why fighting games are hard
Why fighting games are hard
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Git gud
You suck.
Why is Yea Forums so shit at fighters but complain about casualization?
they need an easy mode
It's not that it's hard. If you sit down and practice, you'll get the hand of it. FOR ME the issue is how restricting most fighters feel. All those buttons will be some weird punch, and your characters feel slow af.
Why can't there be a fighter with the mobility of Smash but the combos of normal fighting games?
First person shooters like Quake require much more skill and precision than fighting games.
user, you have to memorize the hand movement for like 5 moves, once you do, you can pretty much do the special moves for any fighting games.
you learn the commands for the hadoken, yoga flame, sonic boom, flash kick and shoryuken.
you can now pretty much do all the special moves of any characters, some of the harder moves are just a combination of those 5 said moves. for example Ryo´s (art of fighting) desperation move is a hadoken + reverse yoga flame + punch.
Good thing we aren't talking about that.
Fighting games require more rote memorization which gives them a bigger barrier of entry. Anyone can play an FPS and feel "I get it, if I could aim better and react quicker I could be good at this", whereas with fighting games it's difficult for a newcomer to even see the path to success.
and they're dead
Dude just count frames for 400 hours lmao
Don't forget 360s and pretzle motions.
Timing on combos is the hard part for me. Motions for inputs are so fucking easy i dont believe people who complain about them are being honest.
true, but the 360 you can actually just perform a backward hadoken (632 + 8P) without having to do the whole 360.
and the pretzel move is very character specific, like.... only Geese Howard has that move I think.
Precision yes, skill no
At the end of the day it's still just clicking on heads. You gotta get really, REALLY good at clicking on heads though, as well as watching out for guys who are even better at clicking on heads.
It's not why they're hard, but it is why they're unpopular. Inviting your friend to play a fighting game for the first time just turns into them asking how to do the special moves over and over again. It's the only genre that you can't just hand to your friends and start playing.
I love fighting games but I do acknowledge that competitive FPS games also require plenty of skill, wel... depending on the game, its not the same set of skills for Counterstrike than what you need for Quake, since with quake you need how to move around the map quickly, keep timers in your head for armor and weapon respawn, etc.
Yea Forums is casual as fuck and fighting games prove it.
Also most people who browse this site will abhor any hobby that requires active learning and constant exposure to failure.
That’s not why fighting games are hard. This stuff is the bare minimum, learn it and you have another 99.999999999% to go.
Like look at Smash, it has simple inputs and you still have to be an autistic retard to be good at it.
It's like comparing chess to basketball
Not quite apples to oranges but still too different to call one more difficult than the other
Clicking on tiny heads at a fast pace while having to move around to not get shot >>>>>>> way more skill needed than hitting someone in a fighting game.
>require more memorization
But the execution of it during gameplay is not as difficult compared to the blazing fast FPS battles in titles like Quake.
>still have to be an autistic retard to think it’s a fighting game.
No, it's just something you have to commit to muscle memory, which takes excessive repetition. And once you have that you have to study frames which takes even longer.
>come into thread about fighting games
>to argue against fighting games and that fps games require more skill when no one asked
How is it living with autism user?
My biggest problem is just remembering the entire combos to use them practically. Execution isn’t a problem unless it’s some crazy tight 1-frame link bullshit. But in the heat of a fight I really just go for what I can get
>That’s not why fighting games are hard. This stuff is the bare minimum, learn it and you have another 99.999999999% to go.
Best post ITT currently. The reason fighting games are hard and push so many people away is because after you spend all the time learning your character, reading up on them, and grinding out combos in training and versus CPU you are going to go online or to locals and get completely destroyed. A player thinks they have a grasp on the game then they are playing against someone who is wailing on them with a perfectly crafted block string featuring staggers and frame traps, doing large chunks of their HP in one combo only to have it leave to a perfect oki mixup opportunity, using frame knowledge to call out bad moves ect.
Combos are the easy part
post 30 sec of you doing 3 consecutive anti air dps in a tournament match against a pro japanese player
why fighting games are hard
all I see is flash kick, sonic boom, shoryuken, and hadoken
shut up dork
I'm going to the arcade today
hopefully I don't end up too butthurt by the end of it and have a good time
entirely different things you nigger
fighting games are more akin to RTSes because you need mechanical skill and memorisation and its a constant back and forthand mindgames between 2 players
what is this, the 80's?
I found the hardest thing for me is that you have to pay attention to every single interaction, know what you just did, why you did it, and remember to not do it next time if it harmed you. You see, almost every game (even hard ones) allow some leeway where you don't require too much concentration, but fighting games are set up so that your opponent can force this on you, and if you don't adapt, you will lose. For me, I would always pick strong characters and just try to mash their specials in the right place, but while you can beat other newbs this way, an intermediate level opponent will make you revise your strategy completely. I can't think of any other game that sweeps the rug out under you this hard.
