load.
The finger whistle works on all grunts as a stealth tool.
Divine Abduction when fully upgraded and imbued will spin enemies around and allow you to do a second fucking combo on everything up to minibosses, which usually means 3/4 posture damage at the very least. Use it at the start of combat if you habe distance.
Them being outclassed by other shit doesn't mean there's no reason to use them, because ultimately there's very little reason to use any of them when you learn patterns, the biggest exception would firecrackers to speed up some bosses. But they can all be used almost anywhere if you want to use them.

All I ever saw from jap players who were killing bosses in like a minute were them just manning up and parrying fucking everything. So I figured I've just been playing super inefficiently for the sake of making a cheesy samurai/ninja movie in my head.

>>Why don't people play games obsessively til they beat them.

People shouldn't be allowed to buy a game unless they have enough free time to beat it within a week of release? I guess you're so much the center of the universe you cant even imagine a person with more responsibility or interest than you.

Everything but firecrackers is utter trash.

What? No. There are usually several correct ways to dodge, depending on timing. For some attacks you can dodge in any direction as long as you time it well, others you need to dodge into it, sometimes you have to dodge back (DS2 with no ADP makes this a recurring good plan). There's more depth there than a mechanic where timing is the only thing that matters. Souls doesn't have very deep combat or anything, and Sekiro has more going for it in other departments, but isolating just the dodge and the parry, dodge wins out by a lot.

Sure is.

Mostly agreed. I think a lot of Sekiro combat comes down to tricks that are satisfying to learn and pull off, but not particularly deep. Souls has more on a fundamental level with its focus on micropositioning. Still, without the weapon diversity I'd overall rate Sekiro higher, and with it I'm undecided.

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Me being shit at the game was the only thing that kept me playing once the combat started to click for me i realized i didnt like it

>People who shit on the prosthetics genuinely don't understand the game.
Coming from the person who is using the handful of points where the finger whistle can be used is ironic. Go ahead and use this against any of the mini bosses in the game and see how it works out for you. Most enemies are not surrounded by dogs or monkeys, making it extremely situational to use and largely worthless.
>double rewards and free backstabs
I don't need free backstabs because I know how to parry and I don't even need more money because I have no more of a use for it. You can even just use the wealth balloons to get 2x money drops from enemies to boot. Wasting spirit emblems and time instead of just r1 spamming mooks is a waste because it actually going to take longer.
>You can buffer it in midair and it does more posture damage than any other technique in the game. Still slow as shit and worthless against most enemies due to their speed and aggression. The spear is a far better side arm to use, especially the spiral spear. Not to mention that you don't even need the loaded umbrellas upgrades to fight the things that they were basically designed for.
>demon of hatred
Avoiding his fire attacks then following up with multiple strikes is actually faster and better than blocking them. Hell, his regular hits don't even do fire damage through the base loaded umbrella. The Shimichen warrior is trivialized by divine confetti so wasting time sitting behind the shield just makes the fight take longer.

Don't criticize anyone for not understanding the game when you say dumb shit like this. You did absolutely nothing to disprove that those prosthetics are largely worthless outside of the 2-3 scenarios where they can be used (and even then you don't even have to actually use them because there are equally suitable alternatives).

Why not? You should play what you feel the compulsion to play, not make a rigid schedule and treat video games like something to cross off a to-do list. Sometimes I feel like an RPG, other times an FPS or a strategy game. Why would you play an FPS if you don't feel like playing one? Aren't games meant to be fun?

>they'll definitely eventually beat it dont worry
have you looked at the trophy list for any souls game? to this day you still see shit like "68% of players beat gascoigne." its not *just* because its early.

>Yeah, sometimes seikiro, sometimes enter the gungeon, sometimes dmcV, msg3, sometimes if I’m feeling casual I’ll go play snipers only on cod4 and stomp.
That sounds like a personal problem, then.

That’s a cool sword, there was one like that called Amatsu or something In Fire Emblem Awakening,

Look, yeah, the most efficient approach in this game is definitely perfect parrying every attack and being hyper-aggressive, but the game doesn't require you to employ any one strategy to win. I have a lot of trouble with some tells and could never consistently perfect parry everything, so running around was plenty fine. Sure, you can beat corrupted Monk by alternating slashes and firecrackers, or you can run around and punish every opening like a filthy fast rat ninja for five minutes straight and win without taking a hit, either.

What I like about Sekiro is that it's not shackled to the same lame shit Dark Souls was, where you had to adhere hard to a standard format of fighting bosses and most encounters.

Honestly same here, it felt a lot more spammy than dark souls did in my opinion.

I'm taking my time with it and playing through for maximum comfy/enjoyment, instead of you faggots who wait a year for a game to come out and then rush through it as fast as possible in 2 days

That skull knight innocent devil also uses a watered down version of the sword with less branches.

>Around 70% of PC players are probably cheaters
Really makes you think.

I loved all the souls games. But now Im 25 and dont have the fucking patience to sit here after work for hours and git gud.
That and my reflexes have gone to shit.

Surely im not the only old fuck here in the same spot.

Yeah the learning experience is fantastic but once done doesn't leave much.

that's exactly what I meant when saying only a few prosthetics are really worth using after all, most of them just have too long of windup times to use mid combat against bosses

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cope, get filtered dumbass. imagine being this shit at video games.

