Absolutely Based, how will Randy Pitchford ever recover?
Whose ready to play an officially pirated version of Borderlands 3?
Borderlands 3 Build stolen, Randy blackmailed
Other urls found in this thread:
Big if true
>It's real
what the fuck I love pirating now
They DO realise they will go to prison for this, right?
Randy still did more
Lmao dude, get help
Bullshit, but I wish it were real just to ruin everything for them.
Who's going to jail?
got a source to that image?
Did he leave another USB of jailbait mixed with borderlands 3 lying around again?
They will be martyrs for the art form
Goddamn I hope this happens
who fucking cares?
Tig if Brue
Why would you be afraid of being banned from a discord? Just make a new account and rejoin?
You would have to be retarded or underage to believe this.
we have already seen your image, stupid child.
Now stop and go to take your salary for defending that company shit
I don't care either, just seeing people thinking everything is allowed to them because of their feeling irritates me.
Hope it’s true, fuck Randy
Randy is a piece of shit but no one is going to throw away their pay check and career by leaking the game they've been working on AND getting sued by a manchild with millions of dollars worth of lawyers
death before dishonor
probably fake but even if its real those are the dumbest employees in the world. hope they enjoy their jail time and never working in vidya again, and also never getting security clearance if they move to other sectors.
Yeah this is complete BS, no game studio worth its salt works less than 45. Randy being a 'bully' is just a director in a high stress environment. Only thing I can think of is this is a bitch in QA being pissy straight out of uni. No artist wants to be known for breaking NDA's, essentially burning your career.
>we want better working conditions
oh im sorry I didnt realize randy was holding a gun to your head and forcing you to work for him
Fucking based and redpilled. Day one pirate or day zero in this case.
Isn't Discord something gay men use to chase HIV? Why would you voluntarily go there?
Oh hey, I know him.
Everyone is almost exclusively into Borderlands for the story and not the co-op multiplayer experience? Genuinely surprised.
Wait it was real?
It would be FUCKING hilarious!! Do it faggot! Make chinks pissed af cuz they waste their money on the stupid exclusivity right.
You got it backwards. I only care about the co op and tons o guns.
Can’t sue a ghost
Hope this autismo doesn’t go through with this. Really don’t want everything about the game spoiled and all over the internet months before release.
cuz it triggers chink overlord? So fucking what.
This unironically (not saying you're being ironic just stressing that I'm not)
bout as real as me putting on a dress and saying im a woman
His only anecdotal evidence to his claim is "look everyone's nervous around the CEO, in the middle of all these technical difficulties being live streamed to the world"
Like no fucking shit, only eagle-eyed viewers would've caught that tiny detail. Bravo.
Furthermore, there should be a distinction classifying what he means by "multiplayer content", as a developer I'm positive he'd be more than capable of elaborating.
Furthestmost, describing multiplayer content in terms of length of playability isn't how devs speak in-house and is barely a part of their casual lingo, that's entirely a consumer born perspective.
i know right? I was just playing last night and was falling asleep playing alone, things got better when a friend joined in.
thats what he basically said.
for me, this only makes valve drones look bad, since the whole reason this guy is doing this is because of the epic deal.
I guess its more important being loyal to Gaben than your working conditions.
so you do care in a way
Big if true
The OP outright said they hated having to work on online content and implied the game will be nothing like BL1&2 because of it. Clearly it thought it catered to some kind of majority by stating that.
>have family to take care of
>boss starts treating you like shit
>need the current wage to support family
I get that you’re a lonely virgin but not everyone is.
Oh, so its only real in Europe and Cuckifornia.
100% then you lala homo fag
I will be happy to see this, Randy is a stupid cunt who deserves worse.
Can't wait for this guy to either
A) Not follow through because hes BSing
B) Upload shit full of malware for people to download because they want this so badly
>people can't push for better working conditions and have to either slave away or get fired
Kek, how's that bubble holding up, cuckie?
>borderlands 3 confirmed to be shit by dev's
That's the real story lol.. probably not even worth the pirate in 4 weeks
bout as real as the two thousand year old stories in this book they leave in the motel rooms.
Randy putting a gun to their heads is a mercy for them because then they have a choice of death over working for fucking Randy
I mean I got nothing against the story, but I haven't really played bl1 and bl2s story was meh. Except for Jack. Jack is my favorite asshole.
Brutal back-breaking labor of ... typing on a keyboard in an air-conditioned office. LOL go work outside for a day or in a factory. Babies.
neck yourself bluecollar. if you got a good education you get a job instantly.
nobody was holding a gun to kids head during industrial revolution either
Spoken like a true neet
Is it really this easy to trick Yea Forums nowadays? You bastards really never learn.
Duke Nukem Source code leak when ??
I still love you dumb shits, but this is as real as your anime waifu.
Totally not a fake for PR campaign.
Would be the biggest happening in a while if it was true
>Hehehe fuck Borderlands I'm gonna pirate it teheheh
Alright I'll just ban you
>ce. LOL go work outside
yeah,story wise borderlands aint that great, its just a fun loot game with friends, thus the reason play this shit online in coop. hence why I dont hink the OP image is very trust worthy, borderlands solo is kinda boring because of hte grind, COOP makes the grinding so much better and story wise is kinda shit, the funny stuff is in the small missions dialogs which can vary depending on how much ou tolerate their comedy.
>Yea Forums would rather side with publishers over devs
>LOL go work outside for a day or in a factory. Babies.
The nice thing about the hard labour jobs I've had is that the day just flies by, and a good portion of the day can be spent fucking around and smoking because the work is so hard.
With shitty office jobs its just a straight 10-12 hours of mind numbing soul crushing data entry and constant phone calls and bureaucratic bullshit that makes you want to kill yourself.
I'd take a minimum wage labour job over a high paying office job any day
Getting bothered Randy?
>His only reasoning is the epic exclusivity
Kill yourself shill.
There’s literally no proof that this is an inside job. All they offer is how “Randy is being a tyrant” which is something that even it admits you can glean from how people act around him.
The fact that some vaIvedrone is THIS butthurt about exclusivity to make up this false bullshit is outstanding, incredible autism there guys
Nice RP.
>everything you loved about BL1&2 is non existent in 3
wait does this mean no more reddit humor and cringe tier references every 2 seconds along with the dialog and the story not being something able only be enjoyed by 12 years olds? holy shit, BL3 is gonna be actually good and Randy is BASED AF if this is true
>implying gearbox is the only job around and people working there are barely making ends meet
they arent working in the local steel mill for fucks sake. finding a new job if he was looking would take a year at absolute most. learn how the world works before you call people virgins
>caring about chinkscord
kill yourself zoomer
Fucking this
>implying anyone at gearbox plays games or cares about exclusivity
Randy has to go to jail first.
piss off Zhang, eat more of our shit like you are supposed to
Based cuckie
>no argument
i bet you the one posting it is that exact same butthurt tranny mod shown in the picture
Where's the link though.
