Other urls found in this thread:
So is your mother, but I don't go around yelling about it here, no go fuck yourself and die.
sony losing exclusives, just like in 2006, we're going home Microbros, we're going $$$ home
What is 'Haze'?
I don't even know what that title is
This is like steam getting an exclusive to some furry porn game
It's the game that killed Halo
This is too unbelievable - even for Yea Forums.
Wtf why can't Valve get these killer apps? Welp, at least it saves me some more money. Can't wait to pirate Haze.
it's an infinity warfare clone exclusive to ps3
it's bad because it was over hyped to hell and back as a halo killer
actually is a 7.5/10
you now remember that korn made a song to promote this game
I'll buy it and you can't stop me
Does sony make money off of these?
There was a demand for a Haze remaster?
if we get original xbox exclusives I'll drop my pants to this store
No...not Haze! Please EpicChads, I’m begging you!
>Steam announces Halo
>Epic announces the Halo killer
It's Halo 4?
this, sounds like shovelware trash
buy two copies to really piss him off
>Halo killer
an ass
"""Halo killer"""
>you now remember that korn made a song for a Silent Hill
How did they do it?
I remember when sony friends said this game would be the best fps ever made and look at how that turned out.
They really do have money to waste, don't they?
So Epic is just going for all the PS3 failures?
Fucking take it. I bought this game on release for full price.
I'll tell everybody now. Don't buy this game for any price.
This is it Valve bros.... we can't come back from this one. Might as well just delete steam , burn our computers and then kill ourselves
Jonathan Davis of Korn says it's, "The Shit!"
Is epic endgame plan to port console games?
>inb4 Bloodborne Epic store exclusive
>come and get our exclusive shovel ware
pure marketing genius
Good effort, faggots itt are actually believing it.
Free Radical shut down years ago, didn´t they?
It sold like shit, no one will care about this heap of garbage.
This is anonymous agony thread now.
Did that fag did any progress since his ebegging compaign?
legit never heard of haze
quick youtube search showed quite a few videos with hyperbolic titles like "worst ps3 game" and "most overhyped game"
the game that singlehandedly caused dozens of people to shed a single tear for the Timesplitters franchise
>Debugging done!! Steam pending tomorrow!
O shit.
I actually bought and played this game when it came out
it can't be anything related to the game cause I remember next to none of it other than you could take some drugs and go mental on what I think were aliens
I can't believe Halo is fucking dead.
Sorry the full quote was, "Gaming is a religion, and Haze is the shit!"
>it can't be anything related to the game
so uh, how was your day?
Yea Forums must really be full of retards since almost everyone ITT thinks this is real.
>epic doesnt has shovelware
Excellent shitpost OP
The only good thing Korn ever did was letting based Babymetal open for them
>MS releasing Halo MCC on Steam
>EGS gets Haze
Let us have our fun
yeah you need to have been around when Haze was releasing.
Wasnt Killzone suppose to be the "Halo killer"?
It's fake dumbasses
kys newfag
Is it happening?
Why? No one asked for this, why even bother
No one cared about this game when it came out at all. You only care about it now because of this Epic vs. Steam drama.
oh then fuck em
let epic have it
The reason we didn't get Time Splitters 4.
it was Free Radical's last ditch effort to avoid bankruptcy after their nearly finished Star Wars Battlefront 3 was abruptly cancelled.
The entire reason TimeSplitters 4 and the 1-3 HD remasters never happened.
omg i can't stop laughing fucking haze haha
Pcbros are so retarded to fall for this
Middle girl was already legal back then I wonder if she got Korn handled hmmm just imagine
I never played Haze on the PS3, i might actually get it on PC, i bet it isn't anywhere near as bad as people said it was.
It's a pretty popular name for pot shops.
Why should I spend $60+tax on the remake of a shit game
Why was Haze so shit? I thought the devs made some good games before
Will this finally kill the AAA industry? It's time for the indiechads to rise up.
so its nothing
Steam would be getting those if either one did
>Remaster is going to cut the Korn music
>Korn handled
The dust would clog her up from all those fossils
>mfw i'm probably the only person on this planet that genuinely enjoyed this game
didnt haze flop?
