>"It's not us!"
>"It's the developers!"
>"We're the good guys!"
How do you spend half a year bragging that catering to developers and publishers is your only strong point, then throw them under the bus when it backfires? These guys seriously need to work on their trust-building skills.
"It's not us!"
>Hehehe fuck Borderlands I'm gonna pirate it teheheh
Alright I'll just ban you
>yeah I'm a hitman in the deep web but assassinations are not my fault, it's up to the buyers
If Steam just gave the developers the percentage of profits they wanted this wouldn't have happened.
Just match epic, that's all developers ask for. No need to be greedy.
epic is going full communism and guarenteeing equal sales for all games they get exclusivity for
they have a sales guarentee
>acting like they forcing devs at gunpoint to remove shit from steam
they simply offered a better deal dumb drone, or you would kindly take less money for the sake of a literal who on a message board?
Cool, I am still not going to pay for anything on Epic.
I'm still waiting for an article which shows how Epic Store is paying off/pressuring publishers to force exclusivity. We all know how China tried banning Payer Unknown's Battlegrounds unless they agreed to allow Tencent to have exclusive rights in China.
It's win win for everyone. I went from a pirate poorfag in the 90's to a person with a career who could buy everything I wanted.
Now I'll just go back to pirating Epic store bullshit when I can be bothered and buying stuff on Steam. The publishers already got their filthy chink money so honestly, who gives a shit about them?
That's what they want retard
>no need to be greedy
Well, since they got that nice payout from the chinks, they shouldn't mind if I pirate a copy. No need for them to be greedy, after all.
user its communism subverting capitalism by offering a sales guarentee
epic are buying copies from the devs so they are guarenteed to sell above a certain ammount
How long is it substainable? Even if Fortnite money lasts forever, next years batch of exclusivity won't mean shit as everyone will be playing this years games.
god i hope Tim stand by his word and doesn't accept any of your crappy games killing you off for good
>"Probably not" instead of "Can you repeat the question?"
one fucking job
Spot on. This consolification/fragmentation of the market is utterly retarded and just pushes people into not giving a shit about video games altogether.
Every future release from now on can only be hyped for when the game releases on all stores. Otherwise, it's a potential 'wait six months or pirate and forget'.
i'm gonna post this screenshot again because its relevant.
I cant understand why this fuck said not doing exclusives anymore and then does an 180 in a matter of days.
Yes it would have, Steam would also have to outbeat the guranteed sales deal, otherwise Epic would still be offering greater value than Steam.
proof? and also why should I or anyone give a shit?
Hopefully someone will come along and explain why Steam is worth 30% and Epic is not. I don't have time to list the 100+ services that Steam pays for out of their own wallet that costs them a fortune in overhead - services for both the player and the developer. Hardly any of which Epic has. You get what you pay for.
It's literally the fucking contract retard, they give you a sales guarantee in the millions of dollars in exchange for exclusivity.
but when will he gets the apples?
That's still capitalism dude.
They literally paid the makers of Phoenix Point $2,000,000 to take their game off of steam
A working item market, cloud saves, Big Picture Mode, user reviews, streaming.
Maybe more.
I will *never* buy anything from the Epic store
They gave 50 million to Metro devs
>and also why should I or anyone give a shit?
Why anyone should give a shit about devs and their "30% is unfair" lies?
It's weird how the 'brand-loyalty' people have towards Steam promotes a healthy market place and lowers piracy rates. People want all their games in one place. If they aren't going to be in one place, then they aren't going to pay for them because it turns your PC into a jumbled mess.
Epic will literally bring back the piracy that Steam has fought for a decade to minimize. And won, mind you.
And what was steam counter offer
This has to be the most pathetic chat log I have ever seen. Both parties are.
Even worse than s-stuttering and ERP
>who force you to do it?
so the point of the video is saying that epic offers better deals to devs so they want to sell their games there??
Phoenix Point Dev said they were paid enough money that "even if every single one the people who backed the game refunded, we would still be in the black"
It's just the standard cut of distribution + retailer's margin. It's actually perfectly in line with physical goods except Steam offers a lower revenue cut if you sell big the "muh 30%" is not unlike "muh wage gap" it intentionally ignores data that contradicts the point to keep it seeming high. If you shift a million units Steam's cut goes down to 20% or so.
>to Metro devs
To Deep Silver execs, you retard. Devs just get fucked over, as per usual.
The thing is that when EGS costumers has issues, they dont need to pay the support for forums to help users, they turn to steam forums instead.
They dont want to bid for fucking games, that only promotes exclusivity and hurts consumers.
What is objectively wrong about the epic games store and exclusivity, can I get a pill?
Thats how publishers work you fucking mong
>And what was steam counter offer
Prioritizing consumers over cancerous exclusivity shittery, that gets my vote.
>using discord
>not understanding china's face culture
>not understanding china literally has no concept of trust
>not understanding china's 3,000 years of historical political and business betrayals
>not understanding Confuciusian hierarchies
>not understanding the chinese when doing business with the chinese.
Remember kids: shiggity diggity do, if gweilo then china fucks you.
This. That's all it comes down to. Sweeney saying "Devs and publishers will decide which game store is best" is right, they're the ones actually making the games and putting them out there to be played. If they decide somewhere else is giving them a fairer cut of the revenue then of course they're going to go there. Valve had to do one thing, the same thing devs have been asking them to do for a long time, and they only compromised by saying you had to sell over $10 million to get a 5% better split. They didn't do it, and now devs are going to someone who can give them what they want. Devs and publishers don't give a shit about whether your game store offers a forum, they care about getting paid, and that's all there is to it.
But its good competition!
All it costs me is the communist party of china to datamine my PC!
Just like people on Steam also turned to other forums and places like Reddit and Yea Forums to talk about a game and its issues for games that had inactive forums.
>trusting a gook in the first place
DUDE 30% is a HUGE amount, hell, do you want to know how they get dumb kids to owe lots of money in school loans? by giving them 10/20/30% interest.
they may seen like a small percentage but as sales grows that means lots of fucking money
I wish people had more first hand experience with chinese and indian companies.
Racism would reach new heights.
Forces people to have multiple launchers which only fragments their profiles and game libraries. Epic has already had data breaches and there is evidence to suggest the launcher is a form of Chinese spyware (Tencent is a large stock holder in Epic). Epic has shitty games, no actual profiles, shit customer support, no consumer reviews.
Do they offered the Phoenix point dev nothing and are surprise they went to epic. Steam is literally retarded, no wonder it's dying.
I have not seen a single steam forum where the devs wont personally engage.
Outside of AAA trash
Doesn't get you game, stupid steamcel
Ahh okay thanks user
People grew personally attached to Steam as a platform because they liked Gabe and he became a popular Yea Forums meme. Now that developers are leaving Steam for better revenue shares people are hurt.
wtf I love epic now
>blaming steam for not being complete cancer and thinking about consumers first
this is how far epicdrones have dug themselves
>DUDE 30% is a HUGE amount
I see you never ran an actual store.
>steam is dying
>there is evidence to suggest the launcher is a form of Chinese spyware
>(Tencent is a large stock holder in Epic)
That's the evidence? Another company owns some stock shares?
Fuck stupid steam pirate reddit incel cunt fuck kill yourself
>comparing retail cut to loan interests
You are fucking retarded.
Epic Store lacks major features, which has a months to years long roadmap on when basic features will be added.
And the exclusivity, isn't largely due to higher cut by the devs, but by temporarily throwing millions of dollars at them to make them sign exclusivity contracts. What will happen when they eventually stop throwing the millions of dollars around? It's not sustainable.
On top of this, they have a limit to how many games they'll accept and they told some devs with good metacritic scores that they can't get on their store, since they're booked up for release slots for the next few months and to reapply for a chance again months from now.
seriously? that shit is literally dead
that's basically it. I don't have any loyalty to Steam in particular, but they were first and that's where like 200 of my games are. I only use Ubi launcher as well because I have to for the Division 1/2
I don't want 20 launchers. Pirating is easier than downloading that trash. I had an Epic account for Fortnite before it blew up (back when the main game was the building shit) and some fag from Egypt tried to hack it every day for a month.
You think I'm going to put my bank card on that shit?
I can just pirate the game, I won't support a store or publishers that don't care about me.
ofc it doesnt get us games, thats what torrents are for
Have sex with non-ant people
Phoenix Point was a CROWDFUNDED game that was to be launched on STEAM. They betrayed their backers, im just going to pirate it now. Why do you want PC to go the path of the Console Exclusivity Wars.
>DUDE 30% is a HUGE amount
Then why the said devs aren't bitching about EA, Ubi, MS and Sony taking 30% cut?
Also, if cut is such a big deal why none talks about fargo's robocache?
God Sweeney is a fucking idiot. Everything I see is corporate doublespeak.
And the devs also personally engage on reddit and other forums, even for AAA trash. The majority of Steam forums I've seen are either inactive, or just unmoderated and spammed with the same "why won't gaem work :(" questions.
don't get forget all the bugman shills telling you competition is "good" but neglecting how these savings by the publisher aren't passed to the consumer in any way.
These guys really are advocating for a thing that helps them personally in no way shape or form
>And the exclusivity, isn't largely due to higher cut by the devs, but by temporarily throwing millions of dollars at them to make them sign exclusivity contracts. What will happen when they eventually stop throwing the millions of dollars around? It's not sustainable.
This, pretty much, they're just throwing around money at a loss to secure a position while they try to make epic launcher better than steam. It's like how a lot of startups just burn through venture capital at a loss to compete with bigger establishments in their field.
No, Epic launcher constantly searches users registry data despite having no need for the information. I am mentioning Tencent as they are essentially an arm of the Chinese government and even helped develop Chinas social credit system
I think it's a joke user
how many times you going to post the same shit fag
>Epic Store lacks major features, which has a months to years long roadmap on when basic features will be added.