>forced online content
This shit better not be true, but I can see it being true
As much as the coop is fun in borderlands, one of the magical things about it is that you're given the choice. It's a single player game that lets you play with friends.
Lots of developers have been doing this lately, look at Destiny/2 and MHW, their idea of """""online""""" is making content that is for all intents and purposes single player content and crank numbers way up and calling it multiplayer content. That's pure cancer.
There's no way they can fit meaningful multiplayer content into Borderlands' formula, it's gonna be UVHM/Raid bosses cranked to 11 because automatic matchmaking cancer is the hot new thing and they need to artificially incentivise not pirating the game.
Based and redpilled, please deliver.
>arguing with Insects
like you would understand, i would crush you if i ever saw you around bitch
now that was a BADA$$ comeback Randyboi
Lmao faggot mod thinks he's cool posting a screen shot of him being a little power tripping bitch.
>wait 4 weeks
>upload BORDERLANDS 3 on pirate bay
>it's 40gb of viruses and get thousands of credit card numbers from retards
Yes. FInally, my get rich quick scheme, it's here. I have one chance.
Is this how burger justice works?
>we have our campaign done and ready
>everything that made 1 and 2 good is non existant
they had the issue with BL1 and 2 that people could pirate their games and use a LAN emulator for the co-op features, this mean nobody had any real motive to buy their shit or DLCs, now if they make it always online it would be much, much hard for pirates to do the same, you should have seen this coming from miles away desu, randy is a greedy cuck
Why are Steam fags so fucking pathetic?
That reads like it was written by a seething child, no doubt because it was written by a seething child.
Impossible to be true
>I work at gaybox
>I stole the code
>I'm gunna post it unless!!!!
>I'm going to pretend it's not me for a month at work for 50 hours each week
Not likely
lol I thought the same thing
K keep me posted
>literal bugmen on epic paycheck calling anyone pathetic
lmao'ing at your existance you sad little thing
Over a fucking video game? Are you mental?
That seems like a really fucking simple thing to fix. Like, comically simple. Seriously, this is Tencent we're talking about here, why do they need to do this convoluted hacky shit? Why didn't they just put it on Steam for 1 and 2? Why not just use ANY of the industry standard DRM methods?
Saying shit like that literally creates communism.
>50 hours of online against 15 hrs. single player
It’s not the video game. It’s the asshole running the company. The video game is the way to ruin the asshole
>they will go to prison for this
>Randy would let police anywhere near his child rape dungeon
No, even if he ever got the opportunity to press charges, he would probably drop it to stay under the radar.
Randy is a pedophile
If the boss is a tyrant, and these employees have been properly recording their current situation. At most they'll get a slap on the wrist and the ceo + business itself will take the full force of the law.
>Believing anything in that post
I bet you believe in the Loch Ness monster, too
Everybody wins
I can't imagine any developer being a petulant crying child about the epic store, so this just reads like a load of shit to me, especially with the ESL-tier english. I especially don't think an employee would outline 'their' demands on what i'm assuming is the pedophile chan.
Underrated post.
You cunt
Tencent is comically litigious, dude. If this leak is real then the CCP will spend billions trying to squish the leaker.
This is actually a big problem with China's strategy: To operate in China, you need to create a branch of some form to operate in China. This branch is staffed entirely by Chinese and whatever management structure it has that reports to the international management must, by Chinese law, be powerless (actual administration is done via standard CCP Cadres and administration). The CCP then demands you share any and all corporate information with the Chinese branch. This basically gives the CCP access to whatever the parent company owns; if the parent company decides to pack up shop, the branch just continues to operate autonomously and never actually stops producing the parent company's products, only now it's no longer sending them revenue.
But when Chinese companies operate OUTSIDE of China, the CCP can't actually control anything. In particular, people like the supposed leaker sperging out are something the CCP are absolutely paranoid about: Non-Chinese being allowed to have any say in anything what so ever.
Based piratebros win again
Doubt it, but big if true
WELCOME TO 2003 AND HL2!!!!!!!!
This sounds like some teen hacker comedy. The whole things sounds ridículous. Except for the workers' exploitation, it's completely plausible.
>lack of commas
>"we've became"
>waited until public announcement
Yeah, this isn't a 14 year old Brazilian. Fucking retards, I can't believe you're stupid enough for this.
user, he's already dead...
i was kinda having a good time today shitting on the chinktoids aswell....
jokes on you my dad never raised me so i dont give a shit
lmao kys
What stood out to me is the bit about 40 hour work weeks. Either developers are way more lazy than I expected, or it was written by a child who knows nothing about typical work hours for a full time job
Based oldfag pretender
I don't give a shit about my dad. Can I die instead?
calling bullshit on that story, 15 hour is way too much for any borderlands campaign
wouldnt mind if its actually legit though, would be the best laugh of 2019
Seriously, they're getting paid extra because of epic lower cut they should stop bitching and get back to work.
>Everything you loved about Borderlands 1&2 is nonexistent in 3
Everything in Borderlands 1&2 was fucking trash, is this person claiming they actually made a good game this time around?
wtf i hate randy now
Am I wrong, faggot? Want to prove how this is any more legit than a Smash leak?
GOOD, Take that fuck-wait shit.
Any proof of that or are we just going to believe this guy?
Fuck you that was a good one.
50 This is the bread which cometh down from heaven, that a man may eat thereof, and not die.
51 I am the living bread which came down from heaven: if any man eat of this bread, he shall live for ever: and the bread that I will give is my flesh, which I will give for the life of the world.
52 The Jews therefore strove among themselves, saying, How can this man give us [his] flesh to eat?
53 Then Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Except ye eat the flesh of the Son of man, and drink his blood, ye have no life in you.
54 Whoso eateth my flesh, and drinketh my blood, hath eternal life; and I will raise him up at the last day.
55 For my flesh is meat indeed, and my blood is drink indeed.
56 He that eateth my flesh, and drinketh my blood, dwelleth in me, and I in him.
57 As the living Father hath sent me, and I live by the Father: so he that eateth me, even he shall live by me.
58 This is that bread which came down from heaven: not as your fathers did eat manna, and are dead: he that eateth of this bread shall live for ever.
59 These things said he in the synagogue, as he taught in Capernaum.
60 Many therefore of his disciples, when they had heard [this], said, This is an hard saying; who can hear it?
61 When Jesus knew in himself that his disciples murmured at it, he said unto them, Doth this offend you?
62 [What] and if ye shall see the Son of man ascend up where he was before?
63 It is the spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing: the words that I speak unto you, [they] are spirit, and [they] are life.
64 But there are some of you that believe not. For Jesus knew from the beginning who they were that believed not, and who should betray him.