It's a joke ffs
>implying left girl didn´t molest every single member of Korn
I enjoyed it too, but then I had absolute shit taste back then
Congratulations on your uniquely shit taste
Star Wars Battlefront 3 was cancelled by them going bankrupt. They were pulling a Randy and wasting millions of dollars of Lucasarts money making this instead.
>Bloodborne Epic store exclusive
>EGS gets Haze
>"The Halo Killer"
>Steam gets legit Halo
>"Combat Evolved"
IGN gave this game a 4/10 back in the day and you know that when they do that it has to be god awful.
Imagine how much salt that would create from everyone
I almost kinda want to see it
i fucking hate the shooters from this era that tried to push this shit, PDZ was also trash.
bloodborne is pretty much 100% confirmed at this point and i will still pirate it
Stop posting in this thread. Every time you post you are supporting Kotaku advertising on Yea Forums, which is against the rules and supporting malicious people.
Don't read their articles or Tweets, dont talk about them. Just report their blatant adverts here and hide the thread.
i just refreshed kotaku homepage 10 times and clicked on their ads
stay mad autist
Wrong thread mate.
Here you go.
Get some big JP game and we will talk.
This is the correct thread. Both are cancer, both are Kotaku. Stay in school.
>The entire reason TimeSplitters 4 and the 1-3 HD remasters never happened
The online demo for Haze was great. Had so much fun backstabbing my teammates causing them to OD and start shooting each other.
user, it's a shitpost. It's not real.
Oh boy, lets hope they get Dark Sector and Syndicate (2012) next.
>People on this board aren't even old enough to remember Haze
Fucking get me out of this nightmare.
Do not post Kotaku
old hag
Epic has the strangest definition of good game. Can we sure it's not based on nepotism?
I thought it was a PS3 exclusive?
Better check that exo-skello-teen
I could give less of a shit about my computer getting bot netted or it’s data stolen, I just want valve and steam to be overtaken and run into the fucking ground. I’ve had enough of the elite attitude coming from valve and the drones that play on steam, now when their place is being threatened they need to dig up everything they can to make people stop Playing on epic game’s launcher and go back to steam.
All of them are desperate faggots who are scared of having their porn folders leaked through their email contacts.
fuck valve and fuck pcbros
Keep spying on me tencent, steal all my fucking data.
>in chink store
haha i fucking love this timeline
holy shit haze was so bad people mostly remember it because of the Korn song
>threatened by a "service" with no features
Just a west coast thing
It's sort of alike Spec Ops: The Line concept wise. Also, the first half of the game has REALLY WEIRD voice acting. There is a reason for that, but it still elicits "" reaction the first time you hear it.
OHOH shit, I forgot about that comment. How many days has it been, like, less than ten? Dude couldn't even go a month without eating those words.
>People on this board owned a PS3
except Spec Ops could be considered a fucking masterpiece if compared to the heap of trash that is Haze
I thought Epic said they would not take shit games?
I remember watching a playthrough of this since I could never get my hands on a physical copy a few years ago.
>falling asleep because the game's an absolute bore
>that swamp escape sequence
fucking zoomers
So is their plan to dupe zoomers into buying shit nobody wanted 10 years ago because they don't know any better?
I can't wait for the follow up article claiming that this game sold 10 times more than the 2008 version without the help of Steam Store.
but fucking why? it sucks
Playing games are more important then talking to some people
what are you going to do when mgs4 is epic only
Wait 6-12 months
Yeah she always had this "fuck me" face on every video, I bet she's a semen demon.
Summer came early
Haze what?
What absolute sluts
>Steam: Halo
>Epic: Haze
This is an April Fools Joke right?
What was haze again?
This game was garbage but also incredible in multiplayer, for those not aware the main gimmick of the game is that you wear an exoskeleton that injects you with combat drugs, taking some increases your accuracy and damage but if you take too much at once you have an overdose and start seeing things that aren't there, firing randomly and you can damage your allies. In co-op, you could punch your friend in the back of the neck to immediately cause such an overdose, while in TDM there was a class with a syringe gun that did exactly what you'd expect. The overdose also makes the yellow on your suit turn bright glowing red and fume particles to be given off, making you pretty much Yea Forums incarnate.