This. I too refuse to purchase games on a game store where I cannot customize my profile with pictures and MySpace-esque comment threads, etc.
If it was a "huge amount" then no dev would be using Steam to begin with, Steam got huge exactly because 30% was very low compared to the physical average which could easily go up to 80% or more.
And it's not a huge amount today either since 30% is the standard and no developer ever puts their game exclusively up on a certain store with a better cut unless they are being paid to do so since exclusivity inevitably hurts sales and consumer goodwill a lot.
and GOG
>thing I like
>thing I dont like
what part of "epic gives money to devs for a store exclusive" gives the means of production to the proletariat via state?
making the games timed exclusives instead of real exclusives is going to kill the epic store
epic cant afford to pay devs endless to make exclusives and the games will be on steam eventually
by the time they have a decent sized library and would start getting a userbase, the games will be on steam and there's no reason for anyone to use the epic store
they are just throwing money away, none of the games on the epic store are making money, this would only work as a long term plan with true exclusives
>ultimately up the developers and publishers
if i was a video game publisher and some chinkshit offered me a cartload of money ON TOP OF a guaranteed number of sales id take the deal as well. never mind if i was an independent developer
>Steam is where like 200 of my games are.
>I use Ubi launcher
>I had an Epic account for Fortnite
Why are you complaining about needing to have multiple launchers if Epic takes off when you ALREADY have the ones in question and more in addition? You can even just add the games to Steam's launcher anyway, and then Steam will handle it all for you.
Plus, Epic Store doesn't offer keys for key sites, which is how alot of people save a ton of money by getting bundles with Steam keys.
And it was mentioned that Epic doesn't believe in having sales on the same level as Steam, so where's the deal for the consumer? It makes it sound like a AAA online store where you just about always pay full price for everything.
The moment steam became shit.
This is exactly why I support epic.
I don't care about your 2 minute game made using RPG make.
I don't care about your walking simulator
I don't care about your "physics is wonky game xDDD"
Your titty game is shit.
Your joke game is not a real game.
And I know that steam greenlight no longer exists, it's called steam direct now and IT'S THE SAME FUCKING SHIT.
As a consumer, steam give us nothing. Who honestly cares about "ThE CoMmUniTy PaGe" or that shitty workshop(who the fuck can't use nexus?)
Cloud saves?There's a shitton of free services that do the exact same thing.
Sales? Oh look bad rats 2 is 99% off. What a great game!
Epic is giving what people who actually play video game wants. Games.
Not a social hub.
Not reviews.
Just games.
And that's why Epic is going to win this war. Fuck Steam.
>only just added search
>no shopping basket
>no cloud saves
>no mod support
Yes, it's just the social features people want.
It's still launching on Steam, dummy.
Are you guys retarded? Epic pays the PUBLISHER the devs already got paid when they made the game
>cartload of money ON TOP OF a guaranteed number of sales
The money IS the guaranteed sales.
Steam is far from dying. And secondly, why would they offer Phoenix Point anything special? Steam's features (the ones they pay 30% for) already blow Epic out of the water. Any dev that expects special treatment is cancer to the industry.
I expect Steam would laugh in the face of any publisher that tried to get Steam to counter Epic's offer. Because when all is said and done, that publisher is taking an ENORMOUS hit to their reputation and Epic is only attracting zoomers with no money to call their own.
If you don't like this, you don't like capitalism.
lmao yeah fuck reporting bugs and getting real time feedback and updates. Lets make sure no one can see when a game is a broken piece of shit.
Ching Ching Chong to you too my friend.
user, you don't need Steam to mod games. People were modding them before Steam existed. The only necessary thing is cloud saves.
Except if you're an indie dev, moron.
Can someone assassinate Sweeney already? I'm tired of this lying two faced son of a whore.
This must have been written by a conservative 20-year-old. Imagine being such a sperg, mental.
Tim won't talk shit about consoles talking 30% because fortnite depends on consoles to stay alive.
>Epic is giving what people who actually play video game wants. Games.
When? So far all they've got are skinner boxes, interactive movies and the same shitty indies Steam had 6 years ago.
>I don't care about your walking simulator
>I buy from stores beinging david cage shit as big ticket exclusives
Way to out yourself as being entirely clueless. Let me give you a quick breakdown on the situation in east asia. You know how in the west, corporations basically run the government with bribes/lobbying/ect? In china, the opposite is true. The government runs the corporations. The government more or less grants defacto monopolies to chosen companies and they in turn help the government by participating in things like spying on their own citizens, or stealing technology from foreign companies/governments. Tencent is the biggest publisher in china because the government allows them to be, and tencent does everything the government tells them to do.
>but i read an article taht the government was atking tencent because they didnt follow the rools
Yeah, that is typical chinese politics. Someone in some branch of the bureaucracy doesnt get their bribe, or some new guy is trying to consolidate power so they purge people below them, and this gets presented in their news media was 'corruption cleanups' and the punishing of 'rule breakers'. You can't take chinese media or news reports about china at face value because everything about china, from their language to their culture, relies heavily on symbolism. I could go on but I know you probably wont read this, and if you do, you're going to respond with some meme one liner and a gay picture so we'll end this crash course in chinese here before the thread gets pruned.
With more money, the publisher can give more money to the developers on future games.
It's a win/win situation.
Developers are happy with more money in the future/next games
Publishers are happy with more money now, publishing more games in the future.
Consumers are happy with more games.
>be Indieshit dev
>betray Steam and turn to Epic for free money
>Epic tells you to fuck off
how does he know what apples is?
>Lets make sure no one can see when a game is a broken piece of shit.
Why wouldn't you just google it? Or follow the dev's updates on their site? There's nothing stopping a dev from giving you feedback and updates based on where you bought it.
no, theyre different. you get a lump sum for accepting the exclusivity deal and on top of that epic guarantees a number of sales. say epic guarantees 250k sales, you only sell 200k. epic then pays you an amount worth 50k sales. this is why you should not feel bad about pirating epic exclusive games
I love how people forget that 30% is the base amount for an automated entry.
You can actually negotiate a lower %
It doesn't have a shopping cart or customer reviews.
Reminder not to buy anything on that store. It won't be around in a few years. It exists solely because Epic confuses 12 year old flavor of the month players for paying customers.
user, lmao
I understand what you mean. I'm just pointing out you are wrong.
Based. Steamlards have literally nothing but "ch-China! Cringe!" left
No arguments. I'm waiting for the anti china copypasta.
A curated selection is better than the shit steam has.
how am i wrong? they are clearly two different figures
>people call gaben a jew yet he never stooped to bullshit like this
Again wrong.
Hello commie. Like to censor?
explain how
he knows what ice is and that it is see through so he understands there is something inside
>Why wouldn't you just google it? Or follow the dev's updates on their site?
anti-features aren't features. Having the forum be literally connected to the store cuts out leg work, it's a net benefit and you pretending it's not doesn't change this fact.
>There's nothing stopping a dev from giving you feedback and updates based on where you bought it.
How can they give you feedback if you literally can't communicate with them about your issue, if you expect me to register an account on every faggot game's personal forums then you're a fucking retard.
I don't even have an Epic account.
Well, you may not know this, being a shink shill and all, but HAD is past tense. It means I used to, not that I have one now. I had to jump through fucking hoops for a week getting that shit deleted all while Mohammed Ak Bin Akbar was trying to still access my account.
That alone is enough reason for me to never use the Chink Store; this pisspoor security. That's not even counting the fact that is afull priced featureless AAA store using shit business practices only to line the pockets of publishers.
Yeah, nah. No matter how hard you shill a lot of people will never touch it.
[Your Social Credit Score has increased by 2!]
>A curated selection is better than the shit steam has.
Nice curation, the library is still tiny and filled with shovelware. But of course, you wouldn't know, since there's no user review system to let you know before purchasing.
Firstly any game that makes it big on Steam already only pays 20%, this includes all AAA+ shit by default.
Secondly, even if Valve dropped their share to 12% or whatever tomorrow, Tim Sweeney wouldn't stop moneyhatting.
The problem is exclusivity, not Epic itself (which is an entirely different subject). This isn't about Steam vs. Epic. Exclusivity taints the marketplace. Console-wars, and having to own more than 1, are a great example of why exclusives are bad.
>If you shift a million units Steam's cut goes down to 20% or so.
I hate this backwards logic.
It should be the other way around.
Wrong. Nobody would buy into their deal if it was only guaranteed sales. It's guaranteed sales on top of whatever price they agree for timed exclusivity rights.
>A curated selection is better than the shit steam has.
I have played a shitton of indie games available only in steam. And your average zoomer would call them shitgames.
So yeah, take that AAA cock down your throat a little bit more.
>Your joke game is not a real game.
>while UT4 and Fortnite on Epic Store
imagine being such a retard you need a store to hide merchandise you're not interested in from you
>Why wouldn't you just google it?
I do, but then usually the first hits are Steam forum posts anyway
The dumb ass of the day
>"The goal is to... ultimately make Valve a more effective competitor"
How is that not a noble fucking cause? These companies are finally forcing Valve to make HL3.
See? literally no arguments besides fuck china.
If you can't handle the truth, post the copypasta user, it will make you feel better.
The ONLY video game company with a digital distribution platform that has ever done this is EA for the game "A Way Out." Ironically a game powered by Unreal Engine 4.
Tim doesn't realize that he opened a door that will never close now; and that other companies WILL be looking at this and saying to themselves that "its acceptable cause other companies are doing it."
>With more money, the publisher can give more money to the developers on future games.
How about not having to pay for your country's payment processes when you are buying games from playes that aren't the north america or europe?
All games on EGS are more expensive outside of those places yet Steam often offers lower regional pricing for poor regions because high payment processes are compensated for by Valve.
