Do you play characters that aren't your gender?
Do you play characters that aren't your gender?
Do you have sex?
It makes me erect.
Do you do anything else besides making these threads?
I don't unless it's mass effect. I pick femshep because the voice actor is obviously superior
If I have the choice, I'll play a male so I can stare at a guy's arse instead of a girls.
I typically play as guys whenever given the option given that I'm male, but I will play as a girl if I find the female character's design more appealing or just feel like playing as a female character.
It has nothing to do with "I want to look at a female's ass" or anything. I just sometimes like the aesthetic or feel like trying something different.
>no yuri
I play both genders when a game has gender differences (e.g. Mass Effect, Dragon Age, etc.) and is worth a replay. Otherwise, I play female characters only.
I just like the look of females more, that's about it.
How is "Because they're cute" not a valid answer?
Yes, because I’m secure enough with my sexuality to not fucking care if who I play as has a dick or pussy.
I don't get it. Why isn't saying because it's cute an acceptable answer? what answer is the comic author looking for?
For the most part no. I played Hellboy in I2 though.
Because Yea Forums is desperate to look down on you.
is his friend retarded, why does he have to think so hard about this and make him uncomfortable?
this might blow your mind but I play characters that aren't even my species
no I don't secretly want to become a bandicoot
>TFW trannies are starting to join Pixiv
Can they fuck off?
Occasionally I'm a boy, occasionally I put on a skirt and call myself a girl (male)
>why do you watch shows and movies with female leads who has sex for money?
>"because I secretly want to get fucked by strong, successful men"
>NOW I get it, totally reasonable
this sentence doesn't make sense when it starts with "occasionally"
cute anime and vidya girls are the only reason to be alive
sometimes he yanks the ovaries out to make testicles
Frequently because I'm a huge fag and am okay with that fact
I've wanted to be a girl since I was 14 years old but I couldn't become one so playing female characters is all I have.
about the time you'll have developed a sex drive
funny that
Came here to post this.
>i only play male characters because im so self absorbed that I cant self insert as anything other than a male
gonna guess you watch a lot of porn
Yes. Either because it's the only choice or in character creation games. I will never understand this obsession with trying to associate choosing one or the other with anything though.
>im so self absorbed
well yes, you're the one playing a video game
or does one of your dormant personalities want to take the wheel from time to time
I'm gay so I like playing as a guy, so why wouldn't that mean a straight guy can't play as a girl? It would make more sense to me if you people play as girls.
I never liked hardcore porn, I usually just masturbate to images or doujins, Im also not into men.
only in porn games
Yeah, if the game has MC romantic relationships that are straight only, then I'll play a guy. Otherwise I'll lean towards playing a gal.
Online, I typically create male characters over female characters, though it depends on the game.
Yes. I also play characters that are my gender. Hell, I play characters that have no gender on occasion.
If I can name the character but only choose gender, I choose Male and use my own name. If I can name and customize a character, I choose a girl because I like girls
you never mentioned sexuality and gave me no reason to suspect you're not heterosexual
or maybe you just did
>"Haha, you play girls, so you must want to be a girl."
Probably something like that.
ITT: Eggs.
>or does one of your dormant personalities want to take the wheel from time to time
What if I want to be the girl but I play games with zero female characters
Thanks man, I just discovered a new side of myself.
Not very often, but it's good for variety if I already have some characters made or I've played the game before.
I don't know why this meme has been perpetuated for so long when it really doesn't mean anything.
>no I don't secretly want to become a bandicoot
Sure, I'm not close-minded.
Guys who are insecure about their masculinity think that men cannot enjoy cute things.
Protip: most guys are
>People that use those excuses in games like FE where you can get married to boys
But the second panel is the right reason
Have you tried the game of pretend?
If I like their designs or I'm doing some weird challenge type deal like in RPGs then yeah why not, I'm not closed minded
also cute shit is cute nothing wrong with that
yes but tfw no bf
Because I love girls
Depends on the game
In RE Jill gets a lockpick and a handgun at the start of the game
If I can't have a beard.
I don't play women if given the choice unless it makes the most sense, because I'm not a horny sperg.
Only in fighting games.
I used to. Until the SJW bullshit started. Now I don't even think about it.
like playing as girls cause they're cute and I like dressing them up. I think it's fun to see them do cool shit like whack giant fucking dragons with a hammer in Monster Hunter or go on fun on adventures with their Pokemon friends.
People who think playing as the opposite gender makes you gay or a closet tranny are turboautists who ALWAYS self-insert in the game and can't keep reality and fiction apart.
Prove me wrong.
Men who play as girls are ALWAYS perpetually horny sad perverts who I regret befriending.
How so?
they are but you sounds like a closet faggot so no wonder why nobody likes you.
Why can't Yea Forums discuss video games without slinging their shit at each other?
jokes on you I have erectile dysfunction and porn doesn't interest me
Do you people actively avoid playing games with a female main character?
all valid reasons.
in my case I would say, because Im a perv that likes looking at the girls ass and if I can dress her sexily or cute then its even better.
>A rhetorical question is a figure of speech in the form of a question that is asked to make a point rather than to elicit an answer.[1] Though a rhetorical question does not require a direct answer, in many cases it may be intended to start a discussion or at least draw an acknowledgement that the listener understands the intended message.
>being a guy and reasoning "omg she's so cute!!"
It's a faggot answer.
>all 2 friends I have play as girls and are horny sad perverts
>this means that literally every single man on this planet is exactly the same
Sub 60 IQ scum
This is one of my favourite ones, thank you!
Not really into crossdressing but still cute desu
Really cute photo set! I don’t really do the whole “self-insert” thing, but I do love getting to dress up my male and female PCs, and try to make them look as nice as possible for their journey as well
Post em all
Yeah, but I pick my characters based on how they play. They just happen to be girls, sometimes
My sub character has to be of the opposing sex of my main, though
This comic gets spammed daily by discord trannies so they can prey on insecure virgins in the replies with "user if you like playing as a girl then maybe you should take hormone blockers uwu"
I'd tell you to kill yourself but it'd be a redundant effort
You'll do it eventually, discord tranny
What does that even have to do with anything? Why the fuck would I give a shit about that? If retards fall for the tranny bait then they are a lost cause already anyway.
Fact is people who think playing a female character when you're a guy is gay or tranny shit are literal autists who self-insert into games. Don't give a shit what trannies do.
Only if I can dress them in cute or cool clothes/armor since dressing up a male character is gay as fuck and often just european style armor.
Otherwise I just choose males if theres no option for customization
My point is people who say that sort of shit are trannies themselves, because misery loves company.
Multiplayer yes. Single player no.
How do I get this?
if it fits the character
playing "yourself" is boring af normie bs 2bqhwy my african american
Have another one.
>not posting the full version
They’re such lewd best friends, thank you based user.
You like lewd stuff?
At what point did
>I like girls and want to be a girl with other girls
>I like boys and want to be a boy with other boys
The slippery slope is real
Lewd is good, but just cute is even better desu