Imagine being so insecure in your heterosexuality that you make up excuses for your gay fantasies (playing the opposite...

Imagine being so insecure in your heterosexuality that you make up excuses for your gay fantasies (playing the opposite gender).

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Other urls found in this thread:,_methinks

i sometimes play as a girl because i don't conflate myself with the character i play, but male characters are normally cooler

Imagine not being a chad homosexual and exclusively playing male characters and disregarding thots.

Imagine being so insecure with your sexuality you absolutely need to play the same sex as yours of you might become gay

imagine having to make up a reason for why you have a preference with the aim of looking slightly better than the other mentally ill 17-year-old esl Yea Forumstards

This thread again huh

Imagine caring enough to think about it at all.


>he wants to roleplay something he can never be
Mentally ill trannies

I'm bisexual, so your argument doesn't apply to me.
I just play as a girl in games where the girl looks better.


What is it with Yea Forums and trannies? It seems every fucking thread on this board has people obsessed with how mentally ill trannies are, and a lot of them just devolve into debates over trannies.

Imagine being so insecure in your own sexuality that you assume the opposite sex is gay.

>mentally ill
Well yeah

>Gay fantasies

Well you got me there.

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>imagine not wanting to play as the superior male character

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>everyone who isn't like me is mentally ill
based retard

how is this not already an acceptable answer
how does this make me gay i dont understand

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It's called projection.

Imagine posting a shitty thread like this

brainwashed christcuck detected

Step out of the closet

I hate these threads, the replies to justify their roleplaying is either they are mentally ill or are perverts. Threads like these is where IQ goes to die.

playing as another man? thats pretty gay yo

Imagine being OP and always hungry for dicks

I wish I was a girl but have thought about it rationally and wouldn't transition.

>boards like these is where IQ goes to die

People who like yuri are either gay or trannies.

Males aren't supposed to like cute things.

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This, I wouldn't transition, and I like my dick, but if I could go back in time and make sure I was born as a female, I think I'd do it. Girls have it easy.

But I make my waifus. I want to fuck her, not be her.

Because if you're gay for doing this then the people who DON'T do it are NOT gay. It only makes sense, right? Chalk one up for the "I'm totally not gay" crowd. They are most definitely in no way homosexual, unlike you. You are a prime example of homosexuality, and I am nothing like you. No way no how that's just how it goes. You're gay, I'm not, end of story.

>Girls have it easy.
This. You can basically just sit at home and do basic chores and be a child for the rest of your life and get taken away on holidays and shit. Must be nice. I don't understand why women would want to work.

>Imagine being so insecure in your heterosexuality that you make up excuses for your gay fantasies (playing the opposite gender).
Sure thing, honeybear.

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>Why do you always play as a girl

"Because I want to be treated like one."

I mean, I wouldn't want to sit around and do nothing all day, girl or not. I'd like to at least feel like I'm contributing something to the world around me.

>faggot tranny trying to convince straight men that they are gay
You will never be a woman.

Is that why you only like cocks?

but you are supposed to self insert?? how you play game when no self insert???? you are GAY

I'm pretty sure Yea Forums is the worst discussion board on the site, but Yea Forums is a close second.

I feel bad for young people who have been encouraged to have this way of thinking. They are gonna mutilate their bodies and demand respect and sexual gratification thinking it's a social issue when it's a mental and biological one. I hope people understand that Billy not liking soccer doesn't mean he needs to wear a fucking dress or sally needs to get her tits removed because she prefers a salmon pink instead of hot pink. Literally clown world.

I like cute women.
I like to fuck cute women.

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>closeted fag trying to convince straight men that they're gay trannies
You will never be secure in your sexuality

But you aren't you're only continuing entropy which will occur with or without you, and no other animal tries to better the world for the sake of it, only to gain for itself.

I think this whole "bettering the world" is a meme perpetuated by the rich to make us distracted from making serious gains.

That's awful. NEET with infinite freetime for the last half year here and life hasn't been better. Doing exactly what I want all the time is the best thing the world has to offer.

>and make sure I was born as a female, I think I'd do it. Girls have it easy
I hate people like you and should end your weak willed life anyway.

Why the fuck are you going from boys playing as girls in videogames to cutting off their dicks? Are you retarded?
Next you're gonna tell me that guys are gonna marry their dogs because we legalized gay marriage, right?

>artist is a fag that doesn't draw porn

>I'd like to at least feel like I'm contributing something to the world around me
That's very odd considering you wanted to be female.


it's always the effeminate weirdos


based but /thread-ing yourself is cringe

>implying being a cumdump isn't contributing to the world around you

Enough talk.
Post the lewd edits and porn.

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Do you live with your parents?

d-does anyone have the cute edit where they're both boyfriends?

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>americans self-insert because they have trouble coping if they don't interpret themselves as the successful ones and not just the character in the game
>Even for single player games with a fixed main character that has their own personality
I've noticed this in conversations with people who say they are disgusted when their character doesn't do something they want in a cutscene because they wouldn't do it themselves, americans are pathetics

the best way to play a game is to have the character you control be like a cool friend

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>Next you're gonna tell me that guys are gonna marry their dogs because we legalized gay marriage, right?

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Imagine being so insecure that you think someone's gay because they don't want to role play as them self.