Steam does the same scanning for their anti-cheat as well.
>marx was a literal manchild that stayed in the 18th century version of party college for almost his entire life
>never worked a real job in his life
>born into money, married into money
>the only working class person he ever interacted with was his unpaid housekeeper peasent whom his wife gave him when they got married and whom he probably raped and definetly had kids with
>actually believing his ideology was literally about the 'people' seizing the means of production
Communism is and always has been about the upper classes promising the lower classes the wealth of the middle classes so the upper classes don't have to worry about the middle classes ever becoming the upper classes. This works 100% in china where the ruling party elites pick the winners and the losers economically and politically while maintaining ultimate power for themselves through force and intimidation.
>Nobody would buy into their deal if it was only guaranteed sales.
Funny, because thats how 90% of publishers deal with ANY worthwhile game.
I called you commie, faggot. Not chinese.
nice pasta
They took the bribe. Stop trying to make it sound like there was logic there. It was pure greed. Epic pays them $50,000,000 dollars so they don't have to worry about whether their game sells or not. This has nothing to do with the 12%/30% shit that people won't shut up about. Steam EARNS their 30% through all the services and resources it provides (not to mention 99% of PC gamers are already on Steam) and developers/publishers know it.
Why are these two posts in every Epic thread?
The devs have already been paid, the money goes to their publisher.
Fortnite is shaping the future of games. Fortnite is basically what HL2 was.
I don't care. This is public knowledge you fucking sperg.
>give billions and the promise of a better revenue than steam to struggling studios to buy out 6month-1year exclusivity
>"heh... nobody forced them to accept the money I literally shit out thanks to fortnite :^)"
also devs are fucking stupid if they think players will be waiting for the exclusivity to wear off. nobody's gonna buy them 1 year later on steam
still waiting on that "better deal" part
>Fortnite is basically what HL2 was.
Another cancer tumor of gaming?
If Epic are so willing to pay devs for exclusivity, why not pay them for a $10 difference in price? This should be better for devs, owing to the increased cut and the customer owing to the lower price.
I can count exactly two times I have benefited from Steam forums, and neither of those times would that benefit have been unavailable if steam forums didn't exist. I don't see any point to having unmoderated forums tied to every steam game when people already post about the games elsewhere and more frequently. I think it's a pretty dumb hill to die on desu.
Chinese are commies.
based bear apples poster
>i dont care about facts
Ok antivax mom
No it shouldn't. You've got to cover the costs of doing business first so the inital costs are high, but once you've done that you can lower the costs to benefit the whales. It's capitalism not communism.
>hey here's some more money if you let us release your game for 6-12 months
>>i dont care about facts
90% is not the same as 100%. And you conveniently ignored the fact that this is public knowledge. Project more.
Fortnite didn't raise the bar on anything.
It's shaping the future of games the same way Dota 2 and LoL did, a fad that will eventually die down when somebody else stumbles into the next big thing.
They won't if it backfires which we're doing our best to make happen, but fucking console gamers and people wanting Steam to die just because it's the most popular are making it difficult. People need to shut the fuck up if the situation doesn't involve them or if they can't make a sound argument of their own thoughts without resorting to buzzwords and facebook infographs.
That's already the case, the games are like $10 cheaper on Epic because of the better revenue split.
are you retarded
youre the one who doesnt care about facts
I waited 1 full year for the Crash Trilogy to be released on Steam, but that was more of a Console vs PC thing.
So? I called you commie, not chinese. Are you having reading comprehension disorder or what, boy?
The other 10% are subpars game that publishers has no confidence on making sales you fucking retard
I've personally never had the wannacry virus, it doesn't mean that the benefit to others by having tools to remove it isn't there. Using anacdotes to prove a point makes your point weak.
you mean
>Hey, betray your consumers and take the game that you were already selling orders for on steam off of it one week before release and well fill your executive pockets
This fag has to be praying every day that in 6-12 month from now his shit doesn't crumble when the first contracts end.
Continuing ignoring public knowledge. Tell me more about antivaxx mums.
>contract killer analogy
>consolefags legitimately have a thing to laugh at PC gamers for
>games exclusive to storefronts
what a world we live in
Oh, I will. But not at full price. If I can't get it now, I'm waiting for the 75% cut. The whole point of paying full price is to get it earlier than other people. EVERYTHING in the world for sale works like that. It all depreciates over time.
Yes! Both are overrated, but you can't deny it that HL2 was an important game during 2004~2010. Fortnite is more important now than HL2 ever was.
> A fad.
Reminder that Fortnite is the most played game in the world and it will continued to be for years to come.
seriously how fucking retarded are you, guaranteed sales is for people who think they wont sell copies because their sales are GUARANTEED
jesus fucking christ
Except we are all in the same platform and can actually get to play all games released on it, no matter the store
It's still a better place to find tech support than Discord because that shit will never be indexed by google.
Did you stop reading halfway through the post? Just reading an example of my reasoning without reading what that example is backing up and then complaining about "anacdotes" is stupid.
Huh? Vampyr is the same price of £45, as is Vampire Masquerade 2, as is Darksiders 2. Metro Exodus is also £50 so it's not like any of these games are cheaper.
Not him but do you know what guaranteed sales means lol
That's still not Epic "forcing them" to do anything. They chose to do it on their own. Maybe Steam should have made an offer the devs thought was as fair to them as Epic's then.
Cool. Not so long ago LoL was the most played game in the world.
Marketing speak doesn't really mean anything in the long run.
It would be noble cause if not because of their real goals. I don't trust any of Sweeney words, he a lying hack.
So everyone but chunk shills and zoomers hates the Epic Store but how long will that Fortnite money last?
Are we going to see another 2-3 years of piriting, I mean, timed exclusives?
I mean reddit, user. The forum that actually has wiki system built in and has enough normie cred that game devs will openly and frequently post there (and due to the highlighting system, will have their posts tagged and bumped to the top for relevancy).
You used an anecdote to illustrate a point then followed it with saying YOU don't see a reason for it to exist. I don't disagree that you don't see a reason, my counter was that your annecdote doesn't mean anything to others and doesn't discount the benefit others have had.
>I cooked the dish that gave them food poisoning, but it was their decision to eat it so I can't be held responsible!
>30% cut is norm in gaming industry
the absolute sate of indie shitters
> there's no user review system
have you ever check the steam reviews?
>Game not available in Portugues, negative review
>Game not available in Chinese, negative review
>Game not available on steam, negative review
>This game is not related to Mound and Blade, but I'm giving a negative review because bannerlord is not out yet.
>This game dosen't run on my toaster, negative review
>Nice game, here's a negative review just for some memes xDDD
Reviews hurt the developers and they don't help the consumers.
I'm a consumer making an offer that is fair to myself, instead of buying shit, which I do all the time, I'm pirating.
Besides chink, don't you guys just steal IP and tech all the time anyways?
they openly said that they dont give a fuck about customers and only care for publishers
Why would you ever support devs/publishers who did the major middle finger of signing an EGS exclusivity to their fanbase?
I won't give a single cent to metro games ever again because of that.
The benefit to having Steam forums is that they're convenient to access, right? You search for your game, click a link, and then there you are! You do the same thing for any game not on Steam though.
They needed 5 console manufacturers for the gag to line up. Did you not notice Soulja Boy?
The public numbers are the guaranteed sales you fucking retard.
kek, do you expect me to get mad and tell you to stop pirating games? I don't care if you do. I'm just saying that Epic is gaining devs because they pay them what the devs feel is a fairer deal compared to Steam. That's all there is to it. Pirate if you want. Don't forget to mention tiananmen square too :^)
Oh yes. If this continues, we'll be seeing "Console Wars: PC Special Edition" stuff in a few years and it won't be pretty.
>You search for your game, click a link, and then there you are!
Wrong, you added more steps than is needed.
Perhaps you'll be telling me about the flat earth next?
You have no idea what you are talking about. Get a job in game development and get a clue
>Fortnite is more important now than HL2 ever was.
More people played Angry Birds than Fortnite. By 3 fold. That's 3x as many people. Any yet now one says a work about Angry Birds anymore. Let's not pretend Fortnite changed the face of gaming. It's a clone of a clone that happened to do well.
I already have the Epic Launcher on my computer because it’s needed to run Unreal Engine 4, and I STILL won’t download any games off it, even ones that are exclusive and free.
What now, shill?
again, what part of "epic gives money to devs for a store exclusive" is communism?
because your extremely questionable rant adds nothing to the exclusivity deal discussion.
does the state interfere? no, it is two private entities making a deal, it's capitalism not communism buddy.
or do you feel the need to deflect toward a non existent muh communism every shortcoming of capitalism?
How does Epic Store give me, the consumer, a better deal?
youre embarrassing user
Hard to believe this is the same faggot that cried about Microsoft creating too much of a closed market.
It's pretty much in line with most other distribution platforms of other markets out there, yet for some reason game devs seem to love putting the blame on Steam/Valve/algorithms when they aren't doing as well as they hoped.
If someone doesn't see why Steam is worth the 30%, then chances are they don't see the value of these at all and are probably hard to convince anyway:
>payment processing
>regional pricing
>can sell/offer the game outside of Steam with no restrictions
>allows you to generate Steam keys (with no cost) for review codes, play testing or even selling them on other platforms as long as the price is competitive with the one on Steam (so Steam customers aren't put at a disadvantage)
>Steam workshop
>Community Market if you sell in-game goods (of which you get 10% with every transaction, Valve gets the remaining 5%)
>Steam Multiplayer API
>Cloud saves
The guaranteed sales money is paid up-front and then Epic gets 100% of revenue from the game sold until it’s paid off; that’s a standard “advance” contract in media publishing. That’s what the exclusivity “bonus” actually is.
