seriously, what do you think is going through his head right now?
Seriously, what do you think is going through his head right now?
Other urls found in this thread:
he doesn't care. he never did
>Hehehe fuck Borderlands I'm gonna pirate it teheheh
Alright I'll just ban you
"Should have released Half-life 3...."
He only cares about his knife collection
He couldn't give less of a shit, he's made his billions, he'll be cashing out soon. He's old, he's fat, he's had a good run.
Chinks will probably pick his share of Steam and the salt will reach critical levels.
I sure wish I was:
>playing with my knife collection
>swimming in my scrooge mcduck money pit
>watching my little pony with my children
Money and food
>The chinese sure love eating dogs huh, I wonder what they taste like.
Send him an e-mail and find out.
He's a semi-retired billionaire. He's fine.
probably he's excited about his new HMD and is about to see the beginnings of the payoffs of focusing on hardware for so long
valve is in this for the long game, they're not doing short little ADHD bursts of attentionfagging like epic is with their dumb store. In the end, valve is still going to be around and making more money than ever
>watching my little pony with my children
this thing has an offspring?
He has more money than all of Yea Forums combined. I think he is fine.
More like "steak".
It's like most of his weight is stored in his legs. Weird.
He's got 2 sons IIRC.
he'd just have both really
>not getting it
Pick one.
a bullet
Nothing, he cannot lose to a store that doesn't have reviews, forums, workshop, community guides etc.
Are you saying gaben is dummy thicc
i wasn't doubting his possibilities to attract vaginas, more his physical fitness in regards of pushing anything into a hole.
How this is going to save valve somehow
If you knew how rich people lived you'd freak out.
It's like how bill gates smokescreens interviewers with "I have a trampoline room" rather than ever reveal the absolute hedonistic heaven he lives in.
These guys float through life on looking for things to spend money on
Probably fistfuls of donuts
i dont think he actually cares to much about the epic games shit.
he's propably still seething over artikek
yes, but does he have SOUL?
Even when making a family he can’t count to 3
damn......he's a billionaire......but at what cost.....whoa....
where is my tf2 update you fat cunt
He’s playing the long game. Public perception and good will are much better tools for competing than exclusivity. I’m sure Valve could make every new game release a Steam exclusive if they wanted to be assholes. They aren’t concerned.
bros what's it like being a ceo, like a real one, in charge of a mega successful company.
>what do you think is going through his head right now?
Nah, just like Yea Forums.
I don't think he is even paying attention to anything but the vr right now, he still hasn't managed to make a clear statement or policy in what types of porn are allowed.
Also food.
Pretty stressful actually.
He's play Dota 2 and hlvr totally unconcerned about epic or artifact. Because he knows he'll never lose. D he never will.
Fuck elves
Is fat a type of soul.
>Public perception and good will
>i wonder what's for dinner tonight
gabe literally is just a figure head, he lets his employees run themselves.
Does Yea Forums?
Yeah pretty much
> Public perception and good will are much better tools for competing than exclusivity
No they're not.
look at his defense force and make that comment again
well he doesn't use twitter, so yes
>"Dear Yea Forums, sorry it's taken so long writing back to you...
"Can't wait to harvest those sweet brainwaves"
is there a link to this interview?
I don't think he cares. Plus all of reddit is on his side still.
lots and lots of mcribs with bacon
why would he care
hes rich and is the same person hes ever been
he even fucking responds to nobodies emails because he has all that time in the world
"i need to ban more japanese games from steam for arbitrary reasons because they're super problematic."
Seriously what's to stop valve from cracking the whip and making their employees work on actual games? I know valve employees are given a huge amount of freedom to work on what they want, but how the fuck does that work?
a donut
his networth is over $5.5 billion. I don't think he cares. He'll just keep doing Linux shit and keeping Steam an open platform and hoping "gamers" arent retarded. Which is the wrong way to go about it really, because "gamers" are really the most uneducated, malleable and clinically retarded group of consumers.
It works exactly as you described, there are no bosses (aside from older employees having more power but valve doesn't like to acknowledge that). If a team can't get it's shit together nothing gets done.
>here comes the MONAYY. here comes the Monay
He hasn’t exactly jumped off the deep end yet like Notch
I love Gabe.
Hobbyist doing what he loves and truly cares for the consumer.