Also the campaign, despite the co-op option being prominent in the menu, was evidently not designed for it because the second, third and fourth players don't play characters in the story, they're just random faceless soldiers, and when in-engine cutscenes start they're just there in the background wherever they happened to be standing when the cutscene began. For example, at the end of one mission, the main character is talking to a general, they walk along for a bit before a helicopter lands and they climb in. However, the other players were just left standing in the middle of the helipad because that's where the mission end waypoint was, so the chopper casually landed on them, crushing them to death right in front of the main character and general, and because health and ammo were carried between missions they started the next level ALREADY DOWNED.
The gunplay is pretty bad and often frustrating though, so I don't know if I can even recommend it from a 'so bad it's good' perspective, but it should be known just how hilariously fucked up it is.
Was it really that bad? I thought it looked kinda cool but since I had a 360 I never got to play it.
Look guys I hate the Epic store as much as everyone but they seem to be getting a shit ton of Sony exclusives.
I doubt it could happen but if Epic could pull a miracle out of their ass and get Bloodborne then fuck me China call look at all my porn all they want if I can play that fucking game on PC, 60fps+ and with actually good graphics.
>The Halo killer ended up being Halo itself
Zoom zoom
ITT: we pretend to be retarded
>You can't kill me if I kill me first
Has there ever been a "[video game] killer" that actually succeeded?
Haze? Oh fuck. I dunno guys, I’m With Her now.
Fortnite killing PUBG I guess. PUBG got absolutely huge all of the sudden and seemed unstoppable until Fortnite absolutely decimated it.
It still has a lot of player, thought.
>tfw EPIC is only snagging games I don't care about
My tastes are so indie nowadays they'd have to dive deep.
A fraction of what Fortnite has
>game that killed TimeSplitters
Good. Represents Epic killing something good perfectly.
Stop posting.
Mods, do your job.
Ps3s best exclusive
Should I care?
>Literal who game on epic
Oh wow, epic is about to blow even more money on an exclusive
I know this is fake but I'd buy it.
Game so average, everyone forgot it existed until now, remaster will likely be forgotten in a month too
I hope someone saves screens from this thread of steam kiddies react to fake news
Now that nearly all ps3 games are ported to pc, what's left?
Haze remaster gets released before Timesplitters HD collection.. i want to fucking die.
>Your humble spymaster
It was a game that got a bit of hype since it was announced as one of the first games for PS3 if I'm not mistaken. It had MP and had a gimmick of time manipulation iirc
Whats Haze?
How do you report mods?
They delete worhhwhile threads and let this cancerous advertising perpetuate?
Every mod should be fired.
the game that killed Timesplitters and Star Wars Battlefront 3
Have sex
You know that it's fake and that Haze isn't coming to PC at all right
It was one of Sony's fabled Halo-killers from the mid-2000s.
It came out and sucked so hard that it was a bit of a joke for a while before being forgotten entirely.
>Yea Forums is so infested with zoomers that nobody even knows what Haze is anymore
Wha u get when it ent ched la kid
Its haze der
Goddamn I wish I knew this reference. I admit it, I'm a filthy newfag that only started sometime at 2011
Fortnite is the one instance I can think of where a developer went “let’s rip off something popular, surely that will work” and it actually worked. Only it worked so well that it catapulted everyone behind the decision into billionaire status.
Which I guess is what every publisher has been hoping will happen when they do it.
Why can't Epic get some good exclusives like Bloodborne or Uncharted 1-4? It's always shit nobody asked for like heavy rain
>a white guy
slavs not white
>Haze is back
>Halo is Back
>Blink 182 just released a new song with an album on the way
We're back baby
this post just reminded me that in a few months people born after 9/11 can post here.
that sounds like a great concept
How dumb are you? Oh wait you're posting a chinese cartoon reaction gif, pretty dumb I'd say
I'm 29 and I never had and never needed a ps3.
hopefully this means that we'll have another global economic meltdown again, only this time the industry of choice probably wont get bailed out due to fear of riots.