I fucking hate the Simpsons
So I'm guessing no one told Tim that you're supposed to keep the aggressive, corporate warfare strategies quiet and under wraps. Customers tend to get annoyed when the salesman is a pushy, conniving bastard. Someone look up Tim's job history, was he ever a used car salesman at any point?
It doesn't, especially when Steam still has better regional pricing in most cases and better sales discounts.
Yeah, you just shill the Epic Store for free?
>Competition BAD.
Why are fat manbabies so anti-capitalist?
Microsoft’s closed market would have interfered with his closed market.
They don't. It's like an online game store from 15 years ago but with more DRM.
I don't like to advocate Piracy. But in this case I will. If you want a game, and some scummy business deal gets in the way of you acquiring the game because they lock it behind a service you want no part in then it is not just your choice, not just your right but your responsibility to pirate that game.
This extends ALL the way back to previous launchers like Origin and Bethesda's or Battle.net or Uplay or even GOG vs. Steam. Whatever your poison. If ANY of the other services are taking the choice from you for any reason. You decide.
But really these threads should just go to /biz/ because it's hardly video games.
shit bro, there's one more step, welp, time to neck myself.
>crowdfund game
>have to download Epic Launcher or wait a year longer for the during crowdfunding campaign promised Steam/GOG key because they signed an exclusivity deal
Someone post the before and after chart for Xiang Dong here.
Nothing? I'm just pointing out the irony in that a person who already owned the launchers in question complaining about having to own another launcher when it's one they already had. I actually don't care what you download.
>competition that only benefits corporations and has absolutely no benefit to the consumer is good
why are retarded corporate dicklickers so anti-consumer?
>year is 2020
>Tencent finally becomes the majority stockholder of Epic Games
>Epic has now upped its exclusives game
>You must now buy a monthly premium membership to get access to their exclusives
>Every game is stripped of anything that goes against Chinese censorship laws
>Still no cloud saving
This is the future of PC gaming.
Oh yeah, because Epic will suddenly stop paying millions for exclusive third party games and publishers will just stop taking that money if Valve ever lowers their cut.
No, I get fortnite ebux for every you, so keep it up.
>implying that is not just one reason of many and THE ONLY ONE
good job retard
Convienience is bad now? Don't sell me on the idea that two things are identical when one is more convienent than the other.
But they raised prices outside the US, isn't that a better deal?
Was that the devs that told their backers to get fucked because Epic paid them more than their crowdfunding got them?
Funny that you mentioned both Angry Birds and Fortnite in the same post as both are currently most popular as mobile games. Especially Fortnite when compared to the console and PC versions. This begs the question why didn't Epic make their store available on mobile from day 1. THAT would've been a better way to defeat Steam especially since there are many UE4 games on mobile, and Steam doesn't have much presence on mobile as well.
Competition is bad when it's against daddy gaben. We sent him a card, remember? lol hats.
the funnier part is gamers are the worst consumers for this shit. EA could come out with a video of Andrew Wilson fucking their dog and mom and people would STILL buy their games, complaining all the while.
All these perfectly cropped images of articles are blatant advertising. Report and ignore, don't let Yea Forums become free publicity for these soiboys.
Because Google and iPhone hold monopolies on their respective app stores, you literally can't have your own stores there.
>a company makes it so you can only buy a third party good in their store
>"no but that's actually good for you, can't you see!?"
how does the Epic Store benefit YOU as the consumer? Go ahead; I'll wait.
Fuck off chink
Don't like it don't use it
that's why you go indie autismo games and never go back
>mfw 1000 hours in factorio and counting
you only have to pay 20% if your game is successful. so only dumb indie devs have to pay 30%
Thats normally what your PR department is for, but Im fully convinced Epic doesn't even have a PR department on account of Tim going "Wow, making the company look good? Why pay people for that when I can do it myself?"
This is why everyone SHOULD pull their money and then never buy the game.
You don't juat promise your backers something and then turn around at the last minute and say no.
Yes, lets just not discuss something that is affecting the entire fucking industry right now.
you can cease the spyware fearmongering now Valveshills
even fucking Steam-pro users are pointing out that you are full of bullshit
Its upfront money for the devs. Its a way to prove that the publisher is gonna move its ass to sell the game and not just sit there and take a cut from sales without doing absolutely nothing.
Devs wont see any money from sales until they reach guaranteed sales number.
Thats how literally works.
Shit games get no guaranteed sales because publishers know they wont sale shit no matter how much they spend promoting the game. Indie devs with high confidence of selling wont even make a deal with a publisher, but thats rarely the case.
It's not bad, but it's not substantially more convenient or inconvenient enough for me to care.
>search for or click on game in my library
>click discussion link
>there I am
>search for game forum
>click discussion link
>there I am
And in many cases the external forums are either more robust or more active, particularly for older games. The steam forum for Quake, for example, is practically dead and full of people asking the same questions over and over. Meanwhile, /r/Quake is active, discussing and posting mods, gameplay videos, tournament schedules, LFG chat channels, etc.
No it literally fucking isn't. In any case you can talk about it without shilling shitty journalist sites. Fuck off back to your soisites and circlejerk there
>exclusivity over a product is healthy pro consumer competition
Hello retard. Please meet autism. Nice to meet you rope! May I use you? By all means, end it jolly fellow, they are waiting.
Apples are great.
Payed Chicom shill for Tencent go away
Nobody who watched that video or read up on the issue realized that Steam did the same exact thing. Ironically, Steam was also maligned as literal spyware when it came out for doing this exact same thing.
Don't most physical retailers take like 60% cut?
Nigga I thought they were DEAD
>Literally prevents compatitor from competing in order to become the sole distrubutor of (X) product
Strange considering that the EGS roadmap here says its TBD. Proof:
based and chongpilled
I'm still waiting, shill. Can't you Google faster?
>people already post about the games elsewhere and more frequently
Such as? Resetera?
>this entire sentence
If you were lucky, sometimes it could go higher.
It's funny people are blasting seem so hard and trying to make the 30% sound downright tyrannical, when people were laughing and wondering how Steam was going to make any sort of profit with a cut that low when they first came out.
Physical stores used to be somewhere around 55%, yes.
There was also more overhead for pressing the CDs, printing the box and manual, storage, shipping, etc.
30% was a whole lot more profits compared to that.
All the Epic exclusives are still coming out on Steam though.
I'll continue pirating or buying keys from Russian credit card thieves then. Fuck exclusivity and fuck all the shills and brainwashed retards who support one of the biggest cancers in gaming
>It's not bad, but it's not substantially more convenient or inconvenient enough for me to care.
I have already conceded the point that you don't care and/or can't see a benefit, but this doesn't mean it doesn't exist and doesn't have a purpose for other users. I mean if we take singular use cases as the method to define use then we can do away with Linux versions of games because the Windows user doesn't see the point and it doesn't matter to them. We can do away with 4k 120fps function because the toaster user doesn't see the point and it doesn't matter to them.
It's reductive and doesn't accurately address the point that it has a use, it is convienient and it serves a purpose, just not for every user which was never a stance anyone has taken.
Except that post completely ignores the facts we learned long ago about the client copying the whole localconfig file and then fake-encrypting it which doesn't allow us to know exactly what they extract from it and the client doesn't even read the localconfig when importing friends, it's just a lazy write-up that doesn't even check anything.
Why would these systems even be there if they weren't spying on the user? It's like pic related but with spyware.
Sure thing Chang.
Only indie developers, rest is publishers
I would rather 50 shovelwares per 1 amazing game if freedom of speech and expression is upheld. It's not that hard to avoid buying crappy games. People vote with their wallets. People gift their friends bad rats as a joke. Fuck off you retarded chink
How is it more convenient when it's still three steps but the first one is different, user? You keep saying they serve a purpose when you haven't posted what it is, meanwhile I've given numerous examples of how the Steam forums are A) not any more convenient than normal forums to access and B) less robust and active than other forums. Just saying "it has a purpose!" isn't saying what that purpose is or arguing why it's important. You're just repeating a point while ignoring what I've posted.
Steam's larger cut is allegedly due to the infrastructure Valve needs to maintain.
If that is indeed true, Steam has less of a wiggle-space in terms of providing financial incentives for games to stay on the platform as opposed to a "lighter" Epic store.
Therefore, I see several options (which can be combined) how this situation is going to develop:
1) steam tries to incentivize publishers financially, trying to match Epic in hope to hold on to it's market share for several years and make epic's investors disillusioned and pull the money out.
2) optimize and eventually close down some of the infrastructure of Steam, leading to potentially worse consumer experience in favor of financial competitiveness. This I do not think is possible, as the public fallout from cutting services is going to be overblown by competition and consumers.
3) carry on as if nothing is happening, letting Epic overstretch. This may work against Valve if Epic manages to attract enough sales to actually start matching steam's services (for example, by securing more financing).
What Epic is trying to do is quickly and aggressively grab a chunk of market share from an established big competitor and damage it as much as they can by throwing a lot of money at it for a set period of time. If they succeed they will have obtained a niche, a big one, most likely and will start behaving more in line with steam. There is a huge but in the strategy. They NEED to show large following and returns exactly because the investors gave so much money. If Steam manages to push back or the returns aren't as good as Epic's management promised, the project will begin to deflate. Tencent or no, no business is going to just dump cash in a project out of a desire to hurt the competition if it doesn't bring much bigger profits in the end.
worst case we get shitty epic store with or without a shittier steam
Best case: we get shitty epic store and a more optimized steam.
Do this while launching steam.
Why are PC fats so triggered that Steam finally has to sweat and earn customer support instead of just remanding it like it's a necessity?
I already did.
Actual case: all stores other than Steam will be greatly hurt by this and we will have a worse market no matter what
>b-but that program is spyware also!