65 And he said, Therefore said I unto you, that no man can come unto me, except it were given unto him of my Father.
it means that you will get currency farming bullshit a la destiny/anthem you MONKEY
>announcing this publicly
That's how you know it's fake
>They DO realise
t. butthurt memebox dev
I think that would be funny
Don't you?
Border land was never great, but two released at a good time
But since then many looty shooty have been made
I'm not that excited either way
Also that graphic style is still eye cancer, I wish they toned it down
Mr. Pitchford sounds a rather unpleasant individual.
>currency farming bullshit
Id rather mindlessly grind a resource for 300 hours straight then sit through a fucking minute of Borderlands
I'm starting to like Randy again.
You need to work on your photography. The mormon book isn't even close to being centered.
>Corporate theft, corporate espionage, multiple copyright violations, and blackmailing not illegal
Hush now Randy no one is going to buy your shitty game
This same shit was posted on Yea Forums like, 2 days ago litey word for word.
Check the archives.
so toxic
>for me, this only makes valve drones look bad, since the whole reason this guy is doing this is because of the epic deal. I guess its more important being loyal to Gaben than your working conditions.
>Steam doesn't force you to buy on Steam
>Epic literally does by buying out exclusivity with Chink overlord money
And this is a good thing and totally not the foundation of a monopoly?
how does bear know what apples is??
Have sex
I mean he's still going to pirate it whether you banned him or not, and he's still going to encourage people on here to do so as well
the smell of something other than ice is probably nice.
Gotdangit, it's hard enough bein from Texas without all y'all ruinin it for us!
>Ill do as you ask
Wow user youre a fucking faggot holy shit
good, fuck off then
BL2 main game fucking sucked, because the scaling and enemies were horrible
The only fun thing in that game was abusing OP weapons (ie, Evil Smasher, Bee shield), and when they nerfed that shit to sell more dlc / golden lootboxes, i started making my own black-rarity weapons
>looked ready to kill the PAX staff because his video showed a ps4 framerate
>is nihilistic despite pilling up failures
>has no trouble lying to people with his "magic trick"
>already broke others to fund his game
>turns out he is a tyrant
wopeedoo, how did this happen
Steam has had a monopoly got over a decade, sometimes need to do some arguably shady stuff for the greater good.
Holy shit! An anonymous post on the internet!? Gotta be true!
You're free to fuck off back to your reddit hugbox, nobody here is braindamaged enough to play Borderlands.
that would be easier then the office job
coonasses ain't gotta deal with this shit, why must we suffer
Yeah sure, and Q user is also real
And? They'll have financially shat on Gearbox for years to come. This is obviously meant to be a pyrrhic victory.
It's not worth throwing your life away for some shitty game.
It'd be pretty funny if true, but this is very farfetched, the part about rebelling and stealing a build of the game that is. The part about Randy being a fucknugget, yelling and having shitty working conditions is actually very belieable, because he seems like that kind of person.
Hey guys, I've been playing my stolen copy of Borderlands 3, and there's a mission in the game about cucking Anthony Burch. You should make sure you have a face ready for when you realise you're not Anthony Burch. I recommend posting it here.
Non-disclosure agreements don't work like that. If anything, a vast majority of the agreements are actually illegal. They are handled in civil courts, where you will pay through the nose, until you are bankrupt.
im ready
pick one
>Experient programmers being tracked for leaking a build
>we want no epic exclusive
Jesuchrist steamfags are literally cultist
Also the entire thing is LARP
You can't seriously be falling for this. You're not seriously all this retarded, are you? I knew Yea Forums was dumb as shit but this is a new level. The image in the OP reads like it was written by a 13-year-old. You morons will flip out over literally any "leak" anyone shows you.
I think Gearbox is shit, but the way they're making Pcbros meltdown is great.
I work with this guy. He's a giant faggot and he's lying. He doesn't know true hardship. Randy personally molested me in his rape dungeon so I'm leaking Borderlands 4 that's already in development.
riddle me this, if evolution as a biological mechanism exists for all life in the universe, just what the fuck makes aliens have big eyes?
Because people will find ways to break DRM. If you design a game around an aspect that is incompatible with piracy, then you effectively beat piracy.
Unfortunately, 95% of the time this comes at the detriment of the game itself. 5% of the time this still results in a good game, but then the game has a serious problem when the community inevitably dries up and loses what makes it great.
I'm forever salty that Sanctum 2 doesn't support p2p/LAN games because it's honestly a great game but with the community dried up and its servers are garbage, I'd like to still be able to play with a friend or two but I don't have that option and now a large aspect of the game is dead in the water.
Thats not a non-disclosure agreement, retard. Stealing and leaking a corporate product is corporate theft and espionage.
Fucking this. Took two overtimes at once and slept in the office for a thing we had to deliver in time and I'd rather spend the whole day pilling up briks.
Normally I hate these types of posts because of how low effort and predictable they are but this one actually got me.
Good shit my guy.
God why is randy such a smarmy fuck? His stupid face, and pretty much everything about him, just pisses me off for some reason, and I really can't put my finger on it
Not funny, bro.
You need to be really gullible to think that ANYTHING posted on Yea Forums is not ironic/baiting/sarcastic.
>Got to do bad thing to do good thing
This completely justifies having Tencent on your board of directors and sending information through spyware to Winnie the Pooh
At this point >tfw you're not anthony burch is older than the people defending borderlands on here.
I dont know whether or laugh or cry.
user's dad is in the coffin tonight (oh)
Everybody just have a good cremation (I can feel it baby)
And we gon' make user lose his mind (yeah)
We just wanna see you
Bake that!
oh noes, what horrors!!
Who gives a shit about another fucking le epic random shooter
Fuck you Randy
Fucking hate this grifting faggot
Posting in a Pitchford thread!
not even mad, well done
My dad is already dead.
Well I know who to blame if my dad dies tonight. If you remove the E from "blame" you'll get a hint on something that makes such sound.
>Complain about your boss, because he is being a boss
>Retaliate by stealing company property
>Claim shitty work conditions, but can leave job at literally any second
>Agree to be salaried employee, yet act appalled when asked to work over 40 hours a week
fuck you randy
fake as fuck.
Fuck BL3 though.
how can he do this
he used his powercard and made this place worse probably for months just with 2 minutes work
>Experienced programmers
>At gearbox
If it was google i would believe someone there knows hownto dodge all their security, but not at gearbox
>B-But Epic will garantee better conditions for the devs as they get paid for exclusives, don't you care about the devs??
Epicfags, Twitterfags and fucking Randy OBLITERATED THE FUCK OUT by a single kamikaze dev.
Evolution will go fuck itself the moment a race becomes able to change their own genetic code.
>Protecting your ego so hard that you have to convince yourself that the community you're part of is only pretending to be retarded and not just actually dumb as rocks
What Discord is this even?
