Video game journalists have no powe-
Video game journalists have no powe-
>damage controlling is power
All the article did was get EA to turtle up, now you can expect even worse conditions for those devs suspected of talking to press and absolutely no change otherwise (unless it brings them profit).
a big part of them are whiny bitches but Jason is one of the few who is an actual vidya journalist that does his job of being... you know, a journalist
Good. If the article made anything clear, it's that EA needs to be on Bioware's ass 24/7 to make sure they don't fuck everything up with incompetence again.
I wonder how it feels to be a game developer working with EA or Ubisoft. You just want be involved in making a good game but then you get caught up in all this tedious political drama.
I don't think anyone claims they have no power. They have too much.
I fucking hate this smug prick.
>article goes out of it's way to make it clear that the main problems were poor leadership and morale
>"b-but based EA just needs to crack the whip harder!"
Are you still asspained about ME3 or something
If you think that meeting isn't meant to intimidate the people who spoke to schreier you're very fucking stupid. So if you're talking about the power to make a dev's life even worse then you're correct.
posting these literal who threads are what helps give them power. kill yourself
>the main problems were poor leadership and morale
that came from bioware's old guard, what is your point?
>now you can expect even worse conditions for those devs
Like what? Working without an A/C or something?
Schreier is a good industry insider, his journalism is another matter completely
I read the piece, it was really good.
Isn't he clickbaity sometimes though? I swear I remember the name from somewhere...
He was the guy that cried about MUHSOGGYKNEE in Dragon's Crown then got blown the fuck out by a photographer
When they do some journalism, not copypaste twits or publish nonsense about personal feelings.
he does actual journalistic research/scoops, his work is pretty thorough and decent given his platform but as a person he's onions incarnate (e.g. the shit with dragons crown)
the bar is so low that even someone like him that does what is expected is held in such high regard when in any other field he would be just another guy
He's the "only pedophiles like big tits" guy.
And the guy who got reamed by a photographer after trying to lecture said photographer about how his art is easy and never had the same kind of prejudice and hardships video game journalists have had.
Can you imagine how hard he jerked his pickle after this?
>Are you still asspained about ME3 or something
Yes, I will forever be pissed off for what they did to ME3
Ahh, I see. Well this was a really good piece, I hope he sticks to this in the future rather than that nonsense
You don't get clicks writing thoughtful well-written think pieces. or at least not as nearly as many as you do saying something stupid to piss people off.
The meeting will be two weeks notice for all staff to find another job, as EA will liquidate Bioware and use their IPs for mobile games.
He's a huge faggot but he puts out a quality article every couple months.
i wouldn't bet on it. for every decent piece like this you'll get 5 others stroking himself over politics or some cold take. it is kotaku after all.
I am still all giddy about a more than half assed piece of journalism on the industry. Like actual no joke sources, researched and well written. I am happy about that
Tell those worthless goyim game developers the media ain't no bitch
>Mfw Bioware really is going to die soon
Nothing will change within Bioware. By the next project, which will likely have EA fully on top of it to make sure it's not another Andromeda/Anthem, you'll still get people saying how leaders are retards, peole crying from stress, crunch is killer and likely that most of the work was done within the last few months.
Stop posting in this thread. Every time you post you are supporting Kotaku advertising on Yea Forums, which is against the rules and supporting malicious people.
Don't read their articles or Tweets, don't talk about them. Just report their blatant adverts here and hide the thread.
I'd bet these more in-depth pieces do get them more clicks, the issue is that blunders like these that NEED in-depth research don't happen often.
I don’t understand why EA forces it’s studios to use frostbite, it seems like a massive waste of resources. According to the article, studios have to compete for engine tech support which seems incredibly backwards.
>Not incompetent
Are you for real?
You dont actually think the problem isn't with both of them, right?
Who gives a fuck? The mods don't enforce the rules so your sentiment means about as much as a pile of dogshit.
Journalism is political activism, so it can run the whole range of influence, from the retard screaming nonsense in the street to the retard screaming nonsense in the street with international billionaires backing him.
No one really hold him in high regard, especially here, but better him doing his job than no one at all.
>tfw old enough to remember when seeing the EA or Bioware logo meant you were getting a quality game
>now seeing either one elicits outright scorne and most people want the entire company to collapse upon itself to remove their blight upon the earth
How far they’ve fallen
The only dogshit thing here is your entire existence and your family. Take your 90lb soiboy ass back over to resetera and suck a trannys cock
As a kid I hated the EA logo since it was too corporate
>promising further discussion
Its absolutely nothing
Calm down incel, your impotent rage will never change anything
Do not advertise Kotaku
Isn't he the guy that called Dragon's Crown an immoral lolicon fantasy and then got butthurt at the photographer who called him out on being a trashy journalist?
His reporting is good. His editorials and opinion pieces suck. Basically just ignore the latter.
the exact same.
Cost-cutting measure, it's cheaper than licensing third party engines.
>unionist cuck
no thanks
He's an unprofessional snake oil shill.
I fucking hate games "journalists"
still afraid to click links the boogyman told you to avoid, gamergatelet?
>I don’t understand why EA forces it’s studios to use frostbite
Having all your studios use the same tech can be a good idea and can make things more efficient and give you an edge over competitors - if the tech is good, but it isn't
“Game developers should unionize”
“I can’t believe they outsourced coding and development to a Chinese/Indian company”
There’s your problem. If you ask them about outsourcing they will just tell you NO I WONT LET THEM DO THAT, as is they had any hard power. But even if they don’t outsource, there are plenty of other talented people who want to work in the industry. It’s burn and churn. Don’t go into the career if you can’t handle the pressure.
I don't give a shit if they outsource so long as the end result is good, I'm not some nationalist cuck who thinks all jobs should stay in the country
The boogeyman in this guy’s case would be gaming journalists. I’m not sure if you know what a boogeyman is.