How come Christianity is the only religion that gets made fun of?
How come Christianity is the only religion that gets made fun of?
>Hehehe fuck Borderlands I'm gonna pirate it teheheh
Alright I'll just ban you
If it will wear a hiyab or kippah as a funny reference Yea Forums will get mad as fuck
Why are christcucks so fucking thin-skinned holy shit.
it's the most civil religion at this point.
the worst thing you can get when you make fun of it is some angry grandmas with signs.
christians don't kill people for symbolism
I don't think it's getting made fun of . It seems like it's paying homage to based Jesus .
It's weird to see this shift of atheists to christians on Yea Forums
based server mod
Holy fuck are you dense, we literally have more stuff making fun out of Buddha than Jesus
Yeah cuz Muslims don't get offended and threaten to kill people for literally drawing a picture of muhammed
Please stop being a retard
>Why are christcucks so fucking thin-skinned
>in a world where people get shot for drawing a picture of allah
>christcucks are thin-skinned
>it's only making fun of Christianity
>Yea Forums is now filled with unironic hardcore christians
thanks, 2016 election
Looks more buddhist/hindu parody to me than christian.
What are you talking about? 2 had a character whose whole gimmick was suicide bombing
>censored his own nickname and not the mod's because he's afraid of getting tracked down and bullied by le anomalous region
As mainstream culture changes, so does counter culture.
people grow up at some point
Explain to me how this game cover makes fun of christianity
it's a pretty rad cover that just take christian imagery
I'll forgive you for being retarded and just tell you to google "The Immaculate Heart of Blessed Virgin Mary"
This is clearly inspired by buddhist artwork. Christ usually doesn't have flowers or wealth following in his wake.
Does make me wonder if these new found christians accept the readings of the holy bible or they just want to roleplay as crusaders and shit on muslims on the internet
I can't prove that they're all new found christians it's just I've seen a lot of people defending religion recently
Checked. Cool digits friendo.
You mean a bunch of white boys larping as christians
This isn't making fun of Christianity though, it's just a box art inspired on a painting some dude made.
>only things that I don't like are fair game to be made fun of
Judeo-Christfag kike worshipers have been mocking European ancestral religions for hundreds of years every single chance they got.
For all the supposed dislike Jews have for Christianity they sure as fuck shill it in every Hollywood movie they can at the expense of demonizing traditional European religion.
Really makes you ask questions about how the Bilderbergs run the world church council.
Never trust a bignose. Modern ones or ancient ones alike.
That's literally what it's based on.
I didn't know become retarded cuck comes with age
Because it's an easy target.
If you make fun of islam there will be a terrorist attack on your company. So I guess that's just common sense
muslims have a precedent of backing up their threats with actual murders, christcucks are just paper tigers and deserve to be bullied
The entire media apparatus is run by Jews, and Jews hate Christianity more than just about anything else.
That incel in new zealand killed people because he had different coloured neighbours
It's called growing up, user.
Will you guys be preordering Mohammad's Wacky Adventure: Vegas?
Using Christian imagery isn't making fun of Christianity.
When was the last time you seen a Christian throw gay people off a roof? We accept that sinners will go to Hell, and it's not our place to hand out punishment.
Muslims being even more thin-skinned doesn't change the fact that christians are thin-skinned retards themselves.
>h*ly shit
Ugh, can you not? It's sacrilege, you know.
But fucking kids is a ok apparently
I can almost overlook his shitty I'm-not-toughing-you attitude... but that lack of fair play really boils my biscuits. I hope the mod nukes his ass.
Except for abortion doctors and Muslims. Those need to be taken out immediately.
Just playing devil's advocate here, generalizations are bad and there are always exceptions
More like literal larpers. Christians who don't go to church, don't read scripture, sin as a lifestyle and don't even believe in god. But it's good optics and spites the libs!
When you are young, you feel invincible, even though your parents are carrying you. When you are older, you see all your shortcomings and the massive scale of being an adult, so you turn to carry you.
>getting banned from a discord is the only punishment for pirating
h-heh, take that piratefags....
But "muh muslims" is all they have
>sjws are too sensitive
>oh b-but muh boxart with religious imagery
which one does the cover more closely resemble, user? Just because christians aped off of buddhist artwork doesn't mean that it's resembling christian artwork and not buddhist. Also, Its pretty clear that its trying to mock the peace and tranquility shown in buddhist artwork by placing a lotus of firearms around the bandit.
Hah, Thats pretty funny.
Christians aren't known for strapping bombs to themselves and becoming martyrs for a pedophile prophet :)
How many times are you gonna post this shit user?
>b-b-but Muslims are babies too!
And so are you. Fuck Christcucks and fuck all religifags.
well religious people are very passionate about their beliefs in general, why does this surprise you?
It's almost as though a group of people that literally killed Jesus have taken over the world.
Yeah except in Ireland.
>b-but muh islam
Niggas we aren't talking about islam, are we?
Muslims are horribly intolerant and savagely thin-skinned and I'm surprised christcucks use them as defense for when they get offended by a fucking Jesus drawing.
Get a fucking grip, you're not sand savages.
Jews don't have a real savior because they're disgusting urchins and all there is to make fun of with them is funny hats/hair shit and Muslims are the new hot thing so no one wants to "offend" them well ironically being the worst mainstream religion in the world that flat out not metaphorically actually says to kill non believers of your belief. Serious Sam 4 would be the most based shit in the world if it came out and the faggots with the bombs screamed Allah!
>acts like an internet tough guy
>is a seething faggot
Checks out famo
>made fun of
That looks cool as shit.