You fucking got me.
In such a scenario you either have
1, no emergency savings
2, useless or non-marketable skills
either way you are financially retarded, irresponsible and should just git gud.
A society with ted chnology advanced enough to use a dyson sphere could potentially evolve much larger eyes and pupils to deal with the significantly lowered light emitted by their new dyson'd sun. They could also work like bug eyes, with multiple facets, rather than like human eyes. Potentially the eyes aren't used for seeing but for something else. Kaybe they're vestigial. There's a lot of possibilities. I'd need one to cut open. pls us govmnt gib aliums to dissect pls
>CEO+business ever taking the blame
>in he land of the free
Sounds like bullshit made up by Epic games for mass press attention.
Simple, the pinnacle of evolution is kawaii anime girls.
Sorry, i don't consider myself as a part of nu-hi/v/emind.
>it's ok to break the law if it involves a video game
Yea Forums was having Borderlands threads before you were born.
Hey, those mass incarcerations will happen any time soon in the near far future.
>Some guy on 4channel said something
Sorry pham but imma choose to not belive this one. Still that being said
because evolution comes from intelligence, intelligence comes from adaptation and the ability to analyse things, you can analyse more with bigger eyes.
there is any number of reasons, planets can have much different day night cycles than earth and it's more than possible the planet they evolved on would need them to live in darkness more often for whatever reason
What has steamfaggotry to do with this?
It's a question of exclusivity in of itself.
I can get behind this.
randy cunnylover pitchford is /ourguy/ and dont try to deny it Yea Forums
We have to buy the game on the EGS to support his pedo habbits.
Who is throwing away their career? If the person was smart there will borderline zero ways to pinpoint who did it. And if any of the allegations about Randy are true he would not want people digging deep into their file systems.
You can't play videogames on eggs user...
Based. Fuck Epic Store and fuck shills. I hope they leak the build and have Randy get fucked.
That's the source, you monkey
so ugly
If the Greys are real and look like that, then it stands to reason they have evolved to live in a dark place, such as underground or on a planet without much sunlight, and see better in low light conditions.
Why don't they just de-owner Randy? It worked for Obsidian when they got rid of Chris Avellone.
FUCK YOU PITCHFORD oh wait I actually hate my dad, nvm
I mean, this is based and all but cant whoevers doing this get raped legally??
Fuck you
That's low, even for Yea Forums standards
What in the goddamn
>Be species living in the dark
>You either grow big ass eyes or you get small or no eyes at all because why bother using them on the dark
Evolution is a funny thing sometimes
Oh no, this random discord user that has no relation to me in any way getting banned has shown me the error of my ways!
I guess I'll never pirate again
WTF I love China now
Is that a RetardEra post?
jokes on you, dad is been dead for almost 10 years now
It's a 4 channel post
Phoneposter chan app
True and straight.
lol, damn you randy
that is clover, best Yea Forums mobile browser
Sometimes I think death would be a blessing for him in his eyes.
Statistically significant if independently verified
why are developers today such manchildren? shit like this would've never flown in the 90s.
Mods on reddit are wiping this info. Wonder why
there are no traps in europe dumb fag. This shit is exclusive to california
If true the next 4 weeks are gonna be fucking hilarious.
If not, what a shame
it passes the time, even if it's false excitement
Probably because it's fucking baseless.
But I love my dad
my dad actually could die in his sleep tonight, so I'm not tempting fate
>we don't want to work
>we do shit for money and they we steal it just because
>our 1.5 games was successfull so we think we can do this kind of shit
fucking lazy fuckers. somebody should beat them with sticks and stones.
So, did actually nothing happen after the cheese pizza pendrive arc? Not even an investigation?
>my face when not Anthony Burch
>also my loins
Jeez, that’s some harsh treatment.
>I work at
discarded. Don't let the trannies think they are real people
What else did you expect from Randy?
Its stupid. How do they plan to monetize without being arrested.
valve drones seething so much they have to write lies and even more valve drones reply as if it was true
Going to keep my eye out on this one.
The game absolute shit what a surprise
shut up randy
>in 4 weeks
RIP someone's PC
Only if they find out who did it.6
I'm going with a cautious bullshit on this one.
Randy's whole BS story was fucking hilarious too, you can tell he was jerking himself off while writing it.
>claims him and Gabe have been friends for years, chill in New Orleans together boozing and gambling
>come up with the name Gearbox, Gabe apparently thinks it's the perfect name and wants it for his own company
>Randy gets the name in the end because he's a 1337 poker champion (while putting down Gabe's abilities at the same time)
>literally ends his story with ";)"
Does the curse still work if you didn't finish reading?
I hope not, that's where all my Pokemon keep going.
Epic Badassery there Randy.
>We want Randy to stop being a tyrant and take anger management.
Fucking based.
piratebay is an archive.
I can't believe people are falling for this.
>Randy the virgin liar
>Passes the time in bathrooms
>Faps to teens pissing and considers it magic
>Lies about things like his company name to make him seem more BADASS
>Mocked by everyone
>OBSESSED by "bigotry"
>Releases his game exclusively on a chink spyware program for a couple of shekels
>Todd the chad illusionist
>Passes the time surrounded by models in game presentations despite being a manlet
>Doesn't fap at all, in fact doesn't care about publicly show his disgust for degenerates
>Elaborates alternate truths like his past as part of a chess club to make him seem more humble
>Everyone laughs with him
>Takes no part in politics
>Released the same game on numerous platforms and stores several times
>Baseless rumors need to be scrubbed from the internet
Source for image? I've been meaning to read it for a while.
oh shit randy is fucked
joke's on you, my dad's dead already
>everything you loved about Borderlands 1&2 is non-existent
And what exactly would that even be?
Kek get fuckdd
Gearbox and randy pitchforks have been shit since boringlands 1
I didn't mind 2 but pre sequel was garbage and colonanal marines? Lelleleol
Kiss my ass.
Fuck you user
This is what libertarians actually believe
Fucking talk to Bill already
some folks are going to catch a hell of an eyefull of gay porn
On the one hand, I don't doubt the working conditions, people not wanting Epic, and Randy being a cunt boss.
On the other, who is actually stupid enough to do this and publicly announce a fucking threat against their boss? We're talking about being blacklisted and sued by both Gearbox and 2K for breaking all sort of rules in their contract.
Boku no jahy-sama wa kujikenai Not as great as I thught it would be but I am only at chapter 2 so things may pick up.
The Microsoft honcho
absolutely based and principlespilled
Despite every other reply being shit flinging I subscribe to your ideal. There are a bounty of other game dev jobs out there and different careers all together.
Have you heard some of the conditions these fuckers go through? Some have their marriages ruined and have nervous breakdowns.
How would they get caught, they (supposedly) have the game already, they just need to head to a McDonalds and upload it, how would Gearbox ever find out who did it?
