New sonic racing footage came out recently and it looks great
New sonic racing footage came out recently and it looks great
Other urls found in this thread:
Visual cues for drifting too small/unsatisfying
Camera at an awkward angle that hinders the conveying of speed, game feels slower than it should be.
Other than that looks fine.
All I want is Sega All Star Racing 1.5
This looks good. Transformed was pure trash
Mostly hyped for the music
How can one (1) man be this (∞) wrong?
My main
I'm certain there will be faster speed options
Sonic Transformed was good but it was bad optimized for consoles and the PC port needs extra mod patches similar to Dark Souls 1
It looks great, I just wish it was Sonic and All Stars so we'd get the other Sega characters and zones. Not that their absence means I won't buy it.
Fuck it REALLY looks great.
It looks nice, but fuck them for removing the other Sega characters. What was the point, really.
>What was the point, really.
No one outside of Yea Forums and a few Sega autist cares about them. Sadly
More demand for characters like Silver and Blaze than the obscure SEGA guys
Hey blue hedgehog, CTR here. Say, your parents got … eh, ''unlived'' by Nintendo. Sony got backstabbed, but luckily survived, by Nintendo.
Anti-Plumber Alliance?
I liked the "Sega" elements of it but it's obvious they've been moving away from it ever since the original racing game. "Sega" was never the selling point with the Superstars series, Sonic was.
Also let's face it, Transformed's presentation was oddly scattershot. I absolutely adore all the visual flair and style, but there's something about the entire presentation that feels lacking in a sense of uniformity the same way something like Mario Kart or Crash Team Racing is. Part of it might have to do with the extremely weird character selection, as well as the powerups being so out of place and uninspired. Focusing on a purely "Sonic" racing game means that the roster/powerups/characters/presentation as a whole forms a much more cohesive whole with way more personality, and it's not like Sonic is hurting for areas they can turn into creative stages.
The best case scenario is they offer "Sega" characters as post-launch free DLC, or better yet, do the Sonic Riders approach where you could unlock Nights, Ai Ai, Billy Hatcher and Ulala in the postgame. Keep the Sega crew as cute easter eggs and bonuses.
The way the tracks are designed in the game reminds me a lot of Mario kart 8 and those tracks were all great.
90% of Yea Forums is gonna kill me for this, but this looks better than CTR
The fact that CTR isn't even going to be 60fps means most of Yea Forums will probably agree with you
This 30 fps is inexcusable in a racing game.
That's because of the Switch. Pretty sure it'll be 60 for systems that meet nowaday's standards.
Post TSR pipe dreams
>Boss battle missions in battle arenas
>Regular mode zones correspond to the Chaos Emeralds, while Mirror Mode zones represented by the Sol Emeralds
>Unlockable music tracks including the original versions of any remixes
>Sonic says loading screens are back
Runs at 30 on all consoles.
Old CTR was sub-30 at high poly areas/startoff with all the racers onscreen. Don't talk about what you don't know.
Nope. The PS4 and XBO versions have been confirmed to run at 30, just like N.Sane Trilogy. There's some unsubstantiated rumor that Pro and X can run it 60 but that hasn't been proven.
That was a PS1 game from 20+ years ago get higher standards retard.
well, that's bizarre, you'd expect them to make at 60 and downgrade to either 1k graphics or 30 for the Switch.
OCTR still holds up today you bitchchild. We should stand together and kick the Nintentoddlers out of Yea Forums. They're a filthy company just like EA. Being sneaky about it doesn't make them excusable.
what's the fucking point of remaking a game if you're not going to address the only objectively glaring issue with it?
Nice projection I couldn't care less about ninteniggers and what their shitty company is doing. There are loads of games that hold up from that period but if you are remaking the game you should improve on the shortcomings of the original. Continue to lick ass and except mediocre shit for life though.
>unlockable on-foot racing option for some characters
I will now buy your game. Pls. I just want my Sonic R 2 any way I can get it at this point. ;__;
accept *
Then why not downgrade the graphics in the Switch version to keep 60 FPS? Most Switch owners know going in that they will get subpar graphics in multiplats anyways
Point is, it's their fault and their subpar system this choice was made.
>That image
I'm not going to reply to you properly until you present yourself as someone who doesn't nag his mother for tendies.
garbage as always
This game looks so much fun. Really wish they would release a demo for it already, I'm way more excited about it than I was last year (which was minimal, but I was still on board because I love Sonic).
Heck if I know? that the switch can handle 4k already amazes me. It won't affect me as I'll wait for the PC port.
>Point is, it's their fault and their subpar system this choice was made.
Stop making excuses for shit developers they couldn't even get the original crash remakes to run at 60 and those games look like garbage.
I don't hate that one, but there's definitely better tracks. Every song Tee has worked on sounds great, and the Seaside Hill remix with Hyper Potions isn't that bad since the synths aren't that prominent
A lot of it has to do with the developers focusing on graphical power over framrate since market studies have shown that games and trailers that look good tend to sell better than the ones that look worse but with high framerates.
It's pants-on-head retarded, I agree.
What's the point of vehicle customization if you can't race in other characters cars??
I want to main the chaos but their vehicles color pallete is gay as hell
Fuck this game I want racing transformed back
It had a better roster, better mechanics, and better courses
>Fuck this game I want racing transformed back
Where did transformed go? Did they take it away from you?
You can change color palettes
It doesn't really matter though, the Original crash games were like 20-25 and hold up fine. this ''muh 60FPS'' argument is typical Yea Forums logic. Atari ''games'' ran at 15. The diff between 15 and 30 is massive. 30 and 60 is comfy, sure, but not ''mandatory''. 60-144 requires you consciously paying attention, and 144-244 is invisible. Not a poorfag, I recently paid 800 EUR on a new CPU and GPU, I'm just not a whiny brat.
Sonic all stars racing transformed was the dark souls of racing games.
F-zero is the demon souls
They said you can paint the cars with other characters' paint kits, and from the look of it you can deck some cars out with parts similar to other characters' cars.
From the sound of it even if you can add parts to the cars you just want Transformed, and if that's what you want, play that, it's still available to play
>I eat shit so you should to
Not an argument
Just because old games had garbage framerate doesn't make it okay retard.
No it means you are overly conscious, if I could manipulate the debug to read ''50'' at a 30 FPS game, you wouldn't notice. it's all in your head user.
>the dark souls of
fuck off underage
>I'm retarded and can't see above 30 fps so that must mean no one can.
Stop projecting. I hope you are getting paid to shill this hard
>that the switch can handle 4k already amazes me
I know TX1 supports 4K60 video decode but I doubt many (if any) games could reach 4K. If only Nintendo didn't cheap out on the dock and put a HDMI 2.0+ port instead of 1.4 it could at least be used as a 4K media streaming device
Thats fine if you dont understand why hyperpotions is terrible just understand everything they touch is low effort shit and just sounds like a really really shitty remix of the original songs. theres song and then there's their bullshit added on. when they are colabbing with someone else the other person makes for damn sure to drown out their bullshit.
meanwhile someone else that does chiptune AND working on the same damn game does fuckng laps around the 2 faggots
I unironically enjoyed Sonic R more than transformed. I'm not even blinded by nostalgia I played it for the first time like 3 years ago.
You /CAN/ notice the difference but my point is people are obsessed with FPS. It's comfy, sure, but if you actually play the game and god forbid, have fun, you won't notice it. I'm getting the PC version of CTR as 6 months is worth the wait. Are you going to come with an argument or can I cash in your concession?
So this game is gonna have 21 tracks spread out over 7 Zones, right? That's one thing that kind of sticks out for me as a bit questionable. I really hope the tracks are actually truly different from one another and not just copy paste hack jobs that take place in the same Zone. Or that the length and complexity of the tracks aren't sacrificed for the sake of hitting 21 tracks. I'll give Sumo the benefit of the doubt, but it is a bit concerning.
>and the PC port needs extra mod patches
Never had any problem with Transformed. It must be your PC or something.
