Why is Dark Souls so much better than sekiro?
Why is Dark Souls so much better than sekiro?
Confy/unsettling setting
expample : firelink shrine, majula
Because Western culture is closer to you, gameplay-wise it's worse.
Easy gameplay and comfy setting
Only Dark Souls 1 is better than Sekiro.
DS has soul, sekiro is a soulless Activision game
You can choose how to play.
For me, its
>Character customization and building
>Substantial variety of movesets and playstyles
>Gear upgrading
>Finding actually useful shit when exploring
>Interactivity between players (co-op, bloodstains, invasions)
>More interesting setting and art direction
Basically, all its RPG elements.
The entire time I spent playing Sekiro, I felt like would rather be playing a Souls game instead.
DS1 is shit
it isn't
How is the gameplay worse? Sure, sekiro's combat gameplay loop is more complex, but you're funneled into that style of play for every subsequent playthrough. I don't the satisfaction of smashing enemies with a UGS or melting them with twin swords. I much prefer the dodge roll than sekiro's deflection and evasions.
because its easier for you faggots
*I don't get
Instead of getting gud, scrubs can just clear the game by rolling a magic build
>r1 spam good!!
I could do shitty reductionism with sekiro too
>L1 R1 spam good!
Fuck off.
This. The only "people" who thinks DaS1 is better than anything are retarded casuals and game journos.
>l1 spam
Doesn't work, sweety.
I love that this fucking Demon's Souls meme persists to this day.
Get over it, nigga.
I only have the final boss left. I've enjoyed the game but after I beat him I won't play it again
It does work with the combo spamming centipede faggots.
Neither does spamming R1 all the time.
Also, lets not forget that R2 is a thing in Souls. With that alone, Souls is more intricate.
More weapons, more armor, more enemy variety, better mood, better setting, better lore.
The same feature is delegated to holding R1, idiot
Why would I use R2 when r1 spam and occasional dodge always work? Souls games have atrocious combat.
Dark Souls takes more skill. Specifically, Dark Souls 2 takes the most skill.
As does Sekiro with its godawful Parry-Counter-Deathblow garbage.
You know what, lets be honest here. All Souls and Souls-like games have shit combat. Only reasons Souls got popular in the firs place are that Demon's Souls came at a time when very few games actually presented some challenge to the player, and it brought with it some at-the-time sparsely-seen ideas like co-op and invasions. The combat was always second-fiddle to these factors.
whats a game with good combat
the problem with og Dark Souls is that it's only good on your first playthrough AND as your first Souls games, if it isn't your first playthrough and/or your first Souls game, it will be far too easy for the most part to provide any measurable challenge.
that's why always encourage people to start the series with DaS1.
>All Souls and Souls-like games have shit combat
This. Sekiro still has better combat than Souls though.
Gothic II.
>my shit is better than your shit!
Well, ok then.
Cause it has an easy mode.
Also i can get OP builds to rekt those online nubs
Any character action game. DMC, Bayo, God Hand, etc.
No it's more like
>my simple but functional hamburger is better than your hamburger with hair and pieces of shit in it
DaS2 has the artificial difficulty of not only are you constantly fighting against the enemies but also the chimpanzee controls.
Yeah but my hairburger has more toppings than yours.
it doesn't, and everyone that says it does it's clearly exposed as to never have played the game
I disagree, DaS1 is the only one I find myself constantly coming back to due to its great replay ability especially in its first half. Same with Demon Souls and to a lesser extent DaS2.
Am I alone in wanting a Souls-like with Ninja Gaiden combat?
Nioh doesn't count shut up.
For me, I enjoyed dark souls because how easy it is. I looked up optimal build online, overleveled and summoned. For most bosses I didn’t even hit them once. It was really more like an exploration game. I liked it a lot and I’m forever tru le hardcore dark souls fan
were you dropped on your head as a baby?
Sekiro has:
No meme builds.
No replayability.
So you would rather eat a big burger with different toppings that has shit in it instead of a simple cheeseburger? That's disgusting, man.
Well yeah. I eat to sate my hunger, not to enjoy tastes.
>No meme builds.
>No PVP.
Main reasons why Sekiro is much better than Souls.
No, these are exactly the reasons that make soulsborne games superior.
>I eat literal shit
>t. Dark Souls fan
Yep, confirmed.
Not an argument. It's objective truth.
>I eat bitch baby portions
>t. Sekironigger
Checks out.
>Dark Souls fag is still defending the fact that he would rather eat literal shit instead of normal food.
Why am I not surprised.
Soulsborne games have absolutely never been good. The gameplay has always been some slow shitty trash, the animations have always been janky as fuck. I don't want to play dress up or spend hours making some gay meme build to impress my faggot friends on reddit and the Yea Forums threads. I don't want to summon anyone to ruin the difficulty of the game, go invade some faggot and give him a janky gay backstab. I've never enjoyed any of these aspects of these games, because who the fuck cares about playing dress up or doing some gay build when the game itself is some slow, terrible, overrated garbage. The only people who ever liked these games are the autistic fags who spend all day talking about them online, or the dipshits who have never actually played a good action game or action rpg and actually think the gameplay is good for some reason.