>Christians have killed as many abortion doctors and muslims in the current century than Muslims have killed completely innocent people
There's not a single actual christian on all of Yea Forums, including /pol/. They wish though and that's even weirder.
when will /pol/ stop LARPing as christcucks?
>everyone is an atheist
Back to plebbit, faggot
Randy wrangles the Yea Forumsermin into submission. Kinda hot.
>bandit has same color robe
>that grenade in the center replacing the heart or whatever it is in the Jesus image
stop acting obtuse.
you look really retarded right now.
It's obviously the Virgin Mary. The gold-wrapped heart in the center is the most obvious giveaway, but you also have the blue robe around the shoulder.
Sure, it's a pose common in Buddhist art, but it hits all of the common elements of the Virgin Mary painting.
How many innocent muslims have died because of usa since 2001? Over a hundred thousand
fucking christcucks
Wait a minute that spacing.
>but that lack of fair play really boils my biscuits.
Fair enough. In hindsight I probably should of told him to fuck off but I thought prolonging it would be funnier even though it lasted like 5 minutes
How many of them were killed by zealotry? Not a lot.
This, it most likely buddhist especially the fact that Borderlands has more parody and references in thier games towards it than christian.
How kind of you to move the goalposts from Christians to just the USA. I'll be sure to inform the Ayatollah of your courageous behavior.
The savior IS a jew.
Clearly pic related, same colors and everything.
It's a Christian nation run by Christians.
It literally was zealotry bro
I mean theres been plenty of games that let you slaughter hordes of muslims. I think its okay to make fun of sensitive christ cucks.
>It's a Christian nation run by Jews.
Remember how much the right cried over farcry 5 when they thought the bad guy was a white christian?
because based Christians have a sense of humor
They're all RPing, no one who follows the tenants would even be on this site.
What are you even implying?
that christians shouldn't care at all and let everyone just shit on their faith or they're "thin-skinned"?
I don't understand your goal here.
>It literally was zealotry bro
where is the proof.
Just because an enemy is middle eastern and wears a balaclava doesn't mean they're muslim.
Has there ever been a game where you kill actual muslims? Like the game explicitly tells you their religion?
>It's a Christian nation run by Christian's
I hope you tell me next that we went to war just because Bush, Obama, and Trump just wanted to kill Muslims.
Yeah? Pretty much. If god is so great and you are half as virtuous as you figure yourself, why care what people say.
>in the end, the good guy was a white christian who was willing to take in a child from the same people that killed his entire family to raise, and also gave food unconditionally to one of the people that probably killed hundreds of followers with the deputy.
No. I recall leftists crying because the game didn't pander to their beliefs though.
Fuck Borderlands, and fuck whatever Jay is responsible for the box art.
its the most important
The last time someone made fun of Islam 15 or so people got killed.
>there are people who unironically believe that there was a immaculate conception
Same reason why it's acceptable to make fun of white people but it's racist if you make fun of any other race.
>i-it's like a metaphor or something but also true i mean uhh
I'm not a christian I just don't think it's fair that you can criticize one religion yet have to be careful around another
>there are people who unironically believe in IRL respawn mechanics
Nah, buddhism is mate
Literally "nihilism, the religion"
which is more likely
>literally god came down from heaven and fucked some jewish girl, the wife of a carpenter
>when you die your soul is reborn into a new form
Why not both?
You can call him an incel all you want he still did more than you ever will (:
The west is predominantly christian and our culture is in large parts christian even if you don't practise. That gives you a certain right to mock christianity as it in a greater sense than say Islam is yours to criticise.
It's the difference between talking shit about your girlfriend, and others talking shit about her to you.
delusion and mental illness is more likely than either desu
Begone demon.
I think the most peaceful religion would be confusionism or shintoism, because both islamic, buddhist, and christian religious heads have called for holy wars against other religions to preserve or spread their own.
Because it's the only religion which matters.
You fear death boy. Sad.
I'm christian and i like this.
Of course it's edgy but isn't that what borderlands does? I think there was also a buddha statue of one of the npcs(the guy that drives the bus on bl1, forgot his name) full of guns and shit just like this boxart.
It uses a raider as the subject matter. You would have to purposely ignore the evil shit raiders do in this game to compare to the virgin mother mother.
Its far more likely that the virgin mary was a slut and didn't want to be stoned by the village adultery than god deciding to come down and impregnate some random jewish harlot in a tiny jewish town.
Because Christians don’t give a shit aside from a few easy to ignore comments. You can literally parody their messiah for your front cover with no backlash. Hell most of them would probably find it funny. Meanwhile if a map on an FPS has a single like from the Quran on a picture frame the outrage is enough for it to get changed almost instantly.
A drawing isn't shitting on your faith.
Making a bad guy christian isn't shitting on your faith.
Even if it is, why do you care?
What happened to turn the other cheek?
Based apple bear poster
Because christians don't blow stuff up when made fun of and making fun of "minorities" (even when Islam is spreading a ton all over the world) is PR suicide
mentally weak white people have made browns and blacks first class citizens
whites are also scared of muslims and scared of being called racist
Because like white people. Christianity is full of little dicked sissy bitches who don't fight back.
Never had a girlfriend. What's the difference.
Normalfags honestly. The same type of people who get upset about loli being posted. Yea Forums got soft and let the newfags refuse to adapt.
Also Borderlands has always been shit.
ah alright it's just baiting then
You're allowed to. They aren't. In that sense she is yours.
No one ever did explain how a bear knows what apples is.