Happenings almost here lads.
i unironically enjoy shitty singleplayer fps games and cant wait to pirate this
if all epic spent their fortnite cash on was porting games like journey or heavy rain&co, they'd be alright
>the perfect counter to halo
This war is going nuclear, lads.
>>Yea Forums is so infested with zoomers that nobody even knows what Haze is anymore
To be fair, it was such a shitshow that it was quickly buried days after it came out and Sony hoped everyone would just forget about it.
>steam gets MCC
>Epic gets Haze
It's over bros..
I think you confused that with this.
This, I'm playing Wolfenstein 2009 right now, pure kino.
>Yea Forums suddenly thinks haze is worthless now that its an epic exclusive
Minecraft was called "an infiminer clone" by notch until it got popular. He removed references to infiminer after that.
Not him but the "Singularity is a criminally underappreciated gem" meme is a load of shit. The game is mediocre at best.
I hate it when band members take a cover shot that's just them standing around awkwardly. Stick to art covers guys, and no your "nice font" isn't unique, every other band in the same genre has the same fucking font.
You should have supported GOG you steamtard. You deserve the chinese cock down your throat now, have fun.
>he hasn't learned to appreciate a lukewarm meal
Depends on how you define success. Terraria turned out to be a much better game than Minecraft.
I don't want Polish cock up my ass either. I shit from there.
I wouldn't call it outright trash, I can understand what they were, by and large, going for. Spec Ops is significantly better though, for sure.
Another comparison would be first Homefront, but it's more conventionally entertaining story-wise, than Haze, which is, I guess, more arthouse-y by design.
No, I haven't learned to lower my standards so I can proclaim mediocrity is gold. Why the fuck would I want to do that?
I want to go back
fuck off falseflagger
I remember enjoying this, if only because it's really hard to find good time manipulation/travel games.
Thank you for reminding me of the worst trend of the mid 2000s
i played this game like 2 years ago and forgot everything about it
A game so shitty it contributed to killing Free Radical? Even MORE reason for me to wish the EGS dies off,
I never forgot and I'll never not be mad. I don't buy games from any of those cunts.
>No one posted it
>shit! steam got halo!
>googles "Halo Killer"
>that's it!
Gaben not having control over all games is a good thing
>wtf I love monopolies now!
stupid Yea Forums
So what was the Halo killer in the end? Modern Warfare? TF2? Time?
>I don't know that "monopoly" is a specific term with a concrete legal definition
I have the same first name as the MC of this game
why is it good for fat fuck gaben to have absolute control over pc game releases?
that means he dictates the terms for everything. meaning devs get fucked, and so do gamers (you either buy from steam or not)
Steam already had competition, GoG being one of the most well-known one
Return from whence you came, Redditor.
The Halo killer, but turned out to be the Battlefront 3 and Timesplitters killer.
GoG lacks the funds to compete with Steam directly.
Epic actually can fight with Steam fairly.
remove gabens dick from your mouth when posting. you people forget he abandoned HL3 for a shitty card game that is dead, and think steam has no flaws.
Kill yourself.
动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门
>He thinks I love China
in general a monopoly is bad, we need more competition not less. this means better prices or deals for consumers, and devs.
instead of "STEAM OR NOTHING".
I have no idea what this is. Should I have heard of it?
Fuck off Xiao
It was time, realistically. Halo 3 was meant to be the end of the franchise. The team intended for Halo to end and over time new games filled the void but no one ever really topped Halo.
2015 happened, youre an oldfag
do you have any source to back that up?
Nice cunnies
So what did steam ever do for you?
Epic alone already ported so many exclusives, yet you fanbois still seethe and foam.
I am not supporting one or the other only
Competition is good. Otherwise lord gaben can dictate all terms and all prices. Who gives a fuck, with torrents gaben doesnt get shit anyways.
The youngest turns 20 in july
>Epic actually can fight with Steam fairly.
Except they're not being fair, faggot.
tfw moner is legal soon
dougie jones creampie cumshot compilation
>reddit filename
Timesplitters port when?
