I can't play anything with any kind of grinding anymore.
How does getting older affect your gaming experience?
I stopped playing competitive games.
I started to play more turn based tactics games.
I find myself playing mostly single player nowadays, last multiplayer I seriously played was siege. I'll occasionally play apex just to catch up with friends. Trying a lot of older games I missed out on when I was young, although I have less free time im still really enjoying gaming atm.
God I fucking love Monster Hunter
Do NOT fuck the cats.
>actually enjoy grinding more now
>enjoy visual novels more
I just wanna grind something and then sit back and read a visual novel when I get tired of that.
I quit multiplayer completely to play single player games because they feel more meaningful as I became an adult.
unrelated but I enjoy vidya games drunk but being drunk makes me tired it sucks
you me?
progressively worse every year since games can no longer distract my mind from all my problems irl
I stopped playing multiplayer games because I can no longer compete with 12 year olds playing 10+ hours a day
I don't really bother with co-op anymore I've noticed. I'm likely to drop a game faster if it's not immediately engaging. There's no time for a game to be just good anymore. Even great. It's gotta be amazing.
I too stopped playing multiplayer games. People are nowadays complete annoying. Also don't really like talking about videogames with my friends or acquitances anymore so mostly just dodge questions about them. Most of them plays this competetive games anyways.
I play without the Palicoes actually
I am emotionally dead and no longer have creativity or the will to finish what I start
I still play some co-op games, notably Monster Hunter. I just don't play the competitive ones.
I can't really talk about games with a lot of my friends anymore because they play BR games almost exclusively.
>playing games
Immersion, problem solving, playstyle, games with creative elements etc
Post last 5 games you played. I'll go first.
Resi1 Remake
Torment Tides of Numenera
Hotline Miami
Shadow Warrior
Destiny 2
Darksiders 3
Shadow Warrior looks fun, never heard of it.
It is pretty cool but can be frustrating here and there. I would say that it is the weekest of the big three Build engine games but still a lot fun and worthy of playing if you like retro fps.
Hollow Knight
SMT Nocturne
Remake 2
Pokemon Crystal Clear
Wonder Boy in Monster World
Super Cloudbuilt
Long War
I stop having fun after 15 minutes no matter what im playing. I hardly buy any games anymore. As ive gotten older though, nothing is really fun anymore.
Played or finished?
Just pllayed I guess, I never finished Torment or RDR2
Drakan the order of the flame
Project cars2
f1 2018
and uhh smash ultimate I guess
>Monster Hunter World
>Etrian Odyssey Nexus
>Hollow Knight
Do you blame videogames for some of the bad things that happened in your life? I most likely do.
Should I play the original resi2 first?
>As ive gotten older though, nothing is really fun anymore.
Weak. I am close to 30 and still top 1% in many games. :::)
I certainly think i wasted too much time on them. But i can only blame myself for my own actions, im responsible for them. Way too much time on WoW and playing Third Strike and CvS2. Wish i had done something more with my time.
See you on the other side of 30, user.
I stoped playin mp titles and can't stand overlong cutscenes anymore. I had no problem to sit trough every MGS but today I would just look for the skip button the moment the cutscene took more then 30 seconds.
Mostly the same
I'm just more suicidal
needs to be engaging and intellectually provoking. tactics games are good - or games with good mechanics that some JRPGs have. probably for me, the next atelier game will get me hooked. we'll see.
This. I'm shit at shooters and anything that's fast paced. I just play turn based games or story driven games
Tales of Vesperia DE
Octopath Traveler
Grim Dawn Forgotten Gods
BL2 Reborn mod
BL1 GOTY update
99% of people playing are not even into videogames, they are just killing time between real life activities.
No more online games
I usually play 0 to 4 new games a year and try to focus on older ones I missed growing up
But a lot of tactic games just fololw the same gameplay loop once figured out. They dont feel that intellectual to me.
I finished DMC V but I stopped Sekiro 10 hours in, and now I really, really want to play Bloodborne again.
that's true, but its engaging at most. intellectually, i would say that it just makes my brain function.
another example would be the etrian odyssey games on 3ds. i like the gameplay - but i play on the easiest setting if possible.