He even cares deeply about devs too, don't let the 30% propaganda make you think otherwise. That's how much virtually all digital distributors take, and games definitely sell better on Steam than they would otherwise.
valve cracked the whip to work on hardware instead. there are enough devs out there making games and not enough devs focusing on gaming hardware
he is a fucking billionaire, OP. he lives an hedonist life style to a fucking T. he doesn't give a fuck anymore
>it’s not the games we need. We need better looking pixels YOU SIMPLETON
This is why no likes the PC Dick Slurp Allstars
Let's write a letter to Gaben one word each post,I'll start:
Dear Gabe Newell
>what's to stop valve from cracking the whip and making their employees work on actual games?
The fact that Valve is super profitable and has the freedom to work on whatever they want. Were Valve a publicly-owned company like most other developers, they would be forced to produce more games because shareholders want results. Instead, they've got enough financial leeway to work on pretty much whatever they want, which seems to be hardware these days. And let's be honest here, would any game they actually make now be worth buying/pirating? Artifact was a dumpster fire, they've run DOTA2/CSGO into the dirt, and pretty much every other IP in their stable has been dormant for nearly a decade.
He's thinking that 30% may have been too much.
modern culture makes even the common man lose his soul. the fat fuck still wins
>they've run DOTA2/CSGO into the dirt
He's balls deep in VR, I don't think he cares the least bit about Epic if that's what you are talking about, the Steam team is mostly their own thing and it's a pretty small team compared to the rest of the company.
>they've run DOTA2/CSGO into the dirt
What do you mean? Both games have been keeping their peak player counts for years.
Is this the menstruation blood frosting one?
Probably strawberry, I don't understand why you think pink = blood.
of course you know all about it
I had a dream last night that he held a quick press conference. He spoke about why Half-Life 3 was taking so long along with other games. Mostly it was due to people not wanting to work and being afraid to work on something like Half-Life 3. He sounded so sincere and scared, almost pleading for help.
why do people think valve needs to even make games anymore?
do you think they will "save gaming" ?
do you think after watching duke nukem forever that they even want to try making a half life game?
>Epic will never ever get Dwarf Fortress and Halo
Must suck for the chinks
I miss the old Gabe, he used to be such a cool guy.
CSGO was complete and utter shit before Valve took over development.
He is a billionaire and he already did most of the things he wanted to do, to be honest I don't think he gives a single fuck at all.
Valve employee here. Do you honestly want to fucking know?
Gabe has no concerns right now, he's very damn certain that what we've been working on is going to change the future of PC gaming. It's a bit internally controversial since not everyone is entirely sure that our next big release will really be all that big. A lot of former employees have left to find more stable jobs because of this.
Regarding Artifact, it wasn't meant to be anything huge. Like most Valve games it was just worked on in tandem with other projects. Its main goal was to just generate an extra burst of money on the side to help push development of our main project forward faster.
That obviously didn't work, so now we're looking to make money off of Dota Autochess. I wont explain how, but what you can probably guess exactly what's happening.
Regarding Epic Games, Gabe doesn't care. The way he has described it in meetings before is that Tim Sweeney and his company are nothing but greedy vultures picking apart the already rotting corpse that is the only distribution market. If they want exclusivity, then they can have it - because it's going to bite them on their ass when we reveal what we've been working on.
In a sense, he's letting them have their fun for a few more months.
What exactly have we been working on? You've probably seen the leaks, Valve Index.
More in my next post.
be likeable for once in ur life and u can chance on a rich friend or colleague
Rich people don't just buy expensive food and condos, as much as media would want you to believe. They're fucking modern Pharoahs
Not him, but blood mixed with powder sugar would pretty much produce a pink color.
if you're going to make up bullshit, at least put some thought into it
0/10 is the best i can give you
It's just third worlders and chink. And the only reason it got some players back now is thanks to Dota chess, a chink mod.
>Its main goal was to just generate an extra burst of money on the side
As if Steam wasn't a steady pile of money, Valve is one of the most profitable companies per employee in the world.
>I should buy more knives...
chinks arent counted towards the steam stats page, brainlet.
>talk about players
>shows viewers
It is with Dota 2 because of how the match making and such work, you retard.
it literally isn't retard
matchmaking in dota 2 doesnt work any differently than in csgo
stop pulling shit out of your ass
>man i waited way too long for HL3
>theres no way this series could ever be as popular as it was 13 years ago
Do people really think HL would sell and make an impact the way it did 1-2 decades ago
I don't think anyone knows what the series is at this point and games have evolved so much
>Its main goal was to just generate an extra burst of money on the side to help push development of our main project forward faster.