Good times.
ye ye (ye)
It exists as a hidden easter egg in that one Homefront game.
(but it's only the first two levels of TimeSplitters 2)
Monkey's paw.
Ye ye
THQ Nordic bought the rights for Timesplitters and Second SIght, so there´s a chance we´ll see something in the future. Exlsuive on Epic Store of course jk
thoughts on syndicate?
Holy shit what a fucking worthless game.
but all the games files are there, even if you can only play siberia and chicago
They better show it at E3 this year, im sick of waiting for those rewind fags to do anything
>6 years of moping about
>1 guy decides to make the full multiplayer with only a few maps and characters within 2 months
>every gamemode is fully playable with bots or other people
>apparently the project was dead for a year or two
>he wont just release the build he made even though it fully works and is just lacking singleplayer, challenges, maps and weapons that could easily be put in with updates
>Waiting for that new file
I'm looking forward to it but I get the feeling too many newfags will whine and shitpost about it.
That is the only way it can hope to break even economically.
It's already on Youtube though
it was a shit game, weak weapon selection, enemies are meh, time device is rather gimmicky, and the entire game could have been avoided if you were given the option to not save the guy, instead you just shoot yourself in the head, meaning you didnt save the guy, meaning there was no reason to go back and shoot yourself as the game never happened because you didnt save the guy
I stopped following Rewind years ago, that guy leading the project was a complete tool and really rubbed me the wrong way with his autism
Absolute pottery
Is there even anything on the epic store that anyone plays? I haven't seen a reason to even look at it
I thought Epic was talking up not allowing shovelware on their client?
If they're boasting about Quantic Dream games and fucking Haze the statement was very obviously not true.
Fortnite is still one of the most popular vidya in the world, sadly
Oh god.
I was willing to keep fighting but this news and the rumour I heard that they’re getting a remaster of eat lead too.
There’s just no point.
Syndicate was kind of fun, better than legendary.
he wanted to include hats just so he could "compete" with TF2 and other games, always huge faggots get the biggest roles only to fuck everything up
future honey which gives you super powers
How the FUCK does Epic have more money than Steam? I just can't understand this
Soros funded pro-drug abuse propoganda. Avoid.
Wasn't haze a buggy mess of a game? Like a really broken unfinished game?
is this shit real? where is the link to the article?
>working class
>Supportive parents
>global phenomenon
So many people fall for this just because its so believable. I mean, bullet witch, a horrendous game, wqs ported to steam somewhat recently
dont forget owned 40% by tencent
>More money
Probably not, they are just making it seem like it.
Remember that Valve built their wealth over a period of 10-12 years while Epic hit a massive jackpot with Fortnite in the past year.
Valve lost some of their money on the whole Steam Machine debacle
Don't be an ass Haze
It's not competition.
Valve doesn't determine how much money games are sold for on steam, the developer/publisher does.
They are free to sell their game on another system for cheaper if they desire.
What was the name of that shitty exclusive dragon game itt?
fuck that "game"
MG2 clone?
A shame this game sucked.
I thought the drug mechanic was a pretty cool idea. Like Eternal Darkness type mindfuckery in a (multiplayer)fps would be very interesting if handled correctly.
One of the latest Barshens podcasts an employee of Free Radical talked about it and the rise and fall of the goldeneye team. Interesting stuff. The proffessor Doak one.
Epic is only hurting GOG. (lol origin really?) AT most, Steam is just inconvenienced.
>great concept of dead on arrival game
>Epic Store doesn't accept crappy gam-
Wow, what happened Epicbros?
Gaben never starved other stores out of games with Epic's exclusive bullshit. Try again.
>Article doesn't exist
Why? Why do faggot OPs make this shit up? Why do so many people reply? For what god damn purpose is Yea Forums a clickbait forum?
Haze sucked balls! It's not even worth remastering. This won't make Epic any money.
What's this boring-ass looking game?
Dont kid yourself, the MCC will eventually be released on the Epic Store too.
oh shit will it release?
Ive been waiting so long
They are planning to bring back a shitty previous gen exclusive which flopped even on consoles?