Yeah but actual muslims don't cry over it they just kill you. The only crying muslims are the betas in 1st world countries
shintoism played a large part in justifying the japatrocities during WWII
Its not peaceful at all
you want real pacifism look at jainism
You know your girlfriend more personally than other people so you're more qualified to shit talk.
I don't get why it's so difficult to accept multiple groups of people can be whiny little shitheads.
It's Christian. Everyone keeps comparing it to paintings of Christ and Mary and various saints, but theres a well known one of the name i can't remember thatvhas a staff and the exact same color robes
>Hehehe fuck Borderlands I'm gonna pirate it teheheh
Alright I'll just ban you
>it doesn't answer with bomb threats
>it is the most well known religion to western consumers
>people don't really care about it
>It has been made fun of multiple times before
There you have your answer.
you already posted it, retard
I mean his fault for joining a discord server like that in the first place.
i want to fuck maya so much
Will he ever get those apples?
I wonder.
it's the dumbest one
>Stupid muslims are so thin skinned lol
Christcucks everyone
This is the only good post in the thread.
How is Christianity being made fun of in that?
I'd say it's more of a catholic thing, but whatever.
Shinto played a huge part in Japanese imperial expansion. It's not inherently militaristic, but neither is Christianity.
Judaism and Islam are the inherently violent Abrahamic religions, Christianity is a pussycat.
Catholicism is true Christianity.
Some people treat religion as a topic to be regarded with absolute sincerity at all times. Any deviation from this is heresy, unless it's intended to reinforce beliefs.
imagine believing this
it's a game that's being sold in mostly-christian countries.
christians and always being perpetual victims despite being the biggest, most powerful, and most intolerant religion: name a more iconic duo!
then why were christian regimes the most imperialistic? Why were Muslim empires the most tolerant until after WWI? why were Jewish empires so small?
Yea Forums and pedo apologists on anime threads
Never been on Yea Forums i see
that's not true. They just happen to be Christian. Africa has lots of majority christian nations. So do some SE Asian countries. and South America. And they're not powerful.
religion is more like, a funny hat. Wearing it doesn't make you powerful.
Kill yourself
Because they're the only ones sane enough to take a joke and don't constantly cause shitstorms crying for social justice
Muslims dont know any better, they're shitskins
Whats your excuse for fucking little boys?
>t. pedo apologist
keep normalizing it user, I'm sure nothing bad will come out of it!
It is true. The pr*testant cults G-d is money and Isr*el.
>western game makes fun of major western institution
what a shock
why don't they go after the zoroastrians???
They are pussies don’t get me wrong, but I should be able to make fun of jews and muslims all the same without getting flak or murdered. While there are christcucks left that probably do get pissy when you take the pisd out of Jesus, most probably just wish those religions got the same treatment and I agree.
>Whats your excuse for fucking little boys?
What makes you think i'm a priest?
this. Why is everyone on this site so petty? "how dare they make jokes relatable to me and my culture?!"
The difference is that christcucks peacefully complain on an Armenian soap box derby bulliten board. Muslims just start murdering people
why do people consider this mocking christianity again? you telling me all references are insults now?
Except, you know, when they do cry and whine like this very thread.... but keep denying reality lmao
Why the fuck isn't there a game where you dick around in the garden of Eden and you can play as Adam Eve or even Lilith?
Fucking this Remember how the website blew up with shitstorms like the elections, GG, the fappening, etc.
Religion is serious business.
Because they don't fight back. Do you think bullying would end after HS?
Same poster
calm down jhonathan
Except we already have to deal with people being shitty toward jews/muslims in real life. Methinks you've never considered the experience of someone who has to deal with that bs daily. So a game making fun of Christianity for once could be a nreath of fresh air.
because there is a difference between a light hearted joke, making an observation, and being insulting. parodying a famous depiction of artwork inspired by christianity is different than parroting "shitskin" over and over again.
this picture isn't politically motivated. Most of the jokes on Yea Forums about muslims and jews are.
>people being shitty toward jews/muslims in real life
gee I wonder why
Unironically this.
ya'll motherfuckers have been insulting muslims for years, and no one shot up Yea Forums headquarters.
Because Jews hate Christians and hate Christianity.
Look at /ptg/, it's clear as day
Go back
a refusal to acknowledge and resist the primal tribalism that exists within us all.
>live in highly Muslim area
>like coworkers but they always bring religion into stuff
>told me im going to burn if I don't believe in allah
>explain I just dont believe but they can
>they call me racist and ask me to explain my views to them, just so they can shout over me
>they could totally band together at any moment, acuse me of racism to HR and I'd be fired almost instantly
Religion was a mistake
What makes you think priests are the only Christians fucking little boys?
>victim blaming
Not surprising, but how about no
Randy Tips his fedora daily.
ITT "redpilled" zoomers
Hippie Jesus Christ and Buda almost look the same except for the hair.
They're all filthy sinners that shall be ass-raped in hell when their time is due, what's your point?
Well, hormone switch is granted at early 30s. Nothing good awaits.
Christfags BTFO by a onions CEO
Christians are the only ones who won't shoot you up or cut off your head.
Damn, what a piece of shit
How is it being made fun of?
Don't post my waifu ever again
Because the majority of first world individuals are Christian meaning we're more familiar with Christianity and better able to make jokes about it. It's hard to make fun of Vishnu when all you know about the nigger is he got Elephantitis.
He's a magician. All magicians are dirty gypsies, gypsies are Godless hedomites. It makes sense.
New Zealand shooting
Christians won't blow you up.
The shooter was Christian? Proof please.
Because Muslims are violent jackasses and jews will take away the investment bux. Take it as a compliment; they can only insult you because you're better than the other religions.
Still incorrect about the universe though.