Unfortunately this is just the experience of Souls, BB and Sekiro. Unknowingly playing and using all the tools you have makes it a ridiculously fun experience, but the reality is that they games are just sticking close to enemies and hitting them, dodging/blocking their now tiny movepool because you are always in range/position for the same moves.
The major issue with these games now is that it's a desire of most players to feel like they are beating the game by playing near-perfectly, killing bosses in single attempts and avoiding the challenge by exposing themself to strategies that make enemies easier. Demon's Souls is remember fondly by so many because this wasn't the mindset of its players at the time.

>Go ahead and use finger against any of the minibosses
Like how you can use it in Seven Spears v2 to lure over the samurai and puppeteer him, or how you can use it on the Drunkard v2 to make his monkeys slap his shit, or how you can use it on Lone Shadow in Hirata to make his dogs aggro on him or how
>You can just use balloons
Abduction stacks with Balloons. Or did you spend hours farming confetti like a chump?
>Axe is still slow as shit even if you do all of its animation mid-air
Yeah okay.

I guess have fun continuing to play the game while ignoring the use of half its moves because you think they're limited situational instead of being a core part of Sekiro's kit.


Believe me when I say we are like the 10% of people who actually finish games.

Normalfags casuals just cannot into playing games more than 2 hours. I have a nigger friend and a coworker at my job that are like that. They buy 3x more games than me and only play them for 2 hours max.


honestly this

why does every game need to accessible to every person? for example i cant play bullethells because my memorization isnt good enough. i cant play fighting games because my coordination isnt good enough. but i can play action games like sekiro just fine. why do so many people not understand that humans are not a species of equality? we are all different. sometimes slightly and sometimes greatly. one-size-fits-all does not fucking work.

A streamer said this same shit recently: "Dood people are still in Genichiro? The game is out for days already XDDD"

Fuck Iprod.

The only prosthetics I even slightly used was the axe in Hirata, shuriken for Butterfly and firecrackers for like two bosses.

Ninja Gaiden. The Dark Dragon sword is the 7 Pronged Sword.

>Not setting every nigga east of the Ganges on fire

Fuck man I think I played the game different than a lot of anons

>Abduction stacks with Balloons. Or did you spend hours farming confetti like a chump?
Why would I farm confetti when the game already gives you too much free money and you can just buy it infinitely?
>Yeah okay.
Not an argument
>Like how you can use it in Seven Spears v2 to lure over the samurai and puppeteer him
You don't even need to use the finger whistle for this, you can just sneak behind him because the ai is blind and even though he's standing right next to the seven spears you don't get caught.

Christ, you are retarded.

Since I can't play like a NEET autist for 75 hours straight, i.e. have a career and a family, I'm only just past genichiro.

What about the people with disabilities though! have a heart!

I'm not making a rigid schedule, I don't feel like jumping between multiple games because I think it's stupid and I'd rather just play one at a time. Is this actually perplexing to you? You think not jumping between every game I have like an autist is a rigid schedule akin to a to-do list?

I enjoy the sword clang combat immensely whereas rollspam bored me to death.

Well if a player upheld the iron code they'll never get to see this boss so this is a very poor metric to judge if people completed the game.

Im 27 I play fighting games and im overall still just as good in video games as before. You just fucking suck so instead of admitting it you need excuses.

Pathetic faggot.

FUCK people with disabilities

but the serious answer is the only disabilities that would prevent you from completing sekiro would not be solved by an easy mode. by those i mean things like blindness, extremely slowed reaction speed, no usable limbs, and anything else along those lines.

>oh god im so old bro my reflex :(((((
Go see a doctor if you're already having problem with your body.

people are bitching and crying about this game so much, that I'm actually considering paying full price for it on Steam just out of curiosity.

>stuck in dark souls
>level up, get a new weapon, try a new spell or build

>stuck in sekiro
>fuck you use the fire crackers or uninstall

Nigger people are phased out of esports at like 20. 25 and having your reflex not be 100% of what what used to be isnt weird

The game is aimed at masochists and incels.
It looks fun but it just fails because it's too much of a souls game, sadly.

>mfw this game exposed my casual baby dark soul friend
He's literally crying because Sekiro doesn't have i-frame rolling garbage LMAO

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Yeah you, not me.

Yeah but he's secretly banging your gf, fuck you.

Jokes on you. I have no gf,

>3DPD whore ever

keep your cuckold fantasies to yourself

user you'll get over her one day

Can you believe DSP is better at video games than most of Yea Forums?

Cause i have a fucking job and don't go home to spend time playing video games every day

yes because he actually plays video games unlike Yea Forums

The Platinum trophy for P5 is like 5%. The later Bloodborne trophies have significant dropoff as well. Even Yakuza Kiwami, like 50% of the initial typical 85% of players just stopped after the prologue cheevo.

DSP is a very competent player pretending to be retarded for views.

Some crazy high percentage of players never finished Gears of War 2. And that has difficulty settings. The fact is many people buy games and never finish them. You don’t have a backlog?

also barely anyone did any of the arkham knight DLCs, their trophy rates are extremely low. it's actually a shame because they did a good job with a lot of that content.