>Zavok over Infinite
I still don't understand.
>but if you actually play the game and god forbid, have fun, you won't notice it
This is untrue no matter how much you say this 30 fps will always looks like choppy garbage.
>unlockable super sonic ala riders
>I really hope the tracks are actually truly different from one another and not just copy paste hack jobs that take place in the same Zone.
So far they look pretty different just compare Sand Hill to Boo's House, or the first Ice track to the new one revealed in the latest trailer
Then wait for the PC port? console peasants are fine with this, and, just a tip, disable that debug FPS counter for once. see how it affects your behavior and experience.
Knock knock hedgehog boy....
>Then wait for the PC port?
I am
>disable that debug FPS counter for once. see how it affects your behavior and experience.
I have and I instantly noticed something was wrong when the game was running choppy.
You may not like the Holoska remix for Ice Mountain then. I'm not 100% sure but I think they are involved in that song, it's very synth heavy
For some zones, they may share aesthetics in one or two stages, but it looks like others won't. For example, Ice Mountain (the first ice stage they showed), Frozen Junkyard (pic related), and Hidden Volcano all have ice involved in their track layouts, which implies they're part of the same zone, so I think it's safe to say there's a bunch of variety, more do than the first All Stars Racing which had the same idea with 3 tracks based on the same location but less variety between them.
The crash games are ugly as fuck unity shit though
>30 fps
Are they reusing tracks from previous Sonic racing games? Because I swear those last 2 tracks were in All Stars Racing Transformed.
Do you see the difference between 60 and 144 unconsciously too? as I think it's a meme, maybe it you stare consciously sure.
Leave these Sonics alone, we got a common enemy.
Hmm. If that's the case then good, because everything else seems fairly on point. I really just wish I could see more of the game being played in a non-demo environment.
>makes your game irrelevant
Yeah, but they might have looked even worse
>Do you see the difference between 60 and 144 unconsciously too?
Absolutely I got Sonic Forces for free during the humble bundle and when I booted it up it was locked at 60 fps I could instantly see it was kinda choppy.
Not to mention Market Street and Haunted Castle being part of Spagonia but having completely different aesthetics
I enjoyed Sonic All-Star Racing Transformed more than Mario Kart
So far, reused/retro tracks are:
>Whale Lagoon (ASR); but looks overhauled. Pic related
>Ocean View (SART); unchanged aside from third lap
>Bingo Party (ASR); overhauled as well due to the Transformed physics
>What's implied to be Roulette Road in the trailer from the other day, which was in both games
I'm getting both games honestly
well, there's no debate that FPS is a diminishing return. when do you think going for moar FPS is meaningless? above 144?
we want the nintenbabies dead, both of us. stahp.
Not him but 30 FPS, while playable, is noticeably worse than 60 FPS. It's when you go above 60 FPS that it becomes stupid, you're better off putting that extra processing power into better 60 FPS graphics than just MOAR FPS
Isn't TSR going to be 60FPS on Switch though?
>when do you think going for moar FPS is meaningless? above 144?
Hard to say I would have to buy a 240 hz monitor to be sure but right now 144 seems like the peak for me.
It's looks really slow
I just wish we could get a demo already. A lot of people are still confused about the mechanics and a demo can help with that
That too. Hoping for a cameo from the ghosts in Night of the Werehog in that stage
I liked Friends and Time Trials honestly
you start sacrificing contrast, and contrast is eye sex, at 244 though.
t. IT buds
I don't notice much dif between 4 and 8k texture.s can't we dump stat FPS when everything's done and the game uses only 20% of the resources on a mid end PC?
The game will obviously have different speed settings
yeah thats them.
They said there's speed/difficulty classes like Transformed had
>you start sacrificing contrast, and contrast is eye sex, at 244 though.
Yeah I know even at 144 it starts getting worse which is why I haven't "upgraded" past 144
Infinite was confirmed dead. He's so dead just like with Mephiles he's been banned from the comic or an other media. they're done with his lame ass
Funny enough,Tikal is also dead but it's been confirmed her spirit resides within the master emerald along with the chao that were slaughtered by the knuckles clan
Same. 2018 looked rough for this game but it looks like they've turned it around so far. I really like the racetracks choice of it being like a normal sonic game. 1 zone gets 3 racetracks, like acts.
7 zones in base game. Quite a good amount.
nvm based sonicbro, mario will pay
I need a new monitor anyway, mine has scratches and is 7 years old. 60 refresh and best contrast or 144?
C-Crashbros, W-We'll still win, r-right?
How's Sega/Sony relationship anyway?
So what's the "fuck you, guy in 1st place" item in TSR?
If your rig can run games at 144 fps its definitely worth the slight loss in contrast.
>Infinite was confirmed dead
How did he even die in Forces? I only remember him fucking off after he got tag teamed by Sonic and Avatar. That whole game feels like a fever dream so I don't even recall the entire plot.
>30 FPS
It's why even though I appreciate that song getting a remix because it's great, I also do hope they add in the original versions of the remixes for people that want to listen to those instead
Me too. Even the team aspects seem very Sonic like with the character types. I think a lot of people were too quick to judge, but at the same time SEGA was holding back too much. Everyone just assumed there would be generic sand, ice, forest stages etc. just because of initial footage when it's obvious there was more to be shown.
>posts a 3 week only video
We've had newer content than that. Game will be alright though, but only alright.
If I had to guess, He dematerializes into the Phantom Ruby and then the Ruby itself gets destroyed
There is none. Sumo's games don't have that shit, the closest thing to it that the games have had are the swarm from Transformed and the blue remote controlled rocket from the first one, and neither one targeted 1st
It will cost less than CTR on its release.
Here in Germany it will be only 36 yuros on release day.
Day 1 buy for me
Fuck Activision for remaking a 20 year old racing game with 30 fps!
Eggman absorbed him and used his life force and phantom ruby to enpower his death egg robot as well as strengthen the infinite army that's why you ge that call that clones of Infinite had also joined them and all vanished once eggy was beaten. So yeah, infinite for all intents and purposes was dead and Eggman delivered the coup de grace. I kinda wish it was done better because thats the kind of shit archie and idw eggman would do.
Is there an accompanying cutscene or talking head """cutscene""" for that or is this just filling in blanks?
Shut up, faggot.
Guys, funfact, it's verifiable by a short google querry: CRASH IS MORE POPULAR IN JAPAN THAN MARIO. Idk how Japan likes Sanic, but hey, that must hurt for Nintendo'h :^)
I was thinking it was new, but when I saw it was one that I've seen since post SXSW was a bit let down. Almost hope some more gameplay leaks of some stages like Boo's House, Frozen Junkyard, Whale Lagoon or Sand Road
I won't be happy unless Heavy is in it.
Nope, he just vanishes and flies off and it's the last you see him
*AHEM* 30fps
I could see them using Heavy to fill in the Power gap on Team Chaotix for Espio and Charmy since Vector is on a team with Silver and Blaze
The bee swarm probably, it went after the first place but wasn't a "fuck you" to the first place like the blue shell, if the player is good he can dodge them
Figures. Man what a clusterfuck Forces' development must've been to leave out crucial plot points like that. No wonder I can barely even remember that plot.
looks pretty kino. wondering if i should get it for switch or ps4 though
>mother wisp appears and creates 2 glowing platforms
>giant saws cutting through the track
>ramps to do tricks off just before entering a cave that you can drive on the walls/ceiling of
This is the shit I love in a racer. I've seen frozen junkyard has a death egg robot shooting lasers and king boo is in a track as well. It may not be as crazy as the stuff in transformed but I'll gladly take this.
Looks like the delay helped the game a lot.
