Other urls found in this thread:
I would slice this fat retard into pieces
Retarded Quarterinigger
This guy is not a video game. Fuck off.
a collegere professor did, was fired and sent to jail
Based desu
fucking who?
>another eceleb thread
I don't see why people literally suck these faggots off
>Every single game and film he has campaigned against has been a gargantuan success
What did he mean by this?
Yikes look at that skeltal
A guy that gets really mad at the presence of brown people and women
Why does he style his hair when he has a big dirty beard
The Quartering, a run down:
>Gets mad a woman in his magical card game event is not wearing her government mandated burka.
>She is showing cleavage in her cospay
>He screeches in fustration
>Throws up his table, destroying his cards and killing a small child
>He gets kicked out
>Sargon of Cuckadd defends him
>Now he makes videos screeching about people screeching about Trump
that beard is vile
fucking spooky skeletal
Who is this disgusting neckbeard? He always pops up on YouTube suggested for me.
I'm guessing he's some "based" as fuck alt-right nerd culture faggot?
He looks like he has a black stepdad or something.
>that time he called out angryjoe over bf5 and said that he had proof that joe only saw part of his video and referred to the red bar at the bottom to show where he stopped
>mfw he doesn't even know how the red bar works
he gets fatter every video lmgao
i got lots of these.
thanks homies
>This is how resetrannys actually think the world works
reminder to hide and sage all e-celeb threads
>Captain Marvel grosses $1 billion
Unironically based
what was his name again ?
Can't tell if baiting or if leftists are actually this childish and retarded.
>but why aren't we in your stream
He's unironically based desu
Metokur is no longer welcomed here, user. This is a Toad board, now.
I like the message. I dislike the messenger
user, Im not a BAY BAY I honestly just cant stand anything about this man, other than his views. (Sometimes)
Leftists are neither of those, so I guess the first one.
fucking sauce?
There's literally no such thing.
Huge feet
usually these people fuck up and disappear after 9-12 months, why should any of these people ever matter?
Post more of these sexy bones please
Didn't this faggot get told to fuck off by the faggots at Magic the Gathering for being a big fat faggot? What a faggot.
Leftists believe in egalitarianism. That is definitionally childish and retarded. Take us, for example. We're not equal. You're fucking retarded, and I'm a genius with a 7 foot dick. Egalitarianism is a revolt against nature. It leads you to do retarded things like destroy civilization or cry about no easy mode in Sekiro.
The Quatering Pounder with Cheese and a Diet Coke
>Hyung Tae-kim drawing comes to life
Rightists are literally destroying civilization by gutting environmental protections, but OK.
"The Quartering" sounds like something you would use to describe America's genetic destiny.
How much money do you think these people make from selling shit like that? I know someone who bought t shirts just because the person selling them supported his political view, and he paid for a bunch of other overpriced shit. Seems like an easy way to make a fair bit of money.
That isn't Metokur, some other fuck if I remember. There was a leak where Metokur was revealed to have wrinkly arms. Never saw his face though.
Such long legs. She looks like a 90s Nomura drawing.
jesus christ what a faggot
>US has far right president yet lead the world in carbon emission reductions two years in a row
Nice projection faggot.
>le left is bad!!
>le right i bad!!
based cowardly fenceshitter
Is it his job to make 3 videos a day? Sometimes he struggles to make a third one without making it boring. And in every video he tells to press like and subscribe.
have sex
tranny brave fenceshitter
le everyone has le different priorities and le concerns about the way they le live you le faggot
I still don't understand the meaning of "get woke go broke." People lose money when they wake up from sleep? What?!
seething binary brainlets
Yes, you did it! You figured it out! You boiled down tribal peanut gallery politics to it's bare essence! You're a genius!
>The EPA is the only thing standing berween us and oblivion.
Imagine being such a well-trained dog that you hold a govt agency in such esteem. My god, does the Prussian Model of education work as intended.
>wake up
>look at bank account
>money is gone
Retards like simple rhymes.
He thinks multimillion/billion dollar companies are going to go broke appealing to the current social climate. Because companies appearing socially liberal to get people to buy things is apparently leftist and not just good strategy. Look at my stock numbers(but not when they go back up)
>I don't see why people literally suck these faggots off
It's the Zoomer version of celebrity worship. In the old days the celebrity worshipers read tabloids, now they gossip about e-celebs on the Internet.
fucking hell
>Isnt in on the meme
>I dont believe in right vs left. I have my own different beliefs. but i wont mention them here because im a cowardly fenceshitter
Why are trannies so obsessed with him again?
