What went wrong?
What went wrong?
The framerate.
Other than the system it's stuck on absolutely nothing. It's a masterpiece
everything but the art team. its like cuphead in this regard
Just the badge system really
vanilla bosses weren't that good
Fromsoft makes shit. They've yet to make anything ground breaking thats captured the whole industry.
They didn't really explain the standard/thrust/blunt/arcane/serrated etc. damage bullshit on weapons at all so it's confusing as fuck and you basically have to google to figure out what the fuck your weapon even does and what the numbers mean in relation to anything
Frame Pacing
Also a problem in everything From have ever created
>everything after you reach the forest feels unfinished
>rehashed enemies everywhere
>bosses are very hit and miss
>all these weapons with different movesets yet the only thing you will be doing is mashing R1
>some areas like Byrgenwerth and Cainhurst castle are incredibly small and disapointing
>majority of NPCs are forgettable
>level design is too linear
It's a 7/10 at best.
Nothing. It's one of the few games that like 80% of Yea Forums agrees on it being good.
+great music, live orchestra knocks it out of the park
+ limited weapon count but including the DLC tons of fun ways to engage with those weapons
+ Stellar environments
+ Boss design that was part memorization and part reaction speed with next to no bosses relying on the designer crutch that is input reading
- Shit covenants
- Pvp was mostly opt in outside of nightmares
- Chalice Dungeons were as awful as they were mandatory
- Stuck on a system with a shitty framerate forever
Pretty great game.
>rehashed enemies everywhere
DaS, DaS2, and Sekiro all have more rehased enemies than BB.
Nothing, it's 10/10, but it would be 11/10 if come to pc
this desu
>muh r1 spam
people say this about dark souls too but it's not true, it is unironically just a case of git gud. when I first started out the controls felt like shit and I r1 spammed but now I find it more natural to dance all over the screen doing jump attacks, backstep attacks, transitions etc. with the transformed threaded cane, whipping everything to death in epic gamer style. this is the True™ way to play the game. plus there are some weapons where the r1 just sucks, for example the rifle spear's charged r2 is so good it trivializes early game pve but the r1 is just meh
Not sure how this makes BB any better.
chalice dungeons were poorly executed
ps4 exclusive
that's it
>everything after you reach the forest feels unfinished
Just because you use portals to access fucking DREAMS doesn't mean it's unfinished, fag.
>rehashed enemies
But it has the most amount of enemies out of any Souls game except maybe DS3 and Sekiro (haven't played it yet).
>all these weapons with different movesets yet the only thing you will be doing is mashing R1
Not the game's fault you're a shitter.
>some areas like Byrgenwerth and Cainhurst castle are incredibly small and disapointing
Byrgenwerth is a fucking building, what did you expect?
>majority of NPCs are forgettable
Subjective as fuck. Alfred is my second favorite Souls NPC after Vengarl.
>level design is too linear
Yes? It's standard Souls level design, which Bloodborne is probably the best at it.
byrgenwerth is a research university that basically founded the religion of the setting, by all rights it should be a fucking huge campus comparable to IRL shit like oxford or whatever. at the very least it should have just been a sprawling complex with most of it barred off, making it just some random hut in the woods is kinda retarded although everything can be magic'd away with
>It's just a dream bro
Oh look, here comes the snoy defence force
>byrgenwerth is a research university that basically founded the religion of the setting
No? One of the students of this university found some ayy blood and founded the Healing Church, which is a huge Cathedral and a sprawling complex on the center of Yharnam.
>it's just a dream bro
It is, though. A big part of Byrgenwerth is in the dream realm, the Lecture Hall.
>A big part of Byrgenwerth is in the dream realm, the Lecture Hall.
>big part
>two corridors and like few small rooms
pretty much everything. it's a 6/10 game at best
I fucking hate this board
The framepacing.
Otherwise it's a masterpiece.
laurence didn't find it by himself, he was just the first vicar, there were-
you know what, it's too autistic to have an argument about this, t.b.h. I don't really care that much about the byrgenwerth shit anyway because that's not even anywhere near the worst aspects of the game like how matchmaking is completely fucked because some autist at your level who spent forever farming blood gems will kill you in 2 hits and you kill him in 20 because you've just been casually playing the game
I don't like Blood Vials
I don't like the way Chalice Dungeons work
I don't like several of the bosses
I don't like having to run 2 minutes to get back to a boss
Gr8 game though overall