Nothing will ever come close to transformed´s skies of arcadia track that gets fucking destroyed by the last lap and you have to finish by flight as there´s no more solid ground. That shit was tight
>Still can't pre order on steam
Even better, you get to go inside of the Death Egg Robot in Frozen Junkyard
Definitely. Some people were on the fence about the game even with the delay, with someone making a video calling SEGA greedy and that them delaying it wasn't for quality reasons when it seems it was for the better
>People left and right was bashing all over TSR for mundane reasons
>People praising a literal HD port as the BTFO to both Mario and Sonic
>Sonic ends up coming on top over Crash Fire Racing and Slow Mario Kart Deluxe
>The possibly that SEGA Allstar DLC could happen would singlehandedly make TSR the best racing Sonic game of all time
Looks like Sonic is back baby. All that needs to be done now is fire Kishitmoto from Sonic Team, get all the important people of Adventure era back for a renaissance of Adventure kino, and Evening Star Team gets full creative control over the classic timeline for more Mania-esque adventures to come, and Sonic will rise again from the ashes of the shit known as the 3 Bs of Sonic's 2010s; Boost, Boom, and Bomb (the Movie)
I agree, but this game seems like it has its own unique set pieces, I'm willing to give it a fair shot.
>All that needs to be done now is fire Kishitmoto from Sonic Team, get all the important people of Adventure era back for a renaissance of Adventure kino,
We aren't this lucky. 3D Sonic will continue to be soulless shit for years to come.
>The best tracks are all made by Jun Senoue
How does he keep doing it bros
Sonic fucking riders
>>The best tracks are all made by Jun Senoue
He's involved with each and every song in some way, shape or form
>silver 1st place
>blaze 2nd place
>vector 11th place
absolute retard
You're just a jaded hipster with shit taste. I legit like that song. It's far better than that dubstep trash people liked in the early 2010s. Fuck Boom for falling for that cancer.
>Fuck them for removing all of the Sega characters so they could add eight generic sonic characters back
Post your mains for both games. N.Gin for CTR and Tails for TSR.
Blaze should transfer that White Wisp to Vector, he might need it.
I´ll surelly get it, Aways liked sonic racing games more than mario kart or most of it´s clones. Fuck, I´m a Sonic R fan. My only hope for this game is that it keep at least keep the changing tracks from trasnformed so every lap feels different
CTR better get a fucking PC port.
>You're just a jaded hipster with shit taste
>legit like that song
>It's far better than that dubstep trash people liked in the early 2010
they went for the Koopaling/Babies treatment
>That violin
>Sa2 echidna statues
>King boom boo
>S3&K references
Maximum soul
I'm basic so I'm gonna go Crash for CTR and Sonic for TSR. But I see myself using more of the Sonic cast, like I'm sure I'll give Tails, Knuckles, Eggman, Blaze, Silver, and Big a shot too
Bring back Sonic Riders.
Metal Sonic, Silver, and Knuckles.
About time someone says the true. The boat sections were pure SHIT and they removed the missions, which were pretty great in the first game. Also the first game had Opa Opa and basically more soul. e.g Sonics all star was Super Sonic.
Unfortunately it doesn't seem like the tracks change between laps in this game. But I think they decided that to make up for it, they would make some stages have different routes you can take to change things up between laps
Only the first Riders was any good, no point to make a sequel to Free Riders
>it's not like Sonic is hurting for areas they can turn into creative stages
>Half of the stages are redone versions of planet wisp, rooftop run or seaside hill
Obviously. I hated the changes they made in ZG.
I don't know Crash or it's characters.
My main in Sonic will be Metal or Vector.
Good. The only ghosts that should come back once in a while are Tikal, the one from Unleashed, and Maria. Best ghost girls of Sonic.
This, i don't understand why they haven't ported Spyro yet. Did N.sane trilogy flopped on PC or something?
Can you mix and match characters for your teams, or are they hard-locked to their respective themed teams?
For example, can I do some crazy shit like Sonic, Eggman, Rouge?
>and it looks great
Where? I'm not seeing a thing.
Fucking hell.
Why this level again and not apotos or other unleashed levels. It's quickly becoming like a new green hill zone or all the wisp jerking.
It might just be a personal thing, but the theme song feels to repetitive it gets stuck in my brain for hours and it's grating.
>Can you mix and match characters for your teams, or are they hard-locked to their respective themed teams?
They are locked in the story mode but you and mix outside of that.
>they removed the missions
>What is World Tour
They still did creative things with them. Planet Wisp has a stage with Mother Wisp and a stage with saw blades to avoid, it looks like Rooftop Run has a stage based on the clock tower that has a haunted theme going on. Will agree about Seaside Hill, but Sumo Digital just seems to like Heroes a lot since each of their racing games has that stage represented.
However this game is begging for DLC zones to reference other games like Rush, Advance, Mania, etc.
far from, the 6 months haven't passed yet and that's what's needed for a bugfree port. even if you use unreal.
You can. There's also your standard solo play.
Dunno for Crash, but for Sonic, I'm a simple man, I see Metal Sonic, I play as him since Emerl/Gemerl will never be options
>He doesn't know
I see, thanks for the clarification user
Sonic All Stars Racing Transformed succeeded because it had characters beyond Sonic.
Damn, that looks so good.
You can do Big, Big, and Big, or Knuckles, Knuckles, and Knuckles, and that's what I needed
Rooftop Run is the poster stage for Unleashed like Planet Wisp is for Colors. However, they did include a Holoska remix in TSR, and Apotos would have been nice but I'm glad they refrained from using many opening stages. Wouldn't mind seeing them do DLC zones that go even deeper into unrepresented games
Danica Patrick and Yogscast MADE that game
Dingodile for CTR and Pic Related plus Metal Sonic for TSR, Them my boys
this. couldn't give less of a shit about the game but the OST is sounding fucking great
Why would anyone give a fuck about Crash Racing? Like, Sonic Racing looks like bland shit cause it removed everything from Transformed, but at least you know it'll look pretty and be mechanically solid thanks to Sudo.
The Crash game is 30fps, a fucking unity tier engine with cheap ugly ass lighting, and we already know that the garbage shovelware studio did what shovelware studios do and destroyed the quality gameplay from the PS1 version
i seriously fucking hate hyper potions, i don't understand why they're so popular and get jerked off constantly, their music is fucking awful
Personally I thought the gameplay and driving controls made that game, but if you say so
Too bad. Rooftop Run was and still is the best level of Unleashed. Apotos isn't really all that good because it's too peaceful for a remember able Sonic theme imo.
>this will be the most soulful thing modern sonic has starred in since unleashed
>Too bad. Rooftop Run was and still is the best level of Unleashed.
Adabat was better in every way frame rate aside.
If Mania doesn't have it anymore, I doubt TSR will.
>Find out the game will be Sonic only
>Meh oh well. At least the gameplay is still ther-
>Planes and Boats are gone
>W-Well at least my girl Cream is finally getting adde-
>Big the Cat got in instead of her
What the fuck is Sega thinking?
What has it appeared in besides Generations?
Really is sad, Sonic Team is a disgrace
I just don't understand why they won't use something else from Unleashed. Windmill Isle is the first stage in the game but Sega never feels like recognizing it for whatever reason
I was being sarcastic, Transformed's roster was a huge downgrade from the original game in the first place, people just want something to bitch about
>Adabat was better in every way frame rate aside.
Not music wise. And framerate isn't aside, because it's shit like that is why Unleashed gets the hate it gets, outside of the Werehog.
I literally only bought the game because I could play as AGES, Vyse, Joe Musashi, the TF2 gang, Beat etc.
The vast majority of the Yea Forums and /vg/ crew which was 200+ players strong practically never touched the Sonic characters either.
I still wish we'd get to see Eggmanland more often, even if it canonically doesn't make sense since it was implied to have been destroyed or something.
>The vast majority of the Yea Forums and /vg/ crew which was 200+ players strong practically never touched the Sonic characters either.
There is your problem Yea Forums is a very small vocal minority. 90% of people couldn't give a shit about Sega characters.
Does anyone really remember that level? It's nowhere as rememberable as GHZ, Angel Island, City Escape, Seaside Hill... Even Tropical Resort is more rememberable.
>The vast majority of the Yea Forums and /vg/ crew which was 200+ players strong practically never touched the Sonic characters either.
