Does anyone actually appreciate the "always face his foe" mechanic?
Does anyone actually appreciate the "always face his foe" mechanic?
only in the mirror match
doesn't it just make back airs harder or is it more complicated than that
haven't played much sf but I see it as a cool touch
I hate it. I want to back air exactly when I need to.
I like it
t. Ken
Yeah it makes using Back Airs sort of annoying. You can't throw them over & over anymore, since you'll always be repositioned after 1.
I kinda like it and it's great for getting bullshit hits on your opponent when you accidentally face the wrong way usually, that being said not really being able to do a backair is strange.
Us Mewtwo mains like it
I wish this was an option for every fighter that you could turn on or off. The amount of times I start attacking the wrong way is embarrassingly high
More like does anyone actually appreciate Ryu and Ken in smash? They seemed to be tacked on from capcom
Ken's backthrow is cool looking and i appreciate that
>Mash light down tilt
>They're blocking it and roll behind me
>It auto corrects behind me and hits them after the roll
I like it a lot. But I would prefer the input versions of special moves to be tied only to the B button instead. Also, every character should be able to cancel their standard moves into special moves. Don't know how broken that would make certain characters, but it would be a lot more fun.
just do a reverse aerial rush, usually gotta do that to land back airs while approaching
Both are a true work of love considering how well their moveset actually translated from Street Fighter to Smash. Trying to hit L, M or H hits is kind of tricky but being able to do proper combos is so satisfying, that along being able to actually use true specials by using the fighting game commands.
absolutelly they are great.
Ryu was by far Smash 4's best addition.
This is how I feel but also I'm a thin-skinned ornery shitter and I need them to be stronger
>reverse aerial rush
Yeah bro, just DI the wavedash into messy guessies while the landing lag of your shine is in full mama mia.
What does reverse aerial rush mean.
Did you not hear the music, the sound effects of their parry and attacks, and see their spirit battles? There's so much love for Street Fighter in this game.
Of the Smash 4 DLC characters, Ryu was far more welcome than Corrin and Bayonetta.
They did a great job, but there is some things I would change. I would give Ken street fighter alpha roll for his forward roll and more street fighter music that isn't from 2
literally just flick the stick in the opposite direction while moving forward right as you jump to be facing the other direction while in the air, pretty basic stuff
That's an option, but I said I want to do them exactly when I need to.
So you're jumping during the pivot of your run animation?
Where you run and then quickly turn around, jump, and back air, allowing you to do a backair while still having forward momentum.
Visually, I really love to just dash back and forth with it and see the animation, It really makes you FEEL like you're playing a fighter. Gameplay-wise it's great for spamming jab when you don't know where you're enemy is going to land/roll .
But goddamn does it fuck up all my tatsus.
At least it doesn't effect you at all while you're in the air.
One way or another, I accidentally input a tastumaki or shoryuken when all I wanted to do is do a tilt. It’s obnoxious as hell and makes Ryu and Ken arbitrarily harder to play because of it.
Honestly theres more love for street fighter in smash than sfv itself
>and more street fighter music that isn't from 2
I'm surprised they didn't include music at least from 4, considering both Ryu and Ken's movesets kind of resemble more those games, especially with the inclusion of Focus. Solar Eclipse could have been amazing.
>Also, every character should be able to cancel their standard moves into special moves.
But that’s already a thing? You can cancel the majority of your normal attacks into your specials, like jab to shoryuken and down tilt to tastu.
Agreed, doing the inputs should have used the B button, way too easy to do them by accident on the A button.