This is how I know you are a roleplaying faggot. They earn billions from steam they dont need to make 'side projects' to earn a little bit of money
Chink has their own match making system and version, genius
this user knows, he is a man of taste and of the highest degree of 'my niggerdom'
probably laughing his ass off as he is seeing all those steam fanboy sheeps attacking epic store because they are giving a far better share to the developers while he takes 30% from them.
There are people with steam installed who have never touched half life 1 or 2 and they are slowly becoming the majority of steam users
How can I trick the PC user base into assuming that we still actually make good video games?
who's "them"?
It's intended to be THE best VR headset on the market, and the deciding factor to make VR the new biggest thing. The "knuckles" that we've been working on feel fantastic and natural, feels like you're genuinely grabbing stuff with your hands.
But let's say you don't want to be doing motion controlls and prefer to sit down to play your games, you can still do that.
What if you don't like having to move your head around to play games? There's a seamlessly built in virtual monitor environment that allows you to play your games as if you had as many monitors at whatever size you need. You can also use it for multitasking like having a web browser up, or if you're a streamer it'll let you have your stream chat up.
We've also worked on moving HUD elements "off" your monitor and sitting around it instead. It looks seriously awesome. And the best part is, it's entirely customizable. There's going to be other uses for it, but I'll not reveal them yet.
There's also an expansion bay on the front. One modual that I'll talk about is the VR microphone. It's a personal microphone intended to eliminate the need for push to talk. It has a lip reading sensor (which can be used for other purposes such as animating your character's mouth) that lets your mic only operate when you're working. It's also semi-enclosed around your mouth so that it only really picks up what you're saying.
The goal was to get two people with headsets to be in the same room using the microphones to talk to have a discussion with another person in the same room without each other's voices picking up on the other person's microphone. So far, it works pretty damn well. Not perfect if people are yelling, but a normal talking voice is almost flawless.
As for games: yeah, there's games. And a lot of them too. A lot of Valve's old titles will receive a significant VR update: Half Life 2 VR, Portal VR, Left 4 Dead VR, Counter Strike VR. All of that is free updates.
There's also new games.
Wow, is that a drink in his ice?
Fucking Americans.
Hyped for May, the new headset seems to be everything I want.
Just crossing my fingers the rumoured FOV and res is accurate.
Rumour is they have been working on three VR titles. Unsubstantiated rumour is they are portal, half life and left4dead spinoffs.
The Jew game publishers
gabe is based
Oh for sure
I'll be honest, growing up (born 91) i didnt get exposed to PC gaming much till later in high school and even then i barely knew what half life was till the Orange Box came out, eventually in 2010, i had orange box on my ps3 and played through portal along with the half life games and found a copy of HL1 on the PS2 at my local thrift store
They weren't 100% my bag but i can see why people would have liked them then and the episodes for 2 were really strong imo
At this point though games have changed so much in the last 10 years, i don't know if half life will have that kind of pull if 3 actually came out
It feels mildly like Shenmue to me
I remember back in middle school people were saying shenmue was the BIGGEST thing right before GTA came out
One of the guys at my old local game shop convinced me to get it on my Dreamcast because of how unique it was and yeah it was different at the time and had new ideas but Shenmue now is super dated and just kind of there so i have no idea how Shenmue 3 will fare. If anything Shenmues biggest legacy was how bloated of a project it was despite its quality
Half Life at least helped Steam as a flagship game
Fuckin pre ordered.
>There's also an expansion bay on the front. One modual that I'll talk about is the VR microphone. It's a personal microphone intended to eliminate the need for push to talk.
Jesus, a fucking microphone is the best thing you could think of? All headsets already come with built-in mics and it would be a gigantic waste to have that as an add-on, microphones have an extremely small footprint can just be a tiny hole below the set.
I wont reveal exactly what they are, but we're basically making the Orange Box 2. All of them are currently in a finished and in a near-shippable state, we've just been going heavy on the polish this last year. Gabe wants everything perfect.
These new games wont be VR exclusive, but they'll be bundled in free with the main Index bundle. Additionally, Index owners will get a permanent discount on ALL VR games.
Third party support for launch wont be huge, but what's there will be important. "Halo VR" will be releasing soon after the hardware goes out among other solid titles.
Support for developing games with this hardware will also be massive, as Valve is known for. Anyone who wants to have significant VR in their game will have tremendous amounts of help. Not just for making their games work on the Index, but for making it work on the Oculus Rift and HTC Vive as well.
The kicker of it all, however, is that all of the APIs we've made that makes retooling a game for VR very easy are all heavily tied to Steamworks. If a game was made using our software, it will only work on Steam. This is because Gabe wants to swat out two competitors: Oculus Store and Epic Games Store.