I wonder if that had anything to do with almost all of the best characters in the game being shit like AGES and Joe Musashi... hmm...
Blaze is all I need.
>I literally only bought the game because I could play as AGES, Vyse, Joe Musashi, the TF2 gang, Beat etc.
Ah, so you are autistic.
Pretty sure the only autists played Sonic characters. Miss me with that Chris Chan shit.
>30 fps
It's been in unleashed, generations, and now this. They release mainline sonic games so rarely, but it's still been snuck into three games now.
People talk trash about izuka trying milking the sonic color's wisps, but this level has been in sonic games just as much.
>At least the gameplay is still ther-
It is, the driving is identical to Transformed.
>Big got in instead of her
Big is a veteran that got cut from the last game for no reason, I'm glad he's back.
I mean, personally I don't care that much for Apotos. It was nice and has stage potential of course, but I didn't want them to use every first stage of every 3D game.
Then yeah, I agree. I'll never understand why Billy Hatcher got cut but still had a stage
Oh no, the site that treats Sonic like a joke (albeit, rightfully) has used Sonic characters the least so that totally means 99% of the population hates Sonic the same
No. Sorry, but no. Yea Forums is a very jaded, very bad, group of old boomers and retarded young zoomers, that have no idea what they are talking about 99% of the time. This site is just retarded for real life accurate opinions. Hell most retarded regurgitated opinions are referenced from this site.
Sega All-Stars Racing had a better roster.
Yeah, when I play a Sonic & Sega game I want to play as Wreck-It Ralph, le funny TF2 meme guys, and fucking Danica Patrick. Fuck yourself
>Not music wise
Yes it is
>And framerate isn't aside, because it's shit like that is why Unleashed gets the hate it gets
The framerate was only really bad in two areas both of which were spectacle. It has the best level design in the game.
BD Joe needs to be in the next game or i'll fucking riot
>I'm glad the character nobody wanted is back
Why? And they removed planes and boats. The gameplay is shit now
>Big Big Big
>Knuckles Knuckles Knuckles
10/10 will get
>And they removed planes and boats. The gameplay is shit now
The Planes and the Boats were the weakest part of the gameplay even if they were kinda cool. The core driving was always and will always be the best part.
>le funny TF2 meme guys
Kill yourself.
Because people wanted him, as should be obvious from this very thread
>And they removed planes and boats.
Good, boats were worse cars and planes were boring as shit
>Yes it is
No it isn't. Sorry. If it wasn't, we'd have Adabat in Generations, not Rooftop Run, because all Generations levels were voted for, proving it's more popular.
>The framerate was only really bad in two areas both of which were spectacle. It has the best level design in the game.
Doesn't really matter and what? How is being on top of perpetual death good design? It's not like you can actually explore on top of that water, if you stop you die, if you go off the path you die.
>Being a TF2 autist
You are worse than the most extreme Sonicfags
I apologize for not liking your shitty meme characters and preferring actual Sega characters like Opa-Opa, Jacky, and ChuChus.
>Miss me with that
And you write like a nigger, to boot.
>Nobody wanted Big
He's back because he's a Power character and a meme.
If you didn't expect him to return, I don't know what to say.
Also, no, them removing the transformations doesn't automatically make the game shit, the cars were the best parts. Boats were decent, but the flight sections I was never a huge fan of.
Sega dropped Denuvo months ago.
>Because people wanted him
Is this a fucking joke? Nobody likes Big.
>boats were worse cars and planes were boring as shit
How about you stop being shit at them?
>world tour
Shit in comparison
Reminder that Transformed is the Melee of Sonic Racing. Aka, the worse because it's the most autism fueled so it's bad.
>and a meme.
That's a reason to keep him out though.
Neither of those games are bad, but nice try.
>Nobody likes Big.
Obviously that isn't the case. Considering the people in this thread who want to have teams of Big-Big-Big? You are a fool.
>How about you stop being shit at them?
Wouldn't make them less shit, sadly.
>How about you stop being shit at them?
Not him but why is this always the response? I got good at all the transformaions and the boat was fucking boring and just overall worse than normal driving and the plane wasn't much better all it basically boiled down to was drifting and spamming air rolls. kys with this git gud retardation its not an argument.
Who /chao/ here?
Imagine not liking Big the Cat.
He's a meme specifically because nobody has any fucking genuine interest in him.
Who /Chadow/ Here?
>Obviously that isn't the case. Considering the people in this thread who want to have teams of Big-Big-Big? You are a fool.
You mean the ironic memers who only say that because le epic big meme character
I can somewhat agree as I've finally gotten around to doing all the missions in the first game, but they were still the mission mode, and TSR is likely going to take more inspiration from that game for its story mode than the first game.
Maybe in your eyes. Plenty of non fans know Big as the joke character, so having him come back wasn't a bad idea.
t.smelee autist
>T-They were shit anyways we didn't want them!
>I-I'm glad they replaced Beat and AiAi with fucking Big the ironic meme
So this is what the autistic core Sonic fanbase looks like
My recommendation would be to stop assuming everybody who disagrees with you is memeing. Grow up.
>Nitro-Fueled has a steady frame rate of 30 frames per second on the original PlayStation 4 hardware, but those of you with an Xbox One X and/or PlayStation 4 Pro will be able to enjoy the game at a solid 60 frames per second when all is said and done.
Same, wish she had way bigger tits.
enough sonic threads, fucking special class mouthbreathers
>Plenty of non fans know Big as the joke character
Not really, no. The shit inside joke doesn't reach outside Sonic sperg circles. Non-fans just don't know about or give a shit about big the cat
>DiaperFurfags don't like good games
Yeah sounds about right. Don't you have some corporate twitter to go bow down to?
Nice non argument retard. I enjoy the Sega characters but i'm not autistic enough to not buy a good game because my favorite character didn't get in go cry in a smash thread or something.
The transformations being gone is a good thing and makes the game more consistent. Because again they were always lack luster compared to the normal driving.
If you bitch about TSR's roster but don't bitch about Transformed's, you're underaged as fuck.
>Implying I haven't put in a shit ton of hours into TF2
>Implying I like nu-sonic
Keep coping TF2 is fucking garbage and the people that play it are the most autistic people i've ever talked to. TSR looks great and will be great
>I'm an autistic sonic fanboy that will buy any shitty game my furgod farts out regardless of how hard my ass is being raped.
Why? You do know that makes you autistic right?
For me, it’s Blaze.
Hopefully Tikal, Cream and Honey the cat will be a dlc team.
I haven't bought a Sonic game in 10+ years besides Mania. Keep coping game looks great.
Not an argument.
>If you don't complain about the game with a bunch of classic dreamcast characters instead of the gamecube circlejerk that is Allstars 1 then you're undergae
>a racing spinoff looks like it has more effort put into it than Forces
Objectively it doesn't. Sounds like you're coping and trying to justify your furgod obsession
>expecting classic universe characters in a modern universe game
based retard
Why does literally every song in the racing games have the exact same drum track?
>Objectively it doesn't.
You do know saying "(You)" is a form of admitting that you were wrong right?
Yeah, all those classic Gamecube characters like the aforementioned Opa-Opa, Jacky, and ChuChus, as well as Zobio/Zobiko and the Bonanza Bros.
Well, I guess you have a point. But it's not like I'm not looking forward to fucking using him, he's driving a Froggy car. That's charming as shit.
I will admit that they could have had interesting things done with the transformation segments to fit TSR (boat ones, at least) like having certain terrains on the water be different liquid/molten lava and Technique types being able to drive through them or having debris that Power types can drive through, I feel like it would only add spectacle to the stages, and for plane segments, I have no clue what they would do for those.
No i'm giving (You) what you want shitposter. So enjoy it.
I definitely want to see Boo's House in action.
It's wild that they actually made a new model for King Boom Boo just for this.
I thought the game was just going to be a boring husk of reused All Star tracks and Gens/Forces assets before they posted that pic.