I thought they promised to filter out garbage from their platform?
Weak bait
Zoomer here, played it as a kid.
It was supposed to be another "Halo-killer" but was really shitty.
i only ever saw these vids and thought how cool it looked
boy was i fuckin dumb
No it won't.
I genuinely loved that old Ubisoft logo vid and I miss it
Was alright but i never finished it.
felt like a lot of missed potential
I bet you liked Lair too you tard
>Haze is getting a remaster
It was almost as good as Singularity.
Fuck you
Halo 4 killed it.
'ate Epic exclusivety pol'cy
won't support it
simple as
Yeah and that was during the time where they had Greg "Rat Man" Miller who gave every Sony exclusive a 10
whate game
>game is perfectly fine for about 2 hours
>then completely shits the bed with bugs and crashes and just plain unfinished everything
I wonder what a remaster would actually be like
>The amount of retards that think this is real
>The amount of zoomers that probably weren't even alive when this game was made
Stop this ride, Yea Forums is too retarded today
That user is retarded. It's clearly RunEscape
>NOT just taking everything here literal and at face value without proofs
What is Epic endgame? They just seem to like throwing money around.
Was I right or was I right? There's only two reasons a game would go exclusive on the epic store.
1- The game is so bad that it would never survive by its own merits on the Steam reviews.
2- The game is poorly optimized and poor people will shit their pants in the Steam reviews.
So you can always be sure of one thing: epic exclusives are all terrible.
Didn't they say that they didn't want shit on the epic store?
what a corny soundtrack
All six people who played Haze are probably very excited to hear about this.
One of the shitty ps3 games
You cheeky narco.
The last true """""Halo Killer""""""
And the fucking reason we never got Battlefront 3
remember those wow killers, lmfao.
Funny joke, but everyone knows the PS3 has no games.
I thought this game was dead, buried and forgotten 11 years ago?
Are they gonna reveal a sequel soon?
>And the fucking reason we never got Battlefront 3
It was, OP's picture is fake.
Halo basically killed itself, although to be exact, a lack of releases in the franchise for a couple years, plus the rise of different trends in the industry brought about its irrelevance. It wasn't like it could never come back, but when it did, it wasn't what people had hoped for.
The Chad Haze vs the Virgin Halo
More like GAZE ami right guys
>Epic creates/buys and sells a SteamBox style console, PC in the living room machine that plays Epic Store games.
>You can buy one in fortnite
>Epic pays massive amounts of their fortnite money to game publishers to secure exclusive after exclusive, offering deals no one will turn down.
>Valve, Microsoft, and Sony need to do something
>They start massively boosting their offers and rates to publishers and devs themselves
>Now the gaming market has exploded over a competition for storefront usage
>Any midway-decent project can get a huge bonus to sign on with Steam or Epic Store
>Indie games are self-funding at a rate never before seen
>Risky niche projects have a chance to make it through development
>AAA platforms fight for studios, who reap the benefits
Where were you when Epic ushered in a new golden age of gaming?
Got the monopoly comparison pic? On the left, Steam's "monopoly" and a game available on a dozen stores at a dozen different prices, on the right, the market being open to concurrence thanks to Epic and a game available on only one launcher?
>someone made this
who the fuck actually cares about steam forums, screenshot share and broadcasting or others? steam is absolutely a case of throwing everything they can think of just to say they have it. you may as well say it has a voice chat client, even though we all know you use mumble or discord
>multiplayer with time manipulation
>literally bribed and bought out, a la EA
>"self funding"
Reminder of just how many TOP studios ate shit and died for doing exactly this under EA.
None. Just like how all those failed MMOs supposed to be WoW killers.
>Where were you when Epic ushered in a new golden age of gaming?
Not in whatever fantasy world your shill ass is living in, that's for sure.
>all the rights holders for dead IPs crawling out of the woodwork for a fast buck
like pottery
Goddamn this is bland.
>the game that killed halo
like driveclub that killed forza?
While we're here we might as well discuss
What the FUCK went wrong with Haze? How did they fuck it up so badly?