Sekiro has a way better designed combat system, much better graphics and performance, FAR more fucking exciting bossfights, game actually has a story, exploration is actually fun because you can swing around like Spider-man, way more interesting tools at your disposal through the prosthetics, your character is actually a character with a voice and a purpose, the game itself has a moral besides some gay "keep the fire lit" meme. Anyone who actually convinces themselves that Souls games or Bloodborne have a story at all is full of shit, """atmosphere""" is not a story and no one is going to spend all day reading item descriptions to figure out the """story""". I easily had far more fun and actually gave a shit about the characters compared to Dark Souls or Bloodborne. Miyazaki knows Sekiro is his magnum opus.
A cheeseburger with a few well selected toppings that actually tastes good is better than a bunch of shitty burgers that you're given the option of putting "anything" on. That's basically the chef trying to hide how awful the patty tastes, and you eating it up. "B-but you can share the burgers with your friends!"
It's because of the replayability factor and it's less tedious. PvP in DaS1 is pretty dead though.
Holy fucking based.
Horizon zero dawn
that's subjective and wrong
>hold mouse 1 and press a d a d a d a d a d a d a d a d a d a d a d a d
>food analogy
It's not. It was influential and deserves a lot of the praise it gets, but it has a lot of shortcomings as well. It just lacks some of the necessary polish and the game really does dive after Anor Londo. Hell, some of the early game areas are pretty lame as well (the Depths, Blighttown and Sen's Fortress). It's not very consistent.
Why do you anglo niggers always get butthurt in Sekiro threads and spam like 5 additional threads about Dark Souls or Bloodborne to make some sort of passive aggressive jab at someone in the original Sekiro thread because you’re too bitch to make your arguments there?
Centipede faggots are like 1% of the game. Play the actual game, don’t just watch videos you zoomer retard. You can’t spam L1 or R1 in Sekiro. You get rekt like that,
I honestly think you are crazy. Go and look up its definition, it might be good for you.
what is this image trying to say
Fuck off slimy anglo
Boy i'm glad i'm not among the people who created dark souls.
>not liking both
Soulsborne fanbase is so fucking autistic.
Ninja Gaiden
Onimusha 1-3
Wonderful 101
Fucking Dust
Some of these don't have great combat but certainly better then souls shit
BB > Sekiro > Demons = DS1 > DS3 > DS2 > SOTFS
Shit tier list
Yep, that sounds about right.
The most based posts on Yea Forums right now
Demon's had top tier atmosphere but not sure I'd enjoy it as much as DaS1 if I replayed it. Does it hold up?
Lmao Soulsfags getting dabbed on itt desu
No. Servers are kill so a lot of what made the game unique (Old Monk, world Tendency, etc) doesn't work anymore. It doesn't help that it's hard to play (only on PS3). Pray Sony makes a remaster.
Is this now an unironically accepted thing around here? Guess it's about time I leave.
*dabs on your ass*
Get freaked, old man.
You need to go Reset yourself
I think the good thing about that game is that it was mostly completed throughout so the game doesn't turn to an unfinished mess halfway through. Though the bosses would probably be pretty bad these days I imagine. But I think that it was fine when it released, because there was no online community in that sense, so bosses weren't about showing how gud you got by mastering iframe rolls against hack and slash bosses, rather it was about advancing through a level forever and then the nerve-wracking moment where you step into the boss arena. Taking forever to clear the bridge and then facing the tower knight and beating him 2nd try was probably top 5 moments in vidya for me. Would I replay it now though I'd know you can run past everything and his attacks would probably be super easy to dodge, especially with a light roll (which I hadn't figured out at that point iirc, so felt more like playing a classic dungeon crawler with a clunky character, rather than 50 dex katana light roll spam guy)
More like imagine making a game and it wrecks the minds of an entire generation so badly all they ever think about from now on is your game that you made.
It's like when you mindbreak a woman into wanting nothing but cock, we were all raped by dark souls.
Yikes, an actual redditard
Sekiro is the best game i have ever played
western setting
build variety
This this and this
Even as an action game, it has way more flexibility and freedom
>better atmosphere
>better music
>better lore
Sekiro has nice gameplay but that's all it's got
Dark Souls is just better in terms of customisation and variety of gameplay styles. In Sekiro do you think you're still having fun on that new game+ when you deathblow a grunt-tier enemy for the 100000th time? It gets samey at the end of one playthrough. In DS you could do significantly different playthroughs gameplay wise many many times.
Environments, atmosphere, sound, etc. are on the same level as DS though, AND gameplay for that one first playthrough is superior.
>all these casuals
It's amazing how sekiro btfo casuals so much.