Can >we have a casual conversation about this gayem called Guild Wars II? lastest news:
Gw2 general
Other urls found in this thread:
Go away
>gives details about minor-as-fuck convenience updates coming in the next years
>doesn't mention anything about a new expansion
this game is fucking dead, get over it
cantha was the only thing that could save this shitshow
>summoning le bot
So funny
doesn't work here
i wish it did, though, if only to piss off jannies
it ruined the franchise. the most pathetic, snowflake community in existance. i will still remember the forum thread in which a tardo complained that on an outfit there was a cross and how its nazi like and the dev apologized and humiliated Christianity and white males and promised to take measures against the designer of that outfit. with bs like that no wonder they erased the old forum and magically could not save any threads from 2012 until the new forums came in. huh, really activates the almonds
Unironically the best monetization model around.
gw2 generals don't work on /vg/
try making one and see for yourself
>gw2 generals don't work on /vg/
Well too fucking bad, that's where they belong.
Piss off.
eat shit little bitch
Positives about GW2:
>world design
>open world content
>mounts & gliding
Bad things:
>literally everything else
>no new IP
stop samefagging your shit thread
For me... it's Tali
calm down bois, as long im having fun I keep making those.
Stay mad faggot, what are you gonna do about it?
This would be an instant hit if they brought it to consoles. Free starter, 10-15 bucks for each expansion, 60 for the complete experience. Would sell gangbusters and completely revitalize the game if they allow cross play.
>SAB brings out a new chair.
>its a gemstore and not achievement item
I shouldn't be surprised anymore
fuck off weebshitter
thanks for the bump, bitch
thanks again, bitch
Stay mad Goy Wars, I'm sorry that you can't do shit that every girl in this game looks like a fucking Troll
Please go. I'd rather have another mobage thread over this abortion of a game.
get your asses in Verdant Brink reeeeeeeeee
is there anything more comfy than flying on a maxed out griffon+dismount mastery in the HoT jungle maps?
Not gonna lie, there's some ugly af gear in this game.
everyone uses the catalog, you can space your samefagging out
stay mad faggot and thanks for the free bump
Look, I've played since January 2013, own both expansions and shit.
This game is good despite ANet's best efforts to destroy it.
That said, NOTHING of what ANet announced is even slightly enticing to me and, in fact, it feels like a mockery after all the times they promised basic stuff and failed to deliver even that.
Discussing this game is also extremely pointless since there's really nothing to talk about. The game is boring and because of that all that can be discussed is either fapbait on Yea Forums or le randumb comics xD on r*ddit.
Just go away and let this thread drift to the archive.
No I'd like to ignore this game again, I really hate Anthem
This picture makes me want to RP again.
Their engine runs on Dx9, good luck with the port job
>not knowing that GW2 is a cash shop with a game tacked on and but vice versa
There's a very high chance that one of the failed mobile projects was exactly that.
Yes, idling near music frog guy in Verdant Brink listening to the music while doing something else.
>$10 for a recolor of an in-game armor set with a bad flame effect
>$9 for an outfit that's impossible to customise
>wants thread to be 404
>bumps it
>start HoT without having played living story
>meet my ragtag group of fuck ups
>"eh, doesn't seem so ba-"
and the cripple asura who is basicaly slowly dying is only worse than Cannah, the rest of the cast is shit.
Enjoy your time with Taimi, after two expansions and (almost) two content seasons later she's still around and only gotten worse.
she got raped so hard by joko that her mystery terminal illness came back
How is it even possible to make a fucking bot that kill a general and keeps working for years? Imagine unleashing that on something like /fgoalter/ or other mobile shit threads in /vg/
Do character slots ever go on sale?
just take over those generals when its time to move to a new thread and put gw2g in the title to attract it
This game is one of the only game I know that devs have been making consistently worse since the very first patch.
GW2 at launch was so bad no one thought it could get any worse but here we are now.
I want everyone involved with this game to be shitcaned and blacklisted in the industry.
you'll have to settle with the recent layoffs that took out a fourth of the company overall
Went on sale back in March.
*a third
140+ out of 400
She's honestly not nearly as bad as the blatant lesbian self-inserts Kasmeer and Marjory, they made season 2 borderline unplayable for me. I also think she's better than that whiny faggot Braham.
Imagine playing Fashion Wars 2....
*people unrelated to GW2
They've also refocused on GW2 after that incident.
Still not going back though,I'll wait for the next expansion if they release one.
no fuck off with your dead game furry trash
Kasjory has silently dropped from the game. Marjory disappeared at the end of the 3rd season and Kasmeer followed suit after PoF.
Braham got BTFO'd by Eir's ghost and is almost decent now. Almost.
Former (good) GW2 developers, though.
And Gaile. Fortunately she wasn't a developer, much less good.
>people unrelated to GW2
literally the only guy working on fractals - Ben, the creator of SAB and many other "unrelated" people were laid off retard
>Soi Wars 2
Hilariously among those who weren't sent back home are
>Chris Cleary, who wrote a hilariously bad anti-cheat and banned hundreds of people because it was faulty as fuck
>that bitch from Telltale who only hired women
>Mike O'Brian, his royal mismanagement who split ArenaNet into two mobile teams for games in development hell and left a skeleton crew at the helm of GW2
>Went on sale back in March.
well, fuck me
Stay true to the original.
>I'll wait for the next expansion if they release one
Expansions won't happen anymore
>Plays as women with rabbit ears
>Weird accent
>Plays free for all arena farm
Gemstore was a mistake
i logged in the other day and noticed they updated the xunlai chest to have more tabs, like thanks but why? would have been great if this was 10 years ago
GW2 itself was a mistake
>this game is fucking dead, get over it
You've been saying that for 7 years though, but you know what ? I'd say 7 more years and it'll start to be true.
I'm kinda enjoying the game but I have to agree with you.
Can't have a nice Asian expansion because Soiwars needed Sunspear KANGS and shit
Reminder they killed off Eir Stegalkin, one of the best characters in the game just because the roastie storytellers felt threatened by her popularity
>unironically liking ANY of the GW2 lore characters
I also can't post properly links
and it was a fucking LAME death
Recently tried it again for the first time since launch
It was still boring as fucking hell