That goes for other shit like Souls games, to an extent, but you quickly learn that to not overcome and play this way in fighters meant never getting anywhere in skill.
There weren't even any good fighting games in the 80's
More like the late 90's
>>still have to be an autistic retard to think it’s not a fighting game.
3rd strike was released in 1999
Core A Gaming is based as fuck.
>fighting games prove it.
every competitive game prove it. there is 0 thread about every game requiring you to actually invest hundreds of hour just to not be a complete shitter, like startcraft, cs, dota, league. meanwhile they jerk off over being able to dodge the 3 patterns of a boss fight
fighting gamers will defend this
You got a point, now do an iSS with flames on ivy. Should be easier than clicking heads, or play yoshimitsu and do a kanji carve fist RCC into ibA, way easier than map awareness.
Try not getting hit, retard.
I see fighting games like any other competitive game. If you want to make the most of these games, you have to make it like learning a skill such as art, foreign languages, etc.
Here comes the very first psychological wall for a tons of people. They are actually afraid of starting a project. Afraid that they won't succeed fast enough, that they would end up with a toxic mindset that tells themselves they are bad and they should stop because they're not progressing fast enough.
Learning to avoid such a mentality is the very, very first step into learning anything on their own. Once that step is gone through, it becomes easier to even determine the very question of "Do I even want to learn this?" and either give up without feeling bad or actually commit to the project.
Fighting games are "hard" and less popular than a lot of other game genres because of that specific reason. They are heavily reliant on the players having the right mindset to learn them as a skill that takes time and practice to develop.
Fighting games are hard, because you are stupid.
Mystery solved.
Nah, Blazblue sucks
>hakuman activates mugen
>fucking instantly jump in and attack him
What the fuck did that ragna even expect?
>point and click
It's like you all you have to do in shooters is push one button.
More like
>Letting Hakumen get 100 meter to do Mugen
At high level you barely see it because you should be spending meter on everything else, the guy was obviously toying with him, it's obvious when you see the health differences.
Fighting games are no harder than any other genre of game. The thing is that you git gud at your favorite genre of games because you play them more than others. I'm good at strategy and shooters, but I play them more than any other type of game. If you mostly play fightan gaemu then you git gud at fightan gaemu. Gif related is not bad at fightan gaemu and he's a bumbling retard when it comes to most games. It's not fucking rocket science you cavemen.
Mugen is just his Overdrive in CF user, you get it for free.
Fighting games aren't hard, they requiere more memorization from the player, but that's it as far as difficulty goes. The mentality for fighting games is another matter, most casuals play fighting games for the single player arcade/story mode and an occasional versus with friends, because they win more than they lose, but to really get into fighting games you have to almost enjoy losing and learning from that, which most people don't
Absolutely true for the single fact that shooters are 3 dimensional and have actual locations that require spatial knowledge
No amount of button press combos will overcome this.
coreagaming is the biggest navel gazing retard
he just invents shit, isn't even good at FGs, and tries to make it seem more "epic" than it is but fags on /r/kappa go WHOA THIS IS DEEP MAN
>i'm online ragna
>i hold forward and press buttons
>wtf nerf haku
if anyone you know ever needs to know what an actual incel/NEET is just point them to the users who post on this
90's babies can't do this.
I'm a literal 17er and I could prob wax you in st boomer
>get blazblue cf
>play coolest looking character
>like him so learn him
>spend $200 on fightstick
>spend 3 hours in training/mission mode everyday
>get arthiritis
>Gif related is not bad at fightan gaemu
Good joke.
No it's not, his overdrive is kishin which fills your magatama, mugen drains them, you dummy.
You can even see in the webm him doing mugen then OD.
>Combos are the easy part
This should be spammed in every single thread about this topic. Execution is easy to understand and improve on. Either you can do something or you can't. If you can't do something then practice until you can.
Supposedly he was actually a pretty respected ST player but everything else he just shitbthe bed with.
Execution is simple to practice and memorization is hardly a barrier at all. The real wall in learning fighting games is understanding theory and learning strategy. Half the people in this thread arguing about fgs have clearly never even played one for more than a few hours.
>Fighters with mobility
gg, melty, bb, tekken
Not every game is street fighter
Do you have that gif of the Armor King player CDing across the endless snow stage in T7? I love that image for demonstrating clean Tekken movement.
Fuck, this is really not my genre. I've played hyper-casual Guilty Gear and SF4 with friends for hundreds of hours but I tend to hit a hard wall in training modes very early on.
Why are you not good enough?
He won one EVO tournament of Super Turbo, but only because it was some garbage port, it was a fluke, he was always garbage and his videos are proof of it.
You gonna post the "infinite" on Platinum next?
How many american oldheads aren't washed up? Alex Valle keeps his dignity at least.