There are almost no Christians on this site considering this place especially the "conservatives" don't follow a single rule in the New Testament
>why do western develops only make fun of the religion that they're most familiar with
gee its almost like christianity is the most popular faith in the west or something
Kek, underrated post
Literally a jew though,
I'm just here to talk about video games.
You could be a Christian
I am. And I'm only here to talk about video games.
If you need faith to carry you then you're a coward. Fight your own battles and live your own life.
How the fuck could you possibly like them then
Anyone else find it funny how /pol/ basically praises Jews and gays like Sharpio,Milo and this guy?
Because kikes are still butthurt 2000 years later
>defending a cause you don't believe in on a dated anime image board instead of working on self improvement, working out, getting an education/job/family
Where'd it all go so wrong with you guys?
>If you need faith to carry you then you're a coward
Do you know what Faith is? Like at all?
Why improve yourself when you can shit on everyone doing better than you user?
>praising jews
I don't bloody think so.
Holy shit
My fucking sides
I used to but im quickly doing a 180 on them.
I've decided if they bring it up again I'm just gonna stop talking to them altogether.
Imagine being this out of touch with a board 3 letters away
Nibbas literally love Sharpio who is a Jew and the shooter was also a jew
never been there, huh
Just get over it user there are Christians here.
>Imagine being this out of touch with a board 3 letters away
Thank Christ
He's so hungry please help him
>people saying you become christian when you grow up when most /pol/posting/nuconservative shit is literal teenagers
Everyone knows Shapiro is controlled op. And most people know the shooter is a mossad agent since he went and got trained in israehell lmao. Accelerationist fags are literally just the atheist/pagan niggers moving onto another fad.
>Loving Shapiro
You're retarded. Even the boomers at /ptg/ recognize he's a kike out for his own self interests
/pol/ is pro Tucker Carlson, iffy on Crowder as a decent initial redpiller, but is anti Shapiro since he, like Jordan Peterson, is a gatekeeper
/pol/ is unironically one of the most anti-christian board there is. Right next to /trash/
they won't fight back
Buddhists are cool, Muslims shoot, stab and bomb you for making fun of them, Jews are taboo because muh holocaust... that leaves only Christians. No one cares about the other religions.
I mean it's both one of the most anti Christian and pro Christian boards at the same time
If I'd take a guess I'd say either Yea Forums or /vg/ would be the most pro Christian. I've had some nice biblical discussions on both
Same reason white males are made fun of: not allowed to fight back otherwise you are demonised and vilified.
Borderlands 2 or Risk of Rain 2 guys?
since when is using christian imagery making fun of christianity?
>Even the boomers at /ptg/ recognize he's a kike out for his own self interests
Literally everyone they praise is, but they love sharing his videos to dab on dem libs.
So if everyone knows the shooter was a mossad agent why all the praise for something that everyone knows will only help the Muslims in the long run?
Someome needs to make fun of the shittiest (literally) religion of all
Handsome collection is cheap as fuck right now, buy it then wait for RoR2 to be on sale
since middle class white kids with guns decided it was
>but they love sharing his videos to dab on dem libs
But that's wrong
You're very out of date. The discussion about Shapiro is long over and he's not praised ever on /pol/. In fact it was a pretty hot topic when Tucker dabbed on him in a debate on automation
I say it's Yea Forums based on how anons try to start racebait and other shit but it doesn't work
Is that why blacks are made fun of as well?
I forgot that was a thing.
Because pol is full of sayanim and JIDF and has been since trump got in. But the majority of pol are wise to this shit. No one who isn't a jew, israeli, pagan/atheist thinks tarrant did something good. Most people are just memeing anyway.
>But that's wrong
But it's not
>you lived long enough to watch your favorite hobby discussion website turn into a kind of psuedo-terrorist safespace over VIDEOGAMES
There was a draw Muhammed contest in Texas several years ago. 2 muslims planned to shoot it up but got rekt by a security guard
>The best one is the outline of 2 dead bodies outside the gallery
/pol/ are literally muslims
They are christians only by the name
>dude i am christian
>fuck black ppl tho xDD
No, It's heresy.
It's not ok, it's illegal and they're punished by that (unless they have money and power, like you should expect from any richfag). On a side note, I think churchmen should be allowed to have a family and fuck. It's [current year] and pedo acts would drop almost to 0.
Well, if we can learn something about SJW is that bitching is an underrated tool.
A jew who basically shat over over the jew elite and tell them to fuck off.
There are people who believe in wage gap, it isn't that shocking
Christianity has comnited crimes because politics. The rules are fucking clear: don't kill each other and love your enemies, but that doesn't fit the elite's interests.
Reminder if you don't let politics absorb your life you're somehow a Jewish African Persian tranny 56% white one drop rule sjw cuck
Muslims and lower-class Americans are both slime.
If you were truly smart you would've jumped ship to the better Yea Forums years ago
Its not, just in popular culture.
Its so because western people are afraid of making fun of "foreign" stuff in public.
Making fun of Christianity is something that western people are afraid less and know what to expect (mostly)
Lets say you make fun of Islam, depends on how viral your "mocking" is you can expect different kind of events from a big media shitstorm to a suicide bomber near your door. No one wants to mess with the stuff they dont know really well.
Also there is no real reason to make fun of lets say Buddhism if you make a game for the western audience.
you really think being conservative is counterculture
>He thinks Infinitechan Yea Forums is better
It's even more politics from what I saw
Let me guess the last time you were on /pol/ was 2016?
he means reddit
>the better
Yes user i also love terrorist attackS
I mean youth nationalistic conservatism certainly is.
