Honestly, who do these character designs appeal to?
Honestly, who do these character designs appeal to?
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The average Yea Forums user.
my dick
I'm not gay but they appeal to me
Not to me. I don' t see any bulges and no asses.
barafags like me
this character type is reminiscent of Victorian strongmen, it's an aesthetic i like
why do japs hate drawing body hair?
Imagine being low iq monkey and play garbage like Granblue
Straight heterosexual males
They are usually the coolest and most chill characters in their own games. Even better if they serve as a mentor for MC of sorts.
I will take them over twink faggots every day.
These guys
Because it's disgusting.
t. Bear
home of sexuals
Me, I love rugged old men
Not me. I only play games where the bara characters are high tier.
for you
t. twink
The average everyman, who sees inspiration from raw physical perfection and thinks to himself "i should reach those levels too" and strives ever forward.
fuck off with your toxic masculinity
How do I achieve this mode?
I wish I was the guy on the left
He looks so cool.
Beat me to it.
Me. I'm not gay, I'm just a woman.
I’m not gay but I prefer these guys having harems. More realistic. Especially left guy. Scarred buff men are kino.
t. Physical embodiment of soi
Pick heavy things up, put them down, repeat daily alternating what parts of your body you use to pick the heavy things up. Optional: acquire pic related from your local "serious" gym.
this is actually true
Orange Juice?
Fujos. GBF's playerbase is over 40% female. Who did you think the entirety of What Makes The Sky Blue was for?
show feet
Jin and Soriz are womanizers, Eugen had a wife and has a daughter. Respective order.
trannies are not woman
God I wish that was me
If you want fan service for the girls in a game you have to accept fanservice for the guys as well. Fujofags exist and a real market developers consider.
GBF has the best Chads
so faggots whats your favorite vidya man body type? bear mode here
It's normally not orange.
I literally WANT to be like them.
Ripped Built with scars.
>tfw moved from athletic to builtfat and struggling to reach bear mode
It's hard, man. I hope to get to F6 and then G7.
Give me some doujins with characters like these. I’m sick of shotas fatties and betas.
Not video games
Left is the only good one.
Mustaches are awful
anything that isn't obese
but i love builtfat
My husbando fits between ottermode and athletic
Me but I like my guys a little thicker
back to chubby, because I had surgery and couldn't work out for a while. I can go back to regular workout in a week tho, I need some motivation tho
You mean fat ass
Straight men. /fit/
Gay men. Bara-connosieurs.
Fujos. Self-hating lesbians.
I would kill to be a bear. FUCK GENETICS
Pretty much everything after g3 is what I wanna fuck
It pleases me greatly that the fujos latched onto sandy
lrn 2 bloatmax
>who do these men appeal to?
Something isn't adding up, user.
Twunk and Ottermode
to me
I'm not gay but I believe what's good for the goose is good for the gander. Naked baramen or bishounen fuckbois do nothing for my dick, unlike titties and asses, but I appreciate that they're there. Everyone should get their fan service. Sexual objectification for everyone, of everyone. True unity through arousal.
>that fate episode where he woos and fucks an old lady just because
I wish.
You can be super thin and have a lot of body hair.
>people thinking bear mode = fat
Games with this feel ?
Besides modded Skyrim.
not video games
hes a pervert who larps as a samurai my dude
>Want to be ottermode
>Have Xbox hueg shoulders and extremely barrel chested
NTRsubhumans and homogayniggers. If a gacha has >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>male characters in it, it's automatically shit
99% of people who call themselves "bears" are fatties
true anikis
Everything from A to D bodyfat -A1 and D5 thats a bit too skinny/fat and maybe excluding bodybuilder looks great and would fuck, or maybe get fuggd
T. F/G bodyfat ;_;
Did you know that female bears exist? They're called "ursulas"
Men want to be like them
Women want to tame them
Sounds exactly like me
pics or it didn't happen
Bear means bodyhair smartass
When you stop working out, you should eat less than usual.
I have bad news for you honey
What kind of body is Big Boss? He seems to be builtfat but his triceps are somewhat normal. Dude looks like he ate a whopping batch of hamburgers.
I'm a bit skinnier than the guy in A1. I really need to do something about that.
The guy who thought lolis had big breasts
What was his name again
I can't think of one...
Is it gay to want to lick those abs?
Bearmode, builtfat, and built.
he's like the ideal man from the 50's
moar BiBo please
Your post is understandable but doesn't make sense.
Damnit I wish I wasn't sick cuz I want some dick right now
I might sound autistic, but I once modded out his gloves.
He has a bunch of fat around his ulnaris and elbows, he's a combination of a builtfat and a boomer. He probably ate a lot of fish.
His arms protrude in a slanted fashion which gives way to his perspective distortions.
Pretty boys in gbf kind of compliments all the cute grills. Everyone is pretty and sexy so it just works. I am typical moefag, but last event about homo angels was top tier stuff.
We need more strong scarred men.
I'll give you dick user
are you hot?
Sure, vaseraga, ghandagoza, soriz are cool dudes. Although I think we need female cow right now, they are kind of neglected other than narmaya.
more like 18.2%
Whoops, 17.4%
That's rude user :(
I'm like B1 in the chart the other user posted
Why does this game look so pretty? I don't want to download grindan shit
Who does this character appeal to?
Jojo fags
Art style done by one of FF's most prominent artists, and the general art direction decided on was done by another of FF's most prominent artists. As someone big on Squaresoft games, GBF is a dream come true.
The grinding will make you want to kill yourself though.
My pussy
Don't you mean bussy?
Don't. You don't want to bother with the shit raid grinding, its just annoying. If anything play for the entertaining events and character stories. At least you'll be familiar with them for when the fighting game and RPG come out.
Just look at the art in artbooks on in the wiki lmao
body hair is disgusting and ruins how you look, dont know how anyone can like that shit
>Three Hot men that fills all my gay needs
I love bodyhair. To me it looks extremely cool and make male x10 handsome.
>tfw grabbing onto a hairy chest when fucking
nothing compares to it
That's from 2 (?) years ago, a lot of women started playing thanks to the Tourabu collab and events, it's almost 50/50 now.
I love body hair
Makes a man 100% more manly
gayest opinion in this thread
I like body hair when it's nicely trimmed. An unkempt wild bush looks bad
I like precisely unrtimmed body hair. To me it looks awesome, how it swirls and all.
But I prefer when people keep it clean and shower often.
I agree, it looks filthy, you're a man, not an ape.
This argument is so fucking retarded.
If men weren't meant to have body hair, it would have been genetically pooled out by now. A man is still a man even with body hair, not an ape. I mean apes have eyes too and several other shared features. That doesn't make apes men or men apes.
>you're a man, not an ape
And being hairy is a part of being manly.
Why would someone be ashamed of his nauter? The body hair is natural, not everyone can grow it but that is not a reason to hate on it.
I am glad I can grow it and I am not going to be ashamed of it or shave it off just because some slut or twink faggot consider it to be disgusting.
I keep it clean and wash it often so see no problems.