Post a single franchise that used to be made with hand drawn sprites that has since turned to 3D that doesn't look absolutely hideous.
pro tip you can't
Post a single franchise that used to be made with hand drawn sprites that has since turned to 3D that doesn't look absolutely hideous.
pro tip you can't
Other urls found in this thread:
>he likes pixel trash
back to r*ddit
Guilty Gear
Risk of Rain
zelda mario and metroid if you skip the awkward N64 3d era
the faggots a reddit are the perfect example of a demographic that is willing to eat anything they throw at them
>hand drawn sprites
every game is made of pixels, user
Ace Attorney
I bought a course on pixel art. Am I reddit fucktard?
yes, but not because of the pixel art
I was going to say breath of fire but then remembered it hasn't gone 3d yet
Street Fighter
Final Fantasy
Dragon Quest
Mega Man X
Pokemon. Screw you, faggotron
>Street Fighter
That's some hot opinion right there
>Mega Man X
KOF14 and GGXrd. It basically cut out the middleman for SNK and ArcSys given a lot of their sprites are just drawn over 3D models anyway.
mate kof was the worst example you could have possibly used
guilty gear is legitimate though
>hand drawn pixels
this is enough internet
What did he mean by this
>gets btfo yesterday
>comes back for more punishment
Not that hard, seeing as one just came out.
Her game.
Also, your picture sucks. At least use you the one of that fangame where we only have one pic and a webm of, that get's normally gets used.
Street Fighter
>Street Fighter
>Mega Man
good laughs
>Street Fighter
fuck no
Define pixel trash
This looks so tacky
UMVC3 looked fine. Marvel Infinite looks shitty, but that's an entirely different issue.
which pokemon game is that?
Guilty Gear
Risk of Rain
Those are the only correct answers. Everything else is wrong and should have stayed 2D with pixel art.
What course?
>I bought a course on pixel art
You might not be reddit but you're still a fucktard.
Probably some udemy shit.
looks like this is another spriteart dump thread
inb4 metal slug crab
omg where is this from
some 3d sonic games at least look good even though the gameplay is still ass.
also, the mega man legends series was pure low-poly kino.
>Risk of Rain
Came here to post this. I was skeptical when it was announced of both the art and the gameplay transferring to 3D, but I was pleasantly surprised.
Russian artist
Having pokemon be visible on the overworld would be great. You get to see what you're encountering and can avoid them making it more convenient, plus you get to see them animated and alive and could add features such as wild pokemon battling each other and you being able to intervene having three way battles or some shit.
God damn if gamefreak weren't lazy cunts and the average pokemon fan wasn't an autist who can't handle change of any kind we'd have had such a good series.
Holy shit I love CRTs so fucking much.
If you don't like pixelart you're underage. End of story.
How are the A-Train games that are on Steam? I love OpenTTD and wanna give this series a try.
i hate how whenever you see quality shit like this you immediately know it's not from a real vidya because of the fact that making a whole game like this would take so much time and money that the chances are you would've seen articles and threads about it beforehand
Would work really well for a turn based game with random encounters, if was fully animated I don't think would work well, or just talking heads for NPCs.
This is a good thread
They are called sprites you retards
low poly 3d with pixel textures > 2d > modern 3d > "8bit" indie 2d
3D ones are made of polygons
>also, the mega man legends series was pure low-poly kino.
The Legends games are amazing artwise. The later X games and Mega Man 11 look boring at best.
If you're talking about the Adventure games with their attempts at realism or the post-Generations blocky plastic stuff I can understand, but Heroes and Unleashed through Generations had some of the best art direction in any stylized game series.
Doom 4 looks alright.
I hate this game. Demon Front or whatever.
Alright i can understand the TV choice despite his monitor, but what's up with the A/C and the really thin shelf holding gigantic books
I think he forgot to check the size of the objects when he was drawing.
i've never understood the love for SF2 or third strike's sprites
That is not a visually appealing game.
this looks like shit desu
Pokemon has never looked that good though, it's always been grid-based trash
I don't think this could be considered pixel art, feels more like a digital drawing.
Here anons, you can have this:
2D has soul, 3D has no soul
And that applies to games as well
Elder Scrolls
Not unless you have a hologram. Those "3d" meshes rendered to 2d pixels.
Shut the fuck up you cheeky bastard. You know what the fuck they mean.
Did not mean to quote.
>looks like those Japan-only SFC fishing RPGs but uglier
>even has him fishing
I'm done for now.
Looks like indieshit, the other one that's trying to look like the GBC games but with more detail looks way better
This the pixel art thread?
How can grown men keep playing Pokemon like it isn't CoD for toddlers