Never been
>Is that why blacks are made fun of as well?
When are blacks ever made fun of in mainstream media?
at least you understand what it is
every religions should be made fun of
Yea Forums is literally worse than /pol/
Because only Christians, chatolics and other western religions are civilized and muslims, along with other shit tier religions, are pretty much mindless animals. We won't try to rape and murder someone for saying the name of our god or something like that. Take this as a sign of superiority if you must
Constantly, even Tyler Perry does it
>feeding apples to an obligate carnivore
stop this madness
Then find me a thread about shapiro in the last year where most posts were pro shapiro
Again, times change and now Tucker is the media face of /pol/
>Clearly a Buddhist mudra
Yeah ok
The church has lost essentially all it's power in the last few hundred centuries. Who's going to stop people from making fun of its religion?
Do you think God gave you a purpose? What purpose was that? Do you think you're successfully fulfilling that purpose right now?
fuck off incel
>buddhists have called for holy wars
Buddhists are literally genociding Muslims in Rohinga
Because christianity is the first religion ever to kill itself, without the help of any other religion.
This however isn't making fun of. Or is it forbidden to use any religious symbolism because it might offend someone's feefies?
Youth means 18-39
In other words, the non literal boomers
There's a reason why Sean Hannity's viewership is like 60 years old on average while Tucker Carlson's is like mid to late 20s. Younger conservatives are less like neocons and are more nationalistic
defending themselves*
>Yea Forums is worse than the board that weeks ago was praising the australian terrorist attack
Myanmar, right now
>make a joke about christians
>make a joke about jews
>make a joke about muslims
Becaue christianity is a 2000 year long Jewish scam to fight with Islam without using their precious race.
Because it’s a white man religion or because it’s been in the mainstream for so long and they can take it? I don’t know. I’m sure Jesus doesn’t mind he is cool like that.
I mean yeah probably, but war is pretty zero sum, and the best defense is accidentally your enemies entire population. Just ask the Jews/King David.
There was also that famous Indian Emperor but he regretted killing so many truckloads of people and spent his later years building temples
>make a joke about christians
This thread is living prove that this is false
Which class would jesus play on borderlands tho
I just wanted to read a good discussion.
It looks more Buddhist to me but there's a lot of syncretism in their artistic symbols
>love your enemies
is that like replying "gg" when they say "gg ez" to you and reflecting on how you lost while being grateful for having your weaknesses exposed? what do Christians mean when they say love your enemy?
Then why are you in Yea Forums?
>Because it’s a white man religion
I've seen more Black Christians than white and seen more white Buddhists than Asian
You go to /vg/ for "good" discussion
Yea Forums is for baiting and pedo apologists
>Named for a Christian hero
>Black, like him
>Gets martyred
Humans eat apples too
nah this thread is just a thinly veiled invitation to discus religion and we all bite cos we wanna talk about it. not even christian btw.
Just posting best girl at her best.
Love your enemies means don't harbor a grudge and let it consume you. it's ok to be angry but don't let your anger run wild and control you.
Islam literally command to kill infidels. And most of the modern islam killing is because politics.
Now, tell me the last time Christianity killed someone.
Jesus was dark, like Arab-dark, but not a nigger
How can this subteddit be so christian but also so anti-semitic?
The bible is very clear on this, jews are god's chosen people, and they will return to Israel
Hey you brave little shit, why don't you go draw a picture of Mohammed and see what happens to you
South Park didn't get death threats for their depictions of Jesus
>i can be your angle or yuor devil.jpg
I only follow one, true God.
I spent my evening in RoR2 threads, which were very wholesome.
There wasn't a shift. Most people here are still atheists, as evidenced by this thread. The site being invaded by redditors doesn't prove anything either because reddit is the most atheist site on the internet.
Religious people do not consider religious texts they consider only the word of their local religious leaders
Nah, he cute
Lemmy Killmeister?
yeah just like binding of isaac
>Being republican is now justification for being fired
Yikes, civil war can't come soon enough
That's a pro Hitler thread not a pro ben thread
if you're a Republican and make less than $250k you absolutely should be put in a camp
Majority of modern Christians, especially Catholics, are Africans and Latinos. I would not be surprised if current pope is the last white one.
ah alright that sounds more like the popular "let it go" mantra. thought you were meant to feel good about having enemies and my other post was my best attempt at a logical justification. it's a real mindset that you can enter if you take your games seriously enough btw, so I thought I might have found what the old dudes meant.
because a lot of its followers live in civilised countries and won't go apeshit when you make fun of their shit
funny that bioshock infishit started this "peaceful christian/violent cultist" juxtaposition meme
one of the (many) reasons why I disliked Far Cry 5
That's the Torah
Israel betrayed God, he damned them, and came as Christ to save both the gentiles and the Jews who would apologize for their actions
The Bible is pretty clear that Jews who would damn Christ and not follow his teachings are member of the synagogue of Satan.
Well the current pope is a jesuit anti-pope, so it's fitting
Yea Forums? Really? Never would have guessed.
Good luck trying that when I have a gun and you don't because you're too scared of them
because its the only relevant religion
christians dont commit crimes in the name of christianity, they're just criminals who also happen to be christian
muslims kill people because it's in their religion to do so
jews also treat other people as animals because it's part of their religion
Yea they usually start with something acting like it's an anime, calling the Bible season 2, or the book of Mormon a weird spinoff season etc.
in my experience /vg/ is the worst hive of trannies on the site tho. which general do u go to?
>say group A is too sensitive
>instantly met with whataboutism
Wow it’s almost like you’re pretending to be retarded.