Assuming it doesn't run like ass, I'll probably get it on the Switch. SASRT on the Vita was pretty fucking comfy even though it was limited to 30fps.
>We removed almost all of the gameplay and roster but look we added a bunch of sonic recolors
>And not even the good ones like Mighty or Cream
>Hope you enjoy fucking Sonic 06 characters and Big the Waluigi meme
R.I.P Sonic Racing games
Does anyone have a gif or webm of that Chao section in the animated episode? I saw it posted a few days ago and didnt save it.
Stay seeting, smelee
He belongs in the Classic Dimension, not the Modern Dimension. He can't be in this game.
You are a caricature.
Reporting in
Stay retarded, projecting shitposter.
After the first additional team, maybe.
Stop replying to him.
There's some footage of it in the newest trailer, but it went by so quickly that you can't really see much.
Why are people so mad about Cream not being in it exactly?
Like, I like her enough I guess, but her not being in this game isn't a deal breaker. I know it'll be mechanically solid.
Either the synth they're using or the same guy on drums, no idea for sure.
Shadow is a slow hedgehog like Silver. He only artificially runs fast because of his littler roller skates.
>Honey the cat
Classic universe.
Classic universe.
>Knuckles, Knuckles, and Knuckles
oh baby
Kill yourself pedophile
Cream hasn't been playable in a Sonic game since Free Riders.
You are a deviantautist. Also nobody bought Yogscast he wasn't actually in the game
Is classic banned from post adventure now?
Stay assblasted, smeleenigger
Cope, double nigger.
They should. Stop merging them with the Shonen era of Sonic. It doesn't work. Just make classic games and modern games and stick to that.
They always kinda were, but now that they are considered separate timelines, they literally can't appear in Modern games as simple as you would assume.
I think it's pretty obvious that the first DLC for it will either fill in the major gaps in the current roster (Cream, Espio, Charmy, being on two different teams to help pad the roster some more, hopefully) or the Babylon Rogues
Go play CTR or some other shitty kart racer.
Just flextep it back together then. Flextape can do it, right?
>I know it'll be mechanically solid
Well obviously not so why buy it?
This, it's like all of their songs in this are just the original tracks but put through some kind of auto monstercat zoomer filter
Cream is such a sweet well mannered girl. Would read a bedtime story to and tuck into bed.
Then take her mom to pound town.
Not even Flextape can fix Iizuka's fuck ups sorry
I'm coping, but you're clearly not, smeleer
Yes this is pretty factual.
>30fps on switch
how can something look "objectively" not good? maybe "subjectively" but not "objectively". you're like those retarded girls who use "literally" all the time regardless of if something is literally true.
>this looks good
>transformed was trash
they're the same fucking thing but this doesn't have the sega characters or flying or boat transformation and there's a pointless team aspect to this for whatever reason. Regardless Transformed was good and this also looks good.
Then go play another kart racer.
After you go play a good game
I intend to. On May 21st.
Melee isn't even my favorite Smash game, that's Ultimate, you triple nigger. How did you get so retarded? Please tell me, because I don't want to end up like you.
>downgrade with gimped gameplay and no content
>good game
>Melee isn't even my favorite Smash game, that's Ultimate,
> that's Ultimate,
Oh, right. Well there's always the off chance she'll be DLC.
>Game plays exactly like the driving sections in Transformed, a game that got great scores
>People still say this is shit despite that fact
So.. did people just not like the actual core gameplay of that game and only like it for the crossover aspect and the set pieces?
Because I was just playing it yesterday and the main reason I enjoyed it so much was because the driving was so much fun, not just because it was a crossover where I could play as Danica Patrick and Wreck it Ralph.
>The possibly that SEGA Allstar DLC could happen would singlehandedly make TSR the best racing Sonic game of all time
That's an impossibility as its tracks are inferior to SART's by design.
>no Sega allstars
Lmao fucking figures that Sonic furfags would defend this.
Yeah cool, but imagine if we got a kart racer that actually ran in 60fps on Switch and featured the classic Sonic characters driving in actual go-karts instead of this weird lanky modern Sonic shit with epic racecars.
>by design.
>Boat sections
Nah, stay mad
You know there were plenty of non-promotional, non-sonic actual sega characters, right?
Yes, and?
If it plays exactly the same but with less content then why buy it? Ignore it and go play transformed?
Also we already know the driving is downgraded because of the focus on team shit
Off yourself Nintenigger
Sounds like someone was bad at Burning Depths.
You mean the best sections by far
>gimped gameplay
Trimming the fat from Transformed and improving the base gameplay is 'gimping' it? Lmao
>no content
Story mode, solo and team-based gameplay, more items than before, better designed tracks... Oops, doesn't have TF2 and Yogscast, I guess it's shit :)
Literal rosterfaggotry like Smash niggers, get out.
i never understood the appeal of transformed. awful mechanics. awful rubberbanding ai. stupid characters. i think it's just sega fans trying their hardest to like it in order to "stick it" to mario kart.
Oh yeah you know, the Switch. That really controversial and unpopular console with shit games. Can't mention that console on Yea Forums! What would we even talk about!
>One shitposter absolutely destroyed the thread because retards kept taking the bait
And there were more, and better ones, in the first game.
Are sonic fags seriously pretending that they never liked the crossover roster and the transformations now?
Christ why are these tards such corporate cocksuckers?
Wonder who hurt him.
yeah it was so great playing as yogscast and danica patrick in a shitty boat.
I loved the crossover roster. In the game that had a good crossover roster and didn't cut obscure characters so we could have worthwhile inclusions like Meemee and Pudding.
Classic Sonic drove a racecar, too. Stop talking out of your ass.
lets be honest. boats had some control and you could abuse wave boosting but still fun to move. flying however was a fucking chore every single fucking time.
You realize you don't have to play on teams right?
I did like the crossover aspect and the transformations. But not having those things isn't a deal breaker because I also liked the core gameplay and mechanics. It feels like they took some of the best things about both All Stars Racing games and put them into one.
>removing gameplay and gimping what remains is improvement
>Story mode, solo and team-based gameplay
That's all the same thing. Solo isn't even actually in since the game revolves around poorly designed team shit. Theres also less tracks that are all poorly designed copy-paste jobs of the same fucking handful of levels.
What exactly looks good about this game?
yeah a couple shitty characters really negated having vyse, ryo, gillius and joe musashi in a fucking kart racer
I'm saying what I want, not what already happened. You gimp.
>its a fucking S H O E
This game has some of the worst marketing I've ever seen.
>Solo isn't even actually in since the game
based lying retard
>It feels like they took some of the best things about both All Stars Racing games and put them into one.
That didn't happen though. It's transformed but without content.
So SRB2Kart but on the Switch?
Just play Mario Kart 8 Deluxe.
>06 characters
Blaze has always been from Rush
Removing bad gameplay and improving the good gameplay is good, lmao
>Theres also less tracks
What said
I'd rather just have another Sonic R or something like Sonic R. Fuck Aaron Webber's dumbass logic "Sonic would just win every race guys it wouldn't work"
>It feels like they took some of the best things about both All Stars Racing games and put them into one.
Hey faggot. You know what I liked about Transformed? The variety of racers from other IPs. And the vehicles actually transforming into boats/planes. This has neither of those.
>Removing bad gameplay and improving the good gameplay is good
So then why did they remove good gameplay and gimp the remaining good gameplay?
Yes actually. Fans know what's good for this franchise better than SEGA ever will.
>No! I am not slow! I'm not... I'm not slow! I AM NOT SLOOOOOOOOOW! URRRAAAAAAAAAAGHH!
Where is he?
They really held off way too much, but it looks better now.
I guess being able to unlock a bunch of customization options and getting the same amount of stages that game had is no content.
You're literally getting all you got in both All Stars Racing games. A bunch of missions, 20 something stages, and now unlockable mods like Transformed had, but with cosmetic differences. Not to mention time trials, battle modes, and other shit.
You know what I liked? The core gameplay mechanics and controls, which are identical in this game.