>being so obsessed with trannies you save this picture and post it in any thread vaguely discussing gender

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If I wanted to be gay, why would I play as a woman and not a gay twink?


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I play the game once with every character even if there's no changes because I feel both were designed with love and care and both deserve to be played with.

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After I started working out and gained confidence playing as a female just didn't feel right. Why would you ever want to be chick when you can be a jacked guy?


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I want this


I need full details. What bestiality is not okay and how did lawmakers come to those conclusions?

Homophobia is perpetrated by straight guys who don't know how homosexuality works

Weebs are mentally ill. More news at 11.

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From your article:
>Thus, the court ruled by a 7–1 majority that bestiality required penetration.

>“There is no hint in any of the parliamentary record that any substantive change to the elements of the offence of bestiality was intended,” the ruling reads.

>According to court record DLW smeared peanut butter on the genitals of his victims and had the family dog lick it off while he videotaped the act.
so what's wrong with this?


My female characters are exclusively raging lesbians.

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>attracted to the opposite sex is gay

>imagine being so boring that you "roleplay" as the exact same thing as you are in real life.

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Oral's apparently fine, penetration is a no-no.

For reasons.

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you sound like a loser

characters are only other standpoints to view from your own perspective

>trying this hard to fit in

I swear Yea Forums is nothing but a bunch of closeted trannies and homosexuals. I mean, who else would consume Japanese media?

I dont know about you but i like to stick my thing into cute thing
Not ugly thing

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Both feral on human and human on feral? If a dolphin rapes me and I now in violation of the law?

Which is a bigger mental illness: yuri or yaoi?

american detected

Both are liked by females and "females" so yes.

THIS. They’re cute c:

It doesn’t help that 90% of h-games have female protagonists.

The only time I ever played as a female, when I had a choice, was because the default name is the same as my girlfriends and she has an unusual name.

God I wish that were me.

you faggots always pull that same arguement. "lmao why would i want to stare at a man's butt lol ure the gay 1 xd"
why are you staring at the ass in the first place. bitch maybe if you concentrated in the game rather than an ass you might not be so fucking trash.

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I wanna fuck a shota

>he's a man
>he plays with his own gender

sounds kinda gay desu

No, why should I?

that's where your wrong kiddo

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I'm curious as to your living situation as a NEET if you don't live with your parents. You don't pay rent or anything? Who do you live with?

If you had the option to stare at a woman's ass or a man's ass which one would you choose?

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>I MUST self-insert as the character I play as

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That's not American exclusive. For instance one of the big reasons many anime protagonists are very generic and bland is to make it easier for the Japanese audience to self-insert. It's a general flaw of people taking the "the main character should be relatable" concept and thinking it actually means "the main character should literally be an average person in the audience." This line of thought is further driven by design by committee shit where making everything is made as bland as possible to appeal to the widest audience possible.

>the best way to play a game is to have the character you control be like a cool friend
As an American, I always thought myself as the guiding hand of fate helping them along, which is pretty similar. "You are literally your character" has always been a strange concept to me.

>insecure self inserting brainlets at it again
You are not the character


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You're alright, user.


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this, self-insertfags ruin everything

Jokes on you i like cute shit and manly stuff
Like guns

based and redpilled

>Tfw main character is always male but make female alts

God I wish this happened to me.

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I see my avatar as a partner and not a representation of myself

I wanna fug Puchi idols

Now that I think about it, wouldn't the chronic self-inserters like OP be the real trannies by constantly pretending to be something they're not?

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Imagine being so stupid that you don't understand that most of us don't pretend to be a character. Immersion is a bullshit buzzword you stupid fuck.

homosexuals don't fantasize about being the opposite gender though. You're thinking of trannies

t. homo

>not playing as the bara male each time

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I hope you'd do it tenderly and put the shota's happiness first

Now you understand who makes these threads.,_methinks


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1. Normies don't self-insert
2. Female characters are typically faster than the male characters.
3. Female characters typically have more movement options (wall jumps, etc.)
4. Bouncing breasts and panty shots, DUH.

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>not being cute and funny whenever possible

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Get the fuck out of here.

Come on, just one or two.

I'm a dumb gay trap and I play male characters all the time. I think straight people just like seeing cute girls.

It always starts out by watching a little too much anime and "ironically" wanting to be the little girl
If you avatarfag with anime then you're already a lost cause

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It's a great feeling going into a game blind, choosing female protagonist and getting some good unexpected yuri undertones.

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N O !

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Sorry homobphobia is inherited. Any insecurity is justified to maintain reproductive fitness.


>furry barafags
begone, you don't belong here

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>reproductive fitness
Anyone using that term doesn't possess it. You've already lost.

>cute OR funny

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Don't worry I have the cure. Just don't watch anime ironically and just be open about what you like, treating it like any other interest.

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You're on Yea Forums. This makes you a normie by modern standards, too.


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>hating peak male performance

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B-But anons I'm gay, But also hate trans people to the bone. Girl is there more customizable shit and guy if there hot

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>no u
>still doesn't understand and keeps using his shitty /r9k/ permutation
Fuck off.

now guys, have some Cunny

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Sorry but people who use that term have had children before.

moe shit even more gay than sucking dick

Who else makes his waifus and roleplay with her?
I literally made Yunyun un Skyrim so i pretend we are together in the world and we are friends.

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>just be open about what you like, treating it like any other interest.

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