If you’re sub 30 then you haven’t grown for shit.
based mods deleting this stupid shit
Fgo alter of course
Had some nice discussions spurred by Martha posting
>christians dont commit crimes in the name of christianity,
Well user we used to do that but a long time ago
If you're referring to the crusades they were literally in retaliation to Muslims invading Spain and raping / killing thousands
>make fun
They aren't doing that, it's just a graphic reference. There is nothing offensive about this.
>but Abdul would chop your head off if it was Muhammad.
Yes so? are you going to base your values with third world extremist reactions? Christianity and western society is more advanced than that, the fact Gear Box can do this an not get burned for it proves that.
The difference between Christians and Muslims is that European Christians practically made a treaty about not waging war about religion anymore after 30 years war.
Muslims on the other hand have been locked in both external and internal religious conflict pretty right from Muhammad's death.
No not that dumb dumb but during those we killed more Christians than Muslims. I'm referring to the Spanish Inquisition
That's why I said it was long ago
I larp as a christain online tbhq
All your gods are faggots. That is all.
but the bad guy in Far Cry 5 ends up winning and being right. And the game is pretty redpilled anyway, one of the main points they make is that if the resistance didn't have their guns they would of lost in the first 5 mins of the game
We should really bring back the Inquisition. Those were good times.
Yes, if you like sucking priest cock. Protestantism could be the closest thing if they weren't a sold outs since the beggining.
>most intolerant religion
have a (you)
volcel path makes things to your brain.
Since twitter
The world is already filled with hate and it doesn't need to be feeded. In the other hand, the word love in the bible comes from hebrew word for love wich is just love in a sexual sense. So basically rape your enemies until they surrender.
Humans are om... Ah fuck you and your bait
Jesus told that synagogues are unironically Satan wich is right
Yea Forums is what it's always been: contrarian. Atheism was starting to become to mainstream within the community so the pendulum swung to larping as crusaders
Christians or Catholics don't need to show to everybody they are religious like Atheist need to show they don't believe in god.
It was nice to see a game all the libshit journalists thought would be the ATF story of Wako instead be based and McVeigh pilled
Its clearly making fun of buddha? How the fuck is this Christian?
>mocking Muslims makes you a terrorist target
>mocking Jews makes you worse than Hitler and wants to see the destruction of the legitimate Jewish ethno-state of Israel
Although other religions are large, Christianity has been the religion of the most dominant nations and empires over the past few centuries. Thus is has enjoyed a degree of cultural dominance far in excess of what its size would imply. And humor, or at least good humor, tends to be about punching up. Nobody makes fun of coptic christians in the middle east or christian converts in Japan, it's always the WASPs and catholics who get made fun of.
I don't think that answer is what you wanted when you started this thread, though.
most people here aren't even christian they can just see the media double standards for what they are and they don't like them. It's like watching someone shout at a puppy when the pittbull that mauled their child is sitting wagging its tail next to them
If they were passionate they would follow their religion better. Jesus would come back and condemn the entire Republican party
Is that a Michael jackson + chimp hybrid?
Because leftists attack what they know. They're degenerates, but they're also stupid. Anything that resembles the establishment is evil, and that includes the religion that their forefathers believed in enough to flee to America.
>lord of celibacy
Christianity is inherently anti-semitic, dumbass. And Rabbinical Judaism is inherently anti-Christian.
I've always found the fedora tippers to be the most thinned skin.
And Hitler.
The guns circling around is more an homage to buddha as he is typically in the same posture with shining light surrounding him like the guns
It’s not
See: every 9/11 joke
Also, this isn’t a jab at Christianity. Use your brain and some context for a second:
>First 2 covers show bandit shooting himself with finger guns, implying death
>3rd cover shows bandit in “loot heaven”
are you fucking trolling? I don't take offense with the cover, and people who do are just drama queens. But this is clearly a Jesus reference, the color scheme and the heart with a crown of spines is a clear giveaway.
Yes I'm sure Jesus would condemn the party that is against killing babies and would support the party that wants to control the things people can say
The left is the establishment now, though...
pretty much this. you just have to have a sense of fair play to hate the media's picking on such an easy target
>love thy neighbor treat them as your own
>fuck those Mexicans put them in a cage
>sin is equal on god's eyes
>let's all watch porn, jerk off, defend child marriage? have unwed kids but let's murder those gays
>only god can judge
>everything revolves around us and what we want
>dont rever false idols
>god sent trump to punish Democrats
Like seriously Christians are the biggest fucking hypocrites.
They don't know that, and they don't care FIGHT THE SYSTEM! ABORT LIVE CHILDREN! *tips over trashcan*
>its a Buddhist reference!
>being a Christian, one of the most populous religion on Earth, is being counter culture
Fuck off, you self victimizing right winger.
Because it's the only one that won't have you strung out on the streets and executed like a dog if you do.
You can kill your "enemies" but you can't win. At the end you'll find your hands are empty.
>missing the point this much
but hey at least you got trips
thats just one big assumption
Must suck being a leftist nutjob
Yeah I'm sure jesus would support the party that believes in child marriage and locking up kids and separating them from their parents and throwing them in cages because Mexicans are bad. Or greed. Or false idols. Jesus literally said it was easier for a camel to go get through the eye of a needle than a rich man to get to heaven and all these Republican worship the rich. Fuck off dumb cunt dont even know what you are talking about.
jej he's not wrong though. you're the stuffed shirt now you fucking beatnik. just because your shirt is made of fucking hemp doesn't mean shit
This looks more like buddhism than christianity
Are you really upset over a game cover?