Vinny from vinesauce killed lady butterfly in 3 tried. What is your excuse, Yea Forums?

fpbp always.

based and redpilled

Played souls games for far too long and took a while before I get rid of the MUST DODGE muscle memory.

Smooth sailing after butterfly though. Even Isshin only took me about 5 tries.

He's pretending dude, he just keep ramming his head against enemies in games so he doesn't have to think and it allows him to run the same corridor for 30 minutes.
why would he try to finish a game and be a generic "dude playing video games" when he can be "the retard banging his head" that can pull out ten times more videos for the same content ?

>Shitters just mash L1 and lose all interest after dying to the same boss 10 times.
This was the original novelty of Dark Souls that drew people in, and the developers literally STATED THEMSELVES that they WANTED people to feel the same emotion they did playing the original DaS, all that has changed is the gamejourno/pleb threshold for game skill. When the original DaS came out, a challenge like this was welcomed and it took people by surprise how rewarding it felt to overcome a game that wasn't holding your hand or pulling its punches.

Sekiro is the same thing as Dark Souls by design and the gamejournos are pretending like the games are harder rather than them being less competent

He took 2 minutes, didn't expect to be confronted with the easiest boss.

where are you getting this number?

Killed lady butterfly first try, owl took two
I killed 2ape on my third, all of these with the demon bell activated
Genichiro was the only one that took me more than 10 tries, I learned that you need to play super aggressive if you want to take down the bosses posture bars

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yeah but which site displays global trophy stats?

Old school MH has all the coolest Japanese weapons

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On the console itself

>only 3% of people beat Isshin while siding with Owl

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do you think she sticks that up her ass

Wanna find out?

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So to my understanding the Dragon IS the everlasting cherry blossom tree or a spirit of it, right?

The seven branched sword isn't japanese, though.

Yeah it's a gift but it's pretty relevant in a cultural way there

Based dark gaijin


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You know people play games at different paces, right? You know that not everyone is a pathetic virgin still living with their parents? Some of us have lives. Some of us have jobs. Some of us only play every couple of days.

Get a life, faggot.

have sex

>>paying attention to streamers
No wonder anyone is beating any bosses. Too many cunts just watching other cunts play

Actually made me laugh
Shinobid and Ashinapilled

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You can skip the dragon fight

I have been trying to tell people that the main reason normies buy games is to be part of a group and hype cycle. They dont actually care about gaming, but want to be part of a trend. That is why marketing and generating a hype cycle Is so much more important to publishers than a good game. That is why people want an easy mode to sekiro, so they can play and beat it so they dont feel left out of the group. It is about posting a picture of your copy to reddit for karma so you can get positive attention and a feeling of belonging to a group. The people who play games just to enjoy them, are a minority now unfortunately.

It's still not a Japanese sword.

I think what everyone take away from this is, From games never had good combat and never will. Soulsborne fags go through a million mental gymnastics like "OH YEAH WELL GAME X ALSO HAS YOU PUSH BUTTONS TOO! I GUESS GAME X IS ALSO BORING!" to defend boring combat, but it's shit no matter how you rationalize it.


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assuming he's talking about the shura ending which cuts the entire last section of the game

you have to let the dragon fuck your wife

Ah of course
When i get one sure

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You don't even need to know a rhythm just don't spam attack and you won't get locked in an animation you can't block from. It is possible to easily beat most of the bosses in a few tries if you just test them conservatively without trying to slap them nonstop before you even know what they do. I've watched so many people rage and call the game shit because they do exactly that thinking they're some superb god. Most of the games fights are about trading blows people just hate when something doesn't fall over to their elite left click spam.

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I'd prefer if the dragon fucked me

Explain why the dragon is holding it like that then

Because it’s only been two weeks and most people have full time jobs you fucking faggot.

What happens if you fight Ape And His Waifu without the mortal blade?
Also, what happens if you don't take the final deathblow on bosses?

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Just beat the divine dragon. How much longer I got in this game?

Fountainhead Palace is an unfinished and ugly as fuck location, I envy anyone who didn't get to experience that shit. Okami warriors and the freaky fellows who turn sekiro into an old man with their flute attacks are goofy as fuck and does not suit the theme in this game. It's like a fucking cartoon over there.

I just wish the player had the same variety in viable attacks that mini-bosses and bosses have. I eagerly await the day when someone mods the game to allow you to play as the enemies so I can do a run as owl.

>go back to ashina castle
>go to where i fought Genchiro
>heh so this the owl guy thats apparently hard
>hmm lemme go to the floor under to unlock the bonfire to save time
>get rushed by these 2 boss guys and die

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Then why do they buy it in the first place?

I don't know about your first question but I think if you don't deathblow bosses they just get a bar of health back and keep fighting.

Owl would most likely not even fit through most door frames in ashina castle. There's a reason they made the MC a manlet.

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I refuse to go through mibu village, that place freaks me the fuck out.

>players on PS4
theres your answer

I’m at Genichiro, how far am I on the main path? Other bosses I’m up to are Orin, Lady Butterfly, and snow valley gun cunt.

The double trouble isn't there at all if you don't have the blade. No idea about the latter question. I was supposed to try it out but apparently forgot to.