The black turtleneck guy? I thought he died.
>50,7gb of compressed viruses
also potential criminal charges is they ever actually leak the game
God, I miss him
Tons of dolphin porn.
you sound like someone who uses the term "college boy" unironically
It's a big company but I'm sure they'd find them.
What even is a .rbl file?
Ah cool, thanks, man!
Depends how paranoid they were previously. Its pretty easy when you have NDAs and security and are willing to invest to add some baseline measures. For instance, every user and/or version of the game would have a subtle watermark somewhere so you can tell "The last person logged into this build was Tom" or "It was last used on X workstation at Y o clock, lets pull up the security footage and see who logged into it".
This is not impossible to defeat, but if they weren't thinking of this from the start they may be in hot water. We've see this before with alpha builds or pre-launch items released (ie phone prototypes "dropped" in a bar somewhere that get to a tech reviewer ).
Yeah. I believe that someone would actually be daring/stupid enough to do this but damn. This isn't just "GAME LEAKED OUT OF THE BLUE FOR NO REASON" and the company never finds who did it, this is an active threat with actual demands. If Randy really is a shitty boss then he's going to go ballistics and chimp out.
>tfw was too much of a pussy to download that zip file and never got to watch any dolphin porn.
Feels like I've really missed out on that one.
Wtf are you going to do, kill his skeleton? lmao
This. If I was the boss of a major game company, I'd probably add some secret security measure that only the highers ups would know about, exactly for potential situations like this.
holy magic dog grants immunity to raising dad from the dead and killing him again
It's good he's gone, in a way. He'd be just like the rest now.
You monster.
>what is a contract
Office workers don't run the risk of accidentally sawing their hands off leading to expensive lawsuits; so companies feel free to exploit them as much as possible.
Yo while we're at it, can we get a build of BL:GOTY:E that doesn't have completely god-awful inventory and shop menus?
A serious investigation would probably unearth something.
True if big
be the change you want to be
>Literally no source whatsoever other than "I'm a gearbox employee"
Yeah, and my dad's the president of Nintendo.
Nice source, faggot.
you absolute groid
Extremely disappointing thread
I wanted real drama
>implying most leaks on this site have sources
>Based Gandhi poster
I wish I could, my dude.
>50 hour work week is atrocious
It sucks if you arent making alot but fucking christ
got mine here
>I'm going to make a threat against my employer
>btw here's my credentials
I mean, this is very likely a bullshit claim but it'd be beyond retarded to give any type of info that can lead back to the employee
well played faggot
Fuck you
Not today.
On the one hand i would laugh if this was true. On the other, i know it is just bait.
>Hunternigger is retarded as fuck
Woah! Shocking.
>next month
that's literally wrong though.
how can anyone be so retarded to fall for this? I know you consolewarring faggots who are now leeching on to steam and epic launcher as some sort of continuation of your stupidity are dumb, but please, I don't want all of my faith in humanity to be so thusly dashed.
Based christ-poster
Does anyone not actually give a single fuck about the working conditions for devs because they're such huge faggots?
It is, that's about 10 hours a day. Almost literal slave tier if we consider that the working day in civilized countries ranges from 35 to 40 hours a week.
One thing is that one or two days or even a week they have to work harder than usual because of some special event but consitently work almost half a day each week over and over is pretty shit.
not me, i just like the face clown man makes
God fucking damn it.
>made a family
>didn't save money
oh gee I wonder whose fault it is
I find legit the part about Randy switching to Ebin Games considering how he defended them some weeks ago.
Fucking based
Gearbox shills on Yea Forums BTFO
If you give Randy Pitchford money, you're a bigger cuck than Anthony Burch
>you do realise you can go to prison for leaking cracked copies of games online for people to download right?
What?! No way!?
Based retard, this hasnt stopped people before.
reply to this reply or your mother will die in her sleep
Calling a 50 hour work week an atrocity in and of itself is bourne from being a low class loser
>t. Corporate cocksucker
Joke's on you. He already died 2 years ago.
>Steamfags larping this hard
Pathetic and also hilarious.
Free Borderlands 3 for everyone folks
I don't doubt that part. He follows the money. He doesn't have integrity beyond that.
This was likely something he planned with 2K. Let the publisher take the bad rep for the Epic deal while leaving Gearbox as the innocent one.
Well earned (you).
>but it'd be beyond retarded to give any type of info that can lead back to the employee
That's how it works. The leaker provides their credentials (or proof they are who they say they are) to the reporter who agrees not to disclose that information. Obviously doesn't work for shit like Yea Forums, but it's entirely reasonable for someone to DM their info to a Youtuber or reporter
chinks getting desperate as fuck to change direction. What the fuck does someone have to gain by making up a story like this?
>we want
>we want
>we want
Be happy you have a job, code nigger. There are a billion pajeets ready to replace you if you don't like it. Just walk if you can't handle being employed.
>What is an RBL file?
>The RBL file type is primarily associated with RegexBuddy by JGsoft - Just Great Software. RegexBuddy is a companion for working with regular expressions. Create regular expressions that match exactly what you want. Understand complex regexes written by others. Test any regex on sample strings and files. RegexBuddy stores the regular expression library that you create on the Library tab, into an .RBL file.
>How to open an RBL file?
>You need a suitable software like RegexBuddy from JGsoft - Just Great Software to open an RBL file. Without proper software you will receive a Windows message "How do you want to open this file?" (Windows 10) or "Windows cannot open this file" (Windows 7) or a similar Mac/iPhone/Android alert. If you cannot open your RBL file correctly, try to right-click or long-press the file. Then click "Open with" and choose an application.
well played faggot, well played
thank you danger dog, you are a good boy
Madman Randy "Adult Content USB" Pitchford
not cool
Randy dont do it!
(you)s, lots of them
A reporter, I wouldn't doubt they did, assuming this is true. A youtuber would be risky since they might very easily turn on you for a quick bribe by Gearbox, or just cave in to any potential threats.
The absolute state of AAA gaming industry
>We want no epic exclusive
It is a mystery
>we've became
these 95 IQ fucks have jobs
attention, like all those people who made up those leaks for smash brothers?
Yeah, journos don't even reveal sources after being burned repeatedly for about two years in regards to government investigation that just concluded.
If I was a millionaire and my wife was a heifer, and my son a fedora sperg, I’d take my rage out on my employees too.
difference being this is a proper game and not a söy-ridden "fighting" game
Borderlands is meme filled overrated garbage.