Not an argument bugman
Yes user, Steam reads Steams own files.
That's funny because people have been saying this forever and yet nobody has done it and then posted it. Really makes you think huh?
Why do you think Yea Forums doesn't complain about GOG or pretty much any other store?
>inb4 "not real competition" even though GOG is better than Epic
If you bribe somebody to do something you don't get to absolve yourself off responsibility for that thing happening, like Epic is trying to do right now.
im never installing that trash
posting on v
Even steam/valve at its worst didn't do this.
Theirs always a bigger evil and it makes them look good by comparison.
Fuck epic fuck tencent and fuck buying games on drm digital store shit
And I'll see what? Steam reading its own files? This poster is retarded.
Here is what Valve needs to do.
Put a clause on their store that states if you advertise your game on Steam prior to release, but don't release the game at the same time as other store fronts, then you get sued.
Less pre-exposure in Steam harms Epic sales.
>before epic
Use whatever store you want to buy a game
>after epic
I morphed sweeney's face with that of an actual rat and it made him look more human. Really makes you think.
I can assure you I will never buy anything on the chinkstore, I'm not a braindead retard.
>Steam isn't DRM
>It's up to the publishers
WTF is wrong with his face?
I don’t really want all my games in Steam, I would much rather they be on GOG. What I don’t want is to install 5 different shitty DRM launchers.
He's a lizard man
isnt kind of illegal what games like phoenix point and metro did?
they pretty much use steam like a free ad then remove it to sell it on other store
topkek at the desperate strawman deflection when Epic is exactly the same and no one even said Steam isn't DRM
His soul is warping it into his true form.
>no one even said Steam isn't DRM
Should have morphed him with a snake to show his true reptilian form
Epic Exclusives just means free games for me since I'm not touching that shit
>BuT MuH FreEdOm Of SpEeCh
I just know you want to rise up and oppress PoC
Can't have steamgroups like that for EGS exclusives :^)
They consider that to be a compliment though.
If we want to play semantics then the Steam client is in fact not the Steamworks DRM, but that's just semantics and it's obvious the client is designed to be used alongside Steamworks.
But that still doesn't change the fact you are a strawmanning retard since no one in this thread said that, it's pure deflection cope from an epicdrone.
Yes, a fucking year later.
Real competition would be having the games on both store at the same time and offer a better deal. Since they already have the revenue split shit allowing them to make games cheaper over Steam, they already had one advantage over Valve in enticing people to buy a game on their store as opposed to Steam.
Epic is basic and lack a lot of features, but not a lot of people can resist payng less, and there's even the free game ever two weeks or something bullshit to sweeten the deal. But then Epic had to go and be a cunt about all of it, and any good will they built with the announcement of the EGS went down the drain qucikly when they started strongarming people into using their store if they don't want to want a whole god damn year to play a game, and people discovered how fuckign shitty their store is.
Less money in to the services means less money for your services.
Steam handles all the save files backups, game keys, game files servers and customer services for the purchase and your account. The issue with publisher owned shops such as Origin or Uplay is that they mainly act as a platform for transactions for their own games thus they don't have the same mission statement to bring the same level of service quality, and Epic's goal seems to be that they want to meet with developers who want the benefit that EA and Ubisoft gets without making their own shop by offering the lowest fees on the market.
The main problem with Epic is if their economical model holds up in the long run. Valve has been burning left over cash for a whole decade on experimental projects that didn't even dent their stock value, so they probably have a good profit margin as is, but the question is if Epic can match the services and infrastructure required to act as a market place of the size that Steam offers with such low fees.
show it that you are doing it faggot
Wow stop being so entitled
Yes, everyone that's on the right are all mustache twirling villains that think 24/7 about the oppression of minorities and women
Steamworks is an API that gives 3rd party developers access to the DRM features that have always been in the Steam client many years before Steamworks even existed.
>Fentayl smuggling kills more than nwords/spics/arabs combined
>forced abortion
>death penalty for gun ownership
>funds north korea
>has dog eating holidays
>forced abortion
>hates based taiwan and japan
What an awful country.
Also see pic related
what are their real goals.
This will force Steam to release Half Life 3
Atleast I truely see, truly exclusive products are the purest form of market efficiency this world has ever seen.
If it was an API it would replace DirectX instead of Vulcan.
>post literally BTFOs Valve shills and exposes them for lying
>f-fuck off chang
like pottery
Yes, how fucking DARE Steam need to read it's own files to start!
Fucking mongoloid.
You don't matter publishers will decide who wins
>playing AAA
This is the future you chose.
No one cares about Epic. The problem is exclusivity. The only reason Epic's name is brought up is because they're the shitheads doing it. And then Epic fanboys bring up Steam as if this was some sort of Steam vs. Epic issue when the only issue is EXCLUSIVITY. The same reason on one is bitching about GoG or any other retail store - they're not pulling this shit. It's not about the store.
>Stock value
Isn't Valve a private company like Zenimax? They don't give a single shit about stocks.
>what are their real goals.
Exactly. Nobody knows. Everything feels shady as fuck with Epic Store.
nobocy cares loser.
it's just a fucking app.
get a fucking life loser. you're not important.
The only POC I hate at this point are the yellows
He has a face only a 6 year old in the back of his van screaming "please stop please" as he beats and rapes her to death could love.
Watch their GDC keynote and you'll see some of it.
Yes, I'm a good goy too, I'll gladly pay more for less features and spyware to satisfy those investors and publisher shareholders
well, this implies epic store is offering something that steam doesn't in regards to consumers, which to this day is nothing
tell me what that program is an i'll do it RIGHT NOW
Couldn't care less about this shit store war.
Gonna pirate everything I can anyway.
It's over.
yeah, you're right, I don't feel important at all
>starts seeding epic store exclusive games on trackers
Are you retarded?
>The main problem with Epic is if their economical model holds up in the long run
It probably will by pure virtue of China plugging the leak with even more money.
Legitimately this is the only way that game could ever make money.
This is the face of autism.
How is Epic competing with Valve exactly? By making exclusivity contracts that only harms consumers? I know you retards have hateboners for Valve but literally nothing good will come out of this "competition"
Now I don't have to feel bad for pirating games that are epic exclusives.
lol,, games are only cheaper on Epic if you're in the USA. Most other places get charged more, and I think Russian players had to pay triple for Exodus over what they would have on Steam.
In the developers side, shithead. I know you instinctively fear the Chinese, but how about valve just pay the devs a little more than they wouldn’t have to sign with epic.
You can always spot the console gamers in these threads. The biggest hint is that 98% of Epic's supporters are console gamers who couldn't even tell you what the power switch on the back of PSU was for.
Phoenix Point almost DID do something illegal.
They pushed a kickstarter game with the promise of Steam and GoG keys for their backers, got all their money, and then turned around and shoved it on Epic exclusively.
Had they not offered refunds to every backer, they'd be liable for false advertisement.
Dude, when I was a wee lad I was pretty pissed when I found out I needed to download Steam just to play the boxed copy of HL2 that I bought from CompUSA.
I didn't like it then and I don't like it now. Remember the days when you would just pop in a disk, install the game and then just play it? Quake was a good game.
I don't give a single fuck about publishers and their bottom line. The only reason why valve has a larger profit cut is their store offers more for the consumer. When Epic has the same features as Steam with the same low cut then your argument will be worth something. Now go fuck yourself bugman
I didn't even care about this storewars faggotry but you valveshills seriously made me root for epic
I've seriously never seen a group on Yea Forums play this fucking dirty when it comes to manipulating others. Misinformation spreading and absurd overreactions are one thing, but playing this anti-chinese card this desperately to shitposting about an American company, pretending that some minority share owners are able to have any major control over them is just some next level scummy bullshit.
Why do you faggots always act like you have no choice but to buy whatever game the second it comes out. If you dislike the Epic Store, don’t buy games on it, you fucking manchildren.
How does that help me then?
daily reminder dev are not forced to sign
so stop shit on epic
I remember my brother drove me to CompUSA to get Fallout 2, good times.
They brought Quantic Dream games to PC. Been waiting for them for years.
What has Steam done? Swarm their store with literal garbage.
This and unironically.
>Remember the days when you would just pop in a disk, install the game and then just play it?
Yeah, it had fucking SecuROM DRM. Or fucking DRM based on OS.
Have fun with your movies. Tell me when they get actual games onto PC
t. Wang Chang Tzu
I refuse to support Epic, and do not want to support steam, until both only take a 5% cut. Show that you want to make a better deal for developers by vastly lowering your profit margin. If you can't do that, you're a scumbag who doesn't care about developers.
Couldnt make it any more obvious youre chinese
They brought tons of Japanese games to PC. I'd rather have them than David Cage anything.
Valve pays the developers plenty. In the form of hundreds of features that Epic doesn't have (and yes, a good chunk are strictly for developers but you don't see them unless you go asking about them) and 98% of the active PC userbase's loyalty which means the potential market blows Epic's out of the water.
Why are you so genuinely upset about having the choice to pick what you want yourself instead of some hired curator deciding what should be sold?
lmao, it's not just valveshills that hate epic despite what your massive projection
>I refuse to support Epic, and do not want to support steam, until both only take a 5% cut.
Considering Tim Sweeney's already come out saying 12% is unsustainable in most places, I wouldn't count on that happening anytime soon.
>The Halo killer killer that died failing to kill Halo comes to Epic while Halo heads straight to Steam now even more alive than when Halo 5 released even though it isn't even out on Steam yet.
somebody tell me what's the name of the program so i can do it with steam, like at least one side of this shit argument has to want it.
just exposed your racism
You know I'm fine with competition and most retards here are mad they can't have everything on steam because they're stupid babies.
However having a shitty client and companies advertising on Steam or telling fans they'll be on steam just to switch to epic store is fucking scummy.