As opposed to pc users that use trainers? They even used it on RE2 ffs

you do the fight but the body stays there until you use the mortal blade to finish it off, it doesnt get back up or anything if you leave

How? I got less than 50 hours finishing both ng and ng+ and I feel like I didn't rush. Did NPC quests and all, took time to upgrade my tools, listened to all the dialogues, etc.

This is as accurate as saying that Dark Souls is holding L1 and hitting B and R2 in rythm with the monster attacks.

Because game journalists gave it 9/10, and consumerism is a Pavlovian response.

This is not the Owl guy that is apparently hard.

Man, my first playthrough was 35 hours and the second 25. And I thought I took my time.

how about you read the whole OP before posting


DSP figured it out instantly

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No it doesn't lol, the gameplay is insanely satisfying. A lot more than in button mashers like MGR or DMC.

i didn't even make it past that boss you encounter right after the chained ogre

don't remember his name because all these weebshit names sound the same in this game

What's behind the theme of missing the left hand? You, the sculptor, the divine dragon?

It is the first fight that is a bit hard.
You can use fireworks to scare the horse and get a few free hits from time to time. You should parry as much as you can. You can run away very far to heal if needed.
The game will be much harder after that, but you will also improve a lot. I killed him easily on the first try in my second playthrough, even when he killed me six or seven times on my first.

In the normal ending, it's kind of a circle (like in DS2): you take the place of the sculptor, to give the prosthetic to the next shinobi.
I don't fucking know about the divine dragon, though. Maybe its state impacts the world, or your state impacts the form it takes? Or just a fucking symbol that doesn't mean anything.

It definitely takes 40h to do 100% on first playthrough. That is pretty fucking long also.

>the sword was made of 100 times hardened steel.
>Using the sword repels 100 enemy soldiers

I stopped playing after GYUUBUUUUUUUUUU! because I was pretty bored.
Still have it installed, might finish it at a later date, but for now it's in that vague space of backlog where I don't actually plan to play it.

i don't remember a horse being there, could be that it's a miniboss i'm talking about, then

>imagine being walled by fucking GYOUBU MASATAKA ONIWA
>imagine being this casul

Nice NA math you got there. Around 70% of the PC players that killed Isshin are probably cheaters. Not 70% of everyone who played the game, the rest haven't yet killed him.

Cause I'm wageslave, just got to Genichiro last night and got to phase 2, also splitting time with DMC5 and darkest dungeon.

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What fantasy are you living in? Here in the real world humans are their physical peak at 25 years old.

>over 85% of Sekiro players on PS4 haven’t even fought the dragon

Guess that means PC cucks are better at Fromsoft games than the console crowd looking at Steam data.

I remember when console gamers were laughing at PC casuals when Dark Souls hit PC.

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People shit about him but he's not dumb and he also has some good taste in vidya. He just pretends to play like shit to get views, it was pretty obvious during his "redemption" runs for dark souls.

I've spent a lot of time dEcIpHeRiNg it, and I've realized: it's literally just Guts and Miyazaki is a colossal hack.

Most bosses in Sekiro are a joke, especially the human ones. Beat Owl Father 2nd try and Isshin 1st try, Guardian Ape is only somewhat threatening in phase 1 otherwise it's easily abusable and True Monk is easier than Fake. The only boss that made me pause and die a few times was Demon of Hatred.
Later watched a speedrun and found out that if you just play unlocked on either Owl fight he just breaks and becomes even easier.

user, I didn't have any trouble with Brony McLoudmouth.

They'll just cope by saying that people cheated even though 99% of normalfaggots are too scared to even pirate.

That's a shitty telegraphed battle. Probably the worse fight in all the game so who cares.

Wow user, you're so good at videogames! Can you father my child?

Miyazaki has said himself he's a huge fan of Berserk and his games are influenced by it, but Sekiro is nothing like Guts, except for the fact he has a prosthetic arm. Are you retarded?

Took me 20-25ish hours and the only thing I missed out on was Owl 2 because I didn't know I could eavesdrop on Kuro. At most it would add 2-3 hours if I would've really shit the bed on Owl 2.

Did he cut out his own arm with that sword?

Probably while shaving.

I'm saying the reason so many characters are missing arms is just a Berzerk reference and has no deeper meaning than that.
You brainlet.

the first divine child did for reasons

What a noob

Ah, OK. Then you should kill every soldiers (beginning with the annoying one that makes noise), then hide for a while and backstab him to leave him with only one hit point. It should be doable from there.
It takes a while though if you die a few times.

Mobile-kids most likely and they infect others as well.

Man that dragon better pray to his gods that no one comes after his ass again then. He's already completely blinded.

Well, it's one of the easiest boss.

>so many characters
It's literally just the sculptor and the main character.
>just a Berzerk reference and has no deeper meaning than that
Clearly not considering it plays into an ending.
Just because you're retarded enought to think everything that's similar to Berserk is a Berserk reference, it doesn't mean it is.

Nah, Sekiro just cut the tear duct to get a tear.

Are you bullying him the same way that young Guts is bullied in Berserk?

Can Owl block butterfly shuriken?