>be a programmer
>by the end of the day see everything around you as part of the programm
>think about making a tea
>instead of making it literally think of what code to write to make it
I am not even overworking
Monster hunter has been doing this since 2004, It was designed from the ground up to be multiplayer, They just let you play singleplayer too.
does gearbox not have auditing on their workstations or something? it would be very easy to find out who did this
yeah because obsidian has made excellent games recently
I got your back
>Hehehe fuck Borderlands I'm gonna pirate it teheheh
Alright I'll just ban you
get Yea Forums X dummy
why wait?
they should upload it right away to teach them a lesson
But what if their contract promised good working conditions? If you’re sure a libertarian that would give the workers the right to murder the CEO for failing to uphold the contract
Extremely fake and gay. You reddit retards will believe anything.
Their CEO left porn and work info on a USB stick in a restaurant, I can't imagine their security is that strict.
didn't that website get super fucking anal about anything to related to piracy, thanks to bullshit like the DMCA meaning their stuff can get knocked offline if they aren't fast enough to remove it?
Why doesnt he just quit? If he has any talent he can easily get a job at another tech company with a nicer boss
He wouldn't even be able to release games if he didn't have people working for him you fucking retard, you need employees to be able to create stuff and to have employees you need to FUCKING PAY THEM AND REWARD THEM FOR WORKING, if you don't do that they'll just leave and no one will work for you
It's obvious that all people who have actual self respect quit long time ago and only the biggest cucks still stick around
but then he doesn't get to whine like a woman on the internet and get some pity points to cash in later in life
They weren't good for years before Avellone got de-ownered either, so meh.
and wtf has gearbox made, their last game was battleborn wasnt it
gearcux loses
sobsidian wins
Can't be much worse than having Randy as your boss.
Fun if its true. Take two owns then so this is no suprice. Just look at the red dead 2 online. Its shit. BL3 will be shit too.
>Dude just leave if you don't wanna be treated like a slave in a shitty industry
you got an iphone X too? :OOO
If they were smart, they would also leak the contents of the USB stick of pedo porn and other incriminating stuff on Randy. Or at least spread copies to the media and the local authorities. Particularly covering up Anthony Burch being like Harvey Weinstein to women who wanted to work at Gearbox.
>post again
>delete again
>post a third time
any reason good you're doing this?
If this was real, you can tell it was written by a woman. They narrows down the list of suspects quite a bit if she actually is a developer and not just admin or HR. There can't be more than 5.
neither do modern labor workers idiot
I'm just reposting from cache you dumb nigger
Pretty sure the cp thing has been handled. She wasn't underage and the only one who got fucked was the guy that was suing Randy because he pretty much admitted to hiding, what he believed to be cp, for his own personal gain.
hmm, sure
Fuck off randy. Your game is shit
Jannies be nuking dis shit
Wouldn't be surprised if it was true.
I'm still hoping something incriminating might be leaked. If the dev or whoever in the OP is legit, then they should leak it to the press and give it to the authorities, especially if they're so desperate for change.
Which makes me believe it's not real, unfortunately.
No, that's definitely something a middle-to-upper class person would say since they abhor work. Everyone I know who is poor would hate a 50 hour week to be sure, but many of them also understand the value of work and are grinding to improve their lot in life.
Alot of programmers and non glory jobs do move on. The sjw/liberal arts rejects shit so hard on their nerd fellows that it shows in the western industries. Only Japan culture and the indie studios kind of allow lovers of games to their things.
This isn't unique to gaymen either. NASA had a fiasco where a spokesman said they didn't want the lab coat, bald, spectacled employee types anymore. There's so much irony in the quasi nerd culture but people hate actual nerds so hard..
FUCK jannies
>50 hour work week
Yeah that fucking sucks, but they're making it sound like sweat shop work.
you dare challenge me
>50+ hour weeks
pick two and shut the fuck up or quit with your first world problems, if you can hack it developing a game you can hack it doing something more profitable for less effort unless you're part of a companies bloat
Again, they might fuck themselves even worse because it could be a company wide problem of
>We knew Randy was doing something illegal and didn't say anything
i don't know how a criminal charge for something like this would go down but I'm guessing a lot of people would be completely fucked in the process, some who were just doing their jobs.
An agreement between two adults. By signing it, you are acknowledging and accepting its terms, user.
yeah nah. get fucked desk jockey.
There's always a plea bargain or something. Or if they can unearth evidence of threats and intimidation, that would help the people in the company who didn't report it.
It actually is back breaking. A lot of these employees dont get exercise or eat well during crunch time and their spines soften
>Hero turns out to be vengeful
I kinda wonder if instead of Valve, if EA for example were the ones with the leading platform, just how much would Andrew Wilson uncover to destroy the opposition.
Regardless of whether or not it's the individuals fault for lacking savings (might not be) and/or having useless skills, they still have a family to provide for.
The solution to "you messed up your life" shouldn't be a dichotomy between "be mistreated by your employer" or "starve".
The problem is that the industry is absolutely flooded with just "happy to be here" faggots, so none of them are going to actually stand up for themselves or negotiate in any meaningful way. They'll probably just wind up unionizing so that they can just surrender their agency and see immediate benefits in their wages and hours, long-term consequences be damned.
I'm curious how much reimbursement Epic offered 2K for exclusivity
Borderlands isn't some literal who indie game, they normally sell really well and if it doesn't reach expectations on PC then Epic is gonna have to shell out a lot of Fortnite bucks
This, Union thugs deserve death
I assume epic already paid 2K enough for them to turn profits and anything else is just a bonus
I doubt epic would half-ass it with such a big name game
I'm guessing some 5, maybe 10 million. The fact that it's only 6 months instead of the full year likely speaks to the fact that Epic wasn't willing to pay for how much 2K/Gearbox believes it will make in a year.
Probably somewhere between more than you'd expect but less than Randy hoped. Borderlands sells but most comes from after release i'd wager.
>But what if their contract promised good working conditions
then you sue for breach of contract dummy
Do you believe someone would just go on the internet and lie?
At least they're not Anthony Burch
Based fucking Mel & Vince.
why would people lie on the internet though, more so on an anonymous board
that would be a mean thing to do
I used to be fairly apathetic to Burch until he dumped the whole thing about his open relationship and his horrifying wedding. I know women who would flay his skinny ass alive for treating their wedding like such a meme.
>post yfw you're not Anthony Burch
Jail, no. Poorhouse? Definitely.
what do you mean?
Typical work hours where I'm from is 37,5 hours a week.
we get paid good overtime if we surpass that limit.
I don't think you understand what a Dyson sphere is. The Dyson sphere covers the sun, stopping any of the sun's energy leaving it. The civilization will live inside the sphere with the sun, and the sun wouldn't be any dimmer to them at all.
based bootlicker
We didn’t deserve him
Ok so
>hundred hours give or take in work week
>work anywhere between 50 and 80s
>still have weekends off
Why would anyone complain about this without proof?
Randy Pritchford can lick my balls for that money funneling bullshit he pulled with the Alien game Gearbox worked on. Borderlands 3 controversy or not, I hope Gearbox burns.