Hmm yes, manually downloading patches was amazing. Oh shit I lost my disk better hope I can find a NoCD crack. Retail stores taking a 50% cut was also great for developers.
Fuck off zoomer.
You seem to mistake the word developer for publisher friend. The word youre looking for is publisher.
You realize that storefronts have operating costs right?
This. No way in hell this guy isn't a pedo. He needs to be killed.
I hope you one day do business with the Chinese friend
I'll laugh my ass off to death if this actually happens
Let’s face it, the only reason you fuckers are against this is because of racism. Pure and simple.
>full communism
you don't even know what that word means
Why everyone on this thread caring about developers?
Hows that life built on petty spite working out for you, user?
>Sweeney saying "Devs and publishers will decide which game store is best" is right, they're the ones actually making the games and putting them out there to be played.
I like how the opinion of the consumers is seen as irrelevant in this equation despite LITERALLY ALL OF THE MONEY COMING FROM THEM ALONE.
>be epic
>convince gullible retards that every store should cost as much as theirs regardless of the billions of dollars in overhead they pay due to their wealth of services
>it works
>melodrama and propaganda trump logic and independent research.
>retards all cheer for epic
>drool a little bit.
So Tim Sweeney is burning Mickey Mouse shekels and Winnie the Pooh Tencent yuan?
Shut up goy
why do you pretend that there are others? Seriously, I'm waiting for an answer
this whole shit only affects valve drones negatively, steam is the only competition of epic. Consolefags or piratefags don't give a fuck about where pcfags buy their games
Because we all just pirate it anyway, so how much the game costs doesn’t really matter. But if the devs don’t get their share, they stop making games.
I hope you also refuse to shop at literally any retail store because of their ~50% sales cut.
That's how the chinese do business and people would soon find out that Steam or GOG is the best option when it comes to purchasing games online.
GOG shut down their regional pricing compensation program because of increasing dev cuts as Epic pushed in, fuck off
That wouldn't matter because Epic would still sign exclusivity contracts and give publishers an obscene amount of money upfront. The cut doesn't matter because these contracts are limited which means devs still want their game on Steam also which shows that the cut isn't as big of a factor as the initial upfront money
Valve should retaliate
When these exclusive games show up on Steam one year later Gabe needs to make sure to slash them to 90% discount just to fuck shit up
>>convince gullible retards that every store should cost as much as theirs regardless of the billions of dollars in overhead they pay due to their wealth of services
did it really never occur to you that you might be the retard who was convinced that these stores require that much money to operate, and they aren't just plain greedy to ask for this much?
like what is even your logic, why do you think Epic can sell an UE game with only 7% extra cuts and still profit on them, if you claim that digital game store maintenance costs a lot more and other stores are "totally not greedy" for taking 30%?
>It should be the other way around.
Why should failing devs get benefits?
what are you, entitled?
No shit
>you can have all these money
>you can have all these money plus whatever else you can scrape off
Who the fuck would ever go epic only when they can eventually go back to steam to make a few bucks there. Don’t be so fucking retarded and think, man.
These are the excuses socialists make.
I'm an exclusive PC gamer since 1996 you pathetic incel. I could be your daddy.
Back then we didn't give a shit and weren't as pathetic as you are today.
I literally don't give a shit what background processes some app does. Call me insane but i'd wager they are not trying to steal your credit card information or your identity.
I have better things to do with my time then think about these things.
Epic right now:
You have no idea how far back programming has gone. Lemmings taking notice of their own programming is a problem, using state run media to attack anyone who questions the current state of things is a daily occurence. Embrace the insanity of this clown world we live in, all you can do is laugh.
your generation is pathetic.
I would like to add.
gaming indistry have turned you into mindless sheep. you will all grow poor living of your family dragging it's wealth and future into the tomb.
Stop posting
Will Sweeney be at E3?
All PC players at E3 should boo the fuck out of that faggot if he ever takes the stage.
One random dude brought down Blizzard Activision.
If the opinion of the consumer mattered Steam wouldn't have gained any traction to begin with. People will use what they need to play games they want to play because the majority of people don't have crippling autism and blind devotion to which .exe runs on their computer.
Literally everyone getting pissed about this is a zoomer who doesn't realize EVERY single thing that's happening in regards to consumer outrage happened to Steam.
you realize that this excuse was total bullshit right?
They don't have to pay devs more if they don't want to, just like how Steam doesn't pay more. In fact, GOG is still not even paying more money for them despite claiming that his is the reason why they closed it.
The money from GOG is just being leeched by someone's pocket and they are finding excuses. This shit is extremely common in eastern europe.
>Hurr it's all DRM so it's all equally as bad, turn your brain off bro
I SERIOUSLY hope you guys don't do this.
Let's look at the facts here
>Game developers are free to release
games on Steam that don't use Steam for DRM and can be run without the client
>Many game developers add their own proprietary clients and DRM like Uplay and Denuvo to Steam games
>Doesn't go out of it's way to make games exclusive outside of Valves own titles. Keys can be bought from multiple other sites and GoG and other such websites have a large portion of Steams library Steam/DRM free.
>Offers features like easy streaming and controller support, mod support, it's own controller, and a lot of other features and options, pretty much all of which can be used with non-Steam games
>Very customizable
On a scale of not DRM to DRM Steam sits more towards the left than the right. While a lot of the games do use Steam as a DRM service plenty of them don't and a bunch more use something other than Steam for a DRM service. And in all 3 of those cases whether it has DRM or not Steam gives you a bunch of benefits like easy controller support, the cheapest prices, etc.
They may both be used as DRM but the differences between steam and epic are still night and day.
I'm not gonna support "competition" which is a Chinese company trying to buy out an industry so that they don't have to bother regarding the customer at all and can release a platform that does less for the consumer. Kill yourself you shiteating chink.
just dont lose the disk you fucking smoothbrained mongoloid
>Not being the ones supporting Epic
>again, what part of "epic gives money to devs for a store exclusive" is communism?
Epic is having its strings pulled by Tencent.
Tencent is, like essentially all Chinese corporate entities, an arm of the CCP.
When you game with Epic, you game with Mao.
Granted there's a really good debate as to if modern China, or even historical China could be considered 'real communism' at any point, but reguardless, their totalitarian systems of governing, slipshod theft manufactury, and habit of literally colonizing the shit out of their neighbors almost makes even the French fucking empire look enlightened by comparison.
Epic is simply in the wrong. Exclusivity deals are anti consumer, period. Steam didnt do it. No, valve games like hl2 dont count just like nobody cared when fortnite was epic exclusive. Steam has more features. Epic has no leg to stand on except short term greed. I dont like being strong armed by anyone into doing anything, and it’s not going to start with me downloading the epic launcher, spymare or not.
Rice harder. Tim even admitted to it during his midnight anti Steam API damage control and said they'll patch their circumvention out since they were caught. They hired the steamspy autist for a reason.
No they didn't retard, stop spreading lies, they just stopped the "fair price" shit that would cut down the difference between prices ONLY IF your price would be more expensive than the base USD price, regional pricing is still there.
So any source for why it's bullshit or do you just like pulling shit from Sweeny's ass?
>Zoomer cries about having to download patches and losing his disk.
*Zoom* *Zooooooom*
So good old fashion racism is behind this. The fact that ten cent is majority owned by a South African makes you a fucking retard.
You know what? Valve hould definitely do the exclusive shit, they should start playing dirty like Epic, but they should play dirty the right way. Since they don't want to make games themselves, instead of paying for third party fully funded games to be exclusive to their store for a year. They should instead use their oceans of money to fully fund games like STALKER 2, or other projects that would othewise never see the light of day. That would give them the right to sell it exclusively on their store, and no one could fault them because they funded and published it, much like Nintendo with Bayo2, and would allow them to keep the games for ever. It would be very shitty for STALKER 2 to not be on GOG like most would very much prefer, but that much injection of money on the project could prove very benefitial, and would put Valve in a positive light for giving the chance for a project that might not even see the light of day.
And they should even up the game by funding PC ports of games that are only available to consoles, but are not legally shackled to a specifically platform like Playstation or Xbox. For example, I know this is farfetched, but they could very well shell out money to Sega and/or Atlus to develop a PC port of Persona, or Fist of the North Star, or any game they, or any other developer have, that isn't available to PC, like Koei and the Ninja Gaidens and shit like that. Port are nowhere near as expensive to fund as funding full games, so it would be a great investment, and they would have the right to sell that game on their store only since they paid for it and without them, the PC version would never exist.
Of course, Valve would never do that because why the fuck would they? They'd rather do fuck all, because that's what they've gotten used to doing.
Xinjiang Tiananmen Free Tibet
So then don’t and quit whining about it for the rest of us. Fucking worse than liberal crybabies, I swear.
The Epic Launcher is a storefront, it doesn't even have a DRM stub of its own. If the game doesn't require a sign in to online servers, or have some 3rd party DRM like Denuvo you can just launch the game. You can also kill the launcher as soon as you've signed in to the online server in game because it literally does nothing at that point.
He never said any lie, the fair pricing program is a regional pricing compensation program, it literally compensates with funds for price differentials
>South African
>Litterally a state taking massive hand-outs from China
My guess is the indie devs at the moment are desperately hoping the same will happen to the as with some others, as in Epic ringing the doorbell with a huge wad of cash.
Which does make you wonder that once the initial bubble of exclusive-rushing bursts (because it definitely will unless Epic wants to become a nanny), and the devs do everything in their power to burn bridges with their audience (Metro Exodus and such), that favorable cut suddenly won't seem all that good.
>Distrusting the Chinese for continuous shady practices is racism
I hope they have some great business opportunities waiting for you
Fair pricing program wasn't regional pricing and I've seen lots of shills here spreading this, be careful with your wording because that's the only thing someone who doesn't know what the program is would take from it.
