whats better for a 4k monitor?
Whats better for a 4k monitor?
4K is a meme.
theres no such thing as oled montiors
There will be. I'm not buying a new monitor until it's 4k 120Hz+ OLED
The answer is always IPS.
OLED don't last long before pixels start burning. Which is crazy considering their high costs.
Why are you buying a 4K monitor who they’re bottlenecked by most graphics cards.
High resolution 30fps is still 30fps
Nothing, they still have some pixel ghosting or other LCD fuckery. I'm still sitting on my 2012 VA 1080p monitor and waiting for the holy grail of pc monitor.
If you're buying 4k it means you don't actually care
Just pick whatever's cheapest
>If you're buying 4k it means you don't actually care
what is that suppose to mean?
Unless you play some shitty console ports there is no reason you can't play games in 4k on a midrange GPU. High settings 4k looks better than ultra settings WQHD
Hello autist
4k is wasted on pc monitor
>xbox hueg (65"+)
>1 frame input lag
>AMVA panel
>5 fucking THOUSAND dollary doos
panel tech is getting acceptable but these prices sure aren't
I'd rather have a monitor that slightly deteriorates after a few years than a monitor that's shit from the beginning.
also has gsync, based nvidia
Only retards buy 4k monitors for gaming.
4000-5000 hours is nowhere near an acceptable lifespan for a monitor before burn-in happens.
At that price point, it better have it.
why do you say that when certain CRT shaders such as CRT-royale are amazing when at 4k resolution and higher?
is this monitor any good lads? mostly playing console on it
4k monitors that have good response time, size and panel type are very expensive and are almost exclusively confined to 60hz.
Pushing 4k graphics requires high end GPUs and you can't max out games anyway.
The size at which 4k monitors often are made, 1440p144hz would be much better for gaming.
TN>IPS for games every day
Get yourself a 1ms benq monitor, preferably 144hz
that TV is true 120hz as well
144hz is a meme
you dont need to run games past 60fps, its pointless
>TN in 2019
Kill yourself.
You aren't a faggot playing in big tournaments or some shit like that.
For everything else IPS> All.
Lmao just buy a console at that point
IPS or VA. VA if you like moderately high FPS or IPS for cinematic titles, to be specific
With TN, you're better off with a 1080p 240hz monitor for competitive gaming. 4k, howerver, is for aesthetics
Personally 1080p is perfect for gamin still and 1440p is pushing it, but 4k is for people with more money than sense, imo
This is after nearly 8000 hours. Unless you have the same content on screen 24/7 it's not going to be a big issue.
VA in 2019 is basically IPS without the glow and shitty constrast. There's a reason samsung shifted to it exclusively for their monitors and TVs
VA if you care about dark colors and contrast since the only OLED monitors are expensive. VA grey color response time can be pretty shitty though.
Theres a very similar one on sale right now for $420
>1440p144hz would be much better for gaming.
Sure but monitors cost twice as much. And also you need to constantly keep your CPU top of the line to get games running at those frame rates, not just GPU. 4K is cheaper.
thanks lad but unfortunately that sale is only in america, im canadian
4K vastly improves text rendering to the point where you can no longer see individual pixels. Try using a 4K monitor for a week, going back to 1080p or 1440p is gross