>he hasn’t played Phoenix Wright
It’s featured in the best case in the series

>told your faggot ass I'm at fountainhead
>"hurr chained ogre filter"

Does it hurt to be retarded?

This. Fromsoft games were always about the exploration and the RPG elements. Without them, you really have to make the combat expansive with 1 weapon or it just falls apart.

It's because Fromsoft is retarded

Sekiro has good exploration, brainlet. It's probably the best world design they made since DaS 1.

The shuriken can always be blocked. The butterflies can not.

A (ceramic shard) has been inserted into your inventory.

Because once you learn the way to play (deflect everything), it gets boring. I got twin apes first try as a result. I get bored quick so I'm just chilling at Mibu Village at the moment. This game isn't hard. It's just boring after Genichiro. You either learn to deflect or it'll be a """hard""" game.

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More to the point, why does he show up at all if you already mortal bladed him in the first encounter?


Ceramic shards are more useful than half the shit you find in souls

You don't use the mortal blade on him the first time, even if you have it.

>finally beat him
now i can drop this shitty game

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That's just the ps4 players in general.
Did you know that only 50% of bloodborne owners defeated the first boss? Sony fags are pathetic

Dark Souls at least give you different play styles and different attacking and defensive options. someone choosing to play the whole game with nothing but a straight sword has no one to blame but themselves if they complain about it being the same thing over and over

And the dragon.
>dude but TWO of the THREE play into an ending
>that is suspiciously familiar to the themes in the Soulsborne games
Consider my nuts engaged.

you're wrong and your hyperbole is bad

How do I beat the fucking Bull?

I still don't see how it has anything to do with Berserk

You're retarded and you have no arguments

I also think the exploration parts in this game shit on everything else From has ever done but it's pretty shitty to parcour for half an hour to get to that shiny thing in the distance, just to have it be some dumb piece of candy I will likely never use anyway 90% of the time.

Dont let him charge you. Dodge and parry attacks in melee range and just slice him in the face.

breif list of useful things found by exploring in souls
>new armor
>new weapons
>unique items for side quests
>hidden bosses/unique enemies that can drop unique souls to make that boss' weapon or buy its armor
breif list of useful things found in sekiro
>a miniboss(aka a divine bead)

Parry the charge and he crashes, giving you 20 seconds of free slaps. He also panics and rears when you use firecrackers that you can get from one of the grave merchants.

I haven't played Sekiro, you're telling me there's a character named Bull who charges you and there are players who need to be told to avoid that charge? This is journalism tier stupidity.

It's a long hard game. In hours most people have to play at the skill level most are they're probably around genichiro now.

I had a week off and am generally good at games. It took me 7 days playing to finish it, with about 6 hours purely on ishinn.

You exagerate. It's a candy 80% of the time, and the rest are headlesses.

its a literal bull

Item selection was really disappointing.
> bite down
> reusable bite down
> arbitrary crafting items when it might as well just be money
> reusable versions of sugars

That's even stupider to need to be told to avoid his charge because there are about 2 ways a bull can attack.

I wish they activated faster like in bloodborne or lasted longer than a few seconds.
The only useful one seems to be the stealth one

now how long will it take for Yea Forums to finally admit this. I'lll say 6 months.

[sarcasm]People that don't play more than 20 hours a week are not committed enough.
>about 6 hours purely on ishinn.
Wow, that must have sucked. How many on Owl 2.0?

I usually pop an attack candy before bosses. Indeed it doesn't last very long.

This hobby is plagued by people that just want to be trendy and identify with at least one of the popular "nerdy" hobbies. The exact same thing happens with anime: no one actively seeks hidden gems and watches them to discuss with fellow passionate anime lovers. Same with games. "Wow Sekiro is hard xDDD I saw the streamer dude rage at it lol!" is about where most people stop. Some simply don't touch the game outright because they don't actually enjoy video games, just the more casual games easy to play so they can maintain the identity of a "gamer". Again, it happens with anime, movies, music, etc. Streamer and youtuber culture also plays a role in this, where people WATCH a game rather than play it just because they wanna be a part of a discussion they have no business being a part of to begin with. Same reason why people will play one hour or two of a game and suddenly become experts on it, with no proper factual evidence to support the claims they make about a game with blind rage.

tl;dr modern "game culture" is fucking trash and a lot of people pretend to like vidya but they just wanna be a part of something. You even see it here on Yea Forums.

my nigger

what a great weapon this is on MN to get up the tower.

Isshin is way harder than Owl. Owl 2 took me 1 hour, Isshin more like 4. And on every NG I wipe quite a few times.

the amount of times I went into my inventory after the first 5 hours dwindled significantly because of that shit

wow typical fromsoft reusing assets

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Just doing my 2nd playthrough now. Ishinn really did suck, it wasn't fun by the end at all. Demon was easy in comparison. I hadn't bothered to learn proper posture management until ishinn, really you can pass 99% of the game L1 spamming.

So I'm in Ashina Castle after the interior ministry burns it to the ground. A bunch of soldiers say that they need my help in the Outskirts but main quest sends me to the Reservoir. Can I actually do something there or is it just normal mooks?