Yuropoors OUT
>Christian, one of the most populous religion on Earth
>1 billion christians
>2 billion muslims
Jesus literally references the fact that the state has a degree of authority, in no way would he be pro open borders you fucking retard. Render unto Ceasar the things that are Caesar's.
But yea good job just handwaving aborting live children thing as 'eh Jesus would be cool with that'.
Republicans controlled 2 branches of the government for 6 years and all 3 for 2 years and recently lost just the house. Republicans have been the establishment. God Republicans are fucking retarded
made fun of? more like referenced, based as fuck other religions seething lmao
no, it's a pretty cool cover, but it annoys me people claiming this is Buddhist imagery.
>believes in child marriage
This is not a Republican position at all you fucking retard what are you even talking about
>Locking up children
You mean the Obama policy?
The strangest thing about the immaculate conception is how Jesus Christ was born.
According to the actual theory and doctrine of the Catholic church, Jesus Christ as a baby, just suddenly appeared outside of Mary's womb because pain in childbirth was a result of original sin
>t. dude who did an essay on the immaculate conception because it's really easy to cite encyclicals in Chicago style
>people vote republican solely for one reason and one reason only....
If the dems could even say they were fine with Jesus without looking like they were eating maggots they'd get a lot more votes. You must be fresh off the boat from another site you fucking fedora tipping normaloid
I really wish Christians were half as mean as neoliberal faggots think they are
>its only the 2nd biggest religion
>that means it's small
Are you mentally handicapped?
Jesus was fucking crucified for not following the law. Do you not know your own fucking religion?
sorry dude you're being played and your relevance will last only as long as the technologically superior white man still has need for your oil. we can kill all of you at will and you don't have a feasible defensive strategy. any victory you've gained is a victory we allowed because it's unprofitable to nuke you just yet.
>one of the most populous
>one of the most
Reading comprehension, you dumb "victim". Also, kys.
have a quick source you could slap on that? legitimately curious thats hella interesting
>CNN is Democrat
>NBC is Democrat
>New York times is Democrat
>Huff post, Washington Post, vox, and 90% of news outlets are Democrat
>But hey Fox and Forbes (to an extent) are right leaning so that means Republicans are mainstream culture!
Better import more muslims.
Protestantism is fairly fractured, so yes chritianity as a whole isn't a representation of its true state, you fucking retard.
Obama never had a policy to do that. Lol 300 kids showed up at the border with no parents. They weren't equipped to deal with that. While the trump policy was to separate kids from their parents it literally "traumatize them"
>the establishment is literally just the houses in the government and not the rest of the civil service, local governments across the country, leaders of industry, the media
you about 10 years old aren't you?
Jesus was crucified because be was seen as a threat. He still supported the idea of a state you dumb nigger
>freedom of religion = you have to worship my religion
How fucking retarded are you? Freedom of religion entails freedom from religion.
Lol except for all the Republicans in Congress and local government defending it lol they just voted in favor of it in idaho.
Wahh victim complex
Fox news is the largest fucking news source in the u.s. you fucking Moron.
Jesus was crucified because Jews labeled him the Antichrist when he was too nice to repentant beggars and whores.
>Playing Borderlands
>Aim sniper at bandit with a shield
>Shield goes away in 1 shot
>Every single other shit goes through him despite crosshair being dead center
Suddenly memories of this shit came flooding back. For fucks sake this is so stupid.
Separating families was an Obama policy you dumb fuck. Those facilities have existed for half a decade.
But again, what the fuck are you on about with the child marriage shit? The Republican party is way way more anti pedo than the Dems, who are on the border of adding it to LGBTQ shit
When did I say you have to be christian? Just stop trying to dismantle Christianity in the west, you don't have to destroy EVERYTHING, you know?
how can she know it's her child if it just appeared? if it wasn't inside her, isn't God the only parent? das some weird shit.
>You are the Antichrist! Jesus Christ!
>it's okay because Obongo did it too
For all your opposition the the nigger in the White House, you sure love to defend his policies when it's convenient.
Because unlike sand niggers or jews christians actually follow some of their doctrines, like not going on murderous rampages when you make fun of their authority and not putting the brakes on the bank lines when you question their circumcisions
that makes them a safe target, you can literally shit all over a church and they won't do shit because they're fucking civilized
>They just voted for it in Idaho
It doesn't allow an older man to marry a child dumb fuck it allows two people of the same age to marry
But hey you're all for giving 16 year olds the vote so I guess you think they're responsible huh?
It's true, look it up. Jewish leaders at the time hated him because he was too forgiving and not all fire and brimstone like their books say.
Matthew 5:11-12King James Version (KJV)
11Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake.
12Rejoice, and be exceeding glad: for great is your reward in heaven: for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you.
Because we are blessed when we are insulted for believing in Jesus. Also every imagery of Jesus is false and whoever that reveres them are bowing down to false idols. We do not know what Jesus looked like and he definitely did not look like Cesar Borgia.
Roy Moore got accused of child molestation by many different women and Republicans endorsed him after. You know absolutely nothing
>Fox news is literally the only cable program besides local news that has a conservative lean
>"Gee I wonder why it's more popular than these 4 other cable news shows that all spout Democrat propaganda"
Why is that? You think Jesus was an hippy? He violently lashed out at the jewish merchants.
>when it's convenient
and leftists sure like to ignore when it's convenient. this is the essence of politics.
Christianity is a slave morality and it couldn't fend off liberalism or atheism. Fight me.
So you get upset when people say “happy holidays”?
Because interest rates are a sin.
The nigger in Chief at least wasn't a gun grabber like modern Dems or the Clinton's.
So yea, I'm not too anti Obama, I'm just anti Dem.