How did they gimp it?
Dead and forgotten like just about every other enemy in the franchise.
So you didn't even like the gameplay? Man, fuck nu-neo-new-Yea Forums.
>So then why did they remove good gameplay
They didn't, they removed boats and planes.
That sounds like a joke to me.
All Sonic games are inferior on Shitendo. Fuck off nigger, Sonic actively gets worse off every fucking time SEGA has to pander to them. Heroes. Colors. Lost World? All made Sonic go down the drain right after. It's fucking sabotage.
Sonic Team seems burned out. Doing the same thing over and over will burn anybody out even if it's something you love. I'd like to see them try a completely original series. And I mean original not just Ristar or NiGHTS.
Did you play Sonic R? Do you know how stupidly unbalanced that game was? Ignoring Super Sonic, the only character that even stood a chance at beating Sonic was Metal Sonic.
So now you're blaming Nintendo for Sega's own actions?
The literal only one I would care about would be NiGHTS, and she isn't playable it in (and I mean the REAL one) So no, fuck you all. Fuck your dead ips.
They couldn't even get Vectorman in it. TSR is just superior because I don't have to be cucked a third time with IPs that should be in.
Not Zavok, apparently.
Heroes was gimped to run on PS2, and even then PS2 was only 30fps while the other consoles ran it at 60.
Nobody is asking for Sonic to be exclusive to Switch you sperg.
I've used every character aside from Eggman and Amy to beat Sonic and Super Sonic. There's always a way to balance out these games anyway they made it work for Sonic Speed Battle so why not for another on-foot racing game?
Not him but oustside super sonic, most other characters were pretty samey. Sonic was a bit faster but knuckles and tails could go for some weird routes that are hard to not fuck up with sonic. Amy and Eggman were shit though, but a fun challenge trying to win with them
>didn't like NiGHTS waving the flag? here's your playable NiGHTS bro :)
kishimoto's OC. that's why he will never die (Just like Shadow for Iizuka and Silver for Nakamura)
is that the same casino track in the first sega and sonic? wow
i hope for more classic tracks. samba's stages were my personal faves.
I find that surprising, since Tails Doll and Eggrobo were just Eggman but shittier.
I love Sonic R and all, but it's more just a fun novelty. Playing it with a friend, for instance, makes you realize just how unbalanced it is.
>Implying Nintendo is FORCING sega to make sonic games for their system
>"It must be Nintendo's fault sega made this choice!"
it's not a kart racer though
Bingo Party is from the first one, yes. But it's been changed to fit the more weighty physics from Transformed.
I think the trailer from the other day implies that Roulette Road is also coming back
>Vector is in
Aw yea
That´s unsettling
>It's not a kart racer though
Imagine being this autistic
City Trial
I mean I get it because he turns into different forms in Journey of Dreams but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't disappointed with his... "kart". A proper normal kart would've sufficed but I kinda appreciate the reference I guess.
i don't have to, buttbrain
Mostly, yes. Most of the problems with Sonic wouldn't have gotten as worse if SEGA never partnered with their rival instead of say, Sony. Heroes was made for newfags to Sonic, instead of SA3 which would have been made instead. Then Sonic Wii killed off ADventure era tone for good. Then Lost World fucked over the good that came from Generations.
SEGA is retarded, but they go for the money like many other 3rd parties do so it isn't just SEGA. Nintendo's shitty hardware makes all 3rd party games worse off. Rayman got that shit handed in as well thanks to Rabbids. Fuck Nigtendo.
Kind of wish the flight mode for NiGHTS was just the regular form, instead of just being the All Star move. Not even a fan of the series, just feel it would have fit better
Literally what Lost World was for. And what is the Mario and Sonic Olympic games tie in.
Reminds me of this kinda shit
>Sunshine Tour
>Not Samba Studio
One job
>Wii U was more powerful than the PS3/360 (which had Generations on them)
>But it's the Wii U's fault that Lost World was shit somehow
When sticking to lore goes too far.
Chilly Castle
>Nintendo's shitty hardware makes all 3rd party games worse off
But it doesn't? And even if it did, you don't have to make a game for Nintendo's hardware if you feel it would make the game worse. Look at all the 3rd party games that are PS4/XB1/PC only. The devs chose to not make a nintendo version, so nintendo is not to blame for anything here
Retard, read the damn image. "more powerful" is bullshit for one, but it's not software wise superior otherwise that pic related wouldn't have been done to make Lost World work on the Wii U.
I blame the Turbo Teen cartoon for driving many boomer fetishes.
Does anyone think they'll make a Switch equivalent to this thing to help with advertising?
Too boat heavy but also great
That's what I'm advocating idiot, I'm not the one that wants more Sonic games on Nintendo's crappy hardware. Let the ninten-drones have their crappy Olympic spinoffs and fuck off from mainline Sonic games. They should go back to making Nintendo spin off versions of the main games like they did with Unleashed and Generations instead of that crippled shit called Forces.
Does the Switch version even have tilt controls? I've heard nothing of it.
You sound like a gay boy who actually enjoys the shitty mainline sonic games and is genuinely mad when they reach a Nintendo system.
It's hilarious that you think it's the fault of the hardware and not simply SEGA phoning it in because they signed a 3 game exclusivity contract. Screw your head on mate.
It really looks great but seems kinda empty though.
>more powerful" is bullshit for one
>Wii U has 4x the RAM of 360/PS3
>Wii U has equal CPU cores to 360 and 3x that of PS3 (before you say it, no, cell processing units aren't cores)
>Wii U has onboard solid state storage, 360 and PS3 do not
>Wii U supports 802.11n, as does 360
>Wii U has a much better GPU
360 has a better CPU thanks to it's higher clock speed (though it's not as big an advantage as it looks on paper), but that's really it
Not that I know of, but they may implement them as an option. I think Transformed was still compatible with the Wii remote sideways
I think the stages are wider to compensate for the team stuff and the amount of players per race
The boat isn't a problem when the music is fucking good
Then why did you say you're blaming Nintendo for Sega developing sonic games for Nintendo hardware? ()
> "more powerful" is bullshit for one
Wii U ran Mario Kart 8 at native 1080p@60fps. The console was objectively more powerful than the PS3/360. Don't be so delusional.
Although he's being stupid, the contract is apparently the reason we're never getting the Whitehead versions of Sonic 1 and 2 on consoles.
nu-Yea Forums will do anything for (you)s
No matter how good you are in transformed, that fucking ending will always get you in some ways or another
>You sound like a gay boy who actually enjoys the shitty mainline sonic games
Nope, only up to the Dreamcast era. Unleashed had soul but was misdirected ripping off GoW for some reason. And Generations was fine as a celebration game, but that's it. Otherwise, any other game after Dreamcast and not Unleashed and Gens, are trash. Mania is the only other game that Genesis era great but it's not by Sonic Team so that's where I kept the comparisons to.
Source: My Ass
A Nintendo made game runs great on native hardware
No shit retard, stop being a shilling drone
Because I was replying to Pay attention retard
>A Nintendo made game runs great on native hardware
No shit retard, stop being a shilling drone
Name me a single first party 360/PS3 game with the level of detail as Mario Kart 8 that ran in 1080p@60fps
You can't, because it does not exist. You stupid fucking retard.
>Guy in this thread genuinely arguing against a console released in 2012 being more powerful than consoles from 2005 and 2006 despite the specs being objectively more powerful and games running at higher fidelity and framerates
>JUST because Nintendo made it
>Name me a single first party 360/PS3 game with the level of detail as Mario Kart 8 that ran in 1080p@60fps
...You clearly don't play anything but Nintendo don't you drone?
Resident Evil 5?
Soul Caliber?