> Exclusivity deals are anti consumer, period. Steam didnt do it. No, valve games like hl2 dont count
why wouldn't they count? Because they were the company who produced it? Because Valve was the company who funded the whole project and paid the developers?
guess what, that's what Epic is doing with it's exclusives. They are throwing millions of $ at them, financially supporting the devs who agree to this shit themselves. Just like in the OP this is something the devs have to decide, Epic isn't "forcing anyone" to do this shit or "stealing away games" like how you pretend they do, it's the devs who decide about this shit.
and the funny thing is how extremely you people overreact about this whole exclusivity shitstorm. It's not even like a console exclusive, where you have to buy a different 400$ platform for it, and pay 60$ every year for it's subscription. It's just a 6-12 month exclusivity on a free to download, free to use store, with the only difference is that you currently have to open google to check reviews /forums or do whatever other "services" you can't directly open from the epic launcher.
I don't see how that changes the core issue however, Epic's practices negatively affect other stores such as GOG for the consumers
>being a lying asshole
>but the question is if Epic can match the services and infrastructure required to act as a market place of the size that Steam offers with such low fees
They can if Tencent covers the costs.
Not sure if there's a name for this strategy, but I think I've heard about it before. Operate at a loss using reserves of cash, drive competitors out of business, then (presumably) jack up the price once a monopoly is established.
What about the times epic paid games like metro who were already on Steam? Or what about how Outer Worlds is also on windows store which means Epic is clearly targeting Steam?
My best guess would be that they'll try to force any game that uses Unreal Engine to be exclusive to EGS.
>what is operation black ink
You fucks really need to read up on the history of valve before starting your pathetic shill attemps.
It's painfully clear that it isn't the cut, it's the grants and minimum guaranteed sales. Why put something out onto a more open market and leave it up to consumer decision when you can put it up and be guaranteed of a return on your investment. Indie devs are bitching at Steam not because of the cut, but because they want the hefty funding that means they make their money back and more.
>Valve hould definitely do the exclusive shit, they should start playing dirty like Epic, but they should play dirty the right way
>They should instead use their oceans of money to fully fund games like STALKER 2
> That would give them the right to sell it exclusively on their store
that's exactly what Epic is doing you low IQ retard
do you people seriously think that Sweeney is holding a gun to the heads of the directors and tells them that now they will make their games EGS exclusive?
I mean this is the topic of the whole epic shitposting OP, that this shit is the devs decision, who decide with it because they are getting funding from Epic in exchange.
And yes, Valve should definitely start spending their money on funding exclusives too. I don't give a fuck where I buy my games, I just want these rich ass corporations to start injecting their money into game development instead of just feeding their pockets.
>better deal
They don’t even have regional pricing
Feel free to tell me which games use Epics non existent DRM
Unironically monopoly, not the "monopoly" steam supposedly has. They already have a large chunk of the engine market with Unreal and bankrolling from Fortnite and Tencent. I assume their goal is the PC storefront market, and given their tactics I have severe doubts its consumers who will benefit
>So good old fashion racism is behind this.
Welcome to Yea Forums, enjoy your stay, Fag.
>B-bu Naspers has 30-ish% of Tencent stock
I'm sure they'll bring up the data collection and privacy concerns at the next board meeting. Shit son, Naspers doesn't have a say in this, they're just a bystander with their hands in the money jar too. Shit, even if they DID have the sway to educate a Chinese megacorp about data ethics I wouldn't trust South Africa to do the job. Shit, nobody even trusted South Africa with nukes... literally the only nation on earth that ever got successfully disarmed.
>I just want these rich ass corporations to start injecting their money into game development instead of just feeding their pockets.
>he says while defending publishers taking giant cuts, and storefronts taking even bigger cuts
Epic is disgusting with their greedy 12%. They aren't entitled to even a penny.
All of them use epic's DRM. Try to download/play any one of their games without downloading their launcher.
This shit needs to be spread.
>try to open it
>ff warns me that it's a known pishing site
Yeah, nice try chang.
predatory pricing is the term, lower prices to drive out competitors without the same resources then revert to monopoly pricing
OW is on microsoft store because obsidian is owned by microsoft. This has nothing about directly being anti-steam, it is probably just how they could work the whole agreement out
also you can upload anything on Steam as an upcoming game because of their "everything goes" policy and you can also take anything down whenever you want it. There are no specific rules affecting this, devs can take down their games even before release if they want it to, not just because they decided to go with another store instead but for any possible reasons.
Toxic gamer detected
can you faggots shut the fuck up and stop sucking gabens dick
Otherwise fat fuck gaben has a monopoly.
doubt it will ever happen
this would be REALLY bad
imagine those smaller japanese or western devs who use UE4 being forced to switch to EGS without any sales guarantee contract
they will be ditching PC in no time
It's been factually proven that Epic can't even run their shitpile on 12%. They've admitted it. They will raise their rates once they're established. Is this your first time in an Epic thread? If Epic can't do it on 12%, you think Steam can? Go fuck off. Just fuck right off. Math isn't that hard.
I am on the fence. As it is now I wont buy games there. But they have BL3, a game I want to play. If they have added this by september and addressed the spyshit/its proven wrong will it be ok to buy there then?
He can tell that to my torrent feed.
Isn't the cut that physical copies take much more than 30%?
>All of them use epic's DRM. Try to download/play any one of their games without downloading their launcher.
Are you retarded? Buying something doesn't make it DRM, what makes it DRM is the added bullshit on the .exe which makes it impossible to run without having it's fulfillment checked off. Epic literally has no DRM of their own, they have servers you need to sign into for multiplayer, or third party publisher DRM. You can run games straight from your HDD without ever running the Epic store if they don't fit the previous.
In any case Steam doesn't deserve 30 fucking percent for hosting a game.
>arabic store translation
this can't be real
Yeah, that whole "competition" issue and the definition of competition was covered at the top of the page. I don't know why you're reposting it 450 posts down the page. Try to keep up.
Yeah competition is great, it forces companies to improve their services and prices, paid exclusivity is the opposite of competition.
>Friend arguing with me about this
>Dude these games are all exclusive because Epic takes a lower cut of sales so it's good for developers!
>Keep telling him the developers have had literally no say in the decision besides Julian Gollop, and they're all moving because Epic is paying for exclusivity with massive cash incentives. If they cared about percentile cuts, they'd have all moved to Discord and GOG before it had to gut the entire lower cut and regional pricing bonuses because of lack of interest
>Nuh uh, you're just a paranoid idiot reading Yea Forums too much!
Chinese companies are notorious for foreign shareholders lacking any influence in company decisions, it is also precarious, as you can see large stock volatility whenever some new policy by the CCP is proposed that can impact foreign stock ownership
Prove it then. Show me one single game on the epic store that I can buy without even downloading their launcher.
It is.
I'm glad I'm addicted to WoW at the moment so I don't have to care about this sort of nonsense
>Shopping cart
>More than six months
They're already doing that, they jsut don't force devs to be an exclusive. They just want to see risky projects finished and be released anywhere the dev wants it.
>he says while defending publishers taking giant cuts, and storefronts taking even bigger cuts
>Epic is disgusting with their greedy 12%. They aren't entitled to even a penny.
wow, holly shit
I don't even know what to clear here
you realize that Valve is taking 30% cuts right?
epic's 12% cuts (+free UE usage) is MUCH less greedier than what Valve is doing. I don't even understand how can you attack epic in this case.
>chromatic aberration
You forgot one of the most important and easy ones to implement. A fucking shopping cart.
Says you? Says who? Why do you even care? It doesn't affect you at all. It doesn't even effect the developers - they get paid the same regardless. It only affects the publishers and they're all notorious cumsocks and universally hated. So who the fuck cares? Don't fall for that "b-b-but the developers" shit. They make the same salary regardless of how much Gabe takes. It's the publishers that get reemed, and rightfully so. Fuck them.
A storefront doesn't make something DRM you moron. There are games on Steam with no Steamstub DRM on them.
>that's exactly what Epic is doing
>when in reality they're just paying for finished products
But keep trying Cheng, it's at least something to laugh at.
>that's exactly what Epic is doing you low IQ retard
Except they aren't you low IQ retard, none of these games were funded or published by Epic. I'm talking about funding, greenlighting games that wouldn't fucking happen otherwise. Publishing the games themselves.
Epic isn't doing that. They're buying distribution righs for a year, and that's it. They're not funding, developing or publishing, Control, Borderlands 3, the Outer Worlds, or any of the games they're selling only on their store, they fon't even have rights to those IPs in the first place. They're doing what everyone, rightfully so, demonized Microsoft for pulling when they announced Rise of the Tomb Raider, and a bunch of other games, would come first to the Xbox one, and later to other platforms.
If all of thse games were funded and published by Epic 100%, I would never fault them for making them exclusive, because it would be their right to do so. I wouldn't like it, but if they're the reason a game would even exists in the first place, I wouldn't complain.
Just like I don't complain about EA's games being avaiable only on Origin, or when CDPR release that weird Witcher spin off only on GoG.
>I don't understand how you can attack epic
It's easy when you hate both Epic and steam, and think storefronts should never even touch the profits of developers. Less greedy is still greedy. :^)
>A storefront doesn't make something DRM you moron
>downloading suspicious third party software with no way to bypass it isn't DRM
Sod off DRM shill.
>The fact that ten cent is majority owned by a South African
"Majority ownership" is nice, but how would that South African enforce it if his interests ever conflicted with China's? The Communist Party of China is the real owner of Tencent. They can and will seize it if they have to, and the South African's claim of ownership would be no better than a piece of toilet paper.
It's a lot like how if you buy a game on Steam and the like, you don't really own it and it can be revoked at any time.