I'm not even christian, but being a nihilistic little puke will get you nowhere. Disrespect Christianity around me in public and I'll punch you in the mouth.
What are these so called new testament rules?
Oh you mean like how Keith Ellison was accused of rape and domestic abuse and wasn't condemned by the Democrats?
It's just ancient anime, don't overthink that
none is revering the cover for Borderlands 3
You have never been in a fight.
Christ was inside of Mary just like a real baby for months, it's just in his birth he suddenly appeared outside of the womb
but they keep telling me to take them seriously...
Nice comeback faggot
Most western liberal conflate religion with Christianity because it was what religion their parents were, when atheists like Dawkins criticize Islam or Buddhism as religion they conflate that as racism and bigotry because of it being foreign to them, its not religion to them but culture, so criticizing it is criticizing a people.
Local governments lean Republican.
It literally wasnt you dumb fuck. Maybe do a little research. It has never been policy to separate children from their parents to asylum seekers until trump
Wahh even though the constitution has separation of church and state I'm so upset I cant mix my religion in political wahh
No it doesn't you dumb fuck it allows older men to marry younger girls what is with Republicans and doing no fucking research and spouting of bullshit? Do you also think windmills give people noise cancer like that dipshit trump?
>half of America watched a single news source wahh it isnt the establishment
More Republican retards
He also hung out with thieves prostitutes and murders
Reagan, Nixon and trump did way more to ban guns than any Democrat
ah I see, ok
>Disrespect Christianity around me in public and I'll punch you in the mouth.
Watch out, we have a badass over here.
Also to add onto this
Roy Moore lost his easy win election because many Republicans wouldn't vote for him. He was condemned in the election itself
Keith Ellison was elected regardless because Dems don't fucking care when their candidate does something bad.
This is why Republicans are attacked for moral reason but Dems are not. Because Dem voters will vote regardless, while there is a big chunk of right wing voters that will not if it's substantial
Because only chistcucks laugh it off when people insult their religion.
finna cringe
>not realizing things that are more popular get parodied more often
>I don't know anything about american history, here, let me try to educate you about american history
$50 you're a leaf
"It was soul rape" that's not what rape means user
"Soul rape"
Isn't this the Buddha stance?
Because our religion doesn't oblige us to respond violently.
>No it doesn't you dumb fuck it allows older men to marry younger girls
Completely false. Age of consent is a federal law, it allows people who are both within the range of consent to marry. Any sexual act is still statuatory, due some research small brain
>Reagan, Nixon and trump did way more to ban guns than any Democrat
Pretty sure none of them authored the assault weapon ban, that was Diane Feinstein and signed into law by Bill Clinton
They also didn't say
>"If I could get 50 votes in the senate I'd say Mr. and Mrs. America, hand em in"
That was also Diane Feinstein
>I'm a Republican that means I can say something into existence and make it true like creationism and asbestos is good for me
Why are you christian, Yea Forums, all your niponense videogame heroes are Gnostic.
actually, Jesus’ execution was illegal under Roman law
Guys look! LOOK! It's a shitposter! Everybody (You) him!
>Half of America watched a single news source
You'd have a point if Fox News viewership outdid NBC and CNN combined but it doesn't.
It might now after the russiagate flop though lmao, thanks for securing Trump 2020 tinfoil hat retards
God murdered a fuck ton of people for complaining they didnt want to eat quail
Atheism became more common so anons have to larp as devout Christians now
No, you just don't follow your religion closely enough to feel affected when someone makes fun of your religion. You're a pathetic loser.
The fuck is wrong with his ears?
It’s not a comeback, just a fact.
>Rape isn't rape if they're in relationship and the man is a Democrat up for election!
It's a fact that anybody who shitposts about christianity isn't over a buck fifty and will snap like a twig
Literally ever religion gets made fun of nigger.
Nixon and Reagan both signed gun bans with Reagan saying that in this society no one should carry around a gun and trump just banned bump stocks. Also no the law still states that a teenager can still marry and elderly man with parental consent.
How is becoming a Christfag ""growing up"" when it's essentially believing in the fucking tooth fairy?
Wrong user those people complained that they didn't want to eat the food he gave them and that they wanted meat then he gave them quail until they complained about that as well. You're thinking of the priest that tried to call for mutiny
It's like Democrats watch multiple news sources while Republican watch a single one. Wow. Mind blowing.
What's the matter OP, why don't you give them that other cheek to nut on. Follow cuck code, get cucked bro
Because most liberals don't grow out of their "im going to be a superhero" phase until their 40's.
I was raised a christian, didn't like it for a bit until I actually read it for myself. It's better than I expected.
Do you really think these people are christian? They have read the warhammer manual instead of the bible.
She said she was mentally abused and said it was soul rape. That's not rape user.
You sure you aren't a muslim?
reminder that Obama was called Hitler before Trump
Based Jesus
So does Soulsfags or Starwarsfags . You should only care about the Hokuto Shinken path.
Reminder that liberal media was counting the days until he would be eventually assassinated
Reagan was a cuck. With that said he was just a dumb cuck. He got the firearm owner protection act signed into law which makes firearm registries illegal on a fed level. It was just poisoned by the Hughes amendment which banned autos.
However, you're being straight disingenuous for not recognizing the current Dem position of outright banning semi auto firearms and mag sizes over 10.
Also for Idaho, the law allowing two people to marry at 16 again does not change statuatory rape laws both state wide and federal which rule on consent. Do some research
Most Republicans just stay mentally handicapped. What else does it mean when you support someone that says windmills give you noise cancer
That's probably the only religion that allows people to shit on it.