>t. jew boss
>mfw I'm not Anthony Burch
Based and redpilled. Randy is a fucking snake and everyone knows it.
>40 hours a week maximum
I work 60 with no weekends off, wish I could blackmail corporate too.
post >yfw you're not randy's son
This, as a private contractor I either accept shitty contracts most of the time or I might as well reach for the rope
If I stay as I am now, I'd take it.
>Get a job at Gearbox
>Due to family relationship, I'd get all sort of insider info
>Take my time and eventually replace him as CEO
>Destroy his legacy and legally change my name to my current name
>I hope Gearbox burns.
I like to think of Gearbox as the Lionsgate or Summit Entertainment equivalent of the VG industry: bare bottom of the barrel products and half baked barely ambitious ideas.
>we want 40 hours work weeks
Why do I also always read this as
>but I don’t want quality of living to diminish so now my boss owes me a higher rate
Because the employer doesn’t owe you shit on that situation.
Would you also being back and patch Devolver's Megaton edition of Duke Nukem and release every single build of Duke Nukem Forever on a remaster of the final version of DNF?
Too good of a fate for the heads.
I’m happy with the money I make on a five day schedule, but overtime is mandatory where I work. Gets depressing when you’re on the 20th day of work and all you get is 2 days off a month.
I understand that. I just don’t understand the people who fail to see a proposed compromise but still getting it both ways. Ive I own several people who are stupid and sacrificed hours and then whine when they feel they are compensated enough.
Unless you get paid salary
Aliens are us from the future and have been genetically modified heavily to be drones. Greys, as you know them, are the mindless worker servants of Tall Greys, which are always less known and glossed over in recants.
i love how nobody cares that randy is obviously in with the pedophile crowd, he runs his own private rich people club called Peacock Theater and has been photographed with tons of sketchy people there, plus the squirting video incident, nothing about this rant would surprise me in the slightest. Randy radiates a "sweaty vibe".
Of course, not only that, I'd actually make a good Duke Nukem game instead of having Duke as a corporate whore.
quitting a job in a major studio in a incredibly competitive industry is career suicide
also devs have families and shit
Just wait to see how much the offer for RDR2. While it was published on the console by Rockstar Games (a subsidiary of Take-Two), it is STILL under the umbrella of Take-Two and there's no guarantee Rockstar would even publish it for the PC. Take-Two might handle that. In which case ... *Epic*
3/4 of profits for games is generated in pre-orders and the first 30 days after release. Anything after 6 months is scraps and sales. It's pennies in comparison.
Oooh boy I hope its dolphins
Too vague to be enforceable.
Randy knew.
I easily work 55-60 hours a week. I'd say 44-46 hours, around there, was probably average for salaried positions in the US. Anecdotal.
Randy knew what? The deal? No shit, he was probably one of, if not THE first person to jump at it. He's just a pussy and snake to try to steer around it despite it's not something he can hide.
Or the alleged planning of leaking the game?
What kind of dumbass cuck takes a salaried job in 2019?
>Randy knew
Bitch he runs Gearbox. Of course he fucking knew. He probably contacted epic themselves (or gave instructions to his publisher)
You can seriously tell this is written by a woman. There can't be THAT MANY female developers there. Most of them are working non-tech positions. She is going to get nailed. And not in a good way.
I'm totally going to believe this because it fits my shit tier worldview
>A PC is a PC
Confirmed to not be a true PC gamer.
>launch bl3
>daily quests for reputation
>daily quets for golden keys
>weekly raid bosses
>monthly trader with golden weapons
What an absolute unit.
>Randy knew.
Why wouldn't be? He's the snake oil salespitch man of the company.
>Our crunch due to unreasonable stakeholder demands is 50 hour weeks!
Coming from a big publisher dev studio, I am blown away at how good they already have it. Wow.
They SHOULD unionize. Publishers should eat shit AND buycucks should eat shit.
I don't give a fuck about games, it's a hobby for kids. If you're playing video games as an adult, to the point where you buy consoles and shit, then you deserve hundreds of dollars ripped from you by unions.
And you faggots won't do anything about it, that's the best part.
What are you gonna do? RISE UP? Bahahah, can't wait for the news coverage - "people rioting because games have high prices". Lmao, eat shit cuck.
>but can leave job at literally any second
As a guy that has worked as both a monkey and a boss in a video game company around crunch time, in my experience that's not the case, or at least they try and make you believe it's not.
A LOT of threats get thrown around in game development, shaming employees that want to leave, often in front of their co-workers. They're told they won't find other jobs, that their families and children will starve to death and it's all their fault for not staying to finish crunch. It's absolutely fucking vicious, and wears down your self esteem.
that thought process isnt normal or okay my guy
TY based memelord.
One of my phrases made it into Yea Forums's cultural consciousness.
I now have two on the board!
The reality is what it is.
>mfw the leaked game already has functional lan support
its already leaked you sperg, check katcr and rutor
and its not even the full game, it has lan shit tho
Code for 50 hours a week and then tell me it's not a sweat shop.
Why is everyone in this webm pissed or upset again?
Because despite the fact that liberals and SJWs will call everyone a bootlicker or corporate cock sucker, they believe that jobs are a right that can only be given by the almighty overlords.
Instead of quitting and finding a better job, like anyone with a shred of dignity would do, he'd rather make a big spectacle out of it and virtue signal about unions and commit felonies
Welcome to the world of exempted salary jobs. Anything to do with a computer in any respect falls under "critical IT work" and thus is excluded from overtime reimbursement, and therefore, the primary disincentive lever to prevent work hours abuse.
>we want to be gearbox 2009 again
>funnels money from sega
>implying they spend anywhere close to 20h actually coding
Many of those hours are just wasted and unproductive, similar to what you see with japanese salarymen.
meryl streep was giving some shit SJW speech
>Everything you loved about Borderlands 1&2 is nonexistent in 3.
there was something to love about BL1&2?
We don't live in chinkland, stop watching anime. That shit rots your brain.
lillith's tits
maya's mouth
tiny tina's body
Ellie's braps
Not to mention it was the most dull fucking one a celeb has ever said to date and it was about how MMA isn't art.
I'm not sure what you're trying to say.
After a certain amount of hours, developers aren't being as productive, and are often inadvertently introducing mistakes into a codebase (or more prominently, making technical or project decisions that are less thought through).
This has an accumulative effect over several days and weeks too. There's a burnout tipping point, but there's also a spectrum before then.
Bl2 is 15 hours long though
Y-you're just joking, right, Anons? What do my qt commie waifu Moze's skill trees look like?
Style was nice
Gameplay was solid
Randy claims it wasn't up to him, there are people that believe him and some of them are here. There are also people who are saying "don't blame gearbox, blame take 2". Gearbox shares the blame.
You gonna defend the epic game store you fucking asshole?