>I have no coherent philosophy and I'm going to tell you why that makes me better than you
I think it's usually the person themselves endlessly spamming themselves. There's one fat retard on /pol/ that's still doing it after years and years of being told to fuck off, I can't remember his name at the moment though.
why are wingcucks always NEETs
>He always pops up on YouTube suggested for me.
uh oh
His beard reminds them of what they will never, EVER be.
Chinks and Pajeets pollute much more than us and they don't give a fuck. Everyone here is afraid of jews but I'm watching the 3 billion fucks over there slowly buying out entire regions in the western hemisphere because we've failed as a society. The rich will sell us all out to chinks and the only way out is to make enough money that you can't be bought.
Post his wrinkly arms
e-celebs are not video games
Based and sneedpilled.
This nigger is a MACHINE holy fuck he makes videos non-stop
Woke bitches btfo 3 times a day
sneed, formerly chuckpilled
I wonder how long he can keep it up. I would get burned out in a week.
The blackest pill of all
stop by any time, janny lapdog
>has a autistic fit over sexy women
>sargon of applebees defend he's autism
Now I'm confused. In what side is that bing bong at?
"Classical Liberal" AKA I have no clue what classical liberals were like, what policies they stood for and I'm using it as a cover up because I'm a baby who can't just call themselves conservative or at the very least tell people that economically, my ideals coincide much more with "the right" than "the left".
Coward stance for the intellectually dishonest.
A surprising amount of money. These are people like /pol/ who have little social obligation besides people who are forced to tolerate them and others of like minds, so they are defined by their politics and must literally wear them on their sleeve. Late gamergate and the rise of the Alt-right a bunch of merchants made literal millions selling clothes that'll "own the libs". We're out of the worst of it thanks to the MA(I)GA hat having a monopoly on "own the libs clothing. Which to be honest a jewish ally making bucket loads off of Nazi-larpers is a fitting end to the saga.
Classical Liberals, SJW's but further to the right by like two squares on the political compass.
I suggest you watch 'Tales of Trout' if you want to delve into how shit they all are.
>intellectually dishonest.
No just Pseudo-Intellectuals
I wanna cum in his beard and lick it clean
I think he's pretty based
I have personally made money off both feminists and people who watch dudes like the quartering by just printing stupid meme phrases on t shirts.
People will pay a lot to support you if they perceive you to be on their team because Americans are all retards because they can't afford to pay decent educators anymore, their schools are all horribly underfunded and they think politics is like sports teams.
Even outside of how fucking stupid those sayings are, those designs are just butt ugly.
I think you're a faggot.
>it's another episode of millenials falling for demagogues who say retarded shit and catchy phrases which are trendy among kids to make shekels
>the left is not childish and/or retarded
The left wing is filled to the brim with trannies who put feels over reals
>American education sucks because they aren't taxed enough to fund a monopoly.
Fucking kys, you illiterate trash. We had the best education in the world before the govt coopted it and turned it to shit. Socialism produces shitty cars. It also produces shitty schools.
Who the fuck is stupid enough to buy any of these and wear them? These are ugly as shit
nice argument user
Trannies just live rent free in your head and sexual fantasies huh?
Its quarter-pounder
e-celeb is being quite generous, user...
Moar loooong girl please
Alright, who is this guy and why does Yea Forums keep spamming him?
>to faggots blowing of each other
what a shocker!
>get woke go broke
What's a popular entertainment product that presents in support of conservative ideology
I used to watch his stuff but it became pretty SSDD, i agree with some of the stuff he says although he tends to make mountains out of molehills and it gets tiresome.
Very sexy skelly.
I use to watch he Magic content before it all hit the fan. Always amazed how things changed lol.
It wasn't an argument, faggot.
Trannies actually live all over the place and are degenerate filth, a real threat the west. Leftlards like yourself however cannot stop crying about the nazis, who died decades ago.
He's vidya culture get over it
The same people that buy kekistani shirts.
Give me a rundown
It's okay to be attracted to them user. I'm personally not, but I'm not going to kinkshame you about it. You'd be a lot happier if you just accepted who you are.
Is this the tranny faggot thread?
So do the shirts only come in XXL and up?
>Funko Pops
>'Classically Trained' clothing
>AT Games Genesis
And this fat bearded faggot accuses others of being 'fake geeks' ayyyy
That's Habermann you knobs
all threads on Yea Forums are the tranny faggot thread
I can literally see her bones
Hambly whined about sarkeesian being a guest of some sort at a convention, a part-time teacher at a university tweeted something like "if you have a problem with sarkeesian being invited, fight me" and then jumped Hambly at the convention, was pulled off by bystanders and ran away.
He lost his job and I think there was a lawsuit opened about it.