FFS, get some standards drone
>Wii U - 2GB RAM, 360/PS3 - 512MB/256MB+256MB
>Wii U - 1.24GHz Tri core PowerPC "Expresso", 360 - 3.2GHz Tri core PowerPC "Xenon", PS3 - 3.2GHz PowerPC "Cell"
>Wii U - 32GB onboard flash storage, 360/PS3 - internal HDD
>Wii U - AMD "Latte" GPU 352 GFLOPs, 360 - AMD "Xenos" GPU 240 GFLOPs
*why we didn't
Nothing's stopping them from porting those version over now, Lost Cause is proof of this. Sega's just fucking retarded.
None of those games run at 1080p@60fps. So either you're retarded, or pretending to be retarded. So I guess this conversation is over lol
>CTR will have 60fps on PS4 PRO/XBOX ONE X
>Way more characters and tracks
>2 story modes confirmed
>Actually has soul
Mario Kart 8 WAS NOT 60FPS on Wii U, a glitch that was never fixed resulted in the game having a permanently skipped frame, meaning that it ran 59FPS. Only the switch version is 60.
Big whoop, splitting hairs at this point. The Wii U was still clearly more capable than the previous generation systems.
SoulCalibur plays at 60fps you retard.
Boats were alright. At least far better than the 'slightly blue color' of MK8
GoW did, and even so, Dad of War definitely did. Nintendo's games always looked better when they do it because they know exactly how to use their crappy hardware. Yet PS and Xbox are more competently made so 3rd parties can make the best with their hardware, SEGA including, see Unleashed/Generations.
>Implying TSR doesn't have soul
Even a majority of the game's renders have soul, and suit yourself, I'm buying both games
user, I'm afraid you are not very bright.
>says they don't understand something
>proceeds to make a statement about how they think or know how people actually feel as if they DO understand
Why the fuck do you retarded sons of bitches do this? Just why?
>Way more characters
It has less tho, 14 vs 15
Read the thread, we're talking about 360/PS3 vs Wii U, not PS4/Xbone.
What? Isn't CTR supposed to have all the Nitro Kart characters as well? I don't follow Crash so I don't know if that's been fully confirmed but it's what I keep hearing
See , . There's examples and you keep ignoring them. Point is Sonic is crippled by Nintendo's hardware. Sonic staying on Sony would keep his games from being broken trash like Boom was.
you are the dumbest nigga in this thread
Who wanted this
Mrania 2 when
Money, people are going to buy it regardless, no need to improve the quality if that's the case. Some remakes have worse performance than their counterparts that came out on hardware 20 years ago, just look at the Spyro remake.
Of which there were 15. Two aren't confirmed to be back, but somebody else became playable.
Some report claimed the Nitro Kart characters would be in and recently, a developer confirmed Crunch who was in CNK so it seems to be looking like that's the case.
Devs already confirmed the entire original CTR roster + Oxide + Crunch Bandicoot from Nitro Kart
Not as dumb as Jewtendo defenders like yourself.
The obstacles in the tracks look fun, but how come no one is using weapons in the video?
The Wii U was more powerful than 360/PS3 regardless, specs and sources were posted above.
Regardless how is it Nintendo's fault that Sega puts sonic games on Nintendo hardware and might have to gimp them because of this? is crying that Nintendo is sabotaging sonic by releasing slower hardware for fucks sake even though it's entirely up to sega whether they put sonic games on nintendo systems
All original 15 CTR characters + Nitrus Oxide playable + Crunch Bandicoot + unannounced characters
It already surpassed TSR user
They are two different franchises now, with characters deemed "Classic" being forbidden.
This is discussed by IDW comic writer Ian Flynn on why he can't use Mighty + Ray, and that his reference to "Team Hooligan" flew under the radar.
ALL fighting games run at 60fps regardless of the system, it's a genre requirement. Soul Calibur never had a game on PS3/360 that ran at both 60fps@1080p simultaneously, objectively proving that the Wii U was more powerful than two systems that had Sonic Generations on it. Thus making Nintendo platforms more than servicable to run your favourite shitty boostan games with no issue. It's literally not Nintendo hardware's fault that Lost World was shit, and it doesn't take a master of deductive reasoning to figure that out.
I wanted another good Sonic racing game from Sumo, which it looks like I'm going to get
Ah ok, thanks for clearing it up, I didn't get into Crash until recently so I don't really know my stuff
They do use the Wisps at points in it, but the main focus isn't just offense, but having good defense as well
Same, I really don't get these needless comparisons between both games.
Stop replying to him, you fucking idiots.
>Regardless how is it Nintendo's fault that Sega puts sonic games on Nintendo hardware and might have to gimp them because of this?
Here's how. SEGA wanted to team up with them purely because Nintendo has been a gaming company longer than Sony was at the time. Even if Japan's SEGA is the retarded group of the bunch, SEGA of America would have team up with Sony otherwise.
If Nintendo's hardware wasn't trash and actually was better than PS and Xbox, then maybe this dummy downing shit wouldn't happen in the first place to matter. But since Nintendo hates technology, I'm going to bash them for being a joke.
>ALL fighting games run at 60fps regardless of the system,
So the idiot saying there wasn't one on PS3/Xbox is of course, an idoit
SEGA doesn't like him. They specifically told IDW not to use him.
>So the idiot saying there wasn't one on PS3/Xbox is of course, an idoit
nigga you are so dumb i swear
>I really don't get these needless comparisons
Yea Forums is a cockgoblin for shitpost wars
I'm a huge Sega fan, and I can say imo that compared with CTR and Mario Kart the game looks bad.
But what if he actually is this stupid?
That’s honestly pretty good. Hopefully he stays forgotten.
Come on lad, it's the same game we've been playing the last 20 years. It's only a remakes, at least this game will be new. I know you're only shitposting, but to the people in this thread who care about only playing one kart racing game like Mario or Crash or whatever, you're missing out. go play some wipeout and have fun for fuck's sake.
All in due time.
>Sticks the Badger
That's it, she's stuck in Boom hell
How so? Looks fun and pretty fast paced, and I honestly like the idea of racing on a team. It can lead to more close photo finish races.
So according to you Sega's choice to team up with Nintendo is Nintendo's fault? This is literally like that spongebob meme where the guy tries to give patrick his wallet back:
If this supposed downgrade is the fault of slower Nintendo hardware, then logically, by not releasing sonic games on nintendo hardware, there is no downgrade, right? And it's Sega's choice what hardware they develop sonic games for, right? So you'd agree that Sega's decision to develop sonic games for Nintendo hardware is the cause of the downgrade? Except you're saying it Nintendo's fault?
She was in the last Olympics game.
I enjoyed him as a whiny idiot given too much power. What I would LOVE to see is a scene where his former merc band confronts him for dropping them during his power trip
or some confiration that Shadow actually killed Jackal Squad, that'd be cool
are the accursed giant bees back
>oh hi Mark
>I honestly like the idea of racing on a team
>Only 15 characters(no Espio, Cream or the Babyllon Rogues)
>Fucking Zavok of all things
>Some tracks are repeated 3 times (Seaside Hill)
>Story mode in visual novel style
>Mario Kart 8 and CTR Nitro-Fueled have better graphics
Sonic deserves way more than just a low budget racing game, it's a shame that a remake of a PS1 game looks better than this.
>So according to you Sega's choice to team up with Nintendo is Nintendo's fault?
Yes. It wouldn't be an issue if Nintendo don't go full retard with the Wii onward and deliberately choose to downgrade their hardware for no reason. You're too brainlet to understand, so just go back playing your bing bing wahoo that's like 3 generations behind the times it should be.
>he had problems with the bees
git gud
>Some tracks are repeated 3 times (Seaside Hill)
All are. This is confirmed. Each "zone" has three courses.
I don't think Transformed was bad, but the original was better imo. The boat and plane sections weren't as fun as the actual driving to me, and I hate how they neutered the special/super moves.
I can’t enjoy him period. He was an overhyped character with an awfully rushed backstory, not to mention the unironic “edge” which is something I’d rather the series steer away from. I’d rather them make something out of Zavok and the rest of the Deadly Six.
Sticks is a canon immigrant now, she should be fine for appearing
>I’d rather them make something out of Zavok and the rest of the Deadly Six.