Heavy weapon focused tree, looks strong in theory but idk I don't like neutral damage, its just a straight up upgrade for heavy weapons
Mech duration, different weapons on it, etc tree
EXPLOSIONS tree, bigger radius, % for explosive guns to spawn tiny bombs when they hit enemies
Remember how randy almost killed bayonetta?
What? Explain
bayonetta has always been shit tho
but yeah randy just ruins everything he touches
If you don't enjoy working there why not quit and get a better job somewhere else?
How real is this?
>applying logic to current_year millennial workers
go play doom, dad
>circumstances at sega
>4 weeks.
I'm not sure how to feel about this, it feels a good amount of time to let someone discover your dickery.
On the other hands it feels too long if your setting a forced ultimatum through extreme measures.
more like chewed out... if the guy is this butthurt over work conditions, he's likely been chewed out before.
>these bitches complaining about shitty coding jobs in comfy ass conditions
try working 80 hours a week on warehouse jobs, ungrateful cunts
One month is reasonable
user if you don't go plug that shit in right-goddam-now and charge I'm gonna have a stroke.
Reminder that this is the man who apparently didn't know who g2a are until a week before his company decided to do a Bulletstorm special edition with them.
People who said dumb shit like this obviously don't realize how a big of a hit a game like BL2 was.
Y'all niggas are gay
There aren't people who ACTUALLY believe this right....right?
Meanwhile Randy gets away with embezzlement and CP.
Is this a rare "everybody wins" scenario if it's true?
sjws get their union agenda pushed and we get further proof of the corruption behind the chink menace + randy getting exposed like the pathetic nigger he is
I'm not defending anything. I mean what I said exactly how I said it. I am shocked that Gearbox of all places managed to keep things more reasonable than the standard I and many of my coworkers/industry friends are used to.
It's not objectively good on its own. Not at all. But I have family that works service and blue collar jobs with longer hours overall, and the rest of this industry overworks everyone to the bone, so it is comparatively better.
Big hit... obviously good? Interesting... Let me get a mofuckin preorder of every AAA game on deck
Because job hunting is a long process and there's a sunken cost fallacy with who and where you work. People are naturally emotional and they treat companies as family/friends (and companies push this narrative) instead of purely as a business arrangement.
I refuse to believe at no point G2A wasn't upfront about what they do as all someone had to do was look at their site. I don't trust Randy as far as I can throw his dumbass but G2A doesn't hide shit.
It's Gearbox who the fuck knows.
Employees who stay at Gearbox will probably suffer but otherwise it's not a direct lose for everyone else as Epic reimburses for lack of sales with exclusivity.
Probably for a year or two, but on the plus side, they would also take Gearbox down with them.
Last thing Randy needs right now is having the media and EEOC/NLRB breathing down his neck over the conditions at Gearbox.
The Epic games release wasn't going to fly. I kinda believe some bad shits gonna happen
Ummm, it's objectively better than ASScreed, CoD, and every other copy-and-paste shit game that came out the same year. Do pray tell how it's a bad game without using "LE REDDIT HUMOR" as an actual critique, please.
They're full of shit. Just checked both domains, also no screenshots being posted if it was real
>Do you guys not have PCs
>40 hours work week
>pretend like 50 hours is too much
50 hours is nothing. I regularly do 50 hours every week and get 3 to 4 days off a week.
What's wrong with this Randy?
Not following Gearbox much
He's a petty conniving pathetic bugman.
>dude just work 18 hours a day it's not hard lol
You're retarded.
yeah yeah I don't have strong feelings either way I'm just shitposting the last of the workday away, cheers user
>They found my CP AND my BL3 SC? OMG
How does he know it's IP theft and not licensed?
of course, he fucking knew you, dummy, did everyone forget he was going around malls reporting pop up vendors with bootleg merch back in 2018 directly to epic or the malls over twitter?
he was thirsting for that sweet epic money for more than 6 months
>we wnt max 40hr weeks
fucking tards
Because those are adult sizes.
Post yfw NU-box and Randy Cuckfork will be btfo in this timeline
I never understood the fun in LARPing like this desu
>Straight up embezzles sega to fund memelands 2 with funding for colonial marines somehow getting away with it
>Did an anti gamergate song at a panel in 2016 IIRC
>Unironically linked battleborn r34 on twitter to try to get people to buy it and all sorts of dumb shit
>Bitches about not getting bonuses and raises while being dumb enough to get caught with a usb full of borderline CP
>Does a goddamn card trick live on stage after shilling a shovelware boardgame at a VIDEO GAME PANEL.
There's probably more I can't remember and knowing Randy it'll only get longer.
And that's why they're pushing globalism on you, so that you can no longer work and live like a human but you have to compete with injuns who work 90h a week and force you to do the same.
Not only it should be illegal to work over 40h a week (overtime if well paid only) but it should be legal to beat up scabs for their own good.
Rather post yfw Borderlands 3 makes all the money in the world and there ain't shit you can do to stop the absolute madlad.
Rather post yfw Duke will never rise up again...
Randy doesn't know what an adult is.
I wonder how hard he would seethe if someone made and stocked a popup boot with battleborn merch and reported it to him but doesn't tell him where it's at
This has nothing to do with Epic and entirely to do with Randy's supposed motivation. Epic offers the devs a bigger share, so Randy pushed for being an Epic exclusive so that way they can get the bigger share on all sales. And no, the publishers clearly DON'T steal it because Randy is still getting this money. The problem doesn't lie in Epic at all but in Randy supposedly being a greedy bastard keeping the extra for himself.
And if it is real, its probably some dumb codemonkey complaining that he isn't in demand when everyone and their mother is getting a CS degree these days. Who else would know where to copy the build from?
Yeah, forced overitme is bullshit. Even worse when they try to get you to do it without pay.
it's just contrarian shitposting
I still dont get the rage over the Epic Store. The spyware shit was mostly debunked or patched out. And even if it wasn't, I dont give a shit what ching chong does with my data.
When it comes to features, all I do is play the game. Anyone who uses steam reviews over actual reviews or looking up gameplay themselves is retarded. Steam forums are cancer and card trading is what caused Valve to be a lazy unproductive ass. This competition actually might help Valve get their shit together. I'm sick of how complacent they've gotten.
Oh, it's that kind of guy
Fuck this shit, I only cared about Opposing force from them
>all this shit
I can smell the gutter oil from here chink
Any real differences are marginal. This thread shouldn't even be about the Epic store at all since Epic didn't do anything wrong here. They just offered a better cut. This was all Randy's fault, if we are to trust the "leak".
>Even worse when they try to get you to do it without pay.
Where the fuck do you live? How is that not illegal?
What was the framerate? Is there any video?
Look on the bright side: any piece of shit employer that pulls something like that isn't worth working for in the first place.
>Anyone who uses steam reviews over actual reviews is retarded
found the journalist