Demon of hatred

Drunkard miniboss and a fuckton of annoying enemies if you head back to the outskirts. If you make it all the way down you can fight the Demon of Hatred which is an optional boss

I'm talking about the second one, right? I find the area pretty difficult, with classical retarded Fromsoft camera problems that the other bosses don't have. Also, the fucker hit through pillars, once again as usual, but which is always surprising the first time. I find him more able to parry than Ishin, and to have less punishable time in his attacks. You also have less time to heal because of the confined area and his relentless attacks. Ishin is pretty chill, in comparison.

Well it kind of makes sense.
Clearly not supposed to be a normal weapon in game, the idea a divine being would use something as basic as wood/leather would be off.

Also you know how Japanese are, they might have seen it as disrespectful to alter the look of the blade.

So is what I said here accurate?


There's little interesting lore on the items as well.

I know they wanted to steer away from souls but separate to them exploration and good item selection would've suited the game.

>Fromsoft games were always about the exploration and the RPG elements

Yeah, you have to guard to make your posture cool down faster at times. Ishin has a few attacks after which he is exposed for one or two strikes, and it's important to chip at its vitality until it's around half. I usually kill him because of posture at this time.


To add: I admit that I grinded three attack points to kill him on my first walkthrough. It made a very strong difference.

Every game looks like that.

Can someone tell me what's the deal with Japan and characters losing their left arm?

>Sekiro loses his left arm
>Sculptor lost his as well (of course since we use his prosthetic arm)
>those purple samurais only fight with their right arm
>divine dragon is missing its left arm

also, in other media:
>Raiden gets his left arm cut off in the beginning of Metal Gear Rising
>Guts lost his left arm
>Venom Snake also lost his left arm in MGSV

>tetris looks like sekiro

Robot arms are cool man

holding a sword by it's exposed tang is some weird japanese religious symbolism, some gods do it or something as the weapon itself is a god or whatever and doesn't feel the need to accomodate the user with a proper grip
or some shit along those lines, you'll also see many high end katana on display having an exposed Tang.

>stuck in dark souls
>develop some outside cheese strat

>stuck in sekiro
>unironically git gud

wow finally the meme is true

not sure about japanese culture in particular, but in most asian countries the left hand is traditionally the one you wipe your ass with, so it's considered the dirty, or unclean hand.
Perhaps there is some metaphorical symbolism about being purified or cleared of sin by losing your left hand.

I grinded one but 5 skill points for 1 attack wasn't worth it at all. I just learnt for the first time in a souls game to watch the enemy rather than vaguely time blocks to their movement.

this was unironically the worst fight in any From game.
>tiny arena of which the boss fills 2/3rds on his own
>literally only has two attack moves he keeps spamming
>camera fucks up when you ineviteably get pressed into a corner so you have to guess the parry timing or get fucked
name a worse boss.

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now do it again in ng+ no charm

I agree about the camera. In general the camera wasnt great in sekiro. However i liked the centipede bosses, they were basically little moments of humor. They're just mini-bosses.

can you just fuck off forever from Sekiro threads with your "give kuro's charm to unlock hard mode"? you're not even being subtle at this point

You're not even halfway

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I don't think I will, sounds about as entertaining as fucking yourself with a cactus.
the fight would have been trivial with an actual arena to fight him in and to get out of his range for a second, once you enter you get no chance to use any consumeables, and if you miss a few perfect parries your posture is fucked and he can deathblow you because you can't avoid his combo.
Just pisses me off that From would put such a lazy piece of shit enemy in the game with no movekit and artificially increase his difficulty by putting him in a tiny room

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Because not everyone plays games everyday, or marathons them for 20 hours a day. As much as you hate normies you need them more then they need you.

the game is boring so i really don't care

from has no original ideas. prove me wrong

Owl 2 is fucking horseshit, he's harder than Isshin and I refuse to believe otherwise
>lmao what if we took guardian ape and gave him bullshit shinobi skills
>lmao what if we gave him corrupted monks posture regeneration
>lmao what if you couldn't punish his sweeps with jumps at all
>lmao what if he gets a stand bird in his second from lets him teleport all over the stage and take out 90% of your health if you don't kite it into the pillars

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becuase rocket punches make any game better


i didn't buy it til a few days ago and i work 60 hour weeks. get a life.

So if I beat the final boss and get my ending, am I forced to start a NG+ or can I keep playing and do this stupid fucking fire demon after?

he's talking about the trophies retard. and it's like that on every platform too

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The game is pretty boring it's the first time I actually wasn't enjoying the gameplay midway through a fromsoft game. There is just way too many deathblows and I don't want to sit through the same finisher thousands of times. It's the same with other games I buy and don't play, usually get bored and can't refund. For Sekiro specifically maybe Fountainhead Palace is just extra boring, my friends were there and haven't played since.

What is it with you No life neets that just HAVE to rush everything? Just enjoy the fuckin game, it's not an MMO lol.

not him but yes thats basically the gist of why hobbies that go mainstream are mostly ruined

Owl 2 has a lot of posture regen, so the fight is about playing defensive and getting chip damage in. His moveset is complex, but also very punishable, and his tracking is worse than many other bosses, so you can sidestep a lot.

The sweep is hard to head stomp but it has no armor so literally just hit him. Phase 2 is easier - the owl attack literally only has one variation. Jump the fire owl, wait a second, mikiri his shadow rush.