They should have stayed dead after Lost World
t. Zavok
>everyone shits on ctr because of 30 fps
>someone talks about how they will enjoy both games
>suddenly that behavior stops
So, is the 30 fps thing like literally only a defense mechanism against fanboys only or what? And after a while it just gets tiring when 30 fps is the only thing people can find reason to drop the game. I just don't get this board sometines I guess.
It wouldn't be an issue if sega hadn't chose to make it for the wii. This is entirely sega's fault.
>deliberately choose to downgrade their hardware for no reason
They did it for a couple of reasons:
>make the hardware reasonably priced while also selling it at a profit
>compensating for more expensive motion control technology packed into the console
>Iwata's belief that gamers would lose interest in graphics and would prefer new ways to game over the latest and greatest visuals
Oxide right now, but I might add Velo and N. Trance if the rumors about CNK are true. Hope this kart gets in too.
Except I don’t even have an attachment to Zavok or the six, it’s just Infinite is much worse.
Then don't race on a team, user.
Actually, it's been shown that some Acts will have visual elements that make them stand out amongst each other. The ice zone has a fucking volcano mixed stage in it and the two actual ice stages look nothing alike. Stop perpetuating that it's only going to be copy pasted assets 3 times like the first SEGA All Stars Racing game did just because they decided to incorporate the idea of zones into the game.
i liked transform but it doesn't feel like a pure racer, a sequel to the first with online multiplayer would be awesome and a sequel to transformed with dedicated boat and flying would be cool
I liked him. Sonic needs minor villains to stick around and I'd trade Zavok for him in a millisecond.
Shame that Velo's true form isn't all that different from his subjects. Hopefully they bring in his big guy look if they are added into the game.
But user, it's true. 7 zones, 3 courses each. It's just that they tend to have some huge differences - see Rooftop Run having a course set at night with all sorts of haunted imagery.
It's just that this has been outright stated, so idk why that user thought it was some epic 'gotcha!'.
That may have worked back in 2006 when games weren't super advanced yet, usually some games would even ve redone from scratch by other developers for the wii ports but since the wii u era, it's made porting newer gen games a bigger pain in the ass than it should be for most developers outside of nintendo themselves.
With skins in the game, I see no reason why they can't put in both small Velo and his big guy look as an alternate costume.
Id rather have Zavok or any of the other DS members over Infinite.
Why? They look like rejected cereal mascots and none of them are interesting outside of Zeena for porn.
dreadful opinion
I appreciate your opinion, but I firmly disagree. I think Infinite has a good design, cool powers, and is pretty memorable, even if mostly because of how Forces mishandled him.
Zavok is just Bowser without any of the appeal of Bowser.
That's right. This time it looks like stages will have more radical aesthetic changes (like Sand Road and Boo's House) and even different music tracks to help each one stand out, and the idea of 7 zones with 3 acts each fits Sonic perfectly, this is really a non issue and the only people that still think each and every zone will be 3 copy pasted stages are being presumptuous.
Because I’d like to see more Zeti in general or work more towards giving them some actual characterization. I’m actually still bothered about the whole Lost Hex shit and not even giving any real info on it.
Infinite’s design isn’t good at all though. Infinite’s powers aren’t remotely interesting at all really. And the only reason he’s memorable is because of how bad he is. And like I said earlier
I rather keep that unironic edge garbage away from the series, it was tried with Shadow and I don’t want to see it again.
What are all the teams in the game?
Amy Big Chaos
Sonic(no shit), Tails, & knuckles
Shadow(no shit), big fat bat tats, OMEGA
Eggman, metal sonic, red guy from world
Blaze, Silver, Victor(?)
Who else am I missing?
>tfw perfected my racing line to the point i never crash there ever again
>I’m actually still bothered about the whole Lost Hex shit and not even giving any real info on it.
You won't get any. Just like how little info we get on the Sol Dimension or Silver's future. Hell, we can't even get the main two worlds correct. There's legit zero chance of the fucking Lost Hex getting any info.
At least you're not absolutely sperging out about some all stars racing tracks returning like Twip is.
>Infinite’s design isn’t good at all though
I disagree.
>Infinite’s powers aren’t remotely interesting at all really.
He's like Aizen from Bleach, but stronger. It's cool as hell.
>it was tried with Shadow
And was a huge success, isn't Shadow the second-most-popular character?. I don't see the problem.
That's it.
Sonic, Tails, Knuckles.
Shadow, Rouge, Omega.
Amy, Chao, Big.
Blaze, Silver, Vector.
Eggman, Metal Sonic, Zavok.
No one, that's all 5 teams. Team Sonic, Dark, Rose, Vector, and Eggman
Any reason why Vector is with Blaze and Silver and not Espio and Charmy?
I don’t think either of their designs are good but agree to disagree.
Yeah, the Illusion parlor tricks just don’t do it for me. Doesn’t seem interesting at all.
I was alluding to Shadow the Hedgehog not his debut game SA2 where he honestly wasn’t all that “edgy”.
>tfw I want both
What do I do?
Presumably, the story mode will tell us.
I'd wager it's because
>Blaze and Silver are popular
>Charmy is not popular
So it was down to Espio or Vector. Vector won out.
Silver's worked with Espio in the past anyways, so it makes sense.
Get... Both? You already said you wanted to so why not
Both are fucking trash. Edgy nigger wolf is for those weebs that liked that shonen reject called the Adventure series, while the D6 is for literal lolrandom era of humanity, which is trash. The only good direction and characters to use from now on are all the characters seen in Sonic Mania Adventures.
He is probably living off neetbux and can't afford to eat.
Can't hear you, you have to speak at a higher framerate
I somewhat understand his frustration with that, but it isn't that huge a deal to me. Seems like they gave the stages that are back from the first one a huge makeover to fit the Transformed gameplay, and it isn't like Mario Kart doesn't have returning stages. Not to mention Ocean View looks gorgeous with it now taking place at sunset.
The reasons that come to mind are:
>Popular picks got the priority (Zavok excluded)
>Needed a Power type for Blaze and Silver's team
>15 character mandate
>Wanted each character to have a unique song for their Team Ultimate move, if the Chaotix were kept together, they would have the same theme.
A friend of mine suggested an easy fix is to have different instruments used for each member of the Chaotix, which is a good idea.
Save up and get both or wait for reviews to judge which you want to get first
i'd fuck the hbh.
I know they’re both trash, I’m just saying I’d rather take the vomit over the fecal matter.
I want to know what all of the Ultimate songs are already. We can guess a lot of them, but we only know a few for sure.
These are the kind of game that will be €26 used two months after the release.
People use them then lose interest and resell them.
Which ones do we know?
Sonic has Reach for the Stars, Silver has Dreams of an Absolution. We can safely assume:
>Rouge - Fly in the Freedom
>Omega - This Machine
>Big - Lazy Days
>Vector - Team Chaotix
>Omega - This Machine
Please fucking yes
>reach for the stars again
In initial gameplay it sounded like Sonic's was Reach for the Stars, which isn't a bad pick, but there's better choices, like Endless Possibility, or his theme from the Adventure games, like Tails, Knuckles, Amy, Big, Rouge and probably Eggman got. Everyone else's is probably exactly what I'd expect it to be, though.
Vela Nova
Dreams of an Absolution
Team Chaotix
This Machine
If not All Hail Shadow, then Throw it All Away
Deadly Six theme
>Metal Sonic
They either reused his Sonic 4 theme like Transformed did, or used his CD theme
Undecided for CTR, Chao boys for TSR
Gamma dlc when?
Would bust a fucking nut, but Omega is the best we're getting and you know it.
I love that song but I have to agree. Hoping they changed it because it would sound cheap if they used that song since that was the song that played for his All Star move in Transformed, and most characters have their original theme song. At least give Sonic Endless Possibility if not his Adventure theme, there's so much Adventure/Unleashed love in the game already.
>The Boys make it as DLC
Post yfw
Will Omega at-least get some of the character from the comics?