What games have fatshaming in them?
What games have fatshaming in them?
any Rockstar game
Any game with fat people. Their very existence is shameful to begin with.
Some of these are pretty cute, surprisingly.
>flat tits
It's like being a balding manlet man.
All those girls are cute
Fat people should always be ridiculed in media.
>mfw shaming fatties who keep getting fatter
japanese girls are 10 times more cute in general
they also have lots of ugl girls but if a girl looks good there, then its usually super cute
what the hell is he measuring? Is he measuring?
jesus fucking christ i'm in love
Why is she the cutest girl then?
Where can I download jap shows?
I've always wanted to get into them but I don't know where to to look
Based yellow fever retard
i want to hug her
nips have no curves
>I've always wanted to get into them
Why, exactly?
It's the lowest of the lowest kind of trash television.
That's not american television
Not him, but they look entertaining. Better than UK game shows
They are not. Believe me.
Isn't the next girl with the red bra Anri Okita?
Also, that chubby girl is actually cute.
Yeah its not type of show that's fun to binge on, but I think watching it occasionally would bring me a decent amount of entertainment
based japan keeping the obesity rates low
it's disgusting that the west encourages people to be obese and unhealthy
yes and?
do americans actually get angry when they are told too lose weight?
She should move to america. She would be a supermodel there.
that fat chick has high potential
i'd fuck her
Why can't American game shows be this entertaining?
Better than Maury's, we tested 59508 guys, and none of them are the father shows.
yeah healthy and thin, with military like regimen. must eat only healthy food no matter how shit awful it is, must work 120 hours a week. Fun? Jokes? What are those? Is that a new type of work or study?
you dont have to only eat healthy food, exercise constantly and work 120 hours a week to be a healthy weight you dumb tub of lard
just stop stuffing your face with pizza every fucking day
WTF I love Japanese people now.
(Not because of fat shaming)
This. Or some place to stream Japanese shows or channels.
I don't give a fuck if I understand moonrunes or not, shit always looks entertaining.
>Hitomi Sakuragawa was once a cute, beautiful girl, winning beauty contests in childhood. However, after losing to the temptation of junk food received from fans, she has steadily gained weight... until she reached 100 kg in her second year of high school. At the beginning of the school year, the main character and her brother moved into her father's mansion-like dorm. She discovered that the school's most popular guys are also moving in. Their impressions on her shocked her into starting a diet.