Sekiro is a fucking breath of fresh air and you can't argue with that
I'm playing blind and I only got to the horse dude but so far I love it
Feels like a seamless mix of dark souls and assassin's creed (but good)
If I had to have any complains it would be that improving stats is story locked but you can grind skills, it should be the other way around, I don't feel like I NEED to farm them but it still feels off knowing I could just kill mobs 100 times to unlock everything in skill trees
Control scheme with mouse and keyboard isn't the best but it works, DS3 was better in that regard, but as someone who played ds1 without a pad nor DSfix I won't complain. But you know what I could complain about? FUCKING NIOH. I still don't know how I played thought that game with keyboard only (because no mouse support); camera controls were on IJKL keys and that intricate autistic fighting system with 3 stances for every weapon was a nightmare. Game was cool but that was some otherworldly shit

Nero losing his hand in DMC5

I don't know man, I finish everything I buy.
Even visual novels have a low completion rate. Its baffling.

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So ive been stuck at armored warrior for a bit. Ive death blowed him a few times but he always stops right at the edge of the bridge and never falls. How do I get him closer without him pushing me off because he's done that a few times already?

>From in charge of originality

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DoH is harder than both of them

I still have ptsd from hitting his belly


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he's one of the easiest boss, so disappointing when he's supposed to be the superboss
more like dick

farm it from gunner NPCs

fight him right at the edge, but parallel to it, when you see he's posture broken in 1 or 2 hits, position yourself on the inside and wait for parry/punish his attack and push him off

Fuck you

farm the red gunners after the dragon near the castle entrance

>after the dragon
But I can't make it past the dragon.

Stop being a retard and pretending it's only limited playstation, people in general just don't finish games that often, it's been that way for years
The person that buys a game and plays through everything it has is the outlier

>new armor
>new weapons
This is not any different from finding new prosthetic tools or skill trees. I don't miss finding useless armor or a new copy pasted straight sword at all.
>unique items for side quests
In Sekiro.
>hidden bosses/unique enemies that can drop unique items
In Sekiro.

Its really fucking rng how he positions himself and where he falls back on a death blow. I can run around in the direction i want but it doesn't mean he'll go that way
Finally got him but it was pure luck he ran at me in rage mode when his posture was red
Sometimes I was battling him and his posture after a deathblow kept resetting when he wouldnt die, dragging on the fight

don't need the fire shield then

git gud

Finally beat Demon.
Fuck the stupid quick perilous charge attack that takes 90% of your bar and then travels all the way across the map so you have to deal with all the shit range attacks

This is why the series is so shit. I played demons souls then dark souls and I loved them both. Then DS2 comes and I'm kind of on the fence since its just a reskin of the same fucking game for the 3rd time. I burned out pretty hard but still managed to beat it. Then bloodeborne and DS3 come out and its like holy shit its STILL the same game. And now there's ANOTHER one and its apparently stripped a lot of the depth and RPG elements.

I'm amazed people are still buying it at all. The only cool thing to see is the art and environment and I can just watch a playthrough of that and experience is to 90% effectiveness. This stuff is bordering on FIFA territory where its the same shitty game with miniscule changes and people still keep buying it every year.

When my friend got to the final invasion phase of Ashina castle, he found the looter from Hirata/salt-selling merchant dead, does Kotaro share that fate if you send him to help strip corpses?

For some reason that one hit me like only once when i wasn't paying attention.
The fire carpet he throws at you was my bane.

Bloodborne was different from the Souls games. Combat was much more focus on aggressive play than roll & poke, then Sekiro comes out and changes it up even more.

No, he finds tranquility and relaxes with the children in the monkey play.

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Took me ages to learn it was a sweep. You are under him the whole time so jumping into him makes no sense.

i installed the game on ps4 and plan on getting the plat cuz i have it in demon's, ds1, ds2, sotfs, ds3 and bloodborne but i wanna do my pc playthrough first before i do the console playthrough

>the console that sold because of a meme and has the worse attach rate in history

And you're asking me to be shocked PS4 people don't play games?

I was upset my first playthrough because I wanted the merchant inventory to expand, but then he died I was like.. oh
being stuck in an illusion world with a imaginary friends is actually his good ending

hes just sleeping

They're not imaginary, they're actually there since the rice loli also talks with them.

Nah, he felt much more like a DaS boss: running and dodging to stay right under his balls. With a flame resisting umbrella to deflect his AoE, he's not that hard.

Just use the fire resistant umbrella. I think it only exists for this.

FOMO at water cooler discussions.. Pure normie cancer

I suffer with you: he took me a while.
And don't forget the horrible camera when you push him against the walls or around a pillar.

I just beat him like an hour ago. You realize people have other things going on in their lives and they cant just sit down and marathon a game. Nor do they want to, playing games like you guys do for hours on end is pathetic and actually detracts from the overall enjoyment.

What's this from?

t. filtered

imagine having problems in ng with charm.

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>This is not any different from finding new prosthetic tools or skill trees. I don't miss finding useless armor or a new copy pasted straight sword at all.
I like Sekiro, but no. The prosthetic tools are heavily limited in use, and don't feel at all like a different main weapon. The best skills are mostly passive or combat skills like mid-air deflection or midiri. Combat arts are mostly shit, the best ones costing spirit points that are few and often better used on tools.
On this point the critics are kind of valid, I think.