This thread (and the power metal one) is making me want to buy some Monster (although they don't sell the white one here), and I fucking hate energy drinks.
Thats a big number. Do you have a single fact to back that up?
Magic the Gathering : Arena
Castle Crashers with my sister
MW2 on pc with private servers
Number one: that's terror.
It's not that I'm getting older, it's that I have no time. I wake up at 7, go to work, come back at around 9 pm, feed my dog and walk him do some house stuff, at around 10 I'm free, which gives me 2 hours to do whatever before I go to sleep. So I fuck around Yea Forums for two hours and go to sleep regretting my life.
I'm better at first person shooters.
Especially competitive ones.
I don't play singleplayer games anymore, they bore me to death after mere minutes.
I was born to compete, i just didn't know about it.
im sick off watching series i like get turned to shit
im happy that some series are staying dead forever because thats the better option theses days
What the fuck, what do you work as?
what was the last game that made you play all day long ? for me, it was probably a bit of sekiro, before that, monster hunter world.
Im 30 and feel the opposite, grinding for stats or acheivements is most of what I like to do and feel like I'm the best at. I prefer games like RPGs that go a bit of a slower pace or can be played solo. Maybe it's the age or just because it's not what I was used to playing while growing up, but anytime I try newer online pvp games or extremely fast paced games I always get my ass kicked to the point it's no fun for me. Damn you kids and your godly reflexes
i don't think its taht. i'm 30 as well, work 70 hour weeks, but its really because games are just not engaging anymore or mentally stimulating.
i play bf5 on ps4, and the only maps i like are panzerstorm, arraas and maybe twisted steel conquest.
Same. I never aimed high in life and working doesnt feel that compelling to me... But whenever I get that 0.1% achievement in some game or win in Dota 2 while playing with the same people who play in million dollar tournaments I feel like my actions are worth of some effort and feel pride..
I find it very hard to play single player story games any more, mostly due to the time commitment
that said, I still like grindy shit like monster hunter
I play a lot of osrs too
Kingdom come Deliverance
That's funny, I'm 30 and I feel the opposite. Grindan games like Warframe are things I can play for a really long time because I can keep chasing after new goals, while all other games are just like movies to me because I finish them once and then never look at them again. Resident Evil 2 was a recent exception, I played that multiple times to chase after S and S+ ranks.
I would actually play the original after. The original is definitely a special game that's worth playing, but I think that it would suck to play the remake and be subconsciously comparing the game to the original all the time.
28 this is me If im playing a fast paced game I'll need a slower one next and vice versa. As I get older variety has become very important.
I've embraced indie games
I'm now okay with paying for subscriptions (like xbl gold and the game pass)
No longer think that using a console for Netflix is cancerous, it's just easy
I now enjoy more technical games
I still don't like walking sims or CoD clones or moviegames
I ignore many of Yea Forumss opinions and quite enjoyed the new Tomb Raiders, although way back when I would have hated them on principle
The older I got, the more I have tried different games and games I never have in the past. I'm fucking 24, but other than my attempts at newer games, you can see me as a bubble of the fucking 90's. My clothes, music, and more so my games are just 90's, only difference is I have new age tech to play the old stuff in the best possible ways.
Titanfall 2
Risk of Rain 2
>I'm now okay with paying for subscriptions (like xbl gold and the game pass)
Hitting 30 soon, can't be bothered to play games on harder difficulties. I have more important shit to worry about in life, I don't need my entertainment to give me too much crap on top of that.
I still enjoy some challenge in games, but I just don't have the patience to deal with enemies that delete half your health bar in one attack or mechanics that require very precise timing.
Depends on the game for me, I wont go over the top but the tension and sense of satisfaction is still very important. It took me 5hrs to beat Vergil 3 on VH no items. I tried DMD and knew id hit my limit.
I crave games that don't exist
I want autistically deep (dorf fort is the MINIMUM here, for scale) multiplayer fantasy RPGs/MMOs with a 50/50 focus on PvE and PvP but devs are too pussy to attempt to design and balance something like that and oh good forbid the game has balances we can't be bothered to tune a game AFTER it's been released dear God no