What's your excuse?

What's your excuse?

Attached: miyazhacki.png (647x652, 505K)

ching chongs are beyond human levels, whats your point?

Miyazaki can beat, with a play tester playing for him.

I believe Japanese Skrillex.

Already beat it but it doesn't say anywhere he plays NG+ so I have no obligations anymore.

Attached: 1552935700107.png (781x565, 475K)

>Japanese are good at video games
Their casual gamer is the equivalent to American Pro.

Nips are, not ching chongs.

>not having skrillex hair
????? Uh why????

Hair too short.

>not having hair that goes almost down to ur waist
What are u some kinda fag

Beat it 3 times already. Quetion is how hard will be DLC? I can't wait biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitch


imagine sucking the dick of any orientals ability to play videos games LMAO

Fellow long haired brother.

I might not have any repdrouctive organs butt
I gues I will take it

I used to have long hair down to my chest for years, but taking care of it properly got annoying and drying took forever. Getting one of those fuccboi haircuts was the best decision of my life.

My hair is heavier than normal peoples and it grows super straight meaning if I shower it has a tendency to get tied up. I have had to use the thickest mousse just to style I can't imagine growing it long. I might for for that prison school Gakuto look first if I decide to forgo the barber for good.
I can totally see the appeal of long hair though. When sunlight hits mine its looks brownish and shiny, without hair products.

>having brown hair
Black hair best hair

Its black but its brown when hit by light. Unlike pure black hair fags whose hair shines silver when hit by light.

A butt is fine too.

Don't have one.
Sekiro is an easy game.
Most of their action games are, they use traps and pattern recognition to kill you while you learn, but the actual execution of their action games are easy.
The point is usually to use death to help reinforce the atmosphere of their game, not just make the game hard on its own.

only jews and niggers have black hair

Have you seen them play FPS games?

The Black gets out shined by the red and orange lol
That is not true

My hair has just now reached past my breast and touches the front edge of my ribcage. I really like it, but the maintenance is only just now starting to wear on me. I'm questioning if I ever want to go longer than I have, but getting it waist length sounds like a fun goal.

How long is long enough though, really? When it becomes a safety hazard?

Also how do you wear your hair usually? I use to make a halfassed folded pony tail, but now I just don't bother with it because I had some breakage issues with a bad tie once.

>imagine sucking the dick
You seem upset; In time, you will calm. Though I am worried that this was your first thought when respond. I hope you are well.

Fighting japanese is fun in splatoon. They have bad reaction times, movement and mechanics but horrifyingly good teamwork, timing and precision.

>tfw dirty blonde

Attached: 30-Dirty-Blonde-Hair-Ideas-2017-11[1].jpg (500x605, 79K)

lol no
there are more hardcore nolife geeks in japan, so it might seem like they are all better at vidya, but relatively they are much bigger casuals than the westerners, because gaming is a more niche hobby in the west, with a higher percent of hardcore enthusiasts

Based and elfpilled

Not that user but I have dark brown hair, and I seriously wish I could see it in dirty blonde at this length, but terrified about dying it. Have you ever had dark hair envy?

If by horrifyingly good teamwork you mean they actually play the objective rather than focus on getting kills, then yeah sure.

>not rocking the Hitler Youth cut
not gonna make it

that's gooks actually

>terrified about dying it?
How I change my hair colour every 3 weeks and it’s completely fine

>tfw walnut brown hair and shines gold when sun hits it
feels good

>tfw can't pass the OWLS


>long hair
Off yourself

>having hair
fucking normalfaggots

redwood looks good on male short hair
and its can easily be mistaken as sunburn too if you're "terrified "


Imaging interacting with a woman who visits this cess pool in real life. What mental disorders have you been diagnosed with lately? What is your choice of hair dye?


Must be rock music god tier.

>tfw no Yea Forums visiting mentally damaged gf to share childhood memories with

Attached: damaged gf.jpg (720x386, 27K)

A woman that visits Yea Forums is exactly the kind of girl I want.


He was obviously saying he's a eunuch.

No I was actually born this
Way don’t let anyone know but “aliens” are actually real and very much among u

I wish I was white

This. Hitler youth haircut is bound to get you pussy even if you are skinny

Are French people white?

Just be ur self bro.

The entirety of Sekiros challenge is completely based on unfamiliarity. It would be shocking if Miyazaki could beat it. This isn't Bayonetta on Infinite Climax or Muramasa on Fury. This is Sekiro.

>tfw gonna need to cut off 10cm of my glorious mane because the ends are broken

Attached: 1536697671244.jpg (750x933, 580K)

This. I shaved mine off because I got tired of it. Feels better.

long hair on males only works if you're super model tier good looking; otherwise you just look like a school shooter or teen metalhead who never grew up

No one cares about your projection issues.

:( oh no I’m sorrie that suks

I also browse reddit :)

Bayo isn't hard to beat on NSIC either. It's just hard to PP.

sure thing, nerd. Nice greasy mop you've got lmao

Oh, and to add to this.
>Muramasa on Fury
Gameplay in Muramasa boils down to abusing the weapon arts with the longest invincibility time.

You sound like such a fucking faggot.

>imagine actually having a penis or vag
Hahha must suck being a human huh

>hairstyle thread
I guess it’s preferable over whatever OP intended.

Attached: 061C608F-8F3B-4A07-B674-F7809A7FB6F8.jpg (343x481, 39K)

I have blonde hair and for style, my usual hairstyle is shoulder length with bangs.

Games easy

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