Can someone please explain the hate for Epic store?
>inb4 fortnite
I'm a longtime steam user, but it's not like Epic charges you to use their launcher.
Can someone please explain the hate for Epic store?
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its faggots trying to make another war over gaming platforms but this time there's no point since steam and epic are free and dont cost 400 dollars to just own
It has no features at all, it's at least a decade behind most other programs
Changing game drives or installing to another drive is a pain in the ass, and it doesn't even make start menu shortcuts
In the past few week, this is the first time I've seen a legitimate complaint. Noted, user.
Because I don’t support Chinese puppet companies if I don’t absolutely have to. Tiananman Square Massacre
It's bootleg steam, shown to have spyware, shown to use steam files, and most annoyingly, it gets talked about on Yea Forums too much
holy fuck an actual complain outside of "ITS SHIT SHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIT"
Doesn't even have a shopping cart.
Epic store has shit security. I made an account years ago to try out UT4 and I kept getting poorfag shitters trying to access my account thinking I had fortnite hats. Also fuck them for axing UT4 and never making Unreal 3.
started as a storefront to sell their own games, eventually became the de-facto major DRM and primarily distributor of PC games
started as a storefront to sell their own games
>Blizzard Launcher
started as a storefront to sell their own games
started as a storefront to sell their own games
started as a storefront to sell DRM-free games
>Epic Store
started as a storefront to try and replace Steam in the name of profit, despite having absolutely zero pro-consumer benefits or even a fraction of the features steam has, by selling other people's games exclusively on their storefront using underhanded tactics while also straight up stealing data from you and lying about sales to sound better
They are legitimately evil.
Exclusives are cancer
Poor security so Chang can steal your credit card info
EA did the exact same shit with Origin - exclusives and shadyaf launcher and look where it is now. I don't see how Epic is going to have a different fate.
so the reason is politics
yeah no one cares
>that one plebbit fag that lost over 2 grand
>paypal and his bank told them it's not their problem
>epic will require blood samples to prove its really him
Name one political thing stated.
There are DRM-free games on Steam, just sayin
>its not like it charges you to use thier launcher
>it just forces you to use it if you want to play a game or else tou have to wait for a year
The fact that they're willing to spy on their competition through their users and use brute force and cannibalize profits in order to try to bully their competition to death by buying up exclusivity contracts is not something I'd consider good for PC gaming. Imagine for a second if the roles were reversed and they had the market share Steam did and were doing that.
I don't honestly understand how anyone could consider a store willing to stoop to such tactics as being good for competition unless they were complete idiots or literal paid shills.
I have more, too.
For some reason the command line arguments are kept in the epic games settings tab instead of the per-game settings, which are already very limited. Auto update is shown in both for some unknown reason.
The social features are also underdeveloped. "Online" and "Away" are the only selectable options, so no going invis. Adding friends requires that you know their exact username or already be in a game with them.
The store and library pages have no sorting and everything is just thrown together, free games, pre-purchases and full releases are all in the same category. As for the library, there's no way to sort/hide games or zoom in/out.
You can't configure download/update limits or whether or not it should do so while in game.
>Hehehe fuck Borderlands I'm gonna pirate it teheheh
Alright I'll just ban you