This isn't so much because Gabe wants to be greedy more so that he's striking back at them for not playing fair.
Will it work? Who knows. Gabe seems to think it will. Most of the people at the company are hopeful.
Why are commies so fucking dumb? Do you really think it's a bad thing for some people to be "at the top" and with so much power that they can do whatever they want? Capitalism at least guarantees that a higher percentage of these people in power are also creative and providing things that everyone else actually needs or wants. Communism meanwhile only guarantees that you will be shoved into crates like pigs for slaughter.
>As for games: yeah, there's games. And a lot of them too. A lot of Valve's old titles will receive a significant VR update: Half Life 2 VR, Portal VR, Left 4 Dead VR, Counter Strike VR. All of that is free updates.
Had to make it this obvious, huh?
It's not the only thing that will be available, it's just an example.
The approach is that it's for streamers and playing with multiple people in one room. It's genuinely a high quality microphone.
We also think it'll be popular with people who enjoy roleplaying games since the lip reading sensor can be used for animating a character's mouth.
It's also for push-to-talk in a sense since the microphone will only activate when it detects that your mouth is actually moving, this cuts down on background noise and mouth breathing significantly.
It's not an incredible ground breaking module, I'll admit it, but we're going to push it hard regardless. We intend on giving streamers the Index and the microphone for free, so long as they use the microphone and talk about it on stream. The goal with that is to make people SEE their favourite streamers using it, and think that they also need it.
It's actually a really powerful marketing tactic. It's like using celebrities to sell clothing, watches etc.
>Halo VR
Kill yourself larping faggot.
>are you ready for a miracle
>ready as I can be
>are you ready for a mir-ra-cle
>the spirit will set you free
>are you ready
>are you ready
>are you ready
It's not a joke, Halo VR is real and it uses the Index's potential entirely.
It's not just for waggling motion controllers around while shuffling about an empty space in your room, but it'll have full support for the virtual monitors that I mentioned previously.
For example, Halo's coop modes will feature this heavily. You'll be able to see your team's POVs as alternate smaller monitors from beside your monitor, along with their HUD information.
>sit around for so long that your competitors finally catch up on your lead
>literally cry about them taking business away
hey maybe you should have done something with all that money you're making instead of doing absolutely fucking nothing you fat cunt
it is though and no one believes what you're saying.
as for what's really happening at valve, hopefully this competition from epic will finally cause them to stop being faggots and actually make games again, as exclusives like half life 3 would certainly help keep people on steam.
>The kicker of it all, however, is that all of the APIs we've made that makes retooling a game for VR very easy are all heavily tied to Steamworks. If a game was made using our software, it will only work on Steam. This is because Gabe wants to swat out two competitors: Oculus Store and Epic Games Store.
>This isn't so much because Gabe wants to be greedy more so that he's striking back at them for not playing fair.
That's what OpenVR/SteamVR already is, you are talking about things that have been out for years.
Step your fake leak game up.
omg what am I going to do with my 7 billion dollars?
>It's actually a really powerful marketing tactic. It's like using celebrities to sell clothing, watches etc.
You know what an actually good and probably module will be? Wireless, that's what people want.
Not worried in the last I would imagine. Epic is going to keep paying big bucks to get exclusives and they still won't sell as well as they do when they eventually come to Steam.
What an embarrassing LARP
This isn't LARPing you fucking idiot, it's just regular RPing.
At least get your terminology correct if you're going to call someone out.
Not in my experience. I have some family that is very rich from oil and they live a somewhat simple life given their money. They retired from oil and bought a ranch with 600 acres. They have two really nice houses on the land (one is a guest house) but they only have one employee and like 20 cattle that they mostly take care of themselves. They definitely have some nice things but it's not outrageous by any means. I don't even think they turn a profit from the ranch they just enjoy doing it.
We know your making this shit up. But lets be honest. Everyone knows vr is a gimick that will never take off. Let alone save valve
t. larping pro
Yes? LARPing is fun. It's an active and social event that combines cosplay and roleplay. Historical reenactments are the best.
RPing on the internet however is complete degeneracy.
I'd assume he's focusing on Index, since its reveal and launch are imminent.
A bunch of goofy nerds having fun, what's wrong with that?
They're outside in the sun making friends instead of being locked in their mom's basements complaining about video games all day.
what the fuck are you talking about
>as per usual Yea Forums can't stand the idea of other people having fun
like a bunch of schoolyard bullies