Thing is, Epic is publicly owned, and if the shareholders believe such a measure will make Epic profitable, they'll force them to do it. Plus, plenty of indie devs already hate Steam anyway, so they'd probably be fine with it.
Those games use their own engine which they're waiving rights fees for in exchange for store exclusives.
True. For the services they provide it should be 50%. I still remember the tears of joy from publishers when Vavle decided on the 30% cut, not something an insect that just crossed the great firewall would know of course.
You realize Gaben is sucking China's dick?
TI9 is in China.
>when in reality they're just paying for finished products
not like this is even true in most cases but the money goes to the developers regardless you retard. It doesn't matter if the devs use that funding on their current project or the next one, a third party company financially supported them so they made an agreement
and it's not even like the devs are the ones being "anti consumer". If you read up their reactions they are genuinely dumbfounded with this retarded lynching steamfags are doing just because they have to click on a different icon for once.
>wtf I have to use a browser to have a gui for the webpage? DRMDRMERMDRM Stallman save me!
Epic isn't public, that said Tencent do have a 40% stake and some seats at the board of directors, I still think given Sweeny's actions and Chinese influence they probably do it if it suits them
>shoping cart 6+ months
Well, I guess they don't need it with some 20 games on their store.
Guess who wins? Developers/Devs. The person offering the best deal gets the game.
>needing to use a pre-made browser to access a webpage
So not only are you a liar, you're also tech illiterate. I bet you can't even compile your own code.
I can't help but laugh at people that think the epic store is going to better for the market in the long run. all its going to do is give publishers more money. thats it. we're still going to paying the same prices regardless of the game being on steam or epic.
Exactly, publishers and the store owner win, not the consumer, that's the definition of anti-consumer. It's very easy to understand.
I sure the shareholders at 2K and Deep Silver definitely won
>what pixelshit indiedev thinks
>wow, my cut goes from 70% to 88% ! And my game is more visible, so I get loads of money !
>what actually happens
>pixelshit indiedev is rejected
I can't wait for small shit devs to say EGS is problematic because it doesn't accept their shit visual novel or RPG maker crap.
>12 year old larper doesn't even know what gui means
Pretty much every move they've made smells like China. Their entire approach is basically China in a nutshell. I mean, I guess maybe you need to be older to know more about how China has handled every aspect of their existence since written history began, but they are absolutely not American. Just because Sweeney is white, don't be fooled. He is a finger puppet for someone in China and you can tell. It's a little scary how they make no attempt to hide it or adapt to American business methods.
>>the money goes to the developers regardless
>while in reality it goes to the publishers unless it's an indie
>>and it's not even like the devs are the ones being "anti consumer".
>while in reality they literally tell potential customers to fuck off since the epic money was more then enough to offset zero sales
Go on, lets see what else you'll make up.
>says the guy who defends DRM as good
>game appears on steam
>forced to buy it
what a strange affliction
>storefronts should never even touch the profits of developers
stores have operating costs tho. Epic might still take more money than what's needed for pure maintenance but it's still nearly 3 times better than what most stores are doing so I will still support it.
should be noted that console stores take 30% too, but in their case the high cuts are lot more justified. They have to do a lot more risky investment in their platform than just paying the server bills. A good example of this is how ps3 nearly lost all money the ps1 and ps2 earned for Sony because they had to sell the consoles at such a big loss.
>doesn't know what DRM or gui means
>shopping cart
>Long Term (>6 Months)
>If you read up their reactions they are genuinely dumbfounded with this retarded lynching steamfags are doing just because they have to click on a different icon for once.
>metro devs outright threaten gamers to buy it or else
>pp devs tells backers to fuck off and take their money if they want too, Epic already paid for that
You're not the brightest shill out there.
>I don't care about your 2 minute game made using RPG make.
>I don't care about your walking simulator
>I don't care about your "physics is wonky game xDDD"
>Your titty game is shit.
>Your joke game is not a real game.
It's alright, sweaty. You could always move to china if you want someone else to control what you can and can't buy.
>stores have operating costs tho.
Yes, and? They have fortnite money, so they can offset those costs without stealing from hard working developers. That's why I'll never support them, the filthy scumbags.
Lurk more. The vision will become clearer in time.
Why do they keep paying for exclusive games instead of features? It's been months and they haven't even fucking added a way to track how many hours you've played a game for. No shopping cart. No way to search your game library. No cloud saves. No reviews
What in the actual fuck are they doing? I don't even give a shit about this exclusivity bullshit, where are the features?
I mean I agree, seeing the shit that passes for games and the monetization models, I would hate for any company with chinese influence gaining a foothold, makes EA and Activision look like saints
>he doesn't want to force women to wear collars
What kind of homosexual post is this?
Don't you get it? As a consumer you don't matter it's all about publi... I mean developers
How is anything there useful besides cloud saves?
>Why do they keep paying for exclusive games instead of features
It's easier. If you look at their "roadmap" you'll see why. They have the most basic shit that every mom and pop online store has planned for 6+ months. It's almost as if they opened the store without any second tought as to how to manage that shit and think that throwing money for exclusive deals will somehow manke it work.
>All these replies acting like their word matters
Do you have a game/making a game? Then this graph doesn't apply to you. Maybe if you we're actually devs you would understand
>I don't like it so it shouldn't exist
I don't like the Epic launcher, so I should be able to buy games without it. :^)
None of that shit matters for a fucking game store. I didn't come to make friends, I came to play fucking games and I need a place to do that. Epic lets me do that, Steam doesn't.
Epic will win this war.
They don't want to attract customers by providing a better store with competitive pricing, they want to force customers into their store by making it so that they are the only legal source for an assortment of games.
If they really wanted to run a good store there'd be no exclusives. They'd just offer a better dev cut, and devs would move over because of that. They have to buy out exclusives through bribery though because if they didn't nobody would want to use their store over Steam or GOG
>while in reality it goes to the publishers unless it's an indie
> lets see what else you'll make up.
just point out that publishers take cuts from sales like stores do, depending on how much they themselves funded the project. Not just that but depending on the success of the studio the publisher also reinvests in them, meaning even that more money is going to end up in the gaming studio even from the revenue that went to their publisher.
you seriously don't understand how the gaming industry works if you seriously think that only indie developers and publishers can make money on gaming
Like how the hell do you think a company like From Software keeps growing despite all of their games being published by others? Do you seriously think that Activision took all of their revenue from Sekiro? Or you seriously think that them making a lot of money for Activision wouldn't mean that them or even other publishers would be more willing to invest more money in their projects?
10 million in lost sales.
Without a way to track hours played they can refuse refunds any time they want and say you played more than 2 hours, for one. No reviews means you have no clue if a game is just broken or not, and who knows if they'll give you a refund.
>epic lets me play games, steam doesn't let me play games
Okay Chang
Why do only flops go Epic exclusive?
It will take them 10 years to make valve run out of steam, assuming they steal all releases by next year.
But china's economy will crash within 5 years so I don't see how that will work out for them.
>devs get money from salesd
>but actually only from publishers if they're generous enough to give devs something
>chang doesn't know about royalties
>thinks others don't know about vidya industry when he clearly has no clue about it himself
Don't give up Chang, my sides at least thank you.
They flop because they're Epic exclusives.
A consistent and functional service is the entire point of maintaining a digital storefront.
If the only point was to sell games it would be a website you visit like GOG instead of a service you run and are constantly logged in to.
If epic were a store with genuinely better functionality and their mission statement actually seemed like what sweeney once said, to serve as competition for valve to improve the games distribution market as a whole for consumers and developers alike, that'd be one thing.
instead they're the sketchy-as-fuck megahuge company that makes its money off of advertising f2p skinnerboxing loops to children, they're trying to force me to use a currently absolutely shitty store by trying to give me as little choice as a consumer as possible while their CEO repeatedly makes claims like how players don't actually care about store functionality, they care about games- and how we just don't understand that this will make the industry better in the long run, and how they're the pro-developer storefront when a few of their exclusive snatchups, metro confirmed, outer worlds suspected were done against the dev team's will.
On top of all of this, tim just said he wants epic to be the next facebook or google. ANY corporation with ambitions so lofty should be giving off immediate red flags.
You can buy tons of games without the epic launcher.
Epics refund policy doesn't have a 2 hour time limit.
why do you people still pretend that minority share owners have any significant influence on the control of a company?
Like seirously, this shit isn't how the industry works fucking anywhere. I seriously don't know if you are just trying to take advantage on the brainlets here or you are one of them
Well, speaking pure economics and the general activity (((China))) brings to Steam there is no way Epic Games can outsell any other platform. Seeing as how Epic is blocked in China and most people won't spend double or more from regional pricing.
>If you look at their "roadmap"
Speaking of ... guys ... real talk ... don't believe this roadmap. Don't believe anything they say. That is not how China does business, and they've made it clear that they will be using these some shady tactics in the US.
Go to Google and do some research on Chinese business ethics and how little they value honor or respect if you have any questions. You can't trust them the way you do American businesses.
Why would steam have to offer anything?
>developers get paid by sales by and large
>epic offers publishers money for exclusive deals
>publishers jump at it and leave games to rot on a dead store
Based Chinaman sticking it to greedy devs and helping poor publishers.
>why do you people still pretend that minority share owners have any significant influence on the control of a company?
Probably becasue sweeny himself said that it's the case.
>Like seirously, this shit isn't how the industry works fucking anywhere
Oh, you're an idiot who never worked a day in his life in upper managment, carry on with your delusions.
Steam literally forces you to use their store if you buy their games which is the most jewey fucking thing ever. If I buy a game from someone I shouldn't be forced to make a fucking account with them and have their shit on my computer where they can infect my computer with their spyware and see what sites and games i play/frequent and send that shit to corporations for money.
>You can buy tons of games without the epic launcher.
Prove it.