Lord Mei Oh wielded it in Tenchu

Phoenix Volume 4

>This stuff is bordering on FIFA territory where its the same shitty game with miniscule changes and people still keep buying it every year.
We probably don't live in the same world, so communication is almost certainly impossible. However, although I recognize that From heavily uses boss recycling (how many Headlesses or Chimshalala Warriors in Sekiro?) and that 3 Dark Souls games were a bit much, you, dear sir, are full of shit.

Firecrackers/Shuriken/Axe/Spear/Umbrella are all good in general. Obviously not all tools are good for everything, that's what being a tool means.
>Combat arts are mostly shit, the best ones costing spirit points that are few
The best combat art is Ichimonji and it doesn't use spirit emblems. Seriously, that shit seems broken at times.

complete bullshit, I played on pc and used a trainer, like most people not having fun with the game and not being able to refund it

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I honestly have not gotten past the beginning area before swearing off this game. I don't care what anyone says but fuck games that don't let me attack shit head on.

>charmsfags in full force
Fuck off already. We get it, you don't use the resurrect charm. Stop shitting on all these threads with this crap

I just noticed that the dragon is also missing an arm wtf

>running at a framerate above 20 is cheating
the cope...

I got bored
dont want to push myself to git gud if Im not really enjoying the game anyway

The entire fucking game is full of Tezuka references in case you didn't know that.

The fact that Sekiro even has a prosthetic arm is pretty much a Dororo homage.

With dodge you have to consider your positioning/surrounding

>The fact that Sekiro even has a prosthetic arm is pretty much a Dororo homage
Nah. Miyazaki is a Berserk fanboy.

I was in my mid twenties when I played and beat the Soulsborne series (no sekiro due to not owning it and it's also not a souls game). Also had a fulltime job.

However, I did pussy out of/tire of some parts. Kos, Gael, Kalameet, Pontiff and maybe some DaS2 bosses I just called in some help because I was too lazy, not motivated enough, or just wanted to proceed onwards past them to learn their movesets.

>you can only like and reference one series ever

most people dont finish games

I'm 40 and I beat every DaS and Sekiro bosses (except the Ancient Dragon from DaS2, I must admit). I raged and cursed a lot, though.

Did I say that? But do explain why it's a Dororo homage and not Berserk one, when he has Berserk shit in all of his games.

Normally I'm all for games being well over 20 hours as the standard but I'm like 10 hours in and already growing kind of weary. Maybe games that are so constantly engaging should stay shorter.

So i think the game sucks and thankfully i didn't pay for it,just tell me the easy way to cheese Ogre that i know all you fags used so i can at least see if the other locations are not copypasted as the first ones are.

I'm not that user since I don't read Tezuka or know what Doboro is.

>GF leaves me
>Move back in with parents
>Get promoted at work
>Tution is free
>Maximum money.jpg

Can probably get through 2 or 3 games a month. 1 of those is usually a 50hour+ JRPG due to work and college. I usually buy 5 or 10 games in one month. Been doing that for the last 5 years so i have a massive collection/backlog. Its pretty great.

If you're getting slapped by chained ogre then may god have mercy on you. Use the bell and go through Hirata, get the fire cannon, use that.

You could go to an entirely different area to get a flamethrower tool that lets you stun him but it's really not needed. Just slap him 3-4 times and dodge away diagonally, repeat maybe two dozen times and he's dead. Only the groundpound will catch you like this because it has stupidly good tracking.

This shit was so much more amazing than the monkeys

>i think the game sucks
>can't even get past the ogre
Like clockwork

Is the rest of the game similiar to the first areas? If it is then i rest my case,i like hard games but they need to have something to offer other than just challenge.


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There are 2 types of people:
People who enjoy Sekiros combat and find it incredibly satisfying.
People who hate the combat and find it mind numbingly boring.
It doesn't matter if you are good or bad at the game, you will fall into one of these categories. No reason to continue playing the game if you don't like the basic gameplay.
I am done with NG+ and I don't like the combat, was hoping to maybe see what other people see in the game but I just can't.

Obviously it has different areas and different enemies.

>is all of dark souls undead burg?
what do you think

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the game has been out for less than a month. Most people arnt neets with piss bottles and shitbuckets like you.

>Like how you can use it in Seven Spears v2 to lure over the samurai and puppeteer him, or how you can use it on the Drunkard v2 to make his monkeys slap his shit, or how you can use it on Lone Shadow in Hirata to make his dogs aggro on him or ho

Damn, i wish i would've remembered the whistle existed for all of these.

but that's the prologue to the easy mode run after the mandatory 3 hour tutorial.

bros what the fuck happened to his left arm?

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Xenoblade Chronicles

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Owl 2 is the best fight in the game, and I'd say he's definitely easier than Sword Saint.

It's in the best ace attorney case

Some iterations of Meta Knight, have it. The currently used sword does not have 7 branches but it does look the part.

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>I had to make my own fun by playing super inefficiently
it's okay to confess you're just an inefficient player user, I'm bad at this game too but manage to struggle through it