You're supposed to, fatty
i want tv pol to fuck off my board
Quarterpounder made keemstar 10,00$ in gfuel sponsorship money
>The professor of dick sucking
Very prestigious
>Captain Marvel goes over 1 billion in your path
Every youtubers merch is so fucking ugly
stop spreading bullshit. Classical liberals values still align more with the Left's than the Right's let alone having anything to do with Conservative. The only thing that separates a classical liberal from the current libtard is that one is all about the rights and liberty of the individual while the other is all about the collective.
On a side note, the only reason the Right even cares about free speech these days it's because they are the ones being silenced now but they had no issues with silencing and censoring the shit out of everything before.
Also minorities don’t give a fuck about the environment so when whites are a minority national parks are gonna get dozed and environmental regulations will be sacked mark my fucking words
>guy was a MtG channel mostly
>started complaining that thots were taking attention away from the players
>gets bombarded by white knights
>altercation at some event
>bystanders get involved
>now banned for life from all MtG events
>now spends his days bitter about all things pop culture
>also got jumped one time by another white knight for saying something about Anita Sarkeesian
With your dilating knife?
>disney buys their own tickets
He stopped making content, you guys can let go
Isn't this the guy who got punched by a dude in a dress?
grey pride is the most decent one but i will never wear it unless he removes the letters
>Mahmut likes his women starved
lol of course
REMINDER: This guy makes videos and money. You waste time seething on message boards.
That's John Flanagan aka Habermann who had left his cushy gig at Best Boy as piss mopper in New York and set out for new pastures moving to Ohio with his Trans-BF.
He is our guy
Toad likes Jim though.
And that's a good thing.
>tfw you'll never have an amazonfu
Why do people like this always cover the most controversial topics in the industry?
All these "news" channels are really echo-chambers that say the same shit with a different voice. The only ones in my experience that actually don't do this is VNN Then again, I'm surprised he's found something to praise them over.
Sure, AAA sucks at the moment and there's some big announcements that deserve the battering, but there's also stuff that just flies completely under the radar. Lack of actual good news unless its all to do with the big companies.
Why not highlight some good games, or promising games that aren't exactly going to be known by everyone because a massive publisher or company is backing it. The more and more people talk about and pay attention to the AAA companies that keep fucking up, the better in the end it is for them. Instead, bash them, yes. But in the meantime, get some actual good positive stuff out.
Oi, you got a loicense to be posting that meme, m8?
I still don't understand why people watch this ugly neckbear
bc he's discount yong yea, easier to digest the same way quarter pounder digests his protein milkshakes.
Why does every right-wing YouTuber come off as a bitter incels?
Even when they're trying to be funny, you can always detect an undertone of sadness and anger in their expressions.
>Getting redpilled makes you an incel
Based Basedboy
>Trannies actually live all over the place and are degenerate filth, a real threat the west.
Literally the only place I ever hear about trannies is on Yea Forums. They seem like a problem because you WANT them to be a problem so you can feed your victim complex.
>Leftlards like yourself however cannot stop crying about the nazis, who died decades ago.
Let me guess, the people displaying Nazi symbols, chanting Nazi slogans, and espousing Nazi ideology aren't Nazis because they aren't card-carrying members of the National Socialist German Workers' Party?
Back to Discord you go!
>Let me guess, the people displaying Nazi symbols, chanting Nazi slogans, and espousing Nazi ideology aren't Nazis because they aren't card-carrying members of the National Socialist German Workers' Party?
Found the incels
They're not even redpilled though. Literally all of them just pull opinions out of their ass.
Can't fool anybody, discord tranny.
The way people respond to you on both sides proves this is the correct view point. It makes them all so fucking insecure.
>muh tranny discord boogeyman
>this guy owns a cat
Reason enough to not listen to him.
Men that own cats are cucks that voided their man card.
Explain why then. Cause I barely give a shit about Metokur. But I am strangely interested on what happened.
>people calling out someone for being retarded proves the retard right
"MUH ENLIGHTENED CENTRISM" has never been a stance worth taking seriously.
You're wrong. You're confusing equality of opportunity, the practice of granting every individual the same rights which inevitably leads to the elevated success of superior individuals, with equality of outcome which inevitably leads to reducing the success of every individual to the level of the most inferior one in the name of forced equality. The former is natural and fair. The latter is what you describe as "revolt against nature", it refuses to acknowledge the existence of individuals, and is the epitome of unfairness.
>All I got from Gen Con was a punch in the head
Fucking seething beta
Toad just actually releases content fairly frequently.
that's the million dollars question my dude.
I never realized until now that there's a /pol/ variant of Yea Forums's contrived contrarianism. Insistence on not appearing as if you belong to the largest group. The neurotic drive to be somehow special, in an exclusive group. Absolutely not within that 68.2%.
The fuck did she get so much leg? Girl went all in on that build.
Toad is good when he's not